Another illustration of the crazy that is the scientology bubble. And it gets worse the higher one progresses on “the Bridge.”
I am not questioning that there is a problem with over-prescription of medication or too much diagnosis of depression or anxiety.
I am questioning the bizarre conclusion: “I am auditing on the level, which ultimately will handle the disgusting goals and purposes of that criminal profession.”
How these deluded OT VII’s can possibly believe that getting rid of their body thetans is going to handle psychiatry is something I would love one of them to explain sometime. They believe they change the weather and brought down the Berlin Wall and caused the rain to fall in Australia (which didn’t extinguish the fires — I guess putting out the fires isn’t one of the things they can accomplish?). But what leads them to that conclusion? By their own definition body thetans are “lesser” beings. How sending them into the world changes anything I don’t understand. And if you ask this guy “scientology promises to give you superhuman powers” he will laugh at you and tell you you should not listen to the “entheta” — scientology promises nothing (unless it is a reg trying to get your money).
The Hubbard line that all psychiatrists are “criminals” and that this “profession” are all “whole track implanters bent on destroying mankind” is something else I would love one of these people to explain. What is this based on? Hubbard’s “research”? His “whole track recall”? I bet this guy has never met a psychiatrist. Yet he is absolutely certain they are ALL criminals. Simply because L. Ron Hubbard said so.
There is no evidence for these assertions — but they are stated as absolute, unalterable fact. And they will fight you tooth and nail if you claim scientology is a belief system.
And finally, his odd “please no objections, this is data from my observations and experience, not a view point”?
Yet, this is precisely what it is — his viewpoint. The “facts” he presents would not lead me to pronounce the same things as he does.
This is just more evidence of how belief in scientology invades your thinking. It is more evidence of the reinterpretation of words on display. He is absolutely certain that what he is saying is “fact” and therefore is not a “view point” and yet this is almost entirely his opinion and belief unsupported by facts — unless one accepts the “facts” that all psychiatrists are criminals and psychiatry will be eradicated by freed BT’s.
So, please, no objections!
And finally — he sees absolutely nothing wrong with his statements. Sadly, this all makes perfect sense to him.
Facts are just fact. Typical socialist.
I thought you have publicly stated this case phenomena was “all imagination” ?
You I thought had come to believe ALL of LRH’s rambling were complete nonsense and we are nothing more than animated dust.
Which of course we all return to and there is no such thing as spirits and all of life’s problems can be sorted out with pills of some kind.
So why go on about silly people who think such things as spirits exist when we al know they DO not.
At the end of the day people are allowed to spend their money on what they want and not what you or I think they should spend it on.
Fair enough cobber?
Nope, I dont recall ever stating that. I think that is your dub-in.
And I have certainly never stated there is no spiritual element to existence.
Sure, people can spend money on anything they like. But it is unlawful to defraud people of their money, or take it with the promise it will be returned if they ask for it and then refuse to do so. Even for services that have not been delivered.
I am sure you would agree with that mate?
Sounds like Todd’s pretty excited about his new contribution idea for his elig.
Gotta have something to show the MAAs every six months.
Not to mention maybe even good enough to help comp the level!
Flag’s lesser known motto. “Yah, but what have you done for me lately?”
That was certainly my org’s motto!
If 750 OT sevens failed to clear the planet how will ten thousands failures make it?
They confirm to the postulate that the tech is wrong and not the appliers.
Even 7 billion OT sevens create failures because other planets populations must be made bankrupt. Without a plan to bankrupt people on other planets the plan will fail.
I tried to find some examples of the hair styles this guy created.
I was unable. So I had to use my imagination instead.…2470.7660..7874…0.0..0.117.1966.6j13……0….1..gws-wiz-img…..0..0j0i131.Y7Dum3q335k&ved=0ahUKEwif8I6nuIXnAhWWUs0KHShqC04Q4dUDCAU&uact=5
I’ve never even had “Psychiatric Incident” read on a Solo NOTs assessment form, so I don’t see the connection or relationship. He had a disrelated “Epiphany-type” of cognition not too dissimilar to a SCN academy student having one going to the bathroom.
I can hardly wait until the Scilons difficulty with ordinary spelling on their brochures and posters causes them to publish things like this:
“Be One of the First 10,000 Nuts to Donate!”
“Make Sore Your Asses Are Neglected!”
