With Voldemort still playing hide the ball on the “Grand Opening”/GAG II/Super Power/IAS events, the damage control scrambling is full force.
This email is an attempt to make everything seem “normal” (or at least as normal as it can be inside a bubble of babble).
Two weeks in a row the promise of “we are announcing the date at the next graduation” has passed with no announcement. But continued dead silence only aggravates the problem. So yesterday Lauri Webster sends out an email trying to take everyone’s attention off the elephant in the room and get them thinking instead about what clothes they will have to pack for the Events That Cannot Be Announced Yet (But Will Be Really Soon).
It’s hard to feel anything but contempt for the chief cheerleader of an enormous fraud that has been perpetrated on a lot of people. But I feel a tinge of pity for all the poor saps who are going to be held responsible for the lack of attendees at the “Most Important Events In The History Of The Universe” when they are trying to “confirm” people for undisclosed dates. And especially as Master Planner Miscavige has pushed this all the way into the Holiday Season.
What a farce this whole scene is. Miscavige is hunkered in his bunker spending his days dictating orders on how the legal disasters he confronts are to be handled (and then changes them an hour later, and then reverses himself an hour after that and then holds a 3 hour conference call and then summons everyone for a conference and then starts writing “arguments”). He is literally obsessed with keeping himself from sliding into the legal fire and while that preoccupies him the rest of the world carries forward and he has NO concern about the impact his neglect is having on anyone else.
I hear from a number of sources that there is a serious situation amongst the hundreds of outer org trainees who have now been at Flag since JUNE for a “6-8 week training program” and they still have NO IDEA when they are going to return to their orgs. Many of them made no arrangements to deal with their lives when they were URGENT, NOW, NOW, NOW ordered to arrive at Flag within 48 hours. But who cares, they are “nobodies” and certainly they are entirely irrelevant when compared to the importance of protecting Him from telling the truth.
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013
From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>
To: Super Power (Cornerstone Members)
Subject: OPEN!! URGENT!!!Dear Xxxxx,
I am now working on full-time preparations for the grand opening event and the release of Super Power!
With that said, the date has not yet been announced, but I can tell you that this opening will be happening in a matter of weeks! And I promise I will let you know as soon as the date is announced.
Right now, I am working out the seating chart for the events, the awardees charts and the list of attendees who will be attending and being presented.
I need to know:
1) Are you are planning on coming?
2) Do you need 7, 10 or 14 days notice to be able to come to the Grand Opening?
3) Does your spouse plan on coming with you?
4) Will you be able to stay here at Flag for 7-8 days for a full two weekends of events and activities? The reason for this is there is a very special banquet is being planned for you and your presence is requested. I want your confirmation for this, as I know you do not want to miss this moment! You would need to minimally be at Flag for 7 days, plus travel time here and back.
As this is the most monumental moment in Church history, I need to know that you are prepared for that type of event. You are a huge part of this, you are being cordially invited to all these events and activities and your presence is center stage.
You will be attending and will need to pack your suitcase with appropriate clothing for major Int. events, a suit for the ribbon cutting, an outfit for a black-tie banquet and up-stat clothing for participating in the various activities which will be happening at Flag.
Flag Crew has special accommodations reserved just for the Cornerstone Membership, so you need to confirm with me right away so I can get your name over to them and your accommodations set-up!
I am so looking forward to seeing you here soon! What are about to experience will be beyond words.
By giving very little advance notice to members about when these events will occur, it provides Davey-boy with an excuse for why the “fastest growing religion on the planet, whose Orgs are booming, whose stats are straight up/vertical, whose membership has flourished under his reign” had such dismal turnout for the most important event since, “the War is Over” speech, (which according to COB’s ego was more awe-inspiring than MLK’s “I have a dream” speech).
This is disturbing, the situation could be leading up to a koolaid moment of mass exteriorization, not a theory I would have entertained a year or so ago; then I figured Davey would jump ship and run with the money, now i’m picturing the mad desperation of Hitler’s final days in the bunker.
The suppressor is now being suppressed!
David Miscavige is not allowed to “appear” as the leader of Scientology due to the onslaught of lawsuits hitting the fan! He faces prison if he gets caught with the blood dripping from his tiny little hands!
He is now suppressed, nullified and invalidated by his own crimes and the results will be absolutely NO admiration from the clubbed seals so how will he survive.
He thrives off of the events! Any predicts out there?
No – you don’t need Super Power to rehab your ability to predict this one….total smash!
David Miscavige is spiraling down and the sooner the better!
Exciting times and thank you Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, Monique Rathbun, Luis Garcia, Laura D., Marc and Claire Headley, Tory Maggo and all of you who are relentless in exposing the TRUTH!
You really do help set people free!
I have come to realize that Scientologist’s that KNOW Scientology and use Scientology to take down Scientology are some of the most valuable people on the planet.
Based on results – Scientology HURTS and DESTROYS!
A prestigious list, without doubt. The one major one missing is, I believe, Tony Ortega who has done incredible damage to The Hidden One and whose blog is one of the most read worldwide about the decline of scn.
So the maximum amount of notice they will give anyone is 2 weeks. At this level it doesn’t matter if it’s 7 days, 10 days, or 2 weeks notice, because a last minute plane ticket for out-of-town attendees will be very costly.
Even more baffling, is that they expect attendees to be there for a full week. Those are large plans for anybody, let alone people with careers and families. Do they really expect “thousands” of people to just drop everything and go?
I predict a very poorly attended event, papered over by staff and Sea Org. And to think much of this was caused by one UK Sun journalist who infiltrated last years IAS event? She deserves a prize for this.
I’ve never met Ms. Lauri Webster (sigh of relief).
I too, feel sorry for the poor underlings who work below her and have to take the brunt of the epic failures I bet Flag is seeing these days. People aren’t confirming for the (unknown dates) events. They aren’t buying tickets up front for the (unknown date) IAS dinner. In general, the overall public is staying away as much as they can. I know faithful public and even they are laying low and staying away from the “commotion” which translates into fundraising attached to new releases and events.
