It seems the wheels are coming off the Ideal Org bandwagon.
This from the land of superhype, where unreality is the norm and the KoolAid flows freely.- the “First Ideal Continent” springing forth from the Miscavige Minions of PAC.
Even with the Grand re-re-reopenings set for this weekend the lustre of the “Ideal Orgs” seems to have worn awfully thin. (As a note about this weekend, it occurred to me to wonder what Dear Leader is going to do for makeup on Sunday — his normal high-priced makeup artist Bruce has no doubt been booked for the Academy Awards for many months which probably has something to do with why there was so much resistance to changing the date?)
The Valley Allstars raised a monumental 0? Right there in KoolAid land. But its OK, they were not alone, the 101st Airbone (really?), the Mavericks, Warriors, Conquistadors and Tornadoes all joined in their enthusiasm. And the Stallions (seems like this should be the Valley moniker, after all its most famous export is porn), made a measly 5 points (probably $5000). Who knows what “bonus” points are….
But if this is the “First Ideal Continent” as they keep announcing, how bad must things be in the rest of the world?
I really wonder how much longer Dear Leader can keep flogging this dead sheep?
If this is a “sprint” I wonder how their long-term planning is going?
Re: Deep Six, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:02 am
Analyzing this topic from the viewpoint of (scientific) statistics and data modeling opens the door to a systematic solution to assigning the right Scn Ethics Conditions.
In order to apply the Scn Ethics Condition to a stat, the stat should measure something which the owner of the stat has intrinsic stable KRC to what the stat is measuring.
So, the stat to which apply the Conditions should be the adjusted raw data. The adjustment should be done taking into account the random, spurious and extrinsic factors which are not due to the intrinsic stable KRC of the owner of the stat. There are a lot of statistical and data modeling methods to figure out the random, spurious and extrinsic factors, and how to do the raw data adjustment.
Deep Six pointed out good examples of spurious and extrinsic factors which lead to wrong Condition assignment.
When there is a good stat (adjusted raw data) which measures the intrinsic stable KRC of the owner of the stat, the right Scn Ethic Conditions can be systematically applied, instead of frequently applying the wrong Conditions.
(I already commented on this topic:
MaBű, Dec 22, 2013 at 5:04 pm: Adjusted raw data modeling:
MaBű, Dec 15, 2013 at 3:18 pm: Intrinsic vs extrinsic: )
Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the above will be understood nor implemented by high school drop-outs (DM and his minions and etc.) or people who believe they don’t need to also know “wog” science.
“This from the land of superhype, where unreality is the norm and the KoolAid flows freely.”
Hey, hey I resemble that remark.
Gotta love the names they picked here.
I mean what twisted mind thinks this shit up?
“The Conquistadors”
That otta play well to the Native American public.
“The 101st Airborne”
Maybe more accurate than they intended. Especially since their objective seems to be to take out the Bridge.
But anyhoo…
What a pathetic showing even for a “sprint”.
I see the Valley Porn Stars are where you’d expect them to be.
In the “Deep Throat” position.
And I guess Debbie really did Dallas because it ain’t showing up on the stats. And I see SFO is MIA.
(Who knows maybe they were taken out by the 101st)
Yeah I remember the ostensible “leader”( when he isn’t pimping for Cruise and reporting Scientologists to the IRS or working for the CIA or short selling Big Pharma with his Stock Brokin’ buddy Matt Flashback) of the Church of Squirrilotology saying that regarding “Ideal Orgs” gradients didn’t apply (even though it says right in the policy that they do but what the hell does Ron know anyway) in one of the few international events I got rooked into.
Good thing I was waaay in the back in the nose bleed section of the Shrine because me and my wife just sat there in shocked disgust while almost every body else was clapping like a bunch a trained seals.
Guess I missed the “why” that no one was supposedly doing enough (yeah like most staff and SO were only working 24/7 for a pittance while Dave was going on high priced junkets with his BFF Tom.) while Dilettante Dave was trading paper on the NYSE.
But anyhoo….
I’m sure they’re going to grab a bunch of RPF and dress ’em up with the latest fashions from Good Will. Do a casting call for any out of work actors (who will be looking longingly down the street at the Academy Awards crowd saying to themselves “maybe next year”) while pretending to be interested in what the overdressed mannequin has to say.
