They are terrified they won’t have enough people to put in the shots of Dear Leader yanking the ribbon in Atlanta.
Even though the call has gone out to every org in the US that they had better show up, they are making sure there will be “bodies in the shop” by shipping “OT Ambassadors” from Flag. This is a luxury trip — driving through the night from midnight til 9am to get them there in time for the video shoot. Smile for the cameras. Stand around for a few hours. Tour the empty building. Then leave again at 5pm and arrive back after midnite. Not anyone’s idea of an all expenses paid vacation. Or even a day at the beach.
I guarantee the number of “OT Ambassadors” willing to make this bus trip will be negligible. Perhaps just a few of the die-hard ex-SO on the “Flag OTC” who are still trying to get out of lower conditions will opt into this torture trip. But there will be a line of SO Members (those who are incapable of regging anyone so they won’t really be missed”) ready to fill EVERY seat as those buses will NOT be leaving empty. It will be a ragtag bunch of outer org trainees, TTCers, EPFers and assorted other expendables dressed in what passes for their Sunday-best. Three buses would be nearly 200 people, which will translate into “thousands” when the scientology press release is put out at the end of the day.
They KNOW Atlanta can’t scrape together 50 people on their own. And this org is a 3 hour drive from their next closest org (the tiny, shrinking “ideal” CC Nashville that could probably round up no more than 25 people) and there isn’t anywhere else even close. It tells you how rapidly expanding scientology is across the United States – not a single org anywhere else in Georgia, and none in S. Carolina, Alabama or N. Carolina. The next closest orgs to Atlanta after Nashville are St Louis, Dallas and DC. And by quirks of the scientology map, STL and DAL are both “WUS Orgs” so they are not going to have the same heat on them to make the trek to Atlanta as the East US Org.
So, the insurance policy is buses from Flag filled with expandable “bodies for the photoshoot.”
This is the best indicator that David Miscavige is planning on attending this “video moment” as nobody would be bothered with this sort of stunt if he was not showing up.
And just to confirm everything I said, a second email arrived about this super awesome, awe inspiring, energizing, revitalizing, history making event.
Muster in the FH lobby at 11:30 (since when do public “muster”?), the trip is “free” (scientology gives NOTHING away – they HAVE to have these bus loads of bodies) and the plan is for those who travel in the bus overnight to “freshen up” in “restaurants nearby” when they arrive at 09:00. Wow. What a deluxe trip.
It’s all good though, as there will “possibly” be videos on the bus.
What an energizing trip this will be.
And not to miss an opportunity to brown-nose, the Queen of Flag and self-proclaimed biggest supporter of COB chimed in with a last minute plea:
Finally, here is the bizarre rundown of the importance of Atlanta ideal org, as written by a poorly educated, semi-literate Sea Org member in CLO EUS.
Atlanta is “a city that stands for Freedom to equal living” and “a city of Religion and Civil Rights” – WTF? Knows nothing about Atlanta or US history apparently. And it does not get any more coherent or accurate beyond that doozy of a first paragraph….
Scientology, putting its best foot forward.
It’s just that its foot happens to be a 50 year-old carved wooden prosthetic trying to masquerade as the healthy, vibrant foot of an Olympic gold medalist.
These days, nobody is buying it.
One has to be ex-Sea Org staff to truly understand how spot-on Mike’s analysis of the bus trip is. While a 9 hour bus trip to Atlanta, followed by a sponge bath in a gas station bath room, followed by 4 or 5 hours at the Idle Morgue event, followed by a 9 hour bus trip home might seem like an excruciatingly painful ordeal to most people, it will seem like a VACATION to the Sea Org slaves. Any opportunity to get a change of environment and any opportunity to escape from the plantation will seem like a gift from heaven. At the very least, the sea org slaves might be able to get some nourishing food off the dollar menu at a bathroom stop at a McDonalds on the way there. When you’re in the Sea Org, fast food can seem like gourmet food, especially compared to the jail slop you’re used to eating. When I was in the SO, an all night bus trip to a garbage dump in the middle of the Mojave desert would have seemed like an all-expenses paid luxury vacation. I’m sure the Sea Org slaves will get meter checks from the prison wardens both before and after the bus trip, followed by ethics conditions, non-enturbulation orders, SP declares and RPF assignments. Maybe they even already have a tailored-made sec check for such trips. But hey, at least you had a little bit of fun out in the WOG world for a day. Hip Hip!
You’re so damn right!
And WTF is an Ideal Org Summit? A fundraiser on the day if the ribbon yanking?
“It will be a ragtag bunch of outer org trainees, TTCers, EPFers and assorted other expendables dressed in what passes for their Sunday-best.” 🙂
You’re good, Mike.
To Kaye Champagne, sung to the tune of “I Write The Songs”, with apologies to Barry Manilow, wherever he is. This is a work in progress and as soon as I or others think up more verses they will be posted.
But for now, Kaye, from all of us bitter defrocked types, here’s something for you to sing on that Red-Eye-mobile to Atlanta:
I’ve been a Clam forever
And I sold the very first rug.
