The begging never stops, and apparently has no limit.
This little gang are children of Australian SO Members (at least two of them are, I presume the others are too) located in Los Angeles.
They are sending this begging letter out to people all over the world to solicit money for New Zealand’s one and only small and failing org. You would think that New Zealand, which had one of the first orgs on earth way back in the 1950’s would have another one by this time. Or even a single mission. More than 60 years and there has been NOTHING new in all that time.
I suppose the massive international expansion is happening elsewhere. Australia maybe? They haven’t had any new orgs either and have less missions now than they had 25 years ago?
Must be the rest of Asia. Oh, a vast wasteland of nothing except for the lonely outpost of Taiwan and a single org in all of Japan.
But never fear with kids educated like these ones are in the finer arts of communication, with spelling and grammar skills at about the same level as my 8 year old (he knows the difference between your and you’re) they are bound to “take this planet” and “salvage mankind.”
What a sad, delusionary world they live in.
I wonder if this effort is a bright idea to make commissions or is an amends project or is just the current “reg fest” at the ILO. Apparently since the launch of the “Basics” in 2007 it has become the norm for all staff in the ILO to be given money making quotas that are enforced with draconian penalties for “non-compliance.”
Dear Jennifer,
Provided your still living in _____ I have reached you.
I hope this email finds you well.
On behalf of the ANZO Team at ILO I’d like to ask you:
Would you consider giving a gift towards New Zealand Ideal Org?
If yes than please go to the bottom of this email and send in your details. That way we also know where to send your commendation.
If your not certain than I give you these words from LRH:
Your doing the impossible
“ Because I can tell you, what I have done in the development of this material is impossible. It could never have been done. It’s impossible. The last fifty thousand years it’s never been done, so why should it ever be done? All right, that’s impossible. All I’m asking you to do, is do the impossibility of ‘do it’. That’s simple isn’t it?
“That’s a good bargain, isn’t it? I couldn’t possibly have done it, you can’t possibly audit it: I did it, you do it! That a good bargain? It’s rather adventurously stratospheric in its viewpoint, but actually that’s what it takes.” L. Ron Hubbard Auxiliary Pre-Have 3D Scale
Thank you for being there and for contributing.
Flourish and Prosper
Colin Davie, Margy Pearse, Robyn Smith, Zee Fear & Cathy Grist
The ANZO Team @ International liaison Office
First Name: Last Name:
City: State/Province: Postal Zip/Code:
Email address:
I wish to donate: Aus$( .00 )
Credit Card:
3 numbers on back:
In the US it is a violation of the terms of ones merchant account, the account a vendor has that processes credit cards, to store credit card info. Taking card info over the phone is ok, because it is just sound, and not stored but just entered right away…but getting it in emails in a violation.
Hello 2 all awakening beings on the site. It is a very nice feeling 2 know that we have lots of company nowadays… it wasn´t that way 49 years ago when we started to collide with suppression in the Mission Network. We were so naive back then that could not “imagine” SP´s on lines… Interesting times. We learned then that SP´s gravitate towards Theta 2 enturbulate it, it is their mission, hope and hobby.
I, as an Old Timer, have a wider viewpoint earned though blood, sweat and tears, underlined. I can recall with bored amusement how our telephones were tapped by the FBI back then, and how, if we warned the caller to the fact, we were intermediately left with a dead line. Those were the days my friends of great wins and real OTs… AND I MEAN REAL OTs. You had to be in great shape to be around those beings and not blow your fuses. At the same time it was a real privilege to be part and parcel of their operation and an honor to befriend them. From LRH, Yvonne Gillam, Hebber Jensch, Diana Hubbard, Virginia Lang, Richard (Dick) Dorff, Edna Carter, to the first OT7´s and too many more to mention now.
I am therefore in possession of great and valued memories not often available most humans, and I will purposely fall short of describing them. Spelling the yeast of this out, my intention is to call some attention to those who are disrespectful of the wins that many Scientologists have had all along and continue to have as long as there is no entheta present, in or out, of the Church of the Spiritually Kidnapped. There are real wins and imaginary wins and the difference between them is only important to the winner and a “foreigners no trespassing zone”.
I really enjoy reading about those who have awakenings and look down at blind invalidations from those claiming to know without having inspected. I hope though they also come to really know someday. And specially hope the come to know someday what a real spiritual win tastes like… yamy, yamy, mmmm.
And I now give 3 Big Hurrahs to one of the greatest names in the history of mankind, to LRH…!
