It’s the MV Beggar’s Banquet showing at Flag.
And apparently everyone is in on the act to try to get the suckers to show and GIVE MONEY (and let us know you did so we can get the credit for it).
Kevin True was a former RTC staff at Int who was busted and then sawed off some fingers on a table saw in the Gold garage when he was in the sleep-deprived zombie state of SO “deckies.”
Surprisingly, he has now made his way to being Solo Tech Services at Flag. More surprisingly, he is regging for the IAS? WTF? Solo Tech Services? It once again demonstrates that the ONLY pervasive activity of corporate scientology is trying to squeeze blood out of stones.
One might well state that when it comes to corporate scientology, the dynamic principle of existence is FUNDRAISE.
Or that the Code of a Corporate Scientologist consists only of 3 points: 1. Make money, 2. Make more money, 3. Cause others to make money.
What is not surprising though is that he is not very good at this. His email is perhaps the lamest stringing together of cliches EVER.
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 From: Kevin True <[email protected]>
19 July 2014
Today is the MOMUMENTAL step in our history is the IAS MV event and the next big exiting news from COB RTC.
Flag public are FAMOUS for contributing more energy in the form of donations for the IAS than anyone on earth. You are the planet’s OTs and should be proud of the help you have given and the care you have taken to improve the conditions of man. We are proud of you. Surely there is no greater time in Scientology, no greater time of expansion, greater news and yes, no greater reason for the most possible excitement for our religion. Hence, I ask you to back up and strengthen this theta push of your religion by yet again donating towards the IAS – that force which has and is guaranteeing the future of Scientology forever. YOUR religion! YOUR future! YOUR eternity! Let’s continue to make a REALITY all of our dreams for a cleared Earth. I want each of you to review your FP and work out how you are going to donate to the IAS and, ideally, attain your next IAS Status!
Send in your e-mail reply confirming your donation to the Solo HGC. You can also fax in the attachment once it is signed and filled out. The numbers to use are 727-467-6438 or 6439 for faxing in the data. Thank you for your donation.
Highest ARC,
I get an unpleasent sense of Deja Vu from reading such stupid brain-washed crap.
Karen, we need to have an “underground railroad” for people in Camilla’s situation, and we need to find a way to reach SO members and let them know of its existence so that they can have a choice.
This is slavery and needs to end “NOW-NOW-NOW” … borrow a phrase form Miscavige.
You know where I am and I hereby volunteer.
Very Well Dones to Jeff and Camilla for getting the exact truth out so clearly.
The dynamic principle of existence is FUNDRAISE. Good one, Mike!
Can I donate If Im an SP? Oh, Im sure these guys can make exceptions.
The RCS will take money from anyone. All money is green. I know a Still In who has money – not in the whale league, but comfortably wealthy – who gives to all these things. For reasons I can’t mention here, this person is refused audiiting and training yet the carrot is dangled that it will all happen someday, and the giving of the dono will earn commendation for the PC folder “which will help”, and this person believes this bullshit, or perhaps desperately needs to believe it, and is so “invested” that the wallet stays open for the IAS, Libraries, whatever they want. At some point I attempted to explain that the actual “investment” was simply in being right and not having to face having been financially conned, but to no avail. Truly, PT Barnum was right about there being a sucker born every minute.
Carcha, Thank you for taking the time to explain the Scientology concept of “salvation”! This is the fIrst time I have see this explaination. I am still trying to grasp some of what you said and appreciate the time it took you to write it down for me. Of course I am not offended. We all see life from different points of view and good communication helps us gain a better handle on various philosophies. Thank you again. Ann
I had to share this. It’s a short video from the co-founder of Twitter. If the CoS would have the humility to apply some of this information, they could turn things around. Sadly, it’s not very likely.
Everybody is fundraising from Flag right now. All week-end long, particularly on Saturday auditors were calling asking for IAS donos. They were highly classed auditors too. Guess they aren’t auditing and are getting pulled off post to call their pc’s for donations. How off-purpose is that? Miscagive has his quotas to meet regardless of who you are or what your post is.
