It’s SaTerraDay once again folks!
Being Theetie-Weetie in Scientology
Theetie-Weetie is one of the many negative terms Scientology use to label a person. Such people appear bubbly and upbeat, happy and cheerful, and without a care in the world. Behind the façade, though, is a person scared of life.
Ron Hubbard defined Theetie-Weetie as: 1. Slang from England, meaning “sweetness and light” (but they can’t face mest or any outness. Cannot go deeper into the bank than a thought. (LRH Def Notes) 2. He operates in a totally psychotic way while being totally serene. The valence is all the way up at tone 40 and the pc is all the way down at minus eight (SP Spec 2, 6105C12).
The Lowest Common Denominator
Being Theetie-Weetie is a survival mechanism; a way to handle the “dangerous environment;” a way to cope with constantly being bombarded with data that doesn’t make sense. It’s a more pronounced form of cognizant dissonance in which people have decided that always being cheerful is the way to deal with life.
Because being cheerful is uptone. Which is pro-survival and to be admired. Facing the truth and what’s really going on is wholly un-confrontable. Not to mention, good Scientologists mustn’t look at that which is entheta.
But that’s how the Theetie-Weetie has chosen to live. Seeing what’s really there would be too painful—especially for those who’ve invested decades inside the opaque bubble of Scientology. Listening to the opinions and beliefs of others is fraught with the fear of being sent to Ethics. Reading viewpoints other than those of the Church of Scientology is just as dangerous.
It must take tremendous energy to feign cheerfulness all the time. I’d have to pound down energy drinks and start smoking weed again to maintain such a high. Holding one’s reasoning skills at bay has to be exhausting!
Bubbles and Tinted Glasses
No Scientologist wants to appear too bubbly or happy, lest they be thought of as Theetie-Weetie. Conversely, they don’t want to take the game “too seriously” and become “solid.”
Ironically, the very mechanism that causes one to be Theetie-Weetie, also causes them not to recognize the phenomena in their friends and colleagues. And themselves.
Not surprisingly, over half the staff at “my” local org fit this description—maybe ninety percent—all wearing their Tech-tinted glasses, oblivious to the “secular” life beyond the tip of their noses.
I believe this phenomenon is more evident in lower orgs and missions than in the Sea Org, but I’m not altogether sure; I never signed a billion year contract.
Lights, Camera, Action
As with so many of his theories, LRH projected his own hang-ups and psychoses onto the masses. If he had survived a “Wall of Fire,” so had everyone else. If he had lived under the reign of Emperor Xenu in the Galactic Confederacy, so had everyone else. If misunderstood words, overts, and withholds were the cause of his mental illness, they were the cause of everyone else’s, too. If he’d masked his demons with cheerfulness and joviality, others must have been similarly disguised.
Whether consciously or unconsciously, LRH invented the term Theetie-Weetie because he recognized the phenomenon in himself. And if he suffered from lapses of confront, so did everyone else. Often what we fear or dislike in others is what we fear or dislike about ourselves. Those negative behaviors we see in our friends and relatives are often the same behaviors we’re unable to identify and acknowledge in our own lives.
Last Words
Considering his manic-depressive, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality, LRH may have been the biggest Theetie-Weetie of us all. He wasn’t always “sweetness and light”—nobody is—but from what I’ve gathered, he was great at projecting fun and bonhomie in public.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
I’m English… (10 mins from East Grinstead) I’ve never heard of such a term and I can’t think of a term it could’ve derived from!
It’s likely it came from his imagination, like everything else!
Hi: Is Mike and his family on a Christmas break because I Have not received anything after this blog. Just asking, Miss the blogs but he and his family certainly do deserve some time off. Does anyone know? Happy Holidays toall.
Manic-Depressive Update:
How serious is the damage at Int from today’s earthquake centered 20 miles south of Hemet? Has the old converted Hagman property, Narconon near Ojai, been reduced to cinders by the California wildfires?
One can only hope!
As someone who has lived in England her entire life I have to say I’ve never heard the term “theatie wheatie” or anything remotely similar. Not that I’ve heard every slang term, I’m sure, but it must have been pretty obscure or niche if it did exist.
At the Miami Org in the 1980’s my name was Theetie-Weetie Dilentante. Staff said I had characteristics of both personalities except when I audited people for free or was in the act of donating money.
Theetie. Weetie ?! Lol. Sounds like something from a Disney cartoon…
“Theetie-Weetie” sounds like a typical reaction of an abused child towards an abusive parent . . .
In Scientology, I imagine it eventaully leads to “Stockholm Syndrome” ?
Dave F.
A religion composed of many Patty Hearsts… I am convinced that poor Shelley Miscavige may go down in history as another Patty Hearst.
Eventually she may be given a shower, some nourishment, and a few hours of sleep, then trotted out for public view… maybe she will even be allowed to read a script praising her demonic little husband.
It is all so vile. Hey Miscavige, if your anxiety is daily rising, if your sleep is becoming ever more troubling, and if your paranoia is smothering you, well you have done it all to yourself. As much as I loathe to agree with any writing of LRH, he had it right in your case: you called it all in, little buddy. You have done this to yourself.
Nice bed, ‘ya SP. Have fun sleeping in it.
As far as i understand about DM. And im a never in…why doesn’t he divorce Shelley? So she can live the rest of her life in peace..!!
Probly cuz he has no compassion or caring at all..
Well you are right about that. But she also has all the dirt on his activities too, and he is so gutless he feels it is safer to keep her ‘disappeared’.
DM probably doesn’t divorce Shelley because there would be a looking into assets, a listing of ALL money and assets to be divided up in a divorce. DM doesn’t want the world to know how many millions he has socked away all of it tax free.
LRH and Mary Sue both considered my mother, Yvonne Gillham-Jentzsch to be “theety-weety” – she was a well loved personality that liked to take the high road and overcome negativity. As covered in my book Commodore’s Messenger A Child Adrift in the Scientology Sea Org, she quietly built Celebrity Centre from nothing with little support and as will be covered in my book II, when LRH realized CCLA was a going aconcern he and management took action to try and destroy it by knocking out the “theety-weety” attitude of the staff to turn them into real Sea Org members. It was probably the most destructive Sea Org mission of all time – but Yvonne with her theety weety attitude still managed to rebuild her org to being the largest in the world with over 250 staff, until again she was attacked and removed until her purpose of helping others was totally taken from her resulting in death.
Thanks for the information. I remember Yvonne.
It would be extremely difficult to forget her. Wherever she may be, I’d bet she was dishing out joy.
Janis -“until again she was attacked and removed until her purpose of helping others was totally taken from her resulting in death.” YES, and this I believe was the result of her death. She was a wonderful woman, trying to help “man kind”, believing from her heart that she was doing the right thing and on purpose. And then for what? It’s sad. My heart goes out to you and family. Thanks for sharing your story, this is much needed. The truth be told.
Brutal, just brutal. Has there ever been an ending to any scientology story that isn’t bleak, miserable, and extraordinarily gloomy?
This monstrous invention of LRH has only accomplished one thing: scientology has injected cruel misery on the lives of all who were ever exposed to it.
It is heart breaking to hear about such a good person like Yvonne who thought she was helping people being put down for her joy and ultimately dying from the abuse. This cult is just sick, sick, sick. How sad for the people left in. It just shows you how screwed up LRH and DM were and are.
My neighbor, Danny Vitale, was an exec at CC. He has always spoken very highly of Yvonne.He said that Yvonne was becoming well known with artists and celebs around LA even by Non Scientologists. He told me that one day Dr John,
( the singer ) showed up in his usual cape,cap and cane , bellowing in the lobby ,
” Where’s Yvonne, I want to speak to Yvonne” .
Thank you for sharing Janis. My Mom adored your Mom. Two families who were recruited into Scientology in New York, by my parents, proceeded my family to California. They both ended up at Celebrity Centre. They introduced my Mom to Yvonne. My Mom became an auditor, inspired by Yvonne. My Mom felt that Yvonne personified what Scientology was all about. My Mom was an advocate for her PCs and Yvonne supported her at every turn until higher ups stepped in and tried to squash the whole place. When I left the Apollo my Mom went to Yvonne with my story of abuse. Yvonne gave her resources to pursue for justice. She was an angel. What happened to her was the ultimate betrayal. Despite the fact that she was a purveyor of LRHs insanity, I think she actually tried to do good with what she had. Ultimately, she represented love to so many people. Her “theety-weety” label was an application by LRH who never understood (and was jealous of) her ability to unconditionally love her fellow man and instill hope for their future.
Yvonnes theety-weety attitude single handily put Hubbards Cherch on the map. Yvonne took the best of Hubbards writing and made it work. Hubbard was a psychopath and proved it by turning on Yvonne. One of his biggest betrayals.
Around here, they call that “keeping sweet” or being a “sweet spirit”.
Are you FLDS or something?
my ex used to say ‘stay sweet’. he was a Southern Baptist.
i wondered that too
“FLDS” . . .
Dave F.
No, lol, I just live in Utah.
Speaking as a Mormon, I feel sorry for you. In my experience, Utah Mormons are among the most Theetie-wheetie people on the planet, aside from being the most stand-offish.
For 11 years in the SO, I rarely encountered people who were theetie-weetie. We were “saving the planet” and no sweetness and light attitude would be accepted. Yelling, swearing and the occasional punch were far more acceptable.
Hmm . . . Yelling, Swearing, & Punching . . . Sounds like a great “church” to me . . . NOT ! ! !
Dave F.
To: Dave Friday.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your criticism of yelling and punching.
Look here, SP! Yelling and punching are the only effective methods to bring about a cleared planet as I shall explain in my over the top as usual GATIII presentation. Time and place to be announced at my pleasure.
So watch yourself in the meantime!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Dave F.
Re: “Theetie Weetie”
Obviously, “Theetie Weetie” does not apply to you, “Xenu Boy” !
However, “Teenie Wienie” certainly does !
As for you being “over the top”, as short as you are, you might as well
just “crawl under” !
The only thing I’ll be “watching” is “Scientology And The Aftermath”,
as Mike Rinder & Leah Remini “take you apart” . . .
PS – Looking forward to Trump pulling your Tax Exempt status and starting the RICO investigation, too !
Dave F.
SP for Life
To: Dave F.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: what you just said.
