Surely, the ALL CAPS, asterisks, exclamation points and misspelled word signifies the announcement that the planet has been cleared?
At least ideal Southern California?
Or even just The Valley?
After all, the magnitude of this news is no exageration [sic]…
Alas, the 6X big news is that you can win and be awarded by handing us your money. Woohoo. What a thrill. You hand over the cash and we will not only “award” you, we will tell you that your money is worth twice as much, so you can be twice as proud! You get a $20,000 certificate and you only have to give us $10,000. Who could resist a deal like that!
And, no exageration [sic], you get to be part of the “largest virtual fundraising event in history” — can you even stand it? What more could anyone possibly ask for?
And don’t forget, once these last orgs are done we will have an “ideal USA” — it will be 50 times as good as the “ideal” Colorado and “ideal” Missouri and “ideal” Washington State we already have. Can you imagine how amazing THAT will be? The entire US will be just as ideal as those incredible places that shine like jewels in the scientology universe. Those states and Utah, Georgia, California, Florida, Ohio, Tennessee, Oregon, Arizona, Minnesota and DC (may have missed some, but you get the point) are perfect examples of what achieving “all ideal” status signifies.
Absolutely NOTHING.
Now, if ever there was something to bring out the caps and punctuation marks for, this has got to be it.
I wonder if Kathy and these other OT Committee cheerleaders ever stop and think “What the fuck am I doing? 20 years of this and we are no closer to clearing the planet than we were when it all started. Actually, we are further away….”
From: Valley OT Committee <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 2020, 2:44 PM
We have all arrived to the world through our mother and not through Hubbards ass.
WOW! You spend $10k, which goes straight into Dweebenfuhrer Malfeasant’s bank account (no doubt off shore), and you get a piece of paper with words printed on it. What a deal! But wait, there’s more! If you can give us $10k then surely if you max out the 7 credit cards we helped you get then you can give us $25k and get a really nice, in silver ink this time, another piece of paper with extra words about how good (only people who pay $50k and above get the word “great” and gold ink) you are.
So don’t delay, rush out and use the $camology handy guide to get even more credit cards so you too can get into debt that will plough you under and cause bankruptcy and destroy your life and then we will dump you without a thank you (although we will pester you for more money for years to come) and move on to the next sucker.
“And, no exageration [sic], you get to be part of the “largest virtual fundraising event in history” — can you even stand it? What more could anyone possibly ask for?”
You’re kidding …
First question answer is no,
Second question answer is for DM to go to prison. That would be so cool.
The people that are still in are very invested in the desire to have been right about their decision to devote their lives to scientology.
To many, this Investment is having one or more kids on staff, spouses and other family members involved, scientologist employers, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of dollars for services and fundraising.
These unfortunate folks have gone to the top of The Bridge and their cases still aren’t handled, they have no money saved up for retirement yet they’re approaching their 60s or 70s, they’ve seen abuses, have endured mishandlings, on and on.
The cognitive dissonance has to be nearly unbearable.
Yet people will choose the side they are most invested in.
So these type of promo pieces that scream forced enthusiasm show the extreme effort it takes to keep the Cognitive Dissonance Zombies from bashing in the doors.
So glad I’m no longer part of this insanity. 100% pure money cult.
Scientology’s fundraising successes I would think are ripe to be studied and other groups snatch Scientology’s techniques for their own fundraising.
How Scientology gets away with such over the top fundraising, all the hidden factors, is worthy of a study and research paper, and something submitable to the
I fear that even learning the legal ways Scientology does succeed in bilking some of their members, it would be info that could be misused by other coercive groups, sadly, and that’d be a fear for doing the paper or chapter on Scientology’s fundraising key successful factors.
But how Scientology has accumulated the wealth it has, deserves a written study.
The planet is NOT getting cleared; no area anywhere on the globe is getting cleared.
Miscavige knows this; the Cultists who shill for Ideal M’Orgs know this.
But, hey, its free money going uplines for the Dwarf to spend any way he likes. And Cultist shills are getting their commissions.
So on with the show! So long as there’s still an audience, this shit show will go on!
Amazing, really. I’ve been out for nearly 10 years now. Back when I was in, I was amazed to be informed about the Ideal Org Program, that they were actually for real going to do it. And each time I’ve read about since, I’m just as amazed.
I’m not being snarky here, because I’ve never been a scientologist. I truly don’t understand clearing the planet. Clearing it of what? Every time I hear that on a show, I’m lost. If the world was being affected in any positive way by scientology, wouldn’t it be on the news? Like “Scientologists feed small nation and build 10 schools.” Sorry for the dumb question, but if someone can shed light on this I’d appreciate it.
$cientology is meant to be difficult to understand for outsiders, it uses a coded language to make those “in the know” feel special.
