This recent promotion on Facebook brought up the subject of “Between Lives Implants,” one of Hubbard’s crazier concepts.
Their lecture is necessarily a regurgitation of Hubbard’s “technology” contained in his wonderfully bonkers book, History of Man. You know, the one that begins:
This is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion years.
The test of any knowledge is its usefulness. Does it make one happier or more able? By it and with it, can he better achieve his goals ?
This is useful knowledge. With it the blind again see, the lame walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man has sought to recover become his once more.
In this book, which, like everything else Hubbard wrote or said, is still presented as undeniable truth even today, is a lot of absolutely batshit crazy stuff. It’s where the derisive term “clam” comes from to describe scientologists as Hubbard explains how you can make a person’s jaw ache and teeth fall out by motioning with your thumb and forefinger, imitating the opening and closing of a clam shell.
In any event, this subject of “Between Lives Implants” and the “GE” (Genetic Entity, also referred to at the Genetic Being) is interesting for another reason. It was the Hubbard reference used with many pregnant Sea Org members to coerce them into abortions on that basis that their fetus was simply a piece of meat as “the thetan only assumes the body just before birth.”
The theta being apparently joins the track immediately prior to birth. Its sequence, for itself, is DEATH, BETWEEN-LIVES, BIRTH, all in a few minutes according to some findings, a sequence which is quite aberrative.
And here is his description of the “Between Lives Implants”:
BETWEEN-LIVES: At death the theta being leaves the body and goes to the between-lives area. Here he “reports in”, is given a strong forgetter implant and is then shot down to a body just before it is born. At least that is the way the old invader in the Earth area was operating.
The implant is very interesting. The preclear is seated before a wheel which contains numbers of pictures. As the wheel turns, these pictures go away from him. He is moved aside to the right, the left, the back. A mirror arrangement shows him still sitting there before the pictures. A force screen hits him through the pictures. The pictures dim out. The whole effect is to give him the impression that he has no past life, that he is no longer the same identity, that his memory has been erased. The force screen flattens his own vitality, thus invalidating his existence, thus installing, by force alone, a forgetter. The pictures, by the way, are simply generalized views, stills of vacant lots, houses, back yards, of a recent Earth period and they could apply to anybody. They are not the facsimiles of the preclear. The incident contains such force that the preclear. at first quite closely in contact runs it willingly. As the force cuts down his past identity he begins to disbelieve the incident, then himself. If left in restimulation he has a difficult time remembering things for some days.
Gradually through a life-time this BETWEEN LIVES incident keys in. At first it engulfs childhood, then later and later years. Finally, with age, the preclear starts to cycle through it automatically and goes into a “second-childhood,” which is to say, he anticipates the coming implant, conceives it to have done if he lives beyond a normal life span for him. (If it usually happened that he died at sixty, should he now live to seventy, he will get a feeling in the last ten years that it has been done to him—a routine time restimulation effect.)
Now, if you are confused how thetans (which are not part of the physical universe) are made to “sit” before a wheel to be tortured, that’s never really explained. That thetans without bodies act like bodies is one of the great mysteries of Hubbard’s cosmology that is never explained.
In History of Man he also entered in another factor that he called the “GE” — though this concept was forgotten fairly soon thereafter. Despite that, it is still taught as part of “The Basics” today.
The GENETIC BEING carries on through the evolutionary line, parallel with the protoplasmic line, generation to generation, usually on the same planet—in this case, EARTH. The THETA BEING comes
into the line from various quarters and each time usually enters an entirely different GE line. Any one life then, is lived with a different GE. The preclear is always and always was and always will be the THETA BEING. But the THETA BEING has, life to life, a different GE. The character and quality of the MEST body then is different in each lifetime, the past of the MEST body in each lifetime is different from the viewpoint of the theta being.
This being true and undisputed fact for all scientologists, I wonder what would happen if when explaining themselves to an Ethics Officer, someone said “it was not ME that raped the woman, that was the GE, you should take this up with him/her/them.” (Not sure what the correct pronoun is for a GE).
The contradictions and craziness in Hubbard’s writings are ignored and must never be questioned.
Frankly, Xenu and the volcanos is at least a strung together “story” that could be categorized as pulpy science fiction. The bizarre bits and pieces of History of Man read more like fevered dream sequences from someone going through heroin withdrawal. Or perhaps an LSD trip.
Just for fun, here is a final excerpt of part of his discussion of “The Clam” which is some serious hallucination:
THE CLAM is a deadly incident but mostly when restimulated on purpose. Although this area of the track is called the CLAM, it is improbable that the actual animal was a clam such as our razorbacks. Visios on this seem to indicate that it is a scalloped-lip, white-shelled creature. The clam was, of course, quite thoroughly fixed to the rocks and the state is very static. The clam had many troubles. The first of these troubles is the double-hinge problem. One hinge wishes to stay open, the other tries to close; thus conflict occurs. Here we have two control centres, both of them more or less equal in power, having no internal communication. In the jellyfish we have the first third dynamic engrams where the goal is to hold together at all costs. As soon as the hinges are formed in the clam, we have our first efforts to be completely contrary and internally at war. The solution occurs when one hinge goes into apathy and the other assumes complete control.
