This is supposed to be an Advanced Org. It is especially damning that they are reaching all the way down to the bottom of the Bridge when they have just celebrated the grand opening of the Sydney “ideal” org just a few miles away. Surely all the public are flocking to Sydney org? And the massive boom from there and the ideal org in Melbourne doesn’t seem to be flooding the AOSH with public?
But the good news, the Snr CS has got the cliches down — NOW is the time to arrive to progress fast, a turning point in the history of Scientology, the results speak for themselves. And he is on the bandwagon to push FAST. This is the new watchword of GAG II — speed of delivery.
All they need is some people to deliver to. So let the cannibal wars begin!
Subject: Your progress up the Bridge
Date Mon, 2 Jun 2014
A message from the Senior C/S
No matter where you are on the Bridge, NOW is the time to arrive to progress fast. AOSH ANZO is here to make sure you make it through.
Golden Age of Tech Phase II is here and the results speak for themselves. This truly has been a turning point in the history of Scientology.
To give you some reality of the incredible results, the Purification Rundown is being delivered 100% standardly with PCs routinely completing in around 3 weeks. The Survival Rundown, done intensively, is able to be completed in 3-4 weeks. And that’s both you and your twin. The wins we are experiencing at AOSH ANZO are rave, and the OCA graph improvements are spectacular. And this is people of all case levels.
With the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, auditing on the Expanded Grades can be completed in 6-8 intensives. This is now exactly in-line with Ron’s Journal 35 “From Clear to Eternity.” New Era Dianetics routinely takes 4-6 intensives to achieve Clear or NED Case completion — ready to take flight on the Solo levels!
The Advanced SOLO Auditor course checksheet (delivered only at Advanced Organizations) is FAST. On this checksheet you can complete your SOLO Auditor training on one checksheet. The result is SOLO Auditors now completing in a matter of weeks.
What does this all mean for you?
Never before has moving up the Bridge on both sides been simpler and smoother.
Our technical team are fully trained on Golden Age of Tech II and are here full time to get you up the Bridge.
Contact the Registrar at AOSH ANZO and get yourself started on your route today. Call (02) 9692 7300 and ask for Emmanuel or Paddy or reply to this email. There is no better time than now.
Arrive to AOSH ANZO now and we will get you moving up the Bridge fast!
Wayne Peachey
I just had two rather unrelated cognitions:
1) All the Cherch’s promo, etc., simply takes the Ideal Scene, and, with the use of artfully employed generalities, puffs it up even more, and communicates it as the Existing Scene.
2) We, on this blog – obviously, Mike – but not so obviously, those of us who unload our opinions on this blog – actually have a very direct comm line to David Miscavige. We have him as a captive audience. He has no choice. He HAS to read what is written here, and on other blogs, or else keep himself regularly informed via someone else. This amuses me. I would bet that most of his time is spent either listening to someone brief him on how despised he is and what a huge fail his cherch is, or reading it himself. What a life, huh? Unless he enjoys being despised. I suppose that’s possible. But enjoy it or not, He cannot ignore it, and I find that funny.
Well, when you declare as “SPs” REAL tech people like Karen, Sheldon, Dan, Kathy Thomas, myself and many many others, you are left with the dregs of Scientology like Peachey who is now bragging about speed of service as if he never even READ an hco b or hco pl in his life. These “upper level ” CS’s here & at ASHO, AOLA & FSO are a complete disgrace. They became degraded beings a long time ago. I am loving the fact that I have disconnected from THEM so that I still have the money these criminals failed to extort. Yes, one can actually ENJOY life away from THE ROTTEN AGE OF TECH.
New acronym – RAT – the rotten age of tech. Yes, Scientology is now in it’s rodent stage.
Beautiful concept, Joe. The Rodent Stage of Scientology. Has a nice ring to it.
They are a complete disgrace is right Joe. Keeping our hard earned money is wonderful and so is keeping our integrity, without having it questioned constantly by random, uncaring, untrained people with ulterior motives. I will run my own life, thank you.
The two policies that LRH pushed the most were KSW 1 and Technical Degrades, both, at the beginning of every course I’ve done. Violation of these 2 policies is the number one priority of the rcs. They have altered pretty much EVERYTHING and are rocketing people to nowhere. Spiritual awareness, perception and growth have nothing to do with rockets. “Postulates and live communication not being mest can accomplish change in mest without bringing about a persistence of mest, thus auditing can occur.” (Scn Axiom 51) See, nothing about rockets or rocketing.
“Violation of these 2 policies is the number priority of rcs”… you are so right Hallie Jane…. it’s really, really hard to understand how people inside the bubble can’t see that. The policies are on every course…
Has Davey considered building an org in Antarctica? It has no squirrels, and it can’t be any emptier than the other orgs.
