More “good news” for those who love Bad News. The air has gone out of the hype balloon that was the Pacifica Ideal Bridge.
Remember, ASHO used to be two separate orgs, now combined into one…
And they are now crowing about their incredible statistics:
If “virtually every preclear completing the SRD and going into the HGC goes Clear within 2-4 weeks” how can they ONLY have made 17 Clears in 2 months??? That means that have a grand total of 8 people in the HGC (giving them the benefit of the doubt and taking the 4 weeks figure).
And that is with 24 auditors. A 3 to 1 auditor to pc ratio.
These guys are SO ecstatic about “making their target” of 100 clears in a YEAR. If they were making 100 a DAY, it would still take them 100 YEARS to clear the City of LA — let alone the greater LA area, let alone California, the US or the Americas. And they are promoting this as a big deal.
And even more ironic, this promo piece is all about the speed of clearing.
The bubble world of scientology.
PS: And , if it were me, I would make my apology PRIVATE.
This “PS: comment belongs under my comment to Foolproof.
I would like to share that I read this blog of Mike’s because I see its purpose as clearly to eliminate the abuses of the Church of Scientology, and only that. We all know what these abuses are.
Amongst ourselves we obviously have disagreements about LRH’s auditing, admin and ethics tech. About the efficacy or non-efficacy of these, we are apparently quite a homogenous group, yet we who comment here at least all agree that Co$’s abuses have to be stopped ASAP.
About these abuses that are happening NOW, Mike is doing something, and he’s doing it, not sporadically or when the mood inspires him, but EVERY DAY, and sometimes twice a day. (Look, I have no inside track into the mind of Mike Rinder, and maybe the mood DOES inspire him every day; then again, maybe not.) Yet, in the mood or not, he still crafts a truth telling piece detailing the huge, HUGE, dichotomy between the Church of Scientology’s indefatigably lying PR and their actual statistics, and he does this every day. And, after a year and a half of reading every article on this blog I can give the informed opinion that Mike is quite tolerant of differing viewpoints and prints practically anything we write so long as we don’t engage in extreme vulgarity or ad homs.
Foolproof, you and I are pretty much on the same page as far as the efficacy of LRH’s tech. I myself have been helped with it, considerably, and I myself want to see it survive and be available to help others as I have been helped, if, indeed, they choose in a self-determined way to use it. Along this line, I have read many of your comments about the tech, your opinions about how it is not being delivered now the way it was meant to be, and so forth, and have been gladdened by what you’ve written. And, for the record, I don’t believe that you are a troll.
That said, I think you really crossed the line with Mike, via the ill-advised ad hom “Miscavigean”, for, make no mistake, Foolproof, this was a deep insult to a well-intentioned man.
We all have our limits for tolerance and patience, and Mike is no exception.
If it were me and I really didn’t mean it, I would apologize fully and sincerely, irrespective of whether or not my apology were accepted and whether or not I would be allowed back on the blog.
Just to be clear. I may have made it clear that I didn’t find his comments appropriate, but I have not banned him. I dont recall banning anyone from commenting on this blog as I would only do that when the abuse is over the top, not just a differing viewpoint. But posters her know I may respond, and I generally give pretty fair warning that it is coming. And as the old saying goes “never pick a fight with anyone who buys ink by the barrel.” I don’t think it is a wise idea for anyone to try and engage in a tit for tat with me on my blog. They are going to lose every time. And perhaps they don’t want to post any more because of that. But it’s not because anyone has been banned. Maybe they don’t feel welcome, but that is a different thing.
Mike, got it on everything, and, that’s true, you didn’t ban Foolproof, rather I dubbed that in as a possibility, and stand corrected.
Really beautiful comment Aquamarine, thank you for taking the time to articulate that so well. We’re a classy bunch of SPs here and I hate to see name calling. I too, have a deep appreciation of auditing, personally, and as a long time auditor. I consider it a valid therapy and would like to see it continue for those who wish it. The decline of the church is a whole n’other story. I have been deeply moved by many of the stories I’ve read and frankly, can understand why some just want to end off. I think sometimes people get frustrated because someone is not coming to the same conclusion that they came to, in their studies of the demise of the rcs, but since we look from our own point of view, based on our unique experiences, it’s practically impossible. I respect people who respect the unique perspectives of others and respect their right to come to their own conclusions.
