Next in the ongoing series of essays by Terra Cognita. See earlier posts here: The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don’t FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown – The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology… Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.
Auditing: a PC’s Quest for the Holy Grail
I don’t have the perseverance to cover the whole topic of auditing. But here are a few thoughts.
Auditing is Scientology’s version of one-on-one therapy and is a cornerstone of the church. In a typical auditing session, a therapist, or “auditor” asks specific questions to the PC—pre-clear (one who is not yet Clear)—and acknowledges the answer. The questions were formulated by L. Ron Hubbard, and the auditor uses an e-meter to help him locate the past incidents in which to address.
The e-meter is a device for measuring charge, or repressed emotional trauma, within the mind of the PC. Per LRH, it “measures emotional reaction by tiny electrical impulses generated by thought. The meter tells you what the preclear’s mind is doing when the preclear is made to think of something. The meter registers before the preclear become conscious of the datum. It is therefore a pre-conscious meter. The current is influenced by the metal masses, pictures, circuits and machinery. When the unclear pc thinks of something, these mental items shift and this registers on the meter.”
This electrical circuit is completed via the PC holding two metal cans connected to the meter via a metal cord.
A dial with a big needle registers the PC’s response to questions. If the needle doesn’t react to a question, it is presumed the item or question isn’t “charged,” and the auditor will move on. If the needle reacts at the precise end of the question, the question is charged and there’s something there for the PC to address.
If his needle is “floating” at the end of his answer (“a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle”), the harmful emotion has been discharged and the auditor moves on to the next question. If the needle is not floating and the PC has nothing more to contribute to the answer, the auditor asks if there is “an earlier, similar” incident. This routine of following long chains of “earlier/similars” can go on indefinitely, down celestial rabbit holes of past lifetimes.
From personal experience and anecdotal evidence, I don’t believe the e-meter does what LRH claimed. I don’t believe the machine really “reads” emotional charge in a PC. If an auditor tells a PC there’s something “there” due to the movement of the needle, more often than not, a PC will find something—whether the incident is real, or invented. In fact, on more than one occasion, my auditor told me he didn’t care if the incident was real or imagined, but to just tell him what I was looking at.
Human beings are wildly creative and imaginative. If it’s suggested that specific incidents are causing Tom’s present time difficulties, he’ll make sure he finds something and has a cognition (“something a pc suddenly understands or feels,” or “a pc origination indicating he has ‘Come to realize’.”
Maybe it doesn’t matter if incidents are real or imagined. Maybe it’s merely enough that Tom believes they are and that by looking them, he’ll “Come to realize.”
The Auditor
LRH defines an auditor as “one who listens and computes,” and “who has been trained in the technology of Scientology.” “An auditor is the person…whose job it is to ask the person [PC] to look, and get him to do so.”
A good auditor has empathy for his PC’s. A good auditor is a counselor and a friend. He’s there to help guide the PC to those incidents causing him problems in present time. A good auditor has the PC’s back.
Most auditors—especially those in advanced orgs—lack these gifts. I see two reasons for their shortcomings.
The first reason is due to having most of the human kindness drilled out of them. Most of the auditors with whom I’ve sat across from have behaved more like robots than humans and lacked the empathy needed to make the connection with the PC in order to facilitate therapy.
A second reason auditors fail is due to the constant demand by their seniors for them to audit ungodly numbers of hours. A good auditor rarely receives a break. Since Missions and Class 5 orgs barely have anyone to audit, this second reason mainly occurs in advanced orgs. The fact that so few auditors are made anymore, contributes to this scarcity, and thus the remaining few are continually asked to do more and more.
This may seem counter intuitive, but per my experience, the more trained the auditor, the worse he is. Field Group, Mission, and org auditors are the best. Those in advanced orgs are the worst.
Why Auditing Works
Talking to another without interruption or evaluation is powerful therapy, and for many, a chance to unburden a lifetime of pent-up pain and suffering. Hubbard certainly didn’t invent this type of treatment. Therapy of this nature had been going on for centuries by the time he arrived on the scene.
I will give Ron credit for organizing a systematic series of questions at the lower level of the bridge. For example, since most people have issues with communication, problems, Overts and Withholds, loss, and trauma, he created series of questions that addressed each of these areas of potential upset—or what he termed, “aberration.”
Why Auditing Doesn’t Work
Auditing fails for a variety of reasons. I’ve already mentioned two: poor auditors, and a reliance on the e-meter—which in my mind, contributes more to failure than success.
LRH created auditing as a “one size fits all” form of treatment. He assumed that all people suffered from similar traumatic incidents that held them back in life. He was right to a certain extent. But at the same time, he left no room for auditors to explore other avenues into the mind of the PC.
Charging ungodly sums of money for therapy is another reason for failure. Spending so much puts tremendous stress and anxiety on, not only the PC, but on his entire family. All but the very rich, worry about how they’re going to pay for their next intensive (12 ½ hours) of auditing. Many have walked away due to the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to get to the top of the Bridge.
Just like millions of others on this planet, LRH believed in past lives. Many believe the “incidents” dredged up in sessions are merely the result of creative imaginations and that LRH projected his own fantasies onto others (Since he had been to Marcab, so had everybody else).
The most telling yardstick in measuring the effectiveness of auditing, though, is the number of new public coming into Missions and orgs for processing. If auditing worked as flawlessly as LRH claimed, there would be long lines outside the front doors, and his vision of a cleared planet would be well in hand. We all know how that’s going.
The mind is a powerful tool that can be manipulated into performing all kinds of mental gymnastics.
Auditors Are Never Wrong
Per the Auditor’s Code, an auditor promises “not to explain, justify or make excuses in session for any auditor mistakes whether real or imagined.” This has come to mean that no matter how badly they goof up, an auditor will never apologize. They can bungle every command and violate every rule of common decency from here to Emily Post, but the one thing they’ll never do is apologize for making a mistake.
Never saying they’re sorry is only half the story. The other half is: the PC is the one forced to pay for all their mistakes! Often, this demands buying large number of hours at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars.
D of P’s and C/S’s never cop to mistakes, either. In fact, now that I think of it, all Division 4 (Training and Processing) staff are perfect. It’s only the public who aren’t. Don’t think so? You have overts.
Auditing and Drugs
LRH felt that drug use was not only a major cause of aberration in human beings, but one of the major factors leading to the demise of civilization. As such, he addressed incidents of drug use up and down the Bridge: from the Purification Rundown to New Era Dianetics, all the way up to the OT levels.
I dallied in drugs in my youth but never suffered their “restimulative” effects. I never felt negatively affected by any of the times I’d gotten high before I joined the church. I never perceived any marijuana or LSD seeping out of my pores while on the Purification Rundown, and I never experienced relief when addressing drugs in session. For these reasons, I tend to discount auditing directed at this subject.
On the other hand, others have reported substantial wins. Their drug use may have been more pronounced than mine and thus been more affected. I have sat in saunas with people who have sworn that the sweat covering their skin was laced with past drugs.
Before the start of every auditing session, one’s rudiments must be “in.” A rudiment “is that which is used to get the pc in shape to be audited that session.” They include ARC breaks, Present Time Problems (PTP’s), Overts and Withholds, and if your needle isn’t floating when your auditor asks about these, it’s presumed they’re “out” and there’s something there to handle.
As an example, a PC might have a work-related problem preventing him from putting his full attention on his auditing. This would be a PTP and would need to be handled before the formal session could continue.
But, of course, the biggest “out-rud” is always the Withhold. Because everybody has something they’re keeping to themselves—whether it’s as insignificant as having rolled through an intersection without coming to a full stop, or something slightly more noteworthy, like having unprotected sex with the teenager next door.
Being Sessionable—or Not
Being “sessionable,” in Scientology is serious business. LRH said PC’s must be well fed (which includes taking unhealthy amounts of vitamins) and have gotten eight hours of sleep before going in session. The auditor tests this by having the PC “take a deep breath and let it out slowly,” while holding the cans. If the needle falls like it’s supposed to, the PC is ready to go. If the needle doesn’t move enough, the PC’s metabolism isn’t up to par and they can’t go in session. At this point, the auditor and PC go to hilarious lengths to get his metabolism fit.
Some of things PC’s do to get themselves to “metab” include: stuffing themselves with specific foods and vitamins; walking around the block; taking naps; doing jumping jacks; adding more hand cream to their hands in order to facilitate better contact with the cans; etc. Some PC’s chronically fail to metab and have learned to use various tricks to make their needle move appropriately. A good friend told me of the Flag Diet in which so much food is forced on PC’s prior to going in session, they gain ten pounds during every stay.
I always metabed! Ah…the little things in life.
Lists…and Lists…and Lists…and Lists
A Scientology list is just that: a long list of items or questions asked by an auditor to a PC holding the cans. If a particular item “reads,” (the e-meter moves sufficiently to the right at the precise end of the question) it’s taken up by the auditor and PC.
LRH concocted lists for everything but there are two main types. The first is used to find “charged” items (past incidents) to audit. The second is used to find out where things went wrong in session—which in my experience, happens frequently. Way, way too frequently. Pretty much in all sessions.
Probably the most famous list is the L1C, “used by auditors in session when an upset occurs or as ordered by the C/S. Handles ARC broken, sad, hopeless or nattery pcs.” Basically, if a PC isn’t doing well and the auditor or C/S doesn’t know what else to do, they employ an L1C. Somewhere, in some org, I probably have a filing cabinet dedicated solely to my L1C’s.
More often than not, list items that I thought should have read, never did, and conversely, those that did were a complete mystery. Nonetheless, those items that read had to be “taken up” by the auditor. I probably wasted more hours (and thousands of dollars!) “in the chair” by addressing “false reads” than anything else. I suspect others have had similar adventures.
And Finally, The Exam
After every session, PC’s get exams to make sure they’re winning and happy. Just like in auditing, he’s hooked up to an e-meter. In the exam, the machine is operated by an “examiner.” The PC isn’t required to do or say anything to the examiner. He just has to sit there until his needle floats. Which can happen immediately or take excruciating, long minutes of uncomfortable silence.
PC’s go through all sorts of vocal and mental gymnastics to get their needle to float at the examiner. Because if it doesn’t, they’ll be “red tagged” and be required to go back in session within twenty-four hours and have to burn more precious hours.
The truth is, everybody sitting in front of an examiner is withholding something. Whether they think their auditor was stiff, or the process they’re running is a bit whacky, or they think David Miscavige is an SP, everyone is hiding something. And for this reason, everyone is scared that their needle won’t float and they’ll be forced to reveal shit they don’t want to reveal. And be red tagged. And have to go to Qual for Review. Or to Ethics for sec-checking.
I suspect most of you never fully quenched your thirst from the Holy Grail. You might have had a sip or two, maybe wet your lips and tasted the siren call of freedom, but I doubt any drank the whole cup. I never did. I don’t know anyone who has.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
Hi TC this article really moved the TA. Hope some
posters feel a bit better now having said what they
Les input is in my humble opinion most accurate.
On the auditor side the biggest wins on my pre clears
were on life repair. On the receiving side my biggest
wins were on ARC StraightWire (if you discount the
wins I had with my pc’s).
scientolo-GEESE !!!
How can we climb out of the rabbit-hole, talking like that?
When it comes to beliefs, change comes so hard. The most important thing to remember is not that scientology is aggressively predatory, or that it is first-and-foremost profit-oriented, the thing we tend to forget is that the whole game of scientology IS A CON, a con built on acronyms and fantasy.
Man, that language just gets my goat, seriously. To hell with letting the rest of the world know what the dickens you are actually trying to say, huh?
THAT IS HOW THE BUBBLE WORKS, how the “us-vs-them” thing works, how the walls of the bubble becomes solid, how scientologists separate themselves from “the wogs”, how each practicing scientologist puts up the brick and mortar of his own prison cell. These are the methods of social isolation, this…
private language, LRH-speak.
What ARE you saying? How great the almighty Bridge is? No, Life Repair. The baited first-step to purgatory, that’s Life Repair. The Bridge is a big, fat secret, can’t even talk to other scientologists about what goes on in auditing, right? Secret. What is next? Sorry, all totally secret (supposedly, anyway). Why? Because nobody knew better than Hubbard that the whole damn CLEAR story is a con, that’s why. He was no dummy. Why let the cat out of the bag? Which is what would soon happen if scientologists actually talked between each other.
[“What, you never had a past-life recollection, either?”]
OT Three will make you head-explode, that’s one secret out.
So, to hell with wins. “Wins” suck. Written down, they are a simple promo tool, & talking about scientology wins pretty much qualifies you, sorry, as a cog in that machine, a tool to clamp down nice an’ tight the public message: how wonderful this pseudo-philosophy is.
I know I’m being cold and apparently heartless here: I empathize actually. Breaking beliefs hurts, a lot like breaking hearts. For each one of us, there was a time we believed, heart and soul. I know. The original betrayal orchestrated by the founder warrants me. That’s why I say, also, that as an auditor?…
… a PC-win is another nail in the coffin of that poor soul’s identity. That does make the auditor something of a spiritual hit-man and undertaker, yes.
Sorry, sir. I don’t mean to single you out. I could have laced into anybody (any “ex”) who absently talks like that, that cult-code. Yes, getting out is a process through a number of stages. You have made the most difficult first step. I do encourage you. It would naturally take awhile, to get the ripple effect of (years and years of) mind manipulation out of one’s system. Keep your wits.
There is no magic to get that done, but at least we can remove the toxic glue that keeps the mind stuck, those gad damned words. The real wonder and life’s joyful miracle is in surrounding yourself with people that never, ever heard of scientology.
I’ve had countless wins after cogniting so many cognitions which led to stable case gain. Although I may not demonstrate superior abilities, greater intelligence or a happier demeanor than an average person, I assure you all my dynamics are expanded to infinity and all my stops are blown. Plus, I have TOTAL ARC! An average person can’t say that, can they?
I become offended, angry and butt-hurt when people invalidate my wins. Unless you’ve had these wins you can’t possibly understand! Now I need to get into session because you’ve enturbulated me. Or whatever. 🙁
…my goat got got again. Hm, suppose I could lighten up?
Wins are wins, I can go that far, and well-intended people are a real and sometimes a vital part of therapy regardless of wheather or not they employ the scientology language.
For 30 years after leaving, i would brag about what i had learned in… there.
“I have my wins.”
I said that directly to Jefferson Hawkins, when he said to me he was no fan of
L. Ron Hubbard.
But then I found out.
