Once again, out of the mouths of babes…
No wonder the “command team” in PAC was replaced. And interestingly, in this era of unprecedented expansion, the “ideal” AO executives in AOSHUK and AOSHEU have also been “replaced.” I guess these “ideal” AO’s aren’t doing too well.
And the proof of it is contained in this message from AOLA.
The “ideal” AOLA has a single course room where they deliver Student Hat, PTS/SP, the Basics AND the Solo Course.
Back in the day it would have been unthinkable to have anything else delivered in the Solo Course room.
Let alone a “basics” and “Student Hat” courseroom in an “Advanced” Org.
But the good news is they had Highest Ever! last week with 10, yes 1o Solo One completions.
Just think how many orgs there are in the United States, every one of which is supposed to send people to AOLA for Solo (of course people can do Solo One in their local org). Even LA Org should be making more than 10 Clears a week, after all it is the largest Class V org in the world. Not to mention Pasadena, Orange County and Inglewood ideal orgs just in the LA area. And just in WUS “the first Ideal Continent” there are ideal orgs in Portland, Seattle, Sacramento, Stevens Creek, San Francisco, Los Gatos, Denver and Dallas. And then you add everywhere else in the US, Canada and Latin America, with their ideal orgs and finally all the other “non-ideal” orgs.
The scientology bubble is shrinking fast.
The whole subject would have faded into irrelevancy were it not for its continued disconnection and fair game. One could rightly say at this point the only reason scientology gets ANY attention from anyone is because of its abuses.
That’s amazing. When I worked there back in the 90’s there were tons of completions every week it seemed. Maybe not as much with training but certainly with OT levels. I also remember when I was on staff. Some of the old timers always talked about how things were so big and booming in the 70’s and early 80’s and how international stats basically took a dive from about 90 onward.
All this has me thinking. Is this low level of production the “new norm” to the staff that are there now? That is except for the old timers that remember? I think some of us were gotten rid of BECAUSE we remember how it used to be.
AOLA is a withered ghost compared to what it once was. As is ASHO and I suspect others.
Hi Michael Winters, It is good to meet you.I liked and so agree with your post.Us old-timers do remember well the boom times at Asho, AOLA and all the completions and all the bodies in the shop! I do feel as you that remembering what once was and seeing what is now,well I could never stay on staff anywhere or god forbid still be in Sea Org.Those two ” withered ghosts ” as you so aptly posted,will continue to twist in David’s wind until one day they will break loose and float away.Always, Ann B.
In the late 70’s early 80’s there was a comp announced in reception every half hour or so, everyday. 10 a week WOW ~ an inverse power stat. Lol
The stats from our Morgue were published and there were about 3 Retreads on the new Bridge to Total Regrading Beings to Bankruptcy and Foreclosure.
Old 30 year Veterans whose kids are running the Morgue’s now are re-doing their Student Hat for the 4th to 5th time in the past 30 years.
They had written up their wins and were so grateful that GAT II had so much new information on how to clear words and use clay.
A message to the old veterans who have not been purged yet – clear the words “Bat Shit Crazy”
I’m guessing that doubling the staff means that there is now two people in the room. Oh, the thrill, the joy, let there be fireworks and dancing in the hallway. YAY!
Anyway, my copy of Ruthless showed up yesterday and after getting bored playing Diablo 3 for an hour and a half I read Ron Miscavige’s book. Took me less time to polish it off than the D3 session. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
At least once a month I get a letter from letter registrars from AOLA, ASHO, LA Org and Flag.
All these letters are laser printed on handsome letterhead and are accompanied by a high quality color brochure. All make inaccurate statements to & about me and are mis-informed as to my last activities in Scientology.
These ineffective letters are the products of Model Ideal Orgs and the Mecca of Scientology (Flag)!
These masters of communication are surprisingly and consistently inept at it. The only positive effect created by these mailings is on their Letters Out statistic.
Hi WhatWall, It is good to meet you.I cannot believe it! Cos using the Letters Out stat once again.Got to flood the Ideal Orgs with bodies! As an ancient Sea Org letter reg- I love it when the cult tries to pull another fake rabbit out of the hat. Always, Ann B.
Hello Ann 🙂
Your letters were likely of a much higher quality than the ones I now receive, which are obviously written in the haste of desperation. Letter writing is an art, especially when attempting communication with a stranger.
I wonder how long a Letter Reg stays on post these days before being transferred — Probably not long enough to learn the craft. But who needs to learn when, according to SO policy, you are born knowing how to do anything!
Hi WhatWall, Thank you for your astute comment about letter regges and time on post today.It is a craft and I was pushing that stat of letters in/ out very hard.When I held the Advance Scheduling Reg post from above & still did letter regging, Crazy!, but I worked as letter reg for a solid year before I did ASR too.So today the grammar,the desperation in the letters now is sad to see but telling.Scientology is in the long long slow plunge off the cliff of it’s own creation.You are kind to complement me,I always tried to come in with each letter as a friend and one who wanted to help all get to Asho & AOLA & The Apollo if I could sell someone stuff there.Did that maybe four times but big $ sheep at the time.Today I wish I could take all the regging I did back,but I have to own that I got $ out of many folks,some who I was ordered on pain of Ethics by my supervisor to sell all their mest to get up to Asho.Even when they would be broke by doing that cycle.I am truly sorry.xo Ann B.
