Another entrant in the Wacky Stakes trying to make a run at Mike “Oops” Smith, David “the Bard of the Valley” Wilson and Pat “My real name will suffice” Parody.
Berndt is giving it the old college try with a mixture of crazy “False 4” euphoria and good old “Tone 40” commands. His grammar can be excused because he is not a native english speaker, but his structure leaves a little to be desired, especially when he seems to get confused about his survey and his success story in the middle there.
But boy, you cannot criticize him for lack of hype. Or missing out on the opportunity to get in some good exclamation tech and a healthy dose of ALL CAPS shouting from the rooftops.
From: Berndt Mottl <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:40 PM
Long time no talk!
I just completed SUPER POWER!!!And I decided to get 100 people onto Super Power and you have been selected as one of them!!!
Rejoice!!!And here is why:
You might have seen success stories about Super Power. Most of them are “beyond words” and more than ever it is now clear: The English language has literally no vocabulary to describe what has happened with the advent of this Rundown (and Cause Resurgence Rundown which is similarly miraculous per reports and which I will do next).
We have not been in comm enough for me to know where you are at with your Bridge right now… but we have been in comm enough for me to know that you would not only LOVE this Rundwon, it would not only BLOW YOU AWAY, it will (notice I said WILL not WOULD?) give you the biggest Thetan rocket booster you ever got NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE ON THE BRIDGE – EVEN OTVIII’S PROCLAIM SUPERLATIVES LIKE NEVER BEFORE ABOUT SUPER POWER
Here are a few highlights what Super Power did for me:
1) It made clear to me what Scientology actually IS, what it can DO and HOW it can do it.
2) It showed me why in the past we sometimes had some losses in terms of people or own understanding and grasping of the full magnitude of what LRH actually says when he talks about “Clearing the Planet” and how it can actually be DONE.
3) It showed me exactly how I as a spiritual being I am contributing and creating down to the atomic level every split second of this universe, my life and the future.
4) It showed me how there is NOTHING that happens to me which I have not either created myself or agreed to be the effect of from others – and, more importantly, it showed me how I can CAUSE my ideal and aesthetic life.
5) It took ALL my past auditing and “dusted it off” and polished it into brand new shining states and abilities.I wrote 60 pages of success stories during the rundown – here is the last one I wrote the day I attested:
I have decided to get 100 people onto Super Power!
Now I do have a few questions below and I want to say this to you: PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!I don’t CARE what the answer is – not at all. But I want to help 100 people onto Super Power and I can held as an FSM or not (if you already have an FSM) – and I can help in ways I didn’t even conceive of 3 weeks ago!!! But OT or not, the universe runs on DATA and without data no amount of Tone 40 and “help” is possible:
So here are my survey questions:
1) Considering the above and everything else you have heard about Super Power, do you intend to do this Rundown sometime in the future?
2) Do you have an FSM who is actively helping you move up the Bridge? I am not trying to be everyone’s FSM… I don’t CARE about that. Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow!!! I am not worried about pieces of papers with numbers on it!!!
3) No-one will make it through Super Power without Purif and Objectives fully done: Have you completed the Purification Rundown taking up to 5000mg Niacin and when did you do that Rundown? Have you completed a full battery of Objectives or the new Golden Age of Tech II Survival Rundown?
The best way I can describe Super Power is, that this is 8th dynamic auditing! It looks at life from the top down. Where before you confronted a quarter you can now confront the Federal Reserve! And with CONFRONT I don’t mean “able to stand the pain” but “be there COMFORTABLY and PERCEIVE” (and not with 5 but with 57 perceptions).
The word “love” has been mis-used and abused and means today not much more than 2D.
Well, I always loved you as my fellow men… but Super Power brought to light a much deeper love and admiration. That for whole-track freedom fighters who need a hand to recover their strength after many battles against insanity.
If there ever was a God he gave LRH the insight and enlightenment that made him able to develop Super Power!
Much love,
Would really love to hear a follow up from Berndt where he goes into detail about “grasping of the full magnitude of what LRH actually says when he talks about “Clearing the Planet” and how it can actually be DONE.”
