Things don’t seem to be flourishing and prospering at the L. Ron Hubbard “literary agency” these days.
They are offering up their premises as a shooting location….
Next they will be renting out parking spaces in their building for the tourists on Hollywood Blvd — much like Denver Ideal Org does when the Rockies are playing at home.
This is a pretty strong signal that Miscavige has abandoned the El Cadiz apartments right behind and connected to the ASI building. He would never allow this if he was in residence. He is terrified of being in the presence of wogs. What if they took an unauthorized photo of him? Or asked him about Leah Remini? The thought is just too much to bear.
Even more scary: what if David Miscavige bumped into MIKE RINDER! He would probably shit his pants, and loose his composure. Priceless.
I feel so bad for all current Scientology Members. Not David Miscavige, but ALL the rest bc they are victims abusing by proxy. Its a shame.
This reminds me of a concept I read about in lots of “wog books” once I escaped. I was “in” my entire adult life so was not well versed in The World Out There. I could see that there were lots of companies that were doing well, actually making lots of money honestly, and they weren’t using the admin tech, so I read things written by the people involved or the CEO’s, etc. They all talk about Adapting. Be changeable, don’t try to be the strongest, the smartest, the most attractive…If you look you can see the signs of things changing so adapt to those things in your business and keep growing.
Mi$cavige is clearly the dullest tool in the shed. But this is supposing you are talking about making your money honestly and ethically.
It’s hard to imagine anyone renting it for filming. The building has no character or historical significance. Why would a porn director even bother? No, it’s location and offices are more suitable for drug dealers.
They already renting the parking spaces at Big blue to Kaiser hospital across the street
If he is no longer at Int. Base or L.A., where does he order his fresh troops to beat up when he’s angry?
DM is terrified of WOGS? I didn’t know that…..everyone is Scientologist around him? Everyone?? Wow, that explains s lot….
Since Dave had so much success in the interview he did with Ted Koppel back in ’92, he should do it again with someone like Anderson Cooper and once and for all terminatedly handle all these ASC apostates and show Leah Remini and Mike Rinder how it’s done by using LRH’s highly effective Black PR tech. I’d watch it. How about you?
Anderson would be perfect. He’d shred the dwarf.
I’ve got the same hidden data line as LRH had, “The Empress”: she told me that everything she told Hubbard about Scientology was true; except, she said, the bit about it working, that was an embellishment.
She told me she was just messing with LRH to see how far he’d run with it. When he released OT 3, her only comment was “oh, my.”
Maybe he is on the Freewinds.
In my last year in the SO, DM and company did not leave the ship after Maiden Voyage. They were there another week or 2 doing photo shooting.on the island of St Barts. During this time the French military (Interpol) raided the ship. I was awakened to the command of “HCO Bring Order” as I was sent to watch them as they went through Treasury FSSO files. Then he came back later in the year just as the D/Capt and I were sent to take a Type III (name withheld) to the RPF in LA. (To becontinued).
Thank you Bill. Your posts are always read by me.❤️
Flying in charge of someone who is in a psych break was probably the most stressful thing I did in the 23 years I was in the SO. Especially after seeing the amount of damage done to rooms on the Freewinds and being chased in the dark by someone with a piece of pipe and seeing this person telling Wogs.on the plane about Scn and LRH.
For a time my TA was so jacked that I was trying to figure out a way to crash the plane myself in such a way that the Church would not be blamed. We were taught that Psychs are very bad and to be avoided at all costs. I would have volunteered for electric shock treatment myself rather than some of the things that happened to me in the SO.
Damn, Bill. That’s crazy stressful. Glad you made it out alive.
I think I know where he is…he’s in the UK hanging with Tom Cruise while he films part of his Mission Impossible 7. How do I know this? Tom had a fairly serious accident doing one of his stunts yesterday on set, sliding on a wire between two buildings. The news reported that he didn’t quite make it onto the other roof and his body slammed into the side of the building. No report of injuries yet but he had to be helped off the set. Makes sense to me!
