A reader sent me an email about Benjamin, confirming much of what I wrote about in my book, A Billion Years. There are some small details added and I appreciate the time they took to send this to me.
I am publishing it because it demonstrates the absurd and grotesque lengths scientology goes to keep families apart.
Also, some of you may recall that Ben had some form of aggressive skin cancer (you can see the scar tissue under his right eye). He should be made aware of the blood mutation discovered in me as a result of extensive testing, as it can be passed on genetically. Of course, there is no way of communicating this to him, though hopefully someone who monitors this blog in OSA can pass on the information (unlikely as they consider it’s just “PTSness” and as long as he is not connected to me, he will be fine).
Below is the message:
The purpose of this email is to provide more information regarding Ben Rinder. Although I don’t have any PT info about him or his whereabouts I was there when he was a Tech Page at the Flag AO, I was there when he battle with his cancer and I was there when he was trying to leave. In fact, I FESed some of his folders…
For my own reasons, I wish to remain anonymous.
Now, unfortunately, just like Mike describes in his book about trying to remember things with precision my dates on events and even the sequences are sometimes very mismatched.
This is some of the info and recollection I have on Ben.
Ben Rinder was miserable in the Sea Org. He was one of those guys who didn’t belong there, who wanted to explore his teenagehood and just have fun. The type that other Sea Orgs would refer to as “too wog” and his friendships were usually with other “disaffected” young Sea Org members.
When Ben wanted to leave in 2009 or 2010 Kathy True [The OSA Flag sec checker assigned to deal with the “most sensitive” security threats] was personally assigned as his “handler” and essentially brainwash the fuck out of him with you know: “Mike was trying to sabotage COB and made huge errors that cost the church a lot of money to fix,” “the wog world is a terrible place and is so dangerous,” bla bla bla bla …
One of the main concerns at that time was that if Ben left, he will eventually reunite back with Mike and the whole Ben-committee (which included his
mom) felt that Ben in fact wanted to be with Mike.
One of the other things that also prompted him wanted to leave was that a bunch of his friends from the AO had left the Sea Org.
Anyway, eventually he got a bunch of auditing and was “moved up the bridge” (and I think he went “Clear” or NED Case Completion) and ended up becoming a Chef of some restaurant at the Fort Harrison hotel.
I honestly am just impressed he hasn’t left yet. He also married a young girl who was not by any means a dedicated hard core Sea Org member and factually quite a green Scientologist which was also a very concerning thing for the Ben-committee, but they didn’t want to give him any “motivators” so they let him marry her.
Disconnection is going to destroy families in so many more ways than anyone could have first imagined. Please let 2023 be the year your family comes back to you Mike and this cult is finally brought to justice.
There’s been too much heartbreak in so many families. May all families be reunited. Hoping Ben and his wife come home to you Mike.
Hi Mike, the post on your son was a tough one to read. It may explain your courage and bravery, explaining the despicable parctices of scientology. I read about you years ago even before the Aftermath Show. What struck me was how intelligent and articulate you were. Every thing you said was backed up by facts. To me you were fearless. Scientology was a big machine with many moving parts but you’re attitude was “So What” You were there at the beginning and now we have SPTV which is expanding at a rapid pace. It has the numbers that Scientology could only hope for. Look at how people support the fundraising. Never underestimate your contribution, you were right there at the beginning. This is a hugh community that will support you for billions of years.( I know!!, sorry, couldn’t resist) All that is left to say is I hope you improve daily and recover soon. Best wishes and love to you and your family. Xx
Although cancer is never a good thing, perhaps it is the thing that will motivate Ben to reach out to Mike. We can only hope/pray for such a miracle.
thankyou eternally for all you and Christie have done.
Your book, as of 30 July 2023, goes for $54 on Amazon, and there are no cheaper editions, so kudos for the demand and market current price.
The info in your book is crucial for the devastation and debris trail of Scientology understanding.
I support “The Aftermath Foundation” monthly by donation.
I hope you get well and just chill out until you recover, even if it is years, please chill and relax and enjoy what you love most ln life.
Hobbies is a word Hubbard never wished to push on his followers because pushing people doing enjoyable hobbies and other things conflicted with Hubbard’s “hard sell” pushing his followers to spend all their time and money on the Scientology pseudo-therapy/exorcism practices.
But hobbies and doing what one loves is so beneficial to life.
thanks again for all your years of going public and detailing your life in your book.
Chuck Beatty
Hi, I saw the hard cover book on Amazon for $15.88. I got mine for less on my Kindle.
I too am a father. I cried when I read this.
I’m pretty sure the restaurant he’s a chef at is the hibiscus, but I could be getting mixed up. By sea org standards I recall chef in a public restaurant being a pretty cushy job, and the hibiscus more than others. It would make sense that they’d want to give him an easier post and do what they can to keep him happy. Hopefully one day he decides enough is enough and walks out, chef is also one of the jobs that easily translates to the real world. Unlike most scientology posts.