But good news for everyone in the bubble: ‘It showed me how there is NOTHING that happens to me which I have not either created myself or agreed to be the effect of from others.” So, once everyone is through Super Power they will no longer need to blame the psychs, or big pharma or the unemployed, bitter defrocked apostate bloggers on the fringes of the internet because they will understand that their demise is being brought about by themselves (funny, I have been saying that for a while and I didn’t even do all of Super Power….).
I leave you with these touching words of wisdom, from Berndt “Nature Man” Mottl: “Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow!!!” I am seriously envious.
Interesting staement
“you would not only LOVE this Rundwon”
Does he mean love this “run around” as in run around a pole”, or run around from IAS regge’s?
Or does the EP of this Rundown neagte the ability to spell correctly when trying to get others “up the bridge”
Yes hiatus57 I even luve you! – Berendt
When did doing a purify start REQUIRING you to go up to 5,000mg of niacin???? D of P for almost 15 years off and on from 82 to 94 and that wasn’t anywhere in the materials???
It’s the “newly discovered” alteration that D/Source For Lost Tech uncovered.
It is a goodun as it requires most everyone to go back and re-do their Purif. That’s some good income and it doesn’t require anyone to have auditors. Plus the added benefit of the profit made on the “Purif Uniforms”.
Devious Dave deceiving the deluded.
As I recall Super Power had as its prerequisite the Key To Life Course as LRH found that some auditors back in the early 80s couldn’t deliver it due to MisUs (and also unhandled dugs). Now has that pre-req been abolished or just not-ised? (It may only have been for auditors rather than those who receive it – that I don’t totally know – perhaps Dan Koon could comment on that?) The Rundown itself is quite good or used to be in its original form but was designed primarily for staff. It seems to be now that Superpower is a solution to a problem that the Life Orientation Course didn’t solve as looking at that course which I did recently was mainly an action that most staff – in the good old days anyway, would have had as part of their general staff training and hatting. So Superpower is an “ideal” way of training and stabilizing “auxiliary staff” (i.e. fund raisers) like the OTCs and FSMs etc. and getting them to pay for it as well!
What I find interesting is that the original Ethics Repair List had 16 pages, which is not a small amount of questions, but the new one now has been “expanded” to a whopping 43 pages as I recall. I wonder what all the additional questions are about? Actually of course the original Ethics Repair List would have within the first few sessions exposed DM as the raving SP on a lot of cases, particularly staff, and even for those who have swallowed gallons of Kool Aid – so I think we can assume that something has been “changed” on that list to be able to cope with that factor and introvert the PC if he starts (quite rightly) muttering that “management are SPs” etc.
As to Berndt’s wins etc. well, Mike quite correctly points out that such is just yet another sales pitch (on behalf of a corrupt and criminal management clique) so I don’t think we should worry too much about invalidating his wins or whatever. My 2 cents in this: his wins and general tone seem to be stuck in the glee of insanity and unreality but then this is how one has to be when one is supporting the Donations Vultures and out-tech squirrels that the Church has now become. Anyone in their right mind looks at this type of message and spots it straight away for what it is – another attempt to drive the lemmings over the cliff onto the rocks below of IAS and Idle Org donations.And of course to collect his 10% commission as they are on their way down to those financial and “ethical” rocks below! (These “rocks” soon get people’s ethics in – in a hard and uncompromising way!)
By the way – this 10% Reg and Book Sales commission scam started way back in the early 80s and made a distinct cleft of staff – those who didn’t get commissions like all the Tech and Qual staff and all other divisions actually and those who did make a “living” out of it. Interesting that it is date-coincident more or less with COB’s rise to power and I wonder if if was a significant way of getting (certain) people “onside” with him?
Spot on on everything you said Foolproof. Yes, Davie was smart to bribe people to come to his side by paying commissions to staff and public starting in the early 80’s when he took over. Once they get some of that money, the greed takes over and they will not kill the golden goose that feeds them, and they have to embrace all things Miscavige in order to keep the gravy train coming their way.
Dave’s faves caught the wave, ain’t no time to misbehave, it’s too easy being slaves while they’re digging their own graves.
Is he talking about effects from running around a pole? To my knowledge, that’s the only SP rundown available at the moment… Thx
I’ll bet a million dollars that if Berndt sees Mark Bunker with his camera or any other “SP” that he knows about or finds out about walking down a street in Clearwater or anywhere, he will walk or run the other direction.