I put the carpets and the customers together
I’m Kaye Champagne,
And I sell the rugs.
I sell the rugs that bought my whole darn Bridge,
I sell the rugs that put the food in my fridge,
I sell the rugs that Wogs and OTs buy,
I sell the rugs, I sell the rugs.
I bought the toilet paper for the bus
I helped get ready for the great big rush
I write the checks that make the COB cry
I bought the bus, I bought the bus
I see that songwriting usually needs collaboration. Here’s a better version:
I bought the toilet paper for the bus
I helped get ready for the great big rush
I wrote small checks that made C O B cry
I bought the bus, I bought the bus
Does anyone elzse think DMs face is looking plastic and orange? I wonder what he is up to? Hahahahahaha
He seemed rather botoxed and is it my imagination or is his forehead growing. Could it be a sign that the Abbie Normal brain is trying to escape?
I wonder if Donald Trump will call on DM for Vp? After all both are orange, weird, egomaniacal, wealthy types out of touch with reality with lots of money in Florida real estate.
there is a video clip from some neighbor…. and then there are photos of DM on their site… even his suit is not a same one… one is with button more down,other is button up…. hahahaha…
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia…
Maybe He changed his clothes at Denny’s too.
Freshen up at a nearby restaurant??? WTF??! That is pure golden age class right there!
So how many Sea Org members will take the opportunity to walk away.
ZERO. A town they don’t know, no money, no food, no cell phone. Cannot ask for help at the org. It would be easier in CW as there are more ex-scn’ers to help.
Hi Mike Wynski, I can never say never, but I second your post that SOers would need to plan ahead in some form their escape. I think there may be sone who blew right there and then, but in my case I had watchers watching watchers so I had to try and outmanuver them.Love,Ann.What a crazy game of live chess that was!
Hey Ann, I remember when I left. I was told I needed to jump through hoops to “properly route out”. I just ignored Dept. 3 and told them to smoke a .45 (the MAA had one in the desk drawer) and I then walked out to a waiting car.
But, my statement of “Zero” above was a prediction, not a hope of course. 🙂
Hi Mike Wynski, Thank you Mike. There were a lot of literal and mocked up .45s flying around Asho in mid seventies. My memory is not what it used to be,but the Captain of The Excalibur who either blew or was RPFed for embezzling Purser funds while she was dockside waiting on an engine part in San Pedro openly carried.That always bugged me.I suppose he was after wharf rats but I could never be sure if he wanted the four legged ones or the two legged expediters.
I really like reading your posts and your story.I wish I had had a waiting car instead of spending an hour in fear waiting for the one cab in all Hollyweird to pick me up at Highland Drugs and go to LAX.xo,Ann.
If it were me and I were ready to blow the Sea Org, I would take my best shot wherever I was and head for the nearest police station. Or possibly a Catholic church. OKay, easier said than done. WAY easier.
In that case they would just leave the FH and walk the short distance to the CW PD station. Anyone can do it if they want. It is the “want” that is lacking.
Right you are!
ok, so after riding a bus all night, people are going to have to “freshen up” in a restaurant? What? take a sponge bath in the bathroom of Denny’s like a homeless person? and then what, wander around Atlanta for 5 hours until they have to be there for the photo op… but then they have to leave to be on the bus by 5 (SHARP!!) so they miss out on the dinner.
They can’t even allow people access to the new fancy org to use the bathroom and wash up?
For a sea org member, the luxury of a sponge bath in Denny’s can only be topped by the luxury of riding a bus with reclining seats.
ahhh yesssss
Reminds me of the buses from LA to Portland in 1985. CALL TO ARMS!!! They had the event, and then herded the sheep from the event right onto the waiting buses outside and shipped them as they were to Portland to march around. They were gonna make it go right! A lot of them ended up sleeping on the gym floor at the Delphi school for a couple weeks or however long it lasted. Gawd, what a fucking nightmare that was!
I’m a never-in, and that bus trip sounds like utter hell to me. But have read enough ex-SeaOrg memoirs to look at that bus schedule and think, “Nine straight hours on a luxury coach, with reclining seats? And then a return trip? Damn–you could get caught up on some serious sleep, on a trip like that.”
I think its all a matter of viewpoint.
Those SO are being LET OUT of utter hell – for a while.
Think of it; at Flag, they can’t even WALK anywhere. I’ve read that they’re bused everywhere even if where they sleep is a block away or something.
If this is true then they never see ANYTHING other than their work area, the places where they eat and sleep and the few blocks between.
Plus, no recreation, TV, no books other than LRH’s, in addition to being sleep deprived, verbally abused, ill fed and cruelly overworked.
Sounds like hell on earth to me.
I’m thinking that if I were one of them, a 9 hour bus ride to see SOMETHING besides what I see, day in, day out, year in and year out, would be a treat, even though I wouldn’t be able to see anything on the bus until sunrise, but still, 3 hours of some new sights…ANYTHING, you know?…but this is just me.