Lauri Webster strikes me as the type of person who is only interested in her own comfort and saving her own skin. Her email is false uptone and kind of 1.1.
And how many times do we have to be told what to pack and how to dress?
It seems to me that a lot of the chaos comes from the fact that His Shortness doesn’t dare to put in an appearance at any widely promoted event until certain legal issues are resolved. Can you imagine the little guy getting served a subpoena on-stage at the Super Power Grand Opening? (Actually I can imagine that and it gives me a chuckle, but it ain’t gonna happen). He needs to be safe from that but unfortunately, so far the Rathbun and Garcia suits are just not going his way, so for now everything is hung up in a big uncertainty.
I seem to recall it was Dinky Davey’s job a few years back to create a safe environment so another religious leader could come out of hiding, and he botched that job completely. Karma’s a bitch, Davey.
” Any bets on this outcome”
AAAAAHHHH, well lets see.
Since I’m a quadurple Status, Patron Glorious Diamonds with oak leaf clusters, Planetary Clearing Magnanimous with Star Bursts, I don’t have any money and I need my cardboarb box.
If he had any sense he would just do a small event like the MV events- to a select audience, and send DVD’s to the orgs. You want your event space to be full. If you have to go to a smaller size or close off part of the event space that is better than a bunch of empty seats. He sort of screwed himself by bringing the huge tent over. Not sure why he did that. He apparently has a very distorted view of reality and then tries to force that on others. He makes them responsible for it. In his mind tens of thousands of adoring fans will show up for his magic show, but apparently those days are over.
I think that is why he cut the tent into two tents, so that if you get the few people into o/2 the size, it will be more crowded and appear like there are more people there than there really are.
The tent wasn’t cut into two.
There is another tent alongside the big one. Traditionally it was used for food preps and staging for the IAS Gala Dinner.
The pitch from the reg that we need more money because we had to do two tents instead of one was as real as the pitch that they need more money for Super Power because it’s the make-break point for planetary clearing.
You remember the old motto of the VM “I will talk to anyone, any time about anything”? The motto of the Reg is “I will say anything to anyone to get their money for anything.”
I can just see it now, these young, starrey eyed teens join the SO and upon graduating the EPF, they raise their right hand and repeat Chinese Style after the person doing the swearing in ceremony, “I will say anything to anyone to get their money for anything.” And since every staff member is trained and expected to be a reg, what a perfect swearing in statement to get the ball rolling. No need to do a Full Non E Expanded as a new person on post. Just repeat the words after me, “I will say anything to anyone….”
It is pretty obvious to the casual observer that the overall attendance stats for ALL events have been continually declining since the 2 “most monumental moments in Church history”: 1) the St Pete Times Truth R/D in 2009 and 2) Debbie Cook’s 2012 New Year’s letter.
For the magnitude of the significance of this 2013 “super duper pooper” event, it looks like it will be the singularly most low attended event in Church history. But the Church “spin” on it will be that it was NOT because RCS is shrinking, but because there was such short notice given to the parishioners!!! And, the short notice was because DM was fighting the SPs and so parishioners need to donate more money. (something like that)
The truth of the matter is the RCS has become the incredible shrinking monster (the monster that historically took down Time Magazine and even the IRS).
Today, a lot of the “wog” world actually IS watching Scientology (see Leah Remini’s DWTS audience = 17 million vs GMA 4.5 million attendance). And because of this, DM knows the general public will be watching Scientology events to see if it is growing or fading into oblivion like the Shakers….
Also, clapping seals can see the empty seats next to them at these events… So, even though events make money (albeit declining amounts, it is still money), and, the empty seats also tell the faithful they, as a group, are shrinking. This shrinking is the tell tale sign that this Ponzi Scheme is coming apart (belonging to an expanding group is their “return payment” for outrageous donations). So, when they see empty seats, the faithful intuitively know something is wrong and stop attending and stop donating. This accelerates the end of the Ponzi scheme as it spirals into the toilet.
The 2013 super duper pooper event is the event that will prove the RCS is truly shrinking. And, since DM has access to all the real stats, he knows what the attendance at the Super Duper Pooper Event will be and has already prepared the RCS spin: “It was low attendance because parishioners were given short notice, and the short notice is because COB is fighting the SPs and so parishioners need to pay more money to help COB fight the good fight…”
Any bets that this is the outcome?
I won’t bet against you because I think it will go down just as you predict.
The Super Power Building looks like a giant Taco Bell and their haute quisine judging by Tony Ortega’s sunday funny’s is a sorry ass Burito made from leftovers it seems.
Lauri Webster asks, “Will you be able to stay here at Flag for 7-8 days for a full two weekends of events and activities?”
Hate to point it out here of all places, but the EST Training was an event held over two consecutive weekends.
EST was very specifically designed to be a two weekend format as it kept people completely engaged for two weeks. There was no way out until the end of “Day Four” which began on Sunday morning and ended in the wee hours of Monday morning.
This makes me wonder if David Miscavige is taking a page out of Werner Erhard’s playbook. If so, Miscavige will soon be skipping off to the Grand Caymans as Werner did when his particular tax scam fell apart.
Dictator… potata… all getting gobbled up by an alligator! In this case, said ‘gater, was let loose by the dictator!….and now he can’t handle the sharp teeth snapping shut on HIM!
Silly, silly, boy, Davey …. never bothered to clear the word – “consequences.” …. Tch, tch
I’ve just come back from Flag as a GAT 2 trained Sup. The courses were good! In my opinion any data from LRH always is. The administration of it and delivery of the training was a nightmare filled with arbitrary passes of first you can finish your Sup practical once you’ve had 15 completions then a week later it came down to 7 needed and then 5 and by the time I was already on courses beyond my tip I had 2 Sups supping me personally so they can get a completion. One was on the Co audit sup course and the other on the Pro Sup Course. Throughout the entire program we were told that it’s almost done…almost done. I feel really sorry for the guys still at Flag having to find out the release might not even be in November by the sounds of it. To say that the trainees still at Flag are fed up would be an understatement! Most of them have finished their tips and can’t go home until the release event happens.
