For some time I have been commenting on ASHO being an org without a role. With the cancellation of the Briefing Course they have resorted to pushing “debugs” and “Basics.”
But now they have a new title “The Clearing Org of the Americas”
This says an enormous amount about the abject failure of the “ideal” org program.
Class V (local) scientology orgs are supposed to be the ones that do the “clearing.” But the vast majority of them (all?) cannot do so. Literally, they do not have the staff trained to be able to deliver the necessary actions to certify someone as “clear.”
And this is in the Second “golden age” of tech that was supposed to make training “lightning fast” and result in a huge volume of new auditors being made (go back and watch the Shermanspeak hype at that event in 2013 if you don’t believe me… but be prepared to throw up).
AND this is the era of “ideal orgs” (now 12 years along) where the only barrier to orgs rapid and massive expansion had been removed by buying new buildings.
So how is it possible that ASHO is the “Clearing Org of the Americas” instead of all the local orgs “clearing their communities” with GAG II and “ideal orginess.”
Well, there is a very simple and very obvious answer.
This is possible because not a single claim that Miscavige made about “GAG II” was true. Training in orgs no longer happens. They have been focused for two years on getting everyone to redo their Student Hat, Purif and Objectives — if not “The Basics.”
And likewise, everything he said about the “ideal org” program was also a lie. It has NOT resulted in larger orgs (except if you measure it like he does in square feet of [unused] space).
Everywhere you turn, and everything you see, is evidence piling on top of the enormous heap of existing evidence that the claims made by scientology Inc are atrocious and obvious fabrications.
Like LRH said, where there is out-tech the public will “stay away in droves”.
And so, DM’s shrinking orgs continue to shrink.
It is interestingly for me to read all the comments about PTP. A PTP is a problem which exists in present time, and it should be solved now/yet/immediately .. and if not done it will hold up a person from being in session. Following a PTP goes with be In Session .. and without this In Sessioness auditing can not happen ..
So you cannot have a PTP with a child .. except it is ill or other which need your help now .. having a continous problem with something is not called a PTP .. it has always to be now .. not yesterday or in generell .. that is not a PTP .. it is only a situation for which you have yet / now to give care for ..
A child can never be a PTP .. it can only be a problem which you can not resolve in your like .. but the counter part has at the same time a problem too .. therefore it is a problem
The counterpart to a PTP is the auditing session itself .. and it says only that you want to do something else instead of being audited .. that’s all .. there is nothing more to say to it .. a PTP is a special type of problem .. and it has always to be now ..
So what? You can not solve a PTP with auditing. Why? Oh it is a line of ARC which is out of order but should be in order for you and others .. and it is not existend yet ..
All rudiments go the same way .. asking you for being out of ARC in one way or another and so is the whole Bridge .. asking you for being out of ARC .. and so is the PTP too ..
I should shorten my long comment .. A PTP is everything what you should handle now and not later .. the only question about this definition is why a person goes into session when she has a PTP .. I have never grasped that ..
A typical PTP would be that your tubes are broken and your flat goes under water .. but instead of handling that, you go in session ..
Where will Miscavige escape to when all this ends?
A new re-hash of Orgs that Clear? Old hat of course! There is some ironic truth in this, nevertheless:-
CLEAR (absence) of people – that is!
And another truth:- Ideal Orgs are factually no more than “Lie-deal Orgs”, which deal soley in lies!
She forgot to thank Captain Miscavige and RTC who made the tech possible despite LRH’s bumbling best efforts. I’m surprised that one got through Issue Authority.
“ideal orginess.” Laughter!
The jargon, the steps, the nonsense! I guess Clear in Scientology, means that you have actually stepped over onto the dark side. Truly, truly…. truly sad that otherwise bright and very well meaning people actually continue to buy into this’ Nonsense.’. Wish Id gotten my Masters… Would love to research and thoroughly teach about coercion, deceit and manipulation
I just realized how little scientology is doing what their “spokespeople” claim they are about: “I want a world without war, a world without insanity. I want to see people do well. I don’t even think it’s as much as what I want for myself. It’s more what I want for the people around me. That’s what I want.”