ALL RIGHT! THAT’S IT! By the authority vested in me as Supreme Ruler of Teegeeack, I hereby banish you to the RPF for all eternity where you will spend all your days ironing my luxurious wardrobe and fetching my scotch whenever I demand it!
No creases in the slacks and don’t drink any of the scotch!
Dave M… what a little dick.
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your comment about my DICK.
No one is to speak in a negative fashion about my private parts! Retract your statement now or suffer the ultimate pain of the RPF!
Kiss my suppressive ass, DM.
Sounds like my platoon on a 48hr pass.
And you never, ever fail to be at parade…no matter what condition you’re in.
Oh boy… memories…
“Whether consciously or unconsciously, LRH invented the term Theetie-Weetie because he recognized the phenomenon in himself.”
That’s a very reasonable supposition, but the derivation of that term is actually completely different. I know, because my father, Theodore “Theety” Wheaton, was Elron’s personal butler at Saint Hill in the cult’s early days there. He’s the guy you see pictured serving the Mighty Thetan his afternoon Coca-Cola on a silver platter!
We lived on the estate and my younger sister and I had the run of the place, just so long as we didn’t disturb the great man from his important horticulture experiments in the greenhouse, where he spent most of his waking hours trying to audit out the evil purps of his rock slammin’ tomatoes.
All might have continued to be rainbows and fluffy bunnies for our family if dad hadn’t come across Elron in the Monkey Room one day, trying to see how my seven year old sister would react to a passionate kiss. Of course, dad snatched my sister out of his sweaty grip and almost went upside the fat fraud’s head with a poker that he’d grabbed in anger and began chasing him around his desk with.
Elron’s piggish shrieks of fear soon brought a herd of $cilons to the room, where my irate father had the cult leader cornered. Instead of believing my father, it soon became clear that everyone was going to side with Elron, who had to quickly make up some sort of story to explain why his normally docile and very low-key butler wanted to kill their corpulent cult commodore with a fire poker.
To make a long story short, my father was sacked and our family forced to move out that very same day. Soon after, Elron began calling those who appeared to be super cheerful and helpful on the surface, but who were seriously aberrated beneath that fake facade “Theety-Weety,” in order to remind everyone around him what happens to folks, like my father, who cross him.
The Wheaton family landed on its feet and now, decades after our father’s passing, we still get together as a family to give thanks that none of us ended up lost to the cult and turned into Ronbotic Scilons, which might very well have been our fate if dad hadn’t discovered Elron pursuing his pedophiliac passions with my poor little sister!
Harpoona: Love your alliterative story! Wow. I’d love to hear more.
What a story! And what a strong family you have. Now that’s Super Powers!
It may be alliterative but it’s also imaginative.
Ken Urquhart was LRH’s butler at St. Hill, and his memoirs portray LRH rather differently. For anybody interested, here’s a link to Ken’s blog:
Urquhart did replace someone as butler – but a non-Scientologist, if I recall correctly.
He is a curious character, who admits that Hubbard was a “tyrant” (who ordered a messenger to spit on Urquhart when he finally left Scientology), and yet downplays the specifics fo that and instead waxes sentimental about him. He tells about a couple of seeming “OT” tricks Hubbard played, that sound to me just like the stage hypnosis tricks that Hubbard’s friends documented in his sci-fi days (and that Hubbard himself, claimed to be expert at), involving covert hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestion; I wonder if Urquhart might literally still be under Hubbard’s spell, to some extent.
“He is a curious character, who admits that Hubbard was a ‘tyrant’ (who ordered a messenger to spit on Urquhart when he finally left Scientology)…”
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, PM, I’m afraid you’re mixing stories. It’s true that Ken was spit on by some SO members when he was leaving the SO, but he didn’t say that LRH ordered it (although LRH apparently ordered it for someone else). You’ve already made it clear in past comments that you want to paint Ken as an unreliable source, so you embellish and twist the facts accordingly.
And it’s true that Ken points out both the good and the bad that he observed in LRH, but you apparently can’t bear to hear anything good. It seems to set you off and you start in with the slanted statements – as well as statements that aren’t even related to the topic but rather on the order of pure propaganda.
You never give a direct quote or link to support your claims – knowing that some people will accept anything negative about LHR, no matter how extreme. Then you throw in some of your conjecture, such as “…sound to me like…” and “I wonder if…” etc. Same old, same old.
I’m not interested in further discussion with you about Ken Urquhart, so let’s just leave it. You had your say and I had mine. The support for my comments is the blog link I posted above. Anyone who wants to know the truth can see for themselves what was actually said. No need for you to “interpret” it for them.
marildi, I’m always glad to provide references, and often do – but sometimes, for the sake of brevity on blogs, I leave them out. I don’t post anything that I don’t think I can back up.
To begin with, I believe it is well documented that messengers only spat on people on Hubbard’s orders – that’s not something his obedient emissaries who were dedicated to “duplicating” every nuance of his communications exactly, did on their own. Urquhart apparently acknowledges what happened in his most recent posting – and in his typical downplaying of the things that Hubbard actually did:
“He [Hubbard] ended our relationship with a disgusting gesture that invites me to hate him.”
If he’s not referring to the spitting incident, than what “disgusting gesture” was it that he is alluding to?
And if you’re going to link to Urquhart, then I’m going to point out that I think he is an unreliable source, yes.
Somewhere in Urquhart’s writings that I can’t readily find, he responds to inquiries about whether Hubbard ever demonstrated “OT powers” by saying there was nothing conclusive, but citing an example in which after Hubbard did something (likely a hypnotic induction), he felt a pinch when Hubbard was just sitting across from him with a wry smile, which sounds very similar to this classic trick:
“You pinch your own arm, the subject jumps as if it were his arm that had been pinched.” Mental Magic – First Lessons in Mind Reading and Stage Hypnotism, Chandra Chakravarti Press (2014)
For anyone who’s interested, sci fi pulp writer Arthur Cox, and Hubbard’s literary agent Forest “Forrie” Ackerman, provide some good examples of Hubbard’s ability with just those sort of tricks and even more impressive post-hypnotic suggestion, here:
I try to keep things brief partly in order to avoid lengthy exchanges, but this information may be interesting to readers who want to better inform themselves.
“To begin with, I believe it is well documented that messengers only spat on people on Hubbard’s orders…”
I’ll just reply to this one point as representative of all your specious responses to being called out. I asked you where Ken U. said that it was LRH who gave the order, and your “clever” but non-sequitur response was to say “messengers only spat on people on Hubbard’s orders…” – without giving a source for the new claim, either, that it was Messengers who did it. And this is leaving aside whether or not it’s even true that they would not have done it without orders.
But the main point is that you’re still not giving any documented support for Hubbard having ordered it in the first place. It’s called evasion.
Seriously, how long is this going to go on? A debate about whether Hubbard ordered or didn’t order Ken Urquhart to be spit on?
Sort of lost sight of the real issue here — an organization that spits on people as a pattern of behavior is despicable.
There is no doubt that the FIRST instance of this happening came from a Hubbard despatch that Roger Barnes and John Aczel “should be” spit on (or something like that). This was then carried out as an order.
Whether it was intended to be an “order” or not, every utterance of Hubbard was TAKEN as an order at his insistence. There was a huge apparatus established to enforce his whim (the Messengers and LRH Comm NW being the main manifestations).
That Hubbard could even state that as a “thought” about some of his most dedicated sycophants is the REAL thing that should be being discussed. It doesn’t matter if it was or was not an order, he KNEW that his every word was taken as gospel. Explain it all away as the stupid fools that “misinterpreted” what he said but that then ignores that the literalness with which his words were taken was Hubbard’s doing. Or perhaps he was just so sloppy with his language and careless about ordering his minions that he wasn’t aware what they were doing… I think not.
Mike: “Seriously, how long is this going to go on? A debate about whether Hubbard ordered or didn’t order Ken Urquhart to be spit on?”
It’s the principle of making up things about LRH that paint him worse than what he was, that I think is offensive – and counter-productive. But I agree with most of what you stated. Well said.
Thanks. That is what often happens. The argument is about a detail. The BIG PICTURE is lost in the fury of mortal comment combat…
“That is what often happens. The argument is about a detail.”
Yeah, but the devil is in the details. 😉
marilidi, your nitpicking about possible uncertainties in the first thing I mention, completely ignored addressing the quote from Urquhart himself that I went back and found, and then referenced next:
“He [Hubbard] ended our relationship with a disgusting gesture that invites me to hate him.”
Again, the question is if he’s not referring to the well-known spitting incident that he wrote about previously, than what “disgusting gesture” is it that he is alluding to? You frequent Urquhart’s blog and may have seen something specific that I missed which might answer that question, or if you cared about the truth, could ask him.
To Mike’s point, it doesn’t necessarily even matter whether Hubbard ordered a messenger to spit in Urquhart’s face, or did something else “disgusting” to the level of inviting hate – Hubbard did that to even a long-term loyal servant and erstwhile friend, one who is an apologist for him even to this day.
Peacemaker, Ken is currently on hiatus, but I’ll ask him about the spitting incident when he returns. Meanwhile, I’m going to continue to ignore your blatant speculations about what he meant by this and that.
Thanks marildi. There are enough known crimes by Hubbard that people don’t need to make up crap. It just muddies the water and truth.
Couldn’t have said it better myself, Wynski.
Thanks to links above, I’ve started reading Mr. Urquhart’s blog. Sadly, it appears to be a sort of gospel-like defense of the indefensible, similar to defenses of Hitler-as-a-real-mensch-who-was-betrayed-by-his-supporters. (Sorry to go all Godwin on you.)
Can’t resist adding to Harpoona’s (spoofy) story.
I too remember those days vividly. You see, I was one of the tomatoes that LRH woke up to consciousness, and he helped me rise to my current high being status of OT – operating tomato.
If you noticed my avatar image, well yes that is me.
So thank you LRH. I was destined to be in a salad, but you saved me. Sure I am now impoverished with no money, no pension, and no health care. But it was worth it because I am helping to save the planet.
“operating tomato.”…totally killin’ me with that one. I was convinced that everyone would see through my satire when I got to the “rock slammin” tomatoes and their “evil purps” part!
Proving once again that, when it comes to $cn, there’s just nothing too perverse, whacky or just plain evil that’s beyond our ability to credibly imagine the cult taking part in…$cn really is the essence of Evil.
Aagghh. Fooled again. ?
