Mad Hatters Unite What an appropriate theme for this exercise in futility. What does this even mean? And why is it being done in the Ft Harrison? I assume he is promoting Delphi? The NOT scientology school... Did you know that LRH knew nothing about computers? If you ever read his "advices" about controlling planets with computers and "escalating non-compliance" you would know he was blowing a lot of smoke about his "whole track recall." And it has nothing to do with "expanding your dynamics." As for "predicting AI" no more than hundreds of other cheap … [Read more...]
The Secret E-Meter
This article is from last year, but I never got around to commenting on it. Not sure what happened to this exemption, it doesn’t really matter in the overall scheme of things. They will still require Scientologists to sign a draconian agreement before they can buy their mandatory $5000 Easy Bake Oven E-meter, and that will prevent them from doing anything with their meter that is not authorized by scientology. What is amusing is the lengths they will go to in order to ensure they protect any revenue source. Imagine if people were allowed to open the Easy Bake re … [Read more...]
Sociopathy Adjacent: Dependent Personality Syndrome
I recently became aware of a condition known as Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD). Apparently it is quite common, and includes an inability to make everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. People with DPD are often attracted to cults (and remain in them) because of the control cults exercise over their members. It provides them what they need -- to be told what to think and do. This of course goes hand in hand with sociopathy, because cult leaders are almost uniformly sociopaths. When someone who has this disorder escapes from a cult (or … [Read more...]
Dianetics in Paris
True to form, scientology has been hawking the "special leatherbound, silver foil embossed edition" of Dianetics following the org reduction and eradication ribbon cutting event where they pretended Miscavige was present when he had pre-recorded his speech from inside the building days previously (Alex Barnes-Ross did an excellent analysis of this). This is a "stunning commemorative limited edition" -- in the US they sold them for $500. This doesn't appear on the New Era website. I am sure they have not reduced the price since the last ones I saw. They usually do 500 … [Read more...]
Hubbard Hype
Scientology continues to foist off blatant lies about L. Ron Hubbard. The "LRH Biographer," Dan Sherman, was never going to produce the authoritative biography of Hubbard because there are so many things that are provable lies about what he claimed about his accomplishments and so many unpleasant aspects of his life, especially his relationships with women, wives and children -- they could never publish anything. And now Dan Sherman has moved off to Target 2 to help Ron do his thing, Miscavige no longer has to pretend that a biography "is being worked on." They … [Read more...]
The Insanity of the “Ideal Org” Program
This article illustrates how insane and destructive this Miscavige ideal org plan is. Though it is essentially a real estate investment scheme, because of the arbitrary requirements Miscavige made part of his program, some absolutely catastrophic decisions have been made that have not only harmed the orgs concerned, but have also lost tens of millions of dollars. Following his recent org reduction and eradication ceremony in Paris, this recent news article from Melbourne illustrates another aspect of the crazy perfectly. Melbourne org owned a beautiful building in the city center — a … [Read more...]
Sociopathy Part 8: The Thirteen Rules for Dealing with Sociopaths
See earlier posts in this series: Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath? Sociopathy Part 2: The Traits of a Sociopath Sociopathy Part 3: The Creation of "Its" Sociopathy Part 4: The Importance of Authority and Obedience Sociopathy Part 5: The Covetous Sociopath Sociopathy Part 6: The Tools of the Trade Sociopathy Part 7: Gaslighting This is the final posting in this series about Dr.Stout's wonderful book. It is her summary of rules for dealing with a sociopath. I am formatting this slightly differently than the earlier posts as she uses italics to give the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An acknowledgement brunch... Translation -- cheese in the mousetrap. The regges are waiting. Learn how to be cause over your own art I am left wondering, how can anyone NOT be cause over their own art? It's not someone else's art? Come for the tacos... They need something because the "Call Center Director" as a "special guest speaker" isn't a big draw. Money, money, money What else is new? The ideal org 4D campaign - one woman handing out "some booklets" Now that is some big time planetary clearing. Kiddie … [Read more...]
New Clearwater Mayor — Proof There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute
Bruce Rector has assumed the position of mayor of Clearwater. He is off to an inglorious start. As a prominent scientologist buys the building that houses the City of Clearwater's government offices, Rector is "hopeful the city's relationship with the church improves, so they can work together to revitalize downtown." I guess he hasn't been watching what has been going on in Clearwater for the last 49 years? Or even in the last decade. As this article states: Since 2017, entities tied to the Church of Scientology have bought 200-some properties in and around downtown, broadening the … [Read more...]
Sociopathy Part 7: Gaslighting
See earlier posts in this series: Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath? Sociopathy Part 2: The Traits of a Sociopath Sociopathy Part 3: The Creation of "Its" Sociopathy Part 4: The Importance of Authority and Obedience Sociopathy Part 5: The Covetous Sociopath Sociopathy Part 6: The Tools of the Trade Dr. Stout explains the phenomenon of gaslighting and how this is used by the sociopath. She begins with a description of where the term originates. In 1944, George Cukor directed a psychological thriller entitled Gaslight, in which a beautiful young woman, played by … [Read more...]