This is perhaps the best “apology” ever issued to scientology, by an Irish satirical news organization Waterford Whispers News.
I love the Irish, always have, but then spent some absolutely magical time in Dublin and my connection to the Irish became unbreakable. Their unique sense of humor and absolute “I don’t give a shit what you think” attitude is so pervasive it could be called the national character. This piece illustrates everything I love about the Irish. If you have not seen it yet, enjoy!
Official Apology To Scientology From Waterford Whispers News
— WWN (@WhispersNewsLTD) July 4, 2023
We miss you Mike take your time Do what hCristy says and know I along with all of the SP community think of you daily
This is such a beautiful model for an apology!
As an Irish woman I have a birthright to steal from John Sweeney:
Fuck David Miscavige
Fuck Scientology
Fuck Putin
And, most importantly,
Sending tons of Irish love! đđđđđ
What a joy to see you post blogs Mike.
It is a sign that you are valiantly combating your health issues.
Jeffrey and i think of you every single day and sent you love and positive energy.
We are here for you should you need anything.
Is Kurt Weiland really missing? What are the facts??
11. July 2023 – Tony Ortega: …Some journalists in Austria in the spring began sending repeated requests for information to Scientology officials and to Austrian government agencies, asking why they couldnât get some word, any word at all, about what had happened to an Austrian-born Scientology executive named Kurt Weiland.
At one time, Weiland was a very big figure in Scientology. You can still find descriptions of his rise to prominence on some of Scientologyâs own outdated, defunct websites.
…Like other longtime, high-ranking executives that Miscavige turned on, figures like Heber Jentzsch, Guillaume Lesevre, Marc Yager, Norman Starkey, Ray Mithoff, and many others, they simply have never been heard from again.
The really unusual thing, however, is that someone is actually trying to do something about it.
In March, Scientologyâs Karin Pouw and attorney Kendrick Moxon began receiving repeated requests for information about Weiland from journalists saying they were working for an Austrian news service based in Vienna.
The journalists also contacted the Austrian consulate in Los Angeles.
They tell us that the only response they received to their numerous requests for information was a single message from Moxon that read, âWho are you?â…
They did share with us replies from the consulate, which acknowledged receiving their inquiries.
Well, it doesnât look like the Austrian journalists are getting very far. But we appreciated that they reached out to us and encouraged us to get the word out that they are trying to find out what has happened to their countryman, Weiland.
Like we said, that anyone at all is making an attempt, even a quixotic one, to find out something about David Miscavigeâs gulag prisoners is worth noting, we figure.
So it came as a surprise that someone, at least, is making a very concerted effort to find out what Scientology is doing with one of its original Hole inhabitants.”
Dear Karen, please contact me regarding both Austrians Kurt Weiland and Gottfried Helnwein. Thanks a lot, Linda Grubinger Vienna
my Email: [email protected]
Thank you for posting this. I saw it on Aaronâs YouTube channel but this is SO WORTH WATCHING AGAIN! If I am ever in need of a laugh again, I will watch this âSorryâ video again. đ
Dear Mike,
First I agree with Whisper News apology. I had a moment today that I wanted to tell you about. I was thinking about all of the kindness that has poured out your way even from a Pharmacy company. All of this kindness is well deserved I hope you know that. I was speaking to my husband and I started telling him about the hole and what happened to you there and I began to cry. I was telling him that David M would beat you. I understand this happened to other people. I truly believe that his inability to control his temper mightâve resulted in his beating Shelly and after that she had to go into hiding because she probably said Iâm gonna talk to someone. And the man is in capable of controlling himself and being a true human being. But I was thinking about you and it made me cry because we all feel so protective of you right now and I wish I could go back in time and some how protect you. Iâm so sorry that happened to you my thoughts on why Shelly has been disappeared is valid. If he hit her she has a knowledge that he beat women so maybe thatâs why heâs got her hidden.
Anyway be well,
That Irish video is the funniest thing Iâve seen/heard in a while And so brilliant. I agree and share with your experience and observations on the Irish
I hope it can be widely distributed and used as an example as how to respond to harassment tactics by church attorneys against anyone who seeks to say anything they consider negative. Proves the best way to deal with their bs is with laughter. Thanks Mike for sharing and so glad to see you are in recovery. My deep felt thanks go out to you for your bravery.
During my stint at Author Services Inc, May 1992 til Dec 1995, the Office of Special Affairs collected news clippings of al the negative and the positive media press from around the world, sometimes even clips in video of the TV stuff.
