More of the paranoia. It is becoming almost laughable.
Following on from the new staff “non-disparagement” contract comes this.
Apparently, the fringes of the internet are causing an unwanted effect on the mighty Cause Over Life OT’s….
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014
From: pat parodi <[email protected]>
Subject: Sunday Note and QuoteHello!
The hot news this week all concerns the upcoming grand opening of the new Hollywood Life Improvement Center on Hollywood Blvd along with the opening of the new AOLA and ASHO buildings on L.Ron Hubbard Way. At the request of those in command, the specifics on this week’s grand openings are not being put on email lines. Instead the word should be spread like crazy via word of mouth. You can understand why. Any Org can give you the data on grand opening dates and times for the Test Center and AO/ASHO. 323 953 3300 is AOLA’s number if you need this info. It is going to be so exciting, it will be a brand new feel, very much in keeping with what happened at Flag in November! Soon there are going to be a sparkling new Advanced Org to service Clears and OTs in LA and an equally immaculate new Saint Hill Organization to train the Dukes of the Auditor Elite, the Class VI, on the SHSBC!
As I have told you, I am now co-auditing on my SRD. What an experience it has been so far. I am finding that the Objective processes so far are subtle in their approach, gradually leading me through the circuits, machinery and considerations which have nothing to do with present time, running them out and putting me more in the “hear and now”! Its like I am, session by session, process by process (still on those “undercuts”), snipping wires which are connected to all these automaticities running “in the background” of my universe! What an adventure!
The following quote you may have seen if you subscribe to Bridge’s “Quote of the Week”. I loved it as it has everything to do with what I am currently involved with; coming up to present time! I recall hearing this lecture back in the 80’s when I was doing my BC, it certainly has taken on a whole new meaning for me now. I hope that you too enjoy LRH’s message regarding this subject, it is fascinating to think how wide Ron’s present time must have been and what he was able to accomplish because of it!
Happy reading!
Be sure you do refer your upstat friends, acquaintances and associates to me; I promise I will help them move UP the Bridge at lightening speed! Have a super fun week!
Much love,
PS: “Lightening speed” must be one of the all-time classic “spellos” — lightening as in doing everything possible to lighten your wallet, rather than like thunder and lightning as in fast….
“What happened to dauntless, defiant and resolute?”
Another commenter put it this way:
Witless, Compliant, and Destitute.
if only there were ,some production company, that is interested in this…. it is best reality show – ever!
thank you ,Mike…. and big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Using verbal tech to confront and shatter, Pat? So theta!!!
nobody speaks better babblese than scientologists.
” I am finding that the Objective processes so far are subtle in their approach, gradually leading me through the circuits, machinery and considerations which have nothing to do with present time, running them out and putting me more in the “hear and now”! Its like I am, session by session, process by process (still on those “undercuts”), snipping wires which are connected to all these automaticities running “in the background” of my universe!”
A Wog,
Yep, they made a huge fuss about not bringing in cell phones to the GATII event at the Shrine Auditorium in LA. There were signs posted everywhere that cell phones were not allowed and people were posted outside the doors who would “remind” you.
I was walking onto the ramp leading into the seating area and was stopped by a woman who lectured me that I was not allowed to use my cell phone while in the auditorium. She just picked me out of the blue and was not very friendly about it either. I wondered what got her is such a bad mood. Probably sleep deprivation.
Little did she know that I had left my purse and cell phone in the car (locked in the trunk, as the Shrine is in gangland). I didn’t bother to tell her that though and acked her politely. When I sat down (I was late) they were airing the part about the Happiness RD and I found myself thinking about that woman, which then led me to think about the conditions of SO members.
Anyway, they are very paranoid about being recorded, even at the events which are public.
Pepper, thanks! Maybe Pat had “boob envy.” lol. But he wanted me and his wife to work and bring in money for the Bridge, so even back then all those years ago, the huge appetite for money was starting at the orgs and with some of the FSM’s. And it only got worse from then on forward.
That’s right. The never ending quest for money was always there.
Like you said, the cost of doing Scn is so high and the average person really cannot afford to go all the way to the top. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to get up through OTVIII is ridiculous. Especially since its supposed to save the planet and everyone should do it if possible.
My husband said something about Scn being like Buddhism recently and I burst out laughing. He asked what made me laugh so hard and I told him that my instant thought was that Buddhism was a lot cheaper!
+ 1
Now Pat Parodi apparently made it to the ‘HEAR and now’.
Gosh golly, lots more wire snipping to do before he gets to the ‘HERE and now’.
And then that shameless plug at the end for his own enterprise of entrapment.
He must be suffering badly with his clients hitting the underground as fast as they can.
Poor bastard!
