The people desperately in need of following this advice are scientologists themselves.
The lack of kindness demonstrated by scientology in destroying families and relationships is known by the world. It goes on every day.
Their approach to anyone that does not agree with them and speaks their mind is equally renowned: Destroy them utterly. Cost them their jobs. Find what they are seeking to protect and threaten it in order to silence them.
Kindness? Hardly.
When you “discuss the precepts” perhaps you could also discuss how you plan to implement them in your own group.
1) Be kind
2) fool people into thinking we are good
3) enroll them on benevolent entry courses
4) slowly teach them that closing their minds is survival across the dynamics
5) teach them to dehumanize critics
6) teach them that ruin critics utterly is the essence of ethics and salvation of the universe
7) seek actual harm of critics
Welcome to the inconsistent doctrinal mambo jumbo of Hubbard’s insane philosophy
Brian, thank you for a perfect summary of what is CO$’s utterly false PR. I felt the punch, Brian!
Ka-pow ? ?
Isn’t it supremely, insanely odd that the truth is considered suppressive in Scientology?
One of the truths about Hubbard which reveals his delusional unawareness is the fact that he writes opposite instructions, totally conflicting with each other and doesn’t seem to notice the blatant doctrinal inconsistencies.
“Be kind” “love despite all provocation to do otherwise”
“Ruin utterly” “be ruthless” as a leader and harm people and don’t bother the “skipper” with the details.
He either used the optics of benevolence to sell an image or he was so clinically insane he never saw his inconsistencies. Or maybe both.
I hear you. Schizophrenia perhaps? Or whatever it is they’re calling it nowadays…?
You are right on Brian. I believe that LRH searched for a way to monetize his fiction writings and words since the beginning of his life. At some point he discovered that if he lied about something real to get money or fame, like finding a gold mine, he would eventually get caught because there was no gold. However, if he converted his fiction to reality (lies) but stuck with things that could not be disproved (like what happens before and after death) then he was safe from the cops. But, in the 1940’s and 50’s, in his mind, he was never safe from the men in white coats coming to get him and I think that’s why he hated psychiatry so much. He was paranoid about being “certified” and locked up.
Beautifully said Brian.
Hey do you think we should write Kate Carlini and tell her about The Aftermath Foundation?
I have seen the Be Kind t-shirts at Walmart and on Amazon for some time now. Is Scientology claiming this was their idea?
I hope not. Please someone look into this. By the way; after I was declared; my “professional” auditor saw me in the street & started yelling about how I caused the Ex-husband to leave me because I was so awful. Yes very kind indeed
Petlover, so sorry that once you were out you still have this horrible organization haunting you. There is absolutely nothing…nothing remotely kind about this – whatever it is. It’s a horrible, brutal, abusive and the opposite of kind no matter the age their victim.
Love your name! We had some kittens that were huddled in the middle of a yard on some empty property we own. The vet said they were probably only about 4 weeks old. Of course they were bundled up (cuddled, kisses) and we found loving homes for them. So so so adorable and now they are in safe, loving homes.
Thank you for helping tiny helpless kittens, Peggy! Their mother was probably a stray female, not fixed, and herself helpless to prevent getting pregnant via nature regularly taking its course with stray male cats. Very likely that if it was such a female cat this would not have been her first litter. Such stray females have litters every season. Very likely she was bone thin and scrounging to feed herself and as such unable to nourish the babies, so she abandoned them. So wonderful that you cared enough to do what you did!
Believe me Aquamarine, I was just a very tiny bit player in this. Another person took over the care immediately (come to think of it once they were found I don’t think I had much to say about it! 🙂 ) and if you were to try to write how this should have ended it couldn’t be a happier ever after story. Those little rascals are having a ball LOL.
Peggy this made my day. Beautiful story. TY?
Yes! Thanks; you can be sure that no one in the cult of S would take the time or financial actions to save any living thing that didn’t supply “exchange.”
Oh yuk I certainly hope not. I want to know too.
… ofcourse and no one would brush their teeth if it weren’t for the Way to Happiness.
