Here is some new news from the “booming” ideal org in Auckland.
Remember, this is the PROMOTION they send out — it is what they are proud of. 3 completions. Yes, THREE.
They should be having 3 completions per hour and even then would not be St Hill Size. This is how far they are from being a viable concern.
I love the optimism of “save your seat” — they are literally wandering around in an empty building…
And finally, the ever delusional “we are going St Hill Size” and that they are “a new movement on earth”… This is pure idiocy. If they can round up 50 people in all of New Zealand I would be shocked. This is the “new movement”??
But let me remind you again — this is what they proudly send out.
Because this is the nuttiness those 50 people buy into. They truly believe they are saving the planet.
How sad.
Pregnancy assists have been around forever. … I think they are talked about in DMSMH. You may have heard of it referred to as an assist rather than program.
One of the problems I had with the whole area of assists was the unspoken but palpable expectation that these assists were magical cures. It seemed that if you audit one on the death or pregnancy or trauma, you’re removing all the earlier similars and connected Mis-Emotion… so now the “PT” thing shouldn’t bother you at all.
This was particularly evident when there was a death. If someone didn’t just get over the death they were “dramatizing the loss” or “hanging onto mis-emotion” And if you’re still sad, well you should just go back in session.
It could even get into an ethics sit. If you were upset about the death after having been audited, it was an ethics sit. You HAD sessions, and got your ARCX handled, so why hang onto entheta emotions? It’s a Ser Fac for attention… the person dropped their body and moved on, if your KSW is IN then this is not a cause for lingering emotion…
If it was WOG death, then you’re doubly in dutch – why upset over a wog death? It’s not like they were a valuable contributing group member….
bit more than what might follow from your simple comment… 🙂 Good Morning.
It also occurs to me, orgs would risk lots of cases of people going PTS if they were delivering so much auditing as to be “Saint Hill size.” From what I can tell, an unacceptable rate of bad outcomes are an inevitable part of auditing (and processing), just as they were of the abreactive therapy that Hubbard saw in the Navy (and possibly at a psychiatric hospital in South Carolina) and borrowed from – but which was abandoned not long after because of problems like that, as well as for just turning out to be ineffective in the long run in spite of sometimes impressive-seeming cathartic experiences.
And then Scientology would have a public uproar on their hands, and demands for investigation and regulation. Oh, and also enough dissatisfied people demanding refunds and with other typical grievances, to actually make up a picket line outside the org.
That’s actually sort of what happened in places, when Scientology did really boom in its heyday, as the baby boomers were coming of age and seeking out counter-cultural approaches to life. But Scientology has struggled with the fatal flaws of Hubbard’s “tech” and his organizational approach throughout its history, and I think Miscavige is deliberately trying to handle those problems by keeping auditing limited and restricted, and centralized as much as possible at locations like Flag where they have complete control.
p.s. There’s an old piece by Stacy Young that I think is very even-handed, but gets to the pitfalls of auditing, particularly when it comes to regression and the risk (or likelihood) of inducing false memories:
I never paid attention to her name, AnonS. At the time, youngish, thirty-ish or possibly a young 40, slim, medium height, brown hair about collar bone length…that’s all I recall.
Hey! WHEN did they start a “Pregnancy auditing program”? First time I’ve heard of anything so specifically tailored as that.
Am I reading too much into noticing that the ‘success stories’ authors’ last names all started with “G”? Perhaps one family single-handedly keeping things going?
jere, good catch. It’s been more obvious in other promo pieces, that the small and failing orgs often rely heavily on a handful of families, and extended families, for their remaining business – and also, for staff.
It’s an interesting indicator of the actual sorry state of an org with such stratospheric ambitions, that all of their success stories, and presumably a large part of their completions, probably come from one family.
If scientology had a soundtrack it would be crickets chirping.
If scientology had a video that encompassed the current state of scientology, it would be a five second shot of a tumbleweed blown across a barren desert.
This “religion” is devoid of life and devoid of energy.
Face it scientologists, your leader has killed scientology. Way to go COB, ‘ya SOB!
“If scientology had a soundtrack it would be crickets chirping.
“If scientology had a video that encompassed the current state of scientology, it would be a five second shot of a tumbleweed blown across a barren desert.”
LOVE THE visuals those evoke.
Auckland org sounds … well … Amazing!
“Move Up In Status Today” is like saying come climb and sit on top of the fly covered turd pile that is scientology with a bunch of other idiots getting conned out of their life savings. Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. ?