RCo$ is rapidly degenerating into an impersonation of a “Norwegian Blue”
(For those who remember Monty Python)
Yep, and nailing the remaining public to their chairs may be the only option left to keep the pretense going…..
It was nailed there. Lovely plumage.
I can’t wait for them to start selling slugs, and no, they don’t talk.
Do slugs have a clam engram?
Jeremy Russell is now on the Solo team in order to give better one-on-one care and attention to the course participants that aren’t there. He’s been on staff 18 years so you have to wonder what he makes of the mass firings and the abysmal stats. It’s obviously not a temporary slump but a progressive one.
Of course one mustn’t talk about stuff, so imagine the hushed murmurings and furtive glances that abound in an environment where inquiry and disclosure are forbidden. And the theories! Does it enter into Jeremey’s mind he may need to think about his options in the real world? It seems like a gathering storm.
By way of statistical analysis. I grabbed a random Auditor Magazine from 1983 and found AOLA had 70 releases in one month, not counting clears.
Page 4 Paragraph 11 Auditor Magazine WW #86 1973
GRADE VI: Lona Skorheim, Jerry Ortiz, Steve Goldfield, Jane Mock, Astrid Cordova, Pat Ojeda, Judy Manning, Thorn Kicinski.
OT I: Gerald Chromoy, Dick Bernot, Dean Acheson, Bill Bechtel, Flo Bezazian, Daralyn Price, Carol Lee Worthey, Ed Parr.
OT II: David Stokes, Bob Westerman, Nancy Turner, Vera Moklowycz, Colin Manning, Judy Parry, Joanne DiVito, Pam Krauskopf, Ray Beeson, George Teitelman, Carol S. Craig, Jeffrey Hathaway, David Kaulconholt, Sam Fullerton.
OT III: Flow Allen, Michael Partridge, Paul Shapiro, Emma Eriksen, Arnie Lerma, Diane Powers, Don McFarland, Grace Copitka, Neil Patchett, Carol Craig, Carolyn Warner.
OT IIIX: (That’s not a typo, that’s OTIII Expanded) Larry Dahlkvist, Sue Brodie, Sadie Hudyma, Nancy Elorian, Ann Saunders, Glenn Johnson, Sandy Harmon, Mike Madias, Wanda Madias, Charity Roberts, Monica Pignotti.
OT IV: Penny Silber, Julie Gerbode.
OT V: lb Eriksen, Don Rowley, Tony Wyant,
OT VI: Ginny Hof, Jim Beardmore.
OT VII: Sandra Beardmore, Nancy Davis, Craig Cowan, Louis Thomas, DDS, Anne Beaty, Sue Westerman, Colette Wilson, Helen Coulter, Ellen Rockwell, Jim Cummins, Marie Marson, Robert Miles, Miles (Ned) Branch, John Brodie.
Note: At this point, across the bottom of each page was the slogan the monthly journal of Scientology, so this is 70 individual releases in one Month, not counting Clears. I do not see any names repeated.
If we add in the Clears, the total individual releases jumps to who knows how many since the listing of clears is a typographical mess that month, listing one clear number twice, skipping 22 numbers, then 33 more then 3 more then 8 more then putting another number twice for 2 different names then skipping 8, until I’m just confused:
Clear 3504 David Kloss, Saint Hill
Clear 3504 Derek Colly, Saint Hill
Clear 3506 Juliet Merle, Saint Hill
Clear 3528 Liz Adams, Saint Hill
Clear 3529 Mike Neal, Saint Hill
Clear 3564 Grace Copitka, Los Angeles
Clear 3568 Glenn Johnson, Santa Clara
Clear 3569 Daralyn Price, Hawaii
Clear 3578 Carol Lee Worthey, New York
Clear 3578 Nancy Turner, Toronto
Clear 3580 Gary Neal, Seattle
Clear 3588 Gerald R. Chromoy, New York
Clear 3589 Eugene Worthey, New York
Clear 3590 Darlene Eggan, Omaha
Clear 3591 Gale Rutkowski, Boston
Note that the above information is paragraph 11, of closely spaced text, the other 11 paragraphs before it include closely spaced text with names from other orgs as well as the 4 paragraphs for other orgs afterwards with a similar number of names for each and 4 more paragraphs on the next page for 4 more orgs.
Now they stuff everyone into one courseroom to do a few “Basics” courses and more appallingly the Student Hat at AOLA ADVANCED Organization of Los Angeles? It used to be a HUUUUGe deal to get ADVANCED enough that you were qualified enough to go to an ADVANCED org. Now they offer Student Hat there.
For comparison, here is a list of LA Org Training graduates for that month:
HAS: Dorothy Warnod, Cindy Gershenhorn, Carl Hammond, Beverly Mayer, Penny Brittan, Mel Sturgeon, Ned Grannis, Ray
Pederson, Elliot Jank, David Godwin, David Flores, Susan Moutano, Melanie Lange, Joanne Parrish, Jeff Pusby, Cindy
HQS: Cathy Moore, Carl Hammond, Pat Peterson, Glen Rinehart, Jim Manglamele, Randy Droskin, Linda Bell.
STUDENT HAT: Carol Lacy, Andrea Eastin, Howard Becker, Justice Brown, Lynn McNeil, John Frencher, Ed Miller, Robin Davis, Neil Sheen, Dan Riggs. HSDC: Penny Harrison, Pam Demagones, Margot Felmar, Wayne Melton, Andrea Hendershot.