In the case of “clear,” it’s a special status, a step on the path to becoming a being that’s more than human. To be “clear” is the first level of special in the $cientology reality, and it is desirable because “clears” make no mistakes, have no feelings, do not need to criminal and do not do silly things like strip the atmosphere off a planet on a whim, or run a baby farm, or use doll bodies, or …
It’s all make-believe and only those who are vulnerable enough to feel that they need it, and those with a terminally broken bullshit-detector, get past the obvious flaws. Flaws such as no-one having demonstrated a fraction of the supposed special characteristics of the “clear.” There other red flags, such as no-one is allowed to even know what a “clear” is or how this state can be achieved without spending money with the Co$. And if you go further than buying their terrible book, you have to sign an agreement that takes away your civil rights.
Since Demento stabbed everyone in his way to get to the top it’s all about clearing money and putting it in his bank accounts. $camology has just become the means to further his greed.
Sloane clearing the planet meant initially having most of the people if not everybody on the planet audited and without reactive mind – the source of all troubles.
However most of the earlier clears (and the current ones too) were still being “reactive”. So hubbard invented the OT levels. From there on clearing the planet meant having enough people going OT (operating thetan) to invert the dwilling spiral we are all in. The ideal orgs fantasy show is added to this idea because the overall crap/lie is that when new OT levels will be released (IX and X) people will massively start running into the orgs and planet clearing will happen.
Note. Apparently (but pretty sure) OT IX and X doesn’t exist. So it will be hard to see people instinctively running into the orgs in mass. The truth is the cult is shrinking faster than never before. They are approaching a natural extinction.
In conclusion “Clearing the planet” is just another big carrot used to get people paying.
Hope it helps.
When all the money in the world is in the hands of Scientology, you have a cleared planet, and you may now call yourself Homo Novis.
In the immortal words of the late,great George Carlin in one of his later stand up routines,”The planet will heal itself.The planet is fine.On the other hand,the people are fucked.”Well said,sir.
I remember this quote from LRH being cited extensively in the early Indie days when many Scientologists were leaving the Church due to the Ideal Org fundraising scam:
“If the org slumps during this transition period, don’t engage in “fund raising” or “selling postcards” or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology.
It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.
“For orgs as for pes ‘Solve It With Scientology.’
“Every time I myself have sought to solve finance or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in More Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbecues. — HCOP, ORG PROGRAMMING, 243 Feb 1964”
David Miscavige’s fundraising programs defeated Hubbard’s notion of selling and delivering Scientology. This happened because David Miscavige realized it is infinitely easier to be given free money without having to deliver anything in exchange. LRH referred to this as “something for nothing” mentality as rip-off exchange and the condition of the tax man and criminals.
As the number of Ideal Orgs has increased, the number of auditors, Clears, and OT’s made has decreased. There is an inverse relationship. Hence, when the US becomes Ideal there will be almost no auditors, Clears, or OT’s being made in Ideal Orgs. Seriously, how can Utah make a Clear?
This is why, imo, the Cult contracts down upon itself to Flag. And once the focus of fundraising shifts to Flag, many of the remaining Scientologists will move out of Clearwater to escape the pressure of chronic fundraising.
In the end, the Church of Scientology will largely consist of a meaningless real estate portfolio managed by a non-Scientologist property management firm. There will be some Sea Org members to interface with the property management company. The 1,200 remaining Scientologists that are scattered across the Ideal US will sell electric combs on Amazon to pay for the utilities at their Org.
This dystopian future is already quickly approaching in the rear view mirror of Int Management. David Miscavige is unavailable for comment as he is hiding out from process servers in his Bluebird motorhome at a remote ranch in an unknown location in an alternate universe.
The world will be a better place once the CO$ has collapsed and their FAIR GAME operations have come to an end. Nothing is more infringing on anyone’s first amendment rights than the Church of Scientology.
Some do believe there are 20 million members worldwide, so ‘expansion’ is probably plausible to some, too. I think it’s hard to know whether they are relentlessly cheerleading because they’re ignoring the reality, or are actually deluded.
In the Orwellian, dissonance-field world of Scientology, I wonder if being at a failing org makes members feel guilty and try harder when they have ‘certainty’ that ideal orgs elsewhere are booming.
And given that the orgs left to go ‘ideal’ are mostly the small and failing ones that have been unable to raise enough money on their own, Scientology certainly faces the largest fundraising challenge in the history of the scam.
O/T. A bit of an update on the Kansas City Scientology dormitory story yesterday. For those who missed the earlier story, the Church of Scientology of Kansas City planned to use the building to house 50 staff members.
Fox 4 Kansas City: KCK residents push back against Church of Scientology moving into office building
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — People in one Wyandotte County neighborhood want new tenants at an office building on their streets, but they say the Church of Scientology isn’t welcome after the group sought community approval to move in.
Neighbors near Central Avenue and Grandview Boulevard complained to the Unified Government of Wyandotte County’s Planning Commission on Monday. The commission, in turn, voted down the church’s request for special permit to use the building as a dormitory by a 5-3 margin.
Maggie Kittinger, Church of Scientology executive director in Kansas City, told the commission the dormitory would house 50 people, all of whom were employees of her church. Kittinger’s church already owns a building in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
On Wednesday evening, a spokesperson for Kittinger’s church told FOX4 that Kansas City’s Church of Scientology would no longer pursue the building in question due to logistical concerns with the building. However, the spokesperson would not elaborate.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
There were an additional 125 KC staffers mentioned as possibly coming later as well, according to what I saw elsewhere. That sounds like they may be shooting for the full complement of nearly 200 that an ‘ideal’ org is supposed to have, which I think they used to be able to fudge in California by having staff and public from other orgs show up for about a week around the opening, but seem to have failed to manage in recent years.
