Something a little lighter today. It’s a day of rest.
Back to school with Terl.
I wonder which teacher voted this? Why would a teacher recommend this book?
But why would they be offering it on a “USB Key drive”? Do they also have a special edition hand calligraphied on lambskin parchment by medieval monks?
AND a t-shirt? OMG, how can anyone resist?
That pic of JT in BE in full makeup / costume on the opening of this blog makes him look ridiculous.
If the shoe fits…..*grinning* there is no way I could pass that one up.
He IS ridiculous, the huge amount spent on the worst movie in history, isn’t something I would want on my resume.
I posted this on “the Bunker”….but I really feel it needs to be posted here to:
I am going to lay it out as plain and simply as I can IMO……..
What doesn’t kill us often makes us stronger……Our present & PAST life experience help make us into the people we are today. Mistakes, like the song goes. “I’ve made a few”….but through each mistake is a less learned.
Mistakes are great teachers, we learn NOT to “do that again”, & if we do it again, we can often expect the same or ever worse results. IF continued Auditing wants to have us “erase” these bad memories, just how the HELL are we expected to learn anything from our mistakes if we “erase them from our memory”. How are we supposed to guide & teach our children not to do the stupid things we did that harmed us, if those mistakes are erased from our memory?
Well, now THERE in itself is the entire scenario…once you’re in COS….YOU are NOT raising your own children. You’ve turned what should be your job, your responsibility & duty as a parent, to raise your own child, to someone else. You have allowed an “organization” to program your own flesh & blood or adopted child into no more than a programmed robot that knows how to talk the talk & walk the walk like so many others raised the same way.
Raised to obey without question the authority of….who??…certainly not YOU for the child no longer views you as the parental authority figure in their life. They’ve now turned themselves over to a higher power who has more authority over you & them.
Seems like in COS there is no such thing as CRITICAL THINKING….it’s not permitted because you are never allowed to view or read anything outside of the box of COS Policy & Procedures. Can’t compare something else to the organization’s way, because you are denied access to anything outside of COS.
Add to that how many people voluntarily gave up their entire life savings, worked their asses off to continue to pay for classes & have had their children removed from their care for the privilege of having their “bad memories erased” through auditing so they can raise higher on the OT levels….only to be kicked back to the beginning because “something new” was discovered, or because now there is an OT 9 & OT 10……….
Anyone interested….I’d be happy to sell you a bridge too………just sayin’….
To co$’s great despair, you already have that bridge. You have found the freedom to fly freely to think and to question. That is all the bridge you will need. Once you are free, your mind is no longer your foe, and your feelings become your friends.
All bright blessings and God’s love on all of you who have faced down this monster.
Thank you Jill!
Let me guess….the TRUE literary classics:
Grapes Of Wrath; Romeo & Juliet; Red Badge Of Courage; Moby Dick: To Kill A Mockingbird; Scarlett Letter; Tom Sawyer; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; Macbeth; Hamlet; Jayne Eyre; Great Gatsby Tale Of Two Cities; Catcher in the Rye; Catch 22; Old Man & the Sea; Of Mice & Men & the infamous Lord Of The Flies (so appropriate when talking about COS)…
These classics were already borrowed by the students in the know, the only choice left was THIS one….Battlefield Earth……..& there were plenty of copies left.
Speaking of classics: does anyone know if these books are forbidden by the so-called church: 1984, Animal Farm, Walden II? It seems like they would be. In fact, do scientologists read ANY real literature? Shakespeare, Dickens, Balzac, Tolstoy, etc.
Hey, why read anything else when Ron has all the answers!
Shakespeare is great we avoided Romeo and Juliet and did Macbeth instead. Our teacher brought in Orson Well’s Macbeth. If there is a contender with Battleship Earth as the worst movie of all times, this one might be it.
The play was followed quite well, but the costuming was HYSTERICAL!
Battleship Earth was Mitt Romney’s favorite book. Governor Mitt Romney, (who ran for President) who is in the Morman cult….. I got it – It’s a cult classic, if your still in a cult.
