To me, all that was missing was the heavily emphasized clunking mental sound from the theme of the ‘Terminator’ series.
Scientology has nothing but its own past, which by the way, is composed of deceptive, but intentionally manufactured lies all served with a big twist of corruption. So, the robot minds of those cognition junkies get all a smother of self inducing delusions of grandeur written into the advertising of Scientology. You and I know it doesn’t work, makes one nauseas and is nothing more than a cult recruitment project repeating itself, but that is ALL they have. At the end of the day… Scientology is as dumb as a post.
I have a tackle box full of deceptive devices, many of steel and feather, plus lures of all kinds & varieties but funny thing is I generally settle for a few favorites mainly because often I can’t be bothered to think about it, I just love being out in the environment. So I just chuck something familiar out there. There’s nearly always an idiot fish or two hanging around if you cast it enough. Best analogy to Scientology’s media I can come with.
All I could think of is how many times was this video rejected by Dave. How many people got in trouble and how many sleepless nights were spent making this video.
I wish *my* organization had these people to constantly churn out the marketing materials the way Scientology does. Just not the marketing message, as there is none.
aaand on another note, the CC Int mag came the other day. These are coming out rather rarely .. and I look at the completions list. (does anyone know how often? it seems like a few months go by in-between, but I could be wrong) (see past history of being wrong for decade)
ONE purif comp. That’s it.
Four SRD comps, one HQS and three Student Hats, 3 Clears.
There were other comps, but just either one or two or a few for each heading.
CC just ain’t on track for winning the Birthday game with these stats.
“With the launch of the Scientology TV channel we are now reaching MILLIONS of new people DAILY. As you can probably imagine, the public’s interest and reach is hitting the roof and we seriously need to man up the Sea Org ranks in order to handle it all.”
That’s a lie, even by their stretched redefinition of words. They already “reach” all the billions of people on the internet, through their websites and YouTube channel. Virtually all DirecTV subscribers have got to be online and “reached” already, so the only new ones they are “reaching” are whatever tiny number of people go channel surfing through the infomercial clutter in the 300s, and happen upon ScnTV at 318.
Members might “imagine” that would be generating public interest – but there’s no sign that it actually is. With the next season of Aftermath coming, the SO might have something to try to “handle,” for what little good it will do them, other than to possibly to keep the remaining sheep and whales in line.
Do I have to be a ScieNutOlgist to book a cabin? Will I get to meet the Sociopathic midget with the fake hair and plastic smile if I go? Will any other Little Beings, like Tom Cruise, be there? Would the cult object to me bring a suitcase full of OT materials onboard that I’ve printed of the Internet for free then and passing them out to other attendees (hostages)?
Do you think COB would object to my renting a billboard near Big Blue and printing an OT III Wall of Fire excerpt along that nasty pic of old man Hubbard and a web address that links to the ?sacred? OT materials? Or maybe that billboard goes up in Clearwater outside Flag. ??
Soon they will not have enough material for 3, then 2, then 1 event – in their ever decreasing little world, that they think is so big and influential ??
They are indeed the worlds worst run real estate holding company ??
That sucked so bad…… very, very bad. Douchebag Miscabage can’t be happy with that. It reminded me of the beginning of every overhyped bad movie and video game in last 10 years. So sad it’s real…….
However, the most important part of rhetoric is supposed to be proof, or logic, or logos, how words get twisted in Hubbard’s world and DM’s trying to make scientology the greatest show on earth. LOL
DM and Hubbard never really produced a “clear” or “OT”, oh the rhetoric and sublime!
OMG this is where they got the music. Don’t they have in-house musicians anymore? Isn’t there some giant state of the art recording studio in CW? And some kind of facility in LA?
Chuki, they have a huge Music Studio at Gold and Chick Corea’s old studio in LA. Each with hundreds of channels, both 2″ tape and ProTools. Neve and George Massenburg mix boards. And endless sound stages at the Scientology Media Productions facility. But for some reason most of their music is just recorded on Peter Schless’s old Synclavier sampler. Sometimes they replace horn tracks or do some vocals live but for the most part it is just Peter.
You can imagine his level of creative inspiration after decades in the Hole, or when out being forced to make “music” that meets Dave Miscavige’s demanding “standards”.