David Miscavige will fly to the gala and have a limo waiting
in Atlanta. The adoring attendees will simply as usual endure
travel that could double as a remake of an escape from Alcatraz.
What.. I wasn’t there but that pretty much says it. You either die or escape from Alcatraz. Leave just leave hons and sones..
What you should have said instead of “…translate into…” is “…photoshop into…”. Upstat Causal? I, uh,er, oohh, look at the moo cows. Nooooo…
Muster everyone in the corrals and then wring, sorry, reg a donation for the honour of a “free” nine hour (I just realised that there is no mention of a toilet in the luxury buses so there will be bursting bladders by the time they get to Atlanta) them as they exit the building. Scamology, thy name is desperation.
I started reading this book last night and I couldn’t stop reading it until I literally fell asleep holding it in my right hand. What’s name of it? Oh yes, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely. Even now it’s taunting me to finish it. Bad book, naughty book.
Well, they do state that there’s a restroom on the bus. It’s part of the “enticement” to join the Tragical History Tour, just like “free wi-fi” and the possibility of videos. However, they left one part out. Remember a few years ago when Ryanair was pilloried as being the greediest greedheads in the sky for wanting to put in pay toilets on their planes? Wanna bet there was a monitor sitting in the back right next to the can doing the same thing to the clams?
Hi Kronomex, I liked your post.I have a shelf of escape from cos books and I had read The Unbreakable Miss Lovely last year, but today I pulled it out and started reading again.I find with really good books I can come back and read them later and see new facets.Anyway Paulette Cooper is a shining hero for me too.Always,Ann.
For a moment, let’s leave aside all the observations of the mad scramble to get a few dozen folks to Atlanta. After all, as any good scientologist–“good” as in not declared (yet)–will retort, this is just an effort by bitter, defrocked apostates and misguided criminal minded wog’s to rain on their parade.
Let’s get it straight from the horse’s ass, ahem, mouth: According to the flyer, scientology is “the biggest religious movement on Earth.” (Listen up, you 1.25 billion Catholics, 800 million Protestants, 260 million Orthodox, 1.6 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus, and 350 million Buddhists). Its visionary leader, SOB, and his unstoppable ideal org strategy has seen to it growing “so big, so fast.”
However, according to the same flyer, it was a “SMALL group of persistent, determined theta individuals who gave it their all” to build this ideal org–taking no less than 11 years to do so. How can this be?
Atlanta is a metropolitan area with well over 5 million people. As Mike pointed out, there are no competing orgs–ideal or otherwise–for hours around. With Christians accounting for a third of the Earth’s population and Muslims for over 20%, and scientology having them both beaten, why is scientology’s footprint in the Atlanta area SO SMALL? Even if Atlanta’s scientologist population were anomalously small by the general standards of this apparently giant religious movement, there would have to have been at least a few thousand who would have rallied to the cause!
Or that failing, there would have to have been millions of scientologists in other states helping out their friends in Georgia to rectify this intolerable situation. After all, they’re now being asked to “come in Atlanta,” a “religious” practice mentioned yesterday that I shudder to contemplate further. (Perhaps it’s something that they adopted from Hubbard’s occultist circle jerks with Jack Parsons; but what do I know.)
As is well known, the eminent “scientist” Hubbard was incapable of even passing freshman math. It appears that nothing much has changed…
That is the funniest stuff I’ve read all day Todd Cray. LOL.
Well yes. Christie Alley said on the Howard Stern show that there were tens of millions of Scientologist. She wouldn’t lie. Snort!
Hi In Dog I Trust, KA and her fantasy island with tens of millions of Scientologists! The KoolAid soaks in faster the older you get and pretty soon you end up 100% asleep.Really sometimes I have to shake my heads at the antics of the celebs and whales.I think I have a better idea if they will only give money to dm, why not have a big bonfire on the beach and burn it all? That is occurring anyway they just can’t see it.Love,Ann.
Hi In Dog I Trust, OK that spell- kill just gave me two heads! Laughter!Ann.
Hmmm, just spotted something interesting. The promo from CLO EUS implies…no, states straight out that it was some kind of “East US Idle Morgue Alliance” that made Atlanta Idle Morgue possible. But Kaye Sparkling Wine says straight out that the Flag Idle Morgue Alliance is to blame for this abomination with peach pancakes from Waffle House. So someone’s lying. And we’re going to get more of these lies when Puerto Rico and Mighty My Mammy eventually get a big red bow on the building.
Well, we all know that Kaye is a pathological lying scheming bitch with four turbochargers, so it was probably her. The trapped fool from CLO EUS was probably told what to write in order to try to get some other folks from EUS down there. Some of the EUS people may have went. We had fucking snow squalls today in Chicago, and I definitely would have traded Hotlanta for that. If one of Mike’s UTR readers was in the audience, could you tell me if the Cusanos went? After a winter like we’ve had, I know that Dominic needs to work on his tan a little.