“Take a Hit for Your Church – Spend Time With COB David Miscavige”
Yes, Virginia, best to simply stay away, because it is always worse than you could ever imagine.
Rolling on the floor laughing
LRH begged the Veteran’s Administration to provide him psychiatric care.
RE: Lafayette Ronald HUBBARD,
Lt. USNR 113392
Box 297,
North Hollywood, Calif.
October 15, 1947
Los Angeles, 25, Calif.
This is a request for treatment.
My residence is north of North Hollywood,
but I attend school at Geller Theater Workshop,
Fairfax and Wilshire, Los Angeles. It would be
appreciated if any out-physician selected would
be located near my school as I have a vacant
hour and a half from 1 to 2:30 four days each
week at school. I work at night six days per week.
I was placed on certain medication back
east and have continued it at my own expense.
After trying and failing for two years
to regain my equilibrium in civil life, I am
utterly unable to approach anything like my
own competence. My last physician informed me
that it might be very helpful if I were to be
examined and perhaps treated psychiatrically
or even by a psycho-analyst. Toward the end
of my service I avoided out of pride any mental
examinations, hoping that time would balance
a mind which I had every reason to suppose was
seriously affected. I cannot account for nor
rise above long periods of moroseness and suicidal
inclinations, and have newly come to realize that
I must first triumph above this before I can hope
to rehabilitate myself at all.
I cannot leave school or what little work
I am doing for hospitalization due to many
obligations, but I feel I might be treated outside,
possibly with success. I cannot, myself,
afford such treatment.
Would you please help me?
L. Ron Hubbard
I’m sorry. You aren’t qualified for auditing.
Perfecto mundo
Before tackling lofty goals such as eradicating psychiatry he may want to handle the BT originating the spelling and grammar of his data for him as they would embarrass anyone at the reading/writing level of a ten year old.
Next, he may want to examine his observation technique. Aside from the dubious claim that 5 out of 6 interviewees were–and readily admitted in a job interview(!) that they were–on psych meds this does in no way allow for the conclusion that this is typical. 83.3% of England’s youth are on anxiety medication? Lest someone may extrapolate from Hubbard’s example that 100% of universal geniuses have anxiety medications injected into their ample posteriors!
Of the 5 that where (sic) on meds, what if the meds were assuaging the anxiety? Since leaving Scientology, I don’t discount the psychiatric profession out of hand. It’s possible they could help.
If we’re bodies and not spiritual beings, a theory I’m more and more convinced of, then there’s a possibility that addressing chemistry in the brain is a workable approach to resolving mental problems. I’m keeping an open mind.
While I believe that we are spirits, i.e, non corporeal entities of some sort, which OPERATE bodies, at the same time, I do believe that “brain chemistry” impacted by ingested substances can effect mental health.
A pedestrian example: How many people say, “I am just NO GOOD until my SECOND cup of coffee…” Well, they’re talking about caffeine, a drug that they’re ingesting, that wakes them up! (Unless of course its decaf. But I’m talking about CAF here.)
How many people including Scientologists who are vociferously anti -drug could or would exist without caffeine.
I recall a conversation I had with an OT8 in which she shared that she had trouble sleeping. She drank coffee all day. She always had a cup in her hand.
I suggested cutting back to 1 cup in the morning, then another in the afternoon but not later that 4PM. She regarded me in horror.
“I couldn’t do that! I need 3 cups to get going in the morning, at least 2 in the afternoon and sometimes I need a cup at night!” THIS, from an OT 8.
I shrugged. Addiction, pure and simple. And nothing unusual. The world runs on caffeine from either coffee or tea. But this was someone palming herself off to the rest of us as a superior being. Her husband, by the way, also OT 8, needed a QUADRUPLE bypass. This guy’s arteries were CLOGGED
“Cause over Mest”…yawn…right.
Point being, drugs have their role in contributing to a feeling of mental well being. It has to be because of their effect on the brain.
Delphi didn’t serve coffee on the mountain because caffeine is a drug.
That first visit…I was SO PISSED nobody had warned me.
I hear you. Going without caffeine cold turkey all of a sudden is HELL. I did it, years ago. Withdrawal symptoms, OMG…headache, neck ache, back ache, jitters, exhausted but could not sleep for 2 weeks…hell. Cold turkey. God knows how people give up what are considered the seriously addicting drugs like heroin and cocaine. Caffeine was seriously addicting – to me at least!
Yep. I had the same cold turkey symptoms when I quit caffeine for awhile.