LEVEL 0: Steve Rothschild, Hazel Domingos.
LEVEL I: Justin Brown.
LEVEL II: Lynn Levin, John Zims, Addelaide Caetaen, Bill Horwich, Barbara Routey, Melanie Seidler, Justin Brown, Grace McGinnis.
LEVEL III: Cindy Winfrey, John Zins, Addelaide Caetaen, Chris Dunlap, Bill Orris, Robbie Robinson, Charles Moellor, Bill Horwich.
LEVEL IV: Barbara Peters, Bill Houston, John Zins, Jerry Howard, Bill Orris, Chris Dunlap, Tom Peterson, Jay Gibson, Cindy Winfrey, Justin Brown.
EXPANDED DIANETICS INTERNSHIP: Richard Forbes, Judy Shafran, Tom Rice, James Fiducia, Edie Hoyseth.
LIFE REPAIR: Andy Magallenez, Bill Stromberg, Denny Corbet, Linda Velasquez, Bobbie Breitenstein.
DIANETIC COMPLETION: Bill Kahn, Grace Marie Heddy.
GRADE I: Andy Pollack
They say they have hit highest ever student points, how in the world is that possible?
Thank you for posting these stats. I knew that Arnie Lerma was Clear, I didn’t know he was OT III. Arnie is still the best. Not a day goes by I don’t think about something he said about L. Ron Hubbard that I just can’t help but agree with. And laugh about as well. The best critic. 🙂
Some of my favorite critics are on that list!
Thanks for posting the listing Valerie. COB must have started all stats over with GAG since the earlier ones were false. So yes, perhaps AOLA is at it’s highest-evers. Course this was just to make him and his bright idea show stats going up. Well truly it’s a relief to see AOLA is so down in the bilges. Less brainwashing but OMG I feel sorry for the old crew still there. They see policy violations daily and are likely so exasperated when their KRs only get them in trouble.
I left in 1996 when some golden age of something was going on. The last event I went to was bragging about number of usable square feet.
Yeah, that was the first thing I thought – highest *ever?* Whaaat?? I actually recognize a couple of those names, too. Most of them are long gone, I think.
I just revisited a Jamie DeWolf (first-born great-grandson of L. Ron Hubbard) video on YouTube.
He describes himself as the last living direct descendant of the founder willing to talk about the founder of scn-gy. Even inside the family household, nobody would talk or speak the name belonging to grandpa.
In the video, Jamie does foretell this implosion happening today. A few quips, (if I may share them paraphrased)
I’m not a fan of organized religion. Why have a god handed to you when you can just invent one yourself?
L. Ron Hubbard proved that, that you can do that, rather beautifully.
People have the misconception that I hate him, which isn’t true. He was a sort of hero for me as a kid, because he was a writer. I would get his science fiction novels for Chirstmas, things like Battlefield Earth, they were badass with spaceships and galactic warlords…
…I’ve respect for someone THAT parasitic of human souls. I mean he had his jet, countless luxuries and his yacht staffed with messengers in mini-skirts. He was really out there for the gold, the power and the pussy. All that the man did achieve, to a remarkable degree.
The man did not have morality in his way.
Scientology is brilliant at indoctrinating people, sucking them in with personality tests. And the e-Meter, which is electrified self-hypnosis, it is all about leading them in & making it easy, a real easy slide into that weird, cloistered reality.
Stuff like South Park, Xenu and so-on… that’s the scn people do need to know about. That stuff would make a bad sci-fi movie, unbelievable. The fact that documents like Xenu are still out there, that’s just dangerous.
Now check out today’s post, at Tony Ortega’s blog. You get to hear Hubbard’s own voice recorded in 1952, saying what he thought of his own “religion”, and whether or not it should be believed. (Xenu came out in 1967)
Straight from the horses’ mouth.
AOLA! Your home away from home. IF you are not already Clear or OT that is. After AOLA come Flag, by far the most remarkable of any of the orgs to date. 🙂
Jamie DeWolfe has zero first-hand knowledge of Ron Hubbard. Regurgitating the bile of Ron ‘Nibs’ DeWolfe (and others) does not make one word of it true or accurate just because Jamie says so.
Jamie DeWolfe has the best descriptions for $cientology I’ve heard in awhile, he said it was “a telemarketing scheme that sold secrets” and that the Church was “a well-funded psychotic monster.”
Jamie DeWolfe is very knowledgable and more to the point, is an extremely talented writer and performer.
Regarding Hubbard, he said something that I found to be quite profound:
“Scientology does not work as stated. It does work as intended.”
Hi Len Zinburg, It is good to meet you.Jaime’s quote made my list as a favorite one.True! Like your posts too.Always, Ann B.
Woe down, M. Hobson, we covered the second hand news thing already, there’s certainly no need to be bringing up any bile,
goodness what next.
Love the man for his clear position on Hubbard’s scheme,
is all I’m saying.
Jamie does dish it out, very straight up, & so I do love him,
I’d book him for the Bonfire Party on the Beach, for sure.
Hi Inspector Digs, It is nice to meet you.A Bonfire Party On The Beach! I am so There! Always, Ann B.
Yea….what would Nibs know? It’s not like he was there helping to make this $hit up…..
