This is a recent email ASHO sent to SHSBC Graduates.
The Snr C/S apparently doesn’t have enough work to do, so is writing letters. He valiantly tries to worm his way around the fact that ASHO no longer delivers the Briefing Course — it’s no longer the home of the Briefing Course it is now the “home for all Briefing Course alumni to get training and processing” and “the top Survival Rundown delivery unit on the planet.”
This is like an email from Harvard to alumni if Harvard had been closed down as a university and converted into a Grade School.
The straight up and vertical ideal PAC Base is just another hallucination in the scientology bubble. And nobody seems to even comment on it.
Seriously, THIS is the “Golden Age” of scientology. The most iconic organization and course in scientology has been eradicated and still the bubble dwellers buy into the idea that everything is great.
I wonder if they would wonder if Emeters were abolished? “We found LRH direction that said that emeters are a MEST hindrance to truly OT auditing, we now use special gold plated Fitbits for the Cause Resurgence Rundown and otherwise all auditing is done in the original Book One style. Every single arbitrary entered into by others has been stripped away. All hail COP.”
Dear Harold,
As a Class VI, you are one of the few people on this planet who has the full knowledge of the mind and life imparted on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. You are a Saint Hiller – a Duke of the Auditor Elite.
ASHO as an organization is here for you – as you may know, for the last year we have been under the guidance of a new command team from Flag, which has resulted in the biggest expansion ASHO has had in decades.
I had the good fortune to be involved in the training of hundreds of Class VI auditors over many years, and I know how much dedication it takes to make it. Therefore, you as an auditor are very important to me. I want you to have all of the back-up you need as a Hubbard Senior Scientologist – whether it is help from one of our trained Ethics Officer, from our FSM area with any of your selectees or help from our Chaplain, our doors are open to you.
ASHO is also the home for all Briefing Course alumni to get training and processing. There are services here for everyone – we have a fantastic Golden Age of Knowledge Courseroom, the best Academy which trains expert auditors for all of the Americas, the top Survival Rundown delivery unit on the planet, an Internship that is effortlessly graduating permanently certified auditors, and an HGC which can crack any case. We also continue to deliver our specialty – the spectacular Power Processing – with out team of 4 Flag Trained Golden Age of Tech Phase II Class VIIs.
Whether or not you have been to ASHO recently, I invite you to come on down to see all of your old friends! I would love to personally show you around and let you see all of the exciting things that are happening here.
Much Love,
Cosimo Sherman
Lead Case Supervisor ASHO
I received a bulk mailer from ASHO earlier this year that said on the front “We’ve been trying to get a hold of you,” or some such. It was odd and something I would have NEVER expected to see. And I just thought to myself, obviously, they’ve been unsuccessful in getting hold of enough public that they print up a BMO and send it out. Now that’s desperate.
Dear Coaimo;
Thank you for your message! As you know I finished the Sr. SHSBC back in ’77, along with with 98 others that year and abother 98 the next year, so I’m estatic to hear of such wonderful expansion.
Considering your heartfelt desire to get a comm line in with all us Dukes, you should cc the Independant Scientology field, as that is where we all are these days. Come join us!
Bob Grant.
“our doors are open to you.” so is Mike’s Blog.
David Miscavige has been very high maintenance. Several staff to hover about him, private chef and trainer, gym, cars, homes, body guards, private investigators AND ATTORNEYS.
He is getting millions of dollars in perks every year, and not paying any gift tax on that, but never mind. He is clearly costing the Church millions every year to maintain AND, he costs the Church billions every year in good will.
What is strange, is that all the make up, tanning bed time, trainer, speech writer, staff and servants, tailors and stylists, all the FKN support this man has, and he ranks as the most unpopular Scientologist that ever lived.
How much has his current image cost the Church of Scientology? You couldn’t clean that man up with a fire hose and a tub of bleach. He is more infamous in this section of the galaxy, than Xenu.
What Int Management? You mean, Miscarriage? There’s no place to hide in Clearwater, is there?