The real Stat Analysis point here is a no new auditors made. That applies to the C of S and the Indy field. I stress the point “New” Auditors, DM has destroyed Scientology by inventing Golden Age of Tech, 20 years ago and it only got worse then. Now all the auditors including myself are too old and tired to be auditing (esp. when you have to do it robotically 8 hours per day “in the chair”), and all the newbies are just MAA’s and enforcers or Regges.
It should have been clear form the beginning, that clearing a planet is not possible anyway. Takes too long to make one Clear, too many different cultures and religions on Earth. Too many interest groups that would fight against those that counter their vested interests.
So, this is a marketing statement to Clear the planet. There had been roughly 2 different groups inside Scientology. Those that did want to save the planet and those that did want to get the maximum benefit for themselves out of Scientology. The first group usually ended up on staff and in the SO.
Looks like the wish to save the planet is some sort of implant. As it is still gathering people around different groups. Self help groups stay small. Self help books sell big. But “help others” groups increase to quite some numbers.
Clear myself groups then stay small and Clear planet groups go big. So, it’s all about marketing.
Check out the bunker. Marty Rathbun got jumped again by a couple of brilliant XXXXXXX(snide, sarcastic reference to scientologists deleted) stalwart defenders of the faith in a typical display of hubbardian ‘comm cycle’ (or whatever that gibberish is supposed to mean).
I just saw the new ambush on Marty that is posted at the Bunker. The new ambush people are so lame they make me want to see squirrel busters again. They are really, really lame. Isn’t there any standard “ambush tech” they could study up on?
They are Chris Smith and Randy Stith
Give it time, foolproof. Mike’s blog is just one of several way stations on the underground railroad to freedom from scientology. You have started the journey out. There are no shortcuts. You need to make all the stops. Just be ready to let things go. You will get there. Hopefully with your sanity and self esteem intact.
I started the “journey out” probably before you were born Bystander. There has really been a lot of misunderstanding about my rather unimportant comment which has snowballed and transmogrified into me being regarded as a “fundamentalist” or being on the edge of coming out or somewhat supporting the Miscavige Church or even perhaps an OSA troll. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have made a reply to Mike’s comment above which hopefully will rectify this idea.
I started training at ASHO in 2002 and stayed for a number of years. I never ONCE heard the term “Pacifica Bridge.” Like much of Scientology promo in the past couple of decades, this is a promotional term designed to be used in reg cycles. Notice that ALL of the graphics boasting as to speed of delivery have to do with getting AUDITING and moving up the “Bridge.” None, I repeat, NONE of the graphics have to do with training on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. At ASHO. (!!!!!!!!!)
So, what this all mean? (quite aside from no one becoming a Cl 6 or training on the SHSBC anymore) Well, you’ve all experienced Tours Regges, right? My org in the late 70s and 80s had Ruthie on permanent tour in our city and most of you have met Bill Bertinot who was on tour for ASHO all over the USA for close to 20 years. But they were regging people FOR THEIR BRIEFING COURSE!
So NOW, ASHO will be promoting heavily ONLY its processing side and getting people on “the pacifica bridge” speed of going clear and OT, And of course, you cannot do “the pacifica bridge” at your local org (“ideal” or not). So while the FSO started the decline of gross income at many orgs forty years ago by stealing their “whales” by promoting “better tech”, NOW you will see ASHO attempt the same “successful action” with the newly named “pacifica bridge.” Yes, ASHO regges will show up at local orgs and further pick at the bones of the few public left in these orgs.
Why do your survival rundown in St. Louis if you have enough cash to fly to and stay in LA for a while? (or even if you don’t have enough cash – what the heck are credit cards for?) You can come to ASHO and do the FAR SUPERIOR PACIFICA BRIDGE and get services delivered by superior tech personnel and go clear and OT in the quickest time possible.
Every promo piece is designed to be used in a reg cycle.