Of course the cherch’s mention of the accident, if they say anything at all, will be how everything is just peachy. We will have to rely on the paparazzi to get the truth out.
I’d say how sorry I was about the accident, but Tom has proved for so long that he’s right in there pitching with all the suppressive crap that I feel no compassion.
This is an extraordinary example of the drying up of revenue due to membership decline: that they would use any Scientology facility, let alone a previous residence of the dictator himself, for such extra-cultular dollars and cents. It’s a remarkable metaphor for where Scientology is headed. I think that we sometimes underrate how much it costs to make something as small as Scientology look as big as it does to Scientologists, and I look forward to the time (however long it takes) when Scientology’s financial reserves are less than Tom Cruises and he is too old to be a movie star and he has to choose between keeping his money and keeping his cult: Then we’ll see how dedicated he is to KeepingScientologyWorking.
Yes, but is this really just a case of Dave the monster being worried about his bank balance dipping below the 2 Billion dollar mark??
Memorable Shoots Update:
Leah may want to rent out the office where you gave her your famous refund for a future episode of an award winning TV Reality Series.
Note: No, don’t even bother asking. The secret passage between COB’s ASI office and the CSI boardroom is not available for rental. COB’s secret control of CSI via his secret RTC office in ASI must remain secret. It’s all secret. And no you can’t use COB’s private potty if you rent the ASI for a film shoot.
No shit?
I bow to your Intelligence Expertise OT8. You know where the tunnels are & you know where dm places those pin Hole spy cameras too!???
If Dave discriminates against a woman in Hollywood, he needs to be prepared to have his tiny testicles sued off.
Is Dave feeling harassed as the apostates continue to expose and cut off his sources of income?
reply to tony b below
When respect, credibility and usefulness die, it’s RIP for anyone attempting to sell anything. And David Miscave will not even pay for the funeral. He will just run and hide, like coward he is. Just sayin’
So DM has left the building. It is now a “no-hassle” space! I bet if you tried renting it for filming you might find otherwise especially if you were A&E or some other SP producer.
Is it true he’s picked up his toys and his collection of vintage single malts and become Tom Cruise’s new room mate?
Tom needs a single malt after body slamming a building in London today. A serious injury would have put the whole cult in the shitter.
But I’m sure Tom has the best available for the touch assists he needs for a full recovery.
I really HAVE to hand it to “the organization”….they sure know how to get things done!
They take your children away from you so that they don’t achieve ANY of their parents’ daily love, values, ideas, lifestyles, past family history of closeness.
Then they raise them THEIR way, sequestering them privately by having them going to THEIR type school to well indoctrinate them into doing things “our way”. Can’t read or view anything that is not pre approved by “the organization”, or use the internet to view anything. Then they teach them the value of hard work by using them as child labor for a variety of tasks no one else wants to or would do.
Biological mom and dad are permitted to “visit” your own children for limited amounts of time…,as we can’t have you placing any ideas of leaving “the organization”, or placing any undue influence that the bio parents have doubts or questions about remaining “on the inside”.
Well, now that “your children” have been raised by “the organization”….they don’t know you as their parents, the only parent they will listen to and obey because “the organization” has fed, clothe, educated, reprimanded, & taken care of them is…….guess who….US.
Ahh…the wonders of “disconnection”… is understandable how easily this has been done………to turn one’s back on one’s OWN biological family because the children raised from infancy, child, youth/teen, young adult now view “the organization as “Mom & Dad”…,,,…..
A true Crying Shame, as many parents lost their children & extended family…GOT TO STOP IT NOW.
Balletlady, It sounds like you have had personal experience. Were you at Gold?
I’m a ‘never in”….I’ve watched every episode of Aftermath #1 EVERY time it was on, read many of the books, searched the internet, watched the high powered journalist like Ted Koppel interview DM… and heard the hurtful TRUTHFUL testimonies of those interviewed. Life experience having worked for Social Services, CPS, and with school aged children &having had a brother with mental health issues….let’s just say I am “well rounded”.