My last session in the cherch was done by Cosimo. He told me I had a valid fn because I’d had a win. I said no, I was just made wrong. He said I was doing better than when the session had started, that it was an fn and it was the end of session.
He was married approx 2003. No idea if he is still married.
Alas, poor Cosimo, I knew him… ( Shades of Shakespeare) But this collapse was the natural progression. Back in the 80’s day and fdn had good BC stats. There were over 200 on the BC on fdn alone under Chris Montgomery. But they kicked her out, and trotted out GAT one. Than pretty much killed it. In a desperate attempt to keep stats up Day started delivering on fdn hrs and fdn did sop likewise. About 5 years ago when I was last on lines at ASHO / F- they had 36 on the BC.
I guess their stats continued to fall, and they split the training areas up – where FDN had 2 floors to itself during FDN hrs, now it had half. Day and foundation had collapsed into two full time orgs, each with half of the space, because neither had enough public to fill the space like they used to. It was about that time I was asked to go be a suppressive somewhere else so I lost touch with an org I had been on lines at since 1970. Sigh.
You asked, and I gave you some hearsay about a certain ex-SO on another site. Did you see it?
Sigh back. Good for you Mimsey 🙂
And Barbara Glass was our Class 8 sup… RIP. I went to see Chris after that declare. I hadn’t known her prior. She said to me something like ‘leave me alone. Go talk to your husband’. My husband (ASHO D staff) didn’t know or his thoughts were so brainwashed he could not speak.
By us talk’in, I think we heal. Mimsey – Mike can you send me her address or send her mine is I guess the way it is.
Tom and John out there body routing? Imagine that.
How many re-do’s of courses do they have? To me it emphasizes just how much they are struggling to lure in/ extract money from the general public (not sure why that might be) so they keep fleecing the sheep to make up for it.
It is expensive paying for those hair plugs after all, isn’t it captain dave.
I think someone found the dog-eared, stained and trampled Bluebird owner’s manual from el’Ronnie’s mobile home, and that’s where the amazing data for hoe-T 9 & 10 was found. It just needed a little word smithing and editing from Let Him Die.
On another note, I wonder if Let Him Die had the same attitude about ‘not interfering’ with the Flounder’s death…if he stood by and did nothing. Would not surprise me in the least.
Can’t wait to read Papa Bear’s upcoming book.
Jesse prince who was at int while all this was going down really blows the lid off what happened in Hubbards last days, at the Getting Clear conference that was held in Toronto last summer.
First time Ive truly felt sorry for the old man since back when I believed he had broken his back researching OTIII.
That whole conference was hair raising, just when you think you already pretty much have heard it all.
“…..I want you to have all of the back-up you need as a Hubbard Senior Scientologist – whether it is help from one of our trained Ethics Officer….” first stop ladies and gentleman…is the ethics officer! Here in Scientology we want you to feel free and self-determined. First thing we want to know is…have you been been using your computer in your own home to read anything negative about the church?
Oh No, I watched Dancing With Stars !
You’re toast….
Cosimo’s final plea is “Whether or not you have been to ASHO recently, I invite you to come on down to see all of your old friends!”
WTF “all of your old friends” inside ASHO? There are no “all of your old friends” in Scientology. Maybe if he said Rocky Stump will be there signing autographs on his Goldenrod declare, he might get some takers.
Wow, Rocky. He had a Kha Khan cert. Lotta good it did him.
“…under the guidance of a new command team from Flag, which has resulted in the biggest expansion ASHO has had in decades.”
It can be measured and analyzed to scientific rigor that this statement in true. The volume of space nominally occupied by one human being is measurable and was, over the period of Flag supervision indeed, measured. The total number of Human Being Spaces(HBS) at ASHO buildings that were measured as ’empty’ has undergone the largest expansion in decades. It’s epic, even. Plus, the purity of HBS’s has zoomed to 100% (i.e. ‘perfect’), seeing as each space delineated is more and more uniformly untainted by people parts breaching the borders of each HBS!