GAT2Sup, Your comment caught my attention. So are you a recent GAT II Sup who is still IN the church? Are you planning to stay in and be under the radar? Or are you leaving or have left the church? And how is it that you got to go home but the other OOT’s have to wait at Flag and can’t come home until the release event happens?
Sorry to barrage you with questions, but this is a first for me, to see someone currently on the “program du jour” that DM puts out, and hear that it is bad and they are not happy with it. Usually posters tell us after they’ve left. Have you left? What are your plans?
I had difficulty with the Reply button as I was trying to respond to Pete’s comment at the top. I tried to put my comment at the bottom of that chain, but it came out in the wrong place.
No, I don’t believe LRH was completely uninformed about what happened, but LRH did not order that operation specifically, and I didn’t like the innuendo. The operation was proposed by Michael Meisner from his hat and goofed up by him as well, and IMO he took no responsibility – left others holding the proverbial bag when he was ultimately responsible for it and could have righted things with a little PERSONAL responsibility.
In the context of the times, which I lived through, whistleblowing was a respected defense against government abuses, and investigative reporting the game du jour. All along the line it was the sentiment that discovery and expose of the truth was what was being done in trying to get at those files. Whistle-blowing is often technically illegal, but can be morally right. To this day, I do not think that shining light on government files on Scientology or any other group was/is wrong.
I never said anything here or anywhere else to defend the egregiously off-policy, illegal, shortsighted, and frankly stupid actions against Paulette Cooper or Gabe Cazares, However, these have nothing to do with what Pete said above.
Sorry for the confusion on the context. I failed to get the right Reply button to work.
OK, thanks. I know there is a problem with this when there are more than a certain number of responses to a comment. Not your fault. Appreciate your response.
Well Mike,
You can pretty much scratch that long tedious email I sent you on the back channel 😉
Though I’d like to read what you have to say.
Leonore I agree with you 100%.
RV- Thank you.
Leonore – I appreciate your differentiation between relative importances as expressed in your post. I cringe when I see people taking one action or one statement and using it as if it represented the being, or the lifetime, in entirety (Patton suffered that for slapping a soldier in WW II). Especially when that is done by people who factually haven’t a clue about what LRH achieved, and who factually place responsibility on LRH for their lives and their lack of accomplishment. I have not achieved everything I would like, or everything I grew to expect. But I “blame” myself, not LRH. My thought is like some athlete who sees another lift 400Kg, and curses himself for not training hard enough. Maybe I’m delusional, but with all the data and tech LRH left, if I cannot achieve what I KNOW is achievable, that is MY fault. And frankly, I don’t give a goodgoddamn if LRH shot fish in a barrel. That’s not my business, and I have better things to do. The greatest leaders and commanders in the world of all the history we know, and probably the greatest artists and composers and poets and sculptors too, have at one time or another said, “SHIT!” (in exactly those words) and have then made up excuses. Just as a matter of Policy, second-guessing LRH is not a good idea. Like Arnold Schwartzenneger (whatever) said, in a movie, “Bad idea!” People make a big deal of Hubbard’s naval career, when Chester Nimitz sailed a destroyer escort onto a mud bank and was court martialed for it. The critics have MWHs. So do I, but I try to STFU about it.
I appreciate your comments, and especially agree with this part: “I cringe when I see people taking one action or one statement and using it as if it represented the being, or the lifetime, in entirety …Especially when that is done by people who factually haven’t a clue about what LRH achieved…”
I could go on, but onward with life, and much gratitude to LRH. Life is good!
The whole sorry history of the Church of Scientology is littered with good people who were manipulated/coerced/”brainwashed”/whatever into doing things they would not otherwise have done, and who had to pay the consequences (not to mention the harm they carried out on others). And of course this still goes on today.
I’m astonished that there are still people who believe Operation Snow White was a valid one, or that Meisner “goofed” it up, or that it was all Mary Sue’s fault. Next you’re going to tell us that the only illegality was stealing copier paper, which was the original line put out by the CofS.
If you’re going to blame Michael Meisner for Snow White, then what are you going to blame Marty and Mike for? Making people think it’s their fault is the way Scientology controls people. By the way Meisner took responsibility – he realised he had broken the law and told the truth. Hubbard did NOT take responsibility. If he was innocent, or if he believed his wife was innocent then he could have spoken out. Instead he hid away and let Mary Sue carry the can. Mary Sue did exactly as she was told and stood loyally by her husband, never telling the authorities the whole truth about her husband’s involvement.
I suggest you read Marty’s book “Memoirs” and also Jon Atack’s book “A Piece of Blue Sky”.
This is the captain speaking…
May dave?
Mayday ….Mayday…..mayday……
Mary Sue went to jail for what? For “conspiracy to steal government documents.”
What were those documents? They were surrepticiously copied IRS/Justice Dept. files ON SCIENTOLOGY.
Why did Guardian Office and its agents try to get those? To get at the bottom of WHO was conspiring to stop Scientology.
Did LRH order the operation? No. It was proposed and conducted by the same person who turned State’s evidence, Assistant Guardian, Intelligence, DC, Michael Meisner, and approved by his immediate seniors. LRH only ordered a broad general directive that the WHO behind the false reports be discovered.
This was in the era of Pentagon Papers, congressional hearings on FBI violations of Americans’ civil rights, expose of questionably legal CIA operations at home and abroad.
If you think Edward Snowden or Julian Assange were even partially right by recent exposes of government intrusion into citizens’ private lives, then it would be hypocritical to complain about efforts in 1975-1980 to find out who was campaigning within the government so vehemently against Scientology.