Dallas and SFO have their ideal morgues already
Silly me,
I thought this had something to do with the actual Birthday Game.
Thanks for putting me straight Mike 😉
Damn, you’re good RV!
In stitches about the nose bleed section in the Shrine, thank you! 🙂
Nothing to add except your last para re dressed up RPFers reminded me of the PAC RPF in ’96 where they forbade the female genre to apply make-up so we would be less of a distraction to the guys. Since this was stupid and not per any LRH ref I kept right on applying my make-up, which then got forcefully removed from my eye-lids by some delegated RPF’ RPF police pinning my body down on the floor to remove the ‘forbidden substance’.
Of course when media showed up we had ORDER to put ON make-up to show the media/world how good
looking and happy we were on our ‘Rehabilitation Program’
First there was the Finance Police and then I guess they had to come up with the Make up police along with the fashion Police.
Yeah I remember them trying to enforce some kind of Dress Code on course and me refusing to abide by it by asking them where Ron says anything about a dress code in Students Guide to Acceptable Behavior and writing an orders query.
And me once again spending “quality time” in either ethics or qual for refusing to “comply” with yet another arbitrary in the era when All Arbitraries were supposedly canceled.
Well the most brilliant strategy of all whole tracks everywhere and in every dimension is obviously in very very serious trouble. They may, by exerting extreme pressure on some whales end up pulling Valley and Mountain View through, but that is still leaving a significant number of orgs that are going nowhere (in relation to becoming Ideal), even more than 10 years after this strategy was announced and implemented. And so it is the same way in every Cont, probably worse in most Conts. Making all the remaining OTs and whales responsible for all the orgs remaining to go Ideal, is never going to work, as that pool – both people and available cash — is ever shrinking. The leaves SO Reserves, any other orgs’ reserves (those that have them) and IAS’s stash. This probably would be enough to complete the evolution but would then leave all the contributing entities with seriously depleted funds.
Conclusion – it has reached the point of no return. The Ideal Org strategy will never be completed, even at its most basic level of having all orgs in purchased and renovated buildings. In fact the strategy being stupidly wrong in the first place carried the seeds of its own self-generating failure with it, namely the idea that the public could be tricked, lied to, coerced, shamed, swindled and pressured into footing the whole bill. This simply has led to blowing so many people off lines that the pool of available contributors and contributions has dwindled beyond the point of no return.
Brilliant Dave, just brilliant. You are truly an incompetent boob.
And so it is the same way in every Cont, probably worse in most Conts.
WUS is WAY ahead of all the other conts.
EUS has NY, Buf, DC and Nashville. Not close on all the rest.
UK has London.
EU has a few (Berlin, Malmo, Brussels, Madrid, Hamburg and Tel Aviv) but has the most number of orgs. Many countries are not close to having even one, including France.
ANZO has 1. Canada has 1. Africa has 2. Latam has 1.
Re: EU, there are also Moscow and Rome. Most of them were made with “IAS grants” – Brussels, Rome, Madrid, Berlin and Moscow at least. Were it not for the IAS grants to purchase buildings they would have next to nothing at all.
Leah Remini reveals why she left Scientology:
(Msn home page)
Now, it is not all all bleak and down. Yes anybody with some sense understanding the Data Series has spotted the outpoints, found the why and left the building, – but still some make lemonade when the are handed lemons. My Koolaid drinking old buddy Ronald Flate is one of those bright stars. He discovered the business opportunities that cult induced divorces and bankruptcies have to offer.
Busily he has build a monopoly for himself when it comes to Scientology cult related divorces. Working hand in hand with OSA he apparently is the go to guy helping the CO$ and Kool Aid drunken spouses to destroy families and ruin businesses. All with a fine margin for his own bottom line. At $350 per hour he conducts the divorce business and helps executing fair gaming of spouses who are fed up with the cult and want to leave.
I am sure he is applauding at the Grand Re-Opening enthusiastically.The greater the insanity the more clients he gets.
Not sure how he feels at night when he goes to bed, looking back of a days work of creating misery for others.
There is a barracuda Lawyer who will take on Ron Flate with 12″ teeth.
Not a Scientologist ever
Knowledgeable of *Church* tactics and Fair Game and disconnection.
Divorce specialist ~~ 30 years of experience.