That is a great idea, jgg. Cold steel would be easy to maintain, and there is no local population to report on local events and stats. (except penguins, and nobody would believe them anyways.) They could rename the continent ‘Atlantis’. It would be cleared on no time.
They could even send the Freewinds down there to pick and choose icebergs to demolish (to demonstrate their power of intention, and have gold film it).
Novel idea. Maybe davie will steal it.
“No matter where you are on the Bridge”
of course because you’re all going back to the bottom anyway.
is there anyone who doesn’t need to do anything? someone who is a sterling example of OTVIII perfected?
OT8 is the end of the bridge. after having done that, there should be at least 1 OT8 who handled their case with finality and certainty, shouldn’t there be? do they have to do the purif again and the student hat too?
what do you do with a scientologist that has run out of money?
their case is bugged, they are not in good shape (an OT8 not in good shape should be an oxymoron) and they are beyond dead broke. what kind of spot are they in?
the ‘church” they have been a bleeding part of most of their lives will do what for them?
they can’t handle the case for free because that would be out-exchange.
the “church” in essence says to that OT8 “too bad so sad, come back when you have some cash”.
once they used you up and you haven’t gotten what you were promised, you complain.
complaints reach ears, they cause other people to question what’s going on. the church can’t have that.
so what are their options, they can either fix the case or kick you out to shut you up.
they aren’t going to do it for free even if they could fix your case and you have no money so the first option is out. what’s left? they will make you either go away quietly or be declared, and only because you are not happy and don’t have anymore money.
unless you want to join their “monastic order” as a slave, they have no further use for you. they wash their hands of you.
that is the group that says they care about your future.
You really laid it out like it is, White Star. Except nowadays they have graduated up to where they don’t let you leave quietly. They jump straight to the (out)gradient of expulsion and SP Declare. It is what passes for HCO and MAA help nowadays.
And I’ve had these young punk MAA’s tell my family members, “…declaring her is the best thing that could happen for her because now she has a condition from which to work her way out of, so she can come up the conditions…you’re truly helping her by helping us get the goods on her to declare her.”
What BS! Reminds me of the Nazis having children rat on their parents and neighbor rat out neighbor, husband throwing wife under the bus and vice versa. No one stood up then and now no one in the corporate COS is standing up either. History repeats itself. And he who must not be named will have an equally ignoble ending.
Thank you, Chris. I had just copied the quote, “Golden Age of Tech Phase II is here and the results speak for themselves”, and was preparing to post it and make a comment when I read your comment which was exactly what I was going to say.
Your advice to people who are still buying this GAT BS to wake up! is exactly what needs to happen. All they really need to do is to CONFRONT what I am sure that they already have observed. This isn’t rocket science and it is not even that subtle of a con. It is so obvious. And the parishioners are not getting up the Bridge as a result. My message to them is, “If you don’t stand up and say something, who will?”
incredible |inˈkredəbəl|
1 impossible to believe: an almost incredible tale of triumph and tragedy.
2 difficult to believe; extraordinary: the noise from the crowd was incredible.
• informal amazingly good or beautiful: I was mesmerized: she looked so incredible.
incredibility |-ˌkredəˈbilitē|noun
ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin incredibilis, from in- ‘not’+ credibilis (see credible) .
usage: Believability is at the heart of both incredible and incredulous, but there is an important distinction in the respective uses of these two adjectives. Incredible means ‘unbelievable’ or ‘not convincing’ and can be applied to a situation, statement, policy, or threat to a person: I find this testimony incredible. Incredulous means ‘disinclined to believe, skeptical’—the opposite of credulous, gullible —and is usually applied to a person’s attitude: you shouldn’t be surprised that I’m incredulous after all your lies.
“a turning point in the history of Scientology”
Is this not a squirrel version of R3RA have we not been to this incident ever since the dwarf seized power?
Just when is this evil toe rag appearing in court I want a front seat ticket please!
I was wondering how DM and staff were gonna try to fit into today’s ideas and methods. In the last 20 years (give or take) a newer “fad” has taken place. Its called “energy psychology” which consists of several different methods. All of these methods claim to fame is that they are fast, safe and efficient. Which in some cases that was true depending on what was being addressed and how ready the person was. But in many cases it could take a much longer time as one “chips” away at a sticky/occluded situation.
So, now, DM and others are trying to get on the bandwagon and advertise that things are “faster and smoother”. Key words that seem to be sweeping all those looking for “a better way”.
Scn is more of a cognitive method, whereas energy psychology is an energy method – completely different. Only a few things in Scn could be classified as energy method such as “assists”. Scn claims is like trying to fit a square into a round hole. And if one tries, one ends up scraping off the squares’ corners until its a wrinkled polygon.
There were the “quickie grades, so when is the “Quickie Bridge” coming out? Maybe its here.