Wow HF. Your are very lucky to have escaped. Thanks for the great story!
What?!??! Have you told this to Aaron?!?!? He might wake up about that damn passage!! Omg. So sorry for you and your family. So happy you all got out.
Thank you for sharing Harpoona! I’d love to see you on Leah’s show. If all your family is out of the cult, why the pen name? Why not your real name? I”d love to get to know you and visit you.
Your poor sister – that had to be brutal.
Amazing story, Harpoona!
My dear Harpoona, this story is so valuable.
A) it shows the etymology of a known Scilon word.
B) it shows that Elron was a pervert – again.
C) It shows how closely you missed a lifetime of lies and deception.
D) It shares another piece of history that others may have seen from another viewpoint.
You my dear get a blue ribbon for awesomeness in historical commenting. I am happily edified.
WOW HF – you just blew the lid for anyone wondering of LRon being a pedophile or not. Always wondered about those cute teenage messenger girls in short shorts running around for him. Thanks. And I would love to read about your WHOLE story.
Harpoona Frittata,
“We lived on the estate and my younger sister and I had the run of the place, just so long as we didn’t disturb the great man from his important horticulture experiments in the greenhouse, where he spent most of his waking hours trying to audit out the evil purps of his rock slammin’ tomatoes.
Are you SURE that wasn’t Marijuana. Opium Poppies, and Psilocybin Mushrooms that LRH was growing ?
Dave F.
Another jaw-dropping story from the horror show that never stops. This story needs to be told more. H.F., Would you consider a podcast with Aaron or one of the other folks fighting against the cult?
Wow, is that really all true? Or are you just pulling our leg(s)?
I thought to look it up, and “Theetie-Weetie” is, as far as I can tell, not actually a documented British slang term (unlike “wog”) – Hubbard’s references to “Slang from England” would then be typical scientological lying by false implication, it being just Scientology slang that came “from England”, not English slang.
Oops, sorry, that was total satire…I like to J&D with Dead Elron’s personal history and just make that shit up, exactly as he did.
I should have checked back in earlier today and set folks straight. I thought it was obviously satirical, but apparently not…my apologies there.
It’s okay Harpoona. I can understand you want to stay anonymous on the blogs. I’m sure myself and others here will keep it secret about your upbringing.
What? WTF – I didn’t get the sarcasm or satire in your little story.
Next time try to be more like Newcomer or OTB – just sayin!!!
Correction – I mean OSD!
When I got to the part about the “rock slamming” tomatoes and their “evil purps,” did you think I was being serious there?
I dunno, Harpoona. If people think your satire is true, they may think that my “memos from Dave” are actually comm particles from the dwarf himself.
I was about to relay this “anecdote” to my wife, assuming it to be true. I didn’t “get” the satire, either. That said, I thought the writing was terrific! Might I suggest you write a wholly made-up history of scientology and its founder, along the lines of the early National Lampoon type of articles I have fond memories of reading?
I didn’t find it obviously satirical, and I’m usually not a go-fer. But no hard feelings.
Sorry, I thought the part about the ““rock slamming” tomatoes and their “evil purps,” was a dead giveaway there
I wrote it in the a.m. and didn’t check back here until the p.m., or I would have set the record straight earlier for those who didn’t catch on to my J&D spoofery.
Poe’s Law completely applies here!
Actually though Hubbard’s methods are mental, and there’s no such thing as a “rock slam” the verdict in actual science is still out as to plants feeling pain or not. Debate in biology circles is hot!
Different thought, does anyone think maybe he (mis)heard “Tweedy” and created theetie weetie off of that? I’m going to ask a Pom Linguist friend and if he has an answer of note post it back here at some later date but am spitballing here …
I thought it was obviously satire and was onto it as soon as it came to your sister. It was just TOO exact to the LRH quote, that’s why, and it clued me in. I’m a never in, but I’ve been reading Tony Ortega and Mike’s blogs for a bunch of years now, and have read every ex’s book that I can find. I’ve also been studying cults on my own since I was 17, right around the time that EST was becoming a big deal in California. My late husband occasionally worked in the sound truck for EST events back in the 80s, but never got seduced into it. He heard the same crap from Erhard over and over and over again out in the sound truck, and it inoculated him. I had friends who fell into it, whose personalities I watched change for much the worse as they were brainwashed, and I think that helped inoculate me against cults in general.
Congrats on the very clever satire from a never in who got it. Well done.
OMG, Harpoona, is all I can say to this!! ☹️
Thanks for the story. Great.
Wow. HF, your dad was awesome! Being called a theetie weetie would be an honor. Someone who speaks truth to power.
Harpoona – I also lived on the estate when I was a kid. Me and the other kids called your dad Theetan Wheaton.
People who came and left the blog before seeing Harpoona’s retraction are now spreading far and wide the Legend of Theety Wheaton chasing LRH around the monkey room with a poker! The internet is wonderful!
Theetan is the British way of saying thetan. The kids knew all about theetans but back then we weren’t allowed to get auditing until we were ten. I couldn’t roam around the estate like Harpoona and his sister. I was one of the bad kids and was confined to the stable area.
Shit oh dear! Tell me it isn’t so, Rich!
Just to set the record straight here, you don’t “retract” satire or parody, you just have to explain it to folks who chumped for it as if it were the Gospel, when the opposite was your intent…a task, btw, that no satire writer relishes, but that we all take as a compliment nonetheless…think “War of the Worlds” here 😉
Harpoona – That was a nasty accusation you made about Mr. Hubbard which is why I called it a retraction. Also, Mr. Hubbard enjoyed growing tomatoes and regardless of their mental condition the tomatoes were always fresh and tasty. (satire/parody – haha)
“People who came and left the blog before seeing Harpoona’s retraction are now spreading far and wide the Legend of Theety Wheaton chasing LRH around the monkey room with a poker!”
And it wouldn’t be the first time such stories have spread – some of them accidentally on purpose. The original fake news !
Yes. Too bad that Weekly World News is no longer in circulation.
There is always the Globe, though……..
I apologize for being a gullible spreader of the satire.
HF, thank you for sharing that story. Glad y’all made it out of that unhealthy enviRONment. What a heroic dad!! His son is not too shabby either. Here and the Bunker wouldn’t be the same without your contributions.
So disappointing to see all these people STILL falling for such a transparently made up story, even in jest!
It is perfectly understandable to me. The experiences posters have shared here and on the Aftermath show document crazy and painful events, many of which boggle the heart and mind. Several who took Harpoona’s story at face value replied with caring responses. With the evil that Scientology has doled out, sometimes it is hard to sift out fact from fiction.
Far out! LRH was a dirty rock spider! Without knowing your truth, I actually thought the word/term was derived from his childhood when he was the much-cherished grandson & nephew. I don’t know why, I just imagined it was the type of big family that made up silly words like that (when you see elron talking he comes across as upper class American, with that slightly British accent, & that type of class did that sort of stuff, from a pop culture view of earlier times, ie piss-takes of Enid Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ kind of language) .. I even thought LRH was English til I discovered he wasn’t! So it was a shock to learn, after reading Barefaced Messiah that his background was anything but that which he portayed once he invented Scientology. And now to read some more truth from that much earlier period at Saint Hill (I’ve read Barefaced Messiah by Russell Miller & The Road To Xenu by Margery Wakefield & one of those books covered a bit of Saint Hill), its still a surprising revelation to find out yet more information about him that isn’t well known at all … no wonder he made that term derogatory! Your Dad must have scared the crap out of him so much lol! Like most things I’ve discovered about that individual – whatever he says, insists or believes, the opposite is true.
Thanks for sharing your family’s experience – without it, no one else outside your family group would ever know LRH was capable of being a child sex offender as well ? What a wanker! Personally, I reckon he had deep issues about his red hair etc & how different he looked to the rest of his mother’s family. I don’t know if he ever questioned his paternity or wondered what his father’s family looked like, or whether he felt shame that because his father was abandoned/adopted. I’ve wondered whether he felt it made him (LRH) somehow less than everybody else, so he had to create a history much closer to the view he believed would make him appear more authoritative. The BS he made up about his background & family ties really says to me he was ashamed. These days, certainly in Australia, there’s no shame in being a bastard but back in the day it meant much more (for descendents as well). Scientology & LRH Tech is also rooted in the era elron grew up in & is very much now stuck in the past – & like many ex scion posters on this blog, their experience confirms it to me. The more I watch, read & learn from those who were there, or who know the reality, the more I understand how out of place scientology is today. We’ve all got access to a tool (internet) to check the validity of people’s claims virtually immediately, so you can imagine if LRH was trying to tell people about his ‘exceptional’ (bullshit) childhood, exploring Asia & ancient cultures, living with bandits & seafaring expeditions, (even Dianetics) etc today, he’d have been outed as a fraud & charlatan overnight … perhaps he’d never have gotten away with it, as much as he did. Its certainly hard to imagine scientology would be the billion dollar corporation it is, had it tried to start in the last decade at least.
Thanks Harpoon Frittata for giving more insight into the fraud that was L. Ron Hubbard ☺
TC, I love the Hubbard had no problem evaluating for his members in or out of session.
What I found by direct experience was if you stood up to Hubbard he gave you respect.
I did not see that happen much. But it happened. If you left him though then he hated and feared you.
One of the things that strikes me more and more, is how much Hubbard evaluated – in ways that carried into session, both in suggesting to the auditor what and how to audit, and in suggesting to the PC (auditee) how to respond (recalling lots of “space opera” past lives, for instance).
One of the related things that always bothered me, because I’d had some of the same background that Hubbard did in areas such as the occult, is that if “OT” powers existed, then the setup of the auditing session would have to control not only for the auditor evaluating for the PC (which, of course, it doesn’t adequately) but also for the auditor projecting their thoughts in the PC’s mind or otherwise controlling it. I think he must have known that would throw a wrench into his theory and the workability of the applications he was promoting, and chose to ignore it.
And I’ve also heard from others that Hubbard, in the vein of a bully, only respected those who stood up to him – though he may have seemed to demand obedience.
Now that you have been left high and dry by your old buddy Bob, will you be making a New Year’s Resolution to be less theetie-weetie about blackmailing your whales? Have you done a ‘Tech Estimate’ to determine how long it will take for Bob to chill out and begin investing in fringe journalists to put you in the pokey once and for all? With Manson headed for Target Two, there is a vacancy for you in his old California cell block.