I wonder what their willingness to buy a building for org berthing signifies. Is it international management testing a new concept, or just something locals thought to try?
Ahhhhh I love the smell of desperation in the morning
Scientology is failing fast.
I just spoke to a Class 5 Org staff member and no one is tuning in. They still talk to me honestly cuz I won’t write em up. No KR’s from me.
Morale is at an all time low.
Thanks Covid! You helped suppress evil Scientology.
Please. Do continue.
May Scientology fade away quickly into the murky grunge that it is.
Do Fish Swim,
That is so good to hear since that’s been the hope these past months. Glad to hear your friend is still opening up and being frank with you and even better, glad to hear you’re a genuine friend who won’t KR him at first opportunity.
The Covid quarantine has been getting me down lately. I’m getting better on my horn with intense practice but outside my studio walls, no one hears it. However, that thought that the virus may hasten Scion’s demise is a definite picker-upper. Thanks, Do Fish Swim and thanks, Mike.
bix, I hear you. But doing the masking/social distancing/hand-washing thing for as long as necessary is the only way to handle the spread of this thing until there’s a viable vaccine. You’re doing the right thing because all these states which reopened too fast are now surging with cases and the ones which have been disciplined and careful are doing much better with less cases and less death. I have the mindset that right now the virus is in charge, period. I’m still working but producing much less. I’m using the extra time to get re-organized and get rid of stuff I don’t need or don’t like. You’re a musician so you can’t work now but your practicing will pay off once its safe to reopen the bars and clubs. For now the virus is in charge of us and of the economy but this is temporary; we will prevail! Stay disciplined and stay strong 🙂
Do Fish Swim?, thanks for that bit of insight into the state of things inside the bubble. I think we’re all very curious, and there is very little coming out so far, so every tidbit is appreciated. the
I’d like to know to what extent the pandemic is still affecting business in spite of their attempts to re-open, perhaps because their aging membership doesn’t want to risk coming in; and how much just being shut down for a couple of months broke the spell, and resulted in members finding other things to do with their lives, or even critically reassessing their involvement and seeking out information online.
Whatever is going on in Kansas City suggests they may be experimenting with some desperate measures.
Any info about into the IAS party that’s normally in October?
I would not be surprised if Hubbard thought he was King Solomon. Solomon’s ideal org included the King of Hell. Now that is IDEAL.
Well, first off, “virtual” things have only been happening for a few months now. Isn’t that correct?
So to be part of the largest virtual “anything” is hardly a big deal. It is truly meaningless. Whadda Con! The reason for this whole blitz seems pretty clear to me. Dwarfendorker is not happy. His bank balance has not risen to the level he would have liked. In addition, Mike and Leah are beating his brains out when it comes to his public image and members are blowing faster than a five year old at their birthday party. The money is just no longer coming in. New members are just no longer coming in because of Mike and Leah.
In the old days, he could huff and puff and people would fall for that kind of horseshit. But no longer. People just aren’t buying into his horseshit any more. He can hear the FBI and IRS knocking at his door and he is having dreams about a big black felon named “Bubba” who lives to rape tiny little dwarves with big mouths.
Yes. Dwarfendouche can see the writing on the walls and he just don’t know what to do. So, it’s time to make the most ridiculous possible announcements in an attempt to get people who may be mentally defective to part with whatever money they may have.
But, Hey! Stupid? People who are mentally defective rarely have any money. And even if they did, they wouldn’t know how to send it to you. And even if they did, they wouldn’t want to send it to you. They all know about the beatings you have administered to all the folks who have been good to them.
Well, Douche Boy, it looks like you are going to just pack up all your valuables and beat it to some country where the feds can’t touch you. I know that may be a scary thought. But just think how many people you will be making happy. A whole lot of many people. That’s for sure! We all are waiting with baited breath. The news may even make the front page of some little magazine. And even if it don’t, we will still be very happy at the news of your departure.
So …… BEAT IT! Douche Boy and know this is something you richly deserve.
Skyler, Even if DM beats it and goes to some other country where the feds can’t touch him, my guess is the church will go on without him. Heck it goes on now without him and is run by whatever underlings he has while he hides out from being served in the Masterson rape case. He may get away with running the church by remote on line events while he sips margaritas on some tropical island. And the sheeple will be too stupid to even know that DM is no longer running the church. They’ll go on in their robot state.
Yep, It will limp along until one day it won’t be there any more. Meanwhile, the whales will continue to be in the extraction zone and Dave will continue his parasitic ways until one day, he too will be gone.
No one will notice save a few who might still be around to remember. No one will give a rats ass that He, savior of the universe, has disappeared.
Coop, yes you’re right of course. “No one will give a rats ass that He, savior of the universe, has disappeared.” Boy ain’t that the