L. Ron Hubbard, founder of scientology and sole source of valid information on earth, declared the media to be "Merchants of Chaos" and proclaimed in his "Press Policies" directive: "The reporter who comes to you, all smiles and withholds, 'wanting a story,' has an AMA instigated release in his pocket. He is there to trick you into supporting his preconceived story. ... The only ways to handle him are to eject him or to give him a story he thinks is a story." And in another reference (PTS Sections, Personnel and Execs), he declared: "There are no good reporters. There are no good government or … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on the Subject of Stink
After I published something in the Thursday Funnies about a tabloid story pegged to the fact that scientologists are not supposed to use scented products., a number of people asked me for the reference. Of course, the source of all knowledge in the universe issued an HCO Bulletin on this topic. It took me a bit to find it, but here it is Data About Fragrances: You can see once again, Hubbard's obsession with the psychs -- who are the cause of all evil in the universe -- is apparent once again in this reference: "The psychs even have a … [Read more...]
The DARVO Technique
A reader sent this to me as an addition to the series on sociopathy/narcissism. What is the DARVO technique for narcissists “DARVO is an acronym that stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It describes a manipulative tactic often used by abusers to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and shift the blame onto their victims,” explains Avigail Lev, PsyD, founder of Bay Area CBT Center and CBTonline. Narcissists and those diagnosed with personality disorders are the ones who most often use DARVO in a psychologically abusive way. It impacts the physical, men … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Come for the free dinner Regges will be circling... Need you for what? The VM's have arrived already. Brisbane apparently doesn't have any. How very "religious" Labor Day pirate themed kids event and potluck? Everything and the kitchen sink. It's all happening in Fiji Though no scientology? Or even Dianetics... This is all they have to talk about? The "order of magnitude" is a bit of for an "ideal" org. More "religious" activity And I guarantee their income is nowhere near the level of Miami … [Read more...]
Hubbard Disconnection Flip Flop
When "attacks" were ongoing in the 60's, Hubbard did what he so often did, issued a policy to try to turn down the heat. The infamous "Cancellation of Fair Game” use of the term but not of the practice PL is the most well-known example: Shortly after this, he also issued an unequivocal cancellation of disconnection. This was in response to a government inquiry that had begun into scientology in New Zealand. He wrote to the inquiry a few months later, stating that he had canceled disconnection and it would not be reinstated. Of course, once the heat died down, d … [Read more...]
More on High Conflict Personalities
This is a follow up to an earlier post on this subject. High conflict people (HCPs) tend to have four characteristics: 1) Preoccupation with blaming others; 2) all-or-nothing thinking and solutions; 3) unmanaged or intense emotions; and 4) extreme behavior and/or threats. This is not a diagnosis, but rather a description of conflict behavior. However, those with high conflict personality patterns often have personality disorders, which is a diagnosis. This means that they have an enduring pattern of dysfunctional interpersonal behavior. The personality d … [Read more...]
What is Triangulation?
I have been doing quite a lot of reading on topics related to sociopathy/narcissism and as I come across things I think might be helpful to others or just interesting, I put them up here. This is where Hubbard's Third Party Law comes from -- though of course he has it twisted into chiseled in stone "for ANY conflict to exist..." as if no two people could possible disagree unless someone whispered in their ear.... I found this interesting as sociopathy/narcissism adjacent. What Triangulation is and How it Impacts our Relationships By Kaylee Friedman “OMG, you will never guess what they j … [Read more...]
WISE job listings
This is the latest listing of jobs available in scientology businesses across the US. I am not going to reprint the whole thing here, if you want to read it, copy and paste this link in your browser: https://mailchi.mp/wise/wise-member-job-postings-3-september-2122247?e=b53536d010 I am naming all the businesses and individuals in this document so they will show up on searches, confirming that they are scientology connected businesses. It's something people often ask for "how can I know if I am doing business with a scientology related outfit or person?" So, here is the … [Read more...]
San Francisco in LA???
Things are really getting weird in the scientology world. Los Angeles is holding an event consisting of people from San Francisco? Los Angeles is home to the Continental Management org, ASHO, AOLA and CC SO Orgs (not to mention the Flag Command Bureau, Bridge, Author Services), the MODEL ideal Class V org (LA Org) and "ideal orgs" in Pasadena, the Valley, Orange County and Inglewood. And yet they have to bring in "FEBC's" from San Francisco to hold an event? Where are the FEBC's from the LA Ideal Orgs? Tells you all you need to know about the success of this latest program that is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
I feel I am regaining my true power... To do what? Operate exterior with full perception? Cause over the MEST universe? Ideal org music festival? Euphemism for fundraiser... If he can do this.... Could you maybe stop a couple of wars? End famine in Africa? Expand an org? L. Ron Hubbard -- comic book guy Sadly this is Phil and Willy Jones daughter, Emily on the left. Had I seen this earlier I might have made the trip to say hello... The success of Tampa org... Nothing visible in the real world. Flag trying … [Read more...]