You may have been having difficulty logging onto my blog today.
According to the Web Hosting company I use, they are under DOS attack and are working to deal with it. They host many more sites than mine, though I doubt they have any site that would engender a DOS attack by random hackers. Seems the blog is creating headaches for the church… Hopefully the web host can sort this out quickly.
This would not be the first time the church has attempted to shut down a source of information that displeases them and of course, their zeal to protect their vested interests will not be hampered by either cost or legality.
Apparently the blog may be intermittently accessible for the time being.
It’s nice to know you are hitting the targets you are aiming at. 🙂
I work for a colocation datacenter as a support technician. The lead tech tells me that DOS attacks most often follow after an email spammer, phishing scammer or other AUP (Acceptable Usage Policy) violator gets their servers disconnected and their account terminated.
Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
Mike –
This is a very interesting post.
I’m wondering, what are some of Scientology’s internet fair game and surveillance activities from the past that you are aware of?
Please be as specific as you can be.
I’m sure a lot of people will find your information very useful.
Sorry Alan — I don’t have a whole lot of detail about this. I know Gavino used people (including Bill Yaude) to go buy fake internet IDs back when you actually had to go to an ISP to get access (you couldn’t just create a gmail account). They were paid for in cash and Yaude had a network of people around the country who would buy these ID’s. Realize I really left that world in the late 90’s — I was on McPherson and then primarily on other posts and in the Hole after that until I left.
Isn’t hacking an criminal offence in the states? If the source of the hacking could be traced by the web hosting company to a source in the States then they could report them to the relevant authorities. Because John mappin was getting so many negative reviews about his ‘Hotel of Horrors’,bhe went to an online reputation company to get any negative reviews pushed back a few pages by messing around with the algorithms. Needless to say Google didn’t take well to being interfered with and put a stop to it. Keep up the good work Mike.
Mike, I am not surprised. For any still in but doubting, your blog is an atomic bomb in the volcanoes of DM’s command intention. It’s hard for the minions to sustain cognitive dissonance in the face of such stark data.
Well… how about that? – they don’t own the word ‘ideal’ after all.
Ideal blog Mike – the TA is moving.
I attempted to access your site earlier today and when I was denied my first thought was that the cult is really ticked off at you cutting through the bull about LA ORG and ASHOA and operating a DOS attack. Turns out it’s true.
So the masters of MEST, able to postulate outcomes and control the universe with their godlike OT abilities, are at cause to the unemployed bloggers on the fringes of the internet. How utterly comical.
My theory is that daves consolidation of LA is his last ditch attempt at booming an ideal org. It hasnt worked up till now and he knows it, so he figures he will micro manage it to a boom using the only poor saps who he can ultimately keep, to put up with his shit, (sorry, standard actions), namely the SO.
If this doesnt work, he will know that the English speaking CSMFs of the world are just too out ethics for him and his brand of Scientology, so he will bring out his back up plan and look to a place that is booming, ethics is stiff, justice is harsh, no to little access to the internet but where there are whales……. China!
His brilliance knows no bounds.
His only problem is that Scientology according to LRH is about the rehabilitation of self determinism and the Chinese hierarchy might not like this. To counter this problem he has had films made of the execs in the hole, and how that cocky defiant look is turned into an apathetic glare, beautiful stuff! He will show women humiliated and physically abused, by others undergoing his program, wonderful! He will show that the rehabilitation of self determinism means ultimately the greatest good for daves dynamics! What semi fascist government wouldnt love this stuff.
Everyone wins, China gets Scientology, (daves version anyway). Scientology is seen to expand to the sheeple English speaking CSMFs, more money, much more money for daves stats, they will be out the roof and Ron will be very happy with him. He can give the finger to all the bitter apostate English speaking CSMFs on the internet such as ourselves! Just a theory!
Brilliant! Such imagination!
Good job !!! You may have done it, but get a backup to your home 🙂 to deploy it to another provider, if needed.
I’ll bet the little shrimp soils his shorts every time he reads this blog. rough way to go for a wannabe big time religious leader.
Keep up the good work Mike!
Dave, I’d be careful about hiring hackers and creating clickbots. You’re going need that money to pay the heating and lighting at Denver now that baseball season is over.
Oh, and another thing: Alexa ranks: World: 150, 409 US: 63, 560
Mike Rinder’s Blog: World: 109, 006 US: 27, 180
The truth hurts. Do these hackers get oversized certificates in cheap, gaudy frames too?
I’m so glad to hear that you are the victim of this foolishness. I would love to be so honored!
LOL! This is hilarious!
I don’t know what they try to accomplish with a (D)DoS attack to this blog.
Sooner or later the Web Hosting company will implement a good (D)DoS mitigation ( ) rendering ineffective the (D)DoS attack.
A (D)DoS attack to a commercial web site would inflict some income loss. However a (D)DoS attack to Mike’s blog will just give Mike some more quality family time. (Mike’s kid: “Daddy, daddy, can you play a little more with me?”. Mike: “Yes, my dear; today I play a little more with you because the blog is under a DDoS attack”. Mike’s kid: “Thank you, OSA”).
Dave, if you are reading this could you please let Leah pick up Shelly for a girl’s night out. I’m sure Shelly has been an obedient thetan and needs a bit of time off from the isolated base you ditched her at. Thanks as always for you lack of consideration.
I look forward to reading every morning!!
Me too!
Mike, thanks for being there in the core of the broil. Words are mightier than the sword. You are doing a great job and it is so much fun!
