This is one of the most recent “ideal orgs” on the planet. In fact, according to scientology, this specific org is the fastest growing org on earth over the last year. It is also a perfect example of what these orgs really are. Empty buildings accomplishing absolutely nothing once they have had their choreographed and video’d ribbon-yanking. After the video is fed to the sheeple as the “proof” of “international expansion” the empty building is left to sit like an abandoned military base. This is true for “ideal orgs” in large cities like London, NY, Rome and Moscow just as it is in small ones like Basel or Malmo. Any time of the day or night you happen to go by these buildings, they are empty. It is difficult to find a single soul visible anywhere.
UPDATE: someone just reminded me that this is the org that “won” the International Birthday Game — meaning it was the FASTEST GROWING SCIENTOLOGY ORGANIZATION ON EARTH between March 2015 and March 2016!
This is from the homepage:
And the same day one of our Special Correspondents sent me the photos from Basel, I received a list of completions from the Denver “ideal” org.
In 6 months: they had ONE person on Grades. No NED completions. Not a single Clear. Not one Academy Level completion.
This is less production than a small mission or field group. But Denver is an “ideal” org….
But juxtapose the reality with the hype promo they send out “we are clearing Denver” and “we are confronting the drug problem and taking effective action to prevent the use of marijuana.” It gives an idea of the truth of the public utterances made about the state of scientology. They are massive lies.
And so it has come to pass… empty “Ideal Orgs” worldwide – the end result of 30+ years of snarling management types treating their public like shit, robbing them with their “Donations Industry”, diverting their public off the Bridge at any opportunity, selling them mounds of books which get thrown away or stored in cellars and garages gathering dust, getting rid of all their experienced Tech staff, “3 swing F/Ns”, ridiculously priced E-Meters, harsh and unnecessary Ethics actions on actually probably the most decent public an organization could wish for etc. etc. etc.
And all because a complete lunatic and vicious swine who revels in the punishment he can mete out to others took it over and was continually supported by the non-actions of others who failed to stop him in his tracks. Quite a lot of the fools remaining in the Church actually believe he is doing good! The thing is it is all planned as well. Says it in the policies on Suppressive Persons in OEC Volume 1.
It wasn’t always like that though – and my great hope is that one day it will change. My org was full, and people were receiving good services, but that was a long time ago now.
Yep Foolproof, all those scores of El Con created & trained Oat Tea’s + Hubbard hisself were unable to stop a “complete lunatic and vicious swine”.
Wow, doesn’t sound like such an empowering subject, the “tek”. I was consulting for a large publicly traded company recently were the Board members just ousted a CEO who was like that. No El Con “tek” needed.
Oh! Very witty. Feel happier now do we? Nope you’re right, Scientology is not for you. May you never change then. Carry on being like you are. Feel free! If you do ever ask for auditing make sure you ask for Power Processing as it is the only processes that would work for you. LMAO!
“Witty”? Perhaps. But regardless, my statement was factual. The first sentence I wrote is the telling point.
The rest of your rant is just that. Ranting. It has nothing to do with what I wrote. But it IS an interesting look at the “thought process” of a true believer. Straw Man and the rest of the illogical mess.
Well if it doesn’t work why are you so bothered to make comments about it then? The only “thought process” exposed here is yours. Obviously there is something about “the tek” as you say that makes you very worried.
Great post as always, Mike. I’ve actually visited the Ideal Org in Malmo, Sweden, a couple of times during recent years, and it is indeed quite empty. With few exceptions, the only people you see moving about are those working there; Ideal Orgs are supposed to have a staff of something like 100 people, which is far from what the Malmo Org actually employs. A majority of the staff are not even from Sweden, but from places like Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, etc. Very few natives. Building an Ideal Org in Sweden is utter madness, as the interest in Scientology there is (and always has been) insignificantly small. The building itself is very grandiose though, as is customary. Five stories, endless rows of offices (it used to house the city council), and a large, fenced park surrounding it. Considering how high costs for everything is in Sweden, it must cost a fortune to maintain.