Found out a lot of things about the man himself, Hubbard, his wifes and family, his son, and how he treated all these people, how they all regarded him.
More importantly, I learned critical information about mind-control, Hubbard’s fascination for hypnotism, and all forms of coersion. Subversive coersion. Getting people to do whatever you, as leader and founder, want. Including handing over every penny of your wealth, dedicating your energy to the cause… for the rest of your life. The first thing scientology aims to take from you is your identity, surprise, you thought it was just a simple thing like money. In his organization, people are reduced to tokens of a given value, to be traded and bartered and waged for gain or loss, all at the whim of the founder.
The way out will never happen with the mind in a fog. Lord help you if you had to go through scientology. Clarity is required, the active ingredient, if you will. The manifestation of emergence requires the clear perception of self. Change of mind will never happen by throwing itself to the wind. The focus and attention must be, first and last your own. The structure must be yours, and of your own construction. Otherwise, it is merely someone else’s. And that, or the void of that, my dear fellows and roger, is how the world begot personalities like the not-so-benign David Miscavige, and this is no time to be careless about what we say. Thanks for letting me speak, which I intend to do until this cult is deemed illegal throughout the world, I am so grateful.
Be well and prosper, by whatever means works for you.
Hoping to see a happier face, for you and yours.
You hope to see a happier face on me? I’m more than happy to oblige… 🙂
That was most accomodating, thank you.
And I believe it reflects on me, yes, thanks again.
The mind believes what it wants to believe.
Spend a few grand, hold out your hand
Plug in, tune in, let yourself go…
you will believe, and fight to be right
a little more ripe…
to spend a few thousand again.
The mind hears what it wants to hear
Salvation is near
nothing to fear
just spend a few thousand again.
I curse the “E-meter”.
Piece of un-holy crap,
something solid, something the grasping, grabbing (deluded) “Preclear” can point at and say,
“This is real. This has got to be real…”
I know this is real. I know I am doing the right thing. My needle is floating, everything is proven
and I feel fine.
My experience of auditng was mostly positive. Last time I had real auditing in Flag in 1995, I received no more than 5 hours with very short sessions. It was a repair of out list using Nots. The amount of charge blown was amazing. The auditor asked the question I didn’t even have to answer. It was “blowing”. After each session my space went bigger and bigger. The auditor was full of love and intended to free me. After few session I felt so bloody free that I couldn’t see how to get more wins on this program. The director of processing materialize in front of me and asked me if I wanted to attest the repair PGM. After that I had a little sec check. No steering ! When I said no, the auditor just checked for false read. I was amazed to blow the misconception where I thought I had overt. This was perfect auditing. This was just standard auditing per class VIII lectures.
Anything else is not auditing but a flubby actvity often performed by an auditor untrained who don’t understand and has bad intention on the pc or is connected to such a CS, or such an exec (as Miscavige who is totally suppressive).
I went home and started a new life very successfull, I was so free ! Before to go to Flag I was a mess, due to wrong indications.
I went back in 1999. Was audited by a women I didn’t feel right. She grossly overrun me on Nots. Insisting on crazy out tech, invalidatiing the blow by inspection as it was revised by COB.
It was not only out tech, it was totally supressive. Miscavige, only for that should hang.
Tech is not for idiots or evil people. Hubbard said it so much, particularly in KSW.
I have myself audited quite a lot. Each time I had a unhappy PC, it was that I fucked up the session. No other reason.
Tech works, stupid humans make a mess of it.
As I said being non violent, I still think Miscavige should hang.
Anyone who likes him is a rotten out of valence ass.
Most of you guy went under his reign, therefore you never experienced good auditing.
Hubbard spent his life to say that tech should be in. But some idiots used KSW to further degrade the tech.
Is ‘Holy Grail’ a term commonly used in this context in scientology? I am interested in what appears to be quite a focus on King Arthur, eg LRH’s text called ‘Excalibur’, people dressed up as knights on white chargers at CoS events and jousting at Saint Hill, etc, etc.
Jestill58: Holy Grail means nothing in Scientology.
I just had an interesting thought.Perhaps the Holy Grail was Ron’s Coke glasses and dm’s rare crystal scotch tumblers.Go right alongside the charming cuff links and I always thought it overdone,The Scientology Cross.❤️
That was that first “sacred” thing that LRH wrote… thing to save mankind and the world, thing that ignited the megalomania in Hubbard, thing he wrote himself to sleep by, hypnotized himself into thinking he was god’s answer, honest to god, to Mans question: “Who am I?”
That is no exaggeration. Truth is the Old Man had some sort of frontal lobe disorder. Couple that with that frenzy for writing things down and… wha-la! – you eventually got Dianetics. Hubbard could not believe, was sorely disappointed when he presented Excalibur to a dozen publishers and every one of them left the manuscript summarily rejected, and we all know how being critical of L. Ron Hubbard is a lot like mixing Mentos with Coke, unbelievable reaction, the birthing days of scientology. What a story. Excalibur.
Good to meet you sweet olive.I liked what you posted regarding Excalibur and Ron.I first heard of that manuscript after coming back from The Excalibur TSMY- twin screw motor yacht.I had to commit those initials to memory and yes I did get the twin screw lol! At Asho F I started out as chief letter stuffer and also I went through all the entheta mail and separated it away from the letter regges.After a few weeks I was promoted to letter reg.I took off and wrote to every CF file I could scourge up.One person I wrote to was at St.Hill and he wrote me that Ron had written this incredible manuscript and it was locked in a vault in London.Implying that the thing was so powerful it could only be seen by certain eyes.What a great hook,sure had me on the line!And please if anyone knows I do not believe it was published.Like Hymn of Asia was supposedly top secret because Ron had his Buddha face on when writing that one!❤️
sure, it was published, my guess is 1975… I’m pretty sure. It was about then, when
Alan Larson held it up for the entire staff… I was sure the letters embossed on the hard cover were all pure gold, the kind on the Periodic Table. Hymn of Asia
It was a turning point for me, a real shot in the arm which left me doubtless:
I was actually working for the one and only man, as if I were his right hand man, me. The real me.
“See me dead and behold I live forever.”
That should ring a bell.
“There can be love for…” – and he poetically goes into 8 examples, one for each dynamic, those dynamics familiar as the back of my hand…
And so we were saved. That’s the way I saw it.
Come to find out about his son, while I was still in, also in ’75. All we were told was that he had been disconnected. Zero additional information, for anybody. But that was indeed enough to poke a hole or two, on occasional moments of the day, or rare moments when I felt truly, safely and gratefully alone with my thoughts. My love for Hubbard was challenged by that question, “How could the creator of this salvation lose his son?”
And for all the Hubbard-ish I read I never saw any other mention of the word love.
As horrible and unlikely as it does sound, the old man had no heart.
Just a black void of an empty hole, where the heart would be in any of the rest of us.
Which is just one personality trait, of the 20-odd traits, of a man with his type of frontal lobe disorder would have, heartlessness. Another would be obsessive compulsive writing, bingo again. I should get the list, there’s a few megalomaniacal things there… I bet you think I’m making this stuff up, I don’t blame you. But, without heart your value rating can only get so much worse already; that coffin has been nailed so hard no more nails can be squeezed in, come on…
Ann, I know this stuff cuts fairly close to the bone for you.
That… burning?… has got to be a sort of visceral pain, I can only imagine. I only speak to it because of the supreme injustice, which is so… unnatural. Crime and punishment takes on these horrific distortions and imbalances in scientology. No human being really is equipped to endure that kind of abuse. Inequality. Like the inequality between god and man, if you ask me. If it were to happen to me I think I would have to break at some point and start blaming myself. Which would be so wrong.
Is it not human nature, to blame ourselves on some level, various levels, when we hurt so hard, so bad and for so long? I suppose so, but that makes nothing right, there is no right in blaming yourself. I only wish I could say that I never wasted days thinking the problem was me.
So now I think of Hubbard as a sort of arch-enemy or super-villan of real life.
He was that unreal. But I am careful nowadays; I’m armed with certain new defense mechanisms that are sure to corner and nulllify any and probably all close-minded ideas.
Not just anyone can say that, not just anyone could possibly understand the real value of such knowledge, I think, without having lived it. We have that.
That religion, his, is as good as dead. You may see buildings but they heave their collective last breath now, being buildings for no purpose but for show.
It is game over. The world knows. Knowing is death for every con. And Hubbard got his due, alone and himself unloved and unknown, as isolated as a human can be. Really there is only one word for him now and that is sad. I don’t even address the new leader, the pirate, but his heart bears the same cloak of invisibility, and that’s about as nicely as anyone can put it, his condemnation. Except to say that such a trait is not exactly human. We made it. Good to be out, good to see you about. And, thanks, too, right back at…. you.
The rule that the auditor is fully in charge of the session – when it ends after it starts – and not the person being audited gets abused. I witnessed on many occasions a PC saying that they needed to end an auditing session so they wouldn’t be late for work and the auditor then refusing, because, of course, PC’s aren’t allowed to decided to end a session, per Hubbard. I’ve seen people lose their jobs due to them not showing up for work due to being kept from leaving a session. I started letting people with know about this rule and talk about what time they needed to get to leave to get to work, to pick up a child from childcare, make it to the last bus to get home, etc. before the session was started, so they didn’t make this mistake during the session.
so, if everyone is jumping through hoops to make this machine do what it’s “supposed” to do, aren’t they all just faking it and lying? (or maybe not lying precisely, but learning tricks etc)
it’s another one of Hubbard’s impossible standards, and likely he never (or rarely) reached these arbitrary measures he set up himself. the utilization of a machine that is supposed to be infallible (but which doesn’t have across-the – board proven results and very open to interpretation) is probably one of his most evilly brilliant ideas. it’s a way to manipulate people to be wrong or right as the auditor or CS decides.
Reading this article makes me wonder whether auditing was rigged for failure? First you have to ‘be sessionable’ then there are the wonderful rudiments ( I spent whole sessions never getting further than these), there is the tedium and irritation of the lists themselves – plus the inevitable earlier similar – and finally jumping through the hurdle of the dreaded exam. You learn ways to cheat at the exam: thinking of something nice, looking around the room to try to get your attention off the person staring intently at the e-meter in front of you, talking up an f/n, I’m sure there are lots of others. All this makes me shudder thinking about it. Sometimes it is nice to have someone to listen to you, I think this is the benefit of therapy, scn just didn’t fit the bill for me, I ended up dreading ‘going in session’.
Dear Gympy, the auditing you quote is not audting, it’s actually defined as “no auditing” by Hubbard. Doing thinks which are looking “standard” but will not advanced the PC’s case one inch.
Robotic TR’s executed by auditors terrorized by RTC have the result of having trouble with everythig on the set up of the session. Then they do endless ruds which throw the PC out of session when the purpose of the ruds is to put the PC in session. Hubbard says that doing ruds on a PC who is already in session put him out of session. In the tape démo of an assist he is describing with a lot of humour the moron auditor who is doing his stupid activity which he calls “duddle daddle and monkey business”.
And on the exam if you have to think to pleasant thing to have an FN, it means you have been denied your FNs already. This being because of the arbitrary of three swings FN.
All that come from Miscavige. One has to be poorly educated in history not to spot in one glance that this little man is a complete fascist with all characteristics.
But LRH was wrong on one point, there is largely more than 20 % of PTS, added to the fact of low IQ, and uneducated cult member, who couldn’t realize that scientology was no longer scientology into the grip of a fascist who has perverted the tech to fit it at his tone level of control and fear, and have as a result ARC broken PC.
Does anyone have the street address for Int Base?
Great work, terra cognita! I agree with practicallky everything, would have added a bit more regarding the handling of mystery – including the mystery of the hidden “superior” steps, which fabricates a constant PTP in all the scientologist’ life.
Oh, yes, lists. Lists and more lists.
I swear, the Three Horsemen of the Scientology Apocalypse may just be the Joburg, the 10 August, and the L1C.
I have an especial hatred for the 10 Aug. Every fucking time I sneezed, puked, or ran a fever, I’d have to do one of those fucking things and “find the SP.” The Fatman must have flunked biology, too.
You made my day,thank you.❤️
I read this post this posting this AM and it definitely caught my attention. I was a dedicated and caring auditor for almost 20 years in the Sea Org no less, I spent most of that time making OT’s in the Universe Corps. I also did my time at FSO and audited public so I could become a NOTS Auditor. My wife got pregnant a 2nd time and I was told if I wanted to audit NOTS in the Universe Corps, my only choice was abortion. I bled the chore of auditing others. I cared for my pc’s for years and was their best friend over and over. I also sec checked the shit out of Sea Org members, and it ultimately ruined my Sea Org career when I agreed to find John Woodruff’s( the then ED LA D in 1997) crimes and Marty Rathbun proceeded to to make an example of me (we have solved this issue long ago) which lead thank to me leaving the cult.
Long story short, this life process further led me to see my own mother Claire Reppen getting destroyed and essentially killed by cancer by David Miscavige himself. This is a well told story on the web.
I agree with a lot of Terra’s take on auditing and off record I am done doing it, but I deeply cared for my pc’s over and over for 20 years still do.
How I wish I had had the great privilege of having you as my auditor.I so believe you really cared for your pcs.My heart sends of waves of appreciation and I will send my prayer to your Mom.So so sorry what happened to her.❤️
Thanks everyone for all the great replies–even those of you who think I’m full of crap. I love your comments and how you fill in the blanks of my essays. You are so articulate and so insightful. Open discussions like this was taboo while inside.
Good article. Another gaping hole in Scientology auditing is caused by its assumption that the so-called reactive mind is at the core of things. That cuts off Scientology from understanding the full range of factors that may impact a PC.
Take someone who was say a battered spouse. Scientology auditors could not advise the person that what was done to him or her was unlawful, could not recommend a support group, has no sense of the dynamics of power in a domestic relationship (which may or may not be man having power over the woman), has no understanding of the psychological patterns that battered and abused persons often have, and so on.
Quite the opposite of a reasoned approach that could take the preceding into account, the Scientology auditing program and related philosophy could lead the abused person to accept the blame (after all, he or she “pulled it in” and therefore probably had earlier overts that led to them receiving the abuse as what Scientology calls a motivator). In much of the Western world at least, blaming the victim has been discredited.