Yes, there are just a limited number of Scientology public left and the various orgs will continue to be engaged in an inter-org battle for their moolah. Keep giving money to build your “ideal org” and also abandon your org and give your “services money” to ASHO for lower level services on your “Pacifica Bridge.” Yeah, that’s the ticket.
planetary clearing is not happening. expansion is not happening. the percentage of scientologists declines every year. MATH shows that, it proves that.
mike was using their own stats to show what they claim can’t possibly be true. how can he be exaggerating or misleading if he is using their own numbers. he gave them several orders of magnitude as a margin for error (100 a day vs a year) and still the numbers don’t work out.
if they would produce 100 clears a year “no one would complain”……..sure and if they were doing 100 a day no one would really really complain…….AND STILL THEY WOULD NOT BE MEETING THEIR CLAIMS.
you see mike is actually doing the opposite of exaggerating. it is they who are exaggerating and that is the whole point of the post.
I said, or meant – 100 Clears a week. Please read my reply above.
At one time objectives were the latest tech.
And good stuff.
I did, drilled, was drilled, received and audited them on
HQS, HSDC, NED and was then asked to do
Survival rundown.
I then had no interest and did no more.
This was while on staff and could do no more auditing.
Well then my second purif which was cool.
Did FPRD with a brilliant Israeli auditor C/S.
Friend of Dani and Tami Lemberger.
Perhaps my best sessions.
Then the FZ. OT 2&3 both twice.
L-11 with Trey Lotz. Great!
No interest on further NOTS, BT handling.
Following my interest has really worked well
for me.
One may be sovereign. 🙂
That’s the beauty of independence. Nice comment.
I see the real problem…..24 golden age of tech II auditors.
Seeing this sort of stuff makes me compelled to repeat what I have posted many times.
It’s NOT Scientology being delivered at miscavige’s donation temples. If it was there would be completely different results. If you haven’t worked out yet or are sitting on the fence regarding miscavige being an SP and running a scam organisation there literally isn’t any evidence left to show you. The only product Scientology if correctly applied can produce is self-determinism and that went by the wayside decades ago. A middle aged criminal, completely and insanely drunk on power and money sits on the throne of a seriously corrupt regime. You don’t get exchange from miscavige, it’s a one way flow. But he as sure as hell will leave you with a legacy of deceit and misery if you follow him – he is very bad news and if you believe in that eternity stuff… trust him or his organisation, well… you’re screwed! Life is tough enough as it is but to follow that moron and his minions will be a BIG lesson in delusion – maybe the last you’ll ever get, this isn’t the stuff you want to be implanted with.
Call me whatever you like but I prefer to be a little old fashioned and call a spade a spade.
+1 Miscavige is indeed the spade you refer to. I only wish he’d use it to dig himself a hole and plant himself in it.
I suggest he be planted upside down with plenty of manure. 🙂
Re: A middle aged criminal, completely and insanely drunk on power and money sits on the throne of a seriously corrupt regime.
“It is certainly clear by his actions. He… is… committing suppressive acts, full time suppressive acts, full time.”
“The only product Scientology if correctly applied can produce is self-determinism and that went by the wayside decades ago”
So in the early days when you got a pre-clear to hold a wall and stop it from going away, that was returning “srlf-determinism” to that person? And getting him/her to co-audit so they were making somebody else do it was producing self-determinism in both of them?
That’s good to know. An unaware or unintelligent person reading this might think it was all to do with brainwashing and turning thinking people into unthinking slaves so they could extract money and labor from them.
Hi Roland,
I can only go what I saw and was involved with. I had remarkably happy people around me I worked with and “unthinking slaves” at that time must have been over where you were – I didn’t see any until the mid 80s.
Perhaps the past the way you see is all bad concerning Scientology. Not so for me, does that make me evil and deserving of punishment? Let’s jail all Catholic priests too while we’re at it hey?
Their goal is 100 clears for an entire year and not per week.
To be fair Mike if they were making 100 (real) Clears a week I don’t think anyone would be complaining. My point is that your constant references to how long it would take them clear LA or wherever is a bit misleading and is somewhat “Miscavigian” in bending or exaggerating (bad) statistics to make your point. Not that I am on their Koolaid drinking side as you know but your rendition of the “how long it would take to Clear Washington State” or wherever is an unnecessary highlighting or rather exaggeration of the problem.