Next to your closing invitation to give hurrahs to LRH, my favorite part of your comment is where you talk about the “real” OT’s and how they could “blow your fuses” (whatever that means) if you weren’t in “great shape” (whatever that means).
Hi Roger,Love you Ann.
To Alfo 4ever, Pretty Transparent.Quite amusing,that you seem to feel no one here could possibly have the OT wins & the OT company you keep.Go ahead & give three big hurrahs to Ron.The echoes must be quite deafening to us here who obviously do not understand shit about you & Ron & His Religion. Be well in your travels but watch out for things that go bump in your night.Ann.
What a crock of crap, that email was written by an adult pretending (and doing it very badly) to be a kid. They should have added the Launceston Small and Dingy Shop of Dollarology (sorry, Life Improvement Centre) to the email. That joint is empty…empty…empty…except for the same tired two people who “work” there for a few hours a day Wednesday – Friday. I’ve stood at the window reading the crap they have taped on the glass and not once have they run out and tried to entice (snort, snigger) me inside.
This looks like the African scam emails I get
There used to be an org in Christchurch, didn’t there? Or a mission, at least?
Cathy Grist was T/CO CLO ANZO back in the late 80s who went off to LA for “training” and Margie Pearse was AOSH ANZO staff back in its early years who went “up-lines” with her husband a bit later than Cathy. Zee Fear I’m trying to place but it’s Sunday morning here, I’ve just woken up and I’d rather be in the yard in the winter sun than trying to remember peeps from a previous life.
It’s sad that these folk are still in the SO and wasting what’s left of their lives – I hope the walls come down sometime soon and they allow themselves the freedom they’ve been denied. They are all good peeps in a bad system.
Indeed, the system is broken and has been for a long, long, long time. Like the criminal who spends most of his life in prison, doesn’t know what being free is like anymore. It’s incredibly destructive what that cult does to good people. Perhaps the lies they live by are easier to live with than finding out they made such a critical error. It’s a very personal choice they made and continue to make but none the less, to watch while people destroy themselves for all the wrong reasons is heart breaking.
But how do you wake them up?
I think I was to some degree asleep when I went into the church .. they did present me a good dream of a future .. I tried to hold on to the dream .. it was a nice dream in some ways .. freedom, good friends, enough money, good love .. good communications in all directions .. I waked up 14 years later when I found out that OT is impossible with such a tech .. I mean, no real OT would ever become or be a scientologist .. but believe me I did hold further 10 years on my dreams .. finally I waked up after 43 years .. I have read the book from Jon Atack .. I became then declared for that .. I would read entheta was said .. I myself have not found entheta in the book from Jon .. the church itself did build up entheta against me .. that is all and also true ..
This is the way to wake up in my case .. blaming others for an overt is per LRH an overt for itself .. you should not do that .. but the church went deep down onto this road of entheta ..
I said in many letters that at the day of your death you will find out that you are in a prison .. in a cage .. in the mindset of LRH .. you will not go exterior and start a new life .. you will go interior in a world which do not exist .. never had existed .. and you will be lost ..
I wrote a book about lost thetans (I do not believe in thetans) and I said there, a lost thetan is a being who believes in something which do not exist .. and did not find out about .. but at last I say, a lost thetan is a guy who has lost all of himself for having a game .. unable to play an own game .. has to follow a game of others .. called that the condition bekow confusion .. and said further that all scientology does is trying to bring you in such a condition .. as LRH stated “scientology is a game where everbody wins” .. but what? In a higher echelon scientology can produce good results .. in lower you can only go into the valence of LRH ..
Hi IYawnalot, A very good question one which I still do not know the answer for.How do we wake up those who can’t & won’t see? In my case beatings,& no food & all sorts of make wrong lies spread about me as a spy and most degraded being did the wake up for me,but each case is different.If all that had not happened terrible as it was & devastating to my belief in Ron & SO,Iwould be dead now or so very sick the SO would have taken me for a drive out beyond Hemet & dumped me by the side of the road as trash.Now I think about members my age over 60 in the SO,does it not ever frighten them deeply if their bodies & minds start to fail? I know they believe they are at total cause & if those things happen it is because of their o/ws but the sight & thought of an SO Old Age Home is very unpleasant & terrifying to me.How do they think they will be treated with the use of Ron’s Tech now run by David Miscavige?Thank you for a thought provoking post.Ann.
“Would you consider giving a gift towards New Zealand Ideal Org?”
How about go fuck yourself?
Amazing these filthy crooks.