The worst example is when Dave had the brilliant idea of having Gold do the music for one of Tom Cruises’ “Mission Impossible” films. Limp Bizkit did a version for one of the films, so Dave thought Gold could do one. This was while Tom was on the Freewinds between the Maiden Voyage Anniversary events and his big Birthday Party. Peter and the Musicians struggled mightily to come up with something, and they would perform it for Dave and Tom in the Starlight Cabaret after a 24 hour scoring stint each day. But both Dave and Tom have completely tin ears and couldn’t say anything except super helpful lines like “no good” or “I’m not feeling it” or “that’s stupid”. It doesn’t help that Limp Bizkit completely butchered the 5/4 time signature and odd phrasing of the original music, so when Peter tried to be true to the Schifrin version with jazz ensemble instrumentation it just grated on the nerves.
Needless to say there was never a Golden Era Musicians version of the Mission Impossible theme. A bridge too far even for Ethan Hunt.
Yep, this says virtually nothing at all. Pure propaganda. The “buildup” of expectations, which are promised to be “spectacular”. Pre-programming minds to be bamboozled with more bullshit.
Which works, fooling millions to the non-message, non-results, non-expectations actually delivered, just false and fabricated “statistics”. Just pure hype, hysteria and mass brainwashing.
Humans are actually incredibly easy to fool. It’s all smoke and mirrors, deflection and distraction form real facts, real results, real truths. Politics and religion are especially good at this, and so are all cults like Scientology (practice makes perfect – rinse, wash, repeat, it works).
Hard to believe that anyone would fall for this bullshit, but apparently they do. I mean no disrespect to the victims of Scientology, but cults prey upon victims and churn out reams of new ones.
Damaged people are particularly susceptible to cult programming. This is not to say they’re weak or anything like they, they’ve been hurt and are generally sincerely seeking answers. Cults prey upon these people like the predators that they are, promising them the moon and ultimately delivering nothing but pain and heartache.
It’s just the Scientologists aren’t aware of LRH’s postulates, specifically they aren’t aware of the “LRH Affirmations” and my current favorite is the letter from LRH to Helen O’Brien with a couple doozy LRH postulates:
“….I await your reaction on the religion angle. In my opinion, we couldn’t get worse public opinion than we have had or have less customers with what we’ve got to sell. A religious charter would be necessary in Pennsylvania or NJ to make it stick. But I sure could make it stick…..”
If I were ever to meet anyone who told me they were in Scientology, after learning what I know now about Scientology, I’d keep a distance from them. Reading about what they do, I swing back and forth between laughing and being appalled. I’m glad people have escaped their clutches.
A tool or defense against Scientologists who might try to harass or pester or get into your face with their one sided questions (“What are your crimes?”) is to USE THE TABOO words that will shut them down just like garlic shuts down vampires and makes vampires cringe and back off:
a) “Xenu” (and simply say “Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, and you guys can’t even admit this publicly, you are censoring yourselves and you don’t realize who self censored and lack of human rights you are!”)
b) “body-thetans” (and simply say “You aren’t even told that Xenu is the ancient 75 million year ago bad guy who caused the “Wall of Fire” and he caused all the implanting of the dead souls that Xenu mass murdered at the Wall of Fire incident in the volcanoes like the volcano on the Dianetics book, you don’t even know that. YOu don’t even know that on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 you do exorcism, secret exorcism, of all the “body-thetans” stuck to your body, and today’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are a whole lot of exorcism of the “body-thetans” that Xenu caused to infest your body! We know that, and you guys are self censoring yourself from even knowing your charade religion.”)
The solution, always, to pestering Scientologists, is switch the subject to Xenu and Xenu’s causing “body-thetans” to infest everyone’s bodies, and that OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is about exorcising those “body-thetans!”
Even PIs, just tell the PIs the Xenu story and about how “body-thetans” came about, and what OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is and that Scientology is hiding these facts from the beginners of the movement.
IT is huge censorship, and these people run from hearing the above, so USE the taboo words to your advantage!!!
Much ado about literally nothing. All sturm without any drang. But a trailer with important music behind it must mean something genuine is afoot doesn’t it? I said, doesn’t it? Hello?