My sincere best wishes Mike that your son is still able and willing to leave this oppressive and destructive cult. Ultimately it would be brilliant if you were reunited with him. I cannot begin to imagine the pain of the separation due to Scientology’s forced disconnection policy. I hope that your treatment is going well and that Christie and the boys are doing well too. We miss you on you tube but check your blog often for more info re this destructive cult.
Forced and enforced.
Mike this tears my heart apart just as Scientology tears families apart
I PRAY that someone will get this message to Ben
I pray for your health
Those in OSA who are reading this should be drawn and quartered for NOT getting the message to Ben
(Sorry for the graphics but OSA REALLY)
Be Blessed
This can’t be helping Mike given his situation. Now if Ben and Mike were able to reunite it might be the exact medicine they both need. Take care Mike. Everyone is rooting for you.
Dear Mike this is not a baost, And I would never wany it to be, But I still have a one way com) Marty Mark Rathbun (I actually understand he did it for Monique) I got your plea for your son posted onthere on a very earlier post.
I love you so much as I hated you so much for being a tool for a cult you rascall
Posted at Marty’s on the back burner
Not sure what you are trying to say on the subject of this post today “Cat Daddy”. Although, I do remember your handle from when I used to post on Marty’s “Movin’ On Up a Lttle Higher” as Espiritu. …Now I use my actual name.
Anyhow, could you possibly clarify your comments for me. For instance what did you mean when you said “Posted at Marty’s on the back burner”?
What IS “Marty’s back burner”?
I have been on his blog since 2009 as KittyKatSpanker (later Cat daddy) at first comming from the Anon Angle, He let’s my posts come trough on his post that had comments on
Personnaly I believe he does everything to keep his love Monique in his live safe and happy. But that is just my opinion.
My real name is Cornelius Antonius Martens
Mike, praying daily that you are reunited with Benjamin.
Hope is warmth against the cold winter of adversity. ~Terri Guillemets
Praying , always praying for you and your precious family!
I just want to send you love and hope with all my heart that you will be reunited with your son someday soon. All my love to you and your family
If you’ll pardon me for sounding Socratic: the beginning of wisdom is the admission that there are gaps in knowledge.
Until now I didn’t know that Ben had wanted and tried to leave the Sea Org. How handsome he is. I like his face. Not just handsome, but sensitive and caring. I daresay the cult has reason to fear Ben reuniting with his father should he leave the SO. Just a gut feeling but Ben and Mike look like kindred spirits to me. Less subjectively, to my knowledge the cult has never deployed Ben Rinder for the purpose of trashing Mike Rinder. Hmm… I wonder why. Could it be that Miscavige knows that, unlike Taryn, Ben doesn’t have the heart, or the bitter, angry feelings to insult and demean his Dad. I’d bet money on it.
As a long time Dad, Aquamarine, I share your observations and your gut feelings. He has a certain look in his eye and I would not be surprised if he figured things out for himself, threw off his chains, and went off to get in touch with his Dad.
“…a certain look in his eye…” That’s it! That’s what I couldn’t verbalize, and you did. A look in his eye, a sensitivity, an awareness, as I interpret it. And, oh, how wonderful it would be for Ben make his way back to Mike! It coud happen. I can conceive of it, with him. Yes it could happen!
Too heartbreaking.
This is the cruelest “religion.”
It’s terrible to know that your loved ones are still in and are essentially being held incommunicado and fed propaganda. My heart goes out to you, Mike. You are a man great strength and character. It is my fondest hope that your gratitude, forgiveness and love for others will also serve to fulfill your wishes for their future.
I hope he or someone sees this and chats with him.
Thinking about you and sending you healing prayers often!
Miss seeing you on YT, but enjoying your audio book again.
Please Ben, get in touch with your dad.
Oh wow, Mike. This is heartbreaking, but also fills me with hope that Ben will come around and reach out to you. <3 All my love
Wow! My heart hurts to read this! I’m so sorry, Mike.
It’s heart-rending to read this. Mike, you and your family are in my prayers. I hope one day, you’ll be reunited with Ben.
Sending you love and blessings.
Very painful having gone through the loss of my children. Brings home the point that those brainwashed members and staff will not be released until the Scientology is dissolved.
This really brings home the absolute heartbreak perpetrated by the loathsome cult. I’m so sorry. I hope Ben is able to get this important information. And that he can actually break out someday.
Sickening. I truly hope Ben escapes soon. I know Mike would welcome him with open arms.
I feel so bad for supporting this malicious organization for decades (of course it took getting out to find out how truly malicious and criminal it is). They are so good at convincing members that anything bad is a lie or work on undetected SP in group. Ben, if you ever read these comments, know that your father has 10s of thousands of followers (more than CoS has members) and it would probably take about 5 minutes to get you several good job offers. Anyone in OSA reading this – get out before you have committed so many illegal acts or just immoral ones that you will never be able to feel like a decent person again. There is a spiritual consequence if you knowingly support evil.
Mike, this must be so hard for you and I know how you feel hearing info about your “lost” son. I feel your pain. But I have to say he does not look like a happy chap in this photo, but he certainly is a handsome guy like his Dad.