I’ve subsequently quit it a couple times for various reasons, but tapering off made it painless. Loooooong slow tapering… I was a weenie and wanted NO discomfort.
A loooooong and slow tapering off to kick caffeine was the most sensible, most effective and least painful way, Rip. Wish I’d done it like that! Live and learn
The guy talks like a 6 year old. IQ……maybe 60? (Am I being generous)? This is from an O.T.? Talk about a fantasy world. Geeze. Hey Michael Todd, take a grammar and a basic spelling course will ya. And when you’re done with that, see if you can put a square block into a square hole.
I highly doubt it is legal in the UK to ask prospective employees about their medical status and history. Unfortunately those 6 probably don’t know their rights to file a complaint.
I was terminated ( will full predudice) by (The Church) when I tested positive for HIV that I got from a blood products that they ordered and paid for. They did not tell me at that time but sent me to Dr Denk to be told. This ( billion year contract is a lie) unless you can show me a billion year old person.
The stark truth of the matter is that you are agreeing to be a slave for eternity until disposed of by some executive without a Comm-Ev or Ehics Charge.
P.S. By ( full predudice above, I mean that not only did they dismiss me from staff in violation if both state and federal laws, they took actions to ensure my death whiich very nearly succeeded
But “They are a religion and were just following their 1st Amendment Rights. Hitler was just following his religious beliefs when he ordered the extermination of the Jews.
Since he sincerely believed that the Jews needed to go, then he must have been not-guilty of genocide.
Amazing. A “contract” they make you sign which binds YOU to work for them for a billion years while reserving for themselves the right to dump you if/when you become too ill. old or tired, or for ANY reason. Quite a contract, that one!
I did not know when signing the contract that it was binding on me but not binding on the other party.
He owns a hair salon so he probably needs a shampoo girl or guy; someone to shampoo. tp sweep and mop the floors, get the customers water and coffee, etc. Someone underage he can pay cheap.
“By their own definition body thetans are “lesser” beings. How sending them into the world changes anything I don’t understand.”
Not only are they “lesser” or “degraded” beings, but once you “free” them, Hubbard says they are essentially “Clear”! WTF! I spent years…decades going Clear, and now I can take a dirtbag BT and within minutes “clear” them??? If anything, it is an invalidation of the state of Clear.
What a bunch of nonsense. Did he actually believe thinking people would buy this crap?
Yes, maybe you can just go be a BT on someone and let the audit you to Clear. Much cheaper than paying for it the regular way.
Michael Todd, you’re an absolute idiot. You’re in business? I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. You would do well take a remedial English course or two in nightschool; your grammar is atrocious; unbelievable, actually.
And: please no objections, this is data from my observations and experience, not a view point
By the way, there’s no way that “Michael Todd” is a Brit or anyone with English as a first language. No way. That’s a name he gives himself for business or maybe its the name of his beauty shop business. Wherever he’s from and whatever is his first language, he’s a foreigner, and probably a senior citizen I’d say.
My head nearly exploded trying to read that. The absolute lack of spelling and grammar skills among many $ci is incredible. You’re going to ‘clear the planet’, but you can’t even construct a correctly worded sentence?
It is odd to think of things you just ignored while you were in. I had a friend who couldn’t have sex with her husband while he was on OTVII because “it might enturbulate him” . WTF? PS OTVII lasts how many years for most people?
The deal is for those of us on the outside looking in, the higher up on the levels of both training and auditing a person gets in scientology, the MORE mentally unstable they get (John Allender comes to mind), and the more certain they are that they are going to get the fix just around the next corner.
And in yet another scientology term being the exact opposite of what the phrase means, according to the Collins dictionary, the true meaning of being on the level is: if you say that someone or something is on the level, you mean that they are sincere or honest, and are not attempting to deceive people.
O/T. Scientology religious ship Freewinds features polygamist singer Tebogo Louw, who would marry both of his girlfriends.
ESMB Redux thread:
The main problem with “auditing on the level” is that Scientology is not on the level.
Good one!
Just before I got out, the IAS reges were pushing hard on some cabal regarding The Max Planck Institute. There us always some devious plot by some group to submarine the free world, and only your contributions RIGHT THE FUCK NOW will help. It has always and will always be easy to take money from scamatologists. Money won’t be a problem. Lack of people will.