I just read some comments from Leah Remini about Season 3 and I just want to say I find it absolutely thrilling that she is now talking about real changes in the way that people are now questioning this cult. What a fabulous turnaround. Mike and Leah have been able to take a bunch of lemons and turn them into lemonade. So much better than Kool Aid!
“In Season 3, Remini says the focus of the series is the shift to what will happen when the authorities become involved.”
It is so thrilling for me to see that thanks to Leah & Mike (and many others) we are now beginning to see the “tipping point” where the authorities may now finally get involved and we may soon see a real shift in the public response to this cult/scam. Just like the fall of Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, these societal changes can take a long time to happen. But once they start, the response is like an avalanche.
Like many of you, I’m sure that I will be thrilled to the max on the day that MisterCabbage finds himself in handcuffs and on his way to prison. When that happens, it may even signal the reunification of so many families that have been destroyed.
Congrats to Mike and Leah. We have not yet even begun to see the destruction of this cult. But it feels like it’s coming up real soon now and “The sooner the better”!
I look at something like that and have to wonder if scientologists actually find such things inspiring, or have become blase’ about that type of hype after being subjected to it for so long – with nothing to show for it in the real world, though reality-checks (and fact-checks) definitely seem to escape them.
And I see all the quotes are attributed to “OT Ambassador” with no names provided – typical of the “wins” stories that scientologists are required to provide, they are both meaningless and predictable.
Actually, the KKK don’t appear to be embarrassed anymore about who and what they are anymore. From what I’m reading, they’re thrilled to have a POTUS who “speaks” to them, and has given them “a voice”. The little dears..
Um sure. If you red between the lines all the emotions they say the preso will make you feel are the exact opposite of what most people still in the cult are feeling now…
I tried to read it as a person who would be interested, I am not, but it goes by too fast to read the whole thing at a normal rate. What is it? Do they have a 45 second time limit.
“Bring a friend.” Right. First of all, who would want to subject one of these snorefests to their friend(s), and then who would want to subject their friend(s) to the nonsense they’re going to get about who they are before actually being allowed to come in and waste the rest of their time on utter bullshit.
Warning to earphone-wearers: it will leave you deafened. I’m going to be keeping a sharp look-out for any signs of a hearing-aid on Miscavige from now on…
LRH can hear the music. In his higher ectoplasmic state he’s everywhere. LRH reads our every thought and then stores them on his infinitely indexed quantum memory bank. That beautiful purpled sunset on the high seas somewhere near Japan last night? It was painted by LRH.
The Fleecewinds has finally been cleared to a case of epic staticness.
The last remaining occupants, 2 brown rats, jumped on the quai and are now scouting target 2 in Willemstad.
Hip,Hip,Hip eh bloop.
All too reminiscent of the absolutely mind numbing palaver that ran for hours at every “event” I attended. Routinely most other folks would stand and applaud at times and I would reluctantly join them so none of the GO or OSA watchers planted on the perimeter would attack me when I left. The fact that this was the only thing I ever took away from events added to the pile of reasons to walk away completely. The video today serves to remind me I made the right choice indeed. Whew! So, so glad I woke up and left.
Glenn, thanks for sharing your experience. I wonder how much “pluralistic ignorance” is at work in these situations, the way it is in many other aspects of Scientology – a large number of people aren’t really getting anything out of it, but everyone assumes that they must be virtually the only one, plus of course of course there’s the extra reinforcement that any scientologist who spoke up would be punished somehow.
“Or, listen, bring an actual enemy.of yours, or of Scientology. Its fine. No kidding! Anyone. A journalist! Some shrink you might know or drug salesman for Big Pharma. All fine! Forget about bringing a friend, that’s too hard, we get it. . Besides after being in so long you probably don’t have any…don’t worry about friends. You can bring someone you can’t stand and who hates you too. The dry cleaning guy who never got the mayonnaise stain out of your new silk tie and charged you anyway. That babysitter you’d never let near your kid again. Any employee of yours, on threat of getting fired if they don’t show AND/OR with the promise of a raise if they do show. Its also OK to bring a total stranger! If you’re a woman, go to the nearest bar and promise some guy easy sex if he’ll just accompany you to this thing. Frankly, we don’t give a damn WHO you bring,or HOW you get them here! Just apply “The Supreme Test” and MAKE IT GO RIGHT! Bring SOMEone cuz we’re DYIN’ here! DYIN’, ya got that?? Thank you!”