Yo Dave,
Whaddya think about a little Ess Pea declare? Certainly Bob has taken in a few episodes of the Aftermath by now.
Next season could be the aftermath of Bob leaving the cult = severe reduction of whale income for davey doo doo. And who will Grant try to suck up too now?
Circle the wagons little buddy…………
To: All you little assholes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the snide comments above.
If I see any more of this kind of entheta shit, I will personally open up a can of whoop-ass on all of you and then throw all of you in the RPF! Never forget that I am the almighty Exalted Ruler of planet Teegeeack as well as the entire universe. Who says so? I do!
Yes, it highlights the uncomfortable gap between what one wants to be and what one is as a scientologist. The super sane, super-powered scientologist who never gets ill, stressed or upset, who can communicate with London’s pigeons, make the traffic lights green and have the train doors open right in front of him on the tube…and the guy who sometimes gets sick, stressy and sad, where pigeons don’t always do what he commands, where the light doesn’t always turn green and where the trains don’t always stop in the perfect place. Hah!
It is the defining trait of a scientologist, imho. The insatiable urge to be bigger and better than what one is and to have to fool oneself in order to feel it.
It’s what Hubbard sold himself before he realised he could sell it to others and make a few bob.
When I lived in NY, I had subway doors opening right in front of me almost every day. That was because I used certain stations often and the train drivers tended to stop pretty much in the same places, especially in the 10 car trains. Memorizing the 10-20 stations was pretty easy. Wasn’t that OATIE??? LOL
Another example of LRH’s juvenile made up language. His world is like perpetual.middle school. Only real middle schoolers grow up and the cruel rules of the playground eventually end. He some how perverts every aspect of life.
So Tom Cruise jumping on a couch is Theetie Weetie.
Tom Cruise jumping on the couch is just plain nuts! But, as Miscavige said, ‘Tom Cruise is the most dedicated Scientologists I know.’
Of course he is! That’s why we’ve been seeing so much of him lately, leaping to the defense of his biggest buddy! NOT!!! I’ll bet his handlers have been holding him down, warning that his career is much endangered if he continues his blowhard and weird public outpourings on behalf of his “best friend”. Note, too, that his huge Clearwater penthouse continues empty of life. What a boor!
Theetie-Weetie Tommy C
Jumped on the couch for all to see
Oprah almost lost her p
and Oprah almost Harpo be
When Theetie-Weetie Tommy C
Jumped on the couch for all to see
(Thunderous applause!!!). Well done!
To: Old Surfer Dude and Michieux.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: criticising Tom Cruise.
I will have no more entheta regarding Tom Cruise or there will be trouble! Tom’s jumping on that couch was a simply a demonstration of his awesome OT powers while Oprah is nothing but an overweight abberee! Get your priorities right!
Found your blog here and subscribed. The wife and I are huge fans of the show, and your works to expose what is really going on. I always suspected scientology (intentionally uncapitalized) was bubkis. Mom got dianetics one day, and the local office kept trying to recruit her for over 2 years (first red flag). She read the whole thing, and immediately saw through their scam. Thank goodness! I cannot even imagine how we would have turned out had she fallen for it. Anyways, watching the show I didn’t even comprehend the levels of depravity scientology lowers itself into. Thank you for bringing to light what should be revealed about this insane belief system. Thanks also for you and your guests courage to share your experiences. I am sure the strong arm tactics scientology employs are a difficult thing to deal with. Keep up the good work and don’t let the haters get you down. You are doing good things and I respect that. Forgiveness comes to those that truly desire to make things right.
‘Forgiveness comes to those that truly desire to make things right.’
& respect ?
Nice article, Terra. I like the fact that the ‘real world’ largely discourages labelling people, which is the opposite of what I experienced in the church. Quite often you would hear, ‘He’s theetie-weetie’, or ‘She’s 1.1’, (whatever, fill in the blanks). It’s refreshing to simply observe someone, perhaps make a quiet judgement to yourself, but realize that people are complex and it’s a mistake to pigeonhole them. That practice of scios, IMO, is very limiting and negative.
Your comment applies pretty well…except in politics, where the practice of labelling people is indigenous! 🙂
Theetie Weetie, that’s what they accuse you of being when you refuse to clean the dumpster with a toothbrush. Oops, no, that was namby pamby panty-waisted dilettante. Well, guess after a certain number of decades the chromium steel dedicated glare wears off and it all becomes a sordid blur in your memory.
But to answer your implied question, theetie-weetie is absolutely required in the Sea Org. Do you think your registrar is sincerely smiling when he wakes you up at 4 AM Wed. night to demand that you open a new credit account so his statistics can be up by 2 Thursday? Do you think the famed “Ethics Officer” of AOLA, Julian Schwartz, really feels that wide foolish grin of his when he explains that your family can never contact you again?
Hubbard famously explained that to control someone you need to be “one half tone above them on the tone scale”. So to get through to an antagonistic person you just feign being bored etc. The jury is out on whether Hubbard was actually able to feel any human emotion except avarice, but whether he was a true sociopath or not the message is clear – your emotions are just a tool you use to manipulate others. And you are expected to use that tool at all times, never succumbing to “human emotion and reaction” (like tears at the news of the death of a loved one).
In the Sea Org you are supposed to be at Action or above at all times. But at the Int Base it is worse. There Dave Miscavige invented the tradition called “pie face”. Imagine, you are at a meeting. All your superiors are there, all the way up to the supreme leader, the Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center, Captain Dave Miscavige. You can call him COB, DM or Sir.
The Captain has just spent the last two hours explaining in excruciating detail just how stupid, venal, incompetent everyone in the room is. Except himself, he is the one who is spending day and night making it all happen despite the impediments thrown in his road by all present. Loud expletives, table banging and rude suggestions have punched home the point. You are scum and you know it.
What emotions are you feeling, sitting in this meeting with spittle dripping down your face after it has been ripped from inches away? Shame, regret, hiding, even anger? It does not matter, you are supposed to be nodding enthusiastically, with rousing choruses of “Yes Sir!” “We will deal with that situation immediately if not sooner Sir!”
But sometimes it is not possible to truly feel the rousing call to arms, and there is a tendency to go sort of numb, with the necessary grin turning more into a rictus. Dave is very sensitive to this and calls it “pie face”. He will interrupt a lengthy tirade, turn to Lou and say “You see what they do to me? I explain it all so clearly and all I get is pie face!”
To survive around Dave, Theetie-Weetie is an essential tool. Literally, no answer is acceptable except “Yes Sir, immediately, we can do that, I will issue the order that no one sleeps until the grass is green again, Yes Sir!” Service with a smile, no matter that it is false, that is the Sea Org way.
Hot damn…. I just had a huge wognition!
Yes indeed….. Scientology accuses “The Psychs” of evaluating
Whilst Scientology evaluates
Assuming one is NOT clear
Illegal pc
Type III
Degraded being
Theetie wheetie
Wow! I have a pain in my zorch! Must be those pesky Bee Tee’s
I had my zorch surgically removed by leaving staff.
What an awesome, incisive, and absolutely chilling description of what apparently transpires when DM gets his MP (Major Psychopath) on. Rictus describes beautifully the visage, and probably all the other body language, of those submitting themselves to this ritualistic slaughter of their spirits.
Measure for Measure…man ,/Drest in a little brief authority,/plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven/As make the angels weep.
(From a passage in Shakespeare)
“You can call him COB, DM, or sir”.
Bruce, people on this blog call the mighty midget a lot of things but never any of those.
This piece reminds me, with its references to coping and cognitive dissonance, that it’s my observation that Hubbard was so in denial about his nature as a human being, in pretending to be a sort of superman (in the vein of Nietzsche, and Crowley), that he, Scientology and its followers are actually more prone than normal to engage in the psychological behavior known as projection, which, to paraphrase his interpretation of it, results in them accusing others of that which they themselves are guilty. Not only do they seem to not have any realization or insight into what they’re doing, but the behavior gets ingrained as a habitual, almost deliberate defense mechanism exemplified by the “attack, never defend” mentality.
Like may things in Scientology, the concept of “Theetie-Weetie” has some validity in describing a form of superficial behavior, that the loyalists and diehards might come out to defend – but like almost everything else, it’s a flawed understanding of human nature and behavior (I don’t buy the apologism, that the chronic problems are only in the application), and so has ended up being twisted to the point of being not just largely useless, but even a harmful tool of mental and social control.
Madge: So right. Many people are truly upbeat and positive. My hat’s off to em.
The paucity of substance in this article and the scraping of the barrel, bottom of, to try and dredge up some daft theme for all or some anyway, to be gleeful about, should make me respond with an astute and cutting remark such as – even in Miscavige’s church, you would have been better off picking up the cans and being regged by IAS stalwarts than chortling over such bullshit as Terra presents here. But I won’t, even though I just did!
And now – even LRH was theetie-weetie! This one really takes the biscuit! Come on Terra, find something (else) that you are confused about such as F/Ns or instant reads or the meter (again) so you can be sorted out – again. I mean, really! If you are going to post something critical then at least make it real.
Your responses are constantly down toned and designed to make wrong FoolProof! We can always count on you to be that way…? Bummer! ?
Eh? “Constantly” down-tone – no. Sometimes 1.5 so, yes, sometimes. No actually probably some of my comments are 2.0 – antagonistic rather than 1.5 angry, so I just about scrape by with that then eh?
But is not interesting that here we have you using something – the Tone Scale – that was the product of Hubbard’s pen and mind and yet you spend much of your time finding fault with him and his technology. Even the term “make wrong” has more of a Scientology origin than otherwise. And, well, I am hardly likely to be cheerful and enthusiastic about some of the crap that gets gushed out here, am I? After all I am a Clear and will respond appropriately. Saying that I have always been fair unlike the CONSTANT down-tone negative attitudes of many others posting here – or haven’t you noticed them and just read my comments? And often I am jocular (cheerful) even! So you need to read my posts a bit more closely – and you will see, or perhaps not.
This is an anti LRH/Scientology blog, please post your comments on a blog that is actually interested in improving mankind.
This is not the place.
What are you trying to save Foolproof from? Viewpoints that don’t align with yours? That is truly the scientology fundamentalist way…
Mike, I’m so grateful for their validation and inspiration. They remind us why we speak out.
Well Mike, I can always do with a bit of help – haha!