―Tom Cruise
I had been gone from scientology over 30 years when I got the first call trying to “recover” me. If I had heard from an old friend after 30 years, I would have been ecstatic. When I heard from them, my first reaction was abject terror.
What “religion” causes an ex-member to react in abject terror simply over the fact that they have been found? That is a sign that things are so very very wrong behind the doors of the cos.
The amount of resources spent on harassing the people scientology presumes to be their enemies or stalking people to force them to give give give money to allow them to harass the people they want to destroy compared to the amount spent on making people happier, sane, better, is so disproportionate that they should really just advertise that their entire purpose in the world is to harass and demean people.
One clear at ASHO? Wow. That’s going to make a huge drop in the bucket of happiness. I would be curious to see the actual statistics of people stalked and harrased to clears made in a given month.
The church of scientology IS insane and able beings within it have no rights and cannot prosper. It is in its own world at war and has become a perfect demonstration of how to BE exactly what you say you are trying to do away with.
Simply and powerfully stated, McCarran.
Valerie — I had to chuckle with the abject terror …
About 2 or 3 years ago I received a call (unlisted number) from someone looking for my ex-husband. He’s been my ex-husband for over 20 years.
Anyway — I started chatting with the woman – who told me she had been in the SO for over 35 years or so. After I got off the phone, I got to thinking — maybe she feels she has no place to go?
I called her back and told her IF she ever wanted to leave – she was welcome in my home.
At which point she started literally screaming at me. I said … OK, but just know you’d have a place to get on your feet.
I’ve never been called since but that wasn’t my intention (to not get called again). My intention truly was to offer a place to start over.
BTW — I now get some yo-yo’s emails about the IAS … inviting me to this and that event.
He has a very strange name … like Sergeant Pepper or something 🙂
Hi Windhorse,You are beautiful if that woman had called me,well she would have to listen to one old pissed off ex SO member & if she had screamed @ me I would have said Talk louder I can ‘ t hear you I’m busy postulating you off this phone line! XO Ann B.
That was a beautiful thing to do!
Someone should write a knowledge report on Amy Hanes and send her to the RPF. I re-read her testimonial several times and not once did she mention COB, comment on his brilliance, or otherwise bloviate over his greatness. What was she thinking?
Amy is apparently the Organization Executive Secretary at the St. Louis Org (and has been for 12 years) — according to Linkedin …
So — her own Org where she *could* have gone clear had to send her 1/2 way across the country. She, no doubt paid for this herself (I’m guessing) and her mother took care of her daughter …
Scientology just ain’t what it used to be … but in many ways — WHEW — that’s a really good thing. It’s not growing. It’s shrinking and even those deeply enmeshed IN are leaving.
Just takes time. We all leave at our own pace. And some only leave by dying. (see last post about Andrick where someone commented about Wendy Ettick’s)
Believe or don’t believe in re-birth —- the truth is sometimes the ONLY way someone can feel as if he/she can escape total *torture* *imprisonment* etc is to die.
My unasked for advice is simply this:
On a daily basis do a body scan/thought scan … and at the end of the day say — did I do more to help myself and others, then I did to harm myself and others.
If you are on the positive side even by only ONE thing — it’s been a great day.
JUST to be more precise — the “body scan/thought scan” is NOT of those pesky BTs/clusters but just scanning your own body with your own attention to fee tight/messed up/achy areas and for thoughts — just remember the day — were you a POWER BITCH (ha ha) or a nice person?
The term body scans BTW are used in yoga all the time.
Hi Windhorse, I have practiced yoga since I was 15 and have never done a “body scan”. There is definitely a mind-body connection when practicing, but I have found this to be true when doing any other form of sport or exercise.
There are hundreds of forms of yoga though, so not to say that it couldn’t happen.
windhorsegallery, St. Louis hasn’t been anything for decades. Most Class V orgs haven’t been. I know as I went around to MANY of them in the US decades ago and most were staffed by a handful of people with almost no delivery. I remember going through ALL org stats before they went to WDC (~’81?) and most non-SO orgs were in non-existence. There were notable exceptions. BUT, they were the exception to the rule. Last time I went by St. Louis around ’84 they were stuck out on a highway with no foot traffic. Had a few staff and TONS of undelivered intensives and courses that people refused to come in for. Around the same time AOLA had hundreds of undelivered OT level packages that had been sold to clears in the 70’s. Scn has never really even been popular to the people who were paying thousands for its services. DM simply accelerated the inevitable by about a decade.