Can ALL those interviewed who told heart wrenching stories of abuse, neglect, beatings & out right being taken advantage of…under paid, over worked, sacrificing for a “belief system” that only hurt all of them in the end. Having to be separated from family because of a “belief system” as well….NO ONE SHOULD WEILD THAT MUCH POWER>>>>NO ONE!
Mike…..see you on Tues nite. I have my DVR all set (can’t stand commercials).
Again….I applaud you and Leah for taking on this Herculean task. You have done it with with the best of intentions. Also….to everyone who has had the courage to stand up and fight…..I am truly humbled.
Unlike some others…who have chosen the devils fork in the road….and make stupid ridiculous videos…full of lies and hypocrisy…..disgusting.
You have taken responsibility for the role that you played for years in working for the Church… are an example for the rest of us.
Hi OvertheBridge… I recommend going out of your way to watch the sponsor ads of Aftermath. In fact, I recommend anyone who is reading this to not only watch the ads, but go out of your way to thank them or at least buy their stuff.
At the same time, I highly recommend boycotting any corporate sponsor of any project that involves a scientologist.
Small things like this, when multiplied by thousands or even millions of people, is how we defeat evil.
Funny, that’s what I thought of – I don’t have cable, so I watch on While watching last season, I found myself not minding the commercials. Because, what better cause?
Sometimes the humor in it all makes my day.
I did a video on Author Services…some of its yukky side. The fraudulent “Battlefield Earth limited edition paper prints” they sold for an amount between $500 to $5000 which were in recent years dumped on Ebay for $20 with no one buying it even at the dumped price.
For some reason, I got the *HIGHEST* amount of Dislikes (Thumbs down) for this video. 42 dislikes !
So I went into Video Manager which gives complete breakdown of each country these LIKES and DISLIKES come from.
Guess where these 42 Dislikes came from ?
Bangla Desh
I am sure people in these countries care very much about Scientology and Author Services.
Here’s the video ~~ LOL
Interesting video Karen. What did you end up doing with your collection of books?
And yet again, scientology shoots itself in the foot by their ridiculous tactics which everyone sees through instantly. Using low paid troll farmers in foreign lands to pump up scientology, sign bullshit petitions, and attack critics … great tactic scientology! Nobody would ever see through that brilliant masterstroke.
They are just SO DUMB.
What, Karen???? You haven’t heard of the new AOSHKH? (aka The Khazakstan Land Base) and Commanding Officer Borat?
In the Court of Public Opinion, where the cult is currently on trial for its life, it’s chief defendant appears to be on the run and in semi-hiding. The arc of his career as cult ruler seems to be following that of the founder, so my bet is that he’s going to become even more reclusive as Cult Colony Collapse continues to decimate this faux religion.
Scientology is the Motel 6 of all religions. Rent us out by the hourly rate!
My apologies, that isn’t fair… I am sorry Motel 6, for mentioning your name in any comparison to scientology. Your rooms are far nicer than any Sea Org berth.
But will they leave the light on for you?
Congratulations Mike and Leah – your Docuseries on A&E – got ANOTHER Scientologist OUT of Scientology. They told me today that because of that show – they will NEVER go back. “Doing Something About IT”!! That is our Hurricane Leah and Tornado Rinder! Please – Continue!
Now that Tom has sold out, New York is the happening location.
How much do you want for an annual parking pass; suitable for launching drones?
So if Miscavige has not been to Gold Base in 4 years as Tony Ortega has reported, and if he is now too scared to be seen in Hollywood, does that mean he is pretty much only hanging out in Clearwater? Wonder what that means for the future of the LA complex, given that Miscavige is pretty much an “out of sight out of mind” kind of guy…
He is out of sight as well as out of his mind.
Kaiser has been salivating over the LA complex property for eons.
I hope they get it!
My guess is that is the clampire circles the toilet bowl and starts selling off buildings, they’ll keep CCI. It’s the only nice Org building they have in LA. They may even close it as a CC and just make it LA Org/ASHO/AO. They may keep the HGB office building.
Kaiser would certainly put the old Cedars building to better use than the cherch.
Yeah, for Kaiser it is a total teardown.