I also love the “wins” testimonials. How PATHETIC these saps are. Will someone please unplug them from this sick cult.
Gotta give Mike a ton of credit. He’s a very capable person. He once helped to build Scientology up, then started to see things clearly, and now he’s tearing it down, brick by brick! Keep up the great work, Mike. Please tell Leah I said hi….just kidding.
It’s so sad to see that little girl holding a certificate. You can see her future and it’s so bleak it’s scary. I want to go and scoop her up and save her!
I wonder if this tepid promotion is some kind of passive aggressive resistance to COB’s demand for success stories.
First, someone please please find a way to get that little girl out of there! That’s just scary.
On this YUGE 🙂 party, I am sure they have worked very hard making plans and preparations, but it sounds like planning a party for fifty and only maybe, if they are lucky, five people show up. Four are the party planners and the fifth came for the free food.
“We are going Saint Hill Size!”
First time I heard that was in amongst the staff in my little org, in 1987. July of 1987, to be exact. 31 years ago.
I heard it many times in my org. “THIS is the year we’re going Saint Hill Size!”. Usually as an incentive for public to buy something or join staff.
Around 2003 I stopped hearing that phrase.
Fast forward to September of 2009:
At the opening of DC org, the ED said, “Saint Hill Size is just around the corner!” Her exact words. “…just around the corner.”
These people – how do they continue to fool themselves?
How DO they do it?
Aqua, I think they must be ignoring the obvious – failing to obnose, in scientological terms – or just oblivious to reality.
If you notice at the end of one of my comments earlier, it occurred to me to do a standard business calculation – what would it actually take to get to the goal, of “Saint Hill size”? For instance, to achieve 1,000 WDAH per week on a consistent basis, they’d have to be selling nearly 100 people on 12.5 hour (approximately $10,000) auditing intensives every week – 5,000 per year. That’s obviously beyond impossible for a local org to meet and particularly to sustain*, and probably more in the ballpark of the nation-wide total in one of Scientology’s biggest countries – but clearly no one is thinking it through in reality-based terms, and management wouldn’t want to lay it out that way because it would expose the improbability of their propaganda.
I suspect that the members with the ability to analyze things realistically have either blown or gone UTR. Those left are likely the most credulous and gullible, engaging in wishful and even magical thinking – and perhaps, also, in denial.
* Boston may have done it once, but they started with the sort of much larger field that big city orgs had long ago in Scientology’s heyday, and pulled off something like the ruse of getting everyone possible to come in for a couple of weeks and use up all the auditing hours they had on account or could afford – leaving things to crash afterwards, in the sort of boom-collapse cycle typical of Scientology.
“I suspect that the members with the ability to analyze things realistically have either blown or gone UTR. Those left are likely the most credulous and gullible, engaging in wishful and even MAGICAL(emphasis mine) thinking – and perhaps, also, in denial”.
Has to be, Peacemaker. Has to be!
All of the above, but I think you’ve really nailed it with the “magical” thinking explanation.
One org will clear an entire state. OT 8 brought down the Berlin Wall.
Magical thinking!
They don’t know HOW…and they don’t NEED to know how…and they actually don’t WANT to know how or to even discuss it at any length or in any detail.
In fact, they’ll DISCOURAGE any analytical talk about “how”.
All they want to do is “postulate” it. That’s it! Just make a postulate.
Because – now, listen because here’s where the MAGIC factors in – because if their postulate is STRONG ENOUGH, it will come true!
And if it ISN’T strong enough, it WON’T.
Which is why, DISCUSSING IT in a realistic, analytical fashion, is a no- no with them.
Because as soon as they start LOOKING at the “how”, at the actual actions needed to make this postulate a reality, their postulate becomes WEAKER (so they think) and YOU become someone who’s trying to WEAKEN THAT POSTULATE OF THEIRS…so you’re a sort of ENEMY in their minds.
I knew people like this, back when I was in!
And yes, its no different than believing in magic. They BELIEVED in magic. And anyone who communicated pragmatically to them was someone who was trying to “suppress” them, to weaken their postulate and this was DANGEROUS. Because ALL that anyone needs is a strong postulate and if something doesn’t happen its because your postulate just wasn’t STRONG enough…
Wow. I’m working this out in my head while I write so forgive the rambling, please. But I THINK I’m on the verge of a better understanding now.
Magical thinking!