That Mitt Romney’s favorite book was Battlefiled Earth…is not surprising. What’s surprising is that he’s even read a book.
OK, I am calling BS on this mabby. Mitt Romney, literate or not, is NOT the whole Mormon church. I haven’t checked HIS genealogy but I know mine. My family has been Mormon sice my GG Granny was in Navoo with Joseph Smith, who left us journals of her trip to SLC . She, in her journals, tells of the trials and faith they had to get them through. DO NOT unless you care to back it up, call the Mormons a cult. If you want a go at the FLDS, please do, but don’t think of Mormons as a cult.
I have a VERY large family, my Great-grand-father lived in SLC and had two wives before it was outlawed. My Mom came from a family of ten kid, my father, four. They have had more cousins than I can count.
You know what? I can call each and every one of therm and they will be glad to chat. My family is living, and God help me, ever growing proof, that they accept an *appositive* like me as complete BULLSHIT when calling the *old* Mormon Church a cult.
OK….That pissed me off.
OMG, thx for the comic relief!
euh…. which malware do you get by using that USB Key đ
Net nanny?
I was just wondering why a teacher’s recommendation comes through Galaxy Press, but personalized, like he wrote it? Net Nanny on thumb drives! Only $35 and I’ll throw in this cool tshirt and BE audio book!!
Who in the Nine Names of Odin is Diego Martinez?
Currently working at Delphian School.
Hmmm. I wonder how long Supplies will last. Probly for years to come. Im sure there isn’t a high demand for this
Good idea hiding your Battlefield Earth shirt under your jacket. If it is suspected that your admiration of Battlefield Earth is rooted in your connection to Scientology – then all your friends will think less of you.
I Read this before i was scientologist and thought BS! ( should have seen the warning signs) i read it when i was a scio BS …
And now i’m out … STILL BS what was i thinking!?
Awk. Ward.
Literally nothing scientology produces makes sense. Have any of these people ever met a non-Sea Org teenager before?
Seeing is not Believing — Believe and You will See — LRH (tsk tsk)
Great for a laught on Labor Day weekend!
Isn’t Terl, Zenu’s little brother?
Kissing cousins. Last time I heard, Terl was determined to break down that electric mountain trap Xenu has been stuck in and wreak havoc on all Loyal Officers in this sector of the galaxy.
I was very shocked to see teenage child of my friend reading that book this summer. I asked him if he knew who the author was. He said no. I told him he was the founder of a cult called CO$ and was a very very bad man. He had no idea what I was talking about nor did his parent. Hopefully, that is as far as that all goes and I didn’t make it sound more interesting.
I dunno, that t-shirt looks pretty wizard.
This is such b.s. lts a scn plot. Seems there is only one person-a scn.-who likes it. Don’t see this happening in a lot of schools. The teachers and students won’t go for it. I couldn’t get into it even when I was still in.
100 percent scientologist teacher.
Book is garbage.
Jonnie goodboy tyler
Literally one of the dumbest names for a hero
Galaxy Press was running the same deal at the San Diego Comic Con in 2016. They were probably running it again this year, but I didn’t have a chance to go by their booth. For what it’s worth, the audio book is supposed to be very well done, the only problem being that it’s “Battlefield Earth”. You can only polish a turd so much. Alleged turd, that is. I’ve never read the doorstop, I mean, book.
As a lifetime Christian I am so surprised that grownup people accept Scientology. However, no one has ever tried to teach me anything else. I am grateful for that. I’m sorry you were subjected to that craziness.
Well… perhaps that’s a mistake. Mistaking some of us for grownups.
It might be helpful to study other religions than the one you were indoctrinated in as a child – which is the main reason why scientologists have trouble leaving (they don’t).