I think you have the first part of your name down, but are lacking a little in the “proof” department.
Explain to me what is “misleading” about mathematics? You sound like a fundamentalist christian arguing that the world is 6000 years old and that anyone who thinks otherwise is being influenced by the devil.
If you really think I am “somewhat Miscavigian” I dont really know what to say to you that is going to accomplish anything with you.
I have no idea why you bother posting here.
Your fundamentalist panglossing would fit much better elsewhere.
Really hit a nerve didn’t he Mike?
I don’t know why he posts in here he either he seems to be a Standard Tech uptone individual who is only interested in getting people to apply the subject correctly and have people make gains.
So I agree he really should not be posting in here.
Perhaps its because you have given up yourself you are so bitter. But if you are still running Jim ( I am not trained on NOTS)Logan’s squirrel Tech I can understand.
I will piss of as well as I am getting very bored with the rhetoric and I wish you all the best.
I do hope you find what your looking for after all that you have lost.
Thanks for your good wishes and I return them in the spirit in which they were offered.
+100, minimum.
I think Mike Rinder’s comments about the progress of “clearing the planet” are very applicable when talking about the current Scientology scene and pointing out its gargantuan outpoinst in thinking. And I’ll tell you why. I don’t really know anymore exactly what we all even meant forty five years ago by “clearing the planet” but it was essentially about reaching a certain “critical mass” of people on Earth being clear or less reactive thus changing the way humans lived within themselves AND interacted with each other, thus a world without insanity … yadda yadda yadda.
BUT … you can ONLY do this by making auditors, auditors and … auditors. That is so obvious, it’s like saying you need air to breathe. The money now in Scientology is primarily in donating to the IAS and Ideal Org rackets and to do one’s “bridge” over again. So… THAT is what all the promo emphasizes all the time.
And OF COURSE … the CoS has for the past fifteen years or so very actively been “declaring” as “suppressive persons” a great percentage of its most experienced auditors and case supervisors.
So… the planet ain’t getting “cleared” baby, by the same sheeple re-doing their case handling services over and over and over again. And Mike quite correctly points that out as the insane think it is.
Well, this is a case of “send reinforcements we are going to advance” changed into “send 3 and 4 pence, we are going to a dance”. I think a few people here have misunderstood me. What I was saying was firstly NOT that Mike is “Miscavigian” but the use of the hyperbolic statement about why hasn’t the Church cleared the LA area, or other large areas. To try to get you to understand my point if you would say “why hasn’t the Church cleared the universe yet?” is more or less the same order of question. That was all I was saying. Even in the “good old days” when lots of auditors were being made and course rooms and Orgs were full (or fuller), then to have asked the same question would also have been inappropriate. Can you imagine if your Org was full to the brim with auditors being trained etc. and roaring along and someone came up to you and said “well, you haven’t cleared LA yet so you are downstat!” That was my point. There was no offense meant at all. I also agree with everything Joe Pendleton says.
There was nothing “fundamentalist” at all in my statement, just fair, not that I really wish to be fair to the people remaining in the Church. Just that I don’t think a site that more or less seems to deal with truth and fairness should exaggerate an otherwise valid point by stating something more or less akin to “why haven’t the Church cleared the universe yet?”
Just to be clear to you, there was no misunderstanding what you said. I consider you to be a troll who has now been called on your trolling and you are hurrying to backpeddle and try to explain that what you wrote is not what you meant. But unfortunately, your “explanations” about how you didnt say what you said are just reinforcing the fact that you are repeating what you already stated.
Clearly you believe that calling out the church for the nutty claims that they are “clearing the planet” is nasty and “low-toned.”
That’s what the church websites say about me.
The problem with fundamentalists is that any time they are called on their antics they are dead certain they have been either “misunderstood” or there is some conspiracy against them manipulated by the devil.
Your “clarification” only solidified my earlier response to you.
You really don’t belong here. Whatever your motivation, the only result of your comments is to stir up people against you, and your exact statement that what I am doing is “somewhat Miscavigian” isn’t disappearing just because you now claim that was not what you said.