The delusion indeed runs deep.
“…no greater time of expansion…” ROFL!
These filthy criminals have at most some 15,000 remaining customers world wide.
Why doesn’t the COB RTC go really public and issue shares and stocks?
This level of corporate greed can only achieve ideal status in the right market which would be Wall St.
There they could mix in the trough with the biggest pigs of greed and roll around in the slime togehter.
what higher status cold there be than that?
Why no shares and stocks? Because no board of directors. No annual report. Nebulous ownership. Unaccountable, total control in the hands of a single person.
It was a rhetorical comment
Not everyone is skilled at this Miscavige era fundraising zeal (unhinged isn’t natural).
Kevin doing this, means others have failed, and he’s somehow been landed with the rah rah job!
Imagine if you were a newbie Sea Org member, and were ordered to take on the job of rah rah!
You’d likely sound like wilted fake flowers also!
It’s normal, more normal, to be POOR at rah rah that is NOT genuine fundraising style in any case!
It’s normal to be poor at this crazy zeal!
Bad advertising means the people doing it, for sure, have been landed with doing something they didn’t really want to be doing, but fake it, to “survive”.
Mike, I don’t know if you will read this far down in your comment list, but I have a question if you read this. I have been following the take-down of Miscavage for several years. I have grown to understand a lot of the beliefs of Scientology, but am still puzzled by one thing. I often read that members fear that they will lose their “salvation” if they leave the church or associate with SPs. What is salvation to them and what does that promise? If we supposedly are reincarnated on different planets and solar systems, why does it matter if Earth is destroyed? Do they believe that they eventually evolve to a place where physical matter isn’t needed and they will live in a spiritual world? I am a Christian so from where I sit, it is difficult to understand what the afterlife means to Scientologists. Thanks for your blog and I still think your photo is amazing!
A broad perspective. The idea is that the accumulation of unresolved issues in our past, including sins, can be resolved through auditing. This frees one from burdens, and augments emotional and mental capacity. The ideal would be freedom from hatreds, griefs, fears, hostilities, and such, which weigh one down, and on the positive side, much greater ability for understanding and compassion. In the absence of auditing, the presumption is that the accumulation of the reactive mind will not be undone at all, and will only be added to. Thus, the “loss of eternity.” Contrasting the ideal with what we see in the church, explains why so many have left, and their rage.
As for the future, a friend of mine who is Christian, got burdened with one of my questions: “What do we actually do, if we go to Heaven? Do we have any production, such as music, or ship-building, or jobs?” His reply kind of shocked me for a moment: “According to the Bible, we will spend out time in praise of God.” I though, “Uh, oh … that’s really religious!” Then the logic of it struck me. Of course, praise of God, of Creation, of beauty, wonder, splendor. That is very old philosophy, there, very old values. If one takes the Bible, as some do, as allegory, the realization of that was not achieved, even after thousands of years, because, according to Scn, the existence of the reactive mind mired man in its mud of hatreds, and in the material world. So the goal of a Scn would presumably be to gradually, hopefully, approach those ideals, and truly understand, and appreciate, all of life. All of it. Why does Heaven, or a much higher, even divine awareness, have to be a place? Would it not be more a state of mind, as it were, or a state of realization of oneself as an eternal being?
Is life understandable to the point where one lives according to rationality and the values expressed not just in the Bible but in other religions and philosophies as well? In that understanding, will we ever learn to live better and in harmony with Creation? All of us? To speak of “total understanding” is an oxymoron – if life is eternal, as it apparently is. To me, it seems Hubbard, through his work, has brought a previously unseen horizon into vision. Beyond it is new territory hitherto unexplored by anyone. I like to play JS Bach loud, outdoors. He seems to bring the wonder of Creation alive. I think the aspirations of Scientologists are to do that on their own. Can it be that in all the many forms of religion we have had, in all our philosophies, that all of our common hopes can be nothing more than fiction? It seems to me that all our hopes are not fiction at all. To the contrary, these are our best and most realistic thoughts, and the most worthy of achievement.