Makes total sense, Sylvia. Staff are really between a rock and a hard place. Must be awful for them.
For the Senior C/S of AOSH Anzo to write this e mail it just indicates the desperation that he, other AOs and Orgs find themselves into. The so called leader made this Snr C/S and other staff’s lives miserable with the release of GAT II which, needless to say, is doomed to fail and DM knows it.
But while it does the staff has to somehow cope with no public in one hand, and the demand of ‘get your stats up’ on the other. This won’t last forever and, as the quicky grades, the implosion is going to be FAST.
I think that your comment is very insightful, Sylvia. GAT II is going to collapse, and just as the promo says: FAST.
Staff members trying to make this work will be like trying to blow up a balloon that has a gaping hole in it. The only possible result is a “Bronx Cheer”.
This is the single most important post you will EVER read. No matter where you are– in your house, on a mouse, on a train, in Spokane– it has EVERYTHING to do with you! And yes, that includes YOU! Which is to say, in other words, contrary-wise, this post will communicate in exact proportion to the ratio of orders of magnitude with which you get through what I have written– all of which speaks for itself. Because when I say FAST, I’m talking literally RESULTS which happen with such rapid rapiditude that nobody will even notice they’re there!! Such is COB’s intention! And yours! And I know mine! So just ignore all counter-efforts from the environment– children, pets, pestilence, disease, famine– and just make the DECISION to decide to get through this post as the single most important thing you can do today and for ETERNITY!!!
And I’ll see YOU on the other side…
Much Love,
War Horse
“Because when I say FAST, I’m talking literally RESULTS which happen with such rapid rapiditude that nobody will even notice they’re there!!”
Haha WH! You have inspired me to decide to consider making the decision to finally come to a resolution about making up my mind to just put aside all the stops and just do it on all my dynamics to secure my eternity!!! To just get unreasonable and with full intention, grab those cliches with tone 40 intention push them through to a DONE now now now!!!!
War Horse, you’re really giving Sherman a run for his money 🙂
LOL! That was hilarious War Horse.
Hey, WH, must be an interesting nearby universe you’re inhabiting. LOL
When I worked at AOLA.We didn’t even have a Purif or an objectives co-audit and we didn’t have to spend time promoting to lower bridge public in order to fill up our HGCs (in fact we didn’t really spend much time promoting at all since we didn’t have much of a Div II due to the fact that our Tech/Admin was totally reversed) yet our stats were always in a continual affluence.
Oh c’mon! How hard is it to “standardly” deliver the Purif? You put people into those ridiculous Purif outfits, shove ’em in a sauna, feed ’em niacin and some other pills from the GAT II hamster dispenser thing, make sure they drink enough water and use the treadmill. This is not rocket science.
Aw, Jeffrey, it’s not that complicated. You just empty their wallet.
My understanding is there’s a lot of nuclear physics involved in mixing up that godawful calmag.
Hamster dispenser LOL!
“…the results speak for themselves.”
ROFL! Yes they do. 🙂 The empty crime syndicate business offices speaks volumes. Got to love the dimwits that still hand their money to these crooks, though. Talk about the dumbest of the dumb, in the age of the Internet there is no excuse. That didn’t always used to be the case, prior to the advent of widespread knowledge of what Scientology is and the gross human rights atrocities they commit, it was acceptable for people to get rooked and swindled by this con.
No more.
These insane crooks also have an amusing concept of what “expanding” means. 🙂
As an Ex scientologist; I now am aware that the robot followers are NEVER TO SEEK KNOWLEDGE from “enthater.” In other words, to read anything on the internet is a huge NO NO! It seems impossible to imagine how adults can be so cowered and mentally controlled. But i it is so. I asked the “wasband” to talk to me about what happened when he left me. He said” You probably have it all wrong.” He could not even listen to me. I am an S P, you know.
Here’s an expression of thanks for Wayne. Without him, we couldn’t have blogs like this
“Thank U”
How bout getting off all these antibiotics
How bout stopping eating when I’m full up
How bout them transparent dangling carrots
How bout that ever elusive “could of”
Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence
How bout me not blaming you for everything
How bout me enjoying the moment for once
How bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
How bout grieving it all one at a time
Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence
The moment I let go of it was the moment
I got more than I could handle
The moment I jumped off of it
Was the moment I touched down
How bout no longer being masochistic
How bout remembering your divinity
How bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How bout not equating death with stopping
Thank you India
Thank you Providence, thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothingness
Thank you clarity
Thank you thank you silence…
Thanks Errol, that was cool.
“Golden Age of Tech Phase II is here and the results speak for themselves.”
Can’t argue with that Wayne.
“This truly has been a turning point in the history of Scientology.”
Right again.
The cliches and over-the-top claims of life and universe changing events has GOT to start making those in feel pushed in.