I was there, Espiando, and you are spot on correct! It was EUS who gave out the loudest cheer from the most people when the speaker thanked them for coming to the Atlanta opening. I don’t even remember Florida being mentioned. If it were, there wasn’t much noise about it.
I just read on Tony’s that people as far away as NY and NJ were bused in and there were 350 people there, tops.
Well, as the New Yorkers and Jerseyites would say, “You gotta problem with that?”
Answer: “No, its you who got the problem”. Ba-da-bing.
I was part of the Religious Freedom Crusade, expendable team. 15 years old.
We were crammed (excitedly) into a bus from the Int Base at midnight. My space was the FLOOR of the last row of seats next to the bathroom. I was just happy to be allowed to leave the base. Poor Brooke Shackelton had to hold my post (big whoop). So, i squeezed in that space and did not complain. NOTE: I’m betting they will force this same thing on sea org members, especially the younger ones that have no concept of the laws or rights they may have.
We got to Portland with no place to sleep. The hallway of the Org was our only option. Then The floor of some member’s home. Up and at ’em every morning…
PORTLAND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM CRUSADE is where some serious out2d happened between a young M on D (messenger on duty) and a senior ASI (author services) executive. Child molester. Married with kids of his own. Got removed from post and sent to the RPF.
100% covered up by the church.
He is still in…and at this point ABSOLTELY TRAPPED because of it. Not sure about her. She was a child like me. Not sure when and or how it was discovered.
What big ASI exec was in charge then? I was her PA. One of them. She was a tiny waif of a woman. TINY.
Ah, yes. As I mentioned above, some of the people ended up on the gym floor at Delphi. I guess they sent public there, and SO to the halls of the org. What a mess that whole thing was! At the LA “crusade” the following year, somebody had an RV parked there and the toilet was completely wrecked and overflowing. Scientology has contracted a lot since then (by at least 5.4X!!!) so it’s only a 9-hour bus trip this time!
ASI execs around that time with kids themselves, were few. John Allcock, Greg Wilhere each had a single child.
Jesse Prince would likely know.
So it starts at noon with 2 hours before the Grand Opening. Does this mean 2 hours of speeches while standing outside? I’m guessing the Grand Opening would then include the availability to tour the inside of the building.
Also, what if you were Joe Public who lives in the area and wanted to come check out the festivities? Would they be allowed?
Anyone have an idea of how these things go down that could answer that please? Ty in advance.
In answer to your query as to whether Joe Public would be welcome to enter the holy grounds for a look-see: no. I was there looking very upstat Joe public in my Perry Ellis shirt and Timberlake sandals and was told this is a PRIVATE event.
I was peeking in through the driveway as all sections of the brick wall that had see-through railing were covered with potted shrubs. Apparently my interest aroused suspicions but I looked harmless with my dog on leash. The attendant wanted to know my name but I pretended not to hear the question and offered that I just wanted to see the front porch of infinity and I also wanted to see what the crowd looked like before the photoshopped image was released. I couldn’t resist mentioning there weren’t any fireworks overhead nor was there confetti floating in the air like in all the church issued photos. He kept saying, “I know what you’re saying” over and over.
I joined up with a small group of protestors who were holding up signs with unflattering comments about the church. They were very cheerful and upbeat.
There were LOTS of policemen to make it seem as though something really big was going on. I’ll give you this, it was LOUD with all those speakers but the crowd looked totally swallowed up by the size of the org and its outside paved area. It seemed to be almost entirely comprised of people in black uniforms. It looked like a morning Sea Org muster.
One of the protestors was from Clearwater and she doubted DM would
show up judging from the paltry turnout. It would seem diminishing to his image. The building they are moving from was already way too big for their needs. The size of this new building is an absurdity. A lot of money was sunk into getting this org ready as there had been a Channel Two News story on how the city was putting pressure on the church to clean it up. Neighbors were complaining about the eyesore.
On Tony’s blog, they posted a picture of a ticket, admitting one only. There’s also a picture of a pretty serious (and ugly) black tarp blocking the view of the grounds. My guess is that this is NOT a way to extend Southern hospitality to anyone but the carefully vetted.
LOL! Southern hospitality, Miscavige Style: “Y’all stay away now, hear?”
Hi Aquamarine, I love your post and Todd Crays.You called it!Y’all stay away and if you don’t we know where the ammo is kept!Love,Ann Laughter.
What do you want to bet that every Stuckys between Clearwater and Atlanta is empty of toilet paper and nutlogs today? Or maybe they put up a ‘Closed’ sign when the clam caravan showed up?
If DM is a real dick, he’ll make the caravaners kick in for gas.
I’ll offer up that He is a dick even they don’t have to kick for gas.
OMG, Stucky’s pillaged of TP and nutlogs, I’m cracking up! That is funny.
What is a nutlog or shouldn’t I ask?
Hi Aquamarine, Had to let you know when in Sea Org I devoured Payday Nutlogs and coffee.Those where the two items in the two vending machines @ Asho.Oh yes some disgusting squished ancient pastry.But when in SO the starving will eat and love it!?? Love,Ann.