The hinge epicentres later become the hinges of the human jaw. Should you desire to confirm this, describe to some uninitiated person the death of a clam without saying what you are describing. “Can you imagine a clam sitting on the beach, opening and closing its shell very rapidly?” (Make a motion with your thumb and forefinger of a rapid opening and closing. The victim may grip his jaws with his hand and feel quite upset. He may even have to have a few teeth pulled: At the very least he will argue as to whether or not the shell stays open at the end or closed. And he will, with no hint of the death aspect of it, talk about the “poor clam” and he will feel quite sad emotionally.
You know, I have tried doing what Hubbard says, and did NOT get the reaction he claims will occur. But then again, I have also told the Xenu and the volcanos tale to many and not a single one of them has come down with pneumonia or died…
And yet the GE is a thetan too.
No one cares about the GE.
Hub treated his like a servant or slave.
A “lowly, degraded” being that could be kicked around and abused.
Which didn’t work out too well for him.
I had a thought, when the day comes that Tom Cruise passes away do you or Leah think scientology will give the same bs answer they gave when L Ron Hubbard died. “He has dropped his body” etc.
What tethered me to Scientology was Hubbard’s ideas of the soul, that we each are a soul which transmigrates lifetime to lifetime.
Being a soul in animal bodies, kind of is a long term idea, not just Hubbard’s, for some of a soul’s past lifetimes, that’s all quite”reasonable” as soon as you accept the “soul” transmigration theory.
So the “History of Man” just sounded a variety of shock story past lives, in animal bodies, that Hubbard or his early 1950s followers were developing these wacky animal past lives, is all.
No big deal.
In fact, when you join Scientology today, you know that you won’t be doing past lives as animals, particularly, not unless you stumble into some when you run New Era Dianetics at Grade 5.
Theoretically, I zoomed past the animal bodies, and the robot bodies past lives, and figured that what was MORE likely similar of content to say Buddhism, was just pure soul actions at the origins of one’s Home Universe, on one’s time track.
When I first ran past lives Dianetics in 1976-1977 I ran “past lives” incidents when I didn’t have a body. (It’s all totally BS and made up imaginary stuff to me today, none of my past lives ever were real, they were always imagination.)
But I thought that our pre bodies “lives” or existences way way way back when we were just pure souls, and at the beginning of our Home Universes, what we decided to “BE” at those first first moments, as in Factor Number 1, “In the beginning is the decision, and the decision is to be.” (I paraphrase, I don’t have Factor 1 before me, but that FIRST postulation to BE, to me seemed the biggest BASIC ON THE CHAIN of even ALL existence.)
Logically, deciding to BE, is kind of a basic on the chain of anything.
I was a philosophy dropout from University, and had and still have tons of misconceptions and misunderstandings about philosophy which befuddled me when I joined Scientology, and still have.
So, anyways, the animal nutty bodies and their mechanisms which might still linger detrimentally to us souls who drag along this animal bad karma with us to this day, didn’t really interest me.
I was more wishing Scientology would be more fundamentally philosophical, like getting back to those ancient first moments of BEING in the universe, in the first place, and so forth, through using the Hubbard “earlier similar” commands which are still allowed in the New Era Dianetics quack therapy, even to this day.
R3R Hubbard commands, any generation of the R3R commands and “improved R3RA…” commands will allow one to supposedly jog into past lives, and keep going back and back, into one’s “past lives” or past soul activities in the pre body “time track” one and each of us supposedly have. It’s all BS, and gets immediately into more discussion that is just never to be had with Scientologists, they don’t go to where their “past lives” theoretical beliefs lead, they don’t get into what’s next logically, if you first accept the soul and the soul having past memories going way way way back.
In and out of bodies, and just being a pure soul, for supposedly vast timeless dateless stretches of existence, pre body eras of our “time track”. It’s bunk, and I never had any decent conversations with anyone while I was in Scientology about the pre body time track, going back to Factor 1 supposed stretches of our time track.
Instead this History of Man nonsense gets attention, it’s just ludicrous and small potatoes and not that interesting philosophically to me. (I’m a born again atheist, so it’s all nonsense all this past lives stuff, other than it fits within a certain set of beliefs about the soul, and soul transmigration, and knowing that that has a whole history in other belief and religions, is good to know to compare to Scientology.)
Chuck Beatty
ex Team Xenu 75 to 03
Makes me think of an observation made by Jenna Miscavige Hill about how most Scientologists have past life recall about things from several million years ago yet never seem to have similar recalls on things that happened fifty to one hundred years ago that can be verified.
By the way, it’s good to be back.
I missed all of you.