Robert Sainburg
Office of Robert Sainburg, Attorneys
Sherman Oaks Galleria – Comerica Building
15303 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 900
Sherman Oaks, California 91403
(818) 550-5001
Fax: 818.550.5008
Skype: robert.sainburg
E-mail: [email protected]
Good to know.
Looks like Ron could get deflated.
Thank you very much.
All I can see after seeing these stats is WELL DONE you resolute, defiant and awesome SP’S!! There were so many lovely SP’s that have successfully SUPRESSED SCIENTOLOGY!! I want to thank each and every one of you!! WELL DONE!! Continue…!
Witless, Compliant, and Destitute.
Why in God’s name would any cult members from St. Louis steal the name 101st Airborne? The 101st is in Kentucky you morons.
Well Lisa, I can only dub in. In this era of massive, straight up and vertical expansion, there are still no orgs in Kentucky (or Arkansas, or Iowa or Indiana or, or, or) so St Louis probably thinks they can take “ownership” of that name, though of course the Nashville “ideal” org is much closer to Fort Campbell than St Loius is. But St. Louis has been small and failing since the 70’s (or maybe 60’s). Nashville has only been small and failing since the 90’s. So I imagine St Louis thinks they “own” everything south of Chicago, west of DC and east of Denver (Kansas City is another relative late comer on the scene).
Well, hell, the Squirrelbusters appropriated the name “SEAL Team 6” (Bwaaaa ha ha ha!) so why not the 101st? Gawd, the thought of Allender and Ed Bryan pretending they’re SEALs is just so barf-inducing.
Our good friend Jan (ED M’View) must be mortified to have to play against the likes of Hawaii, Salt Lake City and the rest of these “small orgs”. M’View looks to be about the same number of staff as they had 25 years ago with many of the same faces. If you’re reading this Jan, just remember what you told me about COB when Lisa & I were out there for our 20th anniversary. As it turns out you were so right. Keep in mind what Bruce Springsteen said: “Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed” Love you, Jan. We are here for you when you’re ready.
101 is their org membership total = 5. (They can only count in binary.)
How off source can you get?
To answer your question, Just Wait!
Tick Tock Tick Tock
I wonder how Dave likes this stuff being shoved in his face every day (or sometimes twice a day). The one thing he will never admit, however, is that it is TOTALLY and UTTERLY his doing and his doing alone. The fact you are writing this blog, the fact that orgs are 99% concentrated on fundraising only, the fact that people are leaving corporate Scn in droves, the fact that staff are miserable, the fact that . . ., it goes on and on. He is the Who and the Why for all of it, even if he has his enablers. The uprisings throughout the world (lately Ukraine and Venezuela) should give him pause. Things can change literally overnight when they begin to tip.
And there is a lot of shit sliding off the coffee tables right now. Davey is severly down in the bow and the sinking feeling is everywhere………………………
Yo Dave,
I’ll see ya on Sunday and don’t forget your umbrella …………………….It’s gonna rain on your parade ya big dufus. BTW, why don’t you take the rest of the day off, you’ve done so much already?
+ 1
As George Takei would say, “Oh Myyy!”
“Long Term Planning”…that’s a good one! During my decompression period I’ve come to the personal conclusion that one of the main things wrong with the Church, or at least one of the main symptoms, is that long-term planning is practically off-policy. At least in the Church of Miscavige.
When the IG Bulletins 22 & 25 came out, if any org ED or Snr C/S had dared to say something like “instead of frantically trying to get all of these targets at the same time and all NOW NOW NOW, we are going to steadfastly work to build the TTC and get one new auditor in the chair every six months, and in 10 years we’ll have a 20-auditor HGC (or something like this), that ED or Snr C/S would almost certainly have been Comm Eved if not Declared for being CI to Command Intention, being defeatist, PTS, and “not working for LRH”.
Yet almost 20 years later one can see that any ED or Snr C/S who would have followed through on such a plan to build it slowly and steadily would — in present time — have the biggest Class V org on the planet. And they could have done it without needing a new building.
There’s something wrong with this.
Also, what most orgs consider “expansion”, businesses in the real world do NOT consider expansion. And this is another example of the Church not demonstrating an understanding what actually is long-term sustainable growth.
