Big news. AOSHANZO opens tomorrow.
There will be A “Special guest speaker” – why they are afraid to say his name is anyone’s guess. Nobody is supposed to know he is there? Any enterprising media in Australia will know Miscavige is in town and even what hotel he is staying at. And there ARE some enterprising media in Australia who would love to ask Mr. Miscavige a few questions.
But the best news of all is that this will be an opening “unlike any other!” Hah. And if you believe that I have a bridge I would like to sell you that spans Sydney Harbor. This event will be EXACTLY like all the others. Droning Shermanspeak and puffery about the “Golden Age” and how much scientology is expanding.
The truth is that AOSHANZO no more needs a larger building than Valley Org does.
It is a facade to pretend “expansion.” Pop into the Sydney “ideal” org and the Melbourne “ideal org” and it will tell you everything you need to know about how scientology is “expanding” in Australia. They also have Taiwan and Tokyo — 4 “ideal” orgs that feed public up the bridge to them and they are still empty.
3,000 at the opening! Snort! Here you go –
I wonder how Rupert’s Main Slease Media got permission? Or was it all paid for by Demento’s Slease Media. I prefer the latter because $camology would be terrified of the outside world discovering dirty little secrets.
Scientology is proving that “if you build it, they will (still not) come.”
“… There, behind closed doors, senior ministers will charge members thousands of dollars for “auditing sessions”, which are designed to suppress the side of the brain that is not mathematical and pragmatic. ”
lol, gotta love an Aussie sense of humour…
I found this blog just a few weeks ago. Thanks for all of the posts. It’s helpful to get a perspective from the outside.
Wee Slappy McSavage clomped into town on His high heels yesterday and will be around for maybe 72 hours.
I could have gone down and stood in the street outside the new Morgue but my son’s grand final was this morning and they won !!! Far more important than trying to do something about Herr DwarfenFuhrer continuing to abuse the Faithful.
There has been no media YET about the Cancerous Little Gnome arriving – shows you how much Sydney cares! I’m sure Bryan will cover it and I’m hoping that there’s enough embarrassing moments from the cult to make for some belly laughs – I mean, they haven’t even gotten their $5 million bus stop done in time for this! Watch for media happening tonight is my tip.
Maybe Drunken Maggot can go play in the dungeon at the Ideal NarCONon at Yarramalong tomorrow before He flies out of the country – THAT may excite some major media interest in His accomplishments.
Good one Scoots! You are a font of wisdom . . . a $5 million bus stop??? Sounds like very expensive dot of real estate to me! 🙂
Yes, Rog, $5 million dollars. There were 2 houses bordering the property with a view into the front of the building. So they just had to buy them! At least one of them is to be demolished and turned into a bus stop for all the hoards of Scios being bused in every day. Undoubtably there will be a big barrier erected so no one can see into the grounds. It is the only way to see in, other than by helicopter. On to of that, the building has NO windows and the walls are 3 foot thick concrete. Creepy or what!
Mike, I get messages in my email about your new posts. Every time I see one in my inbox I cringe a little, knowing that it’s going to be a big expensive enforced hoopla thing for a dreadfully empty building or dying project of some sort. For me it’s reached the level of XP — Xtremely Pathetic.
Sad, to think of all the able and honest people who have worked (i.e., been exploited) at AOSH ANZO since ’84. And in scientology in Australia since ’56.
I’m becoming more certain that Demento, when he does a runner after it all collapses, will reappear as a real estate mogul a la Trump. Mind you he’ll be running it all from a corrupt country that does not have extradition treaties with the US.
Kronomex, Donald Trump is not a “real estate mogul”. No major American bank will lend him money since the last of his bankruptcies, with the exception of Deutsche Bank. His real estate ventures consist of licensing deals to builders and investment companies who are credit worthy. The banks lend these people money, they do the building and contracting and construction and sales and so forth and they pay Trump licensing fees for the use of his name. Trump also licenses his name to many and diverse products. The point being, if he is a mogul, he is a branding mogul.
Having said that, there are IMO definite similarities between Trump and Miscavige but I’ll stop here as this is not a political blog and Mike might object to even this brief comment on it. If he does I will understand.
Well, also, it’s another reno’d building, at least somewhat spruced up for some future building buyer.
I can’t believe Miscavige hasn’t seen the “goodwill” value of reno’ing at least one major LA area tourist attraction building, similar to the multi-faith and no-faith tourist attraction religious buildings of other major religions.
He’s still hiding Scientology under a basket from the world.
He ought to have a new building with the Xeno story and the Duke of Chug story and the Farsec story all depicted in it, THAT’D get some tourists!
Speaking of bridges that actually exist:
I well remember how each event was promoted as the latest, greatest and never before seen.
I spent some moments looking at this Org.Just staring at it. I have to say from the outside one of the more gloomy and dreary edifices going.Even if it is in a prime area and the inside is full of empty art and no public,it gives off a eerie vibration.I would not go in.?
Ann, Did you ever see the movie “Coma” with Michael Douglas? This building reminds me of that…cold, cement, filled with dead bodies and a few ‘caretakers”.
Lol, gives a whole new meaning to Ideal Morgue!
“Droning Shermanspeak and puffery about the “Golden Age” and that music that friggin horrible bombastic music.
The only ways that $cientology is expanding nowadays is:
# of people leaving
square feet of unused building space
You left out the IAS bank account. “Advance your status today!”
What happened to the one they opened ~1984? They CERTAINLY didn’t out grow it!
The 30 or so still active scientologists in Johannesburg will soon have 2 ideal morgues – not forgetting an abandoned test centre and a huge empty idea morgue in Pretoria – so much havingness of concrete for so few – all within a 50 kilometer radius. I think they’re going for one building per family – now that’s havingness!