OK, lazy me just googled “nutlog” and found a 2 definitions; the correct ( non-enterological) one being a caramel dessert treat.
Hi Aquamarine, Laughing so hard and loving your post.So glad I had the non enterological treat.Would not touch a Payday now.Too many crazy memories.xo,Ann.
I hope the staff members of Atlanta are prepared for the betrayal that awaits them. Staff and public have been duped with promises of new public flooding into the org. Ain’t gonna happen. Hasn’t happened anywhere else, not gonna happen in Atlanta.
Within six months, after the honeymoon, the staff are going to regret being in that white elephant. If (big If) the org makes any money it will be going to pay the utility bills, except they will be 5.4X. Staff will not get paid, the org will be empty, the building will become a money pit. Within a few years it will start to fall into disrepair. Execs will get Comm Ev’d, Sea Org missionaries will roll in, and staff will experience a new type of hell. Staff will blow, contracts will expire, staff will leave disillusioned. The public will scratch their heads wondering why their org is empty.
The Ideal Org Strategy…the gift that keeps on giving.
Per the actual scio management, as intended. Nothing feels better than when a plan actually works.
Your words are well written this day Stats.
So, free wi-fi on the bus, huh? All it takes is one pissed-off UTR with a smartphone who’s been taking snaps for “remembering the legendary day when Atlanta Morgue became Idle” and it’s Leaks Ahoy. How fast will Mike and Tony have non-shooped pictures of the event to post? All depends on how fast the bus wi-fi is. There’s no way to put a net nanny on the bus wi-fi, OSA. All of the security precautions mean nothing, Kathy False. Your cats can’t be herded anymore. They’ve tasted freedom and like it.
And how much money will you put down that Kaye Sparkling Wine won’t be on the bus with the proles? She only travels first-class, and no matter what they say, a bus, even with reclining seats, is not first-class. Some OTC members are more equal than others, and all that.
Hi Espiando, Your post made this Sat. sparkle. xo and all that stuff…Ann.
Esplando, So right re the WIFI on the bus. I guarantee anyone on that bus will sec checked or minimally given Ethics Meter Checks upon completion on the bus ride home.
Hey, Espi–
Truth in Advertising–
They only squad there’d be WIFI, not that you’d be able to keep your phones or tablets, right?
At least Photoshop doesn’t need to travel on no stinking bus!
Just as a question, how does miscavige travel to such short distance (no air travel I assume) events – blacked out armored car in convoy with gun carrying security? You could probably make a spy movie just on how he avoids his “public.”
Okay ya’ll, please give this to me straight. Do I have this right? I’m in a big hurry. So Miscarriage of Justice is going to be at this event TODAY at 2PM EDT??? I have just enough time to get there to get a load of this biggest BS event I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t miss this! Damn! Hurry! Do I have this straight? I have to get ready. Thanks!
I did not get this causal but read it casual .. as often in script of scietologese they use a wrong word which do not fit the meaning .. I thought Miscavige had this cleared forever and fpr all time that mispelling is all based on SP intentions ..
I remember back, when I had to clear every word of one sentence on a meter .. but the sentence made still no sense to me .. so what is causal clothing .. is there anybody here who can give a definition for it ..
I wondered the same thing. Maybe it’s some ot idea – clothing that puts you at cause?
The “11 years” of “blood, sweat and tears” by a “small group” who gave it their “all” says everything about what’s wrong with this “Ideal Org strategy.”
There are no members in numbers. The process is painful and requires you give “all” – blood too. Tears aplenty. Bankruptcy is a given – monetary and emotional.
For what? A major US city, but the mOrg has to bus in its friends (and then not give them dinner) so that there can be some mutual-fooling-of-selves that this nearly member-less club is “grand”.
Beautiful building, it is. But that’s all.
My idea of an Ideal bus is a Prevost motor home. Anything lower than that is like riding in VW bus.
Where do I sign up for the bus ride? Sounds like a blast.
There will be 2 half empty buses full of smelly, tired people, that get to sit outside a building and watch DM yank on his ribbon for 2 hours. I hope it rains.
Oh wait, I think I scheduled to rearrange my underwear drawer that day. Sorry Dave, but I will be thinking of you.
Your underwear drawer, huh? “Other fish to fry”, indeed. CPO.
At least I have a legitimate excuse if I were invited: my cat’s litter box needs de-clumping. I’m very big on the 5th dynamic 🙂
Willie, Remember the Beatles “Magical Mystery Tour” movie/album?
Even Buffalo Bill would cringe at this !
Dumb question but why do they make these poor souls leave at midnight? That sounds absolutely horrendous.
Because the staff will miss minimum “production time” that way. Another indicator this is really NOT for “public” — they could have left at 3 in the afternoon and taken the bus to a nearby hotel so people could sleep and shower and then left on Sunday morning…
You have to learn to think like the Sea Org to make sense of these things.
Thanks for clearing that up Mike.