(Please accept my apologies for not expressing the proper enthusiasm and exuberance normally required of a proper Scientologist. I was too lazy to utilize the caps and exclamation marks; and anyhow, I much prefer using good grammar, spelling, punctuation, and good manners in my missives–just being decent and courteous.
I guess I’m feeling kinda WOGISH today!!!!!!)
I very fondly remember Cosimo Sherman from Delphi. He was a very nice kid. In retrospect, I think he was probably gay. While not a flamboyant guy, he fit the stereotype. He wasn’t into sports, he was into theatre. He didn’t have a girlfriend, but he was every girl’s best friend. He used to kid about being gay. He used to bullbait me by singing the song “On My Own” from Les Mis, as if he had a gay crush. I’m guessing he’s probably married now. If he weren’t in the Sea Org, I think he’d likely be in a gay relationship.
His younger brother Rocky also joined the Sea Org at CC Int.
I can’t count the number of ways your post is offensive to those of us who are actually gay. Yet another display of Scilon homophobia.
I’m bisexual, I can say what I want. And I said nothing homophobic. I believe he was probably gay, and my comment was supposed to be as a remark about how sad it is that he can’t be himself.
Be specif, Espiando? I’m not homophobic at all, wasn’t even when I was a scio.
I thought said post was just stating facts, can’t pick up one word of disapproval or anything else untoward. I also got it that he’s gay. It’s quite obvious, actually, to me, at least. I like gays if they’re nice people. Just because I pick up on someone being gay, doesn’t mean I disapprove.
Hubbard was just a nasty man, off his head. Unfortunately, the majority of people in go along with him on this one. But a lot of people who have never been scios go along with his concept.
We live in a racialist, discriminating society. It’s wrong.
In fact, I’m intolerant of intolerant, judging, small minded people, while we’re on the subject. Grrr…!!
It was certainly not my intention to disparage him, but I suppose I could have said more nice things about him besides just speculating his sexual orientation. Cosimo was a very outgoing, gregarious guy. If he saw a loner or a wallflower, he would go out of his way to make them feel included. He was very down to earth. If you had a crush on a girl, and he was friends with that girl, he’d be your wingman and try and help you be friends with her. If a girl had problems with her boyfriend, he’d be the guy she’d confide in and he’d be there to listen. But the thing is, he was like every girl’s best friend, and it’s not like he had a crush on a pretty girl and she was just “friend zoning” him, his role was like that of a gay best friend that the girl didn’t have to worry about having any sexual interest in her. It’s not like he couldn’t get a girlfriend, I think he was quite popular. He was a tall, really skinny guy, probably the skinniest guy in the whole school, but he had a really pretty face.
Unfortunately, he started at Delphi relatively late. I think he was 16 when he started going there. It typically takes at least 4 years to complete Delphi’s graduation program, so if you want to graduate high school at a typical age, you’d better not start there past the age of 14. He attended Delphi for three years, but in his second year, he was on a “special program” instead of the regular graduation program because he was 17 and he didn’t want to wait until the was 20 before he could graduate from Delphi.
He was a creative type, he played piano, he was a writer, an actor and director. With a sparkling, gregarious personality, I think he could have had some kind of career in the entertainment business. That being said, I was really disappointed when I found out that he joined the Sea Org. I thought it was such a waste of a bright, sparkling, talented individual.
Church of Dave
Dig your grave
Buried dreams
In brain dead slaves
Espiando — the amazing thing is that because of the incredible “glass shards” left in the minds of those who experienced the Sea Org OR scientology for any length of time — the former delphi student doesn’t even HEAR OR SEE OR THINK that he’s homophobic. At all.
Scientology does an amazing thing — it penetrates our brains with GLASS SHARDS — we can’t see them, can’t feel them.
It’s a post — such as yours that says — HEY DUDE??? You are just offensive — To. The. Bone. — that might get “former Delphi Student” – to reflect … and possibly pull OUT one glass shard.