So where is Miscavige hanging his hat now if not at Author Services?
Maybe he has reunited with Shelly at Twin Peaks. That place is secretive enough. So much so that most SOrgers don’t even know of its existence.
I don’t know…the Kit Kat Club?
He’s trying to become a member of the Jonathan Club.
Haha! The Jonathan has standards that go well beyond having the initiation fee. I’d have to really laugh if *any* social club accepted Him. “Yo, youse guys wanna lemme in youse clubhouse?”
And who the hell would sponsor Him? Just thinking of Miscavige in any of those places makes me ROFL!
“Yo, youse guys wanna lemme in youse clubhouse?”
Nice mock up of the little man’s Philly accent.
Mike,are you talking about any type of movie not just Scientology cult movies?
If so that smacks of desperation for $$
Alot of my family are counting the days for Aftermath season 2!!!!
We’re so happy you and Leah are doing the second season,thank you for that!!!
Yes, it’s anyone who’ll pay.
Anyone know anyone from Vivid? How funny would it be if a porno was shot there? ? Have posters of The Bridge on the wall and emeters on the “secretary’s” desk. I’m sure a great parody porn would be hilarious!
Start out with “Scientology Sucks”
then “The Way to a Happy Penis”
“Semen Org Adventures”
“Davey does Tom”
“Little Shop of Muffins”
“Float my Needle”, starring Rock Slam
“Rising TA”
I was going to say, “Who’s going to volunteer to keep an eye on PornHub?”
The symptoms of playing a long term deception far too long very much mimics desperation.
This is relatively good news in an overall ugly situation. With the authorities unwilling to do anything about the criminal scam of organised Scientology, what we are watching is natural decay and attrition. Scientology is dead in the water, and even though propped up by whales and PC folder blackmail, it has nowhere to go.
It’s extremely ironic that they boast to offer freedom and self determinism as a product but the higher you go in Scientology the more you are forced to hide.
Tick tock…
I wonder if David Miscavige ever feels the urge to slap his whales and celebrities. At the accelerated rate of blown scientologists, the creepy sociopath is running out of people to blame. Soon it will just be him and a handful of fools.
There is a laser focused beam of light exposing the truth of scientology, the con of a pulp fiction writer of epic mediocrity.
Yet is there any other reason scientology is crumbling?
Well, David, look in the mirror, you little deviant.
Just wait ’til OT 9 and 10 come out! If they ever do, there will probably be a mass exodus of whales from the cult. They secretly feel like they got screwed on 8, and 9 and 10 should confirm to them that they got screwed, and they won’t want to wait another 30 years for OT 11 and 12.
DM probably looks at OT X as his golden parachute retirement.
How long before Hubbard’s Bonnie View house at Int goes up on AirBnb?
Where’s the “Like” button when you need it?
Any day now…
They are joining the plethora of empty warehouses throughout the city of LA.They want to cash in on the
rise of film production going on since the incentive program took affect. CC Int has been available for film shoots for years. 3 years ago I drove a scout van to check out the dinning area for a film I was working on.
El Cadiz !
I wonder where little davey is?
I heard the church has a spare motor home and some land in Creston or something.
In some dark horrible place where the only reprieve, minor that it is, is in the form of a whisky bottle.
‘You can film any day of the week…’???? Must be empty then, apart from the overstuffed leather armchairs….
I can guarantee dm used slave labor (sea org members sent to the decks) to create these swanky rooms too. 🙁
Where is DM? Is he hiding in Trementina in case North Korea starts shooting missiles?
I was the computer guy ASI from May 1992 til Sept 1995, and from Sept 1995 til Dec 1995, I was the Establishment Officer In Training.
I “slipped up the org board” I’ll admit, my whole final years in the Sea Org, first I slipped up a bit by slipping into INCOMM, the computer branch (when the operations department that 24/7 kept watch and upkept the computers) just prior. I ought to have routed out when I “failed” just prior to that, on the 2nd round of the “routing forms” project, but I stayed, did the cushy job in the INCOMM computer rooms in LA and Int (1990-1992), and then in 1992 moved to ASI’s computer room when the ASI computer lady Chris Johnson and her husband who needed outside medical and wasn’t getting it, demanded she and Eric leave and save Eric’s life!