Pat was my FSM back in the day. He was very much into kissing DM’s butt and complying. Once when I had a newborn baby in arms and was breastfeeding and on an LOA from work from the birth, he and a SO member double teamed me and tried to force me to go back to work so as to make money to do the Bridge NOW NOW NOW. I told him that this new baby was my top priority and that I’d do the Bridge when I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore and the baby wasn’t such a newborn. He yelled at me, “You are not a boob! You are not a breast!” And things like, “You are being a body!” And more make-wrongs for putting the 2nd dynamic over the church at that time. The SO member with him jumped on the dog pile and they went to town denigrating me. I fired him over that.
But the irony was that his wife, Nancy, at that time hadn’t worked since they first got married, and had breastfed both their kids. I brought that to his attention and he said that was about to change and that it wasn’t his agreement that she be doing that. I think he took out his anger and frustration at his wife on me that day.
Pat wrong targeted both me and his wife. The real target should have been Miscavage for raising the prices so much that no one could afford the Bridge without having everyone and their dog work two jobs to pay for the Bridge.
You should have gotten the baby Into commercials and could have made lots of money. You missed a big opportunity. How could you not see that? You must have CI!
Hi Cindy,
Wow. That’s just crazy but the sad thing is, I can easily see that scene playing out. Sorry you had to listen to that crap.
Some of these super-duper OT’s think they have the right to forgo manners and civility in the name of OT, The Bridge or whatever they like.
I have a great story of one of these OTVIII FSM’s using $50,000 of my Amex card for his selectees at Flag and never paid my card back as promised but I’ll save it for another time though.
Maybe Pat has issues with women or was jealous that he couldn’t breast feed too.
I’ll bet Pat thought that Barley Formula was better than Mom’s milk and that Nancy should have been doing that instead.
Babies should develop rotten teeth and have lowered immunity to diseases because LRH didn’t believe in “modern mothers” nursing their infants. He thought his Barley Formula was a fine idea.
The real issue for Pat was he wanted his wife to go to work bringing in money cuz they had a huge FP 1 nut to crack each month, and of course all the money was going to the church, so babies be damned, get out there and work and bring in GI!!!
I hope those guys answering the phones at AO/ASHO know who it’s okay to tell.
Oh David Miscavige people are doing it for themselves:
Yes they, those in “command”, are dispersed and just keep rattling orders to ‘be careful’
However, they can’t control it any longer. Having 1,000s of former staff and parishioners all over the world out of their madhouse makes it impossible to control the comm lines any longer. This time they are out numbered….too bad.
yep, blogs are restimulating something… has a withold been missed?
i really hope miscavige actually reads these blogs…
what’s your next step cochief?
signed gag orders and sec checks before events, please leave phones and cameras by the metal detector
Maybe they should schedule the grand openings at about 3 AM. Probably the indies/exes won’t bother showing up at that time of morning.
Maybe they are afraid of a helicopter.
I have a question. Wghat do Scientologist think that Bacteria or Virusses are actually ?
Tings that cause disease. But to contract them one must be predisposed to them by being PTS.
BTW – Pat Parodi has kids and family in the SO. His kids joined as teens. Since there are “bodies in pawn”, he’ll toe the line. At least for now.
Now I know why I was reticent to let my close friends know that I was a Scientologist a while back. This was never the case in the early days when it was fun and theta. Who knows the reference that says ‘Scientology misapplied is nothing to defend’ or words to that effect?
More “You can understand why.” Really?
No, please explain it.
Oh, by the way, your sooper seekrit email saying to keep everything sooper seekrit, ain’t so seekrit.
But you can understand why, right?
Pat, after “Cause Over Life,” OT VIII and L 11 and being well into the BC, I’m glad to hear (or should I say “here”) that you’re finally getting unstuck from the past and coming into present time. Keep setting that great example of the effectiveness and results of Scientology.
I was wondering what his case level and training was, so thank for this. GEESH!
Odd. Parodi was “well into the BC” when I was in PAC twenty years ago. Yet he is firmly sucking on Miscavige’s Kool-Aid and is unable to see that he’s gone nowhere in Scientology, due to the constant re-invention, re-discovery, re-issue, and re-doing of everything he’s already done.
Advice to people considering entering the “church”: Parodi is unable to “perceive” what’s happening, even though he’s supposedly OT VIII and is now on his third run-through of the SHSBC. So if you’re thinking of entering Scientology to become “more aware” or “more perceptive”, stop now! Before you can’t afford to go further!
So Pat’s back again. Oh dear.
I just don’t get WHY these guys keep calling people’s attention to email (the internet). Why not ignore it?