Kati, I’m no defender of the myths perpetrated in Scientology. I’m against this organization. I want this cult gone, yesterday, but not because of its myths, because of its abuses. The myths themselves don’t bother me anymore than Greek or Roman mythology bothers me, or Christian and Jewish myths, for that matter. The Bible has its market share of wild stuff and good Christians and Jews are supposed to accept what it says as truth. Believing any given set of dogmas is what constitutes BEING a….you fill in the blank. As for me, reserving the right to believe or disbelieve what I like, I can still respect and accept what others believe. Different strokes, and all that. So long as some religious organization or cult is not hurting people or killing people, I’m down with what ever they believe, it don’t care. In fact, Xenu, Vishnu, Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, the Virgin Birth, Moses parting the Red Sea, Adam and Eve talking to a snake – its all good.
Edit: “I”, not “it”, don’t care. Can’t see out of my reading glasses anymore. Improved nutrition is either improving my eyesight or causing me to go blind đ
I saw the Battlefield Earth movie starring John Travolta. While I wouldn’t call it the worst science fiction film ever made it it was definitely below average. It would have been even worse without Travolta.
The film itself would prevent me from enjoying the novel.
Travolta was so heavily made up I did not know it was him until the credits rolled. His over-the-top portrayal of Terl was the only interesting part of the movie. The actor playing Jonnie made him crouch and stare and jump around like a chimp. Totally fake plot, unexplained plot jumps, unbelievable Psychlones, and lacking in entertainment value. It’s even a worse movie than Starship Troopers, which I never thought possible. Why a ‘teacher of the year’ would be promoting spending $35+ on this drivel is beyond me. Better he should promote 1984, Animal Farm, or for hard scifi the works of Alastair Reynolds, Neal Asher, Greg Bear, or for uplifting light fiction the works of Bruce Cameron.
Since you brought up schools….. TonyO flagged this today.
I emailed the Principal of the Middle School in Pulaski County Missouri the following:
Maybe the school district would benefit from reading the 2005, California Department of Education Evaluation of the Narconon Program. Essentially it stated that the program is not scientific, is untested, is inaccurate (false) , and uses –unnecessarily– scare tactics.
Not everyone is wise to them, nor reads their daily google.
Drugs and abuse are a problem but you need to be able to assess the efficacy of each program you use.
Wishing you the best,
Many of the school districts have student dress codes, and will not allow “Graphic images” T-shirts, even including Logos of sports teams, photos of celebrities, and slogans/etc. So the free marketing that the CofSc is trying to accomplish by having school kids wear advertising for Battlefield Earth isn’t going to be effective. The movie was rated one of the worst, no amount of advertising is going to change that.
I knew I forgot something on the kid’s Back To School list! Is advertising 47 & 1/2 Hours a huge selling point? Also wouldn’t you want the kids to READ for school instead of having it as an audio book? Are these those questions that people never ask out loud or that become an overt or a withhold or something?
“Get your teens ready for school”
Umm, I’m still trying to figure out how giving a teenager some awful sci-fi book gets them “ready” for school.
They just talk out of their asses. It’s incredible.
“Get your teens ready for school” the copy reads. With that T-shirt and flash drive, it will get your teen ready to be ridiculed!
Living with two High School Juniors, they would wear it as a joke. They would probably take a sharpie and add some additional wording to be sure people KNEW it was a joke. Gotta love my kids.
Oh man, Mike, thanks for the laugh!
“Do they also have a special edition hand calligraphied on lambskin parchment by medieval monks?”.
Scientology takes itself OH so seriously, and this comment made me cry laughing.
You could have added, “Cotton gloves must be worn while handling this precious document”.
With the “sacred” tenets of scientology and the ridiculous fawning over the conman LRH… scientology is truly the laughing stock of Teegeack and this sector of the galaxy.
Despite all the serious and harmful actions of this organization, it is also good to once in awhile have a laugh at their expense.
Are you trying to suggest they won’t do a sequel? OH shucks!
Maybe “Natterfield Mars,” will be winner – the 4th & 5th invaders get a sec check? All will be revealed mmmm…
“Marcab Revisited” is worth a thought too… go on, be adventurous, something has to work.