Escorting an elderly lady to & from the bank to withdraw money for ‘auditing’, Public scientology family putting money on account for her then demarnding she sell property to pay them back and if she doesnt do this she will be disconnected from her son, daughter-in-law & grandchild. This poor old lady is so scared she will never get to see or hear from her family if she doesnt do what they say. Tell me what part of this is ethical, moral or kind. This is happening now and continues. ‘Be kind’ I dont think so. Scientologists are moulded into the most cold hearted people with NO ability to show emotion.
Geezers… seen that sort of stuff occur before. Words escape me for the disgust I feel for the Scientology organization.
Horrific. Truly the most unethical people on the planet!
Be kind…of a flaming hypocrite? One of them advertising things. Almost a guarantee, what ever it says it is, does, can do, fix, alter, alleviate, moderate or cure it is a sure sign it does not.
The CofS needs to word-clear the term ‘kind’ or ‘kindness’. It is clearly a “misunderstood word” for them. Or how about this word; HYPOCRISY?
What do you mean, Mike?
In scientology, kindness is applied RUTHLESSLY, whether the recipient wants it or not.
Only a scientologist knows what others need, and whether it is a jackboot to the neck, or a game of Musical Chair from Hell, damn it, all these SPs need a good dose of scientology kindness.
Like most of Scn, TWTH is intended for OTHER people, not them. They have important work to do. The endless trillions of years depend on them. There are ethics that need to be slammed in.
Kate is ANOTHER scnist who should be using a scn.’org’ @ddresss, but is supporting gmail instead. Has scn NO pride?
“The people desperately in need of following this advice are scientologists themselves.
Truer words can hardly be spoken. Kindness, compassion, empathy and the other higher human emotions are systematically stomped out in scn.
I hope each person writing here will send a Letter to the Editor or the “whistleblower” editor of their newspaper. The steady flow of information to the public needs to happen. Please do use your outrage to the change we are all trying to make. It’s good energy – don’t squander it – think up more places it could go. . .
Hey Scientology…..Seriously….Be KIND?????
Chase ME down….
Follow ME
Harass ME
Picket ME??
Take Pictures of ME because I BLEW, Escaped, LEFT
One Good Turn Deserves Another…….
Wow. Just looking at that Sweeney video and how Mike and Tommy “handled” Sweeney or the insanity of the “Jenny at LAX video” reminds me of just how out of control good scientologist is trained to be, and how they are proud of their actions when they act like that.
I was trained to never be “reasonable”. And in scientology, that meant be as mean to anyone who doesn’t agree with what you are asking them to do as is all humanly possible.
I witnessed people being treated like demi-gods one day then scum you wouldn’t want on the bottom of your shoe the next.
Kind is certainly not part of their vocabulary. Their modus operandi is tp be argumentative. Kirstie Alley, Juliette Lewis, Jenna Elfman and Elisabeth Moss are poster children for what scientology considers kind. *shudder*
HOWever, if you are being contacted by someone in an attempt to “recover” you, being mean, nasty or yelling will not even affect them because that’s what they are subjected to all day every day inside the bubble. The absolute fastest way to shut down a scientologist who is attempting to berate you is to be kind to them. They haven’t experienced it and won’t know how to react.
“Be kind” ?? Is that meant to mean there is something ‘humanly positive’ to Scientology?
Shit… I need some help with this one. I’ve only known the subject since the 80s and every act of kindness related to or concerning Scientology or it’s so called ‘greatest good’ objectives was exploited and turned into either money or a new staff member for the Church; or at bare minimum resolved itself into a series of orders (known as condition formulas or better appreciated by newbies as a spiritual cesspit of ‘statistical worship’) to the detriment of any well intention-ed person who showed kindness towards the Scientology organization or its bs objectives. All roads in Scientology eventually lead to a desperate introversion of, “where or why did things go so wrong?” Scientology, by policy, always says, it’s you!
Kindness is weakness, is the only conclusion I can come to… I guess my ‘weak mind’ keeps demanding evidence aligning to what I see, compared to what I’m told. Being chrome hard just doesn’t cut it for me.
As a Scientologist why would you need such a thing as kindness when every aspect of life is already covered by a reference from L. Ron Hubbard himself… and geezers, look how his life worked out.
The gruesome reality of Scientology is this is how they treat children, adults are already considered fair game.
What kind of world would Scientology be if it followed TWTH. It is one of the most hypocritical groups I’ve ever known. There are members who try to practice the precepts.