Hiatus62, all such blogs you talk about died due to lack of interest in scamology. Where would you send the Fool to post?
If no one is interested in Scientology as you say No-Wynski, what are you worried about and posting here for then?
CLearly, the same question could be posed to you?
It is pretty apparent to me that Wynski and others are trying to warn people who may be curious NOT to get involved and suffer the pain they have suffered. And perhaps to influence those who might have half-way come to their own realization that there is something rotten in Denmark. And to let them know they are not crazy, there IS something rotten.
Your purpose is less clear to me.
Hiatus62, where did you slink off to? I couldn’t find any ACTIVE pro-scamology blogs.
The reactive mind is everywhere Wyn.
While this blog doesn’t set out to improve mankind, it goes a long way towards helping victims of scientology come to terms with what has happened to them, as well as providing factual pointers on how most cults operate, thereby helping readers steer clear of these malignant organizations. This has the perhaps unintended effect of not only helping mankind, but womankind and every other “kind” as well.
Foolproof, if you have read my posts you will find that I am somewhat tech friendly and make no bones about that. The scales are particularly useful in life. And some of the nomenclature more accurately describes things that are more difficult to get across than with non scientology lingo. I take issues with making others wrong because of their viewpoints. I am more than happy to allow everyoine to express their viewpoints without attacking them and making them wrong personally unless they personally attack others and act like a troll. A clear would hava similar viewpoint if that state was actually attained imho… ?
Well it gives her and the rest of the OSA bots something to chuckle about. Can you imagine their life otherwise?
What, as compared to the chuckle-fest on here sometimes? Seems Brian’s comment that I am OSA has been taken on board but then Brian, who ran OTIII without an E-Meter sitting on his porch and “whistling Dixie” no doubt, and without finishing his Grades, yet alone OT1 and 2, makes up quite a lot of stuff, including his version of “Scientology”.
“Version of Scientology”? Hmmm… I remember this paradigm. Nexus of the “squirrel” label. Any version of sickandtiredtology is BS. It’s all made up in the first place. Leaves the crap open to rewrite, revision, interpretation, not-is, and the ever popular “what’s true is what’s true for you”. Dual standard – don’t veer from strict application of the tech vs what’s true is what’s true for you. Therein lies the trap. The lie and the truth preached in tandem. Scientology…. get out, stay out, stay away.
And don’t forget Foolproof: I spent 35 Cents for OT3. That was the cost of the first copies out of AO in the early eighties. A friend OT surprised me one day with them. From there they went to others and then the press. And now the world. Thank God that mystery sandwich has been as ised.
I may be the only person on planet earth who paid .35 Cents for OT3. It was worth the 35 Cents to be done with the craziness. Lol!
I’m glad you enjoy your Scientology practice Foolproof. I really am, and if I’ve offended you ever I appolgize.
You realize though that you never actually “did it”. If you weren’t properly set up for it by not doing about 7 or more of the earlier pre-requisites it would be impossible to run it properly or really get any gain from it. By giving you the materials your “OT” “friend” didn’t do you any favors at all. I hope you wrote a KR on him- haha! Now all the people I know who have run OTIII properly (with a meter – ahem, cough cough) and by being set up for it, don’t make the same complaint as you do. You see my point I assume?
Saying all that you spent 3 weeks running it coming to this momentous decision so you obviously thought there was something to it. It would be like me spending 3 weeks running the OT8 spoof – instead of reading it once and making an immediate conclusion that it was bullshit.
Anyway we can go back and forth on this OTIII thing so best we call it a day on arguing about it. But I don’t think you have a right to criticize it when you obviously really never “did it”.
No, you haven’t really offended me, even when you implied I am an OSA agent (like Mike – haha!) so thank you for your apology nevertheless. Actually I am going to do a Harpoona now and start a vicious rumor that Mike is still an OSA agent and he is rounding up names for his mates in Hollywood so that there will be a mass “outing” and Declare/Expulsion festival in a while! You and your OT “friend” are now #1 on the list, right Mike? Haha!
Brian, thanks again for your last sentence – I was pleasantly surprised. I will also try and be more tolerant (did I really just write that? Haha!)
Right Foolproof. Like you who didn’t get the ability gained for Grade 0 and thus “bypassed” your case on every subsequent level including all OT levels you did.
And then there is Grade IV, making others wrong. You CERTAINLY never finished that one either.
And NO! This isn’t a pot/kettle situation as I don’t claim that scamology fixes any of these things.
It’s an impossible argument Foolproof.
My take is you are arguing for the sequential infallibility of Ron’s bridge; which you are.
And I am arguing that the 100 percent standard is delusional; no matter the sequence
And your argument is a logical fallacy as there are countless ex Scientologists who did it all the “correct” way and have the same view as me.
One would have to agree that Scientology is 100 percent standard to believe what you believe.
You see a real oasis out in the desert and I see the specter of make believe.
And possibly you may be coming back to this site, that disagrees with you most of the time, because somewhere inside yourself you know that something is not right.
You know you are not changing anyone’s views yet you keep coming back here. I’m glad you are. Keep coming back and sharing you’re views. You are welcome here in this land of anti-Scientologists.
Mike, the “anti Scientologist” allows all dissent.
Marty, the Scientologist, allows no dissent.
Therein lies the puzzle.
The ones who claim superiority in communication are the worst at it.
And those that are trying to protect the world from Hubbard’s madness are allowing all views.
have a good day Foolproof and Happy Holidays?
But Wyn, didn’t you realize that Grade IV is not that you won’t make anyone wrong anymore (like you do – haha!) or when they are wrong (like you are – another haha!), it’s a bit more subtle than that. After all, if a stupid schoolboy (who just happens to be called Wynski – funny that!) gets his times table wrong and the teacher says “no, no, Wynski, you stupid dolt, 2 x 2 does not equal 5, didn’t you do your Basic Study Manual in the Org?”, doesn’t mean the teacher has a Ser Fac about the times table or whatever. Does it now? And also of course a real Clear would be able to use a Ser Fac knowingly and jokingly – another haha! (That will confuse you even more!) But read the HCOBs and listen to the tapes on the subject. That should clear things up now.
You also don’t have to get all defensive and ponder “what will that nasty Foolproof reply to this and how can I counter it to stop him doing so (as he is a very crafty dude)?” – and thus try and predict my replies either – just let it flow! You can be right! Well, now and then anyway! And not very often either. Haha!
p.s. as to my Grade 0 – well, I seem to be freely communicating with all sorts and all subjects here, and even without spontaneously combusting!
Sorry, I just dont have the time (nor the inclination any longer) to read your endless responses to everything. You are going to find a lot of your comments are just trashed. You are the only I have to explain this to. The other people who have comments trashed never bring it up. You routinely submit: “It’s not fair, why did you delete this comment?”.
So, now I have explained it to you. I’m tired of spending time reading this stuff.
Not really going to allow many comments to sent your way either. I will just generally trash them too.
What do you think a comment like the above accomplishes? Convinces Wynski he is wrong? Makes you look good? Convinces people that true believers in the tech might have a point?
Obviously you think it does something of value. I disagree and have given you plenty of opportunity.
I admit some of this is my reaction to Marildi’s effort to trash Ortega, and I don’t claim to be Clear (or OT) — though I have dozens of certs and success stories proving that I am — so I have irrational reactions sometimes.
Ah well, if you don’t like it, start your own blog and you can do anything you like there.
you have the perfect handle
Eh=Eh, that is because Fool is a Grade 0 completion. Thus he gets upset (angry) about others communication. LMAO
Like I always say, “the overt doth speak loudest in accusation”. LMAO!
Foolproof: I love your comments. Seriously; I really do. And you have nothing to worry about; there’s lots I’m still confused about. Cut away.
No hard feelings Terra and thanks for your nice reply. I should realize that our mind sets and opinions are so far apart that “never the twain shall meet”, and perhaps stop trying to effect such by my comments. Not saying I am correct or whatever, as well. There is a lot in Miscavige’s Church that needs criticizing and I think more would be accomplished if some of the stuff on here wasn’t so outlandish – that’s mostly my point in it all.
Confusion comes from constant overts and misunderstoods.
I can lend you a book that will help “intro to Scientology Ethics” and the word Clearing series.
It does work if you follow the very simple instructions, most cannot but I think you could.
Foolproof – regardless of the accuracy or relevance of Terra’s current post, it had a wonderful result – Harpoona Frittata ‘s response with the actual derivation of that term. That’s assuming Harponna is telling a true story, and not just creating a referential story based on LRH’s written concept of a young girl’s proper response to an adult male forcing a kiss on her.
Harpoona – true story, or clever reference?
As the Brit barrister would say “I rest my case m’Lud”. Firstly that such a mind can invent things like this and secondly the fools under his comment that believed it as well! Next we will have “LRH was Lucifer” and “Jesus was a pedophile” and “if you get ‘OT8’ wrong you will spontaneously combust” – oh! Sorry, those ridiculous lines have already been tried! I suppose this malicious crap will now worm its way into the gutter press and we will have real theetie weeties (that literally abound on this site) expressing their “shock” and “horror” at “how awful it all is”. Perhaps those who did express their “shock and horror” under Harpoon’s comment might like to ask Mike if they can somehow be deleted to avoid their embarrassment – at not being “Foolproof”?
Ahem! FU foolproof if you are suggesting in any way the ‘realists’ who read & comment on this site are idiots that are as easily led as some of the fools who believe wholeheartedly in L.Ron’s bullshit! Most people in society (& I will not demean myself by using the ‘w’ word, even tho in aust its used to describe caucasian Greeks or Italians, not black Pakistanis or Indian’s like the UK) are polite & courteous to others, but you’ve obviously never been to Oz or met many aussies, because here if you act like a dickhead, you’ll very quickly find that courtesy vanishes & you’ll be called out as the dickhead you are! Don’t ever make the mistake in assuming that all who post here will accept such a slander on their character so nice & politely. Some of us, like me will tell you to just get fucked! I’m a reasonably happy & polite person to others, because I live by the codes that regulate human behaviour in public & believe its appropriate for the social mood, so others don’t think you mean them harm – it kind of makes sense why right? And who doesn’t prefer the good energy of others? It’s a social BENEFIT!! But in private (as is my right in civil society), I relax my adherence to those codes & do as I please (within reason so as not to draw the attention of the public domain) … which is exactly what you’re heretical prophet did, & what you’re current nazi fascist leader does today! (Nazis were as intolerant to individualism, diversity & critical thinking too) I am no better or worse than any scientologist, especially your leader – the only difference is I don’t go out of my way to be a fkn arsehole. Theetie-wheetie is a dead-shit word made up by a turd & it is just as meaningless. And btw, I’m not swearing because I’m trying to mock or demean your belief’s, even though you’ve gone out of your way to demean every alternative opinion other than one which fits your limited view .. its just how we speak to derps in ‘strayan! I am an individual capable of critical thought, assessment & determination & can use it to discern truth from fiction. I don’t need your condescending opinion on whether that’s possible or not. I rarely have a go at anyone, let alone troll the trollers, but your comments really pissed me off. Don’t ever think we’re all the same MATE!! Don’t ever assume I am like you!! To use an American term, this comment comes complete with me flipping you the bird regarding your offensive post! ????