Mike (or anyone), does St. Louis have their “ideal” or building?
They purchased their “ideal” org building over a decade ago but it still sits empty with the windows boarded up while they continue to try and raise the millions to renovate it. I guess Slappy and the IAS have no interest in the mid-west.
Doing away with the Briefing Course is a major removal of LRH from the “tech lines”. Students who studied the SHSBC spent hours reading his books and listening to his tapes. Without that immersion, DM seems to be setting it up so that LRH, and the “tech”, are no longer the “real Scientology”. Instead, the “real Scientology” is whatever DM decides it is. No loss to me, but for some old timers who are still in, I can’t imagine this is very pleasant or reassuring in terms of their eternity (or whatever it is they think they’re still in for).
NTS, PTP means Present Time Problem. ASHO has REALLY shrunk since I was there in 2008. Proof for sure is doing away with the Briefing Course. That was the bomb on courses to be doing to become an Auditor and promoted by the Registrars inside there as the course L. Ron wanted up and coming auditors to do. Wow ASHO sure has declined !!! Good Job Davey in the Navy ! I think he is due for a RPF Bitch Clapping on that decline ! But., I’m sure someone under him will pay for it and blamed. Its a shame !
Ginger, Ginger, Ginger. Don’t you fret. David Miscavige is working very hard to get the Briefing Course in order. He had to line up all the BTB’s and HCOB’s and Lectures and figure out which ones LRH REALLY wanted in and which ones he didn’t. SP’s like Marty Rathbun and others, who have since been removed, squirreled the Briefing Course(s) of old and put in stuff LRH did not want, thereby making the Briefing Course a Suppressive Course. David Miscavige is working very hard – all by himself I might add – to produce the Briefing Course as LRH intended.
It’s really hard to be the ecclesiastical leader of the fastest growing religion on the planet and have to deal with so many SP’s attacking you at once. HE got rid of all the SP’s from within the church; now HE’s working on all the SP’s from without. HE’s really quite something to behold.
Yep, Miscavige (Peace Be Upon Him) is revising the course that LRH delivered personally. I’d love to ask a clam sometime: So, does that mean COB is fixing all of Ron’s fuckups?
May He rule for as long as it takes!
“PTP” is an abbreviation for “Present Time Problem”. A present time problem, or ptp, can be anything a person views as bothersome and a distraction to his or her life.
Kids, for example…
..yea, those pesky things called children.
Yes, babies and children are huge PTPs to the Church of Scientology. That’s why a Sea Org woman has to leave if she be so evil intentioned as to bear one of these messy, little things.
… GAG II and “ideal orginess.” I have to remember that one 🙂 lol
cancelling most important levels done by LRH… a joke.I mean, it was already a joke when AOs were presenting SHs courses as doable in 6 weeks some25 years ago.
Now it’s better: LRH is dead, long life to the scn big reseller of building bought with money stolen to victimsof Harsales techniques.Also done by LRH, reinforced by DM!
Lori , LA Org and asho are two separate Orgs in the same complex. In LA there are several Orgs at the ssmd location.
NTS. Ptp means present time problem.
Boy am I late on the chain….
That’s okay, Tony, number of times over equals certainty.
This is possible because not a single claim that Miscavige made about “GAG II” was true. Training in orgs no longer happens. They have been focused for two years on getting everyone to redo their Student Hat, Purif and Objectives — if not “The Basics.”
And likewise, everything he said about the “ideal org” program was also a lie. It has NOT resulted in larger orgs (except if you measure it like he does in square feet of [unused] space).
Everywhere you turn, and everything you see, is evidence piling on top of the enormous heap of existing evidence that the claims made by scientology Inc are atrocious and obvious fabrications.
The only thing this is missing is: *drops the mic* 😀
Well said Mike.
Here’s a possible juicy bit of gossip. Is Amy Hanses (Amy Kathrein) related to JTs gay nanny Jeff Kathrein? I knew Amy from the OOT program at Flag. She was very nice, and was liked and respected.–NWppY-XZ–/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/18m7n20lfbpntjpg.jpg
Yes, that is her brother
It’s a small world, in Scientology.