In the business world, if you run a big “BUY NOW” which causes customers who would have normally bought your services in three months, to instead buy them now…that’s known as “pulling sales forward”. And in the business world, that is not considered a true up-statistic. That sort of “fake” up-statistic is looked in with skepticism, as there is a very good chance sales will be unusually low the following quarter, because the increase in sales was not accompanied by an actual increase in DEMAND for the services in general.
In an org, if you run around and gather up everyone who could possibly finish a course in the next month, and convince them all to put in tons of extra time so they all finish THIS WEEK…and if you make it happen and everyone finishes…everything takes a huge win and the “stat is up”. And everyone has a party.
But for the next 4 weeks there are zero comps and everyone is assigned Danger or Liability and has to figure out “what they are doing wrong”.
This is an example of ZERO long-term planning. In fact, this is an example of not even understanding the CONCEPT of long-term planning. And this is systemic throughout the Church.
The fact is the C of S is doing NOTHING to increase demand for SCN services. And this is what the public who live in the bubble don’t quite get. For me, realizing that the Church had ceased to communicate to the “outside world” was kind of an important step. Once it occurred to me that the propaganda machine was pointed inward, and was only creating the ILLUSION of increasing demand for SCN services out there in the real world…that opened my eyes to the betrayal that is the Church of Miscavige. The abuse and all that stuff, I could chalk that up to tempers flaring, no big deal. But once I woke up to the CON, that was different.
Running high-profile commercials is fine. But even in the “real world”, an ad campaign only has an effect for a couple months after it stops. And “real” ad campaigns run commercials like EVERY 20 MINUTES for DAYS and WEEKS on end on the MOST POPULAR shows and channels.
SCN public and staff feel like the Church has reached some sort of pinnacle because some commercials ran during the Super Bowl and Olympics. They think everyone in the world now thinks of SCN as “that awesome Church who ran a Super Bowl commercial”. Again….total lack of understanding of the concept “long-term”.
They only people who get into SCN is through personal referral anyway. So in fact, the C of S is actually an MLM, pretending to be a business, which is pretending to be a Church.
Excellent and thoughtful comment Deep Six.
Remember what Dear Leader said when he heralded the “Golden Age of Organization”?
“We don’t build on a gradient, slowly and bit by bit. Our new gradient for organizations is straight up–we do it all and right now.”
He then proceeded to announce another of his patented “whys” that invalidate everyone (like his famous “The blind were leading the blind”) but this time directed to why orgs were failing: “…we found the underlying Why. And that is: They were trying to do too little.”
What an asshole.
Can OSA ask Captain Black Heart David Miscavige how “We don’t build on a gradient, slowly and bit by bit. Our new gradient for organizations is straight up – we do it all and right now!” SEEM TO HIM NOW??? LOL We don’t think he will answer us! Total failure and being nothing is the result of that program!! LOL
For me it was simple (because I didn’t know the darkside) – If you can’t be nice to your customers, you won’t have any. I didn’t know what was going on, but it was quite a shit show, doomed to fail. Good bye.
Yes, this is really an excellent point, especially about the super bowl ads. I always keep track of certain websites on I noticed a slight improvement for 2 weeks following the super bowl, from 83K in the world to 79K, now the rank has dropped back.
I thought it was a good ad, but weak compared to Apple’s latest IPAD ad, which had me thinking about what I wanted my “verse” to be in the world. And the church does take its lead from Apple – just not as good.
I’ve been watching a series on HULU that has repetitive ads offering a free trial month on It’s a fascinating come-on ad. I’ve seen the ad about 50 times and I still enjoy watching it.
Would make more sense to me to pick a show on HULU that the surveyed public really likes to watch and blast it with an offer for a free auditing session.
But I guess that wouldn’t appear that magnanimous and impress the kool-aid crowd.
Mike, exactly. Only COB is allowed to come up with WHYs that don’t open the door to a handling…much less with any regard for “existing resources”.
I remember him using the analogy of session to justify ideal orgs. Saying that you need ALL the points of the session checklist in to keep the PC in session. And orgs audit the 3rd dynamic. And therefore the same concept applies. You have to slam dunk an entire new org in place all at once in order for it work properly. You can’t audit third dynamic with 1/2 an org!! Riiiiiiiiiight.I guess LRH overlooked that part. OOPS.