Fortunately or unfortunately Mike didn’t allow me to respond in kind.
Yeh these cretins waffle on with remarks like OT’s cannot make the lights go green, and cannot walk on water.
Childish nonsense, yet I see nothing but insanity, and the inability to view anything, unable to run engrams (so they don’t exist) cannot contact past lives (no reality too much charge, er LRH made them up yap yap) and cannot even duplicate the simplest information and test it out!
The biggest mistake LRH ever made was having faith in his fellow man, and assuming that if you discovered something, told people and then asked them to look at it they would actually see something and get the same result.
How daft was that, just read six comments in here and you will see what I mean.
A grinding mash of confusion, hatred, scientologyphobia, and a lot of very disturbed cases.
All should be routed to the HGC per policy to get sorted. But then supppresives don’t want to improve or handle their insane hatred, they just want to see the world crash.
Then everyone will feel like they do every day LOL.
Keep up the bad work Mike, its highly entertaining, this blog is one of the funniest places on the net.
Why go to bedlam when you can come in here.
Signing off before i split my sides with laughter
Hiatus62 is an insane sockpuppet of an old poster on here that spouted the same crap that El Con invented a perfect tek that only Hubbard and a few other people (including the poster) on the planet were able to understand
May the seeds of truth, ever present on this blog, grow into mature full-blown doubt in your minds, Haitus and Foolproof. Please come back often, read it all and as it seeps in, know that we will be here when you’re done being abused and want to get out. It will happen. I’m sorry you’ve been manipulated into fishing/trolling this blog, but it will be for your benefit. Blessings of clarity and truth be upon you. Praying for your release and freedom from bondage.
It’s hard to take your accusations of “hatred” seriously when you describe people here as “cretins”, “disturbed cases”” and “insane”. Can you see how hypocritical that is? Do you understand that your vitriolic put downs do not in any way demonstrate the supposedly sane, enlightening “tech” you seem to be “defending”. If I was still a churchie I’d be writing you up right now for being “out PR”.
Why not make an actual argument, using sound reason and logic? Does your tech enable you to do that?
Had Mr. Hubbard subjected his findings to any sort of genuine scientific scrutiny than perhaps all this “entheta” wouldn’t have ever come about. In fact, I’m almost certain that none of this “entheta” would have come about, along with all of the jargon such as “entheta”, because actual testing of his ideas would have exposed just how ridiculous they were and are.
And it seems that those who believed (or made up) the malicious “OT8” story also believed Harpoon’s malicious story. “I rest my case, m’Lud!”
I gotta say, FP, that your comments carry a lot of acid…and self justifications. Good of you to correct us all and point out our “shortcomings”. The creation of the “whipped puppy” syndrome. Dave can learn a lot from you.
Happy to oblige. And all Dave has to do is read HCO PL Technical Degrades and deliver auditing and training properly and follow policy – then this blog would never have existed.
Hmmm, how do you know?
Mike, what are you saying? You set up the blog. Are you saying that you still would have turned against the church even if his royal dwarfness had never squirreled the tech? Please don’t validate what a white paper on the STAND website says about religious apostates!
Fool, how do you know El Con Tubbolard believed Harpoona’s story? He’s been dead for decades.
That OT8 story, where Hubbard says he’s Lucifer, was the original.
Yep – the original spoof! And you like others have fallen for it. Just reading it you should have spontaneously combusted eh?
Correct OSD. That was what Hubtard gave to RTRC. DM had to delete that part as it caused blowback & out PR.
You bring up some very good points Terra. But the most relevant imo is Hubbard’s absolute authoritarian requirement in his system to label others using his own version of “life experiences.”
Hubbard called his Bridge a narrow path than can & must be walked, but he also maintained Scientology also must be run out of a case as well. Per my experience and observation that point is never attainable or permitted. The Cof$ system is a one way deal only. It has a label for every single individual or response in it, and a happy, free person doesn’t align with any position on their Bridge in actuality. Any behaviour displayed like it is judged and labelled as an aberration. There is always something else to do, attain or most importantly, “pay for!” There is no such thing as a causative individual produced or honoured. Freedom produced as a product using Scientology is a farce and a bait and switch operation for all of its players.
You can go all the way up their Bridge, spend absurd amounts of money & time applying it but the only end of it all offered up by the Cof$ is to start again and all the while waiting, waiting, waiting for the next step to be released that’ll give you that Freedom you seek that has already been promised many times over and never delivered.
And never forget that both Hubbard and Miscavige have always been privy to and had the best of the best of Scientology technology, its auditors, administrators, ethics officers etc available to them free of charge anytime they wanted it – & look at how that worked out for them!
I Yawnalot – And never forget that both Hubbard and Miscavige have always been privy to and had the best of the best of Scientology technology, its auditors, administrators, ethics officers etc available to them free of charge anytime they wanted it – & look at how that worked out for them!
As you could also say about anyone else who’s ever been involved…myself included.
“Ron Hubbard defined Theetie-Weetie as: 1. Slang from England, meaning “sweetness and light”.
Um, sorry LRH, nice try though; no such animal in English slang, at least according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Yet more rectally-sourced LRH logorrheaic rubbish….
“Slang from England” is somewhat different than “English slang” or just “slang” in the Oxford dictionary. Obviously it meant the Scientology staff at St. Hill coined it and used it – hence “slang from England”. Sorry Money Doc, yet more rectally-sourced misunderstoods. I realize how desperate you are to find something to have a go about, but surely such inconsequential matters are not worth the “air time”? Try the “OT8” story again – there’s always some fools that believe that.
The predictable…”I know you are but what am I?” response from the troll. How effective…I think I may be starting to see the light…LRH was a prophet, Scientology is the one true way to freedom…
Uh, nope…nothing…
Foolproof – wow you’re really on a roll today. All us stupid “fools” here are so glad you come by just to set us straight. What would we do without your intelligence? Your insight? Your all knowingness?
What would you do? Not a lot, just come by here and troll Scientology.
Such tortuous reasoning; “misunderstoods”? Even more ludicrous, made-up jargon to somehow defend the indefensible. “Foolproof”? Hardly. A good rule is to stop digging when in deep…
Remember chronic tone and social tone?
Many long time Scientologists (Arte Maren and the Bay Area’s Rick Melrose are good examples of this) have a social appearance of sort of “philosophers of understanding all of life”, but essentially truly understanding virtually nothing (they parrot LRH as best they can) but chronically they are really in a sort of hysterical almost subdued type of theetie wheetie, along with their forced “false calm and mellow understanding” facade …
These are the TRULY insane schizo Scientologists. Deep down they are raging at their own profound stupidity …
Joe: I used to admire those OTs with their “social appearance of sort of ‘philosophers of understanding all of life’.” If I was “lucky,” I’d develop those same abilities after completing my next level!
Yes, it was always the next level! So happy we are off the eternal treadmill.
Boy, howdy! Eternal Treadmill. Now that’s a very scary thought.
Factually the only point on the Bridge where this principle of the “next level” (will solve the case), is in the transition of those who have been on OTIII for a while to move on to NOTs, which is covered in an HCOB which states exactly that. Now I will admit that some lazy regges and certain staff, even “C/Ses” may have said or promoted this idea but you didn’t have to fall for it did you? The C/S Series also covers this aspect. Just saying…
You’re joking with this comment right?
Mike … People who start sentences with the word “factually” never EVER joke about anything.
OK, see my response….
LMAO @ Fool. Well, there is Non-interference Zone clarified and reinforced as one huge glaring example HCOB that you apparently never read (how that would be is unknown). Don’t you remember what Hubtard said about clears, the case problems they have now that they obtained that state and how to handle it?
You REALLY are not that trained at all Fool.
Wynski, as always you have misduplicated the question, perhaps deliberately to make a point, as usual. We were talking here about people being told the next Grade would solve the (unsolved) problems of their current Grade, when they existed. You really aren’t trained at all No-Wynski. You don’t start a level on a PC or Pre-OT when he is sitting in BPC from the current Grade. It’s all in the C/S Series. Is that a little bit clearer for you? (Probably not.) You really should learn to read and duplicate and think in concepts – try the Key to Life Course.
If you think you are convincing anyone that a good scientologist represents qualities that people should aspire to, I am afraid you are terribly deluded.
Honestly, you would do far better trying to present your views if you did just that, instead of constantly claiming some sort of superiority due to your knowledge of scientology. It’s really unattractive. You may say Wynski is unattractive in his comments, or that others are. You would be right. The difference is they are not espousing something they believe everyone else should be part of.
And frankly, this is such a poor fight for you to pick with your references to the CS Series.
Hubbard himself offered this up his ENTIRE career in scientology. He promised certain things with Clear and Dianetics. When those didnt materialize there was an almost endless stream of “here is what will get you to Clear” — scientology itself. Then through the progression, Route 1, Goals Processing, Effort Processing, Creative Processing, Power Processing, Clearing Course, OT levels, NOTs, Super Power — as each did not deliver the promise, the next thing would be invented and presented as “here is the solution”.
This is a pattern Hubbard developed that permeates scientology — it’s ALWAYS something new that is going to save the day. There is ALWAYS more that has to be paid for.
Split hairs about details and pull out quotes till you turn blue in the face (Hubbard mastered having contradictory quotes for almost everything) — but look at the BIG PICTURE and what really happened. It’s not a “path of research” it is a path of trying to live up to the promises made and SOLD earlier and keeping followers chasing the elusive carrot.