Next, victims of certain kinds of abuse, especially children and youth, can be groomed by the aggressor to truly believe that they, the victims, are responsible and must never tell anyone. Consequently, a PC with such past trauma may well end up believing he or she is the only one, or one of a small damaged number, to have gone through such an event. The auditor cannot offer any reassurance — the auditor absolutely cannot even say anything like “I just want you to know that a number of other people have gone through similar events; you are not alone.” And since the PC cannot talk about “case” to anyone except the auditor (or when roped into “ethics”) the person can be left feeling extremely isolated by the auditing. Great — they have unburdened themselves of something in a session — but now what they do? Couple this with the realization that PCs eventually have that their auditing records are not fully confidential and are read by many others who probably lack any true understanding of what the PC had gone through, and you have a very vulnerable person whose boundaries are violated, who is subject to judgmentalism by persons uneducated in the handling of many types of life situations, and so on. (I remember stories of middle aged men having to discuss their masturbatory habits with teenage ethics officers as another weirdness that can emerge — nothing odd in this from a Scientology point of view, since all thetans are ancient and it doesn’t matter if one is in a young body and one is in an older body.)
In short, while Scientology auditing can have definite successes and benefits, the overall system of Scientology, as it attempts to engage human behavior and especially psychologically traumatic events, is fundamentally deficient.
FOTF2012, how can a person, intentionally falsify LRH tech to an “unsuspecting” person but guarantee the they get the real thing themselves? There is something psychotic about that. “Let me clear up all my MU’s and get rid of all my engrams and implants but make sure that you think you are, but really don’t, because I need money in my pocket”. How can this be going on in the real world? I have to burst out laughing in the face of the criminal church kooks that think they are pulling this off. Trust me, they aren’t. 🙂
FOTF. Is that some young person acronym like WTF or ROFL or something? Just cause I’m curious. But if answering would bring the dogs of OSA upon you don’t answer.
What you pointed out about abused kids really hit me FOTL. I had an experience that I had told a friend of where I had been, “young and stupid.” She had her own “young and stupid” experiences and we commiserated like fellow solders in the war of love.
The next time I revealed my story was in session. It was told and acked and dropped while we went on to something that was on my program.
Whatever ack I got from my auditor was nothing helpful. Nor did anyone ever mention it again or counsel me on it. Thirty years later it came up with a new friend, one I’ve made since leaving the cherch on the downlow. She said, “Alma, that is rape. Girl, you were raped!” “I was?” “Who the fuck said that was acceptable?” “Well I told a friend at the time who had a similar experience and we just commiserated how dumb we were. And then I told it to someone in my church.” “What did they say?” “Um, thank you for telling me that, I think.” “That is so fucked up. What part of religion, doesn’t help people frame and understand experiences that are painful?”
I looked back and realized that if it had happened to a daughter of mine, I’d have raised holy hell. But it was me. And then I got mad. And then I just shut it down, because, “I’m no victim.” Yeah that’s nice and I am fine and not messed up. But it was wrong. And the religion that was supposed to help me,actually helped me repress the emotion that I wanted to express about it.
So I’ll say it now. Being raped doesn’t mean you’re stupid, it means some man saw an opportunity and manipulated a girl into a situation where she was trapped, gently, and just had sex with her and told her he wouldn’t hurt her and not to tell anyone. And that is so not OK. Not OK. Rape.
My church should have given me guidance. The person, my auditor, I trusted enough to tell this to did nothing. I thought it wasn’t important to them and therefore my experience was unimportant. That’s because the auditor has power and influence on the PC. They are a person of religion in the eyes of the PC. They diminished my pain with their action. That’s so wrong.
FOTF, I am so grateful to you for pointing out about people who are abused and then abused again by auditing. I’m lucky, I’m OK, but I feel the cherch failed me at that time and I hate thinking how others are “sucking it up” instead of talking and letting the healing light shine on their past pain.
Your willingness to take your time to comment and state your point so movingly has helped me in my journey away from control, from personal deminishment and the control that started when I was barely out of High School.
Other commenters please know that I appreciate your stories, and these conversations.
Not bad, a little too long for how I explain it today to people who are curious.
Scientology is a talk pseudo-crank-therapy “religion”, where the “confession” part of the Catholic Church is splurged into talk psychotherapy.
Talk talk talk your troubles away, the “auditor” is the therapist/minister.
Scientology crank therapists ask strictly Hubbard listed questions and follow a whole long detailed list of rules and procedures for asking those SAME exact crank therapist list of Hubbard question on each patient/preclear.
Same talk therapy questions used, in a lineup of blocks of questions, per “process” per “rundown” per level.
Whole lotta questions, whole lotta answering.
Bridge to Total Freedom chat lists out the major names of the “levels” bottom to top.
It’s “soul” improvement and soul abilities that are the goals of the levels.
Soul improvement, supposedly, asked for, gotten, and attested to, all official, all stamp of approval by the Scientology organization (fake church) level by level, on the way up to the TOP.
One’s supposed to become a free soul, a pure soul, a soul who has regained their long lost soul abilities, like the soul superpowers dreams of ancient mystical and soul powers practices.
Soul therapy.
The “upper levels” of Scientology are a whole lotta soul exorcism.
Xenu story explains the surplus of souls flying all over earth since the Xenu engram that happened 75 million years ago.
And today, Hubbard’s OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 7 are the exorcism levels of upper Scientology to locate and extract/exorcise all those loose surplus souls (body thetans) that stick to one’s body and which only Hubbard’s full series of exorcism levels of Scientology crank-pseudo-therapy can peel those “body thetans” (surplus souls) off of your body, and thus make YOU, the pure single soul that each of us are down deep under ALL of our “case” which we finally peel OFF with all of the Hubbard crank therapy and crank exorcism.
Scientology’s a case handling religion.
Peel off first your own soul’s case, then you peel off your ‘OT Case’ which are just your “body thetans” case that your body thetans squish onto you, and once you get all that “case” off of you, you are supposed to be a free pure soul and by then you have regained a few of your super soul powers and you hopefully can go soul flying out of your body and do magical supernatural “OT” things.
Doesn’t happen.
It’s soul snipe-hunting, a lot of soul hopeful snipe hunting. Imagination therapy at best, and a whole lot of time and money wasting and a lot worse if the Scientology brainwashing and ethics and worse crosses your path, which inevitably playing in Scientology’s world will get you.
Well said Chuck, igb.
I think lots of folks who have been involved, because of Hubbard’s policy’s of no verbal tech, no talking about case, ever get to discuss Hubbard’s soul chasing, afterall, in the beginning, one never learns of the BT’s. We were strung along.
Having known many who have done all the levels, and lot’s of training, why, one can observe, finally, if one really looks, that the “clear” and the “pre-OT” never happen. Good ole Ron did a good job of “never questioning” source. How did he do that?
It’s all in the policy’s of PTS/SP created around 1965.
And in the end, Ron said he failed and wasn’t coming back, as he told Sarge.
I can understand the argument from a “case supervisor’s” view for not bringing BTs into Intro Scientology.
But facts of people’s “cases” are honestly, historically, up for public discussion, and when discussing a subject, Scientology, which does have the today organized exorcism of “body thetans” taking up so many levels (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are related to exorcising BTs), it’s inevitable that discussing this whole major part of Scientology, be face and talked about, ans sort it out.
How will Scientology go forward?
I think it was wrong not to sort this out, and to compartment it off into confidential stuff. That was an LRH big wrong decision.
Today’s outsider understanding volume of people who understand all of Scientology’s practices, are faced with the now problem that LRH did not face and solve.
So, it might take another genreration of leaders after Miscavige, to deal with sorting out this major major problem of a subject, Scientology, and only ex members and informed public discussing the whole length and breadth of the subject,, and the members are restricked.
Case Supervision difficulties, I’d be very interested in knowing how much “case” trouble C/Ses are running into due to newbie Scientologists originating that their “OT case” (body thetans) are interfering in their own “case.”
So many barbed issues arise that deflect off of this big basic issue that LRH left the Scientology movement with.
Only freezone people are the ones who can discuss it rationally publicly, at present.
Were I a believer in the soul, were I believer that Hubbard’s soul therapy questions lineup of exact processes, rundowns and levels would do something for me as a soul, I could very easily honestly digest this connundrum, of BTs and BTs’ case invading on “my case”, and exploring how to differentiate, I’m sure if I were told the truth, I could learn to “ride the bicycle” of how to differentiate my “OT case” from my own whole track case stuff.
Anyways, just a major major issue LRH left the movement and only really the freezoners are the pilot group of who has dealt with this problem already.
I’m not a Scientologist, but the freezone also seems to be the pilot group that official Scientology has ousted and can’t accept freezone’s experiences as valid pilot results.
So many things to consider, I unfortunately read so much Hubbard final years writings I think in those terms and wonder what would happen is MORE of the membership actually got access and read ALL that LRH wrote, including reading his final Case Folders of his own, to see where he was going, etc, etc.
This subject Scientology, unfortunately institutionally rebuffs in depth study, even by the membership who are given only what current leadership wishes to allow to trickle down per the current leadership’s whims and limited thinking.
Issue all of Hubbard’s full corpus publicly. Let the movement members study it all, and somehow funnel up their best members to plan out a better way forward for the membership.
Said like a true blue ex Flag Course Sup.
Soul snipe-hunting bingo Chuck. Bingo
Thanks, TC. What you say is true, but it is a little too closely focused. Maybe you have to be out for a while to really back up from it and become able to look at the wider picture.
Scientology doesn’t work. The reason it doesn’t work is that it is based on false premises. The idea that a computer is perfect unless some part is damaged is a very naive concept from the early days, before ordinary folks had much experience with computers. Factually a computer just does what you program it to do, if you fail to convert from inches to millimeters correctly in your program it will not pop up an error message. It will just happily crash the vehicle it controls into Mars (actual example from the early Mars Rover attempts). The “Perfect Computer” of Hubbard’s Dianetics analogy is false. You cannot give someone perfect recall or cure his myopia by getting him to re-experience his moments of pain. He either has perfect recall or he does not.
So the concept of “clearing” by removing errors is also false. Factually very few people have enough moments of pain and unconsciousness in their lives to make much Dianetics auditing necessary. To get around this even in the first book Hubbard had to invent “prenatal” engrams and make the prenatal life out to be a horror show. Even then he had to develop forcing techniques like the repeater technique to get people to stay interested in Dianetics. You will notice that the forcing techniques did not survive into modern auditing.
After the failure of Dianetics, Hubbard went full on bananas trying to find more moments of pain and unconsciousness to work on. Eventually he came up with a whole time track of billions, no make that trillions, no quadrillions of past years just crammed with pain and unconsciousness of the most horrific varieties. We can’t be talking about the brain here, it must now be the spirit because even Hubbard knew that the brain develops in the womb. Never mind, that little flip of focus makes it a religion and we can get a tax break. So damn the torpedoes full speed ahead!
In his never ending quest to find bad experiences to expunge to free the spirit from its surly bonds and recover its perfect recall and fix that darned myopia he invented piles of techniques. From simple recall of past experiences, to recall of thousands of experiences at once, to objective processes, to creative processes (similar to Directed Imaging and abandoned in the 50s) to Goals Processing, then back to Dianetics, then all over the place. Sometimes with a meter, sometimes without. Almost every year he would announce that this time for sure, we are clearing them now, so and so is the First Real Clear, on and on.
Finally he gave up on clearing and declared that Clear is not so big a deal, the real deal is the OT levels. More thrashing, more promises, more lies.
All his questing is based on the false premise that what is wrong with someone is that false items have been added, that all that is needed is to remove the falsehoods and the real true gleaming being would emerge like the butterfly from the chrysalis. Never happened, never will. The Grade Chart is a lie based on a lie. All you have to do is read Sarge Pfauth’s accounts of Hubbard’s last days to know that if the Grade Chart is what Hubbard did, nobody else should follow in his footsteps. The top of the Bridge is despair and failure.
But along the way, with thousands of hours of processing being done on all kinds of people he gained quite a bit of experience with processing techniques. I am not sure if it is Hubbard or Mary Sue that we can thank for the basics of sessions, the communications cycle, all the little details of Scientology auditing. We know he got Study Tech from some educators in California. Who knows how much of what we think of as standard Scientology is Hubbard and how much is from sincere followers who really tried to make it work.
But I have no doubt that someone who sincerely wants to help people, who sits down with them and makes them comfortable, who encourages them to talk about themselves, will sometimes succeed at making them feel better. If this was all there was to Scientology it would not be particularly dangerous. But that is not all there is. The auditor is not just trying to get people to feel better. He or she is trying to transform them from puny human caterpillars into Homo Novis superhumans. Without any assistance from Mother Nature. Disaster guaranteed.
And along the way all this brilliant questing takes priority over human relationships. In their hubris the Scientologists deny the laws of science, remove life saving medications, subject their victims to massive doses of vitamins, disrupt lives, homes, families, groups, on and on. So it isn’t safe, not in the denatured Israeli form nor in the demented pure Miscavige form, nor in the back alleys, not anywhere. If you want to do talk therapy go to the University and learn how it is done. I’ll give you a hint: no meters and no video recorders.
So well said Bruce. As Ann would say, nice to meet you.
as you said
“So the concept of “clearing” by removing errors is also false. Factually very few people have enough moments of pain and unconsciousness in their lives to make much Dianetics auditing necessary.”
It’s quite interesting, before dianetics was released, and during the the period when Campbell was involved with the release of Dianetics in Astounding Science Fiction, and Campbell was actually an auditor being trained by Hubbard, Campbell was auditing dianetics on his daughter and friends, why Heinlein said the same thing. Little bit of history to examine.
It costs a few bucks to get, thru a email as PDF format. These personal correspondence are not searchable thru google.
It’s the first file in the link named
“The top of the Bridge is despair and failure.”
Yes, and for the Fatman Hisself, it was despair, failure, and an assfull of Vistaril. That pretty much sums up the “Valuable” Final Product of Scientology.
An old friend of mine died this week at the age of 95 never having left the church. He was a great pianist and had been a scientologist since the early sixties. He knew Ron Hubbard and even received auditing from him. The “ruin” he wanted handled from the beginning was his stage fright that afflicted him only in front of very large crowds. It caused his hands to shake and his performance to suffer.
He was able to purchase OTVII in the 1980’s from an inheritance following his mother’s death. The exciting hope as he departed for Flag was that his stage fright would FINALLY he handled! He was also hoping his lifelong financial struggles would be OT’d away! Shortly after returning from Flag (as a new and shining OTVII!) he was invited to give a concert at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion where he would play a concerto with an orchestra. It was a wonderful break in his career.