Thank you, Peacemaker!
Aqua, great point – we’re talking about the sort of people who really thought OTs brought down the Berlin Wall!
I appreciate your ponderings about magical thinking. That’s a really useful insight, about how their “postulate” based thinking actually leads them to reject rational analysis as a threat to their belief system – I’ve seen that, too.
In a sort of typical organizational dynamic, there was a time when being “unreasonable” worked for Scientology (and for Hubbard) – particularly in the early days when the world around them was actively seeking the sort of things they claimed to offer; and then a bit later when the missions got away for a while with promising customers anything, and not worrying about sales tricks like facilitating fraudulent loans to finance auditing. But times, and the world around them, have changed, and they’re failing to adapt.
Was the DC Org ED that bat shit crazy Willow Bellotti?
I never paid attention to her name, AnonS. At the time, youngish, thirty-ish or possibly a young 40, slim, medium height, brown hair about collar bone length…that’s all I recall.
The only “movement” Hubbard was ever successful in achieving was a bowl movement, and towards the end of his life he probably failed at that as well!
It’s a tad alarming to read how R.G. was so utterly blown away by the most unashamedly appropriated, blatantly obvious and unremarkable statement Hubbard ever wrote. #doesntbodewell
“Please write to us and tell us your wins applying scn to life”….
in other words….we need stats of “active scios” to report up with our OT Comm stats.
and also…..
“please help us make it look like we’re doing something interesting over here”
Love the demise. It’s a comfort.
I have a mole inside the Washington D.C. Morgue. I am delighted to report to you all that $cientology is really dead and failing in D.C. The Org is Ideally Empty. Most of the auditors and long time staffers are gone and public have disappeared – not coming in.
Congratulations Mike, Leah and all of you who tell the truth about Scientology. I am so VGI’s with the grat news.
Hip Hip Hooray! We are making a difference. Keep Suppressing Scientology people – it is the right thing to do.
Thanks for the report, Cult Survivor. When you say that most of the auditors and long time staffers are gone, do you know if they are gone as in left Scn or gone to just being a public KA drinking person? I’m curious.
Great news. Thank you and your mole friend.
Thank you for the great news!
Jesus H Christ and Holy Xenu – how much can these members of Scientology take.?
I mean, come on. This is hard to watch. Scientologists have absolutely no ability to “obnose” the obvious. To see what is really real and know the truth because they have the abilities and skills to look, see, watch, observe, think about, use logic and common sense. If they could any one of those abilities and skills….Scientology would “as is” itself and disappear for eternity.
I share your frustration, Stat. What helps me is to comfort myself with the knowledge that I, personally, took 2 years to withdraw from the cult. During that time I gave every appearance of going along with the program. Once I had made the decision to withdraw, I said nothing about it to anyone. At Ideal Morgue events I would show up and rah rah and give tiny amounts, OR not show up at all and give tiny amounts. At Int Events I rah-rah’d and obligingly filled out surveys and got the hell out as soon as I could without drawing attention to myself in any way. “Butter didn’t melt in my mouth” as they say in the South. No more arguments, no more attempts for clarification, I agreed with everyone, kept my head down, my mouth shut and my eyes and ears open. I was leaving; I knew I was leaving, and the way I decided to leave was to quietly and gradiently withdraw my support, and, just as quietly and gradiently, “ease on down the road.”
Now, point being, if that’s the way, I left, its entirely possible that a number of Still Ins are ALSO leaving this way.
When I get frustrated and impatient with them, I TRY to keep in mind that there could well be quite a number of Still Ins who are Under The Radar, as I was for 2 years, and on THEIR way out.
And IF this is the case, WE out here would have NO way of knowing who or how many are just keeping up appearances (as I did) because there’s no way that they’re TALKING about it – to ANYone.
Now, having said that, when THIS doesn’t work helping me feel better about the blindness of the Still Ins, well I just let loose and rant here and insult them 🙂
Friend’s listen. That’s what we do. Rant away!
Thanks, friend 🙂
What exactly is Saint Hill size?
When I have a question, I try to research for the answer. So this morning, after reviewing 12 websites, 2 past blogs of Mike’s, and one Tony Ortega past blog post on the subject of the size of Saint Hill, I haven’t found a quantifiable answer.
-Is it the acreage that the now Saint Hill Manor Museum sits on? (Depending on the web source that is somewhere between 50 and 59 acres.)