God what a load of utter bullshit.
I wonder if there are any exes who spouted crap like that, and what their reaction is to the fact that they did. I’m wondering because I’m curious if he’s trapped forever, or if there is any hope for him to see the truth, and/or whether his crash on the way out would be too great to confront….
Thank you for another great post and comments.
We had someone (at The Underground Bunker) post a response to Berndt Mottl’s email today in the comedic style of Monty Python and/or Mystery Science Theater. For readers unfamiliar with Mystery Science Theater humor and its premise, here is a description of this American TV series
The response to Berndt’s email was written by Espiando. Because of its length, I’m simply giving a direct link to his post. I hope it provides a few more chuckles today, so enjoy!
P.S. This is my first post on this blog. I apologize for my rudeness in doing a “post and run.” I will return soon to make more thoughtful, traditional comments but until then, I just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed reading this blog. I’ve learned so much from all of you. Congratulations (belatedly) to Mr. Rinder and to all the commenters on such a successful first year anniversary! “Straight up and vertical” – truthfully!
Oh my goodness. Berndt is in for a world of hurt when his Super Power “high” wears off.
Well he did seem to have fun and for what he paid for squirrel Tech is the real question.
But I bet he doesn’t have to express him self with foul language and obsequious staments.
Perhaps this ability will manifest when he has run around the pole for a few days :))))))))))))))))))
Here’s to Standard Tech “Pip Pip”
Before Super Power was released, the hype was “Super Power will MAKE planetary clearing a reality” or “Super Power IS what makes planetary clearing possible”
Now that Super Power has been released the hype has been downgraded to “Super Power made me see HOW planetary clearing is possible”.
I have seen several people parrot this in their success stories.
It’s never “Super Power IS how we are clearing the planet”. It’s just “I now see HOW we can clear the planet”.
Well golly gee that’s just wonderful. But it wasn’t exactly what the carrot was SUPPOSED to be.
He might as well say, “I just did Super Power and realized that we can’t clear the planet without Ideal Orgs and the IAS”….I mean right? Otherwise, how exactly did one cognite how the planet is going to be cleared?
(I’m just being the devil’s advocate. The idea of clearing the planet is a joke. But the idea that there was a big unknown secret on how it could be done has been THE MYSTERY SANDWICH about Super Power for decades)
Maybe the cognition is:
“I just did Super Power and I realized that if I can get more people to come to Flag to do Super Power it will get more and more people in front of the Flag IAS fundraisers, and since the IAS is the one clearing the planet anyway, Super Power is — by extension — making planetary clearing possible”
Yeah, probably something like that.
In all this time, 64 years, they have not cleared a city block, a neighborhood, a woman’s club or anything eles. How in the hell do they expect to clear a planet? They have no f’ing idea.
Great observation.
Hubbard wrote a policy to issue a refund request within 24 hours wasn’t it? David must have shredded that one. Complete disregard.
Unhappy customers are told to fuck off and die. Ignored as parasites.
No other business operates like this. It is disgraceful. A beauty salon has better policy and manners.
They will not refund without a costly legal battle, they will not make amends, they will not take any responsibility for damages.
With the law suits piling up it is beginning to look intentional. Millions upon millions paid in legal fees costing many times more than to just take responsibility for unhappy customers. This is totally illogical.
Why is David willing to pay 5 million to fight a 1 million dollar suit in which abuse fraud neglect out exchange torture domestic abuse and all the rest is CLEARLY illustrated? Is running lawyers his new hobby? Is he generating these expenses so he can justify his bank accounts or what? He must NEED these costly legal battles to solve some problem.
What are these law suits a solution for? He is mocking them up and storing them and fueling them. He needs them for a reason. What is it?
Three children die on service in your organization and it doesn’t amount to anything you should handle?
“Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow”???
Because of all the manure coming from Berndt no doubt.
And Mike… major bonus points for the very clever and appropriate post image. You can never go wrong with the Pythons! 🙂
Ness, ness, ness, ness. Here a ness, there a ness, everywhere a ness. It must take people years to purge the pseudo-vocabulary that is meaningless and speak normally.
The only ‘ness’ they need is Elliot Ness.
“Pat “My real name will suffice” Parody.”