Zing! 🙂
DeWolf is a bit confused about his grandfather’s lifestyle. You mentioned he said “…I’ve respect for someone THAT parasitic of human souls. I mean he had his jet, countless luxuries and his yacht staffed with messengers in mini-skirts. He was really out there for the gold, the power and the pussy. All that the man did achieve, to a remarkable degree.”
LRH did not have a jet or countless luxuries. He lived a simple lifestyle actually. The messengers did not wear mini-skirts, but did have fairly short shorts, which was popular at the time. As far as getting pussy – if he is referencing with the messengers – again – couldn’t be further from the truth. He was married to Mary Sue (real tough woman). He acted as a father figure to the messengers and in fact a man wanting to marry one of the messengers, had to get his approval. He didnt’t even own a car on the ship but had a cheap motorcycle. He did have a nice office but not huge. His bedroom couldn’t have been bigger than 15′ x 15′.
LRH carried on with that simple lifestyle even while at La Quinta, Gilman and Hemet. He did own a couple of cars while in the US but they were 2nd hand Cadillacs. At Hemet he just lived in a simple 2 bedroom apartment. Nothing extravagant whatsoever. Then of course he died living in a motorhome.
Power and money were what drove him. He had a fat swiss bank account(s). The weird thing is he hardly ever used it and I understand most of his fortunes ended up with the church when he passed. But obtaining that wealth was his goal. I can’t understand having that much money and living so simply.
I think DeWolf has an imagination like his great-grandfather.
ok, Clearly, sir.
again, all of that post was paraphrased off the top of my head, not meant for factual reference.
I must admit, my head is reeling from what I saw on YouTube, featuring Jamie DeWolf.
The confession there is that I am swayed in Jamie’s favor, surely, in that he is dedicated towards exposing the founder of this cult for who and what he really was.
It is in his blood.
And he was never a Scientologist. His mother taught him that the entire practice was “toxic”.
He, L. Ron Hubbard, did die with millions padding his mattress, dollars he could not spend, as he was in hiding. And, according again to Jamie,
– L. Ron never responded to his daughter’s countless letters. Jamie was searching him out, but still had not succeeded in that endeavor by the time he died in ’86. I suppose you could say that all his information on the creator of The Source is second-hand.
The point, I think, was not missed, and these words are accurately quoted (from the video, the title of which includes the word MOCKS):
“The man [HUBBARD] did not have morality in his way.”
I do believe that that is true. Was, true about the man now deceased.
That his religion was incubated as a con, a method of deception to enrich himself.
That it grew from a passion for hypnotism, and his love for telling mesmerizing stories, including, especially, science fiction.
That his life was all about playing that self-aggrandizing game. That indictment is evidenced by the clip provided in today’s post at Tony Ortega’s blog, which lent me the inspiration to post…here.
Thank you Dent. I am one of the last people in the world to defend LRH. I think more so, I just wanted to set the story right especially when it comes to messengers. I have a number of family members that were messengers and I get rubbed the wrong way when they are portrayed as anything other than hard working, innocent and quite ethical, very young ladies. Oh, and being so young they were quite easily conned by the old man.
The thing I will never understand about LRH is that he must have also conned himself. He was still fighting BTs and being audited right until the very end of his life. He drank the snake oil that he was selling.
DeWolf was LRH’s great grandson, true. But I would more inclined to believe messengers who worked for him for a decade day in day out to find out the real truth of his behavior and lifestyle at least while they worked for him.
I never knew any of my grandparents and couldn’t tell you anything about them much less my great grandparents.
Thank you,
And thank you again for helping me to speak more clearly.
Also, good to have that good word for the messengers.
I did have a nasty perception of them, all for naught,
for forgetting the compassion due
(and for all the scientologists I knew way back when).
We so believed in what we were doing… I hardly believe my own story.
We were so young.
Hi Dent, I like your viewpoints.Oh were we not young?! I adored when the Messengers came to Asho on Sea Org missions.The ones I met were really amazing way back then….still when light turns to darkness all bets are off if one cannot see what is coming at one.I know when I look back at my story I cannot fathom how young,innocent and Ron-Aided I was!Always, Ann B.
We still are.
Looking at the big picture, all of us are babes,
a cause for celebration, really,
and I know Surfer Dude is planning a party…
I believe he’s got a guitar.
I’d be willing to make the trip, from N. California. Heard you say your from the Delta…
I could bring something, like beer, and perhaps arrange for some firewood.
That’s a party that might go well into the night…
Wonder to meet you, anyways, wonderful it is.
Heh Clearlypissedoff – check out “Getting Clear” Conference completed in Toronto Canada on VIMEO.
There are facts that will blow you away. One stop shopping for the History of Scientology, the players, L Ron Hubbard’s Biography and his family / families. He had a few.
Check it out and contribute to the motion of supporting some fine SP’s who put on this amazing list of speakers.
It is so fricken awesome!!
Hi Dent, Yes hubby and I would never not be at OSD’s Party of the Millenium! I am a lady who has lived in alot of different places.We have lived in Baton Rouge LA for 20 years but I am from Boston,Mass and hubby from Park Ave in NYC.We came here not knowing a soul and we are still deciding if we might move to Pensacola,FL in the future.Lived in Tallahassee FL for three and one half years,like that other side of Florida too.