It’s almost Opening Day, so Denver org will soon have its real moneymaker back: Overflow parking for Rockies home games. Apparently the same thing is happening in Sacramento. Once the new arena for the Sacramento Kings opens the ideal Org will be located just across the street. Foot traffic is the idea. When will these people learn?
“Hey wanna go to that Scientology building after the ball game to take a free personality test that tells us we’re terrible people and need to take up Scientology?” Said no one, EVER.
Their ruin obviously is basketball.
Huh! I thought it was track….
Whole track.
I haven’t read the comments yet so forgive me if I’m echoing what has already been said this Ideal Morgue is a seriously ugly building. Is this just me or does it resemble a correctional facility?
It doesn’t resemble one, it is one.
Division5, Dept 15 on their org board (organogram) has the awareness level of ‘corrections’…….suggesting the actions inherent in it. Dept of Corrections, it was called.
It is supposed to be a QA function where quality is found, and corrected.
But you rightly say, the place looks awful.
Comedy Central just played Scientology ” closet” episode. It just now ended. Ive never seen this episode. So glad they put it back out there.
This seems to be indicative of scientology as a whole (not just within “The Church”). When Mike & Marty hit the streets there was a flurry of “Indie” activity. If you check the “Important Links” most of it has died out to nothing (regarding indie sites and activity). Seems like many scn’ers left from 2000 – 2012 and most have recovered from scientology and are NOT scientologists any more.
Regardless of the Super OT SP (super because he is more powerful than ALL of the LRH created trained, OTs in the church combined) Scamology has no real future on this (or any other ) planet. 😉
Basil Org certainly looks different on David’s Web Site.
The similarities between Co$ and Church of Christ Scientist are all too plain to see: a future with massive buildings world-wide, mostly rented out for events to other groups; faith healings that don’t work (hello “touch assists”); and an elderly membership holding on, hoping for that “next generation” that will never materialize.
The Basel bldg looks like a setting for the next post-apocalyptic sci-fi blockbuster. The church could make some extra bucks if they could rent it out to some film production company. I won’t even ask for a finder’s fee. I’m all about public service to the community. Any ideas for a title? Logline? Synopsis?
It would fit right in the universe of the “walking dead!”
Heck, It comes with flesh eating mindless zombies already on the inside!! Though they might want to shore up the numbers a little!!!
Ha! That’s good. I’m firing up Photoshop right now.
i think it is time that florida papers and/or a national mag does a story on the ideal orgs that aren’t and show or write about the empty scn buildings.this is a topic that hasn’t been explored enough by the press. maybe mike you’re up for this ?
Thought it would be good to point out that Miscavige opened the Basel Ideal Org on APRIL 25, 2015.
Basel Org won the Birthday game and is the best org of the world:
Ups ….I don’t get it….
There is no media outlet at the moment that would accept their promised marketing campaign…..
Oh yeah, I forgot they “won” the “Birthday Game” just a few weeks ago.
When I started to work at my current job part of our then company was located in the Metrotech building in one of the outer districts of Budapest. I was there once for a training, and the buidling was full of people, full of life. Now that building is to open as the Ideal Org Budapest in May (or so they claim). I expect no more busy crowds.
That said, when I was a kid my mom and I went to the trade union building on Puskin street once a month for the Siamese cat club. There were always a gazillion events going on at the same time, hosted by various organizations. Then Scientology bought that building for their Ideal Org plans… And it was emptier than a Communist Party Women’s Day celebration in 1996.
I love your analogy. I wonder how they are doing in Hungary these days? Maybe someone from there can let us know. They were booming at one point.
Basel looks like a dreary office building in disrepair. Wow. I reviewed the photos several times trying to figure out:
a. If anyone was inside.
b. How this is considered luxurious or ideal in any way.
Here is the breakdown from an OCD geek:
There are 44 names listed on that page.