Hubbard’s theories of little spirits and BT’s goes all the back to ancient history. Most of these texts were destroyed by Christians until a few were found recently. Even the gnostic texts have numerous references to these hierarchies. You can easily see why Hubbard is anti-Christian. He follows false neo Platonism here and used it to dream up his wild theories. The Occult texts that have survived – and we have very few – depict a world in which every atom is a spirit. Some Occult techniques talk about how to transform these atoms. I think Hubbard was in violent protest to Christianity and therefore grasped this idea and ran with it by adding in nuclear explosions (Xenu). Hubbard totally missed the fact that in the ancient world if you had to deal with these spirits you were basically caved in. Even the ancients knew that it was the mind manufacturing these spirits. Some of the 200 AD texts which have survived point out almost an infinite gradation of degraded spirits. Blavatsky points out that esoteric Hinduism was especially graphic in this area. Hubbard fixated on the idea of the spirits not even knowing that it was a mental issue. So these modern Scientologists think they are clearing the world by releasing tiny trapped spirits that instantly turn to theta or thought. If they get 10,000 they can move the Occult world. All of this is totally insane. It has been a long journey to see how stupid Hubbard really was.
George, I haven’t had time to dig into it, but it seems that Hubbard was also influenced (or downright copied) some of the materials that Joan Grant wrote in the 1930’s.
Have you done any research regarding her?
No, but I will look into it now. Thank
Nothing obvious. But Crowley went to Egypt many times and wrote about it. She might have influenced him.
Nomnom and George, there were a large number of people who wrote about such things in the late 19th and early 20th centuries – now mostly forgotten, and even by 1950 a lot of people weren’t aware of what had previously been surprisingly widespread. I’ve seen so many suggestions of possible sources for Hubbard’s ideas, that he couldn’t have possibly read all of them – plus from what I can tell he didn’t even read primary sources much if at all, and instead relied on what he picked up from people around him, whether family (particularly the second wife he “never had,” who for instance had a good knowledge of Korzybski) or colleagues or social connections.
But it’s always interesting to find another possible source – and another reminder of how his ideas and practices all came from earlier sources, and concepts that had once been been prevalent. And perhaps someday someone will indeed find one particular one that fits so well that it is clearly obvious that Hubbard plagiarized from it in particular.
My current take is that Hubbard had the mind of a cheat. In high school he liked to steal anything he wanted. I have also noticed that Hubbard had a unique definition of his own originality. He would read or listen to something and then slightly change it and then make it his own. Hubbard was the opposite of a scholar. He would rely on his opinion. This is why he eventually hit bottom. You cannot do this your entire life and win. I think O’Brien’s book is key. She was the one who observed him in Kansas. She said he never would prepare.
If any of Lron’s cosmology were ‘on the level’, $cientology would not exist. The brainwashing has burned Mr. Todd’s brain out, I simply do not believe that 5 out of six ‘interviewees’ were on anti-depressants. I do believe that 6 out of 6 $cientologists believe that the psychs are taking over the world. $cientology is nothing without enemies.
It’s easy to take a problematic situation a give it an easy black and white answer. Mr. Todd interviewed 6 young adults and 5 out of 6 used medication to handle anxiety. So that verified Hubbards statements regarding psychiatrists and psychologists. Took this guy twenty years to realize Hubbard was right.
And in 20 years the advancement in psychiatry have yielded some good results unlike the stagnant dogma of Scientology.
Good article today. Definitely dovetails with yesterday’s blog on hypnosis and language.
There is no control group here. I am not advocating anti-anxiety meds, but sheesh 6 people. I guess if you’re a scientologist, 6 people is the number of people you’ve seen on course in a month so it seems like a lot of people, but I work on an office on the 2nd floor in a building with only stairs to my office and its still morning and I’ve seen more than 6 young adults this morning in here.
This could easily have read:
Mr. Todd stood out of a psychologist’s office and interviewed 6 young adults and found that 5 were on anti-anxiety medication.
Mr. Todd stood outside one of the high-pressure office buildings and interviewed 6 young adults and found that 5 were on anti-anxiety medicine.
If he found 6 people walking together, it is highly probable that they have similar lifestyles and share similar sensibilities so 5 of them may have similar stress levels.
6 people does not make a good baseline even.
Here is Michael Todd Hairdressing…,-0.0069923,3a,23.2y,336.99h,87.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sERfeM-k_TWwhjLeq-h6DYw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
Nice looking shop. He’s lucky that he is in a wog neighborhood surrounded by hustle and bustle where a guy of marginal intelligence and even less ability with English can make a nice living. His worst nightmare would be if the scilons were to move in on him and the neighborhood would become as dead as downtown Clearwater!
