This is the completions page from the latest Advance Magazine.
Though this is the IDEAL PACIFICA BRIDGE and David Miscavige made much of how people are “flooding up the bridge in record numbers”, you can see for yourself what is really going on in this “ideal” AO.
Of course, they never make clear what period these stats cover, but based on other mags, this is likely 3 months worth at least.
And it exposes the reality of people “Flooding up the bridge to OT” for the world to see.
AOLA had EIGHT Solo II completions. That is the exact measurement of how many people are “flooding up the bridge” and moving onto their OT Levels. EIGHT for the entire Americas. All the “ideal orgs” in WUS (including Pasadena, CC Int, Orange County, LA Org and Inglewood JUST in LA), not to mention Stevens Creek, SFO, Los Gatos, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Phoenix elsewhere in WUS. And then there is EUS and Canada and Mexico and all of central and south America. The “massive flow up the Bridge” (if we take this as three months) is about one per week TOTAL from 20 or so ideal orgs and 70 or so orgs total. That is one person moved onto Solo II from each ideal orgs on average ONCE EVERY 20 WEEKS (the other orgs don’t even count as they cannot deliver “standard tech”, not being ideal — but if you do factor them in, then on average each or sends ONE person up the Bridge to OT once every 70 weeks, or less than ONE PER YEAR).
And they rocket on up from there. 4 OT III completions and 6 OT V completions.
And there are plenty of ex-SO on this list and I certainly don’t know everyone. Probably some staff too.
No wonder there was a new CO AOLA installed…. A typical knee-jerk reaction. Like it’s going to change anything. The problem with AOLA is that there is NO FLOW OF PUBLIC UP THE BRIDGE.
It’s amusing to watch scientology devour itself. Part of the problem is that nobody new is coming in to any org. One glance at the internet and anyone with half a brain isn’t going to go near scientology. But it is compounded by the fact that they are bleeding all but the 1% dry (Bart Simpson et all) of the funds they need to go up the bridge by taking their money for buildings and the IAS.
Brilliant strategic planning. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for the church of scientology.
Gee Whiz, I thought that this was another NEW approach to go up the Bridge! “DO IT IN THE CANDLE LIGHT! BE THE FIRST TO ACHIEVE CLEAR AND GO UP THE BRIDGE WITH THE NEW TECH: CANDLE TECH!
Agreed, Mreppen. Singly or together, to be avoided whenever possible, these two.
I feel sorry for staff who thinks that “management” (COB) cares whether or not anyone goes up the Bridge. The offered “Bridge” is just an excuse to make asking for IAS donations, Ideal Org donations, Library donations, etc. appear to be justified and O.K., in order to support “The Bridge”. That is the only reason a semblance of any “Bridge” exists at all. it has been made impossible to travel on, but it is kept there to keep up the pretense that there is still an org there. I quit donating to the IAS in 1995 when I learned from Sea Org members that only four or five per cent of the donations collected went to the areas for which they were collected. It is beyond me how the staff and public can’t see the obvious. But I guess the coercion of disconnection has them cowed.
The biggest case gain of your life can come from being “disconnected”. It disconnects you from the physical (for some), mental, spiritual, and financial abuse one undergoes while in the Church. I started blowing charge when this happened to me and it took me years, and lots of internet searching to find out why. When I realized what I really was being disconnected from, I understood why every day I would wake up feeling like more charge had left my case. They did me a HUGE FAVOR, and I feel lucky that it happened to me when it did. Of course, it was very bad in terms of my son, whom I did eventually get back, but in the long run, it was a good and necessary thing.
Those of you who are “under the radar”, don’t be afraid; all that can happen is you get “de-PTS’ed!!!!
I had a quiet moment reading the recent posts and noticed a common theme running though everything in $cientology.
There’s really no difference between command intention and God’s will.
Miscavige’s $cientology is a dichotomy of itself. That’s about as big a lie as they come.
I think I need an antacid.
Good question! Must be a lot of deer in the headlights in that tunnel.
Just a little note here – Solo II takes a few days only. The Solo I stat would have been more interesting to emphasize (if it was high that is, which it probably isn’t).
Solo II is the best indicator of people “flooding up the bridge” because you can ONLY do it at an AO. And completing SOlo 1 means nothing if you havent done Solo II.
I finished my Solo course by leaving RCS. I’m sure there are lots more of these completions occurring on a regular basis and it’s probably affluence trending. Sorry Dave, you can’t include these stats in your next event, or maybe you can, since your numbers seem to be pulled right out of your ass.
Mike I wasn’t being critical of the story or your fact gathering. It wasn’t your emphasis I was talking about but the Church’s.
The light at the end of the tunnel has been moved to the center of circular room for everyone to run around. All those new Flag Service Consultants are there to direct everyone to this light, which is on the sixth floor of the Super Power building.