A little Stevie Wonder seems appropriate:
He’s a man
With a plan
Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Playin’ hard
Talkin’ fast
Makin’ sure that he won’t be the last
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Makes a deal
With a smile
Knowin’ all the time that his lie’s a mile
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Must be seen
There’s no doubt
He’s the coolest one with the biggest mouth
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
If you tell him he’s livin’ fast
He will say what do you know
If you had my kind of cash
You’d have more than one place to go oh
Oou…oou…oou oou…oou…
Any place
He will play
His only concern is how much you’ll pay
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
If he shakes
On a bet
He’s the kind of dude that won’t pay his debt
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
When you say that he’s living wrong
He’ll tell you he knows he’s livin’ right
And you’d be a stronger man
if you took Misstra Know-It- All’s advice oh oh
Oou…oou…oou oou…oou…
He’s a man
With a plan
Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Take my work
Please beware
Of a man that just don’t give a care no
He’s Misstra Know-It-All (Look out he’s coming)
Dum bum bum ba bum bum,
Dum bum bum ba bum bum
Bum bum bum bum bum Say
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Can this line
Take his hand
Take your hat off to the man who’s got the plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Every boy take your hand
To the man that’s got the plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Give a hand to the man
Don’t you know darn well he’s got the super plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Give a hand to the man
You know damn well he’s got the super plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
If we had less of him
Don’t you know we’d have a better land
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
So give a hand to the man
Although you’ve given out as much as you can
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
Check his sound out
He’ll tell it all
You talk too much you worry me to death
He’s Misstra Know-It-All
The only reason that they are not growing is that they need another $25 million from their parishioners.
This excellent comment reminded me of an anecdote by, I think, John Brousseau when he took DM and some others fishing. JB explained how you bait the hook etc and then wait for a bite. “You just f***ing WAIT?” DM was incredulous and apparently expressed His preferred superior tech would be to reach in and grab the fish and beat them to death – or something. In itself not that significant but it shows how He “thinks”. A product, to be a product, must be something you can force, or smash into existence instantly. Anything less, presumably, is “reasonableness” or dilettantism.
HAHA! I remember that anecdote as well.
DM could do better doing real fishing than having all these fishy stats. Know what I’m saying?
Nailed it Deep Six. This is Admin “Tech” at work (or not, as the case may be). Booms and Depressions all the way. Church management is hopelessly trapped in the Thursday at 2 Groundhog Day, the neurotic NOW, never actually able to see a future.
In actual practice, the only way orgs can claim a “boom” (no matter how small) is when it is preceded by a depression. So, in a weird twisted-logic way, orgs need depressions. Life in the Scn bubble, ya gotta love it.
(I can’t tell is this comment was successfully submitted, so I’m re-sending it)
Exactly Statpush. Almost all affluences in SCN are short-term and are the result of backlogs. LRH even says that affluences which are the result of backlogs should not be labeled “Affluence” and the subsequent crash should not be labeled “Danger”. But I certainly never saw that policy applied in orgs.
Every staff member can tell you that their org is NO BIGGER TODAY than it was 10 or 15 years ago. Every staff member knows this. Every Sea Org member knows this. Except for those who haven’t been around that long…which these days is a greater and greater percentage of the whole.
But DM still gets away with saying “more expansion in the last 5 years than in the last 50”.
The Church of MIscavige really is an honest-to-god study in brainwashing.
Well, being “on the ground” during GAT 1, I can say this for certain fact: We started counting stats that didn’t exist (at least, starting at Flag). So, now it’s not just “booms from depressions”, but re-defining stats to increase them.
First, the GAT drills were worth about 5x what the original drills were worth (started counting by question or just flat out padded it by +400 points per drill).
Second, there used to be a “minor comp” and “major comp”. One was worth 1000, the other was…. 2000? We were ordered by Snr CS Int office to count any “certainty courses” or any GAT action as “majors”, even though some of them took less than a course period.
Finally, the re-definition of “auditor made”. This truly sickened me. If you finish theory, that was one auditor made. Finishing practical became another “auditor made”. Not sure how long that went on, but it was followed at Flag for the trainee’s co-audits and levels.