Auditing actions have 20 names listed, but Mary Hexamer appears 5 times and Miguel Fuentes appears 2 times, so there are actually only 15 different people who completed an auditing action.
Bridge courses have 10 names listed. Joe Banks comprises 3 of those names, so 8 people completed bridge courses.
Golden Age (correspondence make work courses) have 14 names listed. Todd Zemper appears twice and you get Mary Hexamer and Miguel Fuentes in the mix too, so you’ve only added 11 names with the “fake” courses.
The total comes up to 44 names, but only 34 are individual, and if you take out the 11 that don’t appear anywhere but the correspondence courses, you have TWENTY THREE individuals actually completing bridge actions.
I’m not sure how long this covers, long enough for Mary to do Grade 0 – Grade IV, but 23 names IMHO is a bad week.
I clicked at random on one of the Auditor Mags I had scanned in. It was Auditor Mag 151 from September 1978. Back then they were being released monthly.
There were 65 individual names listed in one paragraph for Power Releases at ASHO. One month, one auditing action outstrips this entire announcement by Denver Org. I didn’t keep counting because there were paragraphs of completions all closely packed into one space covering most of a page.
How does that in any way show any type of expansion?
Well, it is simple
You just don’t have the correct definition of “expansion”
The Scientology definition of expansion is attacks
How does it seem to you now? LOLOLOL 😉
For any Scientology org expansion is measured as follows:
The more its getting attacked, the worse the PR, the more the public avoid going in there, the more it is expanding!
Imagine if they completely abandon one of their Model Idle Morgues! I guess that would be super expansion…
And if only Dave is left, they’re on a rocket ride to the stars!
Dear Valerie,
Thank you for your enlightening and spot on OCD geek-y breakdown…you saved me well over an hour!
And, Mike, thank you for a spot on post!
ml, 1.1
Keen observations Valerie. Thank you and may Mike reward you the OCD Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Clusters…..
Does anyone know what the actual gross (and/or net) income of Scientology is these days? And are these buildings other projects getting financed now mostly by new income (whether through services or donations) or mostly by subsidies from IAS?
MM. I hate to see your question unanswered. But it is a huge question. IAS funds do not pay for org upkeep and overhead. Org overhead only comes from funds paid for services, or, when they hit shitestreet on the rent or electric or phone bill, they call around and razzle up donations from whales, and in fact any fish will do, and get it paid.
No info on gross, net income. Ireland org/ mission was published recently. Google. JP Capitalist has made some comments about this, maybe J Swift as well.
Their income is WAY lower than previous years, by far. You can see it, by extrapolation, in this article right here.
Thanks, Subsection! It is just amazing to me that they can continue to extract money from whales and other publics for stalled projects and empty buildings, when the evidence is there for anyone to see. I guess it shows how powerful their brainwashing techniques are.
OK, you guys are going to get sick of me today. This is comment #1 of 3.
I have been having trouble posting comments the last few days and did some research on what was going on.
WordPress takes your comment and then returns you to the main page of the blog. If, somewhere in the process, the whole thing breaks down, your comment won’t post.
Firefox (and I’m not sure about other browsers) thinks that returning you to the main blog is considered a popup, so if you have a popup blocker on, you won’t get returned to the main blog and your comment won’t post.
Easy solution. Add Mike’s blog as approved for popups and viola! you can post again. I hope if anyone else is having that problem, you at least read this comment.
Chrome works great.
Like the chrome on a ’57 Chevy?
Well, I once met a keno runner who could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
I wonder when will DM realize that everyone pretty much knows the emperor has no clothes? These empty buildings aren’t fooling many.
They’re fooling the staff.
“They’re fooling the staff since 1950″….
just sayin….
And I stand corrected!
And what a massively ugly building for a church.
Uglier than a mud fence….