It’s not possible and still be a member. Hubbard was not kind. Miscavige is definitely not kind. Narcissists are not kind people.
Good question BK, but it aligns with what the world would be like if politicians told the truth.
Truth and the love of one’s fellow humans has no place where money takes center stage. Scientology would be a good place for our so called leaders to start cleaning house.
Very true. In the case of Scientology we know the truth
BKmole, if scn followed HALF of their own teachings, the Creed for instance, many of us wouldn’t be here taking potshots at scn’s hypocrisy.
True, that.
Jere, that’s true. However Hubbard contradicted himself constantly and Miscavige then reinterprets the whole mess to suit his needs.
Definitely 100% correct on that!!!
Hubbard, himself had “scientology DOESN’T believe in CHARITY” in HIS own writings and of course we know that as scientologist’s lack empathy, compassion, respect and are really totally ignorant due to the propaganda BS they keep being told by Miscavage without any of the above or any kindness they are NOT growing spiritually even though the members are paying a fortune because they think that’s what they are doing when in fact they are being shoved into a set ‘model’ with NONE of their own thoughts, feelings, ideas or opinions which ‘STUNTS’ their emotional, mental and spiritual growth!
Such an EXCELLENT point Mike! As always.
False advertising is a $cientology sacrament.
Oh man! Violations of common sense precepts are the least of its problems as a religion. In my mind, there is a good policy and tech that could be applied that would keep it qualified to call itself a religion. Just imagine if this church ONLY declared truly evil people or people that REALLY DID fit every characteristic of a Suppressive Person. Don’t get me wrong, I think the church ought to get out of the business of declaring anybody anything. I think their stupid little rituals that decide if one is good or how good are ridiculous.
Much to the delusion of those still in, the truth of the matter is that this church couldn’t care less about helping the guy in front of them. At this point, it’s all about helping the church and the image, lifestyle and adulations of and for david miscavige – at all costs and it will do so without pause or remorse to the damage it does to individuals, friendships, families or livelihoods.
There was a Disqus scientologist who was infamous for “her” (group sock account?) vile insults of anyone who disagreed with her cult.
She once thought she had a young woman on the hook, promising genius power for Co$ Study Tech. The scientology person or person was all sweetness until the girl did some research and said she was no longer interested. The Disqus scientologist turned 180 degrees and started hurling her vicious stock-in-trade insults.
Normal people would say “Hey, thanks for you interest. If you change your mind, I’d be happy to help you with understanding what Scientology can do for you.”
But, fortunately, Scientology is its own worst enemy. The potential victim was able to see exactly what scientology is all about due to the recruiter’s inept handling, anything but “kind.”
Keep being UN-Kind, Co$ recruiters! Now THAT’S saving the planet…FROM Scientology
Makes me wonder how they can have personal relationship when kindness, empathy and compassion are not present or are they kind to there spouse or partner, is this different?.
Let me know definitely a question for conversation and views.
I must admit that, while there were some warm hearted and kind people on staff when I was a member, there were also the share of assholes as well. One of the reasons I left Scientology was that this was an environment in which there was no room for error. One little mistake and BOOM! You were done for! Oh, well. I guess thst this is acceptable behavior when you’re part of a group that is ” saving the planet”.
Funny… I read an article this morning about the role of kindness in leadership.
The premise was that kindness promotes trust throughout an organization, fosters innovation, learning, and productivity, and increases employee retention. Fear-based leadership actually depresses productivity, etc.
So, basically the exact opposite of scientology?
It’s amazing how a precept can be applied in a self centered way. Be kind to “us” but not to “them.” “They” don’t deserve kindness because I have labeled them in a negative way and that means I don’t have to be kind to “them.” Sigh.
LRH was not a kind person. He acted like an antichrist often enough to think he was “the” antichrist. He acknowledged that Christian concepts (like kindness) brought us out of human barbarism, but he was quick to explain that his view of life (Scientology) was far superior to these archaic and slightly wrong “Christian” thoughts.
Anyway, Scientologists and a lot of X scientologists are not going to be kind to you when they are trying to do something that does not go their way… it’s not about throwing people to the lions, it’s about an extreme arrogance that LRH created and bolstered in his members. Those that did not agree, like the 1st “clear” John McMaster, were crushed by LRH personally. Many, many others followed. Whatever LRH was, he was not kind.