-Is it the approximate number of staff at St. Hill? (In 2015 a Cromwell UK newspaper stated that Scientology at St Hill purchased 7 buses that carry 29 persons each for Scientology staff at Saint Hill. Or approximately 200-400 staff?)
-Is it the number of Scientologists that flocked to Saint Hill (1959 to 1966) to sit at Hubbard’s Devine feet? (This is probably an unknown number.)
Hubbard wrote “5 x the stats!” , “at Saint Hill’s peak” and “at its prime”. March 13, 1982
[found in Mike Rinder’s blog article “The Hype for Saint Hill Size” 3.15.2017]
5 x the stats is so frustrating to anyone with a Science background. Statistics are easily manipulated, not stated anywhere I could find, and for all general purposes not recognized as quantified data!
Maybe Saint Hill Size is the number of little girls or boys who have a certificate for ‘Learning How To Learn.”
It’s a list:
200 staff
Average $200,000 GI per week
200 full time students in the Academy
1,000 WDAH per week
There may be others and the numbers may have changed. But this was based on some “research” done on how big was St Hill in its heyday…
1,000 WDAH would be 25 auditors delivering 20 hours per week. I doubt that all the local orgs and missions in any country combined now deliver 1,000 WDAH per week, or if so in the US, not outside of California and Florida.
Even around Scientology’s peak 3 or more decades ago, when there was a focus on auditing that no longer exists, they were only delivering 21,000 WDAH per week worldwide – including at higher-level orgs – and it is almost certainly just a fraction of that now:
“This is possibly LRH’s last recorded talk, given in 1984. In this talk
LRH gives statistics of our new management. Some are: Clears made in
’84 – 1,800; total Clears made up to 1984 – 32,311; International WDAH
weekly – 21,000; number of staff – 7,576; GI per staff – $470 weekly (so
one can calculate weekly GI of approx $3.6 million internationally);
number of orgs – 144, of which 6 were opened in 1983; Missions opened
in 1983 – 53; new public started at FSO in 1983 – 8,273; and more. That
was 28 years ago.”
In addition to the 144 orgs then, I’d guess there were probably only about 50 missions that delivered significant amounts of auditing; rounding that up to 200, yields about 100 hours per location. And if membership was then closer to 100,000, that would be about .2 hours per week per member, or around 10 hours per year.
I can’t readily find anything more recent – it’s interesting by itself, that the Miscavige regime has essentially hidden that fundamental stat ever since. If I recall there have been some hints that it now comes to an average of around one 12.5 hour intensive per year per member – similar to my back-of-envelope estimate above – which is all most people could afford anyway at about $10,000 per intensive; with a membership of 10,000 to 20,000 worldwide, that would be the equivalent of what just 2 to 4 orgs of “Saint Hill size” are supposed to be able to deliver.
It also occurs to me to look at it another way, that I think really puts it in perspective: an org delivering 1,000 WDAH per week or 52,000 per year, would have to have close to 5,000 members, with each on average buying a 12.5 hour intensive at that price of around $10,000. I don’t know what planet that would happen on!
thanks for reminding me….
I had TOTALLY forgotten about the days when we knew the actual numbers…when the events information actually had some numbers….!
When things were DOWN it fired us up, and made us want to contribute to the solution that was being proposed at the same event.
DM thinks lying is better.
Just adding in here: she may not know what WDAH means, so just in case, its “Well Done Auditing Hours” – an important production statistic in Scientology orgs.
Whew!-Real numbers, old but something to give me an idea.
Thank you everyone for replying to my question(s)!
And the 3 completions are; one basic course, one pregnancy assist (less than an intensive) and only one Grade Chart action, Grade 4.
When my son was on staff (still is), and before I was declared and before his and my daughter’s disconnection, he came to me and said he wanted to join the SO, because things are “dead at the org” and “I could make so much more of a difference if I were closer to source, which means being SO. Then I could really make a difference.” I was UTR then and so didn’t have the heart or the balls to tell him that that line of reasoning is a fallacy, that it is dead even in SO orgs as well as Class IV and V orgs. But that is how they recruit from orgs for Flag, they cannibalize and raid staff from lower org by selling the dream that things are better in the SO and that you’ll really make a difference if you blow this pop stand and join the SO. The grim, cruel joke is that it is no better in the SO and Flag is dead too.
The Scn movement has never *EVER* cleared one state, one city, one tiny village or even one city block for bragging rights.