Good titles. Possible contenders: Prison Planet, Miscavige Mind Fuck and Clusters Last Stand.
Oh God that’s funny
And on a lighter note, a comedy sequel called Battlefield Mirth. Mel Brooks where are you?
Someone should make a parody talk show called “Sundays with Terl” where he wears the exact costume pictures above and brings on various ex-Scientologists to talk about the eventual overthrow of society by the evil psychlos.
JBX, that is seriously funny.
“Teacher’s Choice for the best sci fi novel ever” must be referring to Delphi Academy teachers.
It also seems to be an attempt at “piggy backing” on the “Teacher’s Choice Award”, which is a legitimate program. Which has not one word to say about BE anywhere on it’s web presence. Which may be because it’s primarily involved with early education, not $cientology scams.
A thing that bothered me about this book and Mission Earth, was the needless slaughter of peoples the author didn’t care for. When they send the H-bombs back to Terl’s home world, the entire planet and any bases that opened their teleportation machine’s landing platform doors, fried in the resulting nuclear Holocaust, completely wiping out the entire race of the Psyclos.
Similarly, Jet Heller accidentally drops some huge ice comet on Russia wiping out the population of Russia, which Hubbard describes casually. Hubbard’s OT 3 dogma is yet another example of a population, some 250 billion strong, being wiped out. In Science of Survival he discusses the remorseless slaughter of low toned people.
What is with his fascination with cold blooded wholesale slaughter of populations? Of being the only one? A sociopath through and through?
His organizations continue to bilk millions out of their public for his fraudulent technology, and yet he describes himself as mankind’s greatest friend? As Yoda would say: deep runs pain in this one
Mimsey, I felt the same as you about the wholesale slaughter of people instead of saving the inhabitants of the planet with kindness and understanding. In real life, he justified his viewpoint of wholesale destruction of others around him, including friends and family because he was just a “misunderstood” Lucifer or Antichrist. And, as a “Lucifer” he could justify anything and then say to himself that he harmed people in a “just cause” because after all, he was the Antichrist and Lucifer rolled into one. Ref Wiki OT 8:
“According to Hubbard, the “Antichrist represents the forces of Lucifer”. Hubbard writes “My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief Antichrist period.”.[7]”
Thanks Robert for that most informative link. My conclusion is that Scientologists are PTS to Ron. This is one case where the policy of disconnection is highly recommended.
Wow, only $35 for 475 hours of listening pleasure + a free Terl tee!!? I’m mailing in my order as we speak!
“valid while supplies last” *
* which is gonna be almost forever, because we’ve got a mountain of these things which just are NOT moving at all…we can’t even give these turkeys away!
Here is my beef. If the Mighty Mouse-kavige really believes that Scientology can save the planet with Mr. Blubbards technology, why wasn’t all of the tech digitized so it could be owned and studied for a FRACTION of the cost. This could have been done 10 to 15 years ago.
Now USBs are dirt cheap. How come, how come? Anyone have the answer? All the books, HCOBs, Pabs, HCOPLs, magazines, articles, videos series. Everything on one USB.
Ask that to any clam and see what he or she says.
Yeah, because Frank Frazetta’s admittedly great illustration featuring that woman’s impressive bosom is appropriate for school children. Wonder if the whole illustration is on the t-shirt or they were at least modest (or smart) enough to blur out the hanging bits.
Of course it’s on a flash drive. No pesky internet – that forest of evil forbidden Googlefruit – required for downloading.
Hey, I’ll buy the t-shirt if they imprint it with ‘Scientology is Toxic.’
” The Battlefield Earthâs story âLearning Helmetâ that trained Jonny Goodboy Tyler in advanced education he needed to wise himself up to……….”
Uh Dave? Dave! You might want to pay attention here to some possibilities for improving Your Pee Are. From the fringes of the internet things in that department seem to be in the toilet …… good buddy!
First of all, it’s not learning helmet but learning Hemet – it’s where I instruct all my many staff. Too bad Rinder blew – I could have handled his out-ethics.