LRH perfected the way to destroy others’ minds (that didn’t agree with him) with policies like KSW, while at the same time feeding his true believer “slave” members a constant diet of praise for being the top 1% of the world’s population. This justified harming anyone who stood in LRH’s way.
It takes a real conscious effort to be a “kind” scientologist or a kind X scientologist. Kindness and Scientology are a contradiction in terms. I believe there are no significant social redeeming qualities in Scientology and therefore it should not be financially supported by any government. The US should rescind the tax exempt status of Scientology and call it a money making enterprise.
Yes to all
Just working out how to use the reply .
My question is if they are not kind , lack empathy no compassion how do they sustain personal relationship or do there relationships suffer too.
Great comment Robert. Of all the exes I have gotten to know a bit, , some are so very kind, and some can’t quite get there yet. Some I really genuinely like and I’m surprised by the great sense of humor by most. I really like my ex scientologist friends and I think some are actually kind souls. Just an observation. ☺
The ecclesiastical leader could Method 2 Word Clear the booklet, then, because of his dense mind and his dark soul, he can continue with a Method 9 W/C, clay demo every precept and get False Data on it as well.
The Word Clearer has to be extremely patient as it may take a very, very, very long time to get through miscabage’s perverted mind.
I think we all know these precepts are not meant to be used by scientologists in every day behaviour – just to get people to do what the scientologist needs at that moment – such as arriving to be a stat. How can you get someone to part with his money unless you temporarily display kindness? Duh!
Scientology uses this tactic “be kind” to trap people into the cult. It is part of the love bombing manipulation the staff use daily and it works.
They sure fooled me.
When I walked in – a Wog, middle aged, a successful businessman, just trying to get some of that “life improvement” propaganda they peddle…..they were VERY KIND to me.
They came to my house, my business and the staff all offered to help me wherever they could.
It was unreal. I thought I had found the perfect church…real honest help.
Then they asked me to read “What is Scientology” and that book solidified the deal. I was totally hooked. I thought I found the perfect religion.
Boy, was I wrong.
I went up the Bridge to Total Freedom. I learned the entire thing was nothing but a con and a scam. The love bombing wore off as soon as they had money on account.
I had spent my entire life savings going up Scientology’s Bridge only to obtain a state of total confusion. My life was a mess; divorced and broke.
The Church told me I needed more Auditing. What I needed was to get out of that cult and get around real honest people. My family tried to tell me the truth about L Ron Hubbard and Scientology but the Staff convinced me to do the PTS / SP course. That made me think my family were a bunch of SP’s – suppressive person’s. Evil people – like Adolph Hitler.
It worked – I thought maybe they were SP’s on the whole track.
I left when I received Debbie Cook’s email and then I went searching for the truth.
I looked in the place Scientology feared most – the internet.
Hallelujah! I struck gold. I found the truth about the criminal L Ron Hubbard and his very evil cult called Scientology.
I also found out that the book ‘What is Scientology’ was written for religious cloaking purposes. It was all a ruse.
I did Scientology and I now know they don’t follow their own precepts. They destroy members while justifying their crimes daily. They harm families and actually don’t help anyone.
I hope they get shut down.
Wog that is one of the best testimonials I’ve heard about Scientology. Brief and to the point. So glad you’re out and able to share your experience. I wish every scion still in the bubble would read this
Thanks Sandy – I have total conceptual understanding now of WHAT Scientology IS and what it is NOT. It does nothing but harm people by confusing them and conditioning them into putting up with abuse, manipulation and extortion.
I am going to be an SP to Scientology now. They really pissed me off. Talk about a rip off and a scam.
Thanx for sharing that!
I love your post, Wog. Yes scientology fears the internet, but it fears members who decide to think for themselves even more. Congratulations on getting out.
Typical. Disseminate to others how they can show the principles of TWTH. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain #being unkind.
Back in 1980 or so when Way to Happiness was the rage, I did the Happiness Rundown extra thoroughly, audited.
Precept 20 then and now, of Way to Happiness, would be grounds to revise all of Hubbard’s non-Precept 20 principles and rules.