It’s my experience — although I’ve been OUT since 1993 (last service at least) — that finding these glass shards requires HARD WORK and having many NON-SCIO friends, NEVER-INs and couldn’t care — THEY will tell you — WHAT????? you think WHAT?????
Keep speaking out Espiando — it’s the only way to meet each other on solid reality based ground.
Based on the later remark from Former Delphi Student — I jumped too quickly.
Something I am constantly working on —-
That said — I believe could all use a bit more discriminating awareness …
thanks Windhorse.
and maybe i’m just being naive or optimistic… but i think Espi was just displaying his brand of humor.
i helped build that school, Delphi, started two years after its inception then got out way before you got there. We only had the beginnings of a grade school for staff while i was there…
What stricks me was how much slack i was always willing to give the church for abusing me. I did feel abused. No auditing. Work till exhaustion day after day. Always shoved out of bed in the morning. The absurd demands to exceed because of the all-new emergency state of the missions! Oh my merciful father in heaven. Bought IN, i was. See, I was thinking it was only bad here because we were new, a baby org if you will. Turns out all of scientology abuses the very same way all around the world.
Another thing you don’t know, when you are inside. All those believers, driven to exhausion is really a Hubbard dream come true.
Never even considered the idea of leaving the place.
Then i actually broke.
A-plus for dedication but i’m afraid that caps the recognition… until realizing later, of course, i got back the life god gave me to begin with, lost and found.
One smiling icon here. (I-motocon happy)
Dear Harold,
Please come to OCMB, WWP, ESMB, several FaceBook groups, Mike’s blog or Tony’s blog. You’ll be much more likely to run into a lot more of your old friends there.
Sorry, there are no ethics officers, FMSs or Chaplains here. Oh, wait. I’m not at all sorry.
I don’t think Cosimo Sherman knows people are getting trained out here with out the bullying and sadism. Having bar b ques at the end of the day, whipping out the Marguarita machine on Saturday nights after course. Pot luck lunches. Laughter. Good times. Fearless painless curiosity being encouraged in living rooms across the planet.
Compulsory education is widely recognized now as a failing system in the “wog” world. Where are all of the auditors that have been trained over the decades? They were all fired and had their certs cancelled by David Miscavige. As, not fit to audit as they were trained under Hubbard’s regime.
And Cosimo Sherman contributes to that SUPPRESSIVE INJUSTICE.
Under David Miscavige’s regime, the Church of Scientology has made more SP’s than class IV auditors. David Miscavige creates SP’s, and Cosimo Sherman has been shape shifted into one of them. He stood by and permitted every cert on the planet to be cancelled by an announcement from that entity Miscavige.
Not only that, but with the release of GAOT, Miscavige labeled every staff member on the planet an overt product maker. He calls this, “leadership” when it is really ethnic cleansing that brings mass exodus from the halls of Scientology.
If I remember correctly, isn’t Cossimo Sherman the son of Dan Sherman?
(Minor correction Mike: Lead C/S post is not the same as Senior C/S. Senior C/S is a Div 5 post – in Qual. Lead C/S is a Div 4 post. They would be over all other Div 4 C/Ses such as KTL/LOC, Student C/S, etc etc. Surely they don’t have any other C/Ses but he gets the title anyway).
So ridiculous constantly dragging public in to do services over and over and over again. But they do. And some fools just eat it up!
I trained on the BC at Flag and I was the Tech C/S for ASHOD in 2003 and 2004 (mostly getting people onto their OT Levels by getting them through OT Preps and Elig). Good riddance. I am happy to be free of that place and have a life.
Forgive me, but I’m not in present time, in that I haven’t yet been able to wrap my wits around the fact that the American Saint Hill Organization no longer delivers the Saint Hill Briefing Course, and now, on top of that MU of mine, ASHO is apparently positioning itself as an org for Class VI Auditors who are the most Valuable Beings On The Planet but whose certs are invalid so they can’t audit Class VI… The Church of Scientology is indeed a desperate, delusional cult, and I’m going to stop trying to make sense out of insanity.