That said, the simple answer to your questions is that Christianity (and a few other religions such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Islam) hold, depending on how these are interpreted, that questions will be answered at death. Scientology (and Buddhism, Hindu, and some others) holds that they can be answered in life. Answers to a few questions, or partial answers, are not the same as comprehensive understanding of the fields from which these questions arose. To a Scientologist who realizes he IS a soul, “the afterlife” is right now (it just depends which lifetime you are talking about it being after, hehe).
I hope that helps you understand, or have faith, without being offensive to you.
Interesting, he emphasizes “religion” and “donations”. It smells like OSA has briefed the staff on how to ask – rip off – money from the parishioners in case of future legal suits. Of course they would lie through their teeth “but were donations for the religion”. Yeah, right!
That first paragraph is a grammatical disaster, never mind the spelling mistakes. Although “….the big exiting news from COB…” probably speaks to Mr. True’s true desires in regards to his “religion”.
When someone knows he’s lying he makes a lot of flubs; errors of spelling and grammar in a written text. In speech this manifests as stammers, mispronunciations etc. OSA had drills to teach people how to lie convincingly when speaking, but maybe they never developed drills for writing untruths.
“OSA had drills to teach people how to lie cinvincinly when speaking”.
Really, is this true? If so, then I just learned something new that I never knew before and feel naive and gullible all over again. Wow, it never seems to end.
No idea what he is talking about? Unless he is referring to the drill in STCC about steering communication.
Hi Mike. I was thinking of Intelligence Specialist Training Routine – TR L To train the student to give a false statement with good TR-1… to outflow false data effectively. Admittedly this is attributed to the GO, as evidenced by the old-style typewritten document at But if I’ve picked up some false data, I stand corrected.
Yes David. That issue, TRL, was SO discredited that it was considered sacrilegious to even mention it without the appropriate level of disgust. Of course it doesnt meant there weren’t lies used in OSA. By definition, covert intelligence ALWAYS contains some form of lies. But TRL as an issue did not make the transition from the GO to OSA.
The issue containing the TRL drill may not have made the transition from the GO to OSA but I can tell you with absolute certainty the practice remains in full force when dealing with US Immigration. This is based on personal conversations with a couple of non US SO staff who proudly confessed lying on visa applications all for “the greater good”. They were advised to do so as standard practice by OSA Legal.
Of course Kevin True wants you to fax your ‘donation’ stats to him, save time on Thursdays at 2pm and that way he has fewer problems getting his 10-15% commission.
MOMUMENTAL? Looks like he is still sleep deprived.
It’s a coded message to his True mom, Needs a space on either side of the U
Why is this guy still there? Very sad existence it would seem.
I haven’t read it all but he says it all in the first sentence: “the next big exiting news from COB RTC.”
So he is willing to admit that this push for “donations” is causing people to exit.
Oh what a difference a letter makes.
I remember that table saw at Gold / Int base rather well. It had more than its fair share of sawn off fingers. As a fresh recruit to the RPF I was posted in the Carpentry section (building the Gold Music Studio). My section chief advised me “not to use it when tired or enturbulated”. I remember thinking at the time I wouldn’t be using it much then… how wrong I was. I was lucky to escape with all fingers intact. It had no safety guard or emergency “off”.
On the post topic, the duplicity and hypocrisy is astounding. I have had yet another example recently of a high profile Scientologist “in good standing” very happy to take money from me (for zero service) despite knowing full well I am a bitter defrocked apostate. In 2010 I had another one even try to extort money from me after almost single handedly crashing my overseas property business in the early 2000s. Still, they are getting ethics in on the planet…
If the table saw was not to be used when people were tired/enturbulated and people actually followed that bit of advice, wouldn’t it have always sat idle?