Should you experience uncertainty about giving money in response to this request for money, The ANZO Team unleashes the great “Uncertainty Buster” : an LRH quote full of wonderful words about doing the impossible and words about stratospheric heights and all kinds of words that just sound good when you say them.
Uncertainty doesn’t have a prayer against a quote of Ron Hubbard boasting about having done the impossible. The least you can do is give a couple thou… and BTW, the church has made it clear in “so many words” that if it takes doing a shady deal in order to give to the church, don’t worry, you’re too big of a being to be concerned with middle-class, wog values.
Is this COS, or Creflo Dollar? Hard to tell the difference anymore.
Yes, both are greedy and completely corrupt, but Creflo Dollar’s “gospel of wealth” promises followers an abundance of Earthly ($$$) rewards, along with a wonderful eternity of course…while CoS says that perfect eternity for all mankind depends on followers giving every cent they have, CoS is actually way WORSE!!
“If you are not certain I give you these words from LRH:”
Yeah, no. Whenever I read the rambling nonsense of LRH, I am ever more certain that he was cretinous vermin, blood brotherhood to Blackfeet notwithstanding.
If an honest advertisement were made, it would read, “Join Scientology, Become a Beggar.”
“Join Scientology! Really the insanity’s not that bad!”
It begs belief, doesn’t it?
Scientology is supposed to be for the able, to make them more able. Well, the able do not require alms.
What’s next on the list of Epic Fail, New Zealand? Promise the donators ten minutes with a Hobbit?
Hi Espiando, Yup & The Hobbit will give them TWTH booklet,Dianetics & if they are a Super Hobbit A fancy new digital ScamMeter & a checkbook or debit credit card so that poor donator won’t know what reg hit them first!Ann.
Reminds me of a letter my 6-year-old brother sent from summer camp that started, “Dear Ma, I got your fone call.”
I have a “Darth Vader Marcabian Express” Credit Card
that I swear had an unlimited credit line 100 million years ago.
I will make a really big donation if you give me a few million cash back,
in Gold coins of course.
Hi Jose Chung, Your post is priceless, Your Credit Card even better.Thank you.Ann.
Wait. . . they WANT people to send them their credit card number and ccv code THROUGH EMAIL?
So not only to they want to fleece, er, take your money, they want others to do it as well? How nice they want to share . . . that should surely help clear the planet /snark
I so enjoy reading the banter on this and Tony’s site! You guys are awesome!
It’s uncanny how similar this email and the form at its bottom look to an email that I just got from an African prince offering me $10 million. And the one from the orphanage, and the missionary, and the Iraqui soldier who found chests filled with gold. And …
It’s sad to consider what scientologists, especially young children (if that’s in fact who really wrote this email), are reduced to in order to feed the monster of greed and self-deception.
It’s not safe to be a kid in the cult.
Buddy, can you spare me a flow?
Setting aside the fact that the people were educated by Scientology schools (read that uneducated) That email reads like a spam email. I would automatically forward something like that to [email protected] and block the sender if it dropped in my inbox.
Yeah sure, I will send you my name, address credit card number and CCV in an email. Is that why COS was trying to hack Mike and Tony’s emails? Do they think people send stuff like that and they thought they could get a few credit card numbers to scam?
The problem with not allowing people on the Internet and forcing them to use the Internet at the same time creates this kind of mass stupidity.
They offer to give you a “commendation” if you send them some money….that is the cherch’s idea of exchange. These children or young adults are being taught a criminal existence: “If you give us your money for nothing, we will give you a “commendation” to prevent ethics from beating the crap out of you!!” Ha.
This is veiled extortion. Plain and simple.
What will Colin Davie, Margy Pearse, Robyn Smith, Zee Fear & Cathy Grist do after the demise of Scientology? They are trained to threaten people unless they pay $ for protection…. where can they get a job with those qualifications??
The concept of a gold star on the forehead is something children will do anything to get. When that is exploited for profit or sustainability, then the game has changed to new desperate lows. Nazi Germany had children manning machine guns in it’s final days.
The darker more sinister side of the RCS has only lies and false promises for its public face, it values no-one’s integrity. If they grind their own children into deceitful and reward-less mindsets what sort of crime is that? Children brought up within organised scientology are the potential mindfuck terrorists for the future of the toxic cult and yet the judicial system does nothing, money speaks. I have a real problem getting my head around what sort of people the RCS are producing as its prodigy. It is easier to have a sane conversation with a drunk than a scientologist.