“Forgive me, but I’m not in present time,…”
P.S. David Miscavige does not permit people to be in present time. When he cancels certs across the globe he shape shifts everyone out of present time.
One minute you are an auditor, or an OT, or Clear, the next minute you are back to square one!
Who the FK can stay in present time??????????
Hey, isn’t that what Mike Rinder has predicted, almost word for word?
Tom Cruise wants an interview with Oprah Winfrey to counter accusations:
This is quoted as the original source of the report. They read this blog, obviously …
I wonder about such a statement. It’s not like Cruise to speak to people like Radar whomever.
If per chance he does speak to Oprah, she’s asks very impinging questions. It might be, hopefully, the undoing of him. I hope she’s merciless. They could have a prior agreement, of course, on what should be asked. Damn, these people. Shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
Looks like they quoted Mikes blog from the other day but took a bit out of context in the first sentence as if it’s a done deal. Jeez, everyone reads this blog 🙂
There seems to be something/someone else:
Quote: [The Mission Impossible actor is reportedly “sick and tired of all the rumors and accusations” and preparing to do a sit-down interview, according to a new report.
His top choice to conduct the televised conversation is Oprah Winfrey. “He’s worried that a more hostile journalist would try to paint him an bad light,” an insider tells Life & Style.]
That bit of “Life & Style” is not available online (yet), so it’s supposedly in the printed edition. I don’t think the ‘insider’ refers to Mike.
This is probably old news but I noticed on Google Earth that COB has bulldozed the Old Gilman House, The Weise House, and the Maintenance Man House at the western end of Gold. Makes one wonder if the bastard is building a new SP Hole underground and out of view of satellites and protesters. They must be getting desperate for new blood because I am getting membership offers for the IAS left and right. LoL
Do they know you’re out? Or, are they just idiots?
Freudian slip:
I want you to have ALL OF THE BACKUP you need as a Hubbard Senior Scientologist – whether it is help from one of our trained Ethics Officer, from our FSM area with any of your selectees or help from our Chaplain.
It Shows what they think of their Hubbard Senior Scientologist – They are out-ethics as the first help they propose is the E.O. or help from the FSM area for the selectees to patch up the arcxs even more telling, it Looks like they know they have a huge arcx field as they offer the chaplain.
And that is ALL the help they offer ?
One can instantly recognize the problems they are trying to solve, when reading those mails, and what they really think of their public: those arcx, out-ethics scumbags that don’t bring in their selectees….
This is a joke and no class VI will answer it as he knows that this sentence contains another freudian slip:
“with out (having done the briefing course) team of 4 Flag Trained Golden Age of Tech Phase II Class VIIs”
“It Looks like they know they have a huge arcx field as they offer the chaplain”.
Exactly, Roger.
Guess leaking this email is Harold’s way of saying ” LEAVE ME THE F%$# ALONE!” Haha! Good one Harold
WHat would happen if one went in a true believer after buying dianetics off ebay for $2 and bought the next 7 others for $8 and wanted to join? Then stated they had no money? Do they tell ppl. They have to leave?
I can tell you my OT5 partner has given a ton of money to the cult and is now begging for money to pay his bills when he lived a lifestyle anyone would be envious of ten years ago, having visited 37 countries and never having children and being fairly famous. He moved back to Clearwater and can’t even take a few inexpensive classes unless he borrows the money. They won’t let him do anything for free. Plus he has pledged way to much given he’s on social security. They won’t give him a $100 course on credit or in advance. He will die an OT5. How sad they treat such a formerly famous person who gave them so much and now can’t pay his 1BR apt rent.
Time your partner woke up, and realize they have been conned. A famous face is a lot more damaging ‘bad PR’ than a thousand from the general populace. Whistleblowers on the Co$ should be in demand by the press just now too.
This does not mean that they are turning their back on their Church, its quite obvious their Church has turned their back on them.