Interesting point of fact: No Flag supervisor who supervised the GAT 1 is anywhere near a tech post (if they aren’t off staff entirely – I believe Vittorio is still kicking around on another post; the rest are out). Of the trainees who helped finish the other OOTs through their programs (highly commended, given With Honors), not a single one is on a tech post, most are now entirely off staff (I believe one is still on staff).
Well said Deep Six. Scientology used to be a fairly well run MLM (multi-level marketing, or a pyramid scam) system. Hubbard started the dying off process when he cut the mission holders out the pie in 81. Since then Miscavige has continued the practice of cutting others out the pie by moving services to the Ideal Orgs and Stupor Powerz in Clearwater. Getting income by delivering actual services has fallen to wayside as you must ‘up your status’ with the IAS before you can do anything else with the church. As those who were best at getting new meat in the door were cut out, they had no incentive to bring the new meat in.
Miscavige has since focused all attention on current members, getting new members has become an impossible task, given the nothing but bad pr CO$ has received in the last 10 years. An MLM without new meat is going to collapse, and new meat is staying away in droves. No amount of ‘Scientology saved me’ testimonies from Travolta or Kristie Ally can prevent that. It only reinforces the crazy in the public’s mind.
In the mid-’90s, Chris Montgomery was I/C of the SHSBC at ASHOF. She ran a productive auditor-creating factory with results (compared to today) coming out en masse.
But she did it with some innovation and insight.
One thing was that she recognized that a huge percentage of the ASHOF SHSBC students had day jobs that required they show up for work at 6am LA time. So she actually ran the Foundation SHSBC on two shifts: one from 6pm to 9pm, and one from 7pm to 10pm. This allowed her to deliver what was (gasp!) needed and wanted by the Foundation public.
Another thing she did was to arrange things for her stats (and the stats of her juniors) to stay up over holiday breaks. So she cut a deal with the SHSBC students: she would sign off on their CSWs for time off over holidays if they came in the same amount of extra days BEFORE the holiday, and put the student points on a separate sheet indicating it was extra time to be “saved up” for the Thanksgiving holiday (or whatever holiday).
Both of these actions weren’t exactly “on policy”. There was a policy that said what Foundation Hours were, for example. There was a policy about reporting the production that occurred and not doing what is called “sandbagging” (saving up stats for other weeks) in the Sea Org.
Then, some asinine mission fired from Int came in to ASHOF and set things right.
ASHOF SHSBC students could only be on course 7-10pm. Reporting student points produced in anticipation of getting time off for holidays was forbidden.
PRACTICALLY OVERNIGHT, THE ASHOF SHSBC EMPTIED OUT. It turned from what was essentially a winnable, pretty fun game into a fear-laden emptied-out desert.
Instead of making steady progress through their checksheets, the SHSBC students (especially the ones with (gasp!) families) found themselves abandoning their wives and children and relatives so they could keep the stats “up”.
The only “off policy” thing that was allowed to continue was labeling people as “on the grid” (targeted for completion that week) and then hounding them incessantly to come in and put in extra time and rush their study and quickie their drills in order to “comp” before Thursday at 2.
Any student who’s completed under that pressure will attest not to completing the course but to feeling unsure about being a product of the course.
Of course, ALL SCIENTOLOGY STUDENTS these days are subject to that unrelenting force. So ALL SCIENTOLOGY STUDENTS feel unsure about being a product of the course.
That’s what comes from the 7-day myopia of the “church”.
Zemooo, “reinforces the crazy” is right. When I heard JT say he had an auditor with him every day for two years after his son died I was like “WTF? Your not even all the way up the Bridge? What the F did you do for two years?”
I know his intention was to paint the Church as the epitome of succor, but he fell pretty short of the mark.
I was like, “You’ve been in SCN for like 30 years….your child dies (which is of course horrific), but after 30 years of spiritual counseling and growth you were in such precarious shape as a being that you needed a babysitter every day for TWO FREAKIN’ YEARS!?” What does that even say about the effectiveness of Scientology?
It was a pretty glutz PR thing to say. Of course he didn’t mean it that way.
And speaking of glutz PR, OSA should forbid Kirstie from saying the word “Scientology” in public until she loses about 10 lbs. Come on now. It’s out of control.
Very well stated. All this franticness cannot do anything but eventually turn others off in the long run. Scientology once offered real hope to others – now it’s an empty shell and a spiritual vacuum.