Camilla Andersson and Jeffrey Augustine get into the Sea Org billing of Workman’s Comp and or/Free County for medical needs of “Sea Org” members.
Karen, I watched that video yesterday. I cried when Camilla apologized for describing her horrific injury on video. We needed to hear about it. I just wanted to give her a giant hug. Thanks so much to you and Jeff for making these eye openers available for all to view.
Hey Martin,
Wasn’t Kevin True with us on the ’85 RPF, respectively GCT (Gold Construction Team)?
The biggest lie from Kevin True is “Highest ARC”
that is the lowest F**king joke from Flag possible.
I checked my FP and want to know when the COB resigns
and IAS is disbanded. Keep the blood money !!!!!!!
Disband the IAS, and entire Sea Org. Raid Hemet and free the prisoners. Close the cult down sell assets and make reparations.
Very strange text.
“You are the planet’s OTs and should be proud of” should read “You are the planet’s OTs and are pround of”
“Hence, I ask you to back you” should read “Back up…!”
“I want each of you to review your FP” should read “Review your FP”
“donate to the IAS and, ideally, attain your” should read “donate to the IAS and attain your…”
Was Kevin True a reg at ASHO Fdn in the 70’s
and early 80’s?
If I were still in and read that I would think why
should I send the $ to the Solo HGC when I can
send it directly to the IAS……then with more thought
duh….he wants the commission…….silly me.
I was surprised as hell to hear that an outfit as penny-pinching as COS would pay anyone a commission. Anyone know what the amount is? I assume it’s under the oiliness table so tax free. Doesn’t this set up a dynamic where there is competition to see who gets credit for which donations? Do the guys standing in front of the exit doors get their cut? And how does the commission work when a whale coughs up a big one? No wonder the orgs are reg-heavy.
tony-b – “yes” to nearly all of your questions. I think it is a 10% hit on commissions. I would think and also have read somewhere that the Whale donations are a different matter – can’t have some staff member making 10% of a few million – there is probably some further scam that he/she has to donate it back somehow over a certain amount. Off-hat Regging is also a very “clever” way for COB to get staff to bump up their ridiculous meager wages by getting them to “work” to do so and be able to pay for their cigarettes and Saturday pizzas.I don’t know if COB is still head of ASI and getting a cut from that as well but the chances are good eh? Perhaps someone – a ex-Reg or BSO who actually has first hand experience of all this might like to comment as I would like to know the full facts on all this commission scam. It started way back in the 80s by the way with Books and AFAIK normal Reg cycles.
Pathetic. There is no doubt that the “church” of Scientology is in an extreme state of confusion. Its painful to watch. I wish so many good people weren’t getting conned and hurt by it.
Kevin True is also the husband of Kathy True of OSA Flag. He has been in Solo services at Flag for many years now, and begging for money is nothing new for him or his associates. Last I saw him he was trying to figure out how to get sufficient donations for Basic packages to avoid yet another all-nighter.
“the next big exiting news from COB”.!!!!!!! Wow, does that mean Crimiscavige is leaving? Or is it just the usual show of Ideal Illiteracy by the Ideal IdiOTs who follow His Ideal VS?
Oops Ideal VS should read Ideal BS
“…the next big exiting news from COB RTC…”
COB is leaving? Whoop! 😉
“the next big exiting news from COB RTC” A bit of a Freudian slip there? If only!
I’m holding my breath for “the next big exiting (sic) news from COB RTC. “
From the Annals of Whackadoodle:
– Energy in the form of donations
– Back up and strengthen this theta push
– Work out how you are going to donate
COB is “exiting”? Amazing!
One would hope that at some point Kevin would start dramatizing his last name (True) and pull his head out.
Is Kevin related to the illustrious OSA Bot, Ms. Kathy True (or false as the case may be)?
Husband and wife. Miserable and miserabler.
