I recently noted the bizarre scientology stance on marijuana that is contrary to Hubbard's pronouncements in Dianetics that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. The exact passage from Dianetics comparing marijuana and other drugs to alcohol: Scientology would not dream of running campaigns to educate the world on the "dangers of alcohol" and seek to have it have it deemed illegal like old time prohibitionists. Yet, here they are, holding an event in the Ft Harrison ballroom -- the "Mecca of Tehnical Perfection" and most "on-Source" org on earth that flies in the face … [Read more...]
David Minkoff: “One of the Greatest Doctor on the Planet”
As any scientology watcher knows, David Minkoff has a less than stellar record as a doctor, though he has certainly distinguished himself in his efforts to comply with the wishes of scientology, even though it has gotten him into some deep hot water. He will always be remembered by those outside the bubble as the doctor who "took care" of Lisa McPherson and ultimately pronounced her dead when she was driven 45 minutes to him at a hospital in New Port Richey rather than to Morton Plant just 5 minute down the road. He had earlier prescribed valium and chloral hydrate without seeing Lisa … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Information gotten nowhere else... Flag miracles in Mary Jo's backyard Walking on water across the swimming pool? Turning one hot dog bun into a feast for all attendees? They finally got one... Well on the way to Clearing their zone now. One Clear a year will get them there in… never. They got one too! A cause for great celebration. How many of these staff are SO members? They're not close to St Hill size. Highest what? At least they're not all old people. But sad they are young people wasting their lives... Kiddie C … [Read more...]
An Event You Don’t Want to Miss
Scientology advertises every event as "epic," "monumental" etc etc and every one of them is something nobody can afford to miss. But this one stands out. "In support of the Gothenburg ideal org" it promises to be memorable if only for the choice of title. It is also interesting as there is not a peep about the "ideal org" in Stockholm -- which should be where the effort to build a second ideal org (after Malmo) is directed -- the capital, cultural center and largest city in Sweden. But back to the "Have You Lived Before This Life" event. There used to be a book of that title published … [Read more...]
How Desperate is The Freewinds?
The history of the Freewinds has been relegated to the “we don’t talk about that” category like Mary Sue Hubbard, where’s Shelly? what Briefing Course? And so many other inconveniences we don't talk about any more. The Freewinds was purchased for ONE reason. To make the delivery of OT VIII possible. That is what David Miscavige told the scientology sheeple. It required a location "off the crossroads of the world" which is the reason the Freewinds exists. Had to be a big ship to accommodate all the people who would bf flooding up to the top of the Btidge. Delivering it at Flag just wasn’t an … [Read more...]
I Would Follow David Miscavige Anywhere
Lizzie (daughter of David and Sheila Gaiman, sister to Neil Gaiman) is a hard-core scientology true believer. Miscavige must really be feeling the heat -- re-airing the "Turning Point" 1993 IRS event video all over the world and churning out things like this from from his "Leader of the Scientology Religion" X account. Caught inside the bubble of his own adulation, he does not even recognize how incredibly culty a statement like this is. "I would follow David Miscavige absolutely anywhere to the end of the world." Jim Jones? David Koresh? Marshall Applewhite? Ring any bells? … [Read more...]
Scientology Fair Game: Intelligence Operations to Frame “Enemies”
This is the second post concerning the Guardian Office drills sent to me by a dear friend. The first is Scientology Fair Game: Hate/Love & Valuable/Protect. As with the previous post, I begin with the Hubbard directive, again written on 28 March 1972. This one is titled Intelligence Principles. I have highlighted key passages. Confidential INTELLIGENCE PRINCIPLES When Intelligence fails it becomes a PR matter. When PR fails it becomes a Legal matter. When Legal loses or declines it becomes an LRH matter. It will be found … [Read more...]
Trish Duggan Throwing Her Political Weight (Money) Around
This article recently appeared in local Florida media It states the following: A political committee linked to Gov. Ron DeSantis raised more than $1.11 million from Aug. 24 to 30, and the bulk of it came from one local Scientologist megadonor. Most of the money received during the period came in a $1 million contribution from Belleair Shores resident Trish Duggan, who is also the "world’s top donor to Church of Scientology," reports the Tampa Bay Times. The Times also reports that she and her now ex-husband, billionaire venture capitalist Bob Duggan, have donated more than $3 … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Boston week? What does that even mean? Funny what they focus on… They always show the “fun in the sun” but if you are on services this is very much frowned upon. Practicing medicine without a license? Empty ideal org… Anything to get bodies in the shop AOLA struggling for business Why are they going to Chicago where nothing is happening? The "Turning Point" isn’t enough… Trying to get anyone to show up by promoting this guy? Don’t tell Dave M that Dave P is a bigger draw than he is… He’s been d … [Read more...]
Scientology Fair Game: Hate/Love & Valuable/Protect
A dear friend recently sent me some drills from the Guardian's Office developed for the Intelligence (dirty tricks) branch. They are clearcut evidence that Hubbard's techniques for destroying the perceived enemies of scientology were implemented across the world. One of the more incriminating documents penned by Hubbard was written in March of 1972 titled "Counter Attack Tactics" -- along with a companion and perhaps even more shocking directive titled "Intelligence Principles." This post concerns Counter Attack Tactics and finding Love/Hate and Valuable/Protect buttons. Another post will … [Read more...]