From my seat in the audience I could see him nervously mopping his glistening forehead with a towel. The concert hadn’t even started! I braced myself for the disaster. His hands shook so badly throughout, hitting false note after false note, I could hardly recognize the piece. He was literally sweating bullets. The reviews weren’t very good.
Well, OTVII didn’t budge his stage fright nor did it budge his money problems. He did have a “win” from OTVII however. He was delighted to report that he was finally able to drive a car in city traffic, something he previously couldn’t bring himself to do. I think that would qualify as “case gain”, would it not? So please, let’s not suggest scientology auditing doesn’t improve peoples’ lives or whatever.
As for you doubters I will grant you this: had he gone to an expensive driving school he probably could have gotten his driving difficulties handled at a fraction of the cost of the OT level and had enough money left over to purchase the house he was renting. But the question is, would it still be “case gain”?
‘Case gain’ is whatever the clampire says it is. With any target being acceptable, how can you miss?
This is a very sad story. I have been there and bailed from Flag while on OT 7
finishing as an indie and moving on.
Scientology had a pilot money course in the early 80’s which I completed and worked
great but never released. What did come down the pipeline was David Miscavige funneled
all the money he possibly could to himself and everyone else fend for themselves.
Since the infallible tech cannot fail, your friend suffered from out-ethics, or was PTS, or was himself an SP or DB, or the C/S made an error, or previous auditors failed to provide correct auditing, or there was BPC that never got handled, or he has too many M/Us, or too many O/Ws, or etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum.
Scientology provides more justifications for its failures than DMSMH had preposterous claims per page.
Apologies to non-Scientologists for the jargon:
== out-ethics — the person was committing unethical actions that prevented his case gains
== PTS — the person was connected to an SP, and that blocked case gain or made him roller coast (have gains but then fall back again)
== SP — suppressive person; these horrors supposedly make up only about 2 percent of humans but for some reason you can’t swing a dead cat inside Scientology without clobbering dozens of them, and hence the miserable parade of bitter, defrocked apostates; SPs supposedly can’t stand it when anyone else gets better so they undermine the gains people have in Scientology and make people around them go PTS or blow
== blow — leave Scientology improperly due to crimes, withholds, misunderstandings, etc.; anyone who leaves cannot possibly leave just because the subject is mainly BS or that they are treated badly
== DB — degraded being; a thetan who is so screwed up auditing won’t work; buried under overts and withholds, the person just cannot get case gain
== C/S — the case supervisor who directs, oversees, and evaluates auditing sessions; auditors want to get all VWD! on their sessions
== VWD — very well done
== BPC — by-passed charge; something that impinges on the PC that never got handled correctly and continues to impede the PCs gains in auditing
== M/Us — misunderstood words; Hubbard can never be wrong, but he can be misunderstood; anyone who disagrees with Hubbard is suffering from an M/U or is an SP or is PTS
== O/Ws — overts and withholds; overts are harmful, contra-survival actions of commission or omission against the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics; withholds are holding back and not confessing such overts
== thetan — you yourself, the person / being who is aware and is aware of being aware; a timeless, immortal being who exists outside of space and time
Those are all from memory, so anyone can feel free to amend or correct if so inclined. The point is that the Scientology delusion is insulated with many thought-stopping mechanisms that effectively isolate the PC, prevent free and open communication, smash to smithereens any disagreement with Hubbard’s truths, and so on — and an intricate vocabulary and set of policies and practices makes sure of it.
Your glossary made me laugh at what a clam I used to be. I understood that first paragraph perfectly.
That your glossary was longer than the post itself made made LOL more!
What a sad story about what appears to be a greatly talented man. My father (been in since ’53) mentioned him to me often but I cant remember the comments, but know they were good.
The good thing is that unlike other SCN stories, he lived a long life, was extremely talented and no doubt a good friend to many.
Yeah, zillions of dollars to the Clampire for what a good driving school offers for a few hundred bucks.
And the stage fright – jeezus, all kinds of people have stage fright. Barbra Freakin’ Streisand has stage fright. She’s not a clam, and she deals with it. She doesn’t need fucking Scientology. And obviously, as shown with Mario, Scientology has no solution for it. But they promised him they did and bled him into poverty, telling him “it would be handled on his next step.” Just like everything else with everyone else. They find your carrot and dangle it in front of you until you die broke or wake the fuck up.
But performing arts schools can help with stage fright. Other performers can help too. Stage fright is as common as dirt. I vaguely recall having it a long time ago. My school’s performing arts program had a way of dealing with it that worked extraordinarily well, though. But it would be considered “other practices” by the stupid Fatman and the Clams. I love being in front of a crowd now, no thanks to scientology. But Nooooo, Fatso had the solution to everything.
Dio — I told you earlier, no more posts here.
You wore out your welcome with your unwelcome misogyny.
LRH gave us more than enough truth to suck us in…. (I gave and received lots of real wins in Scientology, along with most everyone else that spent the time an effort to practice the subject.)
But, he also gave us enough lies intertwined with the truth to enslave us and make him rich and powerful (over us)…which he admitted at the end of his life: being obsessed with money and power.
The truth will set you free…….. from Scientology.
Thank you Terra for a most revealing piece.As I moved through it I realized two things.The auditors I had save two, constantly evaluated me during sessions and when I originated that I thought the practice was wrong to Qual I was told it was my fault for being a poor PC.Honestly in 74!I had one tremendous C/S who came from Flag but in the four years in Sea Org other C/Ses not so skillful.I never got the Big Bang out of those e-meters either.After a few minutes with me they would throw a needle fit!Yes the human brain has more abilities than an e-meter can keep up with.Thank you from my heart for your pieces and your perspective.You are on my heroes list.?
Interesting article. Is the E-Meter the predecessor to the Voight Kampf machine? They both sound fictional.
Good writing, Terra.
The idea that there is nothing of value in the entire subject created by L Ron Hubbard is just plain silly.
The idea that scientology has all the answers to everything is equally silly.
Having now audited nearly 5,000 hours on hundreds of different people I can state with some certainty that if you audit exclusively for the person’s own gain in the areas he/she wants to have gains in, that you can do quite a bit of good.
If you’re auditing for the purpose of making someone into something you, or some organization thinks they should be made into…well you just might be into a cult. If you’re auditing someone to make them agree with your moral code…you are definitely into a cult. If your primary reason for auditing is to get the stats up or make more money…you are definitely, definitely in a money grubbing cult.
There are more than enough people who have improved their comm skills, problem solving, ethics level and ability to expand their life skills with auditing to warrant a good look at what does make it work for people.
There are enough “failures to help” to warrant a rejection of some or many aspects of the subject. The main area is in the over-the-top claims made for some of the levels. Another point is believing that the meter is senior to the person’s interest. In running Dianetics you never run any flow on any subject without checking for interest. I started doing that with grade processes and found I got much better results.
Someday I might write up what I’ve found for myself to be workable. But I think Mark Rathbun laid it out quite well in his Book “What’s Wrong With Scientology.”
Many years ago I was involved in a rather nasty divorce. My Ex was so ticked off she was trying to get me tossed in jail for imagined grievances. I got the suppressed person rundown. After the fourth or fifth session she called me at work and told me she thought she’d been acting unfairly and had dropped all charges. I hadn’t spoken to her, only her lawyer, for over six months. There was nothing that I could think of that would have prompted such a move on her part except the auditing. That rundown deals mostly with problems and she and I never had any problems dealing with each other after that.
Miracles do actually happen from time to time. They are just a lot rarer than one is led to believe.
The fact that they happen is what keeps the subject alive. The fact that promises made by the Co$ more often don’t happen is one thing that makes the organization so despised.
Excellent comment Les. You are a fine example of a practitioner who is there to help people. As a result, people are helped (at least there is a chance of that happening). Those who set out to exploit people, take advantage of them, dominate, trick or control them have NO CHANCE of helping anyone.
Thanks Mike.
That’s the way I see it.
“…. if you audit exclusively for the person’s own gain in the areas he/she wants to have gains in, that you can do quite a bit of good….”
That would be about the best case supervising/auditing that can be done.
In the 1970s LRH admitted that it takes some cases a LONG time to get advances on what those cases think are their real life’s problems.
That was the quandary of it all. When LRH admitted that some cases take a LOT of auditing, then what to do really?
That is a tough problem. It’s a hard thing to have to tell the long term slugging it out Scientologists who seemed to still have their problems after quite a lot of case work. But that’s the truth. LRH admitted they needed more auditing in the early 1970s.
It was a quandary and I wish some of the old Case Sups at the start of the 1970s who remember the “more auditing is the solution” era of auditing practice back then!
Well, when I play fully trained Scientologist (I’m not, but I can shift right into full Scientologist tech mode), the way I’d conclude, is we still have eternity ahead, and thus there is plenty of time to do whatever “case” handlings that any spiritual similar guru who comes up with “case” spiritual handling they come up with, if LRH comes back, or not.
I’m atheist and don’t believe in the soul anymore, but if I were still a believer in the soul as the core being that I supposedly am, then LRH’s 1970s truthfulness that MORE case handling is all that is needed, in light of LRH’s admissions at the end of his life when he felt he failed, really I think carefully of everything he finally said, then all it really means is that in huge LONG terms of time of the universe, since he said he’s going out to do the OT running program (he said in effect with what he said to Sarge), that in light of the “more auditing” is needed 1970s tech of that time, well, there’s a lot of time in the future to do MORE case spiritual therapeutic process piloting and so forth.
IF one is a believer in the soul, and future lives, then the Scientology big development is simply spiritual case handling.
Avoid official Scientology, and go do Scientology freezone auditing on your case, if you want to, that’s the obvious option.
Failed cases are simply cases that haven’t done enough auditing, I think was another way of stating the failed cases predicament.
If we are immortal beings, I reasoned when I quit Scientology, well I’ll stumble into a body in a future lifetime, and if Scientology is peddling spiritual case advancement in an Ideal Org near me, I hope (I joke) that I have enough memory of this current lifetime to remember to go find the FREEZONE SCIENTOLOGY and skip the Ideal Orgs, LOL.
“The fact that promises made by the Co$ more often don’t happen is one thing that makes the organization so despised.”
Les, those promises were made by Hubbard. Don’t throw it on “the Co$”. THAT is intentionally dishonest and thus throws your entire communication in doubt amongst those who know the truth.
Way to go Les.
All auditing is videotaped with one video on the face of the confessor and one on the E meter. 2 hidden videos are in every auditing room.
The most private personal thought or deed is on videotape for the *Mother* Church that wants all the information.
The pretext is “Quality control.”
But in fact tidbits are taken out of these sessions, embellished, twisted, exaggerated and put on hate web sites if the person speaks out. (Sometimes “dirt” is taken directly out of the “sanctity” of a session which the person assumed was privileged communication.)
My friend Lori Hodgson won’t mind me telling this example ~~ she told this in interview on my YouTube channel.
Lori had some minor foot deformity. It is so minuscule to almost be unnoticeable, but Lori had what is called “charge” on it. She talked about it on and on in sessions.
When Lori tried to get her disconnected children back and spoke out, the *Mother* Church in its *ecclesiastical* fashion put up a hate website on Lori mocking her foot deformity.
The words came right out of her confessionals and auditing *therapy*.
Taliban Scientology wreaks vengeance and attempts to humiliate whistle blowers.
How low will they go to FAIR GAME ?
Maybe even ISIS Scientology…
Thank you Karen.I ask myself your question as well.How long until? ?
Total scumbags.
Yossi, you pity… WHO?
yossi, Yossi Yossi
Is this official business for you?
I can not believe, that you are a believer.
I think you’re a plant. YOU are at work, huh? So… long day, is it?
A fake poster, and a believer.
So… don’t want to think, is that it?
You would rather just believe in a single-source, rigidly closed, and morbidly predatory belief system owned and operated by the most expensive church, check that status, man, in the history of man?
Don’t think much, about the money, do you?
Come on, wouldn’t you rather let the church carry that load? Philosophy, man. It can be addicting, right? ok
Keep your minion hat on, capitol dude. Think not. Just remember: It’s all what you believe.
Sorry about the long day. I’ll spare you the good writing.
As long as you are trashing Terra Cognita, let me help you out.
To avoid a whole heap of anxiety and radical alteration to the general course of your perfectly miserable day,
be aware
DO NOT READ the acticle, yes, by Terra, entitled… FEAR. Don’t be very very afraid, or
We’ll all be running around like terrible Terra yelling fear fear fear, or
my names not bug.
Terra Cognita. I really pity you been so long in Scientology and had no wins from auditing. You really wasted your time and $$$ in the Church. And all this intellectual BS you wrote today. But one thing I want to give you: you are very good with words. Although it doesn’t go too far, because your personal experience as a PC really sucks and you have negated the wins other people had. Maybe you should have been declared long time ago as NCG, and would be relieved from agony of pretense. You went way too far. Leave your preaching to yourself. I seen many who benefited from auditing tremendously and I see many including in the indie field today who continues to benefit and rip the fruits of auditing. Like dentists, doctors, lawyers and other professionals there are excellent and mediocre. Same with auditors. The difference between the best and the worst in any profession is the amount of care, dedication and love what they do, no matter what. There are great auditors who really care and they deliver with fantastic results to PCs who WANT auditing. It seems you never wanted to improve yourself and you have pretended all that time, but really wanted to disprove auditing doesn’t work. Your condoscending tone shows that you not just don’t care for people who can benefit form auditing, but have no compassion for people at all.
Have a great life!
And the hypocrisy of “What is true for you….” is once again validated.
“…rip the fruits of auditing.”
good one. He said some other classic line up there too but i’m movin’ on.
Apparently Yossi has fled the scene as well.
I fail to see why a criticism of Scientology auditing would have any effects on anyone’s “wins”. I saw little in the article that was an attack on people who may have benefited from auditing. And the question remains, is there any objective measurement(s) that can prove the state of clear, as LRH described it, actually exists?
Yossi, I don’t think anyone wants to have a personal attack here as it appears you are initiating. My comments to you would be that it is great that you are winning with SCN tech. I assume you are an Indy. If you are OSA, I wouldn’t even bother to answer your cruel post.
I have family that are Buddhists and one that is in SCN still and some are part of some other religion that I don’t even know the name of it (not organized religion) and still some that are Christian. More power to all of them and I hope they all win, however I would appreciate it if my son wanted to practice SCN he would leave the structure of the cult and speak to his family again and let us know where he lives etc.