It’s getting to the point where even the jokes about the RCS are beginning to leave a bad taste in the mouth. There’s not much funny about the truly insane, it’s impossible to be in the same room with one and not be affected.
Scientology now dramatizes exactly what it says it cures. How a society treats its children is the future glimpse of that society.
That photo of the kids is actually from the 1930’s, it’s of the cast of the “Little Rascals” from the Our Gang short films…I’m old enough to remember them very well, one of my late mother’s close friends was a cast member way back then…typical CoS, to rip off images that don’t belong to them, all for endless marketing!!
That image was included by me to illustrate the post — I thought it appropriate that these supposed “international executives” of scientology are really not much different than Spanky and Our Gran…
Hi Mike,Yes those ” international executives ” of Scientology are not much different from Spanky & Our Gang.But no self respecting cute doggie with the circle around his eye,would want to be in any company with any cos executive anywhere.Always Ann.
What AnnB. said!
Yep! Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat & Darla are those kids. I watched them in the mid to late 50s.
My God! These poor kids don’t even have a handle on the English language! And, of course, they’re probably not allowed to attend a WOG school. If and when they finally wake up to the fact that they’ve been totally scammed, they may not have the skills to exist in the WOG world.
“Flourish and Prosper” always sounds like “Share and Enjoy” from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, complete with the hidden “Go stick your head in a pig!” message.
And the answer is 42
Their pathetic HUBBARD COLLEGE NEW ZEALAND had a grand opening in New Plymouth strip mall once. Here it is …
AGP, I love watching your videos when you’re walking down L.Ron Hubbard Way! It’s fun to watch the clams scatter. You really do impinge on them! And, they really don’t have any confront!
Ugh. Angry Gay Pope’s comments are nastily racist against Māori people, who traditionally open all new public buildings in New Zealand in accordance with their thousand-year-old cultural traditions. Can’t we attack the cherch without throwing muck on other people’s spiritual traditions?
I’d bet a nickel the author of that begging note wouldn’t have a clue what “Auxiliary Pre-Have 3D Scale ” is, means or does.
That note is really scrapping the bottom of the barrel of a degenerate organisation top heavy in money for miscavige but nothing for anyone else. His greed is a cancer for staff and public alike.
What’s next, “loose change” requests while body routing?
HiIYawnalot,Love this post. How about zapping David Miscavige’s greed with super radiation I enjoyed last summer for a month! Does stop that cancer DNA cold,but Opps I forgot David sprinkles it on his gourmet breakfasts.As Ron so famously opined Smoking does not cause cancer.Not smoking enough does.Does that one make my head spin! So glad I quit years & years ago.Kools were actually horrid.Always Ann.
Any cigarettes are horrid but menthol cigarettes, double yuck!
It looks again that Co$$$has been hit by Nigerians. I wish we could get info on the senders IPO, as Marty Mcfly say in BTF “Libyan terroists Doc!”
I thought they had been hit by a load of manure …… pure Daveshit. At least that is what they have been spewing out in their PR these days.
Except when a still-in who was supposed to be doing OOT training emailed me saying his credit card was taken and maxed out, drivers license was confiscated, and he got the bums rush from the hotel, is therefore stuck in Florida with no money and wants me to send him Western Union, I didn’t automatically assume that a Nigerian took over his email. In fact, I actually thought it sounded quite plausible and was tickled to death that he wanted my help escaping Fraud Scam Base. True story.
Ron’s words of how great he is and that he is the “only one” to find the truth is a hypnotic command to elicit loyalty and paying membership.
Here is how Ron did it. He explains it himself. He has hypnotized us.
SO THE FIRST TWO SENTENCES SHOULD READ ““In altitude teaching, “I am the” ‘great authority.’ “I am” probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be.”
That’s how this should be read. He is actually talking about himself and how he controls people. The people being us.
“In altitude teaching, somebody is a ‘great authority.’ He is probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be. He has become defensive down through the years, and this is a sort of protective coating that he puts up, along with the idea that the subject will always be a little better known by him than by anybody else and that there are things to know in this subject which he really wouldn’t let anybody else in on. This is altitude instruction … It keeps people in a state of confusion, and when their minds are slightly confused they are in a hypnotic trance. Anytime anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude. There are ways to create and lower the altitude of the subject, but if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject the same way, he doesn’t have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as hypnotic suggestion.” (Hubbard, Research & Discovery, volume 4, p.324)12
Here is an article by Jon Atack about Ron’s deep knowledge of hypnotism:
Ron here is claiming a unique status. Being the only one in 50,000 years. And people believe him. Without any evidence or common sense, people eat it up.