They’re so good at pretending that everything is peachy-keen within but keeping making mention of the big bad internet – “You can understand why.” I guess they’re probably trying to prevent “Apostate Air” from attending the event from above, or picketers on the ground but they direct one’s attention to the thing they shrink from, the internet.
It’s silly and dumb (along with Pat’s PR of the SRD as he’s redoing Objectives as an OTVIII). What happened to dauntless, defiant and resolute?
Mike, the P.S. is really funny in response to Pat’s use of “upstat” friends, etc. It made me laugh!
Allow me to translate Pat Parodi’s “P.S.” Bring your upstat friends means only bring me the rich wogs so I can make huge FSM commissions when I get them to buy the whole Bridge. I had a Power FSM refuse to take a new wog public I brought her because, “there’s no money in raw meat. The real money is in FSMing those getting on and through OT VII.” That is a direct quote from DL, a Power FSM.
Oh geez. I totally missed that. Cindy, you are so right!
What is this guy’s case level anyway?
If he is an OT8, with circuits, machinery and an inability to be in present time, then I must really have an MU on everything I studied on tech lines.
If it’s not on the rumor line it’s not true.
Good one Pat, you are totally NUTs !
Tell that to your Boss.
Poor old Pat Parodi…nice guy but very mold-able and has been FSM’ing for over 20 plus years but has ‘lost the plot’ BIG TIME!!!…I am sure they have him by his testicles and has to lead the way in LA in doing GAG 2 so others can “follow” his hype…
What’s the product of this? Well, (1)someone who reads this blog gets the data and it is posted here, (2) All the “outs” have the info fast and efficiently, all “ins” have to spread the the less efficient way. Result? More outs than ins show up? Gotta wonder.
So apparently Pat Parodi assumes that it is common knowledge that you can’t put important things on email lines and everyone he emails will understand why. Which means everyone in the Sea Org knows and they are instructing the public on it. Which means what? That we are winning!
I love how this comes from “command”. Generalities, anyone? New commandments for all Scientologists:
(1) Can’t look at emails
(2) Can’t look at newspapers
(3) Can’t look at magazines
(4) Can’t look at TV
(5) Can’t look at movies
And coming soon:
(6) Can’t look at Google
(7) Can’t look at Facebook
(8) Can’t look at wogs
(9) Can’t look at non-IAS members
(10) Can’t look, period.
For a philosophy that is supposed to practice “look, don’t think” and “look don’t listen” they sure seem to specialize in keeping the blinders on.
(11) Can’t look at Ebay, since you’ll see all the meters, Basics, ACCs, Congresses, LRH biographical encyclopedias and other expensive materials for sale.
Don’t forget Craigslist.
where you have to pay people to take them!
As is the case with most garbage and generally useless stuff.
We are suppressing the shit out of Scientology guys! VWD and Continue!! Thanks for delivering the huge blows to this evil cult Mike and gang!! Pretty soon, there will be panels talking to panels because human beings won’t go into these morgues!
Can’t look at a map either to find Running Springs or Hemet, California.
Where is Shelley Miscavige? Shouldn’t the project she’s on be done by now? Whatever project she’s on needs to be debugged!
The only thing in need of debugging is his holiness.
Debugged or debunged? (With davie, you never know.)
Southpark !!!! soon I have to go chant: “one of us, one of us”
“spread like crazy”: Sounds like a disease
Not to mention his “hear and now” gaffe. This pud’s KTL cert is hereby cancelled pending full retrain. Also, saying that his changes on the SRD are “subtle” is code for “There is not a goddamn thing happening in my sessions” Sorry to evaluate your sessions, Pat, but I am acting here more as a D of P, not an auditor, and the D of P is certainly obliged to tell the pc what he thinks is going on when warranted. Your complaint of lack of gains certainly qualifies. One thing no one in the history of the world has ever characterized Objective Processes as is “subtle.” Beneath my obvious sarcasm here, I am sorry for your situation.
Wit like a rapier to the heart. You never fail to disappoint Dan.
The OTAsshats (of which Parodi is a proud member) have all been “briefed” (verbally) about how the ACCs and Congresses have been pored over for every bit of LRH source that tells how Objectives are actually “OT” processes, which was part of the gang-bang R-Factor to the OTs that they all have to re-do their Objectives “to get the full benefits of Objectives as LRH intended”.
Except LRH never wrote down any such intention.
Yeah I was reading that line too and going WTF????
Sure, sure….whatever.
Most objectives if run correctly on a case that actually needs them are about as “subtle” as a sledge hammer.
Seems Pat here though is admitting to everybody that he’s a bypassed case and didn’t really do his OT Levels since he is still handling circuits and other phenomena that should have been handled at lower levels.
Too bad the OT IV Rundown is no longer available at the Orgs these days ’cause Pat here could really use one.