Two fermenting peas in the same stinking pod!
Perfect, no need to have services delivered by the staff at Flag these days. Don’t need to buy a plane ticket from Jeff Mentz either. Just fax us the filled out form and get back to work to pay for it………how silly is that idea?
Man am I glad I’m out of that LOOP!
A Happy Thetan I am these days.
All Kevin True’s superlatives aside, the shrill sounds from all the corners of Scientology are desperate calls for more “free money”…. and for what??? Legal.
Scientology probably has more legal bills than any other religion in the world. And, those bills are increasing at a phenomenal rate…. besides paying for law firms, there are all the costs of OSA, like fairgaming, private investigators, security for Dear Leader, etc… are all going up, up, up while the IAS donations are going down, down, down… this is NOT an emergency event like Seattle in the 80’s, it’s a steep downward trend with no end in sight.
You hit the nail on the head with that one I was looking at The Texas Appeals Court documents on Tony’s site last week regarding the Rathbun lawsuit. I couldn’t believe how many law firms and individual attorneys the church has working on just this one piece of litigation. That bankroll is going to run out on them.
>Code of a Corporate Scientologist consists only of 3 points: 1. Make money, 2. Make more money, 3. Cause others to make money.
We hear the Sea Org described as the “priest class” of $cientology. Recognizing that the Sea Org does not promote or disseminate Scientology and fundraising is a major focus for them, I believe a better description of that group would be:
fund-raising slaves
Good morning Mike.
I hate to do this, but I have to point out an error in your post.
You said, “Or that the Code of a Corporate Scientologist consists only of 3 points: 1. Make money, 2. Make more money, 3. Cause others to make money.”
It should have read, “1. TAKE money. 2. TAKE more money. 3. Force others to TAKE money.”
Did Kevin really say “EXITing news?”
This is funny. My first thought after reading it was – “what an asshole.”
Pushing EVERY imaginable button to squeeze more blood out of what is left of the turnips.
When you go into your bank
and find your balance penned in black
you will find the regges waiting
at your home when you get back.
Oh, I get it, the auditors are “auditing the Donations.
The c$urc$ o$ $cien$o$og$$$$$$$$.
There is no Scientology left, just fundraising for a non accountable bunch of…..(use your own expletive).
Is it me or does anyone else notice the stuff from the bubble is just babble?
My 6 year old grandson is more coherant than them
I like that. “Bubble babble” Fits like a glove.
Wow, Mike, I feel so inspired by this email. It is a doozy of possibly infinite magnitude unmatched by any potential gain ever made in the past, present or unpredicted-for future. It is simply mind-numbingly beguiling how many trite phrases can be strung together by the oh-so-desperate in these times of oh-so-incredible word count expansion. I have to say that I tentatively agree that all Scientologists should review their ever-dwindling FP and perhaps take stock of the vast magnitude of inverse gain they have experienced personally, spiritually and physically over the years. Maybe then they might notice that it just might be that they are being taken advantage of by an organization which will not hesitate to use any means necessary to bleed them dry over and over and over again, all under the umbrella of “human salvage.”
Seriously, though, the best line ever is the first one about COB’s “exiting news”. I wish! I would actually pay good money to watch his “exiting news”.
Oh now I get it!
What with straight up and verticle stats and “strengthen[ing] this theta push” fundraising is to Co$ as Viagra is to population at large…
I too would pay good $$$ to watch the might morphing midget’s “exiting news!”
Exiting news! How great was that……poor Kevin……we know where he’ll be spending the rest of the summer for that slip. One might even say that was a Freudian slip, but that’s not possible for someone with great OT powers
Stupid as stupid does
Unfortunately, the kool-aid guzzling, bubble-dwelling cult members from the controversial Church of Scientology don’t have the observational powers of a Forrest Gump. They are more likely to get caught in the headlights of the IAS Mack truck, driven by Howard Becker, which is coming at them at 80 miles per hour.