Okey dokey. I won’t post here again. I am not a troll and all I want is for the Church to be recovered from the mess that Miscavige has wrought out of it. All of my comments I have posted have been along the lines of recovering the technology and pointing out policy violations that the current Church are making, to try and make a better scene for those who are still suffering from this. If such offended some people who post on this board then I do not apologize at all for that.
I really don’t think my comment about the clearing LA thing should have been taken so seriously. I thought it was quite a minor point (compared to other stuff I have posted!)
Good luck Mike and best wishes.
I think it makes an excellent point. COB (puke) keeps going on and on about how GAT Phase Whatever is “making planetary clearing a reality” and all that dreck. But He can’t even clear the Sea Org. And His model ideal org can’t even make a dent in its own ZIP code with its “highest ever.” I think it’s highly relevant to put that into perspective.
COB does not submit himself to Clearing and nor will he allow other Sea Org members to submit to Clearing because Clearing is for making slaves and making those slaves hand over their money. COB needs capable extortionists working for him to engineer that transaction and the last thing he wants is confused slaves working for him. “Clearing the planet” is like a cooking temperature probe — if a “parishioner” talks about “Clearing the planet” then he knows that their brains are nicely turned to mush and it is time to move in the crush-regges.
Not an exaggeration at all – Mike is not even bringing in the growth in population – understatement is more like it.
Word it anyway you want FP, the stats aren’t really as they say and if you can’t figure it out then
that is your situation. Why not make fun of their lying? Would you not say the church’s false stat’s
lay them open for an exaggeration of their problem of lying?
Do the numbers yourself….don’t rely on Mike doing the numbers for you….be creative and see what you
come up with.
Is it not an outpoint to you to think a PC can do 7 to 9 hours in the chair a day seven days a week?
Do you really think that’s true? Even with the 3 swing fn adding time to a session it is still nearly impossible
for a PC to do that many hours in the chair in 7 days. How can you see a need to go after Mike after reading such bullshit? These bad stats do indeed need to be exaggerated to show how silly and crazy they are.
H57….are you one of those PC’s that received 62 hours of auditing in one week?
That is the type of standard tech you deserve.
Agree, 63 hours in a week is a tad too many. I think about the most auditing I ever had in one day was three to four hours. Not only would one likely be overrun, but the body needs time to rest because good auditing uses up energy. All auditors and case supervisors know this.
I think you haven’t read what I stated. Please now see my other replies scattered here, which I hope will explain the point I was making.
You statement was clear. Your “clarifications” only reinforced the impression you created that you are a fundamentalist and a troll.
Can you imagine being introverted as in “attention on case” for 9 hrs a day as the church has stated? I’d be ready for the spin bin after that much introspection in one day. Not to mention that it violates KSW and Quickying references that were posted on this blog earlier.
And hurray for Mike for kicking trolls off the blog!
Hiatus57 and Foolproof. That was very weird of y’all.
Zzzzzzzz Denotes sleeping. Crack on!
Once you hold the graph upside down, you’ll clearly see that ASHO is BOOMING LIKE NEVER BEFORE! 😀
OMG – 62 hours in one week! 8.85 hours per day!! Imagine the calories that PC is burning every day to just stay in session, let alone get any actual benefit. He must have a vitamin B1 IV drip in his arm 24/7 to maintain the mental acuity necessary to even attempt to stay focused on a process or even a wall for that matter for that period of time. They must have installed a vending machine in the auditing room to keep him going. I can just see it …..
“That’s it for a session break. By the way, John, the vending machine now takes Visa and MasterCard. Those Organic Gorgonzola & Dill sandwiches are a great deal by the way, at $18.50 per half. They include a pickle.”
They are missing a whole marketing angle here.
“Go up the Pacifica Bridge in 4.763 weeks AND lose 20 pounds while doing it!!! You’ll blow all that unwanted mental mass AND those pounds you packed away during all those unnecessary holiday meals with the family.”
I just hate to see added income streams being overlooked. I mean it costs a bundle to run a busine … I mean a church these days. Every penny counts!
+ 100
I just drove by a “Clear” in my town. He is kooky. No teeth, riding one of those bicycles that you lie down in. He is about 65 years old and looks terrible. I am so happy I bailed the Bridge to “Clear” – he is still going to events and drinking the koolaide.