Re: … ex-hubby William…
“I knew every inch of him.”
Sorry to have ever doubted you Jenny. I stand erected, er, I mean corrected.
As re Stephanie Carey /now Robinson and her ex-hubby William, could I ever tell you some stuff about these 2 beauties. Most ethical people on the planet – not. But then, I owe them thanks as it was due to my shocks at their stunts that I became immune to all SO reg cycles, and, for that matter, staff reg cycles, thinking to myself, “Its people like THIS who are in charge of Class V orgs?”
So, yoo hoo, Stephanie and William, wherever you are, as Marilyn Monroe used to say, “Thanks ever so!”
Why the surprise?
With all the “Dave’s Follies” being constructed (or being coerced to be constructed) this is the only possible result from “Command Intention”.
The are NO new sheep, the RCo$ now consists of mutton dressed as lamb, and no amount of mint jelly will make it palettable.
It’s only a matter of time, even whales are left washed up on the beach (see ebay) as soon as they are out of money.
Tick f’in tock
Aqua, Actually Steph’s ex was known as Will from the Bronx. Bad combo husband and wife.
Will from the Bronx, “in the years I have known him, has treated me with kindness, compassion and understanding that knows no bounds.”
What’s wrong with all you people? So what if they lie about some completions and it appears there are no new names on this list. You’re completely missing the big news. They made ONE Clear! That’s progress, folks.
(Sarcasm fully intended)
Reading this blog prompted me to go look up Steffanie Cary, the Captain of AOLA back in 2000 when I was there. Apparently she is Stephanie Robinson now. She vanished for a long time. (Cal Cole took over) From what I found she was in Australia and is now moving back to Colorado. Still under the bubble from what I can see of her Facebook friends.
I knew Stephanie as Stefhanie Carey. Her and her husband were banished to Orange County Org in 1992 and she replaced Dave Pettits wife (Diane) as the top Div 2 reg at Orange County. She was horrible, and as you said she moved on up to AOLA in actually 1998.
Their order of magnitude is MINUS 47X.
No Silvia, it is 47x. This represents pages of CSWs awaiting Der Fuehrer’s approval of construction documents.
They should compare these stats to the number of lotto winners each week.
I believe Jesse Decrescenzo is Melanie Lekas’ son. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Fewer numbers means more pressure to flow money up lines.
This will cause more departures and fewer numbers.
A zero point will arrive then it’s game over.
There will be a sudden drop (crash),
not a steady decline that is promoted as expansion that is the current scene.
D.M. will make Bolivia his new home.
Hollywood Boulevard would be more appropriate.
“Going up the Bridge is resulting in miraculous changes in my life. I laugh out loud, even when I’m alone. I sing in the car. I’m happy!”
If you substitute ‘Leaving the RCS’ for ‘Going up the Bridge’ it works just as well!
Also note that no one with the initials M.N. finished a course.
Manuel Noriega, Jr. He just donated $10,000,000 to the IAS so they’re not pushing him through course and letting him have his win.
David Miscavige.
Saving the world from scientology one final solution at a time.
i see Monica Grannis finished OT V. Took her 40 years, she surely must jave left the SO.
The irony is mreppen is that if they (in the Church) had understood the HCOB they would have read that “sex has nothing to do with the body” – hence also nothing to do with gender. Still “understanding” and thinking in concepts has long since passed away in the Church.
Thank you Mike for this article. I have read many of your articles and that of Chris Shelton. It has changed my perspective and life. I was in Scientology for 26 years. I got kicked out at the beginning of this year for being Gay. It was awful
Sorry to hear that Cory. But on the bright side, you are free now. Had they not kicked you out, you might still be there.
Thanks for commenting.
Geezuz, I wish I would have gotten kicked out early. I would have missed out on some good but mostly would have missed some bad shit. I’d still have my son and I’d be making different plans with my money.
Mike, your line, “Had they not kicked you out, you might still be there.” 🙂
Welcome out, Cory. There is more light out here. You won’t find yourself monitoring your every thought or when some minor/major thing happened in your life, you won’t have to heavily introvert on how you caused it or who you are connected to or worse, find yourself holding some cans while some Ethics Officer determined that for you. You can be friends with who you wish. You won’t be torn apart from your family. You won’t be forced to quit your job or be fired from it because of the dictates of the church. Your life won’t be micromanaged and you won’t be forced to sit in front of a reg. for a briefing.
If you believe in Scientology Tech., you can get the books and anything else you need out here.
In fact, I’d believe in some Divine Intervention if I were you because you have been blessed.
On the bright side, Cory, you can have a relationship without being hounded about it 🙂
Welcome out, Cory, in all senses of the term, and thanks for speaking up in the comments! That takes courage.