Her brother was Travoltas “nanny” for Jett. Was taking care of Jett when he died. And likely was/is Johns lover?
I’m usually not drawn to gossip, but I will admit to some interest in this one. I wonder how that all played out in the church? Was he an SO member? Was he blamed for Jett’s death? Does Miscavige know about their relationship? Did Amy have to disconnect? I need deets, people.
When I was at Saint Hill the R factor was that the BC
was so all Scientologists could audit the OT levels.
David Miscavige trashed that of course.
It’s now about a bigger trophy and lame status for boatloads of money.
Amy is just happy that she didn’t have to sell her daughter to the Sea bOrg. And that ‘going clear’ didn’t take all her families life savings. Or did it? Her ‘testimony’ to the congregation seems heartfelt, but is it? No tribute to COB? Someone is heading for steps a thru e.
ASHO is now poaching ‘customers’ from other levels of the pyramid scheme. That is a sure fired way to piss off the other levels and cause their financial demise.
A good metaphor for the overall operating state of the Church of Scientology today would be a starving body. One of the posters on this blog yesterday differentiated between a fasting body and a starving body. Fasting is causitive to achieve an end; starving is effect. Getting no new Div 6 people and not enough still in people buying services (food) the cult is feeding off the tissues of its less important “organs”, or, possibly what it considers its “fat”, i.e, its Class V orgs.
We can’t know who dictated Amy’s success story but it looks like this is her first time to go Clear. Thirty years ago when I was SO at ASHO, she would have walked out of the building and been greeted by a flock of friends whom she would share the good news with. Judging from a recent Tory Magoo video taken outside the org, when Amy walked out of the building she was greeted by the sound of crickets and a tumbleweed. The neighborhood looks deserted whereas it once resembled Grand Central Station.
PTP is “present time problem”.
ASHO is different from LA Org. It WAS the American St. Hill Organization. Primarily the American home of the Saint Hill Briefing Course – advanced training.
Has the BC actually been officially cacelled? Or is it just not being done anymore because of the lower re-do’s?
The BC is not delivered at ASHO anymore. It’s not GATII.
Another interesting tidbit: All red tech volumes have been removed too. Someone very close to me who’s on course at PAC told me this. Specifically he told me not to get rid of my set of tech vols, and if I ever wanted to, to give them to him. He said: they don’t exist anymore in the course room, they were removed.
David Miscavige will be re-releasing those with the BC at some point. Along with God knows what else.
Unless something major has changed since I left, most people make no real progress in the church, either in training or auditing. They go to the propaganda events that camouflage the real cause of this, which is every Misdcavige program. Every program Miscavige puts forth (Basics, GAT I&2, Ideal Orgs, New improved quickie grades, Dianetics routes, etc while promoted as a solution actually have made things worse with each new action. Once you realize that and spot the correct source you are out. If you believe Miscavige is a god who can do no wrong, you are still in and will perform a lot of mental gymnastics to explain away all the outpoints.
GATII came out after I left, so maybe I shouldn’t comment on that one. Maybe GATII is fabulous.
I wonder who the creator of the “routing-form art” tech is. Every picture I have seen in the last few months of someone attesting to clear has ornate designs drawn in highlighter on their attestation routing form . No doubt a piece of lost tech exported from FLAG after the most recent training evolution. Finally, routing forms are being drawn on the way LRH always intended. Earth technology has finally caught up!
That’s it! I’m giving up! Throwing in the towel! No mas! I can’t make heads nor tails with this cult. I’m flabbergasted! Absolutely NOTHING makes sense. It’s almost like they’re making it all up as they go along…
THIS made me laugh out loud!!
They are making it up!
Congratulations! You are clear!
Maybe now you can better manage your daughter, I mean your Present Time Problem.
PTP = Present Time Problem, as in you’re spending every free minute at the Org when you have a young daughter.
Here is an email the ED STL Org, Matt Hanses (not sure relation to Amy Hanses) wrote about a GAT II event being better than the birth of his child. He described the event as having the same euphoric feeling as auditing. The Kool aide is strong in this family.