I’m not here to debate the past, but LRH and David Miscavige are two very different beings with very different motivations.
This post is supposed to be in response to pete who said, “Let’s be honest, LRH did the same thing when he hid in the desert and let his wife go to prison for him. Little Davey is just following his mentor’s example…”.
While I certainly agree LRH and Miscavige are two very different beings, you are over simplifying and to some degree whitewashing history here.
If you believe LRH was completely uninformed about the activities of the GO you would be incorrect. If you believe the activities that led to the arrest and prosecution of the GO executives was instigated by Michael Meisner as a government “op” you would be mistaken. And if you believe that attempts to frame people (like Paulette Cooper or Gabe Cazares) were justified activities of the GO because they were seeking to find out who was conspiring to stop Scientology, then you probably also believe that the Guardian Orders entitled Intelligence Principles and Counter Attack Tactics that were the basis for those actions were not written by LRH.
I hope you don’t subscribe to any of the above, though I suspect you may as the way your comment is written it appears to be wanting people to believe that LRH was blameless and uninvolved with the activities of the GO and that they were justifierd in what they did.
I also have no idea what relevance this comment has to this posting?
Brilliant response, Mike. LRH provided some great tech, whether it was his or even copied. He coidified it and made it available. Many had great wins, I among those.
Then, for reasons not fully understood, he went completely off the rails and set the tone for the Miscaviges of the world. He abandoned his wife, just as he had earlier abandoned other wives, and let her take the big fall for the Snow White caper. His 2nd dynamic was about as skewed as it was possible to be, yet he pretended to be a master of all the dynamics. His hatred of homosexuality indicated major areas of his own case left totally unattended. (It must have been an incredibly heavy emotional burden on Quentin, one of the sweetest human beings I ever knew.)
HIs (and it WAS his) decision to begin the 10% increases every month for all auditing services was so monumentally stupid I still cannot grasp it.
One could go on and on and on re his major errors and his execrable treatment of his juniors, the punishments he set up for even the most minor of errors. He became the mould that DM filled completely. And had it not been DM, it would have been someone similar.
One of the very few politicians in history for whom I have any respect was Harry Truman who kept an engraved sign on his desk reading, “The Buck Stops Here.” He took full responsibility for all his decisions and the results, good or bad. Ron simply blamed others for the failures of his leadership. Very sad results.
While I can laud much he gave us, I cannot excuse his excesses and irresponsible behaviours. That he had the gall to criticize others without ever saying himself, “I was wrong. It was my fault” was inexcusable and a clear sign that his own Grade 4 had never been completed.
What a sad and painful legacy he left.
stop already, just stop. you’re playing a losing game.
Thank you for explicitly stating the purpose of that GO caper. It was to acquire documentation on very real and continuous covert operations against the COS by the FBI and to find out the true sources of that attack.
Copying those documents was an illegal act, just as the FBI’s covert operations against the COS arguably were. So no, it wasn’t the right way to accomplish the purpose. And yes, Meisner was a fool as well as a weakling who betrayed others to save his own ass.
once again “Open!!” is in the subject header.
Pretty soon we’ll be seeing “Please Open!!”, “Pretty Please Open!!”, “Tone40 Open!!!” followed finally by “Open!! or YSCOHB!!”
Planning? As in making a firm commitment to placing my body in a certain place at a certain time, then following up with all of the myriad real world actions necessary to make that happen?
Well, gee Laurie, I’d sure like to do that, but you continually refuse to let me in on when your little shindig is taking place so that I can…you know…make plans. So I guess the answer is no. I’m not planning anything, and I guess you aren’t either.
Good going Laurie. You’ve finally achieved the case state of Glee of Insanity.
“So I guess the answer is no I’m not planning anything, and I guess you aren’t either”. 🙂
The reek of desperation is overwhelming. Lack of notice is going save face and money for a lot of clams. Seven to 14 days notice? They already miss the best airline discounts with that time frame. All this because a SUN reporter snuck in last year?
Like loyal dogs waiting by the table for someone to toss them a table scrap. “Will Master find favor with us?”
The “Beyond Words” part is an understatement,
just not what is on the program. Yes on “Historic Event of the World”
just not the History that was promoted.
Auditor training and processing preclears to full EP is monumental, not off-policy money-raking events. These kinds of typical hype, lie and dumb-down e-mails always used to get my spam filter, and what most other CO$ers used to do with them too. All these say is “Not to be taken seriously, retard alert.”
WTF is up-stat clothing? I wonder how ‘bugged’ their special accommodations are.
What? No soul duds?
This may seem minor but I’m bugged by the instructions of what to wear. One of the things that I love about current culture, is the joy of expressing creativity and a lot of people do that with their clothing. Would it be the end of the bleeping world if someone wore something hip
or different? It speaks to the squashing of individuality and personal expression that has become routine in the RCS and is the antithesis of real Scn. God forbid some status whore gets offended by someone’s threads. Yet another out of touch element of the fake world of corp. scn. Note to Lauri: Real OT’s are all DIFFERENT.
That comment reminds me when my wife, a fine looking woman by any standard, was routed to ethics because if you really looked carefully there was a few millimetres of cleavage. She was stunned. A less flirty girl you would be hard pressed to find.
Martin, one of the reasons she was routed for “showing cleavage” is because all the unmarried SO men and boys are forbidden to masturbate, forbidden to kiss, engage in petting, or pretty much anything at all with a girl/woman until they are married. So if they see anything even hinting of cleavage, watch out! They don’t want to risk having a bigger tent than David Miscavage does, or they’ll be sent to ethics.
“They don’t want to risk having a bigger tent than David Miscavage does, or they’ll be sent to ethics.”
ROTHFLMAO!!! Brilliantly funny line!!!