Yes, the sound track fits Pirates of the Caribbean. Pure hyperbole. And scientologists compare to pirates. They roam the high seas stealing everything they can.
Spiritual and financial marauders.
WOW! That was spectacular. I just dropped everything, including my jaw on the keyboard, and signed up for all 3 weeks. To hell with my family and the rest of life.
Are you friggin’ kidding me?!
These people must be bloody contortionists, what with how they’re able to blow so much smoke up their own backsides.
I’d be embarrassed. And they should be.
Here’s Amway rhetoric on a similar note:
similar to DM and Hubbard scientology religion?
I got a bridge to total freedom to sell you.
To me, all that was missing was the heavily emphasized clunking mental sound from the theme of the ‘Terminator’ series.
Scientology has nothing but its own past, which by the way, is composed of deceptive, but intentionally manufactured lies all served with a big twist of corruption. So, the robot minds of those cognition junkies get all a smother of self inducing delusions of grandeur written into the advertising of Scientology. You and I know it doesn’t work, makes one nauseas and is nothing more than a cult recruitment project repeating itself, but that is ALL they have. At the end of the day… Scientology is as dumb as a post.
I have a tackle box full of deceptive devices, many of steel and feather, plus lures of all kinds & varieties but funny thing is I generally settle for a few favorites mainly because often I can’t be bothered to think about it, I just love being out in the environment. So I just chuck something familiar out there. There’s nearly always an idiot fish or two hanging around if you cast it enough. Best analogy to Scientology’s media I can come with.
“BE THERE” The most over used command. They could just the time and place with the Command!
All I could think of is how many times was this video rejected by Dave. How many people got in trouble and how many sleepless nights were spent making this video.
I wish *my* organization had these people to constantly churn out the marketing materials the way Scientology does. Just not the marketing message, as there is none.
aaand on another note, the CC Int mag came the other day. These are coming out rather rarely .. and I look at the completions list. (does anyone know how often? it seems like a few months go by in-between, but I could be wrong) (see past history of being wrong for decade)
ONE purif comp. That’s it.
Four SRD comps, one HQS and three Student Hats, 3 Clears.
There were other comps, but just either one or two or a few for each heading.
CC just ain’t on track for winning the Birthday game with these stats.
Oh dear, oh bother.
actual wording from a letter from the SO:
“With the launch of the Scientology TV channel we are now reaching MILLIONS of new people DAILY. As you can probably imagine, the public’s interest and reach is hitting the roof and we seriously need to man up the Sea Org ranks in order to handle it all.”
ooooooh yah….I can just iMagInE…!!!
That’s a lie, even by their stretched redefinition of words. They already “reach” all the billions of people on the internet, through their websites and YouTube channel. Virtually all DirecTV subscribers have got to be online and “reached” already, so the only new ones they are “reaching” are whatever tiny number of people go channel surfing through the infomercial clutter in the 300s, and happen upon ScnTV at 318.
Members might “imagine” that would be generating public interest – but there’s no sign that it actually is. With the next season of Aftermath coming, the SO might have something to try to “handle,” for what little good it will do them, other than to possibly to keep the remaining sheep and whales in line.
Oh, and thanks for sharing that doozy with us….
Do I have to be a ScieNutOlgist to book a cabin? Will I get to meet the Sociopathic midget with the fake hair and plastic smile if I go? Will any other Little Beings, like Tom Cruise, be there? Would the cult object to me bring a suitcase full of OT materials onboard that I’ve printed of the Internet for free then and passing them out to other attendees (hostages)?
Do you think COB would object to my renting a billboard near Big Blue and printing an OT III Wall of Fire excerpt along that nasty pic of old man Hubbard and a web address that links to the ?sacred? OT materials? Or maybe that billboard goes up in Clearwater outside Flag. ??
Sacred OT materials. Ha ha ha ha ha!! Scientology is so cringeworthy. It really deserves all the ridicule it gets.
That people waste their lives on such rubbish is unbearable to all decent humans.
Soon they will not have enough material for 3, then 2, then 1 event – in their ever decreasing little world, that they think is so big and influential ??
They are indeed the worlds worst run real estate holding company ??