ASI Staff would get these what we called “OSA Passarounds” for the job that ASI have, which is LRH image protection. One of ASI’s purposes is minding that LRH’s image internationally is good, so his “LRH products” continue to flourish. (ASI’s symbol is the cornucopia with abundant fruits and vegetables spilling out of it, symbolizing all of Hubbard’s bountiful “products” to be made hay with, make profit from.)
The OSA Passarounds would have such a clip, if OSA still collects and sends these around.
When I was at ASI, Hugh Wilhere was the top PR guy, and Doug Hay was the second banana PR man at ASI. Doug Hay later blew, and is a Scientologist in good standing today. Both Hugh (brother to Greg) and Doug were ex Guardian’s Office before settling into their PR positions at ASI.
Doug was actually more of an adult, but Hugh really was also. It is rare for there to be adults in Scientology upper ranks, people who had careers in the outside world and were professional at some type of work like PR, Hugh had been trained in the US Army, his service in the Army was the PR stuff. I never asked Doug’s background, but he was some kind of professional person clearly.
The OSA passarounds would have all the bad news, I loved reading them, I learned a lot. The passarounds even had the extent to which the CST/Archives had been known and written about, even as far back as the early 1990s. I learned more about CST from the OSA Passarounds than from inside Scientology, other than LRH’s orders to Archives which I’d tripped over while doing “admin” research into all things LRH ever wrote to do with “admin” of Scientology.
There were some jobs where you were given the negative press, and all ASI staff received the OSA clippings negative media in our in trays at ASI.
It did contribute to my accumulating disaffection I’ll admit. The outside world seemed so much smarter than LRH, clearly. I did have faith that still, despite how LRH and Scientology were lambasted in the media, that LRH and Scientology would win over the smart media and public.
This is completely unlikely ever, and when I was on the RPF, 1996 til 2003, around the end of the nineties I realized it was not likely. The outside world was just so much freer to discuss things. LRH didn’t allow debate at all in the issues related to why Scientology was factually never going to win over the world.
In the ASI traffic, one of LRH’s reject to Greg Wilhere (brother to Hugh) was that Greg’s proposal for advertisements or marketing of Battlefield Earth lacked “hype.”
LRH said, “…not enough hype….”
Reading this made almost all of LRH’s output by comparison, having read such vast amounts of LRH’s “admin” writings (and tech–tech is the quackery writings) I compared and it was true what LRH wrote to Greg. LRH did adequately and overly self hyped his “LRH products” and he constantly grandly overhyped his “tech”, his quackery got praise like nothing else produced by anyone in human history.
LRH’s core was to self hype, and get others to hype it up also. Hubbard’s works are all drenched with his hype, he’s institutionalized it into official Scientology.
The outside world saw this in the 1950s straight off, and it’s been non stop ever since, and never will go away, since it’s so embedded, to the bitter end of his life he demanded it, it’s official Scientology regulations, and even the splinter Scientologists are caught up with the hype mindset of how grand and universal and necessary the Hubbard “tech” (quackery) is for saving earth and the universe.
Hubbard’s “products” sales and selling is a huge losing proposition. Scientologists all are left holding Hubbard’s hyped up and clearly sub par bag of quackery and lower quality stuff
Thanks for the quackery reveal.
I too am sorry for not validating Hubbard’s hype more and thus blunted his efforts to succeed in making a better scam than it was in truth. I’m sorry that my auditing only made a hand-full or so Clear OT Clear’s instead of 100% as hyped and re-hyped as new 100% processes were presented and also hyped. I’m soo sorry that the complete disaster that scientology has become is due in part to my no longer contributing to the hype that scientology works as hyped, or in part hyped, or even less than rarely. I’m sorry they stay in and propound the hype. I’m sorry.
Hip Hip Hooray
A true, classic apology. Monty Python, if it was still around, would have been very impressed and surely would have been replicated on their show for many scenarios.
We here in Canada are known for being so very polite and so very sorry, but now weâve been shown how itâs done. Sorry eh.
Fuck Scientology.
Hard to believe some people are still cowed by this group. Great response!!!!
Now Waterford Whispers News is making me feel ashamed for picking on $camology…no, no, be polite because you feel so dreadfully sorry…$uckoutyourbrainsology as well. That felt good, I must apologise to them more often.
It’s almost as if we should apologize FOR them more often. They know not what they do. They only THINK they do. Dunning-kreuger on an organizational level, Look THAT up, OSA!
It’s 3:30am and I’m getting ready to get on my bike and pedal to work with a huge smile on my face. I’m sooooo incredibly sorry.
Love it.