You should also realize that not everyone got the same wins that you apparently get from LRH’s tech. I think of my mother-in-law who spent her entire adult life running a mission, practicing SCN even OT levels at Flag and yet died of a brain tumor at the age of 58. Or my father who spent pretty much everything he made on SCN tech from 1953 until his death at 74. He had emphysema that he thought the tech would help. Never changed and died with that and lung cancer. Even LRH himself dying from a 2nd or 3rd stroke I believe, without any family around living in a trailer.
Me, I wish my father never got involved with SCN in any form. Being indoctrinated to this tech from birth is not what I would wish on my worst enemy. I worked for LRH on the Apollo for 4 years and then at INT both at La Quinta and then Gilman Hot Springs. I got to OT III thinking the Wall of Fire was going to be the end all be all. After a week of trying to run that nonsense, I turned in my materials to never audit again – except for getting sec checked.
You should enjoy your wins and I would suggest treat people with some compassion and “grant them beingness” to have their own views that differ from yours.
Yout post is so strong.You make me strong too.❤️
Clearlypissedoff. Thank you for your suggestion. I am an indie and not OSA. I was in the SO for 4 years till 2007 and saw it all as Solo NOTs DofP. My wife was Class IX in the AO5 HGC and saw it all for over 8 years and according to many was the best auditor. My heart breaks when reading about your father and mother-in-law story and nobody deserves this. Terra Cognita wants to lecture everybody else how to view auditing through his eyes. It’s a free stage and we can express both what’s on our mind.
Expressing what is on your mind is fine. Denigrating another for his or hers is pure cult think IMHO.
Fair and square, Yossi man
that IS what was on my mind.
Yossi – I would like to make a few obnoses of what is true for me.
LRH did not formulate the questions. Others did. You may want to continue down the rabbit hole until you “know all”.
One can’t negate anyone’s wins.
One can have “wins” from HEROINE – does not make it good.
You may want to do more research – seeing as you “know how to know”.
The truth will set you free.
cool post, although ‘obnose’ as a word has a stink to it,
truth be told
Wonderful to see a troll comment for a change! The tattoos the cherch has embedded under your skin show through in spades.
Carry on and be sure to enjoy your auditing!
is that what a Troll is,
Had that way wrong, brain mislabeled for a much more adorable, furry, two-legged creature with pointy ears, big eyes, hands and feet, and short legs. Too good a name for Yossi, I think he would agree, that is if he hasn’t flown the chicken coop already. If I ever get a pet Troll I’m naming him Yossi.
One need only look over the long list of weird sec check lists to understand just how twisted and authoritarian auditing is. There are Scios who have gotten questions like, “Have you ever had any unkind thoughts about L. Ron Hubbard?” It can get personal, too with questions like, “Have you ever practiced masturbation?” Or “Have you ever practiced Homosexuality?” Going from the personal to the weird, the same checklist includes, “Have you ever practiced Cannibalism?” From another checklist, you get this strange question, “Have you ever given robots a bad name?” Believe it or not, there’s even a security check for children. This confessional list asks, among other things, “Have you ever spied on anyone?” Apparently, every Scio is a potential subversive within the totalitarian structure of Scn organizations. Sorry to be so condoscending. BTW, do you own or rent? Timeshare?
Wow, I don’t see anything in his post that’s condescending or preaching or uncompassionate or anything you seem to have gotten out of it. I guess I need some more kool aid.
Hey, Yossi, when you next go into session with Dani or Tami, why don’t you ask them to concentrate on word-clearing the following terms: “egomania”, “self-righteous”, and “inflexible”? In fact, if they read this, I think they’ll bring the subject up themselves next time you see them. After all they’ve done to convince everyone that Dror doesn’t make Ronbots, you come along and destroy their hard work.
The KSW fanatics Ronbots always to the rescue of the “Tech”. How pathetic of you, Yossi, and how self-righteous as Scientologists always are. So now TC is a NCG case just because he seems to have always had enough self-determinism and self-respect to somehow undue Scientology’s hypnotic trance upon himself? LOL! For you, pathetic Ron’s ass suckers, ANYONE failing to win with Scn is an individual full of “crimes” and “withholds”. And you guys dare call yourselves therapists; therapists my ass, bunch of blind zombies.
The main thing wrong with auditing as practiced by the CoS when last I had contact is that “they” were right/cause and “I” was wrong/effect. That was precisely backwards. The auditor was supposed to be helping ME, not the other way around. Nearly every session I had in 27 years in the S.O. was of this nature. After GAT things got a tiny bit better, but still the auditor was trying to get me to look at stuff I had no interest in looking at. Right there every session was cooked because it violated “in-sessionness,” that is, “interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor.” I will bet that the only pcs in the entire world who are “in session” are those being audited outside the church.
This is a common pattern that most religions exhibit. If you do their “process” (whatever it is) and it doesn’t work, then that means there is something wrong with you. The idea that the “process” is flawed, incorrect or bogus is never considered.
Dan, This is very true. In the SO all you get is Sec Check and this is for sure not for “your own benefit”. Outside the church auditing is safe, therefore “in session” applies.
9 out of 10 plants agree
splitting hairs is more fun when YOU are doing it by yourself. Ya SEE.
Hubbard-ish is a toxic language employed by a cult out to trap your children.
Out here, you do what you like, keep the toxic shit private, is my creed.
In session yourself, don’t promote the toxic tech, might fake someone out into thinking this is science of some sort. Wouldn’t want to make the mistake of doing just exactly what Hubbard wanted.
I got kids to feed.
+ 1000, Dan
The meter itself is worth nothing. There is a meter drill with prepared statements. You read them line by line to the pc. A good auditor can make every statement an instant read. Or the drill with dateting. The coach mockes up a date and the student has to find it with the meter alone. Pass is when he can do that.
So, evidently the meter reacts to not real things too. Even on the Scientology courses on E-Meters you can learn that.
What is then the difference between a coach sesssion and a real session?
It is the preclear. He can decide if he wants to tell what he really experienced or he can tell some crap to get on to the next level.
This is up the the person getting auditing.
If the person getting auditing is telling the auditor some made up stories then a good auditor can observe it too. But the preclear has the freedom to tell what he wants.
In case a preclear is telling the „truth“, what he really experienced in his past, then he can have case gain. He will develope OT abilities (if a good auditor is present) within some hours.
That is my observation.
Complete load of crap Schorsch. Show the OT powers you produce within hours or admit to being a liar.
you know, fine Mr. W…
coming out like blazing shot-guns just paints you out as a hostile.
And check yourself on that liar word, please. Just check yourself.
Nobody here is out to be a liar (generally). You would call out a fake poster like that, a guy working as a minion to sabotage the site would be an active, intentional liar.
That is pretty bad, or would be, but I don’t see those old farts coming around here any more, they must be giving up.
So, after all…
and before we throw real insults around, perhaps we could pause a moment
to understand the motive and true spirit of any given post, ?
What also makes me think… is that coming out of the bubble means walking into a whole new world of uncertainty.
Forbidden territory.
You are made to believe that by leaving you have become an enemy to yourself AND your sacred creed, that you have abandoned your Eternity, for crissake.
That is a lot to hurdle over.
Let’s encourage everyone to post here, and avoid intimidation at all costs. The points can be made without mocking or compromising each other. In fact, our own words become more powerful when we devote ourselves to words carefully chosen, words that encourage faith in ourselves most especially. I hope you agree.
Thank you r,for a sensitive and encouraging comment.Leaving the Sea Org was so difficult because I was totally indoctrinated into Ron’s World.I literally could not navigate the world outside of cos for years.Much better now for having this blog to set down my thoughts on continued healing from the ravages of the cult.❤️
Your kindness is a healing thing. Thanks Ann, Hearts.
Whatever. I call ’em as I see ’em. If you claim to produce flying unicorns and refuse to show them. I will, correctly label you as a liar.
So, check yourself from defending liars, just check yourself.
Will do, Mr. W.
By the way, did I defend a liar?
Just checking.
My point, if that’s at all important to you, is that the guy was posting, by my perception, from the heart. As in truthfully, overall, what he believed. His first line was…(i gotta go back now) oh, yeah,
“the meter is worth nothing”
which is pretty accurate, from the non-scn veiw.
AND a fairly important point, relating to the scam, I would say.
I bravely acknowledge your point as well, smart guy,
that “OT within hours” exists only in the mind of the thoroughly deluded.
Liar liar liar. Who’s refusing to show WHAT?
That was a check, actually, me, to see if your formula could work, you know, from over here, at the end of the prune shoot. Woe is me, I’m getting lost, I think…What am I doing here? Could you possibly feed my waning optimism? Have I yet a particle of integrity to share with the recently liberated, to help them form a new, self-oriented reality? You? Thanks for being nice. Love. It’s encouraging.
Nobility, the identification of it, is not in the comparison between other people,
it is the comparison to our former selves.
“…per my experience, the more trained the auditor, the worse he is. Field Group, Mission, and org auditors are the best. Those in advanced orgs are the worst…”
This is more likely a phenomenon of the past 20 years, especially since the emergence of GAT. It is probably true that today there is more auditor empathy in the junior Orgs…but the old timer, well trained auditors in the senior Orgs…were in fact the most competent…prior to GAT.
Those old timer, well trained auditors have either died off, been declared or been beaten down into robots in the last two decades of Scientology.
All of the above is essentially irrelevant since the 64 year history of Dianetics and Scientology have objectively failed to make good on the larger promises of the “states” of Clear and OT, thus there is no viable “Hubbard good / Miscavige bad” argument.
But a case (lol) can be made for the (misplaced) sincerity and good faith effort of the old timers versus the mean-spirited roboticism of today. With all the first-person history of the church that is now available online, it is hard to fathom why anyone is still willing to be involved with the organization in any capacity except as a critic.
Unfortunately, Auditing has pretty much descended into finding out things about the PC that he/she doesn’t really want to talk about or focus on, rather than on the things that he/she is truly interested in and wants to handle in life. For example, a fairly new person comes in struggling with panic attacks, anxiety/depression and instead gets sec-checked in a forceful manner, for hundreds of hours on viewing porn and masturbating. This demonstrates two possibilities. Firstly, the presumption that the porn watching (perceived as abberrative) is a potential cause of the panic attacks, anxiety and depression. Secondly, that the porn watching is an overt and out-ethics and the pc will not get case gain. Then the pc runs out of money and doesn’t re-sign for more services. Mainly because the pc feels that what he/she went there for in the first place wasn’t addressed or handled and no one really cared, except the the fact that a porn/masturbation habit existed and this is something of great interest to the church. This is an example of what auditing in the Church of Scientology has become like, and I’m speaking from direct experience from working with a person that this happened to who still suffers from severe anxiety and depression today, and lost tens of thousands of dollars in an effort to get some help. The experience was very degrading to this person. There is fault here to be placed everywhere; org auditors and case supervisors who have become DM Era robots and the trickle down from the top for more stats and money. Not the preclear, which is exactly where it all begins and ends, and should be all about.
I can empathize with your friend who went in with a ruin to get handled and instead DM’s case was run on her to the point that she never re-signed since her ruin was not addressed at all and a different program was run on her All the emphasis on auditing masturbation and porn came directly from the top from him. The SP accuses others of the things he himself is doing.
Well all depend of the period of time. Auditing well done with good sense and good knowledge of the subject help the PC. I have been auditing and receiving auditing and done with empathy and good knowledge of the tech, it works much better then any other therapy. Of course it’s not perfect, but compare it with psychoanalyse… Psychoanalyse is a worst scam than auditing. None actually expect real gain from it. It’s just mind torturing. In fact no therapy works really, auditing was an exception. Until 1982 and Miscavige and RTC where auditing slipped into mind control. Auditor’s code was swept away, one could go to ethics for what he said in session, which is pure heresy. Death of scientology started at this point. Miscavige will stay in history as the one who destroyed scintology.
Psychoanalysis and psych drugs worked for me, and I experience real gain from them. Therefore, your statement is a lie. I see no reason why abreactive thought therapy while hooked up to a piece of 19th Century technology would have any chance of working. Scientology died at birth.
Sorry, “abreactive talk therapy”, not “thought”. Silly me.
Of course all of Div 4 is never wrong; they are the ‘Technical’ division. And as LRH wrote the Tech, it must be perfect…
…Oh wait, that’s bullshit. ?
I have heard or seen it all.
My first E meter was a MK 5 with a rubber band powered
TA counter.
Scientologists who wanted a E meter way back when had to build them themselves..
If the waters were muddy from the git go David Miscavige made everything totally black.
I’m an early CLEAR and OT 8 X3 every day I learn something new and have boatloads
of money.
I think everyone should follow their own instincts and seek their own Holy Grail
no matter what that is.
I love this post Jose.Thank you.❤️
I must have been lucky. Most of my auditing was great and I dumped a shitload of case. I like the floating TA part best. The FNs didn’t come if I kept silent so I shared my win with the examiner, bada binga, ARC works. I was a NOTs word clearer with ARC and duplication. I said relax I’m not going to blow this up into a big deal,”we get the word, you get the concept” and we are done. Word clearers didn’t beat me up either. I had done the Ethics Spec.course so I was a temporary EO on the EPF and I cleared out weeks of stuck flows on some recruits. It was simple, I had them clear the word Scientology.
The ever present stress on staff and PCs was the worst part of being at “Flag”. The OT6 course room was the one sane place, good supes, high ARC. My TA always floated when I knew that I was OKed to get the fuck on out of FLAG. All this for only two hunnert grand. I managed to have some life changing wins in spite of the bullshit. I’m not a wimp any more.
Ron, just curious, but I didn’t think the OT 6 course room was a sane place at all, in 2005 when I was there. The sups were obsessed robots and literally all the students were suffering from a Stockholm-like syndrome by the time they got to OT VI. Sups were their “friends” only because one slip-up with them could send them back to ethics hell…forever. I don’t know how you escaped from being treated this way. Maybe it was in the early days?
Rob, I was there early 1990s. The sups and tech terminals were great and the course room just a very theta place to be. Dave got involved in 1995, took out a very vital piece of tech of 7 and f……d it good and proper. In my opinion the EP of Nots is one of the most misunderstood of the Bridge but in actual fact makes total sense and it does what it says it will do.
“In my opinion the EP of Nots is one of the most misunderstood of the Bridge but in actual fact makes total sense and it does what it says it will do.”