Sheldon, so true. See, if the Church really WANTED new people, they could just do what used to work and it would at least keep Div 6 busy. They could run the Dianetics infomercial (re-shot of course) non-stop and Div 6 would sure get leads, people would mail in the cards, and people would sure show up, regardless of Scientology’s bad PR.
New public would still be scared away by all the reges and recruiters eventually. And at Ideal Orgs, new public would be constantly confused about whether the staff member they were speaking with was in fact the valet from the hotel down the street. But at least this activity would actually bring in new public.
That’s why I say it’s just so clear they don’t want any new public.
I mean the new A/V displays? WTF? Anyone other than COB would be declared for proposing such a stupid idea.
You’re not supposed to have to enlighten someone on every aspect of SCN. You’re supposed to get them on a cheap Dianetics course or a cheap comm course, and let them have wins. Not very freakin’ complicated.
Commercials that direct you to are a waste of time. The LAST thing the Church should be doing is prompting people to type the word “SCIENTOLOGY” into Google!
You speak sooth. Too bad DM can’t hear you.
Bullseye, Deep Six !
What a pleasure to read your comment.
Operating on ONLY a weekly basis while I was on staff just about drove me nuts. And every place I used to work is now either non-existent or struggling in a big way.
Superb comment Deep Six. Well stated. And it hits the one of the many nails of “management” on its head. Talking of Foundation Course Schedules, did anyone realize that there was/is an HCO Policy from the mid 60s called obviously enough “The Foundation” which gives the attendance hours for Foundation students. But of course DM or one of his rabid dupe dogs has had issued another 1990 “HCO PL” called “Course Schedules” which slyly alters this and of course doesn’t actually fully state what the expected hours are but implies that students should be full time. The LRH Foundation policy stated that students could be M-F or weekends or both. Very “clever” changing and superseding of an LRH HCO policy. When I pointed this Policy out to Execs demanding that all students be full time or nothing, I was told that the (LRH) policy was “old and no longer in force” and this by an OEC/FEBC grad (ha!) Of course the Academy emptied promptly when most students routed off as they could not do full time schedules. Total insanity. That mission to ASHO F was the same level of insanity. And thus we have empty Academies now. (As well as “supervisors” treating students as enemies to be crushed if they laugh at one LRH’s quips, or look up at the ceiling as they are cogniting on something.)
200 bonus points are recieved if your org became “Ideal”. So on policy ! 😉
Santa Barbara OTC has about 3-4 people showing up for OTC meetings. Their current fund raiser is “White Elephant Bingo” on Saturday March 8 at 7PM. “Bring a wrapped gift”. “$25 per person for unlimited cards.”
White Elephant is right … to cover up the pink elephant.
No kidding. Do they seriously call the fundraiser for the idle morgue “White Elephant”??? There is a god after all.
And God does have a sense of humor.
Yes and if you want to make him laugh, tell him your plans!
With those figures, how many do you think will turn up for regging, I mean the openings this weekend?
They’d better empty the HGB and Gold as well as PAC to make it look like a crowd.
Then again, let everyone on the RPF attend and they will be bursting at the seams. No wukkas they can’t be anymore CI to command than those outside the bubble.
What do the 1000 represent?
How many cult members it takes to generate one student point!
Funny one about the student point.
About the 1000 thing – its a standard church-tech inflator used to arrive at acceptable numbers. Divide by 1,000 and you have the correct answer. E.g. !0,000,000 church members divided by 1,000 = 10,000 church members. There are various other inflators in there, such as were common back in the days of Tammany Hall, such as dead people who felt such powerful political conviction that they voted from beyond the grave (not just once, but twice), so you get “OT VII” completions who are counted even though they are now back doing intro courses and auditing such as basics and objectives. True conviction … but what were they convicted OF?
Out of 9, 6 of them have 0 points? Why promote this disaster? Oh, yes, I forgot they can’t see…maybe because the blind is leading the blind.
All this tech to discover the correct WHO and WHY
and these sheeple are clueless.
how sweet would it be if the forecasts are slightly off and it rains on sunday and monday instead.
White Elephant is right …to cover up the Pink Elephant.
I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. They’ve been viscously grinding on kook-aids for 10 years.
Sorry, kool-aids, maybe kook-aids was freudian