You bring the beer and I’ll bring my red vino and it will be so good to meet y’all.I love saying that! xo Ann B.
Clearlypissedoff, I think he was speaking metaphorically.
And before scn-gy, he was quite a ladies man. He had no compunction about steeling Sarah from his friend, right under his nose. There were others.
Ron also entered into his second marriage (with Sarah) while still married to Polly.
Really, pretty ugly way of treating women, which I wouldn’t even harp about except for his claiming to be the Savior of man and all.
And then, there was his “heyday”, however short-lived, in which a certain abundance of opulence and personal luxury would be quite apparent… The old man was a crud in just so many, unhealthy ways.
Just another reason why we can’t just sit by and casually allow Scientology to stand alone to tell the story…It is not a church. It is not a “solution”, of any sort. It is not out there to help people. It is not a science and it certainly is not a religion.
Anything it says about itself is based on fantasy or outright falsehood,
the stories of about the “founder”, the inventor, etc, an important example.
Scientology is a (very predatory) con.
Like a hunter standing over a mortally wounded deer, the feeling of exhilaration and sorrow combine. Scientology lays dying for all to see. It is the study of those that observe Scientology in its death throes which is the interesting observation of human behavior. I personally see a tragedy, coupled with relief.
What do you see?
What do you see, growing older, when that particle of elusive joy, so richly deserved, so long kept out of reach, joy prevented from reaching you and for false barriers of secrecy still being put upon the world, that pain of “knowing” you would not be believed should you find the courage the speak, what do you see when the walls get punched in the side, to let a sliver of light come through, the vile dementia falling out, once and for ALL exposed to the world. This beautifully diverse world, diversity unjustly denied all through your long-gone youth… oh >>> I see… and, in longing to see ever more…
That imagined joy becomes real. The journey becomes joyful again, as if I were a child again. That joy becomes this experience, as real as the sensation at the tips of my fingers, finally reached, finally touching me heart and soul. Let the beast die. I have been hungry for oh so long. Maestro! Music, please, before my tears are seen, please! O, thank you, please.
Look, over there, in the night. The moon has finally returned to its rightful place.
Nice… certainly out there, but nice.
Sure is good to be out.
Hi IYawnAlot? What do I see? Kidd you not,the light just blew out over the kitchen table as I type.Woozer! I see lights out for the cult.Now it can be locked I darkness for once and for all! Love U Ann B.
Hi IYawnAlot, Edit I know you are not a question! Ann B & Wowzer not woozer Coffee!
Ron Miscavige’s book, “Ruthless” hit Number 1 on the NY Times Best Seller List
The book is creating quite some collateral damage, now Ronnie. http://www.ronmiscavigebook.bscreatedbyscientology
Really “zara” – you actually thought I would include a link to one of your putrid websites to black PR Ron and Ronnie? Shows you how worried OSA is about the book. I have renamed your URL more appropriately
Not the high ground person you pretend to be, hm?
As Fred would say… yaba daba do!
Zara, dear little OSA plant, here is the deal:
I am an ex-GO myself. EX being the operative word here. I woke up, as did Mike. I hope that you do too. There is no reason for you or anyone else to link us to those nauseating totally false sites about someone. Those of us who have been there know exactly how “never defend always attack” work.
It’s a lot nicer here on solid ground where we don’t have to lie for a living, and where we make a good living to boot.
Perhaps some informative reading for you would be the mass number of stalker sites that scientology has seen fit to buy and the laughs that those of us who are actually familiar with the internet have at the lengths to which poor Davey boy goes to defend the indefensible.
Mike listed them in his blog here:
Go ahead and do the Condition, but REALLY find out who your friends are.
I smell baked clam…
Let’s steam that clam!! LOL
Zara…why is Mike’s refusal to link to a black PR site make him ‘not a high ground person’?
Do you even THINK about what you write?
Same OSA troll or eastern european plant posted almost the same thing, with CoS dead agent link, on Tony’s blog under “Cathy” I don’t think anyone even noticed but I called it out anyway. They are ants trying to stop a tidal wave of truth.
Hi SunnyV, Thank you,a great post. Made me very happy.xo Ann B.
O Cindy you make me happy.
I just had a very happy thought pass my mind, too. It had to do with a space-ship shaped just exactly like a DC-9 or something, Dave inside.
In fact, I feel all kinds of good.
Dave sad.
You just might have to cancel your vacation plans, Dave,
whatever it is you do for fun. Distractions.
If you still were expecting to see your church, upon your return… oh, dear.
better get your kicks in while you can, right?
Have you ever thought of using the pen, as a weapon against your enemies? Haven’t noticed.
The world is full of ears,
Homeless leader, and
Death can be hard,
but not always so, you know,
for the good guys.
Have you heard of “us-verses-them”?
I mean, is that term allowed, in the bubble? Not really asking, and
I can understand, if you haven’t. In your world there’s only you. How alien can you get. It is more like you verses the insects, huh?
No, I’m really just talking about
– us -.
Yep, that’s “bus” without a B. As in not you. Good bye, you being elsewhere, bye-bye.
Excuse me, Cindy, do you drink?
The Abuse Crusade continues. Blingling and Soterpop will make a great couple as co-recipients of this year’s Freedom Award.
If past history is any guide, their Solo comps are about to crash.
The pattern usually is, new Flag trained exec/supe/auditor returns to the org.