But checkout the official “we didn’t Photoshop this, honest” CoS photo. Much soft lighting and a warm and cheery glow…
Those clouds look awful suspicious too……
There is a homegrown anti scientology movement in Basel.Gewaltfreie Aktion gegen Scientology.They have 2000 likes on Facebook.Word is massively out whether it is Basel or Denver or anywhere out.Seems like it is the same story in any city in the world.
The planet has been immunized against scientology.In a couple of years the old membership wil die out and this party is over.Young sons and daughters of the old guards either are out or on staff.But they do not hold down jobs or businesses that allow them to pay for the overpriced stuff.Maybe in addition to ideal parking spaces now they can even rent out ideal massage rooms in the edifice.
that is the sad thing for the young people who are still in, and have been indoctrinated since birth. when this gasping fish gasps it’s last, those kids are going to be completely unprepared to join the larger world. they will have little to no schooling, very few job skills, no credit and no concept of how to attain these things. they will have to work much harder than most to get their feet under them (one thing that scn DOES prepare them for, luckily.) but coupled with the loss of the organization that made them that way and the crushing anger that most of them will feel, it’s a sad situation. the only job many of them will be qualified for is telemarketing.
my hope is that when the COS is finally dissolved, money can be set aside to convert all these Ideal orgs into housing for the disenfranchised staff and sea org members to live in until they can get their shit together, and then use the buildings for apartments for low income families. that would really pissed off Miscavige, a day would be a worthwhile use of the buildings.
RE; Denver. Am I understanding this correctly? Do people get announced as service completions for reading a book or listening to set of tapes?
@oracle: Only if they call them “Golden Age of Knowledge” Courses. *sigh*
And you better not be reading books that are not GAG 2 books….
Or you’ll get a gag reflex.
Yep! Happens every time….
Thanks. This kind of went over my head. If someone reads a book Miscavige published it is counted as a service completion? If somone listens to a tape wrapped and packaged by Miscavige it counts as a service completion? Is this right?
They used to offer book extension courses. There was a checksheet for the book that listed the chapters, plus demos you had to do, and some practical application assignments. There were also written assignments that you had to send into the org for grading. You had to pay for the course but it was under $100 from what I remember. Thus it could be counted as a service completion.
Basil looks like it has been condemned or emptied by a fallout warning.
I think the Germans did a number on that building during WWII and they’re just now getting around to refurbishing that monster…
OMG, yes! It does give off a “Judgement At Nuremberg” vibe. Outstanding movie, by the way, if you’ve never seen it. I got insight into Scn Cult Think in no small measure from that film.
Sounds great OSD except for the tiny issue that the Germans DIDN’T overtake Switzerland.
You got to have a safe place for your money!
Heh everybody – I just wanted to share with you a pod cast from Carrie and Ross’s show “OH NO”:
They went inside the LA Org and did some courses and did Dianetic’s. This Org is so desperate for people – you won’t believe what happened. Listen to how GAT II has changed, even in Dianetic’s. You will notice the changes. Amazing Miscavige is getting away with this even though the clubbed older seals have taken their PTS/SP classes.
Please – listen to the pod casts and contribute to the motion of supporting Ross and Carrie’s Show “OH NO”! They expose scams like Scientology!
Check out Scientology Service Completions on the Internet – it is a compilation of Scientologist’s who have completed services over the years.
Look some of these people up and see how Scientology operates over the years. Re-selling services convincing the clubbed seals to do it again and again.
Peggy Fabos is a “Regraded Being”. She has done her L’s. She completed Student Hat?? WTF? These people are going to go into total confusion and lose their minds!