Perhaps in your DELUSIONAL mind, Percy. NOTs is ALL about assigning wrong authorship for your problems and situations in life that ONLY leads to a dwindling spiral of responsibility for our OWN actions as it is always a damn “BT” who is allegedly causing those bad attitudes, thoughts or emotions. That’s why MOST of the Solo NOTs completions I know – which are quite a lot – are TOTALLY fuck up as beings. Because LRH started them in the road of placing responsibility somewhere else instead of where it ALWAYS lies; upon ourselves. The bells tolls only for thee, I am afraid. I learned that the VERY hard way, but it was worth all the pain I got in my journey to increased REAL spiritual awareness and abilities.
ALL the proof you know, is to unbiasedly analize the life of el con in his last years; hidden in the dark as a criminal he knew he was, and a LOT less capable than your average “Wog” is. So much for being an “OT”, LOL! He died as an insane man with chronic illnesses, and with the disdain of every government of Earth. He, the ” TOP” Solo-NOTs auditor in the world, was at the end of his days STILL trying to get rid of “BTs” by trying to electrocute his body. You Scientologists are the most naive and foolish individuals on Earth. You guys can’t see past your eyes, and ignore and “Not-is” – to speak scientologese so you can understand – all the evidence which lies in front of your TOTALLY VISIBLE from every angle possible. Poor lost souls.
“My TA always floated when I knew that I was OKed to get the fuck on out of FLAG. All this for only two hunnert grand. I managed to have some life changing wins in spite of the bullshit. I’m not a wimp any more.”
Hilarious! Call it “The Last Success Story” $200K is a lot of money, but imo, getting out of $cn is priceless.
“In fact, on more than one occasion, my auditor told me he didn’t care if the incident was real or imagined, but to just tell him what I was looking at.” Another thought stopping device used here because LRH said something to the effect of, “If you think you’re making it up, you probably aren’t.” Whew! Glad he said that! I’d hate to look like a $100,000 (or more) fool.
When my son was on New Era Dianetic Auditing, he came home with History of Man. It was recommended he read it to help him come up with incidents while running Dianetics. And I bet it really did help him. ;0
Although I agree with 98% of what you’ve written, I had a slightly different experience. But first, it’s probably important to note that the last auditing I got was in 1986. My auditor was Claire Reppen, who was a Class XII and one of the finest souls I’ve ever known. Claire was my auditor on L11 (no lasting gains from that level, but it was fun at the time), and Claire audited me on the False Purpose Rundown (the 1986 version). It was during that rundown that I realized I hated organized religion, including Scientology. Claire later refused to implement DM’s (false) “clarification” of a floating needle, and she wound up in the RPF, poorly treated (health and otherwise) until she died. She deserved so much better.
And as for fully “quenching my thirst”: I did just that with the original OTIV. The level is on the web now, so anyone can do it, but for me, it was a very useful series of exercises that strengthened my ability to mock up and let go. I still use that ability. I went on to the then current “Full OTVII” and then the “new” OTIV and V … and agree with you about their value. Nothing to write home about.
I had one other session, with a Flag auditor (Celia Gibson) that resulted in a realization that changed a big part of my life. That’s because Celia was a good listener, and had my back.
Finally, I was a supervisor for the SHSBC and despite the pressure from my seniors, I did my best to make sure the students were given the chance to study without pressure. There were a few times I stayed until the wee hours to get a student through, but that was because the student wanted to do it. In other words, I had their back.
I’m not saying all Flag auditors were great back then, but I am saying my experience from the mid-’70s through the mid-’80s was different from what you’ve endured. And, obviously, I’m no longer part of it. By the mid-’80s, it had become judgmental (staff and public) and unsafe, and regging was getting harsher and harsher, for more and more money. I should have left before I did, but at least I finally made it.
BTW, I was declared 25 years after I left. You might have a long wait 🙂
Great post Robin.I too had an amazing auditor who redid class 4 with me which got screwed up and then XDN and I was about to start power when he was RPFed and I was given listings and sec checking from then on.So the e-meter and I ended up not being friends.Gosh those in charge could not get my declare in the mail fast enough.Came FedX as I recall.But even if I had never gotten one I would still want to be here reading and being a part of our stories.I feel happy for you and anyone who had has auditing wins.Just from my perspective as the non auditing auditing by the GO started turning me into one really mixed up PC,I still before I blew kept imaging the savior auditor who would swoop in and fix it all.As you know it is so hard to shake that Ron Aid,but so liberating when I finally years and years later have.❤️❤️
Thank you for bringing up Claire Reppen. One of the most able and beautiful friends I ever had while in Scientology from 1969, to two weeks after the stated passing of LRH in Jan 1986. Few of those from the many orgs who went made it to be an Ls auditor. We were on staff together till early 1971 January?) she was one of those recruited along with
9 others who were recruited to go off to the flagship to become auditors of what was to become the Ls. She is missed. The longer I stayed in the church after RTC came into being, the less one found true friends. With ethics the way it became one might just as well have been in the Russian KGB.
Of those who became poor or just so so auditors before then were not good enough due to not being trained as they should have been. Too much wanting a completion or a false attest to knowing the material (many probably had little idea as to whether they were competent!) To make a good auditor one needed no pressure to graduate, good word clearers and sups who paid close attention to the students. And every course I did demanded far too little excellence to graduate from it. The orgs were not tough enough.
I did hundreds of hours of my own auditing and gave much. I still hear from people I audited who still feel the gains were real and still there. Some ( as I have been out since 1986) I have no idea where they are.
Almost all of us have a different view on this, often coming from the time period we were in, Others from what postulates we made on the subject and where we did our training and auditing. Best I had was Toronto uptil early 1971, then Saint Hill and AOSHUK, and some from my early time at the St Louis Org. The worst was Denver Org in mid to late 70s (asshole admin asshole staff who wanted to get rid of any good auditors or students). GUYS WHO HAVE earned anything bad they brought on to themselves.
Still, all in all I would not have changed even the bad experiences, just punched a few more robots in the nose!
I still audit and still help train people when I can.
Terra Cognita you read my mind! I gave and had auditing for 35 years. Made it to New OT V in 2005 and finally figured these guys at the Sandcastle running OT VI & VII were batshit nuts and quit (escaped).
I love love your comment.It is quite a moment when SEA Org or staff or paying public realizes the whole church is “batshit nuts”.Escaping,mine was quite nerve wracking but ultimately here we are!❤️
After Clear and two FPRD lists, I ran six intensives of Correction Lists, all at my cost! The CS was doing something else and was eventually hauled off to Flag’s RPF! I was not credited, of course.
FPRD lists are supposed to remove what’s preventing you from getting on with OT 3. Well, they didn’t do anything for me. In fact, after my CCRD and two FPRD lists, I didn’t do well in life for the rest of the time I was in scientology. Of course, they’ll tell you that this is because your OT 3 case is now exposed and sitting on top of you. That’s Xenu, of course. No wonder I wasn’t doing well!
I didn’t feel “clear” until the year I walked out of a cherch/scientology – never to return. Boy, did I feel “clear” and have done ever since. I immediately did well in life; and still am!
If I’d known this was going to happen, think of the time, agony and money I could have saved myself!
I’m not disputing what you say concerning auditing in the Cof$. It is fucked and has been for a long, long time but what Class Auditor are you and how long in the HGC? I certainly don’t agree with anything concerning NOTs or the Bridge set up after 1980.
Are you saying I’m wrong to audit someone off Church lines by following what I learnt while in the Cof$ even though it was before the days of any GAT or Miscavige generated idiocy?
Should I throw my emeter away and beg forgiveness from a close friend when I did one those ‘evil’ L1Cs after a death in her family? Even though she thanked me for it and felt much better equipped to handle the arrangements? Should the auditing done in Israel and Idaho been exposed as a fraud too?
You make a number assumptions in your essay and you sure don’t speak for any of my PCs, especially out of the Cof$, they will not agree with you. I don’t profess there is a ‘holy grail’ obtainable with auditing, just as I wouldn’t say there’s one obtainable by a Catholic confession or a belief in God. But I don’t rip people off nor do I tell them they are wrong for liking or wanting auditing done away from the Cof$, whatever floats your boat. Everything done in the Cof$ is a rip off. Also, I don’t blame Smith & Wesson or Colt for homicides either. You lost me on this one Terra.
I Yawnalot you are still in the Mind Fuck that is Scientology. Wake up dude.
Gary, after decades of using the “light touch” I haven’t had any success with those so deluded. Usually it takes a VERY shocking experience (like being thrown in the hole and abused) for a “true believer” to snap out of it due to external rather than self generated stimuli.
In my SO journey it took quite a few very shocking experiences for me to finally see that,neither Ron nor any white hat SO member was riding in to rescue me.I had to take responsibility for my own life and escape.Tough but I am here not there ❤️
Thanks Ann for relating that to us all.
Thanks Ann. You are a very kind person. That’s why you left.
Thank you Gary.I never thought that way,but reading about all that happened after I left in 78, I know I could not have become what the Sea Org etc is now.Although when I was in they still said one thing and did another.Drove me nuts! ❤️
They flat out lie about who they are AND what they do.
And they do it just to get you “in”, lying about that, too.
The need for further reason [to leave] since flew the coop,
like a headless chicken. Realizing that, –
The need to leave
becomes as large and immediate as your next breath of air. And, I like a girl with gumption. Any girl who isn’t at least a little nuts is just no fun and I get bored so quick. Reason needs some form of nuts, if not for the sake of comparison alone, like a tunnel needs a train, like a needle needs a vein. Desire.
Ah, sister
I can’t let you go
like a preacher stealing hearts
in a traveling show
for the love of money money money money money money, yeah
the fever gets higher
desire desire desire desire.
Desire. Alright.*
For Ann
Wake up to what exactly? What would you have me do personally to wake up so that the world is a better place in your estimation? Wake up to the fact I have a history of being a soldier and engaged in mind and body altering bullshit (well before Scientology) while assisting in fucking up other people lives with god awful efficiency all in the name of perceived defense so that people living in some other country could be taught some sort of lesson? I failed to wake up to something well before Scientology came along.
I’m not endorsing the Cof$ or their method of operation in any way, shape or form, I hate the fuckers! I also really detest corrupt police, pedophile priests, asshole politicians, military mania and a whole host of people who go out of their way to steal for a living, plus those who know better than I do what is good for me. Do I wake up to those with the same gusto as I should all things Scientology? How many mind fucks are there to choose from to wake up to?
I’m well over 21, live a quiet life, have friends I enjoy and don’t mind if someone audits someone, gives them a blowjob or whatever as long as it doesn’t make someone feel bad or regret what they have done. I’m done with people who tell me how to think and what to do that I don’t want to. I strongly believe in law and order and an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.
If I want to follow a method of thinking or acting with another by mutual consent which doesn’t result in harming anyone or is not grossly against the law, who the hell are you to tell me to wake up or tell me I’m in some sort of mind fuck I can’t see? I see very clearly, especially generalities.
The one thing that makes me chuckle, is that the hard core Scientologist has something very much in common with the hard core anti-Scientologist – the incomprehensibility of possibly being incorrect, even slightly, complete inflexibility.
What makes me sad though is the longer the Cof$ exists the more hate is going to being generated on both sides of the fence, that organisation needs to go ASAP! People, especially good people don’t handle hating things very well or for very long without the consequences of a self imposed as you call it, mind fuck. All this is just my opinion of course. Am I allowed to own one of those?
That was a great post.
Me, ex Navy. I liked aircraft carriers and fighter jets and we bombed hell out of Sumatra for months killing 30,000 civilians.but the gov. lied to us and told us that they were communists. Why the fake war?Because Shell oil didn,t want Sukarno to take back the oil fields. So why do I like the tech? Simple, dumped tons of unpleasant baggage, learned how to be a decent person, I like myself and help people on a daily basis instead of putting them down unlike some of the knee jerk name callers that show up here. They may not be aware of it but they stand out like screeching red ass baboons, Oh, one more thing, I don’t hate much, well maybe the asshole that can’t go when the light turns green because they have to finish a text.May they burn in an oxygen fed fire in hell.
Yeah, I hear ya Bro! Those lies they told us are kind of sticky hey? It’s all for King & country, rally round the Flag et al sort of slogans shouted down over the centuries. Sometimes it’s needed but where dirty money or power mongering is concerned it is not. Hating can easily develop into a disease. I avoid it too where I can except for particular cases.
so true
like the way a complaint breeds another, is another thing to avoid, is another disease.
Not to be dictating rules here… which are made to be broken, after all.
Thanks, Iyawnalot, for all you do but especially putting the spotlight on people who think they know better than we know ourselves, and who is awake,
for love. For knowing.
Almighty, tell me… Some things?… I just gotta do myself. Why?
If you have to ask (& i’m betting you don’t), I do have an answer. Because Iyawnalot is awake, for one right thing, and being human means not being alone. The other thing is all about me, so let me save it.
The moment you need to tell some one to wake up, another human need arises.
In the place that matters, like momma said, on the inside.
A need for something like what Iyawnalot knows, if I know anything.
+2. Well said IYA. I couldn’t agree more.
“If I want to follow a method of thinking or acting with another by mutual consent which doesn’t result in harming anyone or is not grossly against the law, who the hell are you to tell me to wake up or tell me I’m in some sort of mind fuck I can’t see?”
We are those who are ethical enough to warn others about a dangerous mind control scam. It isn’t about the “church” it is about the dangerous mind control practice. If an organization gets built around it, of course it will be crap.
Being in a free country we warn people when we see them touting a dangerous scam like scientology.
If you are going to tout the scam as harmless, be ready to be countered.
Do you finally understand?
“We are those who are ethical enough to warn others about a dangerous mind control scam. It isn’t about the “church” it is about the dangerous mind control practice. If an organization gets built around it, of course it will be crap.”
Well said, Wynski! Scn is a VERY, VERY dangerous mental/spiritual “therapy” indeed!
As an example to illustrate my point, I firmly believed in “The Tech” up to very recently (perhaps 5-7 months ago). I had enough self-determinism and discernment to reject and accept at will whatever parts of Scn I found workable or lack thereof, so I was never a KSW fanatic not even when I was on staff. I was always the “squirrel type” with tendencies to adjust processes and procedures as I saw fit to increase workability, or to eliminate weak and unworkable parts.
I strongly believed that a state of Theta Clear was possible with Scn, and it became my goal to become one; a goal I worked VERY hard at, for lots of years. I had always had lots of financial troubles and a incredible low havingness which I tried to handle for several years with Scn tech to no avail.
As I thought that there was truth in Scn as processes and procedures is concerned – I always thought that Admin and Ethics policies were faulty and even suppressive in many ways, but not the “Tech” part – I ASSUMED that there was something wrong with ME and not with the basic principles behind the “Tech”, whenever I didn’t get the promised results as advertised on the HCOBs.