Hah a hah h a ha hah ah a. Great post.
What is it with all these emails and letters? Can’t they talk face-to-face? And if they can’t, don’t they think that perhaps people are trying to avoid them?
Does anyone know all the courses along with their cost for supa power? The whole tomato?
Just for my own reference putting this madness into context would be for me interesting.
There is the Purif, how much$$ in 2014 dollars?
The Basics$$?
The Objectives$$?
Survivial rundown$$?
Cause Resurgance$$?
57 Perceptions$$?
Oiliness table$$?
Am I missing some courses? Hopefully someone knows the prices as all the required courses. If anyone can help let me thank you in advance, I just love reference material:)
As a never-in from all I have read this gagII is going to be the end it just may take a little while. I just wonder how much they are taking in from the kool=aide drinkers who get roped into this thing?
I knew Berndt from Munich and he was and likely still is a ‘good guy’.
I bet he really had a lot of wins on Super Power but this inability to compare it to a PT situation, see the Bad Indicators around is scary. It must be COMPLETELY separated, like being out-of-valence and only pulling out one’s true beingness in the relatively safe auditing room. When done with the session they must be putting back on their knight’s chain mail armor in order to be impervious to what is going on around them…
That is what the Kool aide is for……………..copious quantities of ‘believe in me’ …. translated into believe in the “Chairman of the Bored” ………….or else.
Don’t get me wrong Greta, COB and I are just like peas and carrots. COB is yellow and I am green with envy!
OMG, how could I forget? Of course the Kool-Aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are so right as usual. Hope the green color goes away in a bit…
Perhaps a little objective process (take a walk) to try to key it out?
“But OT or not, the universe runs on DATA and without data no amount of Tone 40 and “help” is possible:”
Unfortunately as we see everyday, RCo$ runs on False Data, or Fabricated Data, or even Miscavadata. Certainly nothing to do with thr “real world” oops wog world
(I really hate that totally derogatory term, it is really offensive – the equivalent of using the “n” word to those who reside outside America). The SO just love to use it.
“…there is NOTHING that happens to me which I have not either created myself or agreed to be the effect of from others.”
Well, where ever one is on the Bridge or in living life when he finally gets that, he finally does get it! Good for him.
But it will be a long time until he realizes this ALSO applies to his bubble people, right? Because it’s been drilled into their heads for so so so long that those in the bubble are right, already OT, know everything there is to know….. and those outside are wrong, unenlightened and headed to become little crispy cinders. That’s a pretty hefty false datum to remove out of one’s thoughts to accept the real truth. Especially when that datum keeps getting forced on you in your environment 24/7.
Here’s a thought–he may notice something is wrong now and really start to question it.
Hold that thought.
I tried, but, it slipped through my fingers. Either that or my mind is, is, ahhh, huh?
I’m happy that Berndt’s happy but not that he’s promoting a racket that will not produce the same results for everyone walking into the SP building that he got from it. I understand his enthusiasm and wanting others to experience the same wins but the truth is, they won’t.
I think only the hard core, march-in-step types will come out feeling the way Berndt does. Others will have gradients and still others will get the full run-around treatment with a long runway of progress programs, sec checks and ethics programs where your family and friendships are pried into. Yes, what the Mecca of Technical Decepion and its products like Berndt is famous for: Carrot Dangling for a better life and existence.
Sheesh Pepper, don’t you miss it?
No MJ, I don’t. I’m grateful every day to be OUT of that horror show.
Yes, can’t say I miss the all nighters, yelling, bad food and thought control either. “Those were the days my friend, we thought would never end…”
Those weren’t wins, that was a sales pitch. Remember, he is an FSM and wants to FSM 100 onto Super Power. Calculate that commission before you assume those were actual wins. Sorry to pop everyone’s bubble.
It’s why this post has the title it does….
I agree that it’s a sales pitch. Couldn’t help but notice the loaded comment;
“Where before you confronted a quarter you can now confront the Federal Reserve! And with CONFRONT I don’t mean “able to stand the pain” but “be there COMFORTABLY and PERCEIVE” (and not with 5 but with 57 perceptions).”
I mean really? Isn’t that just a coded sentence to get others to agree to want it that so they have very little ridge-factor at the reg?
Sales pitch, hyped-up wins, carrot dangling is all pretty much the same thing here to me.