Peggy Fabos L 11 NEW LIFE RUNDOWN Source 200 2008-08-01
Peggy Oppenheim Fabos L 10 RUNDOWN Source 201 2008-11-01
Peggy Oppenheim Fabos L 12 FLAG OT EXECUTIVE RUNDOWN Source 201 2008-11-01
Peggy Oppenheim Fabos NEW OT IV OT DRUG RUNDOWN Source 205 2009-08-01
Peggy Oppenheim-Fabos NEW OT V AUDITED NOTS Source 206 2009-11-01
Peggy Fabos NEW OT IV OT DRUG RUNDOWN Source 220 2012-02-01
Here is a video of staff from Basel org in May 2015 body routing. It’s all in Swiss so I can’t understand it but the Scientologists look very grim and fanatical. They say the word “kinder” a few times, which means child in German so I assume they are accusing the SP of being a child molester or something similar.
Those three Body Routers are no more seen since months. There is a bunch of new Body Routers now, but some in beetween Routers are also gone. What a waste of staffs…..
kuato, Swiss in a nationality, not a language. In Switzerland they speak German, French & Italian.
Well, they speak Swiss German (Schweizerdeutsch) but it is not an official language despite it being the native language. A lot of german speakers have a hard time with Swiss German (I think they even subtitle it for Germany)
No, you’re right! Swiss German is different from regular German. So…the native language is Swiss German and it’s not official?
Swiss German is actually a German/Alemannic dialect. It’s spoken only. Everything written is ‘German’, also news on national TV/Radio are usually in German, not Swiss German, while other programs can be in Swiss German.
Speaking of subtitles, I recall watching a German film (with a German friend) that had Arnold Schwartzenegger in it, and another actor had dubbed his voice. I asked my friend why they would dub his lines, since Arnold can speak German. “Oh, it must be that horrible Austrian accent!” I cracked up.
There are 4 official languages in Switzerland. The fourth is Romansh (or Rumatsch)
I noticed at first when I was there, after buying some things from a supermarket, that there were 4 explanations on the label. I then discovered the 4th language. I also thought there were 3.
Interesting place. Big bucks for anything. Get a bank loan, buy a beer.
Kuato, I just listened to the conversation you have a link to. All three are speaking in German.
O/T: But…I love your screen name.
The person who is engaging the body routers says that Scientology sucked in his children.
Jabba the Hut would have made a great body router…
This is really sad. Even though I don’t understand the language they’re speaking, I pick up on the desperation in their whole demeanor. I truly hope they wake up someday.
Reading through the comments, I see that at least two people have mentioned foot traffic. This has convinced me more than ever that the final delusion of the Ex is the conviction that foot traffic matters. Get up to PT, delusional Exes. It’s 2016, a time period where prospective Raw Meat carries the Internet in their pocket. If they even think of walking in, Google is their friend.
I would like one of the “no foot traffic” people to tell me why that still matters, and give me a reason other than “Hubbard said so” or “We had a lot of people come in via foot traffic in the 70s”. Please, tell me, because I’m having a disconnect with what you say and this thing called Reality.
It probably does make a difference because if people are walking past then a successful body router can convince them to come in. This is how they got me, I was wary of scientology and would have avoided it but the body router successfully convinced me to come in and buy the dianetics book.
So how successful are body routers when they’re up against the all-knowing, never-sleeping Google that’s on every smartphone being carried by prospective victims? Not very. That’s my point. Body routing is irrelevant and a waste of time. It doesn’t work these days because people are wired and a lot more media-savvy than in the days when body-routing worked.
Espi is right. Last time I was in New York City we spent several afternoons and evenings in Time Square doing theatre, restaurants and other stuff. New York Org is one city block from Times Square. We could hardly move on the sidewalks. Time Square is called, “The Crossroads of the World” It is packed with people and many of them are New Yorkers. (You could tell). Most of the city’s subways converge there and the area is dense with theatres, restaurants and hotels. Foot traffic? Easily a million people pass within 500 feet of New York org on Broadway every day. With the volume of foot traffic surrounding this org, if foot traffic mattered they’d have burst their seams long ago. Someone who lives in NY might be able to confirm how NYO is actually doing. Something tells me their seams aren’t bursting.
It’s a very unseemly scene.