From: Matt Hanses
Date: Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 2:14 AM
Subject: The Second Live GAT II Event From Flag: A Vignette
To: Matt Hanses
Dear Scientologist,
I am at a loss. I feel like it’s probably hopeless to even try to explain.
I’m so blown away that I struggle to find the right words. I’ve nearly given up even trying to convey the emotion of the event. It was too powerful…too personal.
I may let you down on this one. It will sound like a hollow sales pitch or strained hyperbole. How do you explain the emotion of triumph? How do you explain the nuances of hope? How do you convey the intimate details of your own personal sense of love, honor or inspiration?
Can you explain your feelings when you got married? Or when your first child was born? Can you honestly describe the thrill of personal victory when you graduated?
I can no more describe a summer sunset or the smile of your baby than I could the emotion of today. These can’t be conveyed. They can only be experienced. When you can look in the eyes of someone who has gone through it, you know: THEY understand. They’re the only ones who can.
Yet, I will try. In an attempt to ensure that every last soul who I can possibly reach does see these events, I will try. And so…I write.
As we filed into our seats in the huge white tent, I looked up at the rows and rows of lights and scaffolding across the top that seemed to go on forever. The magnitude alone made me realize how many of us there really are.
They just kept streaming in wearing tuxedos and formal gowns. You could hardly believe that people would keep arriving, but they did. And once again the 6,000-seat tent filled to capacity. I don’t know if there were other viewing areas to accommodate more people; I just know that this tent was PACKED.
The lights dimmed three times signifying the event was about to start and a cheer went up amongst the crowd. You could tell people were excited. After last night’s event, how could they be anything but? They had just seen a watershed moment in history—something they never expected to see. Yet here there was another entire event tonight! Talk about anticipation…. And then COB RTC took the stage and the event picked up right where it left off from the previous night.
Within the first 15 minutes I was crying.
Literally crying this time, I hate to say it—not just moist eyes. It’s funny that I worked so hard to hide it at the time, as I stood there cheering myself hoarse, yet I freely confess it now. I’m not a crying person. I’m not a softie. Yet, there I was…crying.
But the truth was, I was actually blowing charge. I was NOT. STUPID. Goddammit! I was NOT just dumb. It wasn’t ME! Oh my GOD, I can make it. Oh my GOD!
One of the first videos had just unveiled a new release that was very personal to me: Something I had struggled with; something that had given me a very hard time. And yet here it was—mystery dispelled, totally solved, totally beautiful.
I turned to look at my wife. Her mascara was running. Tears were streaming down her face. It is hard to describe the truly spiritual moment when you look over at your partner in life and get that she is having the exact same experience you are…and that all our plans are about to change forever.
We were going to make it—us.
Yet, that was the beginning, not the end. One after another, groundbreaking Earth-shattering revelations washed over us like waves. This wasn’t an “event”—it was an auditing session! We were blowing charge. The string of correct indications just kept blowing away false data and introversion that had accumulated over several decades.
Calm knowingness and understanding set in. No wonder these trainees could get through so fast! I probably could too! We all could. It wasn’t a stretch. It made total sense. How could it be any other way? Totally logical. A peaceful happiness settled in.
Forty-five minutes later I was out of my mind.
This time I was literally screaming. Not “cheering,” but totally-shocked-lost-my- composure-blown-away SCREAMING in awe. I couldn’t imagine anything this lifetime that would ever make me react like that. But then again, I couldn’t imagine what I was seeing.
The event had gone in a totally different direction than I had ever expected it would. I had been happily following along, elated that I was now going to be able to make it, happy that my org was going to fulfill its mission and excited about how fun my job was going to be…and then I really got the true whole track nature of Scientology.
Guys, we are in the right religion. For a moment I caught a glimpse at how big this whole thing really is and I realized that this really is the most important thing on my whole track.
The crowd went nuts. I mean crazy. I mean psycho. It was off the chain! People were screaming. They were cheering. The floor started to rumble from thousands of people stomping their feet.
None of us expected to see what was being released, not even my Senior C/S—and he had been in all the closed-door briefings beforehand. This one thing made everything else possible. It was thrilling. Beyond surreal, it was one of those few times in my life where you really couldn’t believe your eyes. If you had told me it existed I wouldn’t have believed you, but now that it was here in front of me…well, I scarcely believed it still. And yet there it was.