Peter, Thanks. Well you’ve heard of “don’t make the sin of beating your boss at golf”? Well having a bigger tent than your leader will surely get you put in the hole. Oh, oops, I keep putting my foot in it don’t I?
Jane, that was a truly funny line. Commendation!!!! ROFL
It seems, Mike, like he HAS to win, to be on top, to be THE one who can do it all.
He has to write the 50 programs, approve the videos, edit the script, run the lawyers, tell them the strategy to follow, to decide when the building opens, when superpower starts, when the event-in-tent happens, to talk to the lawyers once again.
The cycles pile up. The pressure mounts.
It seems as if we have an unusual confluence of these cycles culminating over these very months. In this way of operating he keeps the organization small. He cramps the flow of data and cycles and production.
He really must think he is a genious and these lawyers a bunch of ass-holes and thereby runs everything. The only one.
Amazing to watch unfold.
“He has to write the 50 programs, approve the videos, edit the script, run the lawyers, tell them the strategy to follow, to decide when the building opens, when superpower starts, when the event-in-tent happens, to talk to the lawyers once again…He really must think he is a genius and these lawyers a bunch of ass-holes and thereby runs everything. The only one.”
Well, greenonwhite, it’s a damn good thing he’s “only the nominal head” of Scientology, responsible only for deep-thinking spiritual and ecclesiastical matters only…and never has to worry about hiring PI’s to follow people, or ordering attacks on Mary and Mosey, or anything dirty and plebian like that. That’s all the “Mother Church’s” responsibility, you see. If COB had to do all that on top of what you list above, why, he might blow a gasket.
Oh – and in case you forgot, he’s never even heard of Texas.
Poison ivy. So true. The list should be much longer of all the things he has to do and apparently does not do. Amazing.
If an external flow is trying to enter a pipe of a certain width, and the aperture is being constricted organizationally speaking, it sprays all over the place.
He is creating all this solo.
Surveillance of Mike et al, then deny it, then admit it, then defend it. Self-created action.
The action of someone completely insane, however insane that sounds to those looking in here for the first few times.
Well, that’s going to be one heck of a come as you are party–with maybe a day’s notice. “Bring your wallet and all’s good.”
Poor Davey is in a pickle. His lawyers want him doing NOTHING whatsoever that’s hands-on, management-related, or having to do with day-to-day operations.
And the Whales and Sheep wonder why Davey’s mangling his job so badly and nothing’s getting done. Tongues are wagging.
What’s an Ecclesiastical Leader to do?!
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, and damned if you’re David Miscavage.
Begging..begging…begging… and insane as is monumental event but no dates yet.
Now, per todays Tony Ortega’s posting he noted a rumor that the Super Power event is planned to be next week – 27 October…maybe another rumor, amongst this confusion who knows.
Amongst the bubble of babble there were two true statements:-
“As this is the most monumental moment in Church history……..”
“I am so looking forward to seeing you here soon! What are about to experience will be beyond words.”
Mike, if this email is attempting to make it all seem normal it does a piss poor job. You don’t need to Sherlock Holmes to see what is being said between the lines here:
“I am desperate and pissed that there is no date for The Event. I know attendance is going to be SHIT largely because of this and folks like me are going to take the rap for it. I am twiddling my thumbs and creating non-existent jobs like “seating plans” in the vacuum since I have to look busy. Saying you will be coming probably won’t save my ass but it might help. Best, Lauri.”
Report to Qual immediately!!!
You must retread your Shermanspeak grammar course in the next 24 hours. NO FAIL!!!!
1) “list of attendees who will be attending…”
Should read: “list of attending attendees who will be attending…”
2) “As this is the most monumental moment in Church history,”
Should read: “As this is the most monumentally momentous moment in Church history,”
(And report to RPF immediately following the SP building grand opening, I’ve been sick of your whiny ass for the last 20 years.)
Will Shelly Miscavige be there?
“What you are about to experience will be beyond words.” – You can say that again. It already is!
Lauri dear, do you ever question?
LOL! Love it.
Dear Still-Ins,
GET OUT!!!!!!!
The Indies, the Out-Outs, the Never-Ins, and Anonymous
“The Indies, the Out-Outs, the Never-Ins, and Anonymous”
Nice, you did not forget anyone. We are legion!
Although you forgot to leave an address…
The Fringes,
The Internet.
“As this is the most monumental moment in Church history,: From her email re event.
REALLY! Not Dianetics, OT III, Nots, Solo Nots, The opening of the first Church of Scientology, the first clear, the first OT 8, The grade chart…. The endless hyperbole has to have “those still in” absolutely exhausted. I don’t see how they can stand it.
The next most monumental day in Church history will be day David Miscavige is convicted for harassment.
+ 100
“2) Do you need 7, 10 or 14 days notice to be able to come to the Grand Opening?”
Lauri: You’re an idiot!
Thanksgiving is November 28, Christmas is December 25, and New Year’s is January 1.
Miscavige has missed his window! People are already inviting relatives for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years. It’s only FAIR to not force SST (Scientology Standard Timing) on wog family members! You have to book flights weeks in advance to get the best prices!
The answer, dear stupid Lauri, is 90 days. That’s even per LRH policy!
It should be the primary concern of HCO (WW), Ltd. To increase the dissemination, activities and income of all organizations on a crash program basis. This should be done by:
6. Demanding long range, advance notice by HCOs to the field of coming functions and no more of this thirty-day notice of a tape play. Get a year’s schedule of special events ahead and published and then boomed ninety days in advance of each one. (ref:HCO PL 26 January 1964 HCO (WW) LTD. CENTRAL ORG ACTIVITIES)
Since robotic Sea Org members don’t get vacations, they’re unaware that most REAL PEOPLE already used their 2 weeks’ vacation time for the year. So they can’t “drop everything” and come to Flag for 2 weeks’ vacation on the drop of a hat.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Yes, Lauri, we know that C.O.B. is desperate to open the Super Power Building before the next ruling comes down in the Garcia case.