Here is another example of Ron’s psycho-manipulative device that he uses to undermine your ability to think freely:
When Ron said that all critics are criminals, every time we researched this it always was true that we found crimes…………………..
Ron knew he did not research this. Ron was not stupid. He knew that absolutes like this are completely ridiculous: all critics are criminal! A completely absurd statement!
But what is the outcome of this statement after Ron has elevated himself with Altitude Instruction and we bought into it?
It is to cause one’s sovereign capacity to reason and therefore see clearly being associated with criminality.
You are a criminal if you pull back the veil of deception and look.
Because Ron now has Altitude Instruction over us, he can now say the most outrageous statements and his hypnotized subjects, Scientologists, will never look at Ron with reason and question.
All critics are criminals is a HYPNOTIC COMMAND.
This statement is absurd and anyone who can believe it has been hypnotized.
Ron claiming to be the wisest man in 50,000 years is such an absurd statement. And it is layed in like stone because of his Altitude Instruction.
Great quote Brian. The first time I read it (thank you Jon Atack) it really opened my eyes. I think LRH showed his hand on that one.
Hi Brian, Whoa fascinating & frightening @ the same time. I always thought ” close your eyes.What do you see ?”was leading me right down the Control Path which would really ramp up the further down the path I skipped till @ the end I was so weak I crawled.Always Ann.
I received that too. Was figuring out how to send to you Mike but couldn’t find your email address. The first line just puts me off and unprepared to read the rest, it’s an attempt to “establish R” with me but the dickheads didn’t realise that my “town” is the name of a post office. So no, Colin Davie, you don’t still find me in my post office, so piss off!
I just received a similar letter for St Louis and Salt Lake. Short and sweet–“please send a flow”–what a dumb term.
Anyone who gives this “church” a cent is as responsible for the continued creation of the begging and the extortion as Miscavige is. I have become completely unreasonable with these enablers. Going bankrupt from your credit cards? Tough shit. My message to the marks: Stop being so fucking stupid and stop letting these people promote family disconnection and thought control on young and old alike and maybe I’ll have some sympathy for you (but don’t come to me with your cap in your hand and ask me for a loan to help you out or I’ll just have to refer you to Bean Theory PL) But … if you keep giving … you have no one to blame but your stupid SELF, capisce? (you’ll probably not understand this message until you do your student hat for the fifth time … or the tenth time … or probably never).
*by the way, I heard that Reed Slatkin was in perfect health when he ate it. See, his body became a hindrance to his researching higher level schemes of stealing people’s money; he could only research that as a thetan exterior to the Securities and Exchange Commission. He’s now with Ron on target 3 helping him write a new regging manual. It’s called “Up Your Status.”
Or “up yours” for short.
So do the impossibility of ‘do it’ means to donate money? Am I reading that right?
It’s actually quite possible: I donated money to Mike Rinder and other worthy causes recently.
$0.01 on the way!
Again, Rhinoplast, that is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much to give! If you give them that much money, they’ll actually think that they can can get $0.02 from you! I have to warn you, this is a very slippery slope!
Only if you mail it in an express mail envelope postage due would that ever be appropriate.
I concur!
@Quote: Because I can tell you, what I have done in the development of this material is impossible. It could never have been done. It’s impossible. The last fifty thousand years it’s never been done, so why should it ever be done?
Yes LRH did something good .. never be done before .. as he looks for fifty thousand years back it is true .. what is about sixty thousand years .. but did everyone for fifty thousand years need anything about his development .. I think “no” .. it would be not really useable for anything ..
The development of LRH goes down to the idea that everyone is guilty for overts .. and that is his finally sole concept of development .. but certainly this was known at all ages for everyone .. I mean .. if you did bad you will justify it .. it is you if you believe in that or not .. the development is that he spoke it out .. the rule was always “do not speak out a blame without evidence” .. LRH put that into a generality .. and claimed that everybody is guilty as long he has a case .. which means today if the needle do not swift three times in a row .. nothing is freed .. but clearing something is understanding .. never the needle or a development ..
Note: in a good ARC break you will have a good F/N .. not three times .. it will go to a high or low TA very fast ..
“The development of LRH goes down to the idea that everyone is guilty for overts ” And that leads to another question. Would anyone have overts if people didn’t have ser facs?
Yes indeed, being right is the most valuable of all mental commodities. Has there ever been a country or person on earth that doesn’t or didn’t need a police force or army and is still around? Overts are only relative to the receiver it seems.