The problem I have with it is that there are people out there who are sincerely looking for help or self-betterment who will read this and think that they will get the same result. Not true. They will pay a load of dough for an outcome which cannot be guaranteed, not to mention the process of getting onto Super Power, which could be long, arduous and expensive for some.
I also believe that Berndt believes he experienced his “wins”. I don’t know him personally but I don’t think he is an entirely shallow person who is ONLY doing this for money and personal gain. He believes in his own hype and all the hype and propaganda of the CoS=DM.
Thanks for the post Mike – same ole, same ole wins from every other “release”.
There must be one perception missing with the Stupid Powerz rundown – the ability to see a cult when one is in one.
You could ask this guy – what he would do if he knew someone that was in an Organization that lies to the members, won’t allow free communication with others, dictates who one can talk to and not talk to, what to think and believe and hurts people financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and destroys families.
The organization calls itself a “religion” but SELLS Spiritual freedom for a ton of money. They lie to the members about what they will achieve and there are no lasting gains with the services.
The leader lives a lavish lifestyle that he hides from the members. They do all the work for peanuts and life like slaves. They are trapped by contracts and threats of spiritual damnation.
He would say – GET them out of there and that organization should be shut down and prosecuted.
Cognitive Dissonance -ain’t it a bitch!
You make a very good point at the end, Mike. That is a very key irony in the church for a long time. Scientology is supposed to make you more “at cause.” The PTS-SP course helps you “not be the effect of suppressive actions.” 8-8008 proclaims that a way to not create problems is to flow around them, not against them.
The tech talks about the fact that people will go on doing what they want to do, and gives advice on how to not become the effect of it. This is a basic set of tools that many people have written about, even outside of Scn.
Yet, the church is so set on “attack” mode, it does nothing but make the “problems” grow bigger.
Also to note, I bet none of these “bloggers” would feel as compelled to “blog” had the church applied their own technology and openly stated, “I respect your beliefs and you certainly have freedom of speech. I will help you uphold your human rights, as we proclaim we do with our human rights campaigns…”
Oh the irony – complaining of the problems they themselves are helping create.
I wonder if they (a group trying to clear the planet of evil) even know what the concept of “peace” is anymore, or ever.
From all that I have read, the ‘running around a pole or palm tree RD’ at INT was a punishment, not a Super Power release point. I’ll bet Dwarf Vader won’t be ‘running pgm’ anytime soon.
From Lou: “Dave works so hard for all of us he hasn’t time for auditing and training. If you CICS would just lend a helping hand, maybe he could get some enhancement.”
I’ll get right on it.
For the under-educated, over exuberant and insufficiently curious, “Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow!!!”
So does Lynne McTaggerts book, The Field, and it only cost me a dollar.
You can fool all of the zealots, all of the time.
I wonder how many SO staff are on the line up (rhetorical).
Has David Miscavige done anything that he promotes as the New Bridge action’s ?
Anyone see the COB doing the running program ? Anyone know of him solo auditing
or CS his sessions?
There are piles upon piles of pictures of LRH auditing other’s, solo auditing.
I met people audited by LRH, even attaining CLEAR audited by LRH.
Anyone audited or CS ed by David Miscavige besides Lisa Mc Pherson
( somebody alive)
anybody, anybody ?
“But good news for everyone in the bubble: ‘It showed me how there is NOTHING that happens to me which I have not either created myself or agreed to be the effect of from others.” So, once everyone is through Super Power they will no longer need to blame the psychs, or big pharma or the unemployed, bitter defrocked apostate bloggers on the fringes of the internet because they will understand that their demise is being brought about by themselves…”
The level of cognitive dissonance could not be stated more succinctly.
Moonboggles me as much as preventing people from coming to the openings of orgs designed to attract people.
If one tries to follow this “reasoning” one will become as insane as those who accept it.
Thanks for giving me his email address, Mike. I am seriously considering responding via hushmail. Since he said he didn’t care what the answers were, I’m sure he’ll be pleased with mine.
Although I have long ago stopped calling myself an ex, an indie or anything to do with Scientology, these are the answers that I think would be real to him as a person.
1) Considering the above and everything else you have heard about Super Power, do you intend to do this Rundown sometime in the future?