I had one of the Global Capitalism HQ interns do a quick 20-minute research project: take the names off the list of Denver completions, eliminate duplicates, then hit the Lexis/Nexis database on the ones where the names were uncommon enough that we could have a reasonable chance of uniquely identifying the Scientologists (i.e., not from small towns, age 19, etc.).
Out of 32 names mentioned, in three cases there is almost certainly no one with those names in Colorado, so they either flew in from somewhere else or they just don’t exist and are made up, to boost the stats.
We were able to conclusively identify 18 of the 32 and get ages; the other 11 names were sufficiently common that we didn’t have certainty that we could pick the Scientology member. Of those 18, the average age was 56.5 years. If we eliminated 32-year-old Jeremy Banks, Joe Banks’s son, the average age would go up to 58.2 years.
Scientology is clearly dying, both in the number of participants and in their ages. With no new members coming in, the member base is likely to decline by 80% in the next 15 years from mortality alone, even if no one defects.
And, of course, Scientology is also dying because nobody comes. They get 29 locals out of just under 3 million to do any Scientology stuff in a period of several months. That’s a complete and utter disaster. If you extrapolate to the country as a whole, that would imply that about 3,000 people participated in Scientology course work in the same period (divide 310 million US population by 3 million Denver metro area population and multiply by the 29 on course in DEN). I suspect that’s a little low given that Denver has never been a big Scientology town and there are a lot more Scientologists proportionally in places like LA and Clearwater. Even if you triple that 3,000 arbitrarily to try to correct for more Scientologists in a couple cities, it’s hard to get to a number saying that 10,000 people are actively “on lines.”
I still estimate cult membership in the US as a bit higher than that, given the number of “under the radar” folks who are hiding out hoping that things will get better, or who are pretending to be in so that they’re not disconnected from their kids. All in all, this reinforces my belief that there are approximately 20,000 Scientologists worldwide, including approximately 5,000 Sea Org and staff.
Good analysis the way it should be done. You could even employ Hubbard’s “Marketing & Pr Series” and extract accurate data to paint a picture as you have done. You can only lie to the public for so long. Eventually you’ll be compelled to lie to yourself. I daresay, without exception, that tyrants, dictators, and their fanatical followers sooner or later suffer this fate.
I know most of the people on the Denver list. There are a few I don’t recognize but most are long term Scientologists–redoing lower grade things again. Scott Graves in OT8 doing student hat again? Several are staff members. After they get through this wave of people the results will look even worse. I think there is one new person at best.
I was so taken with the name “Jayma Superlove” that I Googled her, and found her web site, which is pretty hilarious. From her bio: “To say she taps into the pneuma and dives deep into dialogue with our secret selves is to say she attempts to scratch the inutile itch of inconsolability that exists in any audience.” I can definitely see why she’s involved in Scientology — she must have recognized a fellow fans of word salad.
This deal of the Ideal Orgs lead me to conclude only one thing: “Talking about treason man”.
The lies, the rip off of money, the abandoned staff and public is indeed just criminal.
The rotten soul of miscavige will receive its karma on due time
You know why the pope of the cult made that “org” there? Just because he knows and knew that the next steps for scientology in France, Belgium, and Germany, is: no more scientology allowed. So, he found something to buy at less than a mile from french frontiers, few miles from Benelux, and not a lot either from Germany. He hoped to fabricate something like a “point de reply” for the “armies” of these countries.
So much for Basel metabolism.
It looks like the Basel Morgue has “Basal Cell Carcinoma”.
Scientology KILLS! Another 2 people from our Morgue have been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer.
So sad and tragic how dangerous Scientology is. I can’t believe the number of people I know who have died of cancer whilst going up the Bridge to Total Confusion.
I know a long term scion who died earlier this year, he had been getting assists for feeling unwell, only when it was far too late did he go to the hospital to be told he had terminal cancer, he died within a month of this.
Sleepy, that building actually looks spooky.
Spooks for kooks.