I studied EVERYTHING about Scn as a totally self-taught endeavor w/out the misguided interference of silly Sups with no training in scientific methodology and logic, and who lacked proper discernment and power of choice over data. I learned all principles of All auditing procedures, including all the original class VIII course and tapes which I read and listened to IN GREAT DETAIL, for at least 10x . I learned everything about each and every “OT” level in existence including everything from NOTs.
I did a chronological study of almost all of Scn, every lecture, every book, every HCOB. Many of them, I know by heart. The SHSBC lectures, I must habe listened to most of them 3-5x with a VERY detailed study of GPMs, actual and implanted. I could discuss ANY level of Scn with ANY level of auditor.
My goal? To rehabilitate my ability to have money and increase my ARC for my line of work. In other words, I wasn’t (as my first priority) after “OT” abilities, but I just wanted to feel a NORMAL human being with enough money to pay my bills and not feeling so overwhelmed by having to wake up very early am to confront a day’s work.
As much as I HONESTLY tried (which included dozens and dozens of processes and procedures done to the BEST of my abilities, and I am no amateur at all), I could never get stable wins on the area I wanted and needed them. I attempted DOZENS of “ethics” handlings and probably wrote hundreds of O/WS on the area of difficulty, but the “ruin” always remained very much there. I felt SO hopeless.
“How can I make my goal of becoming a ‘Theta Clear’ if I can’t even become a NORMAL human being?”, was frequently my thought. I even considered ending my own life in LOTs of occasions as I felt as a worthless piece of human being. If it were not for my daughter, whom I love immensely, and for my family, that had recently suffered from the death of my dear brother, I would have left this world a VERY long time ago.
I DID wanted to change, IDID wanted for it to work. I didn’t care about the suppressive policies as I never took them into consideration. I could use whatever parts of Scn I found workable, and discard the rest. I could STILL use the “Tech” but at the same time criticise LRH and Scn where it needed to be criticized. But I always HAD the hope that LRH was honest as results were concerned.
But as I kept educating myself on the subject of “Undue Influence”, “Cult Mentality” , and aberrated “Group Think”, I slowly but steadily began to wake up from the unsuspected and insidious hypnotic trance upon which I had lived for the past 30 years of my life!!! I could not believe that a guy as smart as I thought I was, could be SO, SO gullible.
But it is not about being smart or not, but about our OWN desires for it to work and BE true. Our own desires to handle the “ruins” of our lives, and to live a normal and decent existence. The urge to improve ourselves and become happier and more effective as contributing members of our society, is a VERY strong urge that many times can turn us into blind believers, who replace logic and common sense for hope of a better existence.
I began to study and practice all kind of religions and spiritual practices such as Non-dualism and Buddhism, but I couldn’t find comfort nor right answers in them. For it to “work”, one needed to become “unattached” to needs and wants, to desires and dreams. “Attachments” was the “root” of suffering, according to those ancients philosophies. An abandoning of existence as we know it, was a prerequisite to find and achieve “happiness”, something I could never agree with, and found even kind cultic and extreme as well.
“We are all ONE” and “Reality is just an illusion” are the tenets of such philosophies. But I liked my INDIVIDUALITY, Free Will, and attachments with those I love, and with those activities I love to perform. How can I EVER become unattached to MUSIC, the balm for the soul, the rekindler of hope? How can I become unattached to the immense beauty of a Classical adagio or an Opera? How can I ever become unattached to my daughter who is an ESSENTIAL part of WHO I am?
So I said, fuck LRH, fuck Buddha, and fuck ALL spiritual “teachers” out there. I, MYSELF will become my OWN teacher and will find my own answers for existence, became my NEW attitude in life. So I began to study all psychotherapies in existence, with a skeptical attitude, but with an open mind at the same time, and THREW Scn away for good.
And just the fact of having thrown Scn away as not only unworkable but as INCREDIBLE dangerous for our mental sanity, IMMEDIATELY changed my WHOLE life for the better. Everything started to turn around, and I felt a GREAT freedom and release. My search for a workable, everybody-can-do-it , inexpensive therapy, lead me to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Tapping) which uses the principles of the Chakra system of the body and energy meridians, and attempt to balance the energy disruptions which causes physical illnesses and emotional trauma to manifest themselves, and become chronic.
I decided to become an expert on it using its ORIGINAL version, and test it on myself first with a VERY skeptical attitude. Upon just less than 20-30 hours of it, my life took a 180° turn, and what can only be called miracles became to materialize in my life. Out of the blue I got projects that not only made it possible to pay my backlogged debts, but produced me enough money to be able to relocate with my dear princess daughter at Florida in the next few months. Work opportunities come SO EASY now that I even forgot how it feels to be totally broke.
Clients admire me now and validate me all the time. I am being in high demand now as I became someone who can be depended upon and a sort of problem handler who can REALLY deliver products no matter the barriers involved, and who have LOTS of fun while doing it for the FIRST time in his life.
I even lost weight, became fit, and recovered my self-esteem as a man. Women even look at me all the time now, can you belive that? And all in less than a year. Gee, less than 6 months!!!
Scientology workable? Yeah right. Scn should be banned as one of THE most destructive “psychotherapies” of this century. It is as “Workable” as drugs “are”. BOTH are a FALSE perception of reality, and drives us to construct a bubble around us which become our home; a home closed to truth, kindness, REAL responsibility, compassion, fair play, and Human Rights. A home built upon self-denial and self-abasement.
I now have all my Scn materials ready to be burned at my yard while I watch the past broken promises and past unfulfilled dreams to become smoke and vanish over the distance, while the Phoenix bird of Hope and real happiness and achievement, is born from the ashes of burn tyranny and deception. Live long and prosper the human spirit and REAL truth.
A little sensitive I Yawnalot? Just like Mlje Wynski and Thetaclear said it is dangerous and I am going to warn everybody I can. Theaclear I think it’s time to think about changing your name. I think you have outgrown Scientology.
You betcha I’m sensitive. People get destroyed by insensitivity. Kids deserve a future, I don’t care what country, regime they live in or the mindset of the parents. All I guess I’m asking is that common sense prevail. A long ask anywhere I suppose in any language. But how many negative agreements against something are required before it’s destroyed? I don’t the exact formula, perhaps you do. I have seen what force can do though and it doesn’t work.
TC, remember me?
What an incredible life story. And what a beautiful recent conclusion. Congratulations and well done!!
I am currently using Ron’s tech, or at least what makes sense and results to me. As an Indie at Dror Center, Israel.
On Solo Nots now. I have little time now and hope tp write more later, but I just wanted to put something forward to you and see if you can accept it.
My journey was in a way the opposite of yours. I was (or thought I was… :)) too Normal, but I wanted the sky and to swallow the universe. In reality I was huge potential but nothing to show for it, in any category. I was young. Then I arrived at Ron’s tech, ideas and Ethics principles. And his TR comm drills. And in a matter of months my life changed drastically. I became …Normal but a good one with much more to show. Using abilities gained in TR drilling and Ethics principles and CONDITIONS including the low ones…LOL… I started doing things I could not have dreamt possible in my wildest dreams. I mean from a penniless Hippie I became a successful professional and soon enough had my own piano business, which in years to come became the most appreciated and acclaimed in my country. Out of nothing!! Later, as I still wished for the sky and upwards, I continued in the CoS and sure enough got eventually totally fucked up.
So I left, and not being under that suppressive influence, could keep a reasonable life level. But not happy, as the sky (= spirituality) was furthest than ever.
Then, a few years ago, I discovered the Indie idea, and Dror Center. just 60 miles from me. And went back to the tech. (OT 4 and above). What happened was a total shock!!
It was a totally different activity, space, tech, attitude…everything…compared to the CoS. Love, I repeat Love and ARC was the core attitude there. Duress, enforce, suppression of any kind – non existent. And granting beingness the hard core of it all. Whatever you are and whatever you think. Find it hard to believe? I know.
And so, for a few years now, my wins are turning finally more and more spiritual. And they include more and more tolerance, accepting other views and practices. TOTALLY, and keeping humble. In spite of amazing wins from Nots I don’t know everything, and I can and I am learning from others, in fact from everyone. Including from you and your truly epic and finally such happy story, bringing tears to my eyes. I know, Ron was different in many ways. He was cocky and not tolerant and many other things, bad policies and mistakes!!
so what? It does not change the good and incredible things he worked out. I can elaborate more but that will do.
Now, I come to my “punch line” – TC, can you absorb what I have just written, and if you conceive it to be honest, LET IT BE side by side with what you have written, and allow and accept both experiences as valid, without need to null anything? I hope you can. Just hope. As for me. I am really happy for you, and…happy for me. 🙂 🙂
And may be we can all add a tiny drop of tolerance to our true and valid opinions and discussions..
Namaste, Bless you, Shalom, Salam Aleikum!!! And much love,
Of course that I remember you, Hemi; how could I not!!! I always remember those kind and incredible decent souls that makes this world a better place, and show us that there is still hope for humanity.
I am also very happy for your journey and your wins and achievements in life.
Even though that I frequently criticise Scn and Scientologists now, I have always made an exception with the guys and gals from DROR Center, and have expressed it publicly every time I have had the chance of doing so.
At least for me, you, Dani, Tami and others at DROR are not Scientologists as such, but individuals who USE Scn’s principles to improve your lives. This is an important distinction to make, as a Scientologist for me is the strict KSW follower who lack proper discernment and power of choice over data, and those who believe that EVERYTHING that LRH ever uttered and asserted is nothing but the truth.
W/out attempting to make you wrong in any way, it is my opinion that when Scn DOES work is because of the INTENTION that the individual invest in it coupled with a high degree of ability to reject anything from it at will. This isn’t an insult but actually a validation: what you guys do at DROR is NOT Standard Tech by definition, but Scn principles and procedures carried out by the way YOU guys consider that they should be applied, REGARDLESS whether or not such method of application agrees 100% with LRH’s. And that isn’t Scn but an IMPROVED and MODIFIED version of it, w/out all its bs and suppressive stuff.
You guys and gals at DROR at NOT KSW Ronbots – what for me is a Scientologist – but are applied philosophers and practitioners who use Scn (or rather an improved version of it) to improve your lives.
Even though that I consider Scn as a highly destructive philosophy, I feel safe with individuals like you using it as I KNOW that you are not under the undue influence of cult-mentality, and that your decency and honesty will prevent you from harming others and yourselves as well.
It is your INTENT that is doing the job – just as it is the intent of the distant spiritual healer that creates the results – and not necessarily Scn as such. That’s my humble opinion. I am sure that you would have gotten similar results with other practices, as your decency and honest intentions would have been the KEY to your success.
So of course, that I would let your journey to be side by side with mine as you are a true friend, Hemi.
However, I can’t say the same of other Indie groups and terminals out there, SPECIALLY the people from MS2, which are extremists and KSW fanatics. My only exception so far is DROR, specifically its staff (particularly Dani and Tami), you of course, and the guys at Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. But DROR’s connection with MS2, is a bad spot for them, IMHO.
Take care, and thanks for your support and validations. You are a TRULY unique individual.
I am speechless, my friend. This does not happen very often!! 🙂
And… you got my eyes wet with tears, those pearles of Theta. Or love, friendship, ARC…whatever the name.
You are so right about Dror in almost everything you say. I totally agree. I tell them my same observations now and then. Funilly they probably will not admit this fully, mostly out of being too humble to boast such innovative achievements! As to MS2, they are not really connected, as in Dror they do not agree with any form of extremism let alone fanaticism! In fact I think that MS2 are probably far from liking or agreeing with what Dror do. Just to be fair, I bumped recently into some written WINS at MS2 site, and they were great wins. (Sorry, can’t help stating the good, if observed, even while criticizing..).
Some of my best friends do other kind of practices and get a lot of benefit. We share wins with full respect and are TRULY HAPPY with each other wins. THIS IS Theta. Sure, we will exchange ideological punches now and then, being hot, passionate middle-easters… but we’ll end with a hug, and mostly HAVING LEARNT from each other.
Thanks Peter, and take care too, my friend. And know that what you wrote in your reply to me, and the spirit involved, in spite of all that you went through, had an enormous impact on me!
And my hope that all of us can maintain true friendships no matter our practices and differences, and that this planet has yet a hope, just gets stronger!! 🙂
I read your post Hemi and want to thank you.Excellent observations.❤️
I have read your recent comments Peter and I have them in my book of memories.❤️
Well said Thetaclear. And as we have discussed in the past, if even only Grade 1 delivered what it promised, Orgs would have been rolling in MILLIONS and $ and hundreds of thousands of PCs even back in the 60’s. It would have taken over the planet.
Today I could round up PC’s paying $50,000 an intensive if Grade 1 E.P. could be delivered. Heck, I know people who would and could pay a $1,000,000.00 and intensive for that.
That alone shows that it was ALL a lie the ENTIRE time.
I understand you very Mike Wynski. I had an a few officers like you. You luck in life must be frequent and your friends many. Keep up the good work!
My LUCK!? Losing my father as a child, being bundled off to the SO. Having to fight my way out with no where to go and having to rebuild my life.
Are you a F’ing lunatic?
That’s very close to what to have allude to me personally in your past comments, a fucking lunatic! You really shouldn’t make personal attacks on people. You are a very rude man Mike Wynski and you would never make such comments to me face to face, that I can guarantee. We all have baggage to contend with in life, you seem to enjoy dumping yours on others. You keep staring at the stain on the carpet above all else..
Sometimes I wonder if Mike Wynski is the pen name for the one who used to write under the name John Locke…
Yes! I remember John Locke, and yes, Mr Wynski does exhibit that same, prickly attitude… remarkably similar.
But, there is the hint of some kind of syndrome manifesting here, part of the net result of having been a scn-gist, I do presume, wherein the speaker makes intelligent and valid points about the flaws and crimes of the cult, then has to re-enforce his brilliance by somehow compromising a third party – “somehow” being unusually hostile and/or vulgar.
John never got over his need to insult or be insulting, despite his valid points and the agreement he won with them, rather, he often had to wind up his posts with something like: whatever it was Mr. W just said, something meant to say how stupid you must be compared to me.
Scientology, and having been submerged in it…
It really does muck up the mind. It is going to take a genuine, conscious effort to clean things up. A good start would be by spending time searching for the virtue and goodness in other people. That is the near polar opposite of auditing, right? Auditing, like all of scientology, keeps you focused on the flaws, trains you to always be searching for the “aberrations”.