You won’t believe it. I still hardly can fathom it. Soon, however, it will be real enough.
It’s a new Scientology, guys. Ron’s Scientology. The Scientology you always hoped for and wanted. It’s here. And it’s ours. The finale of the event was really what drove this home to me. The final video was almost like watching a dream. It was everything I’d ever hoped we could be—better than that, actually. And that’s where I lose my words.
I just can’t explain it. I would have to describe each part of it and it’s too much, too powerful and too huge. I can just tell you this: the crowd gave a standing ovation for 10 minutes.
I’m not kidding. For 10 full minutes we cheered. People stood on their chairs. They were stomping the floor. We clapped and screamed and whistled until our hands hurt.
COB graciously acknowledged the crowd and they would start to wind down. And then it would start going again. Just as people were finally seated, the cheer would start up—and then, once again they were on their feet. Over and over.
It. Was. Epic.
I just want to say one thing before I go. I have been hearing about “the release of Super Power” since I was a little boy. There had been decades of talk about this day that would arrive at some point in the future. It had been built up into this monumental victory where we would solve everything, where the future would be blindingly bright and where planetary clearing would finally be within our reach.
I wasn’t disappointed.
With Love,
Matt Hanses
ED St. Louis Foundation
Hi Flyonthewall,Oh Brother! I have to go out & scream @ my tree again.This poor soul thinks the planet clearing is within reach!! I’ve got a spaceship to loan him to get to another galaxy with.XO Ann B.
It’s Scientology’s version of ‘The Saints Go Marching Home’. Either that, or the guy is on time released crack.
Jesus Christ, my head is swimming. Matt, you’ve got a shot at deposing Danny Sherman. My 5th grade teacher would have given this a C-minus for “verbiage”. Well do I recall that red pen of hers with with its merciless arrows, circles, underlines and “Verbiage! ” appearing frequently throughout our little essays and short stories. She was a Hemingway fiend, I found out later. Try reading him, Matt. He was big on simple, declarative sentences that packed a punch.
Wow. Sound like a good show. He must have taken ecstasy or something. Totally mind-blowing.
“Forty-five minutes later I was out of my mind.”
And THEN! COB RTC reached over to me (Matt Hanses) and pulled raw chicken parts out of my chest!!!! I then writhed on the floor in PURE ecstasy!!!!!!!!!
Matt is Amy’s husband.
“once again the 6,000-seat tent filled to capacity” Uh, when I was in college in Ann Arbor, every other weekend in the fall the football team played at home, and once again the 110,000-seat stadium filled to capacity.
“I am NOT. STUPID. Goddamnit!” Methinks he doth protest too much.
Sounds like an episode of mania, doesn’t it?
Yet his intention all along could have been of destroying the whole Scientology – including tech, good staff, orgs, processes, et al. If he is working on that premise, then he is getting at it.
Or, as you noted several times, the only way to keep himself being admired as ‘their leader’ is to come up with all this “new tech”, ‘ideal buildings’, and all the blah, blah, blahs and, on this premise his realm is shrinking at a very dramatic rate.
Either way it is a game where nobody is winning, nor anyone will win, including himself.
Okay, I too was wondering what Dear Leader would spin for ASHO. So does this mean that Power, Power Plus, R6-CC is now going to ramp up there? NO! That would require Class VII’s. Which FIRST have to be Class VI’s… LMAO
This reminds me of the story from last November about Portland’s not-so-Ideal Org sending its clears to Sacramento to get certified as clear. ( ).
However, Portland Org just recently had a photo on Instagram from their most recent Friday graduation — and it featured eight more people showing off their (absurdly large) clear certificates. ( )
Anybody know anything about this? Did Portland really make eight more clears and, if so, what the time range was? Recognize any of those people? Are any of them redos?
Just curious.
I love the evidence that is provided here each and every day.
Almost as unbelievable as the lies from David Miscavige and his mindless followers.
Thanks to Mike and the team for getting the truth out.
OH…and wait until she finds out she audited off her Body Thetan’s reactive mind – and she still has one…and it gets real ugly when she has to confront all those demons attached to her…body thetans and clusters….
