The First Amendment to the Constitution is a vitally important document that is cause for great celebration and almost as much dispute. It enshrines a number of very important rights -- freedom of religion, speech, the press, to peaceable assembly and petition the government. I believe the Bill of Rights was intended to protect people rather than the government or corporations (in fact the ONLY right afforded any corporation in the Bill of Rights is that given the press in the First Amendment) and yet, over the years, much law has developed that protects religious … [Read more...]
NEW Exposing Scientology Podcast: Ian Rafalko
Ian Rafalko was raised in a prominent Scientology family. He joined staff at Atlanta “ideal org” and married a scientologist. Eventually he broke free, lost his wife and family and spoke out in a viral TikTok about his father Dr. Eric Berg. You can listen to the episode here: This is his viral video: TikTok video This the interview we talk about with Hubbard on the Apollo in 1968: … [Read more...]
Narcissistic Personality Part 2: Sneaky Techniques of the Covert Narcissist
The second in the series about the Narcissistic Personality. You can read the first one here. This a piece written by Shahida Arabi, MA Fortunately, overt narcissists are usually easy to spot and hopefully easier to avoid investing in. Covert narcissists, on the other hand, present new challenges; they can appear meek, innocent, charitable, even humble at first glance. They can be disarmingly seductive, even loving, personable and gracious. Yet beneath their quieter nature and seemingly sensitive facade lurks a contempt and sense of entitlement that is ultimately even more harmful … [Read more...]
Health Update
Hi Christie and I wanted to provide a brief health update as so many people ask. Due to some recent symptoms my oncologist ordered a bronchoscopy and a biopsy of lung tissue last week. This saga began a year ago with a persistent cough and difficulty breathing which set in motion a chain of events that resulted in a thoracentesis (draining of fluid from lungs) which when tested showed cancerous cells. I then had a PET scan that showed the cancer to be in the esophagus, but also showing up in my right lung fluid (which automatically designated it Stage 4). I ended up being a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Admin Tech Leading scientology in an ever decreasing spiral of failure since the early 1970's... Come and get some of this magic for yourself. From someone who has apparently had a lot of auditing. And that clearly makes him an expert. They forgot the rest of the quote.... "It took only a few weeks to build the old Saint Hill org." The Reactive Mind of Los Angeles... They're "Clearing LA" and their [unreal] target is to get Dianetics into the hands of 1% of Los Angeles. Wonder if this is the City of Los Angeles (3.8 million), Los Angeles … [Read more...]
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath — All Episodes Now Free on Tubi
You can now watch two-time Emmy Award winning Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath for free on Tubi. You do not need to be a subscriber. All episodes are available. It can be found in the "Docuseries" category. If you missed this when it first came out, or when it was on Netflix, give it a watch on Tubi. I am very proud of what we accomplished on this show. We gave a voice to so many people who had nowhere to tell their stories and it brought about changes in scientology (dismantling The Hole and the RPF, an end to coerced abortions in the Sea and other things) as well as a … [Read more...]
NEW Exposing Scientology Podcast: Former Sea Org Executive Karen Pressley
A new episode is now available with Karen Pressley, a former Sea Org member who worked directly with David Miscavige at the international scientology base, and was in charge of the Celebrity Centre. She shares how she got into scientology, stories about her experiences in the Sea Org, how she purged scientology from her mind and what she has been up to since leaving. Listen to the episode here: She wrote an excellent book: Escaping Scientology: An Insider's True Story In the course of our discussion she … [Read more...]
Not a Single Act of Violence
Scientology's hyperbolic claims about itself have hit a new high (low?) Gathering at the Advanced Org (why there are not Joburg org?) -- a "diverse and eclectic team" mobilized on election day to hand out Way to Happiness booklets. As a result of the "more than 400" who joined in passing out the booklets (the photo shows about 50 and you can bet it's a staged shot to include as many people as they could) the "predicted riots" were "everted." Not since the claims that OT VIII's brought down the Berlin Wall have we heard such unadulterated poppycock. The delusion is breathtaking. Surely … [Read more...]
My Afternoon in Scientology — Washington D.C. Edition
Another report from someone who ventured into a scientology org -- this time in Washington, D.C. I am not sure how long ago the person had this experience, but it was before they moved into the new "ideal org" building, when the org was operating out of the old Frasier Mansion (which is now the "National Affairs Office"). Of course, the great (?) thing about scientology is that nothing ever changes. It could have been yesterday or a decade ago or in the 1980's and the same things would have happened. You can read the full article here. As a note for those unfamiliar with the term like … [Read more...]
Religious Apologists: Scientology Safepointing in Rome
Scientology in Rome hosted a conference in its building. They got some puff PR out of it -- this article from one of their "safepointed" allies reports on the conference. There is a cottage industry of "cult apologists" who accept money and trips from organizations like scientology to pronounce they are "not cults" and deserve equal treatment to mainstream religions. Leah and I did a podcast about this with Chris Shelton this link is to the accompanying blog post where you can find both the podcast and a list or articles Chris has written on thgis subject. A couple of things of … [Read more...]