A USB drive? Take it from a young dad in IT with IT savvy kids that kids don’t do physical media except if it’s retro cool like vinyl or a favourite book on paper
Even if they were willing to listen to an audiobook on physical media, practically no one has a portable listening device with a USB port. There’s a reason that physical media are practically dead — the ports and playing devices are space, weight and power hogs, and are completely unnecessary. Anyone pushing thumbdrive media is this day and age are morons. The funny thing is, BE audiobook is available on Kindle. Why not make this an offer for the download? That would give them a fighting chance.
hgc10, one simply transfers the mp3 file from the thumbdrive to the smart phone. It isn’t rocket science. The VAST majority of smartphones use a usb port for charging….
USB on the other end of the cable, not the end that plugs into the phone. The port on the phone is either micro-USB or USB-C or whatever proprietary flavor Apple is using this year. Perhaps it is rocket science after all. Yes, it’s possible to transfer files, but a pain in the ass in the age of downloading. Do you have the equipment ready-at-hand to get a file from a thumbdrive onto your phone, without having to do more than one transfer, using a 2nd device, such as a computer?
I do. It’s a small adapter that’s USB female on one end, micro USB male on the other. You can get them on their own or as part of a kit from Amazon. Samsung sell them, among other companies.
Yes, you can get that exotic cable, and for cheap. Next to no one has one handy. Which is why an audio book on a USB thumbdrive is a total non-starter. The mass market’s path of least resistance is the correct mode for delivery of media. Scientology, as usual, is so far behind the curve, they might as well be programming in Python in punch cards.
Since this a light topic day, here’s something off-topic. I’ve started reading Janis Gilham Grady’s “Commodore’s Messenger” and came across one of Hubbard’s cute little “conditions;” – the “condition of non-existence.” Someone help me out here. Either a thing exists or it does not exist. I exist; therefore I can’t be assigned a “condition of non-existence.” If I were in a “condition of non-existence” there would be no ‘me’ to assign a condition to. Did I miss something here? Or, as I suspect: “It is a tale told by a megalomaniacal gasbag, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,” RIP, Mr. Shakespeare.
Actually, no mystery here, Bix. If you had never heard of scientology before, then scientology would be in a condition of “non existence” in your life. It was never intended to mean “it doesn’t exist”, only that it doesn’t exist in YOUR life. And if, for instance, you had created an entirely new product and wanted to sell it, but had not yet done so, you would be in “non existence” to your intended customers.
That said, it makes no sense in respect of the conditions formula, particularly in a family, friendship group or in respect of an org staff or Sea Org group where you’d been a known member for some time. No matter what you have done, you’re already in “existence” to that particular group.
It kinda sounds like LRH bumped into the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment and decided to fold it into his cake batter. He had such a nifty way of thinking that if something came out of his mouth it must be true.
Ah, yes. the preface. In which LRH talks about the ‘predictive” and “prophetic” qualities of science fiction, and how it “inspires new discoveries”. Discoveries such as…I don’t know, submarines…and…airplanes…and…waldoes. (They used to call robot arms that, a while back.)
In science fiction, computers are just like really smart and informed humans, but without emotions like pity or empathy, which makes them dangerous and mean. Robots are bipedal humanoids with halting speech that sometimes fall in love with each other, but only in heteronormal pairs. We got to the Moon all right, and by 2017, we probably have several cities there, on our way to Mars, Venus, and at least a few moons of Jupiter. We’re eating food pills, having dispensed with dirty and old-fashioned plant and animal based foods, at the very least we’re eating the equivalent of TV dinners every night. Women are still housewives and mothers, guys are obsessed with beer & broads, and children are mostly nonentities, if they aren’t superhuman and plotting revenge on anyone older than 30.
No one of these classic SF tropes can adequately describe the situation today.
LRH’s vision of earth’s possible future was as lame as his recollection of it’s past.
Hey Robert, at least he was consistent!