You nailed that point very well, Todd!
The Brits are too smart to allow the cult to buy up the town of East Grinstead! The cult owns Saint Hill and that’s IT. They can’t stop individual Scientologists from buying property but they don’t sell their land to the cult. Well done, Brits!
How fun – Toddie is bracketed by drug dealers, one dealing in caffeine, the other in sugary confections. Turn left to get high, go back the other direction to get higher. Rinse and repeat! Whoopie!
He should move his location to a safer location – like next to an Ideal Morgue, where no one can find it to visit, even if they wanted to. But if there is anyone there, chances are as soon as he rolls into the parking lot he will spy someone to bum a ciggie from, another prime source of harmful drugs, in this case the horribly addictive drug nicotine.
You can tell Todd is a peculiarly Scientological kind of illiterate, even without the jargon: where most analphabets confuse “there” with “their” or “they’re”, he manages to mistake “where” for “were”, which aren’t even pronounced the same way. Such ineptitude probably means he’s a second-gen clam and a graduate of their Greenfields ‘school’, just down the road from East Grinstead.
I keep saying it: these people aren’t doing the Key to Life (yes, I know that the course was cancelled)!
As a Scientologist and Sea Org member, I just assumed that the Class IX and Class XII auditors at Flag were happy, competent, well balanced individuals. When I was assigned to the Flag RPF in 2005 there were 3 Class XII’s and about 5 Class V’s on the RPF. I got to live, work with, drill with, read the pc and ethics folders of these individuals and watch the videos of their auditing sessions. I was shocked and horrified. These individuals were basket cases beyond anything I could have imagined. It was the final wake up moment I needed in order to leave Scientology. It wasn’t until leaving Scientology that I found out that Hubbard himself was a complete basket case. Asking Steve Pfauth (Sarge) to see if a certain evil spirit was still at the front gate. Trying to get rid of a troublesome evil spirit by sending high voltage electricity through an e-meter into his body, etc. Realize that staff auditors are given “crams” on a daily basis to address and correct small errors in the auditing sessions that they give. As part of this they are asked if the error was caused by them, a body thetan (BT) or a group of body thetans (cluster). Imagine trying to figure out “who” is responsible for every thought and action you have and doing this for years, decades. Scientology doesn’t lead to some totally sane person with super human “OT Powers”. It leads to someone living in unreality with scrabbled marbles in their head.
You called?
Matt, very concise description of the complete toxic insanity of Scientology.
In LRH’s own words, these are ‘generalities’ and indicates MWHs!
Generalities mainly denote dispersion and a covert intention to confuse. It is a tool used by the cowards. And of course, acting on a generality will not get you any product, just promotes a fruitless activity while giving you the false idea that you are doing something of value.
Well said, Silvia.
Dear Michael Todd,
Here is my suggestion to you. It comes from my FZ experience after September 11, 2001. I had asked for anyone to please reply to the group if and when they were able to contact beings, BTs, or especially clusters who were traumatized months after the event. None of the 100+ FZ auditor participants reported anything…ANYTHING.
Here is my suggestion: Put the meter away and choose the real universe over Hubbard’s dead world. Run your business and take long walks in the physical world. Keep in mind what Soren Kierkegarrd (1813-1855) wrote: ‘Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.’ Go out and enjoy the sunlight and freedom.
A viewpoint.
FP jr, good advice you give. And it’s free, doesn’t cost anything to walk in nature.
ubtweeting Billy Porter, Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam argues that the LGBTQ community is “a STRATEGY to DEPOPULATE the BLACK COMMUNITY” and the government is using them “TO PUSH GENOCIDE!!!!!!”
The first word of my post should obviously be “Subtweeting.”
A part of my personal issue with the cult was that I read about not speaking in ‘generalities’, and then read or heard ‘generalities’ like ‘all psychiatrists are criminal’ …. when I asked about it oh so innocently in my youth I was told to find my misunderstood…. I learned pretty early on NOT to question out loud.
Michael Todd – the only thing you need to know regarding entities and such, is to realize it’s all one big cluster fuck.
When I first read the OT III materials, I lamented my sudden realization … I could never use that term again.
Too bad, it’s such an apt term for the entire shit-show cult.