That is kind of how it goes, if you played/acted you were loyal to the T, and in the right department, computers, that was one of the few ways to get into ASI as staff.
ASI was the cushiest of cushy Scientology upper staff lives. John Allcock mentored me in, he was D/ED Internal ASI when I came in. Norman Starkey was ED ASI (Terri’s old post he took on, he’d priorly been solely the LRH Trustee, and the LRH Trust Office was a seperate branch in the ASI org board when he and Maria Starkey (who I heard is deceased) she was Norman’s Communicator/Assistant, similar to the pattern of Shelly being Miscavige’s Assistant, although Norman had only really the CST/Archives “sector” to oversee, since LRH’s final orders were to upkeep and pay for the archiving, and that was done VIA the LRH Trust suborganization part Dept 21 ASI. I wish David Lantz would someday be interviewed, he was the LRH Trust Treasurer, and the money went from ASI Treasury to the LRH Trust Treasury, and from there (or possibly directly from ASI Treasury) it went to however Archives/CST got the money to keep going. LRH was totally no holds barred on funding CST/ASI, that is why the CST facilities are just fully paid for and upkept.
The dress code for ASI staffers is upstat business clothing, all the time, and upstat civies on weekends. Joining ASI, you sign special contracts, one contract is a legal resignation temporarily from the Sea Org, so you get credit for your ASI years on your Sea Org years served, but you sign into the ASI for-profit corporation as staff, and I being in the lowest salary bracket, you get the essentially minimum wage salary bracket pay, I took hope about 1,000 bucks a week, a little over, this was 1992-1995, weekly.
ASI is so small, about 30 staff when I was in it, and far fewer today, that it’s possible to do MORE of LRH’s admin rules on each other, and also the tone of ASI under Norman was quite lenient, except when Miscavige’s heated high pressure criticism or demands came towards ASI, and even then Norman didn’t do much screaming, but instead Barbara Ruiz, who replaced John Allcock as Deputy Executive Director Internal (for inner ASI oversight), she was several times volcanic in her eruptions, and when it came my turn, I couldn’t take it, and wanted all the way out of everything–leading to wishing to slip out of the movement via the RPF, which ultimately I accomplished as my exit plan which took the next 7 years, but when one is on the Billion Year contract mentality, what’s 7 years, I was a serious dupe and holder of the faith in Hubbard’s writings and policies, in my unfortunately super brainwashed ex Flag Course Supervisor for Hubbard’s administrative writings (it was ALL in his writings, all solutions, so I thought, and me landing in ASI, having access to read his ASI traffic which I was able to do on one of the projects I did, I proofread all of the ASI Hubbard traffic minus traffic that had to do with legal and possibly some money matters). (Barbara Ruiz who precipitated my decision to quit it all, was from genuinely very rich background, and had a golden parachute in life no matter which way her life went, a reason I think she could be so irrational—but maybe more importantly this issue of screaming bloody executive style although LRH set that mold, I presumed that LRH’s softer executive policies would prevail, that was my dupe/dumb hope all the years I observed top executive irrational behaviors you see dished out to others and which inevitably get dished out to you eventually). I witnessed Starkey being quite serene most of the time, although he was under the gun, and that only came from Miscavige’s demands. I never saw Norman dish out irrational screamings, nor John Allcock, nor the others at ASI who I respected and who like me, I presumed would NOT engage in blowing a gasket screaming.
So, one time, one weekly staff meeting, Starkey had just come back from Int, and he presented the ASI staff, at the meeting, with Miscavige’s communication that was that ASI was to figure out what it was going to be now.
That then translated in the next year into Norman and Maria getting busted to Int, and their careers in ASI ending. John Allcock had already failed and was put back from DED Internal to Treasury Department Purchaser and Disbursements. Marcus Wuetrich moved up from Treasury Secretary up to DED Internal.