As a gay man I’m always saddened to think of people trapped in a situation where they must deny who they are. But the plight of gay people in Scientology seems especially cruel and infuriating. I’m really happy you’re free now. And living in 2014, a big year for all of us!
Thank you so much!!! Of course thanks to Mike for having this blog as well.
That really sucks Cory. You’re awesome, just the way you are. Flag tried to erase me too….but they failed. 🙂
Thanks Halie. You words were very kind and soothing and comforting.
So now you are “out” of the closet on so many levels. How many times did they force you to read the pain and sex HCOB.
Was it Tony Ortega who recently published a story about openly gay members in CA Orgs and how Scn is trying to claim to be gay-friendly now? I’m sure he’d love to hear your story. When you’re ready to tell it, of course.
My reply was incorrectly posted, should have been here and also to EX SO AOLA as well:
The irony is mreppen is that if they (in the Church) had understood the HCOB they would have read that “sex has nothing to do with the body” – hence also nothing to do with gender. Still “understanding” and thinking in concepts has long since passed away in the Church.
Is this ‘Standard List Tech”? I see the GA(c)K completions are alphabetical by first name. Not so sure about the rest, perhaps alphabetical by height ( If he were ever on a course Miscavige would be first.)
I am so glad that Mike states the obvious:
“Part of the problem is that nobody new is coming in to any org. One glance at the internet and anyone with half a brain isn’t going to go near scientology.”
Another omitted besides dropped out time is how many of the Solo II and other completions are redos (for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th round etc.). If one needed further confirmation of the non-existence of scientology, that information would be it.
The real truth is that virtually nobody on this planet cares about scientology.
Re: The real truth is that virtually nobody on this planet cares about scientology.
“Nobody cares. Nobody’s interested. No one gives a crap.”
Will you move on, please?
Another example of Scientology being “hoist with their own petard.” Magazine policy dictates that they list completions, yet that exposes the lie of their supposed “expansion.”
Sigh!. Gone are the days of packed course rooms, arriving early to get a seat hoping not to be in the hall, waiting in some auditors line up for an opening so you could start a service, driving around for 15 minutes looking for parking.
Now, parking is easy, there is plenty of seating, auditors now call you to get you to come in and no one would think of studying in the hall. Gee, I guess that’s ideal.
When I did OTIII in the late 80’s I studied in the afternoon slot so as not to have to deal with the crowded III course room in the evening. And even then it was busy. We had more people on III theory alone than they have for I to III completions for 3 months.
Too bad as this is such a significant level.
Right Tim. I had a lot of fun at AOLA around 1980. It was packed with a rough and tumble atmosphere and extremely open communication. My help was requested as an auditor and qual consultant, ie, the SO staff were very inclusive in their attitude. There were already problems with exhausted staff, lack of tech staff but open communication, honest dialogue and mutual respect were the norm. It couldn’t be more different today.
Mike – Good post. FYI – I have seen my name on Glossy promo lists like this from FLAG, AOLA and ASHO when I was in stating I had completed a level – when I had not. It was typically the next level they tried to get me to do or pay for and I would not do either.
I inquired about the false report and was told “maybe the person was postulating”? “Maybe there is another person with your name?”
I think the staff are forced to lie by the ‘stat driven life’,
The Church of Scientology specializing in FALSE REPORTING. That is all they do to KEEP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING and the SHOW ON THE ROAD.
I had an insider who had access to the list of Scientologists check on it – there was no one with my name. THAT promo was a lie.
My bet – most of the names on these published glossy promo pieces are probably lies or repeat from years ago.
Scientologist’s today are now regarded as: RE-GRADED BEINGS
That is good information there. Hmm so if someone postulated you completed a level, then you completed a level, wouldn’t the person question why you showed up as a completion twice? I guess everyone shows up as completions multiple times these days so they think you’ve just done the Golden Age of the same thing or the Golden Age 2 or the who knows what.
Soooo – they put your name on the promo
1. Because they are so sure they will get you to do it that you will have completed it by the time the promo comes out.
2. No one reads these promos anyway.
3. Sorry, I just don’t get it.
All I can say about Scientology is you can’t believe anything they report.
I mean, it was really, really over when we heard “The Fastest Growing Religion in the World” and “10,000.000 members world wide”
Why do they live – They lie to survive
How sad.
Very telling report Idle. The “stat driven life” is such an oppressive and futile reality for the staff of a supposed spiritual organization. Now they’re lying about their lies which makes the scene more and more confusing. No wonder we need decompression.
AOLA false reported their stats even back in 2001. Especially in Div Six. I know I was there.
If you read todays Back In Comm post, you may find out why people refuse to go to Flag
As a Never In, this type of treatment would force me to question Why anyone would go to Flag?