But it’s really STUPID to try to make up for one policy violation (crush regging of donations) by violating a dozen others!
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
The inmates are running the asylum.
Stupid……..the perfect word…..nuff said.
Dear Cornerstone members, it’s time to put your life on hold Scientology will soon give you 7-14 days notice of when to come to Flag. Be ready at any moment to put your job, business meetings, important family events. As well as anything else on hold only plan to come to Flag when told to report. Expect to stay 7-8 days, oh maybe add 2-3 days for travel, let’s just say 2 weeks.
While we here at Flag have previously announced and cancelled previous dates for the Gat II release and Super Power. Well trust us this time we are really telling the truth without telling you anything.
In reality we can only hold the OOT personnel for so long. While their unintended stay is killing them financially, lost jobs, paychecks etc. They will help to fill the tent and add numbers to the dwindling church membership. The filming of the event for COB will just be so exponential on orders of magnitude especially with captive slaves for added affect.
>>>As this is the most monumental moment in Church history,
What kind of ridiculousness is that. RTC chair, Dave Miscavige, is at his core, a degraded being.
“The most monumental moment…” got me thinking about the actual one. Probably the date in August (July?) 2009 when the Truth Rundown was published. THAT was monumental.
Jeez, poor DM seems to have a lot on his plate, as usual. For at least 20 years these off-policy Int Events came off like clockwork: March 13, Bam. May 9, Bam, June 6 Bam, Auditors Day, Bam, IAS, Bam, New Years. The entirety of Int Management revolved around the events and they squeezed in some actual post work in the week or two lulls after one event was over and before the next evolution began. I wonder what could be distracting DM nowadays? Like Mike says, anything to keep from telling the truth with the world watching. It must such to be one of Miscavige’s lawyers. They are pulling down huge billable hours in a losing cause. Those poor (read rich) chumps are going to have to find other work when the DM gravy train crashes into the station for the final time. How are these people going to find reputable work then? Who would respect them much less hire them once word is out who they spent so many years working for? Maybe they are all making retirement plans.
If any of the lawyers practice criminal law, representing the church or Miscavige or any of the other defendants in the Rathbun case will have no impact on their reputation. The ones who don’t practice criminal law, like Streiber, are probably in shell shock over the revelations in the Anti-SLAPP counter-suit. The lawyers for Miscavige and the RTC, whether they practice criminal law or not, have to be pulling their hair out over the argument that the Ratbuns infringed the trademarks owned by the church and therefore the church was impelled to protect its intellectual property by waging a religious crusade of sorts against the Rathbuns. The trademarks are owned and registered to the RTC. So, the church has opened the door for Ray Jeffrey to ask about RTC’s involvement, in Texas, with the protection of its trademarks.
“…the argument that the Ratbuns infringed the trademarks owned by the church and therefore the church was impelled to protect its intellectual property by waging a religious crusade of sorts against the Rathbuns.”
Let’s remember, they have waged a religious crusade against a woman who was never a member of Scientology and they have not provided evidence as to how she (Monique Rathbun) infringed on the trademarks. I don’t even think they are claiming that?
Hey Dan,
Let’s not forget the parasites….er….I mean poor chumps who are going to have to get a real job.
Aside from PIs like Dave La…Blown.
Like DMA who’ll have to roll up their off the books B1 ops, all those poor “Ideal Orgs”, “Library Project AKA Planetary Dissem”, “IAS” regs etc.
And the other co-conspiritors involved in the Criminal Conspiracy the Church has become.
This last ditch effort to get the judge to condone blatant harassment as some kind of “religious sacrament” sorta reminds me of Al Capone trying to convince congress that the Volsted Act should remain in force.
Not to mention all the pimping FSMs. Maybe they can convince Wallmart to hire them part time for bell ringers!
Some of em we’re turning tricks too. I’m sure some of them can find suitable employment under any lamp post 😉
I can’t wait to see the IAS reges out of work and looking. Yes, lamppost lurkers in red light districts, and bell ringers for Walmart, maybe dog walkers picking up poop for a living. Just watching how the IAS reges land and what they do will be worth the price of admission 10 times over.
Honestly, Jane, I wouldn’t trust any IAS Reg creep to walk a dog of mine. Dog walking is an important service requiring kindness, patience, dependability and trustworthiness. I would never let an IAS Reg loose on my dogs 🙂
Dan, I think DM could always get a job flipping burgers at McDonalds. Well, maybe not a real McDonalds, he wouldn’t qualify being a criminal and all. But he could get a job flipping burgers, or ladling out Spaghetti-O’s or beans at a penitentiary. They never turn people away no matter how rotten.
Thoughtful Steve,
I think Davey flipping burgers at Micky D’s would be the ultimate irony and reversal of fortune.
Wasn’t it Davy and some key execs hanging on H&K’s Spooky Robert Gray’s every word about turning Scientology into some kinda fast food religion?
Like ya know like ScienDonalds or McOlogy or something.
I vaguely remember going to a “briefing” where some “exec” was comparing delivering Standard Tech to serving a Big Mac.
I’ve always considered McDonalds an imitation of real food. So you could say I wasn’t too pleased with this analogy and thought like other wacky projects it would get shelved or tabled.
Yet years later we end up with GAT which is basically an imitation of real tech.
So seeing Davy flipping burgers for minimum wage would almost seem just 🙂
I’d like to see him flipping burgers for 100 hours a week for $50 a week. Or, more correctly, for $38 a week, or $20 a week or more like $8 a week and $0 for three months in a row now and then.
While I was in the SO I made from $1,800 a YEAR to about $3,200 a year. That you get $50 a week is total BS. So I just changed my mind. I’d like to see him digging ditches and cleaning out cess pools for 20 years or so for $2K a year and let him figure out how to survive, make his beans and rice a little more palatable and provide for his future.