That sucked so bad…… very, very bad. Douchebag Miscabage can’t be happy with that. It reminded me of the beginning of every overhyped bad movie and video game in last 10 years. So sad it’s real…….
Maybe they can recycle that crap as a promo piece for Tom Cruise’s next film, Midlife Crisis 7, or whatever the hell it’s called.
… ?
I get it, Miscavige.
You may as well piss scientology’s donor money on orchestral swelling scores, because nothing else you do seems to work. (You freakin’ child.)
pure rhetoric and sublime in that ad.
However, the most important part of rhetoric is supposed to be proof, or logic, or logos, how words get twisted in Hubbard’s world and DM’s trying to make scientology the greatest show on earth. LOL
DM and Hubbard never really produced a “clear” or “OT”, oh the rhetoric and sublime!
I hate the music, it inspired me to shut it down. Thank you.
OMG this is where they got the music. Don’t they have in-house musicians anymore? Isn’t there some giant state of the art recording studio in CW? And some kind of facility in LA?
Wow. Good find.
Good catch! The cult rips off other people’s artwork all the time, so why not music?
Chuki, they have a huge Music Studio at Gold and Chick Corea’s old studio in LA. Each with hundreds of channels, both 2″ tape and ProTools. Neve and George Massenburg mix boards. And endless sound stages at the Scientology Media Productions facility. But for some reason most of their music is just recorded on Peter Schless’s old Synclavier sampler. Sometimes they replace horn tracks or do some vocals live but for the most part it is just Peter.
You can imagine his level of creative inspiration after decades in the Hole, or when out being forced to make “music” that meets Dave Miscavige’s demanding “standards”.
The worst example is when Dave had the brilliant idea of having Gold do the music for one of Tom Cruises’ “Mission Impossible” films. Limp Bizkit did a version for one of the films, so Dave thought Gold could do one. This was while Tom was on the Freewinds between the Maiden Voyage Anniversary events and his big Birthday Party. Peter and the Musicians struggled mightily to come up with something, and they would perform it for Dave and Tom in the Starlight Cabaret after a 24 hour scoring stint each day. But both Dave and Tom have completely tin ears and couldn’t say anything except super helpful lines like “no good” or “I’m not feeling it” or “that’s stupid”. It doesn’t help that Limp Bizkit completely butchered the 5/4 time signature and odd phrasing of the original music, so when Peter tried to be true to the Schifrin version with jazz ensemble instrumentation it just grated on the nerves.
Needless to say there was never a Golden Era Musicians version of the Mission Impossible theme. A bridge too far even for Ethan Hunt.
Yep, this says virtually nothing at all. Pure propaganda. The “buildup” of expectations, which are promised to be “spectacular”. Pre-programming minds to be bamboozled with more bullshit.
Which works, fooling millions to the non-message, non-results, non-expectations actually delivered, just false and fabricated “statistics”. Just pure hype, hysteria and mass brainwashing.
Humans are actually incredibly easy to fool. It’s all smoke and mirrors, deflection and distraction form real facts, real results, real truths. Politics and religion are especially good at this, and so are all cults like Scientology (practice makes perfect – rinse, wash, repeat, it works).
Hard to believe that anyone would fall for this bullshit, but apparently they do. I mean no disrespect to the victims of Scientology, but cults prey upon victims and churn out reams of new ones.
Damaged people are particularly susceptible to cult programming. This is not to say they’re weak or anything like they, they’ve been hurt and are generally sincerely seeking answers. Cults prey upon these people like the predators that they are, promising them the moon and ultimately delivering nothing but pain and heartache.
Making LRH’s postulates stick.
It’s just the Scientologists aren’t aware of LRH’s postulates, specifically they aren’t aware of the “LRH Affirmations” and my current favorite is the letter from LRH to Helen O’Brien with a couple doozy LRH postulates:
From that LRH letter, my favorite section reads:
“….I await your reaction on the religion angle. In my opinion, we couldn’t get worse public opinion than we have had or have less customers with what we’ve got to sell. A religious charter would be necessary in Pennsylvania or NJ to make it stick. But I sure could make it stick…..”
LRH: “….I sure could make it stick….”
Chuck…. Wow wow wow wow! The Affirmations… The coverups, the cult paying for the originals..Just stunning.
Thank you for this.