Means that all the people in that area have attained Clear.
Pure Bullshit on clearing a COUNTRY.
I am determined to be the last lone holdout so that they can never clear North America! Wheee!
@katylied, stand in line. I have actually attested to clear all the way to OTV and I’m not clear. And I will never be clear because of the *minor* fact that, well, there is no such thing as clear. Ask Jason Beghe if you don’t believe me.
North, South, East and West America and nowhere else in the universe will never ever ever be clear.
Attested toOT VIII and the L rundowns.
I am not and never was never clear or unclear.
I congratulate LRH on understanding the PT Barnum stable datum:There is a sucker born every minute.
I would like to thank COB for helping me see the light with the GOT. (Golden Age of Thuggery)
Otherwise, I might well still be in since there were some pretty nice and optimistic in Scientology The tek usually only delivers on a hallucination level
What I learned in “scientology school”, “Clearing” the whatever does not mean that everyone in the group has to be a clear. I suppose if 97.5% were, then that should cover it. The likelihood of that happening is zero.
The only true “WIN” any $cientologist ever gets is when they finally leave the cruft cult of $cientology.
Three people! Wow! Well, I guess it’s better than 1 or 2.
The Auckland Org, as everyone knows, is striving to become Ideal. They’re working on getting a 4th person so they can really celebrate! Get on it, cult members!
You’re right, it takes 4 to play Bridge!
I get the impression, there’s only one Auditor delivering Auditing.the big income earners ( Auditors) are non exist ant.
Id like to help , but Ive got a ,license to chill, Surf to be ridden, Music played , and Bass guitars to be bought, Its tough at the top, but its a Ideal situation,
It is tempting to send a spoofed email to the ED of that “from Int management” telling him/her to do all kinds of silly things (with video CRs) just to see how much of a mind controlled robot they are.
I have a win to report! Following scientology has made me extremely grateful for the never-in life I’ve lead, with all its ups and downs. That’s major!
Yeah, bix! It works that way for me as well.
2 of the 3 completions, and 3 of the 4 people holding certs, look like gray-haired old-timers – with the remaining ones more middle-aged. This is similar to what we see out of other orgs, and my thought is that here they’re probably churning through their several dozen remaining hard-core members who are too deluded to notice the actual state of things – and perhaps conned by the propaganda that Scientology really is booming, somewhere else.
Pretty sure one of the people in the top photos is also pictured in the bottom photo. How many in the bottom photo are staff? Two of the four with the other one being one in the top photos? That’s a small group of people getting their big certificates.
Will the last person to leave Scientology Auckland please turn out the lights ,
Ah! , that must be you Tony Johnson ,
Whoever decided that a recruitment picture with two staff members with their arms crossed was cool needs to have their head examined. Horrible uninviting body language.
The crossed arms are the standard staff pose. You will notice it on most staff recruitment posters. I love the guy who keeps pointing (in the pictures). It looks like he’s pointing a gun at those poor people. I also enjoy the generic ‘wins’. I get the feeling they are given a couple of pages of short and long paragraphs and are instructed to pick out their ‘win’.
Meant to show “assurance” in their clueless cult fantasy indulgences but comes across as buffoonish arrogance and just easily fooled lost souls on the highway of life.
I remember reading a tip on going for a job interview one time: never cross your arms; it projects defensiveness and hostility.
Ever watch episodes of “Judge Judy”? There is a good reason she always shouts, “Uncross your arms”! It represents an attitude of defiance and strong resistance. Perfectly understandable for anyone who is a member of a monstrous cult.
No. That makes total sense. I have studied body language and crossing your arms is clearly signaling, closed off and uninviting.
MisStupige see all those promo pics. It’s almost as if he wants to destroy the cult. Certainly has contributed to its demise more than anyone but Hubbard.
Stone-faced with crossed arms on a recruitment poster is Scientology body language intended to convey the following:
“Here’s this job. And it sucks. You’re going to be worked to death, and then some. Worst job ever. You won’t be appreciated. You’re certainly never going to make any money.. You’ll have no time off. Your relationships will suck. Truthfully, your whole lives will suck. You’re really gonna hate it. That said, some of you will sign up anyway. Experience has born this out. Our fierce, dedicated glares and crossed arms have a curious effect on some people. Guilt? Repressed masochism? We’re not sure. But it works on some of you useless dilettantes out there – that we know. So recruit promo gets sent out Miscavige makes us stand here and cross our arms and scowl at you. Most don’t fall for this gimmick but some do so its worth a shot.”