Um, hell to the NO!!!!!!!!!
2) Do you have an FSM who is actively helping you move up the Bridge? I am not trying to be everyone’s FSM… I don’t CARE about that. Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow!!! I am not worried about pieces of papers with numbers on it!!!
What Bridge? AND btw how do you move up a circle where every step you take your wins are taken away from you and you are told you have to pay to re re re re re do them because ooops we messed up and what we did for you wasn’t right.
3) No-one will make it through Super Power without Purif and Objectives fully done: Have you completed the Purification Rundown taking up to 5000mg Niacin and when did you do that Rundown? Have you completed a full battery of Objectives or the new Golden Age of Tech II Survival Rundown?
I did my Purif and Objectives in the late 70’s, so yes I have done the Purif. I will not do the David Miscavige Squirrel version of these things. If LRH said I was through, I take that as a completion. Per KSW, I refuse to do the GAT2 SRD as that would be Squirrel.
Any questions for me?
Valerie, I’d urge you to follow up on this idea and get in touch with him. I’ve done this now and then, with people who seem generally okay, and especially when there’s a personal email address and not an official account. I don’t bother with Hushmail, I keep it friendly, and I don’t really expect an answer. But now and then somebody writes back, either apparently mistaking me for someone in the flock or sending me a one-line blow-off. I take either as an ack that the comm got through.
I don’t know what this might accomplish — a brief signal from outside the bubble, a reminder that there IS a world out here, just a screen-tap or mouse-click away.
If the first to lines of the auditor’s code were somehow injected into
the KSW PL, do you think anyone would notice?
So I do Super Power because I want the wins this guy said I would
have, but then don’t achieve them… I fucked up? What did I
miss? Why am I so introverted???
How about just telling us it was a good action for you and not
bother telling us what are wins will be?
I have a message for Berndt:
Berndt, I want to fully acknowledge your wins. I’m not being sarcastic, I really mean it. I’ve had glimpses of what you describe and I’m envious. I don’t blame you at all for wanting to shout it from the roof tops.
One thing I do know about gaining new awareness is that your actions have to act accordingly or you’re going to come crashing down. You must be aware of the fact that DM is violating LRH policy by doing fund raising. LRH clearly says, “do no do fund raising”. You must know that this is one of the major causes of the huge downfall of Scientology internationally. All you would have to do is walk into any org and look at their stats. Now that you have these abilities I hope you use them wisely and confront what DM has done.
Berndt, if you’re lurking please take note.
Mike –
You are so funny, man! The pictures you pick and your comments are an insightful, irreverent, barrel of fucking monkeys!
How can the head of the Office of Special Affairs of the Church of Scientology for 30 years be so smart and funny???
All I can say is that that fucking post was suppressing the shit out of you and it is great to see you out in the open air, being your self.
Once again, I have to say, we are ALL benefitting from from your freedom.
I was Berndt’s twin on the RPF for a couple years of it. He’s a good guy and sincere in his desire for wins in Scientology.
I won’t phooey any of this. It’s OK with me for people to get in session at Flag and still get wins. I think that’s great that he’s having them, and if he wants to use caps to emphasize his enthusiasm, that’s fine with me.
There’s a lot of Scientology that works nicely, as I regard things. That would be fine with me if Super Power’s processes are some more amongst them. Good wins in good sessions are not the things in Scientology that I object to.
I hope his perception has come up enough to see that the orgs are empty; I hope that his intention gets cleaner and cleaner to do something about it, I hope that he realizes that the orgs will have to be friendly places that deal with people sincerely and offer services in safe environments at affordable rates are part of accomplishing that and I hope he can work for others to help accomplish that.
I have gotten wins that were SO big and SO sturdy in session you couldn’t run over them with anything. When I rode on the waves of those wins, I was able to accomplish good, I believe. I’d like to think that auditing can still deliver that, and make more perceptive, capable people even when the auditing is happening within the church.
Hi Dan,
I don’t think it is possible to have auditing wins in the “church” any longer. I think it is all delusional. As a whole, the organization no longer knows the meaning of “granting of beingness”, which is an essential part of the auditor’s code. So real auditing cannot occur in the “church”. Plus the fact that the head of the RCS is a flat-out 2 1/2 percent SP, which makes all organizations, staff members and public PTS; because they ARE connected to an SP.