I took one of the TR courses in Atlanta in 90 or 91. The ED was Skip Yarian and he was a hard core Scientologist, I recall a speech he made about the KTL course and how “we are the only group which has a shot at saving the planet”. I googled his name about a year ago and both he and his wife at the time are now out and speaking out.
So they finish a 15-16 hour day and are then ordered on to a bus for a 9 hour journey, then straight back to slave labour as soon as the event is done? The wonderous world of scientology never ceases to amaze.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, My answer to your question sounds so hard to fathom to me now but looking way back one of the first things I learned when brand new to the Sea Org was: As-is all sleep all you who enter and sign here..Laughter,Love,Ann.
I can’t wait to see the shoops of how many people showed up at this event.
I don’t usually comment, even though I read this blog every day, but I just want to say that the first comment by Sleepy, “frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”, made me laugh for 5 minutes. Well done.
Hi David — so nice to see you around these parts! 🙂
Hello David — I googled and found your long blog entry that Mike posted by in 2015. I must have missed it.
So sorry to hear about the various horrible you ups and downs you subjected to and suffered over the years. Many of us here on this blog have experienced much of the same.
One thing that helped me tremendously was taking 4 x 6 cards (because I had a 4 x 6 file box, rather than 3 x 5) — and when I found a VERIFIABLE date — not my own idea of when something happened – I would write down
For example, May 1965 graduated from high school. I did this only when I found my diploma, not long ago.
Because I read your blog entry I decided to write this:
I knew both Howard and Mary (Calder) Rower. He had his mission on 5th Avenue through the 70’s because I did a Sea Org Mission TO NYC (in 1978) and had to visit Howard often. The Joffrey Ballet practice space was above the Mission. And I loved going in the tiny elevator with the young dancers in their leg warmers and stuff.
Howard wasn’t declared until 1982. He was declared for his disaffection with the Mission Office World Wide which was at St. Hill, under the dictatorship (opps) of Jane Kember.
His wife Mary was the daughter of the world famous sculpture and originator of the mobile, Alexander Calder. She was worth millions.
She and Howard has 2 sons. Howard and Mary divorced at some point.
I always liked Mary. Howard, not so much. He was also a landlord and years later I met someone who had lived in one of his buildings and called him a slumlord.
I’ve found that my own personal journey decompressing from scientology has been one finding EXACTLY when something happened by either a newspaper report or something other than MY memory or the memory of anyone once involved in Scientology.
Whether or not we benefited from scientology isn’t the point.
My point is that, at least my mind became a bit like 52 card pick-up — with several jokers, numerous missing cards and pokemon cards added in unwittingly.
And to straighten out this mess I needed a system. Thus the 4 x 6 cards.
All the best to you,
Apparently Howard and Mary did not divorce — I’m unable to find anything about that. Howard passed away in 2000 and Mary in 2011.
Their sons run the Calder Foundation. Where there is zero mention of scientology.
Good call.
Well, in a way it will be luxury trip for some of the Flag staff as, finally, they will be able to sleep at least straight 9 hours without MAAs, or RTC, or Security Guards banging at their doors at ungodly hours as “stats are down and need to be pushed, sorry, gotten up”.
Unfortunately they leave just before dinner will be served, but they may be used to little food by now.
On the other hand it is a great opportunity to quietly leave (blow) while Pompadour spouts marvelous terms…it is a great chance to depart this criminal activity. I hope some will do so.
“…they will be able to sleep at least Straight 9 hours…” Have you ever tried to sleep on a bus for 9 hours? Not that easy. They’ll end up dragging their collective butts to the ribbon pulling. Then they turn around for another glorious 9 hour bus trip.
No wonder they still have seats available….
If you are used to 2 hrs sleep I have a hunch they will have no problem sleeping for nine! And they will be drooling and twitching to boot.
“…will be drooling and twitching to boot.” That’s an image I don’t want to think about…
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
“WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!” SleepY already gave you his answer. My answer is: TRY AND FIND ME!
“We are all part of the biggest religious movement on Earth”. Actually there is a definition of “movement” that fits that sentence perfectly but it’s not the kind of thing you’d shout about.
Yep, it’s a “movement” alright….
I’m moved by the movement
The movement of the bus on a 9 hour bus ride might cause a great movement
It’s what’s known in the industry as a Transportation Movement. Pity those poor souls if the one bathroom gets clogged up…
OSD – Transportation Movement – LOL – The visual gets quite potent here. laughter
The bus leaves at 5PM on Saturday BEFORE “dinner in the cafe”! They couldn’t even give these poor souls a free meal. An adventure, indeed.
Why not just fly them? Or is that too expensive for an event like this. Needless to say how I feel about airplanes. 🙂
In the world of Scamology management, The Rabble do not rate adequate food nor even average transportation.
This goes back to the days of the founding of the See Ogres by El Ron.
It’s not like it’s too difficult to get a flight to Atlanta. God knows that you can get on Delta. I think they have planes leaving every half hour from one of my favorite airports, Tampa (favorited due to the fact that they actually have smoking areas past security; I love you, Tampa). It’s freakin’ Delta, where the shortest distance between two points runs through Atlanta. And if Delta’s too expensive, there’s always that wonderful cattle car in the sky known as Southwest. Nothing Southwest will put you through is more horrific than actually being in the Sea Borg.