They already do: Jobur for the DeBeers, Pretoria for the Jacobczes, and Nobur Jorth for the Hammonds.
As unnecessary and silly it is to replace the existing AO in ANZO with this new one, it will become even more ridiculous when his dwarfness opens up the AOs in Canada, Mexico and South Africa. And then they really should add a fleet of ships for OT VIII – one to pair with each useless AO.
Mike, you forgot to highlight that his will be an “historic” event!
So they’ve reconstituted his body and raised LRH from the dead?
That would be an opening like no other.
How much are the tickets?
If that’s the case then he must have been dehydrated rather than cremated back in ’86.
Freeze-dried perhaps?
Maybe the church is going to create another version of Burning Man? Australian Burning Man.
I’m here in Reno during Burning Man. Never been to one but the pictures I’ve seen of the lite structures created out there are pretty incredible. Then one final gargantuan structure that is burned the last night. Actually, not a bad idea for the church. A real money-maker. I can only imagine the burning structures the church would create. I’m sorry; I must be smelling the fumes coming from Burning Man. 😉
I think there are numerous code restrictions on this building
which puzzles me why scientology purchased it.
If it stays empty and they pay taxes and up keep no issues.
An Idea D.M. will use it for BT storage.
Maybe he could start a subscription service for storing member’s bt’s? Another moneymaker!
Another rent bill from the Int. Landlord
OMG if you don’t pay the rent they are evicted and go home
to raid the frig and watch TV.
I think the anti scientology community (ASC) in Australia is being really unfair to David. He bought a building and fixed it up and now the neighborhood will have a quiet neighbor because no one goes there anyway. So, why can’t the ACS give him a break?
Chatswood is a leafy, white collar suburb on Sydney’s northern side. Lots of BMWs & Mercedes cruise around there. It’s no place for Scientology as the locals are more or less well educated people. There is a train service but the new org is nowhere near it, too far to walk. Chatswood CBD itself is a busy place (finding a park is tough) with lots of offices and supermarkets, department stores etc and is located on the Pacific Hwy which is the main route north, but travel half a mile from the business/shopping district and it’s total suburbia with large tracts of rocky bush land, where the org is located. White cockatoos and parrots abound in good numbers around there.
I thought their previous choice of a back street (zero foot traffic) in Glebe near the inner city Sydney was a bad choice for a location but Chatswood is worse, which, when you think about is a good thing. It would have to be deduced its purchase is a real estate investment. That area is very expensive to buy into and it will only rise in price due to its close proximity to Sydney – it’s prime real estate!
Sounds like the kind of neighborhood where an empty building with a few broken windows might well be taken over by Bird Thetan cockatoos and parrots breeding. That should be good for the thursday stats. Maybe the alpha parrot can be trained to drop a load on that yappy dwarfs pompadour just as he is about to yank his ribbon?
Hear hear! Leave David alone, you CICS ACSers. YSCOHB… for free! Out exchange. Ethics!
Aussie land is the go to place for Asians climbing the bridge to no where. Can Taiwanese and Japanese and other asians fill up the place? I really have to doubt that, but as the place is so out of the way, no head counts will be possible. Given the numbers of ‘completions’ and people on course at various mOrgs, on has to wonder how any staff can eat, let alone live on staff pay. It would be fun to find out whose airplane DM is using to get to the land down under. Travolta or Cruise? Or a straight rental?
I wonder if Mike’s brother will be attending the grand event in his penguin costume. Or is that reserved only for fundraisers?
“Drop everything and help us spread the word.” What, that they’re failing worldwide? That the only people left are my age? That their reputation is just a shade above ‘Jonestown?’ That all the OT levels, save 8, are on the internet? That all SO & staff have a feeling of doom? You tell me…
All of the tech is on the internet including OT 8, L’s and super secret special rundown’s
Scientology ranks below Jonestown in PR..
Feeling of DOOM is way to far uptone, more like psychotic fear and homicidal tendencies.
Biggi Riechert and Rex Fowler are examples of SO staff in the New Normal.
LOL!!! I stand corrected….once again.
“Drop everything and help us spread the word.” is a misprint. I’m fairly certain that it should have read “Drop everything and help us spread the turd.”
…and the beat goes on. It’ll be nice when this diseased church’s heart stops beating.
Mary, did you mean the beatings go on?
beatings will continue until morale improves
That’s the spirit!
Boy, this beats the hell outta me..
all manner of “beatings.”
I thought they sec checked you for beating certain unmentionables.
It’s indeed my opinion that the crime cult does buy such areas in the lost and last hope to make believe it’s expanding through such “vents”… remember Brussels? Since they had bought the big thing near theJustice Palace to install their powerful image, the buiding was occupied by poor people , and DM forced the poçlice and private police to expell them; then, he decided to sue the big building, but it’s almost void now!
Well, as I’ve said before, Scientology has to spend all that tax-exempt moolah somewhere. So they spend it on empty buildings. In the city in which I live, the city has filed suit against Scientology for buying a huge building and doing nothing with it – 3 years after Scientology bought it, the building is empty, and that’s not something our Mayor or City Council or anyone else wants to see.
Well… there’s a brief a moments worth of entertainment for the bbq. The dwarf is in town hey?
I hope Brian Seymour covers the story. Sydney is such a awful place these days anyway, the traffic is really bad on the goat tracks they call roads. Think I’ll give the opening a miss, got to shampoo the cat.
I’m sure he will…Brian Seymour is awesome!
I think that they bought it for all the sound-proof rooms in the basement.
Madame Lash comes to mind. How sinister do we go here?