And kookie spooks…
Ha! Of course BASEL metabolism means “at rest” which is actually quite fitting for this IDLE org don’t ya think?
Of course! Since on one new is coming in, they have a lot of time for rest. Lots of rest…
Enrique Espinosa NEW OT VII SOLO NOTS COMPLETION Source 52 1986-05-01
Enrique Espinosa FALSE PURPOSE RUNDOWN AUDITING Source 52 1986-05-01
Enrique Espinosa NEW OT VIII Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Enrique Espinosa SOLO NOTS AUDITOR CERTAINTY COURSE, PART II Source 122 1999-03-01
Enrique Espinosa NEW OT VII Source 160 2004-11-01
Enrique Espinosa OT VIII Freewinds 55 2004-12-01 source: truthaboutscientology
Since there is only one success story from Enrique Espinoza here are some recent ones from Yelp:
Creepy, pushy people. Services are insanely expensive and not useful at all.
Cult.Hires PI’s to investigate critics. Rips people off. Charges tens of thousands of dollars to learn that you’re infested with the spirits of dead space aliens. Stay away. Far, far away. At least google them before even thinking about thinking about talking to them. If you get on their mailing list it takes an act of Xenu to get you off of it.
+1! Great post!
Thank you! I’ll send more info soon.
Two people on the Denver Org list might be fresh meat. Everyone else on the list has been in for years (decades in most cases), or is part of an old scientology family.
I got it now, this is April Fools joke picture
of the Pyongyang North Korea Ideal Org !!!
Dear Leader must be sooo Happy!!!
Aha! I knew it! Pyongyang does have a Model Idle Morgue! And it really does look like a morgue. And, it does make sense since any Idle Morgue is where you go to die spiritually…
Jose, these pictures of the new Basel Ideal Org are heartbreaking almost heart wrenching. Sometimes I think the latest plot in the Scientology drama is the entire Church of Scientology is waiting for L. Ron Hubbard to return to Earth and help them out with their stats. You see, LRH once wrote that he could take an Org and get a roaring Org there in 2 weeks with policy applied correctly? So, probably this is what is on the church’s agenda, “The 2 Week LRH Miracle Expansion Program Line Up”. 🙂
location of the Basel idle org:
It’s practically at the French border. no foot traffic. glad they didn’t get the one at St. Alban Str….
they own another building on Claraplatz though, where they also have their stand and body routers out…:
Makes me think of Malmö org too. Hidden and a sad place,
“Malmo” is Swedish for “Pasadena”. Both of them are “Ideal”, both of them are in close proximity to a Continental Org, and both of them are deserted. At least Pasadena Idle Morgue isn’t in a freakin’ industrial park.
Great info. Thanks. “I had no idea!” (Like the pregnant teenager said to her mom…..)
We receive the magazine with the Org’s stats and all that is happening is these poor people are “regrading” the Bridge to Total Confusion. AND they are very confused. To believe that this Organization is expanding without any proof of actual people coming into it – is insanity.
Books being written about the scam, Documentaries being produced about the Scam.
Attack = Expansion is the Church of Scientology’s response?
If that is Denver, OMG they need to change their name
and move to BULGRAVIA.
And good luck with eradicating pot! Denver’s city government is awash in cash from the taxes the pot barons pay! But, since this cult does everything half ass, I don’t think we need to worry.
Scientology is in a long, slow, well-deserved death spiral.
Fortunately it is reserved for those sorry folks still involved. Reminds me of the ways you can remove a bandaid …………… slowly over time with screaming and wincing at each removed hair and scab particle ………or swiftly with a quick yank.
Glad mine was quick, although the healing process ‘takes as long as it takes’. (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Yo Dave,
Take your time good buddy ………. it should work out horrifically. And BTW, will you be doing some televangelism from your new KSHIT studios?
KSHIT STUDIOS! It’s new and improved!
Does $cientology circle the drain in another direction in Australia?
Of course! They do indeed circle the drain counter clockwise, down under.