(Full disclosure: I just did a round-trip Chicago to Philly, the home of the Dictator Course, on Southwest earlier this week, and will be doing a flight on Delta next week, a short-hopper from Fargo to Atlanta North, aka Minneapolis. I know of what I speak.)
If the cult were not so cheap they could offer an overnite stay in Atlanta with meals and overnight stay paid and I’l bet a lot more people would have been interested.
A FREE bus ride!?! with Free reclining seats?! and Free WiFi?! This church really knows how to exchange in abundance.
The good people at Atlanta who for sure tomorrow will line up outside the building are advised not to give their cell phone to the receptionist or face the consequences.
Hate to break it to ya but that doesn’t include browsing through a “lost” cell phone that isn’t password protected.
(and yes, I AM an expert in this area having consulted congress on writing of all major legislation of this type.)
Word to the newbies. Password protect your mobile devices!
Read the letter, Xenu’s son. What a bunch of party poopers…
What needs to be done is a press release of some kind documenting the pathetic attempt of the cult to pad their numbers at these events through use of actors, extras, etc.
All your troops are dead, your cities are bombed out hulks. So you gather up the few starving civilians you can scrape together and give them weapons with no ammo and haul them up to the front to be slaughtered…
Ya have to know when to fold.
Bonsai charges: “Gentlemen, we have nothing to arm you with but these tiny trees. Do your best for the honor of the Emperor!”
Exactly what kind of clothing counts as “upstat causal”?
Hi Graham, I agree with you.”Upstat Casual”.For SO and staff more like exhausted downstat and dressed in ugly tacky SO uniforms.I know I’m old but what passes for uniforms today does not yank my chain.Love,Ann.
For me it’s one of my surfer T-shirts, shorts and flip flops. What…that’s not “upstat causal? Guess I won’t be attending the sleep fest.
…and can they afford any.
Let the shooping begin!
Dentist Dr Benk,ot8 3 l’s is a local whale since 1986(Sterling?).He donated about $400.000 to this Ideal Morgue.He will not be attending and is now in another morgue.He died from a hart attack.At 60.
Hi Xenu’s son, I am sad that a person died and is in the real morgue(smile)I know it well,but I,had to laugh at all the morgues popping up in the blog,including a rusty flying one which will appear when Ron’s Hall is opened to emptiness because dm and all present flew away to Target Infinity.I love that image.Always,Ann.
“We are all part of the biggest religious movement on Earth..” She forgot to add “April Fools!”
The opening event is bizarre on many levels.
–Even the die-hards see the waste, the stupidity, the facade and the lies. Especially the die-hards, they’ve seen this before.
–Celebrating the opening of a nonviable org with a staged ceremony weakens the credibility of Scientology from WITHIN.
–It’s like watching your dead-beat, semi-bankrupt, broke-ass brother-in-law buy a speedboat or a Bugati motorcycle or a huge pickup truck using a collection of credit cards. It’s fun for about 1 day.
–Busing in parishioners to make the opening even look less bizarre. Have you’ve visited one of those mega-churches that dot the US South? Compare. That’s expansion.
–Asking for volunteers to spend an evening sleeping on a bus. Anyone remember trying this?
–Ignoring the obvious: the COS has been driving people away since the 70’s.
–Hubbard’s policies DON’T WORK and Miscavige is clueless and if you’re IN, policy demands that you do nothing about it.
Hip hip!
Hear, hear!
Who told you about my brother in law?
Hi JustLook, Thank you for reminding me about nights spent sleeping on buses.No custom jobs either.I could barely walk the next am I was so stiff.Not fun.I enjoy your posts.Love,Ann.
Agreed except that the motorcycles are Ducati, not Bugatti. Bugatti is who you go to to get a greater-than-1000-horsepower four-wheeled monster that will peak at more than 250 miles per hour, if you have the two and a half million bucks to pay for one.
Ducati – two wheels
Bugatti – four wheels
Bulgari – the watch that you can’t afford
I feel at causal over life. It must be my jeans.
What a posse of morons.
Wow. You mean to tell me you actually found some Cause of Life jeans! Bystander, you are one styling dude!
Thank God I’ve escaped this! Imagine being Flag public at around 11:50 p.m., with empty seats still on the bus. There goes the weekend.
“…a representation [the word he was inarticularly grasping for is ‘culmination’] of eleven years of blood, sweat and tears…” You may be sure that not a single drop of any of those three have ever been shed by Mini Meine Fuhrer. (Now if the writer has said “McCallan’s”, it might have made more sense. 🙂
I looked up the local media in Atlanta:There is praise for the quality of the restauration but apparently this praise does not transfer over to the church.example:
Phil Kuhlman
April 1, 2016 at 8:47 am
you mean as a “cult member” of $cientology, don’t you? You guys do nothing for the community or the world. Your touch therapy is a joke. You encourage family members to not talk to each other. Your encourage abortions. You take people’s money away. You give NOTHING AWAY – Not even a Dianetics book. If you walk into a real church they will give you a Bible for free. Not you. You torture people, pay no taxes, and you stalk people who leave the church. On and on. Don’t know why you need such a big building. Nobody new will be inside it.