This book solidified me wow factor for scientology. I bought it hook, line and sinker because I loved sci-fi.
And it was certainly my undoing. It’s the gateway to all the expensive upper levels. And they are where the big money used to come in. Insanity.
That now old data isn’t producing any results. It doesn’t help that Mars turns out not to have the implant stations Hebbard imagined, just rocks and dust and maybe some subsurface water.
And the technology obviously doesn’t work regardless, or past life scientologists would be coming back 59 years later, implant free.
I would like to add, that
Everything Hubbard wrote and said and did, was INTENDED by him, to confuse the reader, listener, and participant in his activities.
This corresponds with his nature of, at all times, preventing people from Perceiving or discovering his actual nature and his true intentions:
Though he admits, that people are spirits, he considers people to be ‘manipulatable’ or ‘programmable’ to serve him and his Dark goals.
Like “programming” his second wife to be faithful to him. (Really! Also by his nature, he is extremely jealous of others – understandably, considering his gaping lack compared to almost anyone and in anything.)
As part of the intended confusion, he CLAIMS it all to be “very true” – being “truths” only HE did or could unearth.
So his epistle “My Philosophy” describes the very OPPOSITE of his ACTUAL “philosophy.”
It is not different, with his “History of Man” – the intention is to confuse, in order to hide himself.
Nor is it different, with his Xenu story (“O.T. III – The Wall Of Fire”), and all his endless “Implant stories” which neither mention WHO inflicted such, nor HOW it was done.
Yet his ‘confusions’ have enough HIDDEN aspects of actuality, to attract the curiosity of some people who wish to be aware of the actuality behind it.
Now it is so, that these things may touch off some vaguest, past memories – which is why some people may react violently when such things are not only investigated but ALSO published as actually having occurred – with who and how and with what intention – meaning: by the Definition of Truth.
with best possible wishes,
Wow the very Koos that used to fill ARS with logs of imaginary telepathic auditing sessions of LRH 25 years ago? Well, I hope you have found peace after all these years is all I can say.
I would say that Splunk’s anonymous reply is improperly hateful, highly destructive, and without credibility and relevance, other than showing just that about himself.
I don’t understand these ideas ….
Trying to form some coherent logic out of this seriously hurts my brain ….
Since I never participated in anything connected to Scientology I probably don’t understand some of the concepts and definitions behind this ….
But it sounds like a lot of nonsense …
I wonder what a believing Scientologist thinks after reading these texts? Do they pretend that this is some profound and deep knowledge?
It is a fallacy to assume that a text you don’t understand is profound, meaningful and intelligent. Maybe it is just confusing madness.
After I got a minor cancer and exhausted Hubbard’s tech, I went to the Hindu and Tibetan tech, mainly Chakras, to remove the problem. Sorry Ron you missed the prior and workable tech.
But then, if you had gotten it you would have altered it to fit your ego-mind– and not work for anyone else.
Holy Xenu…. I just had a wognition…
No wonder I hate calamari
It’s whole track restimulation
(Eyes rolling)
Lol 😂
The Clam…..
The Weeper…..
The genetic entity….
Bullshit by a con artist…. Dr. L Ron Hubbard
Let me see if I’ve got this right…
Hubbard came out with dmsmh (dianetics, book 1) in 1950 after years of extensive “research”into the field of the mind. In this book there are many references to “pre-natal engrams” because of what poppa was doing to momma when she was knocked up or what momma was doing trying not to be knocked up, or whatever. Apparently this auditing was misdirected because according to The History of Man, no one was home to be audited because the ‘thetan’ wasn’t present and inhabiting a fetus until just before birth. Who was being audited? Who was seeing all those ‘mental image pictures’ when the auditor was asking questions of the ‘pre-clear’? Was the ‘pre-clear’ just making shit up when they answered the auditing questions and re-experienced the trauma of the ‘engram’ when they were being audited? Tell me it ain’t so!!!
Was Plitdown Man a thetan or mere GE? So many questions, so few real and verifiable answers. If only our banned village idiot, FOOLproof, were here to set us all straight with a little word clearing and verbal tech, we would all feel better and our knowingness would be straight up and vertical.
A value of being honest is one doesn’t have keep track of their own lies.
That must have been some good drugs he was doing. Really good.
If anyone wants to listen to Hubbard and Mary Sue tripping in 1952, here you go:
This is a prime example of the ol’ grifter’s “research” into the ‘whole track’ as he constructs the basis of scientology in general and the ‘OT’ levels in particular. dianetics had somehow quit working so the good doctor Hubbard came up with this material to sell to the marks and set up what he called the “religion angle”.
I would suggest just calling it the Genetic Entity with no sexual pronouns.
I think poor guy didn’t knew what he was cooking 🤣🤣🤣
Most it covered in B& W Hollywood movies and Conspiracy theories of 50’s & 60′.
Such visionary person failed to foresee a technology known as internet , the biggest threat to his empire.