I guess what I meant to say, is that if people didn’t make others wrong, there wouldn’t be anything such as an “overt”. There might be for instance, “oversights”, “Mistakes”, “Inaccuracies”, “Foolishness”. “Foolhardiness:, “Recklessness”, “mischievousness” etc etc… There is only one word in Scientology, “overts”. And people are severally punished for them. Nobody is ever excused with more forgiving and understanding words.
Desperation is like stealing from the Mafia: you stand a good chance of attracting the wrong attention. – Douglas Horton
A dying dark empire as evidence by a well spread Yahoo news about the departure of another Celebrity Center Member:
That LRH quote is one of his more obtuse utterings. Must have been on a “trip”. 🙂 I’ll bet one one of those children has the slightest idea of what they signed.
“I wish to donate: Aus$( .00 )
Credit Card:
3 numbers on back:
This is the ultimate spiritual experience ever “visa mastercard” all wisdom and states of awareness of intelligent living beings for the last trillion of years in the Galaxy can be resumed into “Visa Mastercard” It is the ultimate Mantra. Thanks COB you are brilliant!
Geez, Alexdevalera, even wishing to donate Aus$(.00) is still way, way, waaaaaaaaayyy too much.
For which, I will donate precisely AU$ .00. Using my visamastercard, of course!
I can’t believe I ever fell for this shit. I’m truly hurt and ashamed.
We all did, GP. Now let’s celebrate being free of this monstrous, toxic, militant, evil cult. And remember the people still trapped inside. For me, freedom never felt as good as when I left staff. It’s like night & day. Glorious Freedom! You don’t know what freedom really is until it’s taken away from you. And you can experience that by either joining staff or the Sea Org. However, I strongly DO NOT recommend it.
Hi Good People,Nice to meet you.Don’t worry I have been truly hurt & ashamed a billion times over I’m sure 99.9% of us here have felt that @ some point or another.But as Mike states ” Something Can Be Done About It “& as I have found with all types of bloggers here you are in an amazing company of friends who really do help each other if asked.Thank you for your post.Ann.
Thank you for the warm welcome Ann. It’s greatly appreciated.
Welcome aboard Good People. The good news is that the boat you are now on doesn’t go there anymore!
Hi Newcomer,And I’ll board the boat that doesn’t go there anymore in a second! As for that other rust bucket it can be repainted white as many times as nesscessary but the bones of that tub are bent & rotten.Always Ann.
Dear ______, a New Ideal Org is being planned in _________. Will that be check or charge?
With the cherch and Miscavige having such horrid PR, all they can do is beg for money from the “still ins”
The obvious course of action for those “still in” is to not buy unpleasant GAG II services and stay away from the Org and all their beggars….
It is a Ponzi scheme unraveling…
The difference between Scientology and a Ponzi scheme is this.
In a Ponzi scheme, money bilked from new people is used to pay back some of the earlier people to keep up the illusion that the investment or other scheme is working.
In Scientology, no one ever gets any money back. It’s a one way street. A financial Black Hole.
Scientology has protected itself by proclaiming its money-intake-vacuum is only sucking up “donations.” Thereby it claims religious protections and avoids Ponzi scheme illegalities.
Not quite. Scientology takes money and uses some of it to build and sell the illusion of expansion, thereby justifying the call for more new money. It’s money in, illusion out, so it’s not so different from a Ponzi, where the money out also equals the illusion of return on investment.
Hi Mike, Flourish & Prosper! More like drop the body & shrivel,but first give me as much money as you can beg borrow or steal!The Grand Words from Ron are nothing but smoke & mirrors & ring so very hollow to me now.Gosh he has been shoveling this begging for over 50,000 years already!Have a bright summer weekend.We are with you with what may transpire in New York.Tony is amazing with his intentions against this evil cult.You both are too.Ann.
Wow. It truly is a begging letter. A poorly written, begging letter. They must attend a scientology school, where there is no mention of the teachers being state certified–instead, they are certified in teaching LRH tech.
Their letter is so compelling, that I’m sending my donation this very moment. I will get a commendation if I do! Hahahaha, maybe not.
That’s a fantastic quote from LRH, I could actually feel the money trying to claw it;’s way out of my wallet. At least Bob Tilton offers you a magical bit of cloth that he’s blessed in return for a donation, now that’s a material gain!
Ah, Bob Tilton and his prayer cloths … brings back televangical memories from 25 plus years ago. That man could sell snow to the eskimos, as the saying goes. Is he an IAS reg now?