All possible comps are hustled to show that a Flag trained staff member raises stats.
Courseroom/ HGC empties out.
The drought returns.
Yes, that is a good explanation of the cycle of Mecca incompetence.
For those still-in in doubt?Let’s do the doubt formula on aola.
1. Inform oneself honestly of the actual intentions and activities of that group, project or organization, brushing aside all bias and rumor.
Actual intention: To separate you from your money by getting you to believe you that all your problems are caused by space aliens 75 million years ago. Just for a small fee get rid of those space cooties and become superhuman!
Actual intention: In exchange for separating you from all these space cooties you we will be separate you from:
Matter (gimmy all your money)
Space (senior cs aola Rodriguez: “If you go to the Internet count 7 extra intensives sec checking at your own cost!)
Time give us a couple of months of your time to learn about our space cootie story and after we have confused you sufficiently then give us say 1 billion years to work for $50 unless you are cleaning toilets with a toothbrush.
Energy :put all your energy to work for us for free,so we can make money er.clear the planet.
2. Examine the statistics of the individual, group, project or organization.
Straight down and vertical. Apart from a couple of geriatric ex sea org members who refuse to acknowledge that they were conned nobody else is falling for this scheme in 2016.
Evaluate oneself or one’s own group, project or organization as to intentions and objectives.
I cognited and turned on the 57th perception “The ability to find the nearest door”
Then I went release.
Communications release: Talk to anybody you want about anything anytime. No more censorship disconnections,scripted responses.
Problems release: No money problems caused by ias reges.and ethics officers.
Relief release: Freedom from the guilt about all the people you self righteously disconnected from, all the bad stuff you did to your partner and kids.
Freedom from past upsets with reges, ethics officers, having your money blackmailed out of you.
Ability to be right. Instead of being a Ronbot, you can actually see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears.
As Mr. ‘T’ said, before fighting Rocky when a reporter said, “What’s your prediction for the fight?” Mr. ‘T’ replied, “PAIN.” Scientology is dead. I know, I know, they body is still twitching, but, that just the remaining BTs trying to get out.
Maybe they’re fighting to stay in, you know, like, “come on boss, wake up! It’s friggin horrible ugly out there!”
Laughing! You got a point dar, I Yawn!
As long as He Who Must Not Be Named has His whales, the body could continue to twitch for some time… According to the latest Impact mag, Duggan’s up to “Diamond Invictus with Honors,” and then there’s Dohring with his “Patron Laureate with Honors,” then there’s 12 pages of various “Meritoriouses.” There’s still a lot of suckers on the hook.
Interestingly, the only photo that includes ol’ Slappy Himself is Duggan’s, who has coughed up a whole shitload of pharmaceutical profits for the, ahem, privilege. I don’t think Dave likes being in the photos because Duggan’s daughter, who looks to be only 12 or 13, is already taller than Dave is LOL!
Plain ol’ “Patron Meritorious” used to be a big deal, but now they just get a group photo!
Sooner or later most of those rich clowns will come to their senses though. It’s inevitable.
The ‘Advanced’ mOrgs are now officially stealing customers from other mOrgs. This is policy, not a glitch. Soon only those on top of the food chain will have any income, and they will soon be fighting more over book sales and stats like sales of lectures and the new and highly improved GAT 2 approved turbo boosted F-Meter. It’s one letter better than an E-Meter!!
Which bottom feeding mOrg will be the first to have it’s power turned off for non-payment? Hell, how many are already on a ‘Cash on Delivery’ credit status with local office supply companies and toilet paper vendors?
Everyone (except Scnists) now knows that there are no Clears and there are no OT powers. This was the ONLY reason for anyone to stick it out and endure Scn’s insanity.
Anyone new to the subject, if they happen to find themselves on service, are likely to be transient. No one is going to pay 100s of thousands and spend years and years of their life pursuing Hubbard’s pipe dream.
Those days are over.
Moscow org made 6-7 cleat last year and 1 or 2 this year
This is IMPOSSIBLE ! When I was there in 2005 or 2006 they had more than 10 SOLO Comps in a week. Those stats are FALSE !!!
EMAN: your comment is unclear. Are you saying Mike Rinder is reporting falsely low or that AOLA is reporting falsely high ?
I think he’s saying the “highest ever” is a false term.
I can vouch for that.
There were regularly 12-15 Solo Part 1 and 2 comps from AOLA on a weekly basis in the mid-90s.
Mike Spallino was the “Acad Super” on the fourth floor, and was always being chewed out by [Reggie/David/Ivan] for his “low production compared to the Solo Courseroom”. He was getting 8-15 people done on things every week. None of whom were even supposed to be training at AOLA.
Yes, Mike. The Scientology world is shrinking fast.
Just yesterday here in the cornfields, I travelled to the Champaign, IL mission, the place where I first made contact with Scientologists in 1984, and found it closed. As in moved out, and shut down. Dead. It has ceased to be.
It is an EX Mission.
The Champaign, IL mission was founded in the 1960’s very close to the University of Illinois campus in Urbana, and has lived off of university students, like me, since then. But if you call the phone number you get a recording because the mission holder is afraid to be declared if he cuts off the phone line, too. There is no Champaign mission any more.