And if Davie didn’t want to go to McDonalds to flip burgers, he could always turn to his loving family to take him in… Oh, I forgot, they hate him too! Nowhere to turn Davie.
Vincent Price movie quote:
Everyone please stay calm, Scream for your lives !!!!
I don’t want to sound like Lord Buzzkill but ….
For LRH to open an org or roll out new tech it only
took 5 or 6 programs (LRH Programs)
Little Davey is pumping out 50 programs ?
Methinks its cross orders on top of cross orders on top of cross orders.
All at once ?
Not looking good Maverick, pull up, pull up !!!
Well, can’t argue with her last line – it’s so full of irony it’s not true. I’m already lost for words….imagine how they’ll feel once the truth finally dawns!
Really appreciate all the care and work you put into providing these updates and maintaining a really useful and informative site, Mike. It’s provides an important focal point and a bloody good laugh! Thanks. All strength to you.
Gotta love the following line:
“As this is the most monumental moment in Church history, I need to know that you are prepared for that type of event.”
Yea, Yea, sure, sure…..
They’ve been saying this ever since the glorious “victory” over the IRS.
(I’ll save any comment on that till when Mike brings it up to avoid going OT 😉 )
The other line reminds me of something some Hollywood Psychic would tell anyone:
“You will be attending and will need to pack your suitcase with appropriate clothing for major Int. events…..”
Sorta somewhat like Madame Blatzky staring into her crystal ball and telling her customer that they will be going on a “long journey…etc…”
How long has Laurie been telling the faithful that Super Power will be released and we just need more of your hard earned dollars?
Almost two decades.
Maybe she should take lessons from Madame Blatzky.
About the same length of time she has been greasing up the VIII completions for IX and X. At least they were able to convince a good portion of the lemmings to get there preps done. That must have felt good……….a couple weeks of sec checking on the Prisonwinds then back home to wait ………. and wait ……… and wait………
Yo Dave. Ya think after you get those 50 programs written for your GAG release you can get around to IX and X?? The sheeple grow restless ………more sec checks are needed……
Hey Cooper,
The actual memo she got from the top being Top Secret eyes only etc is “that the Super Power Building ain’t going to opened till hell freezes over because we’re making too much money on this racket.”
Keep the marks digging up green until I am able to off load this white elephant to Resorts International for their Casino.”
Lauri Webster asks if the invitees are “prepared” for this incredible event, but the elephant in the room is that it is the Host who isn’t prepared, lol. Poor Lauri.
DM’s dwindling sputter: Squeeze and pruge the field and staff with Present Time Problems, Consolidate the FLB into mothballs as no more than a symbol, Operate outside of US legal jurisdiction.
Yep, No words Lauri, just that GIANT SUCKING sound as the vultures circle your wallet!!!!
Wish I could attend but alas, this Patron Meritorious, Cornerstone Member, Builder of New Civilizations, Ideal Morgue Enabling and whatever other Kool-Aide drinkin bullshit statues I have accumulated can be placed directly under the only straight up and vertical stat you have going……………Graduate Declared SP Meritorious with honors but on a need to know basis.
BTW Lauri, I hope you get the date announced soon because I need time to get my accommos in Clearwater and help organize the printing of placards to help picket “the most monumental moment in Church history”. And don’t bother spending time to track me down, as soon as I know the date I will let you know where I will be staying and you can save a few bucks on the PIs and security crew.
Ah yes. This post is making me a bit wistful and misty eyed knowing the locals of Clearwater and surrounds are going to be having all the fun this year. DAVE – bring the tent back here where it belongs! We miss you! I swear there’d be no Sun reporters infiltrating this year.
That’s right! Who can forget the look on the face of the victims as they had to drive past protesters right in front of the gate? And I should think we can do better than The Sun next time. If there is a next time…
Mike…your best quote ever. “BUBBLE OF BABBLE”…I can’t stop laughing.
Wow….and for being a Cornerstone Member, the reward is that you have to pay full price for your accomodations, pay for all the banquets, pay for Super Power, and then stand bent over a chair in the prone position while your financial situation is analized and the Super Power Colonic is administered to rinse out any last scrap of money you may have hidden up your ass.
So bring a suit for a black tie event, more best outfits for grand openings, and upstat clothing for the Gold Photoshoots where they cram people in the Ideal Org or Flag to publish as proof that we have “lots and lots” of Scientologists! Well I have a question: What kind of outfit should I wear for the nonstop regging that will go on for more than 7 days! Something you can bend over easily in?
15 years in the making and the masters of organisation cannot publicise the opening earlier that 14 days in advance. Always hush hush and self-important in cos. Any ordinary church has its calendar of big events laid out and known for the year.
Classic hey you org board, and the public are on it. “I need you to”…
Well, I don’t need anything from them, but I would be grateful if the pace of awakening quickened. The end is in sight, but if it were tomorrow it wouldn’t be too soon.
Ha ha! The Quickening is Nigh!
It now truly sounds like OT is GRRRRR8 is writing these epistles. There’s absolutely no way to lampoon these emails. The emails are self-lampoons.
Meant “… like OT8 is GRRRR8 is writing these epistles.”
Holy Christ on a soda cracker….
This is beyond delusional!! I can imagine any normal human being – Whale or Plebian – would answer thusly:
“I need to know:
1) Are you are planning on coming? [MAYBE IF I KNEW WHAT THE DATES WERE..]
2) Do you need 7, 10 or 14 days notice to be able to come to the Grand Opening?
3) Does your spouse plan on coming with you?”
Come on. This is common sense that even my teenager who can barely plan anything beyond a “meet me at the mall” text knew that she had to at least make prom plans a couple months in advance.
What if you gave a gala costing $100,000’s of DONATED DOLLARS…and DIDN’T TELL ANYONE WHEN IT WAS GOING TO TAKE PLACE?