Dan –
The relevant question is (I think) how auditing fits into improving one’s own life in one’s own conception of it in an accurate and relevant relation to all. That I know of, mass C/Sing and sending everyone in bulk back to do stuff they’ve already run isn’t good C/Sing. So I question the over-the-top wins as to their actual source (was it Super Power or was it simply a change in perspective which brought about a realization of latent wins as an accumulation?) And I question the literal reality or literal benefit of those in real life – as you put it in terms of hoping his perception comes up. The guy’s talking about perceiving how flowers grow but he can’t see the nose on his face, and I don’t accept that as a legitimate improvement where it is most needed in this guy’s life. Where on the levels of awareness is that? Put someone under enough pressure, and they’ll imagine all kinds of things. Audit them in a peaceful and sane environment on a rational C/S and you benefit him in his own life – if you are good, with a good C/S, you’ll get those things most immediately bothering him, first.
Wins I like to hear are more like, “You know what happened the other day, you know I’ve always had problems conversing about nothing with people? Well I was with a few acquaintances and I was keeping up with all the irrelevant chit-chat and didn’t mention Scientology even once! I didn’t even think about it! Maybe Grade 0 is the ability to comm with anyone on any subject, but I think it includes the ability to NOT comm with anyone on any subject, and still be perfectly comfortable.” Or “I got back in comm with my enemy-aunt – I don’t know how it happened, or why exactly, but she was actually friendly towards me for the first time in years and told me some things about her life that made me understand how some of our disagreements had come about. Grade IV is a real eye-opener.” Or even better: “I realized that disconnecting from my own mother was insane, was NOT what Scientology is about in any conceivable way, and I just walked out of the church today, I just walked out. My mother and I have spent days talking. Everyone I had known for years in the church has disconnected from me, but that’s fine with me – “friends” like that are not friends.”.
It seems you and I are wishing for the same things, but I don’t know if one hears of “down to Earth common garden variety type” wins like that within the church any longer. Some of the wins from the church sound almost manufactured to me, as if the same wins are expected of everyone.
That is the same thing that I have been observing about all the “wins” lately. There does not seem to be any real substance to them. They all seem very subjective and sort of glib. There seems to be no way to relate the “wins” they are stating to real life and the physical universe. Just Wow! Wow! Wow! With no way that anyone can observe any case or ethics change in the person.
Sound more like someone who fell in the Kool-Aide pitcher and is drowning and he is yelling for someone to save him. But that is just me.
Excellent comment, Carcha. I second that. And I think Berendt is Theetie Wheetie.
I think he is a reg, just like Parody, Smith and Wilson. They write with the intention of getting OTHERS TO PAY.
These things are not “success stories”, they are “sales pitches.”
Brings to mind the Cyndi Lauper song ‘Money Changes Everything.’
I don’t object to people having wins. I do object or at least feel it’s good to warn people not to spend their life savings on “wins” that may end up ruining their life because they get a second mortgage or bankruptcy because they feel they are going to go “OT” or get “Super Power”.
Berndt, really makes it clear as to the mental state of those who are still under the influence of Captain Davey.
What is really sad is that he is being a GATII clown cheering for the other lemmings to follow him over the cliff. Hopefully those that still are in have some kind of reasoning ability and will see Berndt for what he is.
“But OT or not, the universe runs on DATA and without data no amount of Tone 40 and “help” is possible”
I will inform the dogs at muster.
“The word “love” has been mis-used and abused and means today not much more than 2D.”
On my to do list, create a national word clearing day.
If there ever was a God, Rejoice!!!, Miraculous – sounds like Christianity has entered the scene. I believe Grant Cardone said he “saw God” when he did Super Power.
Nothing wrong with Christianity, the current church could learn a lot from a little application of the 10 Commandments, but Dave may not appreciate Vatican mission creep showing up where there is only room for one Pope.
Dave doesn’t have the Vatican but he does have the vacuum.
That means Dave sucks…
It appears DM has already copied a lot that the Catholic church is doing, like all of the Real Estate. Really down to what is important and counts. They have a ‘white pope’, now Francis, a Jesuit, and a ‘Black Pope’ for the Jesuits ONLY (Adolfo Nicolas).
