Valerie Ross has a remarkable history in scientology, certainly worthy of a book I hope she writes. This episode focuses on her time in the Guardian's Office, learning what Hubbard wrote about espionage, and then putting this into practice as a spy employed in the Los Angeles office of the FBI. We also talk about her interactions with Hubbard, Mary Sue and Diana. You can listen to the episode at my Buzzsprout site or wherever you get your podcasts. Tony Ortega has published a series of articles authored by Val at his substack. I list them below. Val has her own substack … [Read more...]
The Truth About Scientology: OT VIIIs
I recently did a post about how many OT VIII's there are in the world. One of our regular readers, TrevAnon, emailed me that there is a list of OT VIII completions at the Truth About Scientology website. I did not realize this website was being kept up to date. It is an astonishing resource, the work of the indefatigable Kristi Wachter. I reached out to Kristi to thank her and ask if she minded if I promoted her and her site here. I asked her if there was anything I could do to assist her. Her reply: It's very kind of you to think of mentioning my site. If you have space and … [Read more...]
The Hubbard Lies Even Scientology Won’t Stand Behind
Recently, Denny Owen posted a comment about All About Radiation. A Church of Scientology leaflet distributed for a number of years before the book was finally discarded made remarkable claims: In All About Radiation, we have the sane and sober views of a medical doctor on the physical facts and consequences of the actual atomic blast and the diseases resulting from it. L. Ron Hubbard, who was one of the first nuclear physicists in the United States, has interpreted these facts and related them to human livingness, governments, and the control of populaces. These facts when … [Read more...]
“Let Them” Theory
I had not seen this before, but it is very sage advice from Mel Robbins who is described on Wikipedia as: an American podcast host, author, motivational speaker, and former lawyer. She is known for her TEDx talk, "How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over"; and her books, The 5 Second Rule and The High 5 Habit, as well as host of The Mel Robbins Podcast. I find it to be incredibly valuable advice. Are you familiar with the “Let Them” theory? I’ll tell you the more I grow the more I am okay with accepting the “Let Them” in my own life and relationships. Even family can mistreat and disrespect you. … [Read more...]
Scientology Hall of Fame Grifters Come Together at Flag
Alfraudi and Tony Mo holding court Two of the scientology Hall of Fame grifters came together recently at Flag: Alfreddie (affectionately known to his friends as Alfraudie) Johnson and Tony Muhammad (Tony Mo or now known as Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) We haven't seen them for a while -- though both were once very prominent and both are IAS Freedom Medal Award Winners. The constant promotion of the Nation of Islam in the scientology world seems to have come to a virtual standstill, so it was a bit of a surprise to see these two pop up, along with Sister Nayirrah Tivica … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Robert Springall still going... I did the EPF with Robert in the UK in 1973! A very nice guy. Say to see he is still there. May be one of the only true ads -- he has been around for almost the entire history of the OT levels! They're busing them in from Sydney... That is a 3.5 hour bus trip one way. Still railing against the devil's weed Amy Ronshausen and her organization don't appear to be scientology connected. Someone should show her what Hubbard said about marijuana being less dangerous than alcohol in DMSMH Flag is all in on … [Read more...]
High Conflict Personalities
Another article sent to me recently that I am republishing and commenting on here as it explains a lot of what we see going on in the world of scientology. The more knowledge and understanding one has of the phenomena associated with cults and cultish behavior and the toxic traits and personalities you find associated with them, the better chance one has of not being damaged and retaining one’s sanity. This article is oriented towards avoiding hooking up with a High Conflict Person as a partner, but the description of this type of individual is broadly applicable. It originally appeared in P … [Read more...]
How Being in a Cult Can Affect Your Mental Health
Someone sent me this article recently which I had not seen before. It was originally published on and I found it to be generally informative though by nature of it being very broad to cover all cults, I think there are some things in here that are not so applicable to scientology. I have left a few comments in red italics throughout. How being in a cult can affect your mental health Author: Sean JacksonMedical Reviewer: Morgan Blair People who join cults often do so out of a strong desire to belong, matter, and give meaning to their lives. In reality, cults often d … [Read more...]
10,008 on Solo NOTs, How Many OT VIII’s?
Interesting scientology doesn’t publicize how many people have completed OT VIII (and they certainly don't want anyone to know about Whitney Mills in the photo above -- she died by self-inflicted gunshot in Clearwater in 2022). There is, of course, a good reason the number is not publicized. It's so low it would make it very clear there aren’t close to 10,000 on or through Solo NOTs who remain involved in scientology. There probably aren't even 5,000 at this point. After the years long grind and enormous expense of OT VII - not just paying for the training course (OT VI - not an … [Read more...]
A Classic Scientology Media Dead Agent Letter
I happened to come across this the other day, and thought it worth commenting on. It is a letter sent in the name of Karin Pouw to ABC 20/20 after they had been provided a series of questions before an interview with Leah Remini by Dan Harris aired. The interview in fact aired on Oct 29, 2015 as part of the release publicity for her book Troublemaker. Here is the letter in full, and my comments in red script October 26, 2015 John Bentley ABC News 20/20 47 West 66th Street New York, NY 10023 Re: ABC’s program and the Church of Scientology Dear Mr. Bentley: This letter … [Read more...]