I asked a guy who road a bicycle that you lie down on why that one and not a regular one? He said he has prostate problems and the seat on the regular one hurts him.
Wait until he gets to flog, I mean Flag. His morale will improve once his fleecing resumes.
“Flog”. Good one!
He is still Clear though, Idle Morgue (well, supposedly – in Miscavige’s Church one doesn’t really know now). Yes I also think those lying down bicycles are a bit weird but he is still – Clear! You don’t know what you are missing – far better to go through life without engrams. There are plenty of good auditors in the Independent field to get you there.
That kooky Clear is actually the 62 hour a week PC. But, you expect Clears to have teeth now? Geeezz. Hidden standard. Get a bicycle.
Are there lying down Harleys?
I did that on my way out of the cult. I don’t recommend it!
Clearly the actual tech basics are now old and not used anymore.
SRD, assumedly is mostly being done on a co-audit basis and, per prior data it takes about 150 hours or 300 per twinship (two people co auditing).
This BIGGGGG number of 11,000 hours translates to 64 individuals or 37 co-audit teams. Really??
ASHO used to be full, really full AND ALIVE with over 100 auditors in training back in late ’80s.
ASHO members are following their leader’s tradition of exaggeration – ‘make it look good and big, even if all is going (or already is) to hell”.
Sheeesch …………stats on mentioning dickbreath in a success story are down to one out of four. His popularity in deflating appropriately right along with Assholes, I mean ASHO’s.
My problem is timing. If only I would’ve started the bridge now, instead of doing it twice back then, I would’ve saved myself about $500,000.
Geez, it’s so much faster now
Ha! McCarron – I remember an OT5 saying that to me just after gat1 came out. He was envious that I and a friend had not yet “gone up the bridge” and that we were now going to get all the good stuff. Oh my word – a crystal ball would have been handy just about then…he is now struggling through the grammar course. He spent a fortune re-doing OT5. And he still drinks the kool-aid.
Wait until he gets a swig of this new batch. Should be enough to have him ready to file for chapter 11.
Chapter 11 == OT XI.
Mike, you are forgetting one very importiant rule! It might be the most importiant one of all, “WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU IS TRUE FOR YOU” and in this case it means you can clear LA with only making 100 Clears in a year. 100 Clears = to millions! It is just that easy…..
62 hrs in a week for one pc! That’s almost 9 hrs a day given 7 days a week. How is that even possible? Are there no wins, cogs or blows out? Or is this droning on and on through overrun objectives in the hope of a cognition?
When I was at Anzo, I was put through the mill in a similar fashion when there was a slump in available pcs. Suddenly I had an auditor virtually all to myself and it was a nightmare. As soon as I came out of session I was hunted down by a tech page to go straight into the next. I ended up being so ticked off that several hours were wasted trying to handle THAT “ARC break”! 62 hours for one pc just tells the story – not enough public to service the 24 auditors 🙂
If you do happen onto a floating TA during the intensives you can always route the pc to the MAA for not being interested in a session. That usually will be enough to stick the needle for another couple of intensives and let the auditor finish out the week in power..
Are these re-Clears? Or brand new, never attested before Clears? How many times can you unattest and re-attest and still be a Clear stat?
I know several people who have done and re-done clear five times. I would say that in dave’s world there is simply no limit to the number of times one can achieve the glorious state of clear. It’s probably quite real to the PCs since they rollercoaster down the brige with all the eval, inval, make-wrong and other suppressive crap then they rocket back up and down and up and down…
Number of times over the material, etc…
If people have done and attested to Clear five times then this should be proof to them that the Tech no longer works. Therefore, there is no product to sell newcomers therefore there will be no expansion in the future. That their donations are therefore being wasted and they would be better off spending it on themselves and gaining some enjoyment out of it.
many many times…….. as long as your cash hold out!
Re-Clears! OMG, that is effing funny!