And all to satisfy the ego of a man who won’t even submit to basic auditing, make a public appearance on TV to address allegations against his corporation, and who point-blank refuses to countenance that ANY of the current malaise is his doing.
A sign of great weakness in a leader.
I’m surprised they didn’t send him to the RPF for being a broke DB. And, yes, dying an OT 5 is tragic! Without 6 & 7 you won’t get rid of all of your BTs! Now that’s Super Tragic…
Not to worry, Scientology has a beautiful inspiring command for the dying:
Go to a hospital, pick up a body and buy more Scientology.
But remember all you dead people, stay away from the light of Spirit!
It’s a DB, SP, PTS, Marcabian, Fifth Invader implant station on Mars!
Your only hope is finding a hospital and buying more Scientology.
Have any of you wondered why LRon Hubbard’s after life doctrines are only about control, pain and electronic mind torture?
And the idea of heaven [spiritual worlds] is a decadent implant.
Such ignorance masquerading as an evolved philosophy!
The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course purpose was for all Scientologists audit the OT levels.
David Miscavige got rid of it of course to keep the Bubble dwellers MUSHROOMS,
kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Yep, they are like mushrooms. They’re kept in the dark and then someone comes by and kicks their heads off.
not before they upgraded their IAS status to
Diamond Platinum Ruby studded Life size Yogi Berra statue
Eternity Immortalous Maximus “It aint over till it’s over” Trophy.
Jose, I stand corrected…
Translated: “We need bodies in the shop and stats so we can eat, sleep and “be” slaves. Poor sea orger’s! I wish they would be freed from human trafficking and slavery in Scientology.
Idle, when they get down to ‘counting’ bits of dust taken off something for stats, you just know it’s not going well for the cult.
I would think inviting Briefing Course grads back to see what’s going on now, and not going on now, would be the last thing they would want to do. These guys are going to wonder “What the hell happened to LRHs church?”
Cosimo Sherman a second generation scientologist. Eric Sherman’s son. What a waste.
Mike is this your spelling error, or did they forget to put the word “Tech” before team???
“the spectacular Power Processing – with out team of 4 Flag Trained Golden Age of Tech Phase II Class VIIs.”
I didnt change anything. I didnt retype the email, just copied it.
“As a Class VI, you are one of the few people on this planet who has the full knowledge of the mind and life imparted on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. You are a Saint Hiller – a Duke of the Auditor Elite”.
Cosimo….We are not the Dukes of the Auditor Elite in the eyes of the planet’s head tech guru, David Miscavige.
He cancelled our certs you idiot.
If I ever went there I’d keep my dukes up.
I’d have your back….
“Cosimo…We are not the Dukes of the Auditor Elite in the eyes of the planet’s head tech guru, David Miscavige.
He cancelled our certs, you idiot.”
Thank you for this much-needed laugh, Potpie!
Not that its funny that hard earned certs are cancelled, just that this Cosimo charactor is such an imbecile!
“for the last year we have been under the guidance of a new command team from Flag,”
er, were they Class VI and above, or just the usual SO untrained admin robots who only know how to shout and bully Staff?
“the top Survival Rundown delivery unit on the planet,” All Ideal Orgs are = but this seems to say this bunch is more = than the others.
This is not a bubble they are in its a Theta trap.
Oooooo, I’m a Permanent Class 6 auditor, a Duke of the Elite! I wonder how many of us are G O N E. I know several Class 6’s and 8’s that are OUT. This is a meaningless cert to EVERYONE.
Wow, Mary! You’re a Permanent Class 6 Auditor? I’m impressed! But what I’m more impressed with is YOU’RE OUT! Let me know if I need to call you Miss McCarran.
Call me “Sir.”
Oh gawd. I just barfed.
Nope, I’m a simple, plain ole ordinary, run-of-the-mill, SP.
LMFAO!!!! Oh, my! Now that’s some funny shit! Still laughing…
Thanks, Mary!