And last year, the longest running mission in the history of Scientology died, as well. The Peoria, IL mission was founded in 1954 by George Seidler and he spent the last 30 years of his life trying to replace himself as the mission holder there. He could never find a replacement. George died last year and so did the Peoria Mission with him.
So that’s 2 stalwart, long running, and very loyal Scientology missions which are now gone.
These two missions survived every up and down in the Scientology world for 50 years or more. But they could no longer survive today’s Scientology which has become completely exposed by the Internet, and through the publication of dozens of books in recent years, and through award-winning Hollywood documentaries.
I have an idea that things are collapsing fast right now for David Miscavige and the few pinheaded fanatics surrounding him, and we will soon see some kind of event representing a permanent eclipse of Scientology.
Here in the cornfields of Illinois, no lonely and depressed college students will be deceived by Scientologists into derailing their lives and paying all their income to fear Xenu’s effects on their own minds.
So I’m gonna call it: The cornfields are now inoculated from Scientology.
“…shut down. Dead. It has ceased to be (or not to be…THAT is the question). I wish you wouldn’t hold back, Alonzo.
OSD sometime within the next couple of years Ron is going to return and take control of the church and set things right. Then you will see planetary clearing on a straight up and vertical scale.
And you see, posters, referring to Doug Sprinkle, this is what happens to your mind when you’ve attended way too many parties at my place. Doug, what have always told you? When you can’t even find my FRONT YARD, you’re never going to be able to get back home.
You went on a bender Kool-Aid wise, didn’t you! It’s ok. You can tell us….
On a serious note I was at the bookstore the other night and was more than a little surprised to find some of Hubbard’s science fiction in the store. I didn’t think you could find any Hubbard books in print anymore.
I thought the air smelled a little better here in Illinois!
I’m looking forward to the Chicago Ideal Org opening. Maybe I’ll get to see the Midge in the flesh!
Unless the Co$ uses shubbery tech and all I can see is his pompadour…
Prepharation H: (Hubbard) WHATEVER you put this stuff on, IT’S GONNA SHRINK! The more you apply it, the more things shrink. The main hemorrhoid (DM) is stubbornly resistive, however. Looks like we need to apply EVEN MORE, and directly to DM, to get the desired results. Any volunteers?
When George comes back next life, he’s going to be in a religion that doesn’t suck so hard as Scientology – Wicca maybe.
Or Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Who wouldn’t want to be a pastafarian?
Interesting, that might explain why the last time I checked the Fort Lauderdale mission had an answering machine but no signs at the address listed.
Whoa! What? The Fort Lauderdale Morgue has an answering machine???? So…who was the Whale?
Beautiful post, Alanzo.
What good news Alanzo – that the Champaign IL Mission is DEAD and closed for good!! Fantastic news!
The last sign of life the Campaign mission had was a very impressive Anonymous protest there in 2008. I call it impressive because their were at least 20 protestors and it was 10 degree with -20 wind chill! Poor mission probably hadn’t seen that many people at it’s door in a decade combined.
Τhank you Mike for keeping that viewpoint of keeping track with what is really going on with the orgs. It’s very eye opening to see how the whole worldwide network of the Scientology orgs and missions is so out of order and non productive for years now. Stats are going down. Still, DM is considered a good manager and administrator. Now, that’s contrary facts.
Well, he is doing fantabulously at Chief Bubble Creator though. Since he knows all and doesn’t need to learn anything, he hasn’t gotten to the part in the hat writeup yet about how there is a limit to the size of the bubble, so he’ll just keep on going and going until there is nowhere to go anymore.
Making you accept contrary facts and charging you to replace that confusion with another confusion is how the scam works. Confusion – “cognitive dissonance” – is the only thing is can reliably achieve.
“We have nearly doubled our staff” translates to
We had 2 people staffing the empty course room, we have raised it to 3. Almost double the amount of people with nothing to do.
When even the dispatches about completion read like someone churning stocks, you know you’ve hit rock bottom.
Exactly, Valerie! When they say highest evers, compare the highest evers in this letter to a highest ever in say the 80’s or 90’s. It will be “orders of magnitude” different. I remember doing the Solo Course at AOLA in the 80’s and the room was packed with only Solo students. In fact, it was so big that they separated out the theory (reading) from the practical (emeter drills) sections because both courses were so full of students. Now they can’t even fill one course room with students so they cram in the PTS SP Course and the Student Hat Course. Wow, that is very telling. AOLA used to pride itself of only offering upper Bridge things. I guess now they get their stats by stealing Student Hat students from Missions and Orgs. Pretty soon Flag will come steal those from AOLA and it will all keep rolling uphill.
The WHY for highest stats is more lifeboat drills in the solo course room.
“Last week we had 10 solo one completions”. Wow, sounds impressive until you consider there are more than 7,000,000,000 people on the planet. Way to go Co$!!
Straight from the horse’s mouth: “There are 3 billion PCs (“Pre-Clears”) here, even more. We need 300,000,000 auditors to handle them. Well, let’s get on with it. What are we waiting for.” —L. Ron Hubbard (LRH ED 4 INT, “Summary of LRH ED’s Since September 1, 1967, World Wide,” May 29, 1968.)
yes – get that “show on the road” Scientology…and what a “show” it is!