In 1980 I thought there was going to be a thorough fixing of the movement to align with the Way to Happiness.
That never happened, obviously.
I’m unclear still on the virtuous way to expose Scientology’s quackery other than just define it all and lay out the history of the movement’s behaviors and beliefs.
Precept 20 was the best that Hubbard ever wrote though, parts of that precept which cover the virtues.
But the whole major practice of Scientology is pseudo-therapy-quackery and exorcism of space-alien souls that supposedly infest our bodies today.
The practice of Scientology just cannot be taken seriously, and it flies into the face of Precept 20.
Quit fast.
Chuck, I I also was “in” in ’80, though didn’t experience TWTH while I was at Flog; in fact, that was when the disconnect between what he SAID and what he did and directed others to do hit home hard which was why I forever put CW in the rear view mirrors and haven’t looked back except to try to catch up with the friends I left behind. I suppose Tubby was also raised with those same values as he plagiarized TWTH from SOMEwhere; that assemblage of platitudes certainly wasn’t part of his life or other writings. Quite the opposite; he went out of his way to violate each one of them regularly; he became a TIGER, in his own words.) All the upper(Christian) human emotions like compassion, empathy, and charity were to him signs of weakness, indications that the holder of which would NOT complete his orders exactly as he wanted them done. He also redefined “reasonable” to outlaw reasonING. We had to accept all his pronouncements without thinking too deeply too deeply about what he really said. At most, we were to think only enough to manufacture some way that the word salad made sense and align it with our other stable data — what we already observed to be true in THIS universe and in THESE human societies. Took a lot of stretching to achieve the latter bit, of course. That we came up with our OWN explanations only drove his precepts further into our psyches, trapped us more tightly than any external force could have. That, I believe, is quite a bit of the reason that my mere decade “in” is still affecting me nearly 40 years later.
65 years as a “christian” in a mostly ‘Christian’ society didn’t do nearly as complete a job of ‘brainwashing’ me (for lack of a better word.) Some “Christian’s” rant that I’m going to Hell affects me not at all. That Tubby couldn’t have delivered his promises even if he’d wanted to DOES affect me still.I get particularly upset when I discover another example of his intentionally lying to mask his malignant intentions and actions. Tubby had no shame, no moral compass, no humanity left in him. Far from a ‘superhuman’, he wasn’t quite human.
Well said Jere. Plagiarized platitudes. I concluded it’s impossible to reform snipe hunting to result in catching the impossible to catch snipe. No amount of Precept 20 reform will reform Scientology’s “OT” snipe hunting.
Gee Chuck… could have quoted “Precept 20” that you referenced throughout your post. Now I have to go out and buy a copy of TWTH just so I can look it up. Oh wait, I forgot that they only sell them by the case. Anybody else need a copy ……?
Valboski, Don’t waste any money. The Precepts are online,
but you inadvertently give TWTH site a visit but they have the full details that follow Precept 20 and those additional details are what I thought ought be the guide to how to reform the cult. But, alas, how can you reform the falseness of “OT” not being produceable, so it’s like an impossible task to even reform Scientology since “OT” isn’t ever produceable. Can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, my final conclusion, so even if one used Precept 20 to reform Scientology, the services of Scientology are a charade false promising con. There’s no way to reform snipe hunting so one catches any snipes, ever.
Sometimes I think that what CO$ really wants it to clear the planet of kindness, joy and laughter. What a bunch of harsh, nasty people. Seriously, I’ve been called more names by Scientologists in the last year than I did all through elementary school!
See what I mean???
There is a delay in seeing any post, if that is what you mean? Mike reads them first.
I make comments now and then, Mike, but they no longer post. Was I a bad person somewhere along the line?
thegman77, I’m not Mike, but I haven’t seen you post anything ‘bad’. Since Mike (or someone) seems to be moderating each post, I don’t expect to see them immediately. Used to see :’your post is awaiting moderation’, but it seems Discus has changed its software and doesn’t do that anymore. Also, no more do I have 5 minutes to change my mind and re-edit my post.
Also thought we could upvote comments;Now I see ‘Loading…’ where I expect “+1” to be. These might be options the blogger can turn on and off. If so, my vote is to see them again.
thegman77: that I’m responding means *I* saw your post 😉
They should wear #BeCrazy