So long ago, 1968 at ASHO on Temple St. Classroom had 50 or so on the BC and the place was on fire! Now but a memory of good times.
American Saint Hill Entropy (ASHE)
When I was there in 1976 there were over 200 on the BC. Things were busting at the seams…..
There’s such a mixed message here: On the one hand, you’re valuable, because you’re a Class VI auditor, and have completed a course that by the way we don’t even deliver anymore because they one you did was all wrong, but still, you’re so valuable…contrary fact, much, Cosimo?
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it a requirement that one be an interned CL VI in order to do
the CL VII (Power auditor) course? If there is no GAG phase II BC, then how is it that there is a GAG phase II CL VII course?
I bet those 4 Power auditors just sit around and pick their noses as I doubt very many people do Power these days. Back in the day when everyone did Power, ASHO Day had two Power auditors and they were running people through that level like shit through a goose. Of course they had a handful of VI interns doing the set ups.
I think Cosimo has been in a bubble his entire life. Probably has no idea what the real world is like. Get out of your ivory tower Cosimo and wake up.
Michael, I doubt that will happen. As everything is falling apart, the clampdown is only going to get worse. They’ll be looking for spies everywhere. The paranoia will be rampant. KRs will increase exponentially. Whew! Just thinking about this cult makes my head spin….
They’re graduating PERMANENTLY certified auditors ?How sad that some people will believe that. The only way the certs are permanent is if the cos implodes before cob cancels them again.
Chairman of Cancellation (COC)
Tom Cruise ‘furious’ over Katie Holmes apology to Leah Remini.
How precious is that? I mean, all this would sound like soap-opera tripe for little old ladies if it were fiction, but no… we are talking about the cover of a serious business publication, actually concerned with what Tom Cruise has to say about his disgruntled ex-wife.
oh dear
Looks like there may be some catching up to do, Tom.
And it is good to see that you have begun talking, saying something anyway, about all this bad press you’ve been getting… for the last decade and a half!
Speak up, yes, and don’t stop now.
Katie has been a bad girl? Oh. do tell… tell us more. Tell us everything, pretty pretty please.
With sugar on top.
A cupcake on the side with whipped icing and a cherry…
[what i would not do for sweet revelation from the lips of Tom Cruise, omg]
Put the brains of two very close friends (schoolgirls, perhaps) on a specially calibrated MRI scanner set to show brain activity vs. non-activity. Colors change from blue to red where active, and, as they converse and become engaged in each other’s conversation, the two images on the screen begin to look identical! It is something of a marvel to behold.
That NPR documentary was in mind when i said it is no accident that Tom and Dave are such good friends. Recalling that, that they are both illiterate in the same way, their brains deny information in the same way, they both are very similarly arrogant… i can see their identical brains lighting up now just like the two schoolgirl playmates chattering about boys…
Tom is not upset because more evidence reveals his church is abusing people.
He does not think his philosophy does harm or that he benifits from the suffering of others in some sinister way. He does not think that possibility exists in his church. The delusions suffered between the two of them could fill a volcano, i would guess. A notable example is Tom’s own abuse of scn servants in his own house, as described in Leah’s book, the delusion being that abuse is not abuse, in his mind his abuse is some sort of manifest destiny.
So now he is upset, over what? His ex-wife is not hating the brave, albeit errant and critical behavior of Leah Remini. He wants Leah trashed, so her allegations would be trashed, how singularly thoughtless of him. And typical. Scientologist think they think for themselves when thinking went out the door by letting Dianetics in to do the job for you, the new-born scn-gist, greater and greater regions of the brain systematically shut down progressively up The Bridge.
Story starts to get kinda dull…
But, in this true colors come to light.
Tom cares about himself, first and last. He does care about his (notably mind manipulating) church, I am also sure, but if lives are wasted or destroyed in the process of keeping the church built around him, so be it. So be it. Certainly no remorse for anyone getting thrown off the boat, or…
I’m afraid his brain is out of service for the remainder of his story.