I am not concerned with being attractive to people who post on this site – the thought never entered my head. As we see from the comments my comments get, if I wanted to be attractive to others here I would post the complete opposite to what I post normally. Well, saying that there is probably a hard core of anti-Scientologists and it is generally these that comment adversely to my comments, and there are probably just as many if not more, who agree with my comments but out of either cowardice or not wanting to be seen to be “rocking the boat” do not comment at all, and/or they can’t be bothered to get involved in the fire-fights. Some people almost begrudgingly state that some of my comments are valid, but they do so begrudgingly because they don’t want to be seen to be “non-members” of the “club” here. I assume. Maybe incorrectly – I don’t think we will ever know for sure what percentage might favor my comments, what against. Many as you said before, don’t even read the comments, although that seems to me to be somewhat unreal – I think many if not most, want to see what is “going on”.
I correctly rebuffed the usual Wynski attempt to deride my comments by him veering off the question which he mis-duplicated in his haste to make me wrong, and now you have also broadened the theme to include the whole history of Scientology and the Grade Chart, presumably because I had fielded Wynski’s question adroitly and truthfully. Now, I apologize on behalf of Mr. Hubbard in his absence that he didn’t invent and create the complete Bridge back in 1950 at one fell swoop and I apologize that he was the only one in history to have ever come up with a Bridge – of any sorts! (Unless you can apprise me of any other?) He should have had competitors, but alas, they never turned up! Now, nobody ever “promised” me anything! We all read and accepted the materials gladly and underwent auditing and either got gains or didn’t and dropped out, or not. As you know from the A-J check you won’t get far in Scientology if you have doubts or if you are being forced to accept it.
Now, I have (mostly) followed what the expert (Hubbard) told me to and I am very happy that I did. The only time I came a cropper was when I followed what another “expert” (an actual Class 8 (sic) in the field who used to post a lot on ESMB) misled me into believing was standard tech, but I was sorted out luckily by another field auditor, a long time ago now. And so when I read about some people here who constantly complain about what they think is “Scientology” and then find out, as one example – but the example will hold true for most of his ilk, that he ran “OTIII” without a meter on his back porch, before finishing his Grades, without doing OT1 and OT2, without being set up for the level at all, and presumably not even reaching the state of Clear, then your implying to me that people complaining about “Scientology” is justified, is really pushing the boat out. Now I am also not saying that such doesn’t happen in the Church. I know plenty of cases from the Church that “did OT2 in 1.5 hours” etc. But again that is not Scientology. Neither is Miscavige’s Church.
My point and my raison d’etre here I might say, which is what you are always asking me for (but I always thought it was obvious) is that the technology of Scientology works wonderfully if correctly applied. That’s all. Many people on here, including yourself it seems, seem to have the idea that it all should work all of the time even when not 100% applied as Hubbard stated it to. But that was never the deal! Hubbard never “promised” you gains if you didn’t follow what he said! And so we find out that the people complaining, like the example I gave above, didn’t follow the deal!
Now, I have no beef at all with people’s complaints about IAS regges or heavy ethics or even disconnection (as there must and should be a better solution) or Ideal Orgs “floor space” or memberships or any of the other shenanigans that Miscavige has gotten up to to hide his crashed statistic of relatively little (good) auditors being trained and poor results on some if not many PCs. In fact I left the Church for the same reasons, but have carried on outside the Church’s “confines” as have many of the 50,000+ trained Scientologists (from the last 3 decades) also done. As I said Debbie Cook’s excellent e-mail encapsulates most of what I believe.
So does that now answer your question to me?
p.s. BTW the C/S Series as such have hardly been revised since their inception in the 1970s and there is no major change in any of them anyway when so. (Que Wnyski now feverishly looking up the Tech Volumes to see if my remark is true.)
You missed the point, but that’s OK. I gave it my best shot. That’s all I can do.
If there are such variables in services, then the tek does not work as ElCon claimed. It is anything but fool-proof.
What variable?
You speak above of lazy regges, C/Ss not performing properly, and in other posts about how procedures in Scitol are, well, foolproof, if done “properly.” If the tek worked as Hubbard claimed, these variables could not come into play. There is no human error possible if people are trained and well-versed in ElConology. It works 100% of the time. He wrote that. If variables of human error are a problem, then the training, courses, and years of experience do not give the perfection he claimed. Human error in ElConology = tek not working. It is far from foolproof.
Gee what a thread. Pity I missed it while it was hot. Foolproof is way too OT for me to grasp. I wish he was my sup, auditor, CS and EO. I’d be a damn site better off than all the effort and money I spent since the 80s on Scientology and all that time at the mecca. I’m so glad Scientology is a result based science and works on 100% of cases. Why was so worried I wouldn’t make it… Foolproof to the rescue… YEH! Now, go put my family back together again FP and after that, let’s talk. You have the answers and a plan to that just that for all of us… don’t you? Otherwise does the problem only lie with me for not understanding what I did for 20 something years? Go on, knock yourself out, be right with Scientology, tens of thousands would agree with you… – right?
True in all cases Yawn – haha! I’d sort it all out! And a few other thousand like me! It’s actually all quite simple, you just follow what Hubbard said, which seems to have been very hard to do, despite him making it all very easy for us, well, alright others.
I followed what Hubbard said for at least 15 years seriously, 10 of them on staff. I’m not that stupid of a person I believe where practical applications are concerned. I did well as a soldier, or at least that’s what my officers and comrades kept telling me. I was a “Cadillac PC” per the CSs and had no real problems concerning auditing others or learning how to do so, at least that’s what my PCs & CSs told me and I held most technical positions in a CL4 org. I was also competent at handing raw public when they went “belly up” by the all so common incompetent handlings within the org. I did a lot of review auditing, PTS handlings etc as a daily routine. Got all the way onto OT7 personally, did that for a couple of years until I was FORCED to realise this stuff doesn’t even come close to doing what it’s claimed to do. I saw many others falter, crash and burn on the Bridge and many who were hypnotised by Scientology but never received any processing or training of any note, ie the majority of execs running it. Families were ripped apart, mine included, financial devastation at every turn, all for the lure of Scientology’s freedom. At the time I had a special interest in Hubbard’s earlier work through the 50s and early 60s and studied it closely in my own time. I do think there are some real avenues of interest in the aspect of valences and goals etc within the structure of the human mind because I can see it in not only in myself but in others, even yourself in your meagre responses. Does it all give freedom to be cause in life? My short answer is NO. The long answer immediately delves into people’s imagination and their so called right to beingness. I see some certainties with Scientology, namely that you have taken the bait, hook, line & sinker. If I was to correct you, like you seem to feel is your duty to do with ex Scientologists, you haven’t a clue what the Factors are actually about. You wallow in “one upmanship” or another way of expressing it per Hubbard’s later researchable explanation of it is the common garden variety ser fac. To me, you are the perfect example of a “Scientologist without an org.” Reminiscent of James Dean’s Rebel without a Cause. Knock yourself out with it all kid, Scientology is circular in design and until you break that circle you’ll go round and around in a very lonely tail spin. I’ve never experienced such a lonelier existence than that as being a long term Scientologist expecting results that will never eventuate as you postulated them to.
With that said – I pity you, but good luck anyway!
Yawn: “You wallow in ‘one upmanship’ or another way of expressing it per Hubbard’s later researchable explanation of it is the common garden variety ser fac.”
I don’t see Foolproof like that, but then I am not hostile towards the tech like you and many others here are (although I don’t believe it’s as perfect as FP is convinced it is). He’s cocky, yes, but in a more light-hearted way than a ser fac would be expressed, IMO.
Definition of cocky: “boldly or brashly self-confident”
Marildi, you always correct, I can appreciate that, pity the evidence doesn’t play out in my world. But what would I know, I only lost a heap of money, family and friends while playing along with the workability of the only tech that works 100% of the time.
Your insistence on providing references and word clearing tech along with FPs sentiments are to me just a mechanism that no longer serves a purpose. Scientology’s purpose is circular in application, it repeats itself over and over until it either has all your money or you wake up to it. It has a reference for all situations in life except the ones that are provable across a broad spectrum of users. Out in the field where you apparently are, how’s it working out for you?
Yawn: “Scientology’s purpose is circular in application, it repeats itself over and over until it either has all your money or you wake up to it. It has a reference for all situations in life except the ones that are provable across a broad spectrum of users. Out in the field where you apparently are, how’s it working out for you?”
Knowing what you mean by “Scientology,” including the out-tech the church delivers on the upper OT levels, and how it ruthlessly extorts money from members, I fully agree with your criticisms.
As for how it’s working out for me outside the church, I have to say I don’t continue to simmer in my juices because of what it cost me (basically my lifetime savings – a large part of which is still hopelessly on account) – plus the effect that being in the SO had on my health.
You were probably burned worse than I was, Yawn, but I wish you the same relief and peace – may it be sooner than later. And thanks for being the civil gentleman you are in spite of the ongoing hurt. At least you put things in a pretty nice way, considering.
Yawn, it seems to me that you are just ARCXen. As I suppose could be leveled at me but with regard to the admin side of things with the Sea Org cruds that messed the whole show up (not all of them of course). Anyway, thanks for your final good wishes and thanks for your help in Tech when you provided it – I am sure many of the people you helped were grateful for it.
Joe – Oh my, so brilliantly stated – “social appearance of sort of “philosophers of understanding all of life”, but essentially truly understanding virtually nothing (they parrot LRH as best they can) but chronically they are really in a sort of hysterical almost subdued type of theetie wheetie, along with their forced “false calm and mellow understanding” facade …” Oh God, how many of these folks I came across throughout the years, so elated to be out of this rat race.
“I’d have to pound down energy drinks and start smoking weed again to maintain such a high.”
So what kind of weed do (did) you smoke? Asking for a friend.
Yeah I have a friend that wants to know too. Complete discretion assured.
I’ve got some killer sativa that I can share with you, Mary.
I found some fantastic Indica. Also the medical CBD really does works, at least for me, if you’re in a state that accepts it.
Don’t bogart that joint, my friend, pass it over to me…
Address man? like, ar… where’s it at man?
My home, I Yawn! We run a cannabis delivery system. No need to leave your home! Wish you didn’t live so far away…
Mary: Look me up when you’re in town!
🙂 The handful of times I did pot all I wanted to do was eat or sleep. Happy or even Theetie Weetie pot – sounds fun. 🙂
I’ll see if I can get Idiotproof to send over some of the stuff she is smokin!