Where is the virtue?
If you spent any time on the question, you made the first step towards reclaiming your identity.
That is how we come to recognize and find what matters in ourselves. Nurture the goodness, and delete the harmful words. Words first, then actions. Look what we’ve become. John Locke disappeared.
Hey maybe we can do the same with Wynski. We’ll nurture the goodness in him till it is no longer fun for him to insult people and act badly. Then he’ll lose interest and leave. Not bad, Sweet Olive Oil and Pea.
Your recent comment here is beautiful.Thank you.❤️
I like your word Sweet Olive Oil Pea, constructive and validative directions wins over negative pursuits everyday of the week. It is nice to say hello to you.
You seem to have a lot of sensitivity on this subject. He didn’t say he was an auditor and his comments seem to all be related to the consumer see of the process and specific to auditing in the COS.
Great essay, thanks TC. I liked the auditing I got. However it was WAY over priced! LRH definitely capitalized on some simple but powerful concepts. If the meter worked the way LRH said it did, you wouldn’t hold the cans. You would simply have two sensors attached to you, eliminating the potential of inadvertent can squeezing(insert joke here).
My early auditing was great. Why? It was talk therapy that I needed – done by someone who had empathy, compassion and thought I hung the moon (or at least that’s the way she made me feel). If there was a meter there, I barely knew it. She cared about me.
That’s what I observed fell out. In my final days I knew that scientology had nothing to do with me and did not care about ME. There are still auditors that care but there is so much bullshit surrounding them and the church now, the good in it is like finding a gem in a cesspool. Who cares. I’ll find my gems someplace else and so should everyone else.
This applies to people that actually GET auditing at a church or mission or from a field staff member. In order to even get auditing, a very high price tag must be paid. There is ALWAYS the danger that person inexperienced with auditing will get a corrupt concoction of auditing made up by local “Scientologists” only to put money in their pockets regardless of any kind of real gains that may have been had if a real product had been delivered in the first place. Once a church or mission or public staff do this, even once, their integrity never amounts to the same thing. Corrupting LRH’s tech is a crime not fully covered in the U.S. Department of Justice laws yet. Eternity is something most people have never even realized exists yet. 🙂
Lawrence I pray that Corrupting l rons tech never gets covered in the U.S. Department of Justice laws. God that would be a nightmare.
Very interesting post, TC, and happy you’re still not declared. Even though I can tell you that should that happen, the planet will not stop revolving on its axis and only your own responses to it can have any effect.
From what I’ve read on all the various blogs, a lot of what you have said applies primarily to scio post the 1980s. I can tell you that much of what you experienced was not what I did. Auditors were really caring and effective in the 60s and 70s. Sessions, for the most part, went very smoothly. C/Sing, too, was pretty smooth. And, of course, there was not then any really strong attention on “SPs”. That went apeshit in the 80s as I watched from the sidelines and doesn’t appear to have stopped grown exponentially since then.
As for the upper levels, mine went pretty rapidly and effectively. No, I can’t move things with my mind. (Other than, of course, my car keys, which seem to end up in places I’m utterly certain I’d not placed them!!!) My last cleanup session at Flag got me Quentin Hubbard as my auditor and they were some of the finest sessions I ever had. What a sweetheart of an auditor he was! And fantastic human being. As for OT phenomena, I’ve certainly experienced some, but other than with my mate, I don’t discuss them with anyone. I’m quite satisfied with what I *did* attain and never really expected all the claims of the various OT levels. I did become, in my own view, a better and more effective human and spiritual being. I’ve continued on the latter path since then and am satisfied that it will continue…at least for this lifetime.
As Richard Bach said in his marvelous 70s book, “Illusions”: “If you want to know if your mission this lifetime is finished, if you’re still breathing, it’s not.” One of the very best books I’ve ever read and I’ve read it at least once a year since then.
And if I got nothing else from scio, there’s always my beloved mate, the best of the best. And anyone who does not believe in mind reading certainly has never met this lady!!!
Honestly thegman77 it doesn’t matter if you are satisfied with what you got. l ron hubbard promised a end product and he straight up lied. No one not even himself has ever got the promised gains. It was a fraud from the beginning.
Well, Gary, in my case, at least, the fraud worked to my benefit. A lot of others who posted here seem to feel the best way. I never believed I was going to become some superhuman being. Nor did I ever think Hubbard was the be all and end all of “wisdom”. So I took the best stuff, helped others take the best stuff according to “them” and, when I saw it speeding southward, quietly left. I got my money’s worth and kept my sanity. Just another set of interesting experiences I’ve chosen this lifetime.
thegman77 I’m glad you got something out of it. But the problem is that l ron hubbard promised super human gains. He lied. And he did it for power and money.
Thank you Terra Cognita.
Being myself a former Class IX for over 20 years I will limit myself to 2 observations, even though each of your sections prompted answers.
-You can clarify auditors as before miscavige/ after miscavige. Earlier in time auditors were more laxed, even chatting with pcs and less stressed. After GAT, you are right, miscavige and RTC demanded robotism, do this, do not think, just ask for MWHs and you better make your IAS quota or no sleep.
But even before and after GAT there is one factor among auditors: it is someone that honestly cares for another.
-It does work if you follow a simple therapy of asking someone a question and allowing him to answer and made his own conclusions.
Before GAT the pc was not forced as much as after GAT; it was more a conversation, smooth guidance from the auditor and letting the pc think and conclude whatever he wanted.
After GAT the pc was never right anymore, he was not clear, he had overs and on ando on with the invalidations and evaluations of miscavige and RTC. And you have no idea of the harsh time auditors had if their stat was below 40.00 hours a week and if MWHs were not found.
The criminality, sociopathic mind of miscavige penetrated what was before a better scene.
“This may seem counter intuitive, but per my experience, the more trained the auditor, the worse he is. Field Group, Mission, and org auditors are the best. Those in advanced orgs are the worst”
My experience too.
Have worked with about 30 Flog auditors after 1990. About 20 of them were robotic, 5 ok and max 5 excellent.
In the late seventies and even early eighties can think of 30 auditors.10 were excellent, 15 were ok and max 5 were robotic.
Actually the reason auditing doesn’t work has NOTHING to do with the auditor or the e-meter. It is because the subject is false.
UNDENIABLE example: At the lowly level of Grade 1 the stated ability gained is: “Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.”
No one in the history of scamology EVER got that ability. Grade 0, never saw it in ANYONE I worked with for YEARS who had done that grade.
You can tell that El Con knew this too because he set up conditions to examine and pass auditing completions that did NOT test the supposed Abilities Gained. The EXACT opposite of what you would do in a scientific endeavor.
The problem with scamology is too simple for most to see who got sucked in for any length of time. It is complete B.S. as far as the “meat” of the subject.
If it were as the author of this article states, then you WOULD see some with the Abilities Gained. But, there are ZERO.
” UNDENIABLE example: At the lowly level of Grade 1 the stated ability gained is: “Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.””
But Mike, it seems like everyone on this blog has achieved that state! Step one is done and we are well on our way to achieving the end phenomenon.
Yo Dave,
Have you stuck a fork in it today? You are beyond well done good buddy, in fact You are about ready to fall off the bone.
That is hilarious Newcomer. The problem is Scientology. Done sir done. Salutes l ron hubbard.
FTW Newcomer!
to know what FTW means, do not tell me ’cause i hate acronn-nnies anyway, and yet
I have to agree with you, Wynski, the tech is invalid.
Absolutely Mike Wynski. Not one person ever achieved the promised gains ever. None
There’s nothing there. You create your own wins. It’s all make believe. No matter how long you’re in for, you’re never going to have super powers. AND, your bank account will get significantly smaller.
wow! What an “amazing’ statement…nobody EVER got the gains from any auditing, or any similar statement. This could only be true statement IF YOU KNEW EVERYONE WHO EVER GOT AUDITING. SQUACKING LIKE THAT DISCREDITS YOU. you are creating your own reality.
Ok Frank make that ashtray rise. LOL
Frank, o Frank… thank god you’re here.
I’m late for the show and I can’t find my car keys, please help.
Well, I raise my lowly hand and disagree. I GOT the gain of grade zero and certainly got the gain of Grade 1. I’ve been using that gain ever since, about 40 years no. And my life continues in a very positive fashion. Some here seem to buy into “it was all robotic” and that none of us were smart enough to really get in and do the work needed. Getting a floating needed guaranteed nothing. If you didn’t then take your new awareness and put it to work, you’d stay right where you were in the first place. I wouldn’t give you a wooden nickel for what scio has become and I certainly have learned that Hubbard stole a lot of his work. So what? Did it work? Much of it did as witnessed by others on today’s blog. If you didn’t come away with anything, I’m sorry for you. Even bad experiences should engender some gain. And your statement about “None” Gary says a lot about you, not us. You don’t know who did what unless you know us personally. Sorry, dude, but I won’t buy into *your* certainty anymore than I buy into what scio has become.
As an ex who was in during the mid to late seventies, and who was on staff for a little under two years at a class IV org, I can relate to many who’ve spoken here to describe the value that they derived from their own auditing experience on the lower bridge. It was a different time and much of the grim cruelty, pervasive fear and humorlessness that is associated in many folks’ minds with the current reign of terror under lil davey the savage was not my experience or the experience of any of the several hundred or more $cientologists that I knew during that period. I’m very glad that I got out when I did, but I very definitely derived some counseling gains and formative life experiences that have stuck with me to this day.
Your remarks here have not been about your own personal experiences in $cn, but instead seem to assume an authoritative stance on the subject and are delivered from on high, in a voice that an academic scholar or historian would assume. But your words come across with judgment, anger and bitterness in your writing voice, so my guess would be that you DO have your own personal experience with the cherch and, for whatever reasons, have chosen not to share them with us here.
So, if you don’t mind my asking, when were you a member of the cherch and what were your own experiences then?
If your own experiences were of entirely no worth to you I’d be the last one to try and argue that you did gain something. Conversely, those who derived whatever value that they now place on their $cn experiences aren’t go to be dissuaded from their opinions concerning them. Given that, it might be more constructive to focus in on what most, if not all will agree on: That the cherch, since lil davey the savage usurped power has become a nightmare of abuse and money-grubbing con. How to effectively reform it or hasten it’s demise would seem to me to be a topic that undercuts any disagreements that we might have about the past.
What do you think?
If I were to hear fellow students from my philosophy class claiming it was a waste of time and that they got nothing out of it, my reaction would not be one of indignation. I wouldn’t be defensive about my ‘wins’ from that class. Instead I would state my wins: I learned about logical fallacies and how to think critically in order to identify them. There you go. No need to defend my experience as I have explicitly stated what I gained. Taking offense wouldn’t be an appropriate response.
However if I merely FEEL I had gains, that would be a matter of fanciful belief. Fanciful beliefs are always an insightful observation away from a good beating. That makes me defensive about them and become indignant when somebody “invalidates” them. Though beliefs can be “invalidated” by words, actual gains cannot be. I see a great justice in that.
Lies, lies, lies and more lies. Don’t you guys get tired of telling them? Read in Dianetics what a clear is. Do you fit that description, those of you who are?
Yes, there are many truths in Scientology. That is the bait. Ask yourself honestly if what you’re doing is right.
Unhook thyself. That is my suggestion.
Harvey, it is more difficult to admit that one has been scammed than to be scammed in the first place.
As to your example, the “test” cognition for Cear is realizing that you made it up yourself. Of COURSE the test is NOT to demonstrate the abilities El Con said that clears would have. That fact ALONE tells one that it is a complete lie and scam.
Those that are still hypnotized cannot comprehend that basic, self evidence, fact.
Ah, the old “Hubbard was so powerful, he hypnotized millions of people”. Wow! Having studied hypnosis years ago, I call that bs. But it sure is a simple way to “prove” your theory. Sorry, lad, my own experience contradicts yours. And mine makes me happier. 🙂
thegman77, if you want to demonstrate the abilities of a clear as per El Con, or even Grade 1. Go for it. If you cannot, well then it is as I stated. If you claim to have gotten the rocket powered unicorn, put up or, you know the rest of the saying. 😉
Being scammed is oh so easy.
All you have to be is open-hearted and trusting and have a little faith in the person you really don’t know at all, you know, the guy scamming you who does not give a rat’s scrotum how you come out of the deal.,,
If your faith holds up, hey, you could suffer all kinds of abuse before pulling together, after the emotional torture and all, being told the problem is you, that you are weak, that the world is cruel and out to get you, that all your friends outside are enemies, that you owe it to the scammer, payback or be even cheaper waste for quitting and giving up… Yeah, admitting you were mistaken about the con-man takes a lot of fortitude, strength of mind and will, and a huge shift of faith… back to your self. A good con man will force you to do it all by yourself, too.
Shame on the cult of scientology.
Refuge for the poor souls whose only support group is a social predator.
Prison for the leader.
They just can’t expect they were conned. It sucks but you were conned.
Right there with you, Gary. I’m the guy that brought up that box of cult info to Monrovia at that restaurant . Good to see you posting here, pal.
Thanks OSD. I REALLY RESPECT YOU. That means a lot to me.
Take what you need or want (if anything) and leave the rest. That’s been my suggestion for nearly 10 years now and it continues to work for me and the people I work with.
What’s true for you, is true. No need to debate anything…
“Trust your feelings. They are always right.”
my dad used to love to say that, to me
That is true, if the rest is not forced on you as some moral imperative. I’m not ready to discount all of the benefits of the lower part of the Bridge, which I did at a mission, not an org. I was eating well, getting sleep, exercising and had time to work through some difficult issues that were bothering me, with someone that I trusted. But after that it was sort work to get to OT levels, checking boxes and the issues were created for me and moral judgments were impressed upon me. That part I can leave.
Here’s the original definition of Clear: A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane. This is why I never attested to being clear and why I left in ’82….and never looked back.
Bingo OSD.
Another factoid. The people El Con labeled as “No case gain” were in fact those that are resistant to hypnotism. They sit there in session saying “FTW? Where’s the stated abilities gained?” They SEE that the emperor has no clothes. Those people are the most dangerous to a scam like this and thus he early on labeled them criminal and insane.
Mike Wynski you are a very smart man. A wise man. May I ask how long you were in the cult for?
Thanks Gary. I am just observant, sometimes. My parent (only had one at the time) got me in when I was 12. I escaped in my very early 20’s. So 11-12 years I guess. Staff for the latter 1/2 of that time.