No sense in waiting…
But let’s see; only two guys keep the boat afloat.
Knowing there is no chance for Dave to flip (again, already hopelessly delusional and unable to grasp …logic. Not only does he firmly believe that scn is a science, he believes it is the ONLY science worth knowing)
We will have to let the world know what scientology really is without their help,
and little love lost from me. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I’m sick of being bugged by Tom (do not dare ask me about scientology) Cruise.
and power to all who speak
Ha Ha! Say it, Mr. Cruise! PLEASE say it!
On Oprah’s couch, sitting down or jumping up and down, just say it!
But…open the window first and then scream that line.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Briefing Course alumni getting training & processing at ASHO which DOES NOT deliver the Briefing Course anymore? It boggles the mind…
What are fitbits? Gold plated these things?
Oh Cosimo. I remember when he was just a kid on course at CCInt before he joined the Sea Org. So sad. They aren’t even advertising that they deliver the BC any more. Basically he is telling this guy, you are a Senior Scientologist, but come in and do EVERYTHING over again because you aren’t Phase II and there is NO Phase II for you. But come in and see your old friends.
ASHO to ARCX Field:
“Yes, come back and pay us a visit. Reconnect with all your old friends whose certs were arbitrarily cancelled by David Miscavige just like yours were! Mingle with hundred of highly trained auditors who are no longer permitted to audit! Share all your failed purposes with one another. Get reality on the fact that you’re not an Only One Failed Auditor. You have LOTS of company!”
A senior c/s making, in effect, cold calls to drum up some business for the big old sinking ship. If Mr. Sherman sends out enough of those letters he might raise his stats but he’s not going to be creating the in-flow that’s supposed to result in equivalence to the outflow. That doctrine has been disproved a thousand times over notwithstanding its lofty status as a stable datum. But at least he’s keeping busy which is important when fighting depression and malnutrition.
Fascinating the first help offer is for an Ethics Officer (to ensure he has not been reading Mike’s Blog or other similar SP activities); then comes the help from an FSM (hum, wonder why? could it be to rip him off?) and then the help of the Chaplain.
The above sequence really shows where this so called religious church stands…even though is collapsing.
From asho to ashes, from dave to dust…
Ah, yes. Ashes and dust, indeed, BlindersOff. Shall we say a prayer for the departed Briefing Course? Or, would that be off policy?
Pray that Davey runs out of prey.
I pray for different things to happen to Corn on the COB. I shall not post them here…
Great pun, Blindersoff.
Kinda confused with the lingo. Does this mean that they are asking already trained auditors to come and relearn the basics below their level? Like a person with a PHD in Math being asked to take intro algebra
Exactly. It’s the Harvard PhD being told to come back to redo his Grade School classes as they are “so much better now than when you did them.”
And it’s all due to Corn on the COB! All hail the king who single handily found all those commas, colons and semi-colons as well as people who really had not gone clear. Are they now going to change from AD 52 (or something like that) to whenever the dwarf came out with GAG 1?
Dave’s working on parentheses and brackets now.
I was wondering when he would get around to doing that.
Well He better get to work plucking those extra semicolons, apostrophes and exclamation points off his dingleberries before He gets too excited about the straight up and verticalness of his new GaggOnIt technical breakthroughs.
“…plucking those extra semicolons, apostrophes and exclamation points off his DINGLEBERRIES…” I would have no idea what you mean by that. But, I do have a hunch…
Go with it!
Three cheers for David Miscavige’s Goldenrod Age Of Tech and Ridge To Total Freedom.
Not without your arithmetic hatting you’re not! That’ll be $6,000.
Will you take a check?
In addition to your tribute of hair pieces (go big or go home), scotch and what looks to be ronseal, yes. Bathing in it doesn’t come cheap.
Oh, and your processing fee. Don’t hesitate to donate for the new sign coming soon to every organisation near you! “Don’t be that guy, don’t be CSMFOHB. Give generously.”