Newcomer, I am not one of those regges that ripped you off – come into present time! Hard to do when you’re toking I realize.
Why are you here? Fighting some valiant battle? Freeing mankind? Mixing with SPs? Do you feel a fever coming on? That pain is returning…yes that one – right there.
You’ve got real problems pal.
After 40 years of no pot,(first five years I was in the cherch I wouldn’t even take an aspirin, or other medical drugs) I realized I’m out I don’t need to be knee jerk about the ‘policy’ anymore.
I went to Seattle where pot is legal and went to a pot store. It was like a See’s Candy. Nice glass displays and signage and packaging from Madison Avenue. The young staff carefully questioned what I was looking for. They explained the differences, what is for pain, what is for sleep, what is for kids with Epilepsy, what is good for your dog’s ailments. And on and on. They were crazy knowledgeable and I felt like a caveman entering New York City. My old cherch acted like smoking pot was a heinous crime.
I tried it. I liked it.
Since I returned from my trip I found by accident a friend who I refer to as my pot coach. She had an undisclosed medical condition that I didn’t ask about. (All the years of intrusive privacy boundary busting in the cherch never converted me to a nosy question asker, I was never in the SO or posted as a reg, but I was on staff at a CL IV org.) My lovely friend is high energy, productive, smart, opinionated and funny. And has taken pot daily for her condition for over twenty years.
I think what my picture was when in the cherch bubble, was anyone who smoked pot regularly would be fat, homeless, goal-less, and other insulting less-es.
She kindly helped me figure out what was right for me and why. She makes her own Canna-butter and cookies to die for. Or get high for.
Now you know.
To each his own. 🙂 I was off aspirin years before scio raised its head in my life, along with all other drugs. No big deal, just the realization that was not a healthy choice…for me. Thus I don’t judge what others want/need to satisfy whatever desires they may have. I don’t much care for “trips” or alcoholic binges, having had more than my share of those in my college days and a few years after. But whatever floats your boat in life is the way you should sail. 🙂
Of course, Amphetamines were readily available in the 1950’s – 1970’s . . .
Dave F.
Nice article Terra. I think you may be on to something here. I think we’ve all encountered people in our lives who could be described as “theetie-weetie”. Other terms that might define this are ‘pollyanna’ or ‘cloud cuckoo land’. Personally, I find these people very uncomfortable to be around because of their extremely distorted view of reality. Whatever that is… There are very few of these types around though.
That said, I would have to agree that the vast majority of staff members in scientology are operating in some sort of ‘theetie-weetie’ mode. I certainly was when I was on staff at a mission. Everyone had to be. We had to put on a happy face so public people would think that the ‘tech’ was working and produced happy, winning, flourishing & prospering products. In reality, everyone was moonlighting to make ends meet and keep a few beans on the table. Everyone was also perpetually in Qual or Ethics trying to straighten themselves out because they thought that they were doing something wrong because the ‘tech’ wasn’t working for them. The ones who really had to put on the happy faces were the ‘clears’ and ‘OTs’. To do anything less would be to denigrate those exalted states of being. Trouble is, there are no ‘clears’ or ‘OTs’ and nobody with those abilities. In scientology it’s all pretend. The only time the ‘theetie-weetie’ facade was dropped was in staff meetings or musters or private get togethers where public folk were not around. At that time people were pretty much free to be themselves. The downside of that was when guards were let down, a lot of pent up frustration came out and people’s asshole side came out in all its glory. Fun times!
To be fair, I think this is pretty common in the world, probably just a bit more exaggerated and enforced in scientology. Most people and groups want to make a favorable impression on others and that impression that is made isn’t necessarily what is really going on in their internal world. This is where real friends come in. With real friends you are free to be yourself and be accepted for who you are, warts and all. It’s a rare state, but one worth seeking. Keep up the good work Terra. I always look forward to SaTerraDay here at Mike’s Place.
“In scientology it’s all pretend.” Simple but powerful words Ms. B. There’s no place for friendship in Scientology.
“In Scientology it’s all pretend.” Truer words were never spoken. There’s no super powers to be found. None. If you want to pretend, just realize it’s just that, pretending. And I’m still a Jedi Knight!
Looking at Scientology, there’s nothing there.
Ms. B: I observed much of the same phenomena you described when I worked a mission. Well said.
Just when i THINK i am getting a (slight) handle on the si-fi nonsense that is the COS, i get stumped again lol! So… he invented a word for people who just didn’t “get it”, when in fact, his whole set up didn’t “get it”? I mean being Theetie Weetie is the very definition of Scientology! It’s like a rat eating his own tail. I don’t think I’m either smart enough or crazy enough to be a convert lol! I’ll just stay a muggle (i hate “wog”)
Good news, Tierney, there is no need to make sense of it if you are not in it.
The subject was evolved to deceive, including enough intriguing bits of philosophy borrowed from others to pull people in but nothing truly new.
The only important part of the Hubbard opus that outsiders really need to know is that it is part of the well developed high control group strategy Hubbard used to attract and retain followers, and that it pretty much rots your brain if you really try to wrap your wits about it.
Use the well tested cow pasture strategy and step around the pies, not into them.
Take a long look (it will take you a long while) to read all the processes of just say, the Grades 0-IV and tell me again that there is “nothing new”! And that is probably less than 1% of your “nothing new”. Do you really believe the drivel that you spout? Or do you spout it because you assume lazy or biased people will just giggle and accept it?
I am afraid that you have swallowed Terra’s “expanded” (and false) definition. Read the Hubbard definition somewhere above.
Hi Terra, after reading that definition for the first time in decades it looks as if it describing what a scientologist really is!
Wynski: Yeah. Looking back, I see there was a certain amount of Theetie-Weetie in all Scientologists. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a permanent condition.
Theetie-Weetie sounds like a breakfast cereal.
Or a 1950s jingle for selling something kids wouldn’t touch without lots of sugar and a bunch of lies. Hubbard just thought it should be applied to adults. He viewed everyone else as completely juvenile and inexperienced in life. He and he alone knew everything, especially the potential thereof, even if he hadn’t thought of it yet. He justified everything he didn’t have an immediate answer for with his pseudo scientific approach or “research in waiting” and relying on non existent evidence to make his promises seem real. And then he ignored anything emanating from his colleagues that he couldn’t claim as his own. KSW is quite the claim but sealed Scientology’s eventual demise. There’s just too many lies in it.
As more times goes by it is becoming increasingly obvious that his so called ‘breakthroughs’ were more or less based on a shotgun approach. He just kept on guessing and kept on collating results. If someone didn’t fall within his parameters he researched for “in house” results that removed the trouble by coming up with things like the PTS SP tech or theetie-weetie, sweetness and light, no case gain cases, out ethics, or wogs etc etc. For what he claimed as 100% standard for all cases, he introduced lots of exceptions and policed it with heavy military styled discipline and a back door through Qual or legal threats/attacks for anyone else like Govt agencies. The SO very much has an explicit function – to cover any slack in his tech and distance any humanism that may find its way or wiggle itself into his organisation and then provide a buffer between management and the truth of the Scientology experience.
No Yawn, it’s all quite straightforward. All those “exceptions” situations you imply above do actually exist in the real universe, as you must really know from having worked in Tech all those years. I didn’t find 1 “exception” that was routed to me in Qual that didn’t actually exist – you asked the person and he/she confirmed it. Life is complex, and fortunately Hubbard spotted all the “complexities” for us – saved a lot of guess-work.
So…By definition DM is a Theetie Weetie.
And every Smiling Scientologist
I guess he would thus be a teenie weenie theetie weetie
Azhlynn, actually Davey is not theetie wheetie. Theetie wheetie can’t confront evil. Davey is the flip side of that coin, in that all he sees is evil. He is Type III Paranoid because he thinks everyone and everything is out to get him. He sees bad in the psychs, in the medicos, in the public, in the SO. He rides in an armored car to protect him from bullets. He doesn’t make appearances in public unless the place is locked down with security. He rants on and on about how bad everyone is and how he’ll just have to do it all himself to get it right. While it is true that there are a LOT of people who would like to see Davey hurt or worse, not ALL people are out to get him. He’ll end up alone, hiding in seclusion when the end comes for him, in spite of the billions he has.
I have an idea for the PERFECT Christmas Gift for David Miscavige . . . “Bulletproof Fruit of the Looms” !
Dave F.
Laughing out loud, Dave F
Gotta LOVE it . . . LOL !
Dave F.
Yes, I imagine that someone taking a shot at him might aim for that part of his body.
Yes but the tiny tot is so small that those even smaller gonads would be a hard target to hit unless you’re a super marksman.
Now this will put the cat among the pigeons – Cindy, I agree with your comment!
Well I’m pretty darned upbeat and positive – cheery and have a great outlook on life.. and I have also confronted and survived many adverse conditions. But this would have been considered “theety-weety” and I have been accused of it many times. It’s a “non-condition”… created by Hubbard to perhaps cover up his own insecurities, but also I think to put down those who truly are upbeat and positive…one can’t be in “need of change”, and ready for regging to discover the source of one’s upsets, if one is basically happy, can one.? And the fact that many upbeat, strong and positive people can figure out and solve their own challenges, or decide for themselves where to look for help when they need a hand, goes totally against the Hubbard grain. IMHO of course. :0)
I’m with you Madge, I’m basically a positive person. Not always cheerful, but able to see the bright side, the silver lining if you will. From a Christian perspective, I’m a 1st Timothy “count it all joy” kind of person. That joy and inner peace comes with knowing that whatever I go through will bring learning and greater understanding. Sounds like something to look forward to – to me anyway. When I finally let go of that Scientology-ingrained need to find “the why” the freedom and joy I was able to find was outstanding. You see, there really isn’t anything we can do about the past, but attitude is everything when it comes to creating a bright future.
Indeed #1. I’m not on cloud 9 all the time for sure.. but I know things will turn out right, and the more aware I become, the better are my choices. And after many years of doing for others first whilst denying myself.. I have begun to include myself (as of several years ago) and honoring me and doing what I want. Knowing that what I want is good, wholesome, purposeful and uplifting, results in a lot more happiness and satisfaction, than date locating when I last “thought” I was happy as a Nubian princess or a beetle. lolol
I agree with you and add the attitude about looking … is the glass half full or empty?
Absolutely. It is both. I have the choice as to how I look at it. So I choose positive.