What confounds me is the willingness to un-attest, to believe that even though you successfully got whatever alleged gains a level gives you are so un-self-determined that you agree with it. I understand that this is an artifact of brain washing, but I really don’t GET it…
I know one person who did the levels in 1973, retrained in ’73-4, then did most the SHBC before deciding that he wanted OUT. Ten years later he recommitted to Scn. I haven’t spoken to him in 15 years, but if my calculations are right, by now he has done/redone the materials on the levels at least 4 times. I knew about 3 Purifs he did, but must assume it’s been redone at least on a couple of more occasions. What a huge waste of time and $$$! Jeez, it was boring enough ONCE.
I have two Clear numbers myself. Glad I quit before I had 17.
Many times over equals certainty.
62 hours in a single week for one PC. Wow, am I jealous.
Averaging 4 intensives per week. That ain’t cheap. I’m guessing so few got to Clear because they ran out of $. Typical.
“Virtually every pc completing the survival rundown and going into the HGC at ASHO goes clear within 2-4 weeks.”
This sort of reminds me of some policy I read somewhere.
“A condition of treason or cancelation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of background of any person found guilty will be activated in the case of anyone committing the following HIGH CRIMES:”
“8. Boasting as to speed of delivery in session, such “I put in Grade 0 in 3 minutes.” Etc.”
“9. Shortening time of application of auditing for financial or labor saving consideration.”
Quite right Dan351. But it’s worse than that. Dave NEEDS these numbers to be impressive right now. So he’s probably looking the other way on those clear attests (not that he’s a trained C/S or anything). But one day…those clears will be getting a sad R factor right around the time of GAT….(what number are we up to now?), uh, whatever the next GAT is.
Exactly, Dan 351. No one seems to remember the LRH references on the subject. I wrote that up in a KR to Flag a few years back and all it got me was 2 MAA’s uninvited at my door to “handle you on your KR.” Since when is quoting LRH an offense? Since DM took over, that’s when!
And I noticed in the ASHO promo that they brag that each pc is receiving 4 intensives a week and one person received over 60 hours of auditing in a week. Really? Can you spell OVERRUN? This violates the reference on letting the pc have his/her win. LRH talks about if you try to put in all the Grades at once, the FN you are seeing is from a process 4 processes ago and you never noticed that it isn’t an FN on completing a new process but is the same FN from his win on the first one. And the auditor pushed on beyond that win. So what you get is a bypassed case who didn’t even have the stuff really run on him as he was still I a win from the first one. It is auditing over a win, bypassed FN, overrun etc. Auditing used to be for the pc and you were allowed your wins and they’d tell you come back when you want more auditing. Now it is done for the WDAHs and the stats. It is, no you don’t need a break, come sit down and pick up the cans. It’s downright scarey the repurcussions of 60 hrs a week of auditing. Cases will be bypassed and messed up for sure, and all so the HGC can get its stats up.
Now, now Cindy, you have to look at “creating a future market”. All of these pcs that now get O/R and case bypassed can and must be fished up again on one of the next GATs….
It’s so blatant!. Whatever they’re doing, it’s not the Scientology in the original HCOB’s and PL’s..
Spot on Dan, spot on!
Dan ,
Keeping Scientology Working.
This Quickie stuff will go FLATLINE
just like Quikie Grades in the late 1960’s
History is repeating itself , watch and take notes.
Flag has been advertising speed of bridge progress since at least 15 years, probably longer. They have flatlined, but are not advertising that to all and sundry.
That’s from Keeping Scientology Working. That’s all “old hat” now. That’s the old “green on white” stuff that COB is removing from the Orgs. Ideal Orgs don’t run on that basis anymore. It is all to do with Sales and “Closing Techniques” these days.
Public are staying away in droves.
Pac Base is a Ghost town.
Number of Kool Aid drinkers gets less by the minute.
Out tech – and “donations fever”!
Is it saying over a hundred hours of survival rundown? Isn’t that objectives? Good god!
Let’s see here …………….basic route to clear and OT: go up the bridge to OT VIII and then have RTC re-evaluate your bridge progress. Start over on the Purif and then the SRD at ASHO. Then go clear and OT…………again. Determine through your new found abilities and consultations with Gavin Potter how you are going to move your income into a new stellar (spelled cellar) range. Wait for Dear Leader to work out the kinks with GAG III and have RTC re-evaluate ……….I think I get it now.