I would be very surprised if there is not some sort of spyware or similar code included on that zip drive to allow reporting back to the “home base” on who has opened the file, etc
Chuckle. Who INDEED would have voted for this book. What’s that smell?
A quick Linkedin search show a Diego Martinez teaching at…..wait for it…..Delphian Academy!
And he is the Colorado Lockheed Martin science teacher of the year? Something smells like it is rotten in Hemet.
Yo Dave,
Can You elaborate? As with all things $cientology, I doubt this is what it appears to be.
Just sayin! BTW, how were Your stats last week good buddy?
Ha-ha! Of course he does!
I would have never guessed. Thanks CC for the quick research.
I could not find any reference on the CO site for him winning an award. Also, the exact title of the award is not accurate. Figures.
He’s there
his Linked In profile is painfully skinny
. . . he works at both Dephian (in Oregon) and Center Consolidated School district in Alamosa, Colorado. Alamosa has a population of 8,780 (2010 census).
Exactly Chee Chalker. That was my first thought too, that the teacher who recommended the movie was a Scn. And your research showed her to be not only a Scn but teaching at a Scn school, Delphi.
Today the cafeteria is serving green kool-ade …….
And he teaches Science! I wonder what Astronomy Day must be like–“Well, there are implant stations on Mars, which is by the Van Allen Belt, which is real warm by the way.”
Author Services to the rescue!! They are so predictable….
No doubt he’s also the one that the claim of “Teacher’s [singular] Choice” is based on.
The fact that the recommendation isn’t coming from an English teacher/Literature teacher should be noted.
When I was a Senior in High School There was a class offered called Modern Fantasy. The books to be read were Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Since I had read and reread these books since I was in 7th grade, sitting in the class each day would have been boring, redundant and just stupid.
So, I was offered a quick A, or I could hang around and read OTHER books that might be used for the class in other years. Either way, I would be hanging out at the library, one of my favorite places, so I told my teacher I would really love to read the books they had in mind for later classes.
I read the good the bad and the ugly. This was 1974 and while I pushed for Hienlien, I was told that they were too sexual. CS Lewis’ Mars Chronicles were in the running as well.
Many were found too juvenile. But the funny thing is, I was the one that brought up LRH, only because I told her I couldn’t get through a book by him and simply to make sure I didn’t have to read him. My teacher said, Why would I do that to a young mind.
Nuff said.
LOL. You saw what was the bonus add to Tony Ortega’s drone fly over of co$ site in WY?
Take a look.
You have to watch those folks in Wyoming. They can be a bunch of *I ain’t buying your bullshit* types. I grew up in Idaho, and the same could be said for the southern part of that state as well.
Yep, that would be us. We don’t let people buy ranch land and start putting buildings on on it, they actually have to use it for ranches. Damn Wyoming ranchers.
They give “Battlefield Earth” as gifts to those participating in a blood drive in Hienlien’s name. Wow Wyoming is crazier than I thought LOL
*grinning. You have never been in Jackson on a Saturday night I take it?
The Diego Martinez listed as the award recipient is from Center High School
He is the 2015 winner of the CSEF Teacher of the Year Award – the CSEF is sponsored by Lockheed Martin. So using this company’s name to lend legitimacy to an LRH ‘novel’ is a stretch. Not surprising, but a stretch.
There is so much really good SiFi out there. Anne MacCaffrey, Issac Asmov, Phil DIck, Aya Rand, H G Wells, Ursula K. Le Guin, Robert Hienlien…. The list is long and distinguished. Why would they chose this piece of mindless drivel?
Jill, the movie version was panned. And it was voted worst movie ever made. They just can’t win for trying and bungle everything they do.
Yes, but it is word perfect and follows the book (standardly) perfectly and with Davey calling the shots from the background… how could it be so… it is straight from the mind of Hubbard. Gee whiz… so much money so little sense, Battlefield Earth – the movie, a vivid example of Scientology’s true abilities. Can’t wait for SuMP’s first production… what fun!