If I were ever to meet anyone who told me they were in Scientology, after learning what I know now about Scientology, I’d keep a distance from them. Reading about what they do, I swing back and forth between laughing and being appalled. I’m glad people have escaped their clutches.
Dear Patty Q.
A tool or defense against Scientologists who might try to harass or pester or get into your face with their one sided questions (“What are your crimes?”) is to USE THE TABOO words that will shut them down just like garlic shuts down vampires and makes vampires cringe and back off:
a) “Xenu” (and simply say “Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, and you guys can’t even admit this publicly, you are censoring yourselves and you don’t realize who self censored and lack of human rights you are!”)
b) “body-thetans” (and simply say “You aren’t even told that Xenu is the ancient 75 million year ago bad guy who caused the “Wall of Fire” and he caused all the implanting of the dead souls that Xenu mass murdered at the Wall of Fire incident in the volcanoes like the volcano on the Dianetics book, you don’t even know that. YOu don’t even know that on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 you do exorcism, secret exorcism, of all the “body-thetans” stuck to your body, and today’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are a whole lot of exorcism of the “body-thetans” that Xenu caused to infest your body! We know that, and you guys are self censoring yourself from even knowing your charade religion.”)
The solution, always, to pestering Scientologists, is switch the subject to Xenu and Xenu’s causing “body-thetans” to infest everyone’s bodies, and that OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is about exorcising those “body-thetans!”
Even PIs, just tell the PIs the Xenu story and about how “body-thetans” came about, and what OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is and that Scientology is hiding these facts from the beginners of the movement.
IT is huge censorship, and these people run from hearing the above, so USE the taboo words to your advantage!!!
So has “being inspired” taken the place of getting up the bridge?
Just watched the video.
Absolute drivel!
Bursting with something, but it won’t be pride.
Much ado about literally nothing. All sturm without any drang. But a trailer with important music behind it must mean something genuine is afoot doesn’t it? I said, doesn’t it? Hello?
I just read some comments from Leah Remini about Season 3 and I just want to say I find it absolutely thrilling that she is now talking about real changes in the way that people are now questioning this cult. What a fabulous turnaround. Mike and Leah have been able to take a bunch of lemons and turn them into lemonade. So much better than Kool Aid!
“In Season 3, Remini says the focus of the series is the shift to what will happen when the authorities become involved.”
It is so thrilling for me to see that thanks to Leah & Mike (and many others) we are now beginning to see the “tipping point” where the authorities may now finally get involved and we may soon see a real shift in the public response to this cult/scam. Just like the fall of Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, these societal changes can take a long time to happen. But once they start, the response is like an avalanche.
Like many of you, I’m sure that I will be thrilled to the max on the day that MisterCabbage finds himself in handcuffs and on his way to prison. When that happens, it may even signal the reunification of so many families that have been destroyed.
Congrats to Mike and Leah. We have not yet even begun to see the destruction of this cult. But it feels like it’s coming up real soon now and “The sooner the better”!
I look at something like that and have to wonder if scientologists actually find such things inspiring, or have become blase’ about that type of hype after being subjected to it for so long – with nothing to show for it in the real world, though reality-checks (and fact-checks) definitely seem to escape them.
And I see all the quotes are attributed to “OT Ambassador” with no names provided – typical of the “wins” stories that scientologists are required to provide, they are both meaningless and predictable.
They are trying to counter the fact that no one in their right mind wants to publicly admit they are a Scientologist. The KKK has a similar problem.
Actually, the KKK don’t appear to be embarrassed anymore about who and what they are anymore. From what I’m reading, they’re thrilled to have a POTUS who “speaks” to them, and has given them “a voice”. The little dears..
I couldn’t have said it better myself!!
Mat, I have seen more pubic, open displays by KKK members on TV than by scamologists in the last decade. That REALLY tells ya something.
Um sure. If you red between the lines all the emotions they say the preso will make you feel are the exact opposite of what most people still in the cult are feeling now…
I tried to read it as a person who would be interested, I am not, but it goes by too fast to read the whole thing at a normal rate. What is it? Do they have a 45 second time limit.
For a second I thought I was going to see a movie trailer.
Something like Starship Troopers IX or Michael Bay Explosiongasm.
WOW . . . I am SO INSPIRED . . . NOT ! ! !