LOL! Good one AM!
Love your blog and Scientology the Aftermath, keep up the great work.
Been wondering what is St. Hill size?
J.C. ventured:”Been wondering what is St. Hill size?”
IIRC, there have been a few ‘definitions’, none having a targeted delivery stat. What I remember was so many staff members, so much income, and the like. Definition changes irregularly, but pretty much every time it’s used. Big thing for me is that St Hill Sized” can be met one week-end in a big (false) stat push and the org will be empty the day or week later. IOW, it’s another of the “kid’s” false measures that keeps the clubbed seals off-balance and on their toes.
It’s been a long time, over 3 decades I think, since they’ve even managed to temporarily “stat push” a local org to “Saint Hill Size.” In Scientology’s brave new world of total delusion, it’s another thing like “expansion” that is used as a propaganda rallying point as if it had some reality to it, when in truth everything is actually going the other direction – or, more in the style of Orwell’s 1984, if “war is peace,” then “expansion” is contraction, and “Saint Hill size” is a large but empty org.
There’s a bit more about it, including some vagaries from Hubbard himself, here – and note the first comments about how Saint Hill was actually only that large at one point because a ban in Australia caused an influx of foreigners coming to study under Hubbard (who apparently was never very good at paying attention to cause and effect):
And how it was interpreted at one point, here:
‘Management (it still existed at the time) pored through old files and determined “the size of old St Hill.” It was initially issued as 200 full time students in the Academy, 1000 WDAHs per week and Gross Income of $100,000 (and other stats considered to be commensurate with achieving those quotas). There were other versions of the quotas at different times, but this is generally the range considered to be “SH Size.”’
I’ve always wondered : is any org in the world Saint Hill Size for real ? My guess is not even one org is stably so. Flag is a hoax because as many have explained, it sucks public from lower level orgs and has many staff coming in for training. And Flag probably never had 5x stats! So if the “mecca” can’t do it, who can? And by the way, how long has Saint Hill remained Saint Hill size? It is quite stunning that LRH did not analyze why Saint Hill failed to retain its Saint Hill size. He would have realized that it was only his personal presence, with exclusive conferences, courses, etc, that could attract scientologists from lower level orgs (like Flag), and in no way a real steady growth, with a constant influx of new public. So in a way, not even LRH was able to bring any org steadily to Saint Hill size. Quitte a con all the way through !
I’ve seen some references that the LA advanced org (AOLA) might be “Saint Hill size,” and Flag in Clearwater likely is as well. But it’s impossible now for any local org to achieve, and was never possible for those orgs to attain without an artificial “stat push” that would inevitably result in a crash before long.
Indeed, Saint Hill was in some ways never really Saint Hill size – it was Hubbard headquarters size, with the accident-of-circumstances addition of a group of foreigners due to temporary legal circumstances. I don’t know how long it lasted at that size, but I bet it roughly coincides with the start of the Scientology ban in Australia in 1965, and ended around the time Hubbard went to sea in 1967.
As I’ve noted elsewhere – though I initially based estimates on Flag prices, while local orgs are much cheaper than I realized* – actually achieving the 1,000 WDAH weekly, would mean an org selling about 100 12.5 hour intensives at around $2,500 each – every week, 52 weeks a year (which would require a huge number of members willing to spend large amounts annually). Maybe that’s why management uses figures like 10X and 47X – local orgs would have to increase their volume by those sorts of multiples to actually achieve “Saint Hill size,” but breaking it down further reveals that it’s beyond unrealistic.
* Recent local org prices posted at
p.s. Also, for a reality check, here are some figures from Portland a couple of years ago, during the “birthday game” stat push – the “day” org had 100 WDAH and $35,000 GI, apparently over a couple of weeks, compared to the 1,000 WDAH (10x) and $200,000 GI (6x) the whole org would have to achieve weekly.
After reading through this morning’s blog, I must concur. This Ideal Org is most definitely NOT booming.
The only other thing I would add is that I sure would have liked to have had the “BOLD” editing effect so that I could have made the word “NOT” appear in bold above. Does anyone know what the reason may be that I cannot seem to access the editing tools that used to be available? They just stopped appearing about 3 days ago although that is just my best guess. Is it possible I did something that screwed up my editing tools? Is there anything I can do to get them back? I will now stop whining about this and just make the best of it.