It is making every transmission come in like another sackful of empty.
Empty of wins. Empty bank accounts.
The thing about the failing GAG II is that the failing feeds on itself. Every time they convince a 30 year public to come in for service, the empty space is astounding and the public’s fear that GAG II is nuts is solidified. All that will be left in 6 months are desperate staff and public that make money from other public. With no new energy into the group, it is imploding into a black hole composed of fanatics that can’t see and can’t escape.
Yes, Robert Almblad! And your post made me think of another metaphor for the shrinkage of the cherch: a well that is no longer being fed by a spring, because the spring has somehow dried up, causing the water in the well to stagnate.
Like, oh, say, Gilman Hot Springs? 🙂
No so much pathetic as desperate.
The dwindling spiral of the RCS has an infinite number of turning points.
Your right, Mike. I doubt these cliches no longer have any effect on anyone.
“Never before has moving up the Bridge on both sides been simpler and smoother”.
This comment alone is nothing more than a covert invalidation of LRH, preclears, pre-OT’s
students, interns and the tech in its purest form.
Wayne you are a senior C/S at an advanced organization. There was a time when people
respected and TRUSTED the post you occupy. The thought that someone holding this post
could lie and covertly invalidate the tech was not imaginable in my days. But here you are.
Shame on you Wayne.
Too bad there is no Qual to speak of these days because you are a perfect candidate to spend
time there……a long time.
Thats the message I take away from this, that ” GAT II is here and has fixed what was previously broken”. THANK GOD that Hubbard guy died and Major Miscavige has removed or declared all those pesky Scientology people that were loyal to Hubbard and were following his instructions and trying to do it HIS way.
Potpie and Doug – Could not have articulated better! Talk about invalidating all auditor wins and pc wins we have all had.
This coming from a “Senior CS” I’m speechless.
As one stated above, so glad to be out of this insane mess (paraphrase).
One thing Wayne got right: “Golden Age of Tech Phase II is here and the results speak for themselves.” Just like GAG I and Arbitraries Removed and Ideal Orgs and every other failed COB RTC evaluation and handling: the results say everything you need to know. Another big fat bomb. Can’t wait to see his evals to handle all the failed staff and failed execs who clearly are sabotaging all of his programs because they are so stupid about policy that they need to go back and study all of it in sequence so that this time they “get it”. Please people still in – wake up!
And don’t forget the next sentence, “This truly has been a turning point in the history of Scientology.”
Yes, yes it has. Tick tock, COS, tick tock.
Did Miscavige even do the HDSEC or EDSEC before doing any of these idiotic “evals”?
I mean the only one I read was the one he did for GAT which convinced me that he didn’t have a frickin’ clue on how to do a proper DS Eval and I’m not even a graduate of either of those courses.
Ironically the out point count on that one “eval” alone could probably fill a book.
You know things like “omitted data” “altered importances” “added inapplicable data” “generalities” and “dropped time” were abundant in just the first few paragraphs.
In other words it was a study in illogic used to justify what was probably already a forgone conclusion or some kind of idee fixe’ or service fac of his that all tech trained terminals were blind.
You got it, Remote. The generalities in this piece would classify under “Added Inapplicable Data” for starters. Now, to be fair, it is a promo piece and not a report, but that said, anyone reading this and familiar with the org’s actual current stats and long-term stat trends who can apply the Data Series PLs to the org’s current scene would have to be scratching their heads, and thinking, “Wow! What a bunch of crap this is”.
Actual stats just blow away all the lies and bullshit. No wonder anyone who asks to see them has to be separated out from the group. Poor, intimidated sheeple. I’ll tell you, my life is not ideal, but not a day goes by that I don’t give some degree of thanks for no longer being one of The Deluded. And everything I read daily on this blog strengthens me, validates me on that point, so once again, thank you so very much, Mike, for all that you do, and thanks as well to all of you who post here.
Most promo pieces I remember back in the day just stated what the course, level or action was and maybe a brief quote by Ron, sometimes followed by a couple of Success Stories which only talked about whatever gains the person made on it followed by buy it now etc…
Your basic hard sell copy.
Now it’s like they’re trying to sell toothpaste or laundry detergent which is “new and improved” like say the new Coke or Eclipse cigarettes (see the movie or read the book Barbarians at the Gate) worse though unlike the companies I alluded to who either dropped that product or went back to the original they continue to idiotically promote a product no one seems to want which is the biggest out point of all.
“To give you some reality of the incredible results …” but he doesn’t give any results! No numbers of people that have completed anything, fast or slow. Seems to me like this would be important data to put in a message like this.
But then again, what do these messages have to do at all with reality? Probably most of the 10,000,000+ church members world-wide know that these claims, just as their very own existence, may not be real.