I really hope they found a great extras casting operation and can hire a few thousand seat fillers on a phone call, because that’s what they’re going to need.
This man has really gone mad.
And he’s taking his blind followers right down with him. I’m sure they are being Gaslighted right and left and feel as if they are the ones who are crazy by now.
Ivy, the runt is a bit preoccupied with throwing the church under the bus to save his worthless hide at the moment.
Since he’s the only one in the whole damn organization who can approve all of the myriad thousands of stupid details that go into these church extravaganzas, everything’s ground to a complete halt.
And because he’s a flaming, psychotic, suppressive, he can’t complete a cycle of action.
I’ll be completely amazed it they somehow pull off this event before the end of the year.
Forgive me, but aren’t Cornerstone members the more financially successful members? Are they used to being told they must report to Flag for 8 days with little or no notice? Who are these people that they can drop everything they are doing and go away for a week?
Has this kind of secrecy and lack of planning become common enough in CoS culture that the members don’t bat an eye at it anymore, or is it as screwy to them as it is to us?
Has this kind of secrecy and lack of planning become common enough in CoS culture that the members don’t bat an eye at it anymore, or is it as screwy to them as it is to us?
Renee, staff members (especially Sea Org) have long been accustomed to this sort of nut hatch mismanagement, but public are only partially inured to it.
As in most organized religions, the staff and parishioners are much more forgiving of the foibles and oopsies committed by church management than outsiders would be. Still, they have their limits. Having been a part of that group for nearly forty years, I can tell you that quite a few public Scientologists are feeling a range of emotions over what’s happening with the Greatest Event In All of Scientology History. For the first time that I know of, the Auditor’s Day and Maiden Voyage events were canceled without so much as a “Sorry…”. And now this.
Because of the suppress on communication in that organization, few will be openly discussing this disaster, but you can bet most of them are quietly disturbed by it.
This is exactly the situation LRH warned everyone about in Policy – an SP commandeering the organization and using it to protect himself and his power. The difference is that I believe LRH had in mind an SP misuing one org in that way, not the entirety of the international Church of Scientology and its entire organizational structure.
Secondly, is there any bigger coward than Miscavige?
Yes there is one! Use your imagination.
Let’s be honest, LRH did the same thing when he hid in the desert and let his wife go to prison for him. Little Davey is just following his mentor’s example…
Thank you Pete!! The truth does set one free! It is time to tell the whole truth and set everyone free!!
In the absence of data, a vacuum is created and people will fill the vacuum with dubbed in information, and probably not good stuff. That is a big paraphrase of LRH from the reference “How to Handle Black PR.” So with all of the no comm, no data about the release of these things, when it will be, etc, this is a good thing for the Indies cuz it may make the Sheeple start filling the vacuum or start looking. So the longer he doesn’t set a date and produce an event or something, the more people will fill the vacuum with non–complimentary things about him or the church. Keep on shooting yourself in the foot, Davie. Your day will come.
Jane Doe,
Excellent observation.David Miscavige should be Patented by Electrolux
The vacuum he has made is fantastic not to mention the Abuse of OOT’s
I mean WOWIE, ZOWIE ! A Hollywood writer would sell his Body parts
to be as Crazy as D.M.
Just to balance the picture somewhat… LRH created some things of value to some people… David Miscavige is leeching on and living off the interest of that… he never created anything of value. Yes, LRH was not a saint but come on, Dave wouldn’t qualify to be speck of chickenshit on LRH’s shoe. Entirely different league.
If you really want a balanced picture you need to read Jon Atacks ‘A Piece Of Blue Sky’ otherwise you’re nt interested in a balanced picture of Hubbard.
I’m a Christian but I’ve read Dawkins books as I like to have a balanced vew for discussion.
You’ll prob find that anything of Value was there before. Hubbard just repackaged it.
BigGrizzlyBear, really? Are you serious recommending ONE BOOK, selected by you, to provide a “balanced view”? Really?
I did a LOT of research on this subject, on Scientology and on L. Ron Hubbard, heard and seen EVERYTHING, the good, the bad and the ugly. And the ugliest of all is thinking that you are right and everyone else who doesn’t agree with you is wrong.
It has been said that become what you protest, and if you are serious about what you are saying, then you are a perfect example of that.
I meant to say “you become what you protest”.
And again, thanks for the advice.
I will make sure to take a recommendation on how to achieve a “balanced view” from someone who was able to judge the source and value of ALL of LRH’s work after reading the only book necessary to achieve such a complete and balanced view.
I just read “Going Clear” by Lawrence Wright and “Inside Scientology” by Janet Reitman. You can check them out from the Library – where there are NO LRH Basic Book’s by the way – all that money those poor people spent and the Libraries threw the books away or sold them for $1 on their book tables!
These books BLEW me away!
I’ve read the same kinda troll shit from OSA plants.
You know:
Disastrous Dave = Ron
That’s what he’d like everybody to believe but it just ain’t true.
Thanks for jumping in there, RV. I get tired of the troll droppings too.
So do I.
As far as I’m concerned “pete” should go back to ARS where all the other little OSA trolls and bots are.
I mean that Ron is just like Dave curve is so old school usenet.
For one thing the Ol’man has a broad understanding of history while Davy thinks Kamikazes attacked Pearl Harbor.
It’s amazing how a moron with an IQ so low could get so high in the Organization.
So… if LRonny wrote the rules on SP’s, then please enlighten me on how he didn’t see the most monumental SP in Scientology’s history coming… and nor did any of his admirers, I might add. Basically that old man didn’t know shit… and those are the footsteps that little Davey Makemerich is following in.
RV; do you really think blaming LRH is an DM/OSA strategy? Perhaps it’s more of a result from people that got ‘no results or poor results’.
I don’t believe anything and I trust no one.
That’s just my personal observation and you’re entitled to dispute it.
Most cowards are bigger than Miscavige 😉
So are most ten year olds.
ROFLOL Jessica!