Mr. Makemerich, Sir,
We know that although you choose not to post, you do in fact read this blog every day without fail. Such unswerving dedication to reading Mike’s wit, wisdom and intel, along with our mostly J & D ing comments at your expense, is altogether unprecedented and as such deserving of high honors. Therefore, on behalf of Mike Rinder and of all of us on the Fringe of the Internet, it is my very great pleasure to confer upon you the status of Loyal Lurker. Well done, Sir!
LOL … +100
Yo Dave, you pathetic shadow of a person,
You know you have just signaled that you have absolutely no way of stopping all of the internal leaks from your OTs and their wonderful little committees nor your SO staff. You are, to sum it up in a single word …
FUCKED bro. As they say, you could also be summed up as ‘TOAST’, ‘FUBAR’ or simply Mr Cinder.
HE be the “Galactic OverLurker”.
HIS minions be Loyal OSAfers.
“Loyal Lurker”. Wonderfully pointed post. VVWD!
If it is the high ups in the (gag, choke) church they are only going to become more desperate to stifle any dissenting views of their (see earlier () comment) religion as it rapidly self destructs. I’m beginning to think that it will be gone within a couple of years and Cap’n Psychotic, and a few chosen ones, will disappear along with the cash and property.
Something about his recent hostile takeover of LA Org that he thinks you might know and are fearful you might reveal?
His missed withholds must be a terrible burden. Never knowing which one will be exposed next.
You can use a Google Drive (Docs) account as a mirror for the main articles in your blog. No hackers can match the bandwidth of Google.
Mike, you are doing great!
Always, in the long run, the pen is mightier than the sword.
Your getting the truth out there is really hurting the cult.
I can almost hear their cries of pain: “Enough! Mike! Stop! Please, no more – OW!”
Sorry, cult.
We’re with you, Mike. Thank you.
I guess Dave doesn’t want help getting out the “Good News!!!”. Eliminating orgs, getting rid of staff, canceling the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course until he can put his own spin on it, etc.
I guess thanks to this blog we bitter defrocked apostates are not so “on the fringe” anymore.
Way to go Mike!
RCo$ cannot beat the truth coming out for public consumption no matter how much he throws money at the problem, screams, beats people up, or stands holding his copper ground rod sucking his thumb.
Yes, good to know those targets are displeased.
You must be hitting a nerve Mike.
Sorry if we are causing too much trouble…
How hypocritical that Anons were called “internet terrorists” for DOS attacks while the Cult of Scientology, Office of Special Affairs, through cutaways, arranges DOS attacks themselves.
Hmm, good point Karen.
Hypocritical is miscavige’s middle name. His second middle name is Hypercritical.
They believe in nothing for themselves only what they are told. Such a waste of a life.
Karen: I thought it was strange that a few years ago just as things were clearly going downhill for the COS DM bragged,I think it was in one of the big gatherings announced that he had defeated Anonymous, That seemed to be based simply on the fact that the demonstrations were less populous. But they had done their job. A job that opened up the whole can of worms and handed over to “a few bitter apostates on the fringes of the internet” [quoting from memory] and to the press who now had less fear about tackling the evil of scientology. Well done to Mike, Marty, Tory and you and all the other apostates. And well done to the press pioneers TonyO, Mike Sweeney, Mark Bunker and all the popular press that piled in later. .And well done to those brave enough to put their experiences into books to document what happened to them.
Thanks to all
This is awesome Mike. You should be very proud of the hard hitting, truth seeking and hilarious work that you’re doing. Rock on!
Yep a DDOS attack. Not that effective against a large hosting company unless you can command tens of thousands of machines. Amateurs at OSA
YEah, but an unlimited budget can buy you plenty of hackers and computers. The attack has been sustained for 24 hours according to the hosting company.
I’m not doubting that. My point was that they can’t get enough to take out the hosting service for more than a couple hours. None of the guys with huge collections of bot PCs will work with the Church. For certain reasons.
Do you know if your hosting company can track the source?
Mike, you are like a David and Goliath here! The church has unlimited money and lots of zealots that will do their bidding so as to get Commendation Chits for their ethics file for OT VII or VIII. Lots of willing members to volunteer for OSA besides the SO OSA staff. So the fact that you caused this much upset that they have had to call out the dogs on your site… it means you have hit the mark again and again and again. We are winning because of Mike Rinder! And because of all of the people here who speak out. And because of people like Karen and S Africa and Steve and Mike and all the ex SO who wrote whistle blowiong books. Amazing that such a small handful of power big beings can take down a man with unlimited money and a vendetta. But we’re doing it. Thank you Mike for all you do! The TA is moving. Keep it up!!! And any UTR,s now would be a good time to come out to add to the forward momentum Mike has created. Just sayin’.
Chee chalker, I’m sure the hosting company is right on it and will set the dogs onto the Source 🙂
I’ve had a few attacks on my wiki site, which is hosted on a credit card-sized Raspberry Pi with a terabyte hard drive. They can’t even get that right! All their attacks do is cause my router to disconnect and reconnect with a new IP address, and the name server is updated to point to the new location. It’s like trying to sink a rubber ducky covered in soap. For my entertainment, it plays a sound effect when this happens.
Reading you loud and clear, Mike!
Of course that also means we are reading the torrent of leaks from the church loud and clear as well.
It really must be the End Times if those chuckleheads can’t even do dirty tricks right anymore. Maybe they should just buy your hosting service and staff it with Sea Org. That should bring everything to a screeching halt in short order.
You are doing an excellent job of putting the truth out there Mike. Thank you.
Yes, your blog was inaccessible – and I immediately thought that OSA might have been doing overtime.
DM didn’t listen to you (or anybody else) when you were his junior.
Now he can’t stop listening to you (and all the other defrocked apostates).
At the same time he tries “to turn the radio off” because he can’t stand the music.
What a problem 🙂
Keep up the good work Mike!
Go Mike go!