If Miscavige keeps removing the Execs of every single Org, as he has done now, it will get to the point that there will be no one left there to be ‘used’ as a replacement. Example: Int Base
This has been his trademark so far – Wrong WHYs – one after another, and removing veteran execs sums up another Wrong WHY to his statistic of bad management, blame others and “I am the only good one”
One day he may come to realize he is SOURCE…yes, source of the dire state of scn.
Actually not Sylvia. El Con is the Source for the state of scamology. All any honest person in charge of it could do is to shut it down totally.
Actually not Mr. Wynski. Ron Hubbard has been dead since Jan 1986 and David “Darth Midget” Miscavige has had total control of Radical Corporate Scientology since around mid-1988. DM is the one running the place into the ground in present time.
LMAO! You lack experience with Mr. Hubbard & the TRUE efficacy of his “tek”..
But, hey stay delusional.
I predict you’ll last 4, maybe 6 months on this blog.
I predict that you’ll never recover from your exposure to scamology and regain your sanity.
that’s just mean
Your lack of, “sense of humor” predicates the future imo. This blog is quite robust, are you?
My sanity if we ever meet will be something that will surprise. I never originate personal judgement in the negative on someone on the net unless they make the first move. Go ahead, make more judgments of people you’ve never met.
Best of luck, you’ll disappear soon enough.
B-B-Butt, Truth over emotions. Giving a person false hope is also mean. 😉
It’s just a miserable prediction, saying to person that it is impossible to recover.
And not true.
Mike Wynski is desperate to have Scientology shut down. I wonder why? Fear of E-Meters? I wonder what question should not be asked of him?
he’s just fine. He is not the enemy, no call for fear near here.
Nay, the siren blows
to celebrate the demise of one wretched thing, a false dream.
And unpleasant memories turn sweet.
What question should not be asked of Mike Wynski? (and 99.999% of the planet Earth)
‘.”Have you ever had negative thoughts about L. Ron Hubbard? “
You wonder what question should not be asked of him? Foolproof, you’re suggesting MW has done something he’s he’s not telling! O’s and W’s! And you’re suggesting it to a third party. That ‘consciousness of guilt’ tactic is the MO of the CoS to intimidate its clientele. It’s ‘covert hostility’ old boy, flunk. I have a question for you. Why not say exactly what’s on your mind directly to the person you want to say it to?
It’s okay rogerHornaday. Those who’s mind has been destroyed by scamology aren’t usually lucid enough to know what they are doing and saying.
All any honest person in charge of it could do is to shut ti down totally.” Well, Mike, that’s the plan! El Con was just that, a con (artist)…
Bingo OSD. Only fools think that anyone could (or should have) have kept the criminal con going.
I think we’re all on the appropriate side of the fence here,
although I did get a little lost in trying to follow this string.
Really, I can’t think of any question that, as a question, should be forbidden.
Forbidding doubt is scientology’s game, not mine.
All except Foolproof bug. Seems like he wants to keep the criminal scam running. Only two type of people I know who want that. Criminals and the insane.
The list [described] would be incomplete without including “the mislead”,
and those still in the process of figuring it out.
Which would be, hopefully, all of us.
And, does “insane” include the deluded?
For there is the sum total of one reality for each perceiver.
Considering that all of us humans are equipped with remarkably crude tools of perception, …
and from that incomplete sentence, may I step aside and allow you to contemplate towards drawing your own conclusions?
I don’t know Foolproof, or what he said. What I do know is that scientology will begin by supplanting the perceiver with a new, cloistered reality that has the very specific purpose of shifting control away from that individual.
Confusion would be a notable ingredient in the formula known as
“Scientology”. So is secrecy, and isolation.
That, altogether, results in a rather solid, rigidly closed belief-system being installed. Effectively.
That is THE one thing scientology is exceptionally good at doing.
Escaping the church does not immediately result in escaping such beliefs, it is only the first step towards that noble goal. The victimized believer does not believe that he is being deceived, at least not to the complete degree that scientology has intended that deception to be. Nor would he be aware, thanks again to the cult’s cultivated intention to keep its intentions shrouded.
Same as the “way in”, the way out is going to have to be some kind of step-by-step, cognitive process, capitalizing on more than one source of information. Social interaction, I think, is the key. Family is certainly a crucial bond, but that powerfully beneficial connection is not always at hand.
Compassion for another, regardless of where he or she stands on the path, is always the proper gift.
So, my hand goes out to all that have their eyeballs engaged and pointed in the right direction.
There you go putting honest in the same sentence with something to do with Scientology… it just doesn’t work.
Back in the box chocolate, the sky’s falling!
Hi Orwell, A fantastic post! Love all here except the trolls who still troll merrily away as the deck slips into the waves beneath their tootsies.xo Ann B.
Dave has been into musical chairs for most of his cult fiction. He does everything himself (except speak to the press).
One of the markers of an SP or Sociopath is that they Wrong Target. If A is the cause, they kick and berate B. All of DM’s musical chairs with execs is wrong targeting. Gee, I wonder if that is one of the characeristics of an SP?
10 solo 1 comps is highest ever? Did they throw out all the prior stat records or something? The highest level of OT levels sold was back in the mid 70’s so I guess it’s pretty good considering the cult is basically gone. But I bet most of these are Bridge retreads.
Mike, last year you predicted pain for the COS. But a prediction of intense pain for this year may be an understatement.
I do agree, and it may well be that you might be flabergasted by the extent. I have something to communicate on the subject…
Pease elaborate…