Thanks for the link. That is an awesome story. It would make sense that DM is the suppressive, And she was being treated like crap at Flag because her tech and training terminals were PTS to him. Arghhh!
Just wondering how you can have a light at the end of tunnel when the tunnel is circular and there is no end?
Hmmmmmm…… that another philosophical conundrum like the tree falling with no one there? 🙂
Many of the names I am seeing on the Golden Age of Knowledge are people I knew when I was at AOLA 23 years ago! Not a lot of new names on their lists.
Dean, I’ve known some of the people on that list for 40 years. Some are old friends, and at least one is a relative. I just shake my head in wonder, looking at their names.
“Brilliant strategic planning. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for the church of scientology.”
I beg to differ Mike. There is a light but it is beaming from the front end of the freighter that is bearing straight down and vertical onto David Miscarriage and his Cult of Liars. They have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide …..
Yo Dave,
Trust me good buddy …………… things are about to get real UGLY in Hemet! Up to now, well, as one of your BFFs likes to say, it been “a walk in the park”!
Thanks for a good laugh Coop!
That sounds about right re the freighter bearing down on DM & entourage…..
BTW, that exact text re ‘the light at the end of the tunnel having been turned off’ was written on a blackboard in Columbia about 2 years ago, referring to the general economic situation in the US.
Off topic, but:
DM Case level: Classified.
DM Training Sup: Secret.
DM C/S: Classified under seven seals.
DM folders: Confidential. Will be released in due time.
Also interesting is seeing how many people pop up in more than one category. Sure, from an income perspective, that’s two (or more) courses paid for, but in terms of numbers, that’s another indicator of how few members are left.
How many of these ‘completions’ are really ‘do overs’? The lack of new meat and the push to get staff into ‘courses’ so they can push these numbers up is hilarious. I am laughing my head off with a little tear for all of the minions who are being subjected to much more comprehensive mind control and brain washing. Previously, staff could be at any level, but now they have to be more controlled then the public. It is as if the hatting process wasn’t enough to keep them in line.
Here’s a thought I had recently which I was reminded of by this post.
Before the new PAC command team the Flag Service Consultant office had 3 to 4 staff max. Now a promo piece you posted recently (or Tony did) says the FSC PAC office has 21 staff! This, I believe, shows another reason they fired in new command teams to all the PAC orgs. PAC wasn’t sending enough people to FLAG because they were hoarding public to keep their own stats as high as possible! FLAG needs the action so that public at FLAG can keep thinking that SCN is expanding Internationally. So COB fires hundreds of FLAG vets who are loyal to FLAG in to GET THOSE PUBLIC TO FLAG. It would make sense that this was part of the equation.
The stats reported in this post aren’t any higher than when I was suping the Solo course room at AOLA about 8 years ago.
Great article, Mike. Great comments Daniel. For decades the FSC office operated with 3 or 4 people max. But now DM has fired in 20 or more SO to FSC as enforcers to make sure that the public is pushed up to Flag. Got to keep those appearances up and we’ll do it if we have to place our thug enforcers in there to make sure it happens. As a side note, when I completed NOTS at AOLA, an acquaintance of mine said, “Wow I saw your name on the completions list in the Advance Mag. Congratulations, that is so cool.” I said, but I completed that 6 months ago. So at that time they were printing completions from 6 months earlier to pad the numbers.
When was that Cindy?
Hi Daniel. Long time not seen and spoken. 🙂 you are right, 8 years ago was most probably better than now.
More Ponzi Scheme.
It’s just too bad that there is no one else in charge that could turn this trend around. There have been many that have told me that they believe the church is over but I believe it could be turned around. It would take a lot of hard work and eating crow, but it would start by telling the truth and ending the abusive practices. Never mind – it’s over.
” Never mind – it’s over.”
Agreed! LOL!!!
I think perhaps it could be turned around, but even when Hubbard was running things behind the scenes, there was a lot of deception. I hope it could be saved, but it likely might be an uphill battle. Whatever transpires, it will be better than the scene we have now and have had for many years.
It can and will be turned round. One day! It is too powerful a movement for it to be otherwise, despite the damage done in the last 30 odd years.
There is nothing anyone can do to turn it around. In order to get any sort of future you need new members coming in with money and buying what the “Church” is selling. But they are selling auditing and training and nobody wants to buy that anymore. Not even the current membership. So there will be no new members spending money so the dwindling current membership will have to make up the lack of income, that the “Church” needs to keep running, with ever-increasing donos until they can give no more and the scheme collapses, which will be very soon.
Great point Daniel. I hope you and others who were in the sea org within the last 15 years will post more often. I think you have insight into the church’s increased rate of disintegration (as well as possible abuses and fraud) that is worth sharing.