Word perfect and follows the book perfectly? Wow. No wonder it sucked so badly.
My husband swore to never take me to another movie after watching me bitch about the changes they made in The Two Towers.
Come on THAT should have followed the book and been word perfect. Tolkien deserved it.
RLH…bawhahahahahah I think NOT.
I never watched it. One, RLH was on my *fuck off and stop pretending you can write list* and even the previews were so cheesy I just couldn’t do it.
I haven’t seen a TC or JT movie in years. Mel Gibson is also on my, I refuse to spend a dime watching you list.
FORTY-SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS!!!! (sorry, my incredulity got the best of me)
But…but, it’s action AND adventure, OB! Oh, who am I kidding. It’s still Scientology crap.
Wow, what nonsense propaganda!
“…The number of scientific inventions to be created provide exciting possibilities for any budding scientist. Battlefield Earth is a winner!…”
What lame hype. That’s suitable for a restful Sunday.
The Battlefield Earth’s story “Learning Helmet” that trained Jonny Goodboy Tyler in advanced education he needed to wise himself up to beat Terl and the Psyclos, comes to mind as the delusional “scientific invention” that might someday be constructed, but that’s really getting into neural science that Hubbard dodged the complexity of the brain, Hubbard favored the quick eash “thetan” and “mind” that the “thetan” carts along with the “thetan” as the “thetan” transmigrates lifetime to lifetime in and out of new Human Bodies, and also taking along the “thetan’s” baggage of “body thetans” which only with the pseudo-science exorcism of L. Ron Hubbard’s, can the “thetan” get rid of the baggage of one’s “body-thetans” (with the “body-thetans” being dead alien souls left to roam earth since Xenu’s Wall of Fire “engram”).
This is all just too much, and Hubbard did write that script, “Revolt In The Stars” but even in that script, Hubbard failed to get into the “body-thetans” and into Hubbard’s “serious” ideas of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, where the Scientology exorcism of “body-thetans” (Xenu’s the cause of the earth problems we all have with our “body-thetans” that infest us).
Scientology’s intricate spiritual “truths” are science fiction nonsense, and no amount of lame hype about “scientific” ideas in Hubbard’s science fiction writings, will ever counter-balance and pave the way to society buying the “confidential” theory of Hubbard/Scientology.
WHAT… was that English?
True enough. Chuck did you do NOTS? If so what was your experience with it?
Unfortunately, it’s completely true that the only possible way to be a true believer Scilon is to adopt an anti-science belief system that has nothing but bad down-stream consequences.
Plus, doing $cn seems to destroy, or render comatose, its victims’ critical reasoning capacity to such a degree that they seem incapable of self-reflection concerning, for example, the total absence of any objective evidence of the OT super powers which were promised by Elron (before the current regime removed the goal posts entirely) to be standardly attainable by all.
By now, every long-time cultist should be asking themselves: Where is my flying car and where the HELL are all those fapulous OT super powers that I paid through the nose to achieve!!?
(Pro tip for still-in cultists: There are no OT 9 & 10 levels which are finally going to “handle” all the many aspects of your still troublesome “case,” just more of your hard-earned cash going down the cult rat hole, with no thetarific super powers available at the end of Xenu’s bridge to nowhere đ
Where did Hubbard get the idea for the learning helmet? From the Star Trek (TOS) episode “Spock’s Brain,” or from the movie “Forbidden Planet,” or from any of a hundred other pre-BE sources?
HG Wells, the true father of science fiction.
In a later book, The Shape of Things to Come, he portrayed the adaptive processes at work in human society as overcoming âthe inherent distaste in the individual for subordination and self-sacrifice.â To ensure the success of the new social order that is beginning to appear in the twenty-first century âmanâs life and interests have been socialised against his natural disposition.â This is described as a subversive individualism. In the future Wellsâs believed that âthe obscurer processes of selectionâ will be âaccelerated and directed by eugenic effortâ and man will eventually become a new species (p. 426)