They may be able to fill the buses with all the people who just want 24 hours of relief from “the friendliest place on earth”. Flag is a horrible place. Maybe they can get some much needed sleep on the bus.
Hey in case you haven’t heard, “Production is the key to morale”. I’ll bet they have to do something like letter writing or some other useless activity.
There will be plenty of time to sleep when the planet is cleared.
I believe Atlanta could use some “Helicopter Tech” 😉 right about now!
Pass out flyers of Ron Miscavige’s new book coming out in May!
Remember – “Something Can Be Done About It Folks”
We have won the war and Scientology is not growing. VWD to all of you who really did something about it like Mike Rinder, Karen De la Carrierre, Marty Rathbun, Jon Atack, Luke Cannon, Chris Shelton etc. You guys and gals are our hero’s.
There are all sorts of way we can deliver the truth to the poor clubbed seals desperate to be right about what they have been doing for too long with no results of any value.
Suppress Scientology! It is the right thing to do!
They could have been enturbulated with one well-positioned t-shirt in the Waffle House near the org where the buses probably stopped.
“Causal (no Jeans)”
‘Causal’ is a perfectly valid word, so it gets past spell-checkers, but it isn’t the same as ‘Casual’.
Or does it mean that the micro-horde will be clothed so as to be ‘At Cause’ over Atlanta?
What is the fascination with brunch in Scientology?
Well, the fascination with brunch is, it’s not quite breakfast and it’s not quite lunch. I’m sure that’s what make it cool.
Two meals in one. You go hungry til brunch so you both get to be hungry while waiting for brunch then be hungry again long before dinner. What a way to save money on an entire meal. Hmmm speaking of that I need to grocery shop.
Nothing says ‘luxury’ like a bus! Wish I were there! Money for incidentals?! Sheesh, Scientology, shell out for breakfast for the love of Xenu!!! Sheesh!!!
This might actually be a big deal for the slaves. If they’re spending all their lives in drudgery and studying LRH, this might be a fun break.
I look forward to the shooped crowd pics, the Sherman-speak speeches, the spotlight on fake dignitaries and the subsequent shots of an empty org and protesters.
I’m always happy to see how Scientology pageantry is a big farce and people are staying away in droves. Congrats to all who have spoken out and exposed the cult for what it is!
I understand Scientology actually does hire actors / extras for events.
So, don your upstat casual and let’s roast a few marshmallows on Atlanta, the home of free and civil something or other. (Study tech is so effective!)
Scientology has the advantage that they can offer a “luxury” bus ride without lunch and no one can complain because it would be out PR.
And the lack of toilet paper on the bus would be Situation Normal.
Puerto Rico has finally purchased its Ideal Org building. We are still a few fundraising years away from our Grand Opening. The building is located in the heart of what was a very upstat and thriving commercial part of San Juan, (fourty years ago)
When that Epic Grand Opening day does arrive, Flag will provide three luxury DC-8 s to fly thetans down to our beautiful island.
Our 47 flourishing and prospering local Scientologists will greet you on arrival and then will take you to one of the nearby beaches where you can freshen up and thaw out before the big event.
The flight is free but bring some snacks and your own pillows and blankets. There will be a video of everybody’s favorite event “The War is Over”, during the flight. It will be repeated on the return trip.
Please confirm that you are coming by sending a large donation to Kaye Champagne.
Don’t forget to include a very special Thank You!!!! to COB for accepting your donation.
Endless hours on a bus to dedicate yet another empty Scientology mausoleum. What, exactly, is “ideal” about this?
Ummmmm….that they’re actually getting people to show up?
“Al passengers meeting in the Fort Harrison lobby,” this really says it all. So that’s 2,000 right?
I predicted more than a year ago that the Co$ would resort to hiring Hollywood extras to fill events, AND as actors in Tech films. Even if DM could get that many Sea Ogres to attend, they look so bedraggled it’s out-PR. Same with actors for Tech films. The Ogres look tired, listless, and used. AND, they can’t act. Second prediction: The SUMP media center will have more WOGs than clams running it. And when THEY start blowing, while spouting horror stories, it’s going to be fun
Already happened!
Yeah… But until they run out of enought staff and sea org, just like the famous patterson bigfoot film… Pictures and video far enough away… Looks real. People on an overnight bus , changing clothes and washing up in a restaurant. Sweeping camera shots won’t see the stubble and creased clothes and body Oder.. Oh man !! . This stuff is almost funnier then RB
Oh, man, I can’t imagine the stench in those buses on the way back!
The fund-raising seminar (Sunday at 1:00) should be worth the trip. Fund-raising is a holy sacrament in this church so the seminar should be a real hoot and holler.