Dave F.
I could not listen too it
It Restimulated and enturbulated me too much
The Fleecewinds
Where you check in
But can’t get out
Meaning less quotes, unattributed. same drivel over and over.
“Bring a friend.” Right. First of all, who would want to subject one of these snorefests to their friend(s), and then who would want to subject their friend(s) to the nonsense they’re going to get about who they are before actually being allowed to come in and waste the rest of their time on utter bullshit.
Warning to earphone-wearers: it will leave you deafened. I’m going to be keeping a sharp look-out for any signs of a hearing-aid on Miscavige from now on…
Only an Ideal Golden Age of Tech hearing aid will do for DMs Do
Great music. If only LRH could hear it on faraway target 2.
LRH can hear the music. In his higher ectoplasmic state he’s everywhere. LRH reads our every thought and then stores them on his infinitely indexed quantum memory bank. That beautiful purpled sunset on the high seas somewhere near Japan last night? It was painted by LRH.
“Get inspired, get energized, get informed,” but above all, get FLEECED.
It inspired a “movement” alright.
Wait. I thought they had a whole studio (two of them actually) to produce moving pictures that would eclipse what Hollywood could/can do?
This looks like something my daughter created in her High School senior year on the Yearbook Team.
Or maybe it was Video 101 class?
In 2007.
In a word, ‘HORSEFROCKEY”!.
This looks like something a middle school class put together while learning how to create online presentations
I only have one thing to say here – OY!!!!
The Fleecewinds has finally been cleared to a case of epic staticness.
The last remaining occupants, 2 brown rats, jumped on the quai and are now scouting target 2 in Willemstad.
Hip,Hip,Hip eh bloop.
“The Fleecewinds”. Original or not, this is the first time I’m hearing this one. Best yet!
All too reminiscent of the absolutely mind numbing palaver that ran for hours at every “event” I attended. Routinely most other folks would stand and applaud at times and I would reluctantly join them so none of the GO or OSA watchers planted on the perimeter would attack me when I left. The fact that this was the only thing I ever took away from events added to the pile of reasons to walk away completely. The video today serves to remind me I made the right choice indeed. Whew! So, so glad I woke up and left.
Glenn, thanks for sharing your experience. I wonder how much “pluralistic ignorance” is at work in these situations, the way it is in many other aspects of Scientology – a large number of people aren’t really getting anything out of it, but everyone assumes that they must be virtually the only one, plus of course of course there’s the extra reinforcement that any scientologist who spoke up would be punished somehow.
Bring a friend? Not on your life! You can tell they’re shrinking by the, Bring a friend, line.
“Bring a frenemy”.
“Or, listen, bring an actual enemy.of yours, or of Scientology. Its fine. No kidding! Anyone. A journalist! Some shrink you might know or drug salesman for Big Pharma. All fine! Forget about bringing a friend, that’s too hard, we get it. . Besides after being in so long you probably don’t have any…don’t worry about friends. You can bring someone you can’t stand and who hates you too. The dry cleaning guy who never got the mayonnaise stain out of your new silk tie and charged you anyway. That babysitter you’d never let near your kid again. Any employee of yours, on threat of getting fired if they don’t show AND/OR with the promise of a raise if they do show. Its also OK to bring a total stranger! If you’re a woman, go to the nearest bar and promise some guy easy sex if he’ll just accompany you to this thing. Frankly, we don’t give a damn WHO you bring,or HOW you get them here! Just apply “The Supreme Test” and MAKE IT GO RIGHT! Bring SOMEone cuz we’re DYIN’ here! DYIN’, ya got that?? Thank you!”
Bring a sucka!, Don’t forget to tell he, or she to bring their wallet.
Yes, the sound track fits Pirates of the Caribbean. Pure hyperbole. And scientologists compare to pirates. They roam the high seas stealing everything they can.
Spiritual and financial marauders.
WOW! That was spectacular. I just dropped everything, including my jaw on the keyboard, and signed up for all 3 weeks. To hell with my family and the rest of life.
Are you friggin’ kidding me?!
These people must be bloody contortionists, what with how they’re able to blow so much smoke up their own backsides.
I’d be embarrassed. And they should be.
Wow. That sure seems like an awesome event of whatever it is.