Yeah sure that’s evaluative as hell but I’m not auditing him.
Pat if you’re reading this (which I doubt since he’s probably one of those “OTeez” who’s totally convinced that reading any “entheta” on the internet will cave in his case. Sheeesh.) I suggest you find a real auditor who can apply Standard Tech and get your case sorted out.
Then report to a cramming officer like say Jim Logan and find out what you missed on the Briefing Course.
Advice he’s probably never going to take because he’s too busy making himself right for being such an idiot.
Sure somewhat invalidative but again I’m not auditing his sorry ass.
It is true that reading the entheta (truth) on the internet will cave in an Oat Tea…that is what truth does to the lies…it destroys the lies!
Just wondering why these OT’s can’t see the discrepancies of the KSW part of
“Having the correct technology…THAT is done”…This is what KSW claims and has claimed ever since LRH wrote it!
But wait a minute…it is NOT DONE…
the SP’s (never stating who these SP’s are, place time form and event – according to LRH – SP’s speak in generalities and SP’s are everywhere) keep getting in there and altering the tech …in 1996, 2007, 20013/2014. The Organization never takes any responsibility for this either…. they make the members pay for it over and over and over. How about the doctrine of exchange – RIP OFF!!
When does the Organization take re$posibility for promising 100% pure LRH, claiming it is done and then re-selling it over and over?
Bat shit crazy for the OT’s not to question this stuff! I just don’t get it!
I personally don’t believe that whatever is written on the internet is necessarily true.
I mean look at Wikipedia.
Or the Church of Scientology official website for that matter. Especially the section on Miscavige.
Let’s face it.
The internet started as a tool of the IC and MIC under ARPA NKA DARPA which makes it not the most reliable source of information.
That said and with that in mind.
It should be like shooting fish in a barrel to sort out the truth from lies for anyone claiming to study a subject which gives them the ability to “know how to know”.
I mean when I first got in there was never any admonishment on reading whatever you wanted to read.
Me I read the Scandal of Scientology when I first got in which I gotta say was well written compared to Miller’s turgid prose….
But I digress since it comes down to personal integrity which we all know is knowing what is true or not based on your own observation and it is something I’ve found lacking in many of these so called “OTs”.
In my opinion many of them went up the Grade Chart seeking status or to get some cert telling everybody they are now “OT VIII”.
This can apply to training as well but less so because training is harder to fake but there are few who still sneak by like….we won’t mention any names or say anything about the 20 bucks they gave the PC to “F/N” at the examiner.
But anyhoo…
Dishonesty like that breeds uncertainty in the tech to such a degree that some moron from a make believe post like say “COB” can say every 10 years or so say they’ve finally “corrected” the tech and made it “workable” enough that even sleaze ball NCGs like he and thee can make case gain.
That’s my view on the whole scene.
I don’t know if you know Pat but he really is a pud. He suffers badly from the “big man on campus” disease. If Pat Parodi were to lose Dave’s church he would be wandering aimlessly through life wondering what happened.
Good catch on the “subtle changes”. If Pat were to be more honest and free to speak he would say, “there is no tone arm action on these processes and I am wasting time and money” but of course he dare not say that.
I agree KF.
Pat’s a poster boy for a flakey flack.
Lightening – hilarious! Mike, are you quite sure Mr/Ms Parodi isn’t just that? And what’s with the information condom? Oral only? Are they afraid it’ll spread like a venereal disease? I wonder what believers think when they’re told they “understand why”. Do they all feel withholdy because they, too, have been secretly surfing with guilty pleasure?
It feels so good to be “hear and now”!
🙂 I saw that too!
Well, you could say ‘word of mouth’ is hear and now!
Clever pun, Mooser!
Can you really be here if you can’t hear the difference between hear and here?
Oh wait…he obviously hasn’t done the GAG2 Grammar and Spelling Route to Infinity Course course….or is that Root to Infinity?
Well, well, well,
Mike you are definately having a major impact on the way the RCo$ is thinking. They are now totally at effect as the previous blog “Fear” and this latest show. Boy the tone level leacves a lot to be desired. I expect them to ramp up attacks on all of us “outsiders” to try and quell the freedom we have on the internet etc., There is a melt-down coming within RCo$ it will start slowly after all the “staff Contracts” are tried to be enforced until such time as those on the fence get off it on our side, then it will go “China Syndrome” on him and he will be left holding his altered Congress on Nuclear Radiation on health as a step to be able tosee over his podium that we’re all gone a having a good life.
No wukkas, insanity rules within RTC.
Geeeeeeeeez. Why the hell won’t “word of mouth” spread to someone on the fringes.
God, who cares about this stupid event anyway. Dave, you are too paranoid….or maybe not