She certainly is “not clear” if she can’t see that NO ONE IS COMING into Scientology
keep drinking the koolaid – you are going to need it…
Poor woman – she is now in the danger zone…and must go Oat Tea and do Stupid Powerz and the “L’s” and re-do her bridge…and get Re Trained again and again and again…
and donate to the Idle Morgue and IAS and on and on and on….
At least she has a game to play…
Hi Idle Morgue, Love your post.She may have a game to play but @ the end of the day she will end up with zero if she stays with the cos.Too much Kool Aid! XO Ann B.
PTP = Present Time Problem in scientology speak. Basically, it is something that is currently bothering you. Being hungry could be a PTP. Misplacing your keys could be a PTP.
Training is orgs no longer happens.???
Typo perhaps? in not is?
Not a typo. ASHO no longer delivers the Briefing Course, which is supposedly what it was created for. Now all orgs reg and “clear” members’ bank accounts.
Can anyone tell me what she means by not having the PTP? That’s a new acronym for me… Thanks in advance
PTP=Present Time Problem
Present time problem
It is a long way to realize that you mock up your own mind. It is big work from LRH to find that out .. no question .. but you have to find that out .. and if you did .. you are Clear .. but what is a Clear .. it is a person who do not longer mocks up his own mind .. not? Yeah he mocks then up minds of others .. but this one can be a tragedy .. which it surely is .. because you may err like an idiot ..
Hubbard didn’t seem to understand that it takes a mind to mock something up for how can I mock up my mind unless I do it with my mind? It takes a mind to have a thought.
Present Time Problem
It’s short for “present time problem”, basically anything going on in your life that could distract you from focusing 100% on your auditing.
PTP=present time problem.
Present Time Problem. It’s related to the CoS term PT for Present Time, or what we wogs call now.
PTP = present time problem. A problem that you have your attention on that would prevent you from doing your auditing.
PTP = Present Time Problem. = something your attention is stuck on; something that is unresolved and bothering you, and this prevents someone from getting gains in auditing because this problem is keeping you from putting your attention on your case, which is where it needs to be in order for auditing to work and to make gains.
present time problem
PTP = present time problem. She is saying that raising her daughter is a problem to her desire to spend time doing $cientology. Mom helped out, taking the burden of child rearing off of her shoulders. Those darn kids.
Present Time Problems. As defined by the cult, that’s anything other than Scientology that requires your time and money.
Hi Espiando, Love this post! Spot on! XO Ann B.
LOL! 🙂
PTP = Present Time Problem. Sad that she lumped care of her daughter in as a problem.
PS Scientology auditing sessions typically start with checking for PTPs, ARCX (breaks), and so on, because those distractions can keep the PC from getting deeper into the meat of things.
This is one of those parts of the “Tech” that makes sense (to me) — checking in with the person to make sure there are no major distractions going on from the work at hand. The pitfall is that sometimes the work to be done is embedded in those “distractions.”
Scientology gets at these “rudiments” (pronounced “roods” for short) in a very prescribed, formal way. I suspect good psychologists and counselors get at the same info but in a different fashion.
PTP = present time problem. They are providing childcare so she is relieved of that “present time problem.””
Present time problem
“PTP” is an acronym for “Present Time Problem.” To a Scientologist, this means a problem that is occurring right now and severe enough to be a distraction that interferes with getting auditing or training. Eventually, how to find the time to do Scientology while still making enough to pay for doing Scientology becomes a PTP.
Having to take care of her daughter would have been such a worry to her that she couldn’t have focused well on spending time talking to an auditor for hours at a time while spending many thousands of dollars for the “service.”
Sorry…what’s a PTP again?
Just kidding 🙂
Hi Statpush,Thanks for the Tuesday laugh.XO Ann B.
spitting out my coffee!!!
We were ready for that one. All of our Scientology training just waiting for this moment. That’s why we did our Basics.
“Pressure To Pay”
“Purchase Titanic Properties”
“Placate Tyrant Principal”
Oh my goodness, you people! Um, I don’t think “PTP” has been adequately explained. Could someone please just tell me what it means? 😉
I think it’s supposed to be ptsd! Lol
I thought asho was the la org?! So they are two different things?
They’re supposed to be different.
