For many years, the German Government have cited the fact that scientology wants to create “superhumans” as a major concern and threat to their constitution based on the history of Nazis plans for a “master race” consisting of Übermensch. (From Wikipedia: The term Übermensch was used frequently by Hitler and the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race; a racial version of Nietzsche’s Übermensch became a philosophical foundation for Nazi ideas. The Nazi notion of the master race also spawned the idea of “inferior humans” (Untermenschen) who should be dominated and enslaved.)
Scientology has rejected and derided this claim as ridiculous — and in turn accused the German Government of acting like the Nazis.
Now we see scientology promoting this EXACT thing in their promotion… Become a Superhuman.
But it gets even worse. Shortly after I came across the Craig Jensen statement, I found this…
Now scientology is overtly promoting that David Miscavige IS an Übermensch/Superhuman.
How much more blatant could this be? It looks like the Germans were prescient.
But you have to wonder if Craig Jensen isn’t in trouble already for stealing Miscavige’s thunder.
You see, Miscavige is the wrong target.
David Miscavige is what he is via what he DOES.
All one has to do to figure out who Miscavige IS, is by observing what he DOES, and what he HAS BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS.
Just OBSERVE, and that question about Miscavige and his true intentions is ANSWERED beyond all doubt.
So the problem really isn’t HE.
The PROBLEM is the SCIENTOLOGY PUBLIC (the ones still in) who still follow and support him.
THEY are the problem.
For at least twenty observable years, via what he has been doing, Miscavige has SHOWN who he is – it is and has been very plain to anyone paying even half – way attention. Honestly, there’s no HIDING this.
He’s right out there, is he not? Right out there, and many people have seen it and understood it and disagreed with it and said, “Whoa, I’m outta here, bye”.
And in fairness, right now, there could well be a number of heads-down, planning to leave, I’m not gonna make waves in the meantime types (we call them UTRs, e.g. “under the radar” Scientologists.)
So, not counting THEM, whatever their number,impossible t know because UTRs DON’T speak out, they quietly make their plans, and then quietly leave) the REST are the true believer still ins – and THEY are the problem.
I’m not pointing a finger, judging, making wrong, etc. I was a true believer once. We all were, once.
I’m merely pointing out that everything that Miscavige DOES is a continual display of who and what he REALLY is – the only way he hides it, or attempts to hide it, is with his words. If you ignore the words and just look at his actions, the conclusion that he is a lying crook cannot be avoided!
You know, people can do an awful lot with PR. Image. What the public PERCEIVES that someone is, which can vary SO widely from what that person actually is. The examples are endless…actors, who are nothing at all like the characters with which the public identify them. Image. But actors usually have people close to them who actually love them for who they really are
But I guess if one can afford it to pay for it, and if one considers it of paramount importance then it is probably satisfying and a good, if temporary feeling, basking in the love and adoration of people who don’t actually KNOW one.
But in the end, its fake, and not satisfying, because its not REAL love and respect, its not REAL admiration. I would think such emotions flowing toward one that are not based on one’s own real actions, intentions, purposes and character must be rather fleeting – the way junk food makes one feel good for a very brief time, and then…crash…and more is needed to sustain the high. In the end, someone living in this kind of bubble is to be pitied, wouldn’t you think? As Michael Jackson RIP sang about looking at “the man in the mirrow”…I wonder, what does David Miscavige see when he looks in the mirror? And yes, we all joke about him being very short, and high hair, the blond pompadour, the fake tan…but I’m being serious now. What does he see when he looks at himself? Is he embarrassed, at the core of his nature? Is he perhaps ashamed? Possibly terrified, because of living for so long behind this fake persona? Its like a mask that he put on many years ago, and now he can’t remove it, its welded to his face. At night, when he goes to bed; in the morning when he wakes up, I’m thinking – and here’s another one of our put down joke phrases but this time I mean it seriously – it must really suck to be him.
OMFG, that Miscavige website…he has the weirdest, creepiest pics of himself that look like AI or photoshop…but are probably somehow real. He has mastered the Plastic Smirk of Poorly Hidden Evil. He’s all but holding up a sign that says, “Can you believe I’m still getting away with this scam?”
There’s a pic of the terrace in Paris where there are at least 5 people wearing berets….three of them are identical blue and two are identical cream. You just know someone handed them out and told the people to wear them to make sure it was obvious they were in Paris.
The Freewinds page is hilarious, including the claim that the Freewinds is one of the safest ships on the water…well, I guess staying empty and in dock is pretty risk-free. If you don’t count measles and asbestos. They STILL claim it’s some kind of special training ship appointed by the International Marine Organization, a claim the IMO has denied flatly. They mention the ship’s 400,000 miles of travel, without mentioning that most of that came it was the cruise ship Boheme.
Super Powers = Super SCAM
This is just one of those things that go through my mind when I read this balderdash..What is Wrong With These People???!!!!
oy vey, what a putz
@Peggy L,
Same here. I’m not Jewish but I love Yiddish. Nothing gets the ppint across better 🙂
Jensen didn’t want it to end. So, “You go back, Jack, and do it again.”
Not sure how hearing and seeing things that are not there is anything other than the definition of delusional, but I’m just an untermensch living in reality.
Super Crazy sounding!
ICYMI, virtue signalling is a symptom of sociopathy.
It’s not about clarification, it’s about murder!
If we take away the computers of the Super Scientologists, then that’s the end of their superpowers.
A fine Weekend to all!!!
This is $ci. in a nutshell.
-Wild hype: I’ve become a Super Human with SUPERPOWERS
-Mystery Sandwich:
– Vague talk about the SUPERPOWERS, with meaningless lingo
– Hyperbolic talk about how he feels
I’m still waiting on the announcement that Dianetics cured arthritis or bad eyesight, or cancer like it claimed it would.
I hate to say this but I remember feeling like his success story when I was on acid (LSD for those who were born after 1970 🙂 )
MAYBE that’s what they’re feeding the sheeples – something like that or MDMA (Ecstasy) – LOLOLOLOL
Certainly had a better grip on reality than those still going Up Da Bridge to Nowhere seem to have. I pity them – even tho’ I was one (over 15 years now and still recovering).
Tick tock Lil’ Cancerous Gnome – the scam is coming apart and the majority of those who are interested are applauding from the sidelines
What Nietzsche meant was “the man beyond” and it was more of a concept of consciousness than a fact related to becoming superior to others. So absolutely other. What the European fascist movements instead have intentionally misunderstood.
And so hubbard (always intentionally) when he wrote dianetics.
The idea of having a recipe to create a super human is as low as using a Caucasian on a recruitment promo for SO Taiwan (???) to stimulate “second dynamic flows” on Taiwanese girls.
Craig has been in the cult 50+ years.
He worked in the Guardian’s Office back in the 1970s.
Why, has it taken him. so long to get up the bridge?
All the tech is supposed to make one more powerful.
Something truly stinks!
“Something truly stinks”.
I think it’s Miscavige.
Superexaggerating much; 11K churches etc is if true, about 2 members for each church.
I think some Truth in Advertising folks need to have a hard look at those “Superhuman” and “unprecedented expansion” claims.
“Vie, vee koot rewl da vorld! Scientology uber alles!!”
They would never say it that way, but their intentions are clear. And those Sea Org uniforms only add to their militant reputation.