I bet DM thinks he is the ‘white pope’ but no such luck!.
The Great White Dope?
I think what he means on the flower thing is that we as beings all agreed to the postulates of this physical universe and thus are keeping it going. So he’s taking responsibility for having been part of that cause point.
Listen, I don ‘t have to question his wins. They sound great, just as Angela Knight’s did. Wouldn’t ‘t mind having those wins myself. My question though is what kind of auditing will give him the ability to OBSERVE and CONFRONT the true scene on HIS third dynamic and give him the balls to do something about it. Haven’t seen that happen IN Scientology much in the past 43 years.
Berndt congrats. Maybe you can die on the cross next for all of us?
Rob, I am quite sure he will back out of that one! He will say he isn’t that super-powered!
That would be nice, with a flower in his mouth…:)
I was thinkin you would probably find it in a different orifice. In any case, Burndt sounds like he is toast.
“Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow!!!”
And I thought all along that it was my MiracleGro plant food! Boy, I really had that one wrong.
Me too. I really tried to use my soooper powerz to make my flowers grow. Of course, I too, used MiracleGro and water. My flowers did grow, but I took a loss on the entire process. And I got a headache…
I’d rather use fertilizer to make my flowers grow. Better to use that BS to make things grow than read the BS in these over the top begging emails. And I don’t “rejoice” on command.
And so he writes: ” IF THERE EVER WAS A GOD”
Now, I am also foreign speaking and my grammar suffers at times because of it; however, the above comm is totally disjointed, gleeful and dispersed. We can grant him that this may be due to his language but I can add that if this sort of mental and emotional dispersal is the product of Super Power I rather forfeit the power of cause to make the flowers grow.
You won’t have to pass on the ability to ‘make flowers grow’. Read the book “THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS”. It even has a mention of LRH in it.
I knew Berndt when he landed in Seattle after leaving the Sea Org and I got the idea he was doing a destim program. Even at that time , when I was still a bot, I thought him to be “over the top”. He seemed to me to be a guy with a decent amount of horse power but pretty nutty.
I’m gasping for air.
The running program has been around for a very long time,
(Pa-phooey. Months ago I think it was Steve Hall who gave a briefing on what the Super Power Rundown really consists of, an action intended to give a boost to staff. As the Pythons said, “And look at that one, he’s running the wrong way!” Saw one American football play where a guy recovered a fumble and ran it back over his own goal line to score two points for the opposing team, so it does happen, but one simply must appreciate the unique mind-set of the individual. And if you’re scoring an own-goal, you have to wonder why no one is chasing you – having someone explain why not to you must be awful.)
Lost in Clearwater.
Actually Dan Koon reconstructed the Super Power materials that he worked on for decades and posted them here ~
Thanks Karen.
And in the scheme of things, this was AWESOME.
Thank you again, Dan.
Thank you for the correction and link, Karen.
” It made clear to me what Scientology actually IS, what it can DO and HOW it can do it.”
Sorry but………….
Thanks for the survey Berndt. Here are my answers:
1. No
2. No
3. No
ML, (not the 2D kind)
I guess he hasn’t noted that COB hasn’t done any of these RDs himself, nor appeared very much in public. Or done any tech himself whatsoever for about 20 years. Real faith in the tech he’s suborning! LOL Anyway, since COB doesn’t seem to have a clue as to clearing the planet, perhaps Berndt should be in charge.
His name reminds me of Burned Model. Sorry.
Excellent post! That’s what I’ve been saying for many years. LIttle Davey doesn’t believe in the “tech” AT ALL!!!!!!! (Hey I wanted to get in on the excamation points tech!) LIke you said, thegman77, he hasn’t done any rundowns, training or auditing for 20 years. As “source” now, he’s above all that. He’s natually OT XXX. And his 4 events a year proves that. He must of had a little talk with Brendt before he posted his rant about Super Powers.
And, really, how come no one says anything about tiny Davey not doing ANYTHING in Scientology??? Have they all, as a group, decided he’s actually God?
Dave’s character seems straight out of The Transformers, namely Decepticon.
I don’t know if he’s God, but not actually doing anything in Scientology is proof he has no ruins.
The only ruins he has are all his public, staff and products. Other than that, it’s all good y’all.