The LA Org (now Model Ideal) is supposed to be handling the Clear and below stuff, then people are handed over to the Advanced Org LA for the OT levels.
I’ve never been in, but I can see that’s completely broken now.
(A little lesson to you “never-ins” about what is called the “org structure” [laughably] of the Scientology service orgs.) Actually, the way that it is “supposed” to go, is LA Org (or any other Class V org), then to ASHO, then to AO, then to Flag. In reality though, Flag will think or and say whatever they can to influence anyone anywhere on the bridge to come to Flag to get it done better. Also AO will do the same in regards to all the services below their niche on the grade chart, and then ASHO in regards to their position and below on the totem pole.
ASHO, AO and Flag likely have tours all over Ideal and non-Ideal orgs throughout the US and Canada, pushing their public to come NOW!!! to their respective orgs and get their case cracked, skipping doing these services at their home orgs, and getting things done “more standardly” at their respective orgs. (I don’t think they go to Mexico or South America anymore except to recruit staff, as there are only a small handful of Latin American scientologists who can afford the US prices for Scn.)
And LA Org also likely has people touring through the various orgs throughout the US and Canada telling their public to get out and come to LA org as well.
The situation is, that in the 70’s and before, there were quite a few years of regular expansion for Scientology in the US and Canada and Mexico, but, since the mid to late 70’s, the number of new people coming in has been going down, down, down, with only occasional spurts of affluence to briefly break the trend; the most notable being the early 80’s Jeff Hawkins’-engineered Dianetics campaign.
So, for about 40 years, these orgs have been doing a lot of clawing over each others’ “rightful” public, just to keep their heads above water. The orgs that they visit are, with very few exceptions, staffed by a dozen or less staff working nights and weekends, making $0-$20 a week paychecks.
Even though the basic flow is supposed to be Class V orgs to SHs to AOs to Flag; each of these orgs (LA Org, AO,ASHO and Flag) have also got one or a few quotes from Ron that actually do authorize them to chase the publics of the orgs beneath them, and, with so few new people coming in, that’s what they do. It messes a lot of things up and is upsetting and adds several potholes to each and every segment of the bridge, but it helps to get stats up this week and that’s all anyone ever cares about on staff anyway.
That’s why you see in the pics here and at Tony’s of Scientologists in graduations or at fundraisers, that they are generally late 50’s or older. Most of these die-hards got in during the 70’s. And, when you do see younger people, that’s because they are the children or grandkids of these old timers.
Are they the same building??
Two different entities.
Yes, two different orgs, though the buildings are physically connected. LA org (there used to be two of them in the same building but they have shrunk to one now) is a Class V org, making clears. ASHO’s reason for existence was to teach the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. For some reason they don’t teach that any more, and so need some other way to justify their existence. So in true $cn fashion they are promoting themselves as better than the LA org and other Class V orgs, making clears better. Just like Flag does, promoting themselves as better than everyone else in making better clears more quickie – excuse me, quickly, and siphoning people away from the Ideal Orgs which apparently are not so ideal after all.
Thanks ! Sometimes I get confused w all the different orgs and acronyms from Lori the wog!
Yes. There is a compound of sorts on L Ron Hubbard Way with several “Orgs”. It used to be quite impressive, with staff and public zipping about. I don’t know what its like now. They probably make you ride microbuses from one door to the next so you don’t get enturbulated by Angry Gay Pope
Pac Base is totally dead, a few Sea Ogres crossing LRH Way and tons of security on bicycles following tourists around. Looks like a ghost town with a few creepers left over.
Dead Chris and no micro buses yet. Beef-up Security and cameras everywhere. Shades pulled down and dark tinted windows. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next 100 million dollar renovation includes an underground tunnel system. It would make sense.
I love that angry gay pope
Pepper, there’s already a tunnel under L Ron Hubbard Way. It’s a leftover from when it was a medical complex, and just about as creepy as creepy gets.
There’s a room down there that someone told me had been a crematorium -who knows if that’s true, but the whole thing is so damned spooky it’s like something out of a horror movie: “Silent Hill Scientology”. Expect to see Pyramid Head with an IAS lapel pin. 🙂
They are housed in the same building but are separate “orgs.” ASHO was a “higher” org back in the day.
Two different Orgs. Their buildings are connected though.