Actually, neither – Scientology evaporates before it gets to the sink. They can’t hold any semblance of the truth together long enough to form a liquid.
“POOF!” there goes another Scientologist’s aspiration of freedom.
What a gas!
ROTFLMAO!!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! Still laughing….
+1! Awesome post, Len!
Davey, is that your idea of “Ideal Landscaping?”
The only thing I see in these buildings is lost loved ones, family, friends, jobs, hard earned cash, valuable time and lots and lots of lost integrity and honor.
I’m going off of rough details from memory, and it was several years ago, so I might have some of the details wrong – or more may have happened after the ED, Rudi stopped being involved.
Something not really covered here: The Basel staff actually got the money for the new building and renos together themselves, from selling and delivering training, and a few donos (but not going overboard and power-regging). Basel has over 42 “whales” living in the field that the org staff protects from the predations of the IAS tours, etc. that go through.
After the many years spent gathering the funds needed, Int “appropriated” these funds, cancelled the purchase on the building (which was a beautiful old building on St Alban strasse, high foot traffic) and bought that… thing in the middle of nowhere.
So, the one org that was actually (for the most part) building a true Ideal Org without gouging their public and had done it all themselves – and the execs that be step in and crush it, killing any goodwill the public have toward the place or sense of belonging. It goes without saying, but truly, the “spirit” of being on staff and helping is truly dead.
Idead Orgs.
LMAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Idead Orgs: It sounds like something from Apple.
Perhaps we could redefine CoS as Corpses of Scientology. It’s a killer name. ?
This makes my blood boil! Let’s hope those 42 “whales” can see this for themselves.
Sounds like the same thing that happened to San Diego except now they’re in the process (again) of raising money for an ideal org. (even though this was already done and then sold).
GATChild. Thanks for the background information. I agree with Wndy M. The staff building story pisses me off. I know so many staff and ex staff and those that are benignly motivated get ripped off, morally, spiritually and financially.
Above scn lettering, is that the dried out tree from science of survival? Is that idealistic but subliminal promo?
It reminds me of the building Scientology bought in Amsterdam. It doesn’t have the ‘class’ some other org buildings have:
The next step on The Bridge should be the Kool-aid Rundown.
The next step on the Bridge should be jumping off!
That’s the EP!
I’d rather see a Dismantle-the-Berlin-Wall rundown. 🙂
I was in Germany for the real thing (stationed in Frankfurt at the time). A Scientology version would involve a lot less Bowie, a lot less Sex Pistols, a lot less beer, and a lot less fun, joy, and relief. Fuck that.
Then what they need is a Beer Rundown with Queen.
Isn’t the Kool-Aid Rundown mandatory?
I’m taking about the real one.
So was I….
There are several people’s names who appear on the Denver list as many as 5 times, if you remove these duplicates, the overall list of names shrinks considerably, and this is supposed to be an ideal org? It is indeed proof that spending millions on fancy new buildings and milliions more fitting them out doesn’t work, this is no better than non ideal orgs I’ve seen completions for recently.
And if you then remove the “book courses” (are these basic course room or correspondence courses?) there go another 14 names from the list. Thank goodness for “The Basics” — Hallelujah!
The problem is that the one person who is repeated five times will be thier “proof” to the Kool-Aid mob of GAT II Grades being done in checksheet time, and promote it.
Gimpy: Ms. Hexamer lived up to her name and did six courses. They sure saw her coming. Maybe Dave the Devil will create a special Silver Hexatorius Patron award with Honours to commemorate her empty six-pocketed wallet.
I believe the guys who donate over a million get The Vasectomy Moribund Medal for donating their balls to the cause.
What strikes me (ignoring the sidewalk renos) is the location. Basil is a beautiful city. This area is industrial on the edge of residential and must be on the outskirts outside the city. It’s undiscoverable. Seems to be a common theme with Ideal Orgs. Good luck on clearing the neighborhood Dave. Much less Basil.