Barbara moved up to Executive Director ASI, after David Bloomberg, who was first pick, wasn’t really ready, David was a good reg, and it trained and mentored by someone who wasn’t into the screaming irrational style, he likely would have been a better ASI boss, but Barbara was good for her rich background gave her talents hobnobbing with the rich Scientologists who are the ones hit up for donations to pay for the archive project. (ASI, like all orgs, have several income sources, and the straight donation hitting up by the ASI regs (Linda Aldrete, Fran Harris and Leslie Potter, when I was there 1992-1995) was one of the key income funding for ASI weekly income. ASI did the collection from all the Arhivies/Preservation Project straight donations, for years.
ASI in Treasury Dept had about 3-4 key filing cabinets with the legal agreements and license agreements, which ASI Treasury then collected the weekly payments from the sub organization who signed those agreements, and that was how money funneled up to ASI, and from ASI Treasury to Trust Treasury (David Lantz and Norman) to however it next went, to CST/Archives upkeep and archiving preservation upkeep.
I’m sure today ASI is even more in a shambles than 1995 when I left.
People are just not interested nor even in the know of the full extent of LRH’s final writings, thus don’t have the education in Hubbard’s administrative ideas to even figure out what Hubbard would do, if he were here.
There’s a natural brain drain and attrition that goes on longer range, if one were to read all that LRH wrote, administratively, and then see how things have just NOT been upkept to any degree with personnel hiring and placement, to keep up the grand administrative ideas of Hubbard’s.
ASI was his baby. ASI was “LRH’s org” in the end of LRH’s life, and that whole detailed ASI history, I think can be told better and way more accurately by those that lived in ASI’s staff ranks in the 1980s when LRH was sending weekly answers to the ASI weekly reports sent up to him. I read almost all that traffic, and it was over my head even with me being an admin guy as former Flag Course Sup and all.
One of the problems of outside academic study of Scientology, is the academics’ real lack of understanding of the massive amount of Hubbard’s administrative writings behind the scenes, the “Hidden Data Line” of traffic that went to the final “top management” and ASI traffic from Hubbard. And to Golden Era, the dozens of people to whom Hubbard wrote his final 10 years of administrative orders to, just has not been, and at this time it cannot be, laid out, due to lack of access to everything LRH wrote in all of the administrative directions he wrote and ordered. I was a fanatic in the sense that I wished to understand it all, and grasp the scene from the view of what LRH wanted. His writings, his wants, will be with whoever tries to be Scientology to the world, longrange, and thus I’ve to this day unfortunately been glued to all the backstory of everyone who was on the receiving end of LRH’s orders administratively, the final years.
I so appreciate the books, and the information from those upclose to Hubbard in the final years.
ASI is dying I’d say due to something Shelly Brit said she concluded in the 1990s, which is you can’t sell Scientology. No amount of Marketing (and Shelly had been in RTC Marketing, and then was in Int Marketing).
Hubbard was about selling “his” properties and making income. The criticism that Scientology is a business most majorly, is backed up where the full final years of Hubbard’s administrative writings, ASI writings, all laid out.
I always tied the whole ASI and “business” angle back to LRH’s goals to make earthlings into “OT” freed souls who regained their soul-flying and ESP abilities, as the bigger way ASI fit into the final setup.
When the lack of “OT” became undeniable, it’s all for nothing, no “OTs” are being made, it’s a false promising overall business with people with money being soaked to keep up the fantasy dream. No “OTs” just pulled the plug on this operation the hardest, for me.
The screaming abuses happening, are inevitable if the movement’s statistics are based on real “OTs” being produced. Keeping the followers and staffs diverted into all the tiny details, oblivious to the lack of real “OTs” being produced, makes it all just a huge in-house dreaming but never attaining, operation, wasting people’s time and money.
Could you give some technical background on the general computer setup for various Scientology orgs? I’d love to hear how they ran things: operating systems, software, networking, etc.
~~~ Steve (a never-in, but longtime computer consultant)
Wow Chuck! Thanks, that’s quite the history, thanks for your insight into an unknown part of Church antics for the rank and file from way down the ladder.
What a “mess with your life” thing organised Scientology is… the higher you go, the more insane it becomes!
Chuck, all the Hubbard advices to Gold and Int are in the Int Base SIR (Source Information Retrieval) database. It all got scanned in, except for the stuff that got buried and never found or shredded by somebody. If there is an FBI raid target A-Number One would be to secure the Incomm rooms in the Middle Villas by cutting power and disabling the UPS before they have a chance to wipe the hard drives.
” No “OTs” just pulled the plug on this operation the hardest, for me. ”
It really is the stake in the heart of this killer cult’s false promises of immortality and super-power abilities!
Meanwhile, lil davey is hard at work trying to morph his fraudulent cult into some sort of “space opera mind control cult meets Prosperity Gospel Church mash up in which NO training or auditing services need be delivered in exchange for cult members’ donations.
The cult’s secret motto, since forever: “Give us OUR money…all of our money, NOW!!!”
Kids, just say HELL NO to any and every request by the cult for your hard-earned cash…not one penny to this killer cult or they’ll be on you like stink on shit forever after to drag you into the cult where they’ll suck the life out of you for as long as you let them.
ooops, only took home 250 bucks a week, and 1,000 total takehome a month, when all was deducted out. My ASI income was about 28 Gs a year. NOT 1,000 a week, sorry.
I think most people reading this blog realized that figure was an accidental typo, or brain hiccup. As no one but his royal tininess in the S.O. would be making that much money!!!
Has DM moved into a Bluebird trailer somewhere?
We can only hope…
We can hope.
I actually hope not.
You see, David Miscavige is the best thing that ever happened to those who want to see the “church” collapse. His unequaled incompetence would be greatly missed.
I always fear the tattered remains of scientology, post-Miscavige, might fall into the hands of somebody competent one day. I would hate to see that happen.
I’m waiting for Flag to be in a Bluebird trailer.
Good move Dave. What’s next, hiring out Sea Org staff as extras for crowd shots?
They may not have enough people.
They’ve always got Photoshop tech.
It would be the best pay any of those sea orgers ever made. Even when I did extras casting in 2001-02, that would have been a shit ton of money for them.
Dave would have them donate it to the IAS, meaning himself.
Those John Lobbs don’t pay for themselves, after all.
Dave’s got chutzpah, which is defined as that quality enshrined in a man who after having murdered his parents, throws himself at the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan.
Once again Scientology seems to have no clue what impression they make on outsiders when they show pictures of lovely rooms in lovely buildings with not one single human being anywhere.
Looks like an ideal location to film an episode or two of Aftermath.
Or use as inspiration for a new episode of your cartoon.
I look forward to reading it every week! Thanks for doing it! 🙂
+1! You got that right, pal!
OH MY GOD! Someone, please, MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
Any chance a bonus episode of Aftermath can be filmed there? I am sure DM would love the exposure. 🙂
Oh, he needs to be exposed alright.
I realize this is off topic, but why is this building and or location relevant or valuable to the filming industry?
It’s empty. That’s pretty much its appeal. Oh, empty and decorated.
No historical or topical value, but some very nicely appointed offices and so on. Perfect for a remake of “The Sopranos” or a high class porno. No expenses were spared to keep Dave Miscavige in the surroundings to which he has become accustomed when he was there.
It’s not relevant to the film industry Roger Y. The only reason that this property is being made available for rent to the film industry is money. With scientology it is always about the money. Every time. No exception. At least I haven’t observed one.
Yep, if ASI is not bringing in cash (as this shows) it is tits up time for the entire show.
“You can film any day of the week”, speaks volumes about how busy the place is.
Or if available any day of he week… DESPERATE the organization is for $$$$$$
We should start calling the empty places :”ghost orgs” Only inhabited by invisible thetans.
Can I drop off my BTs there? I’m getting tired of them criticizing me. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
Perhaps you should round them all up and declare war a la Clusters Last Stand.
Cluster’s Last Stand – bwahahaha
John, many call them mORGes.
Maybe a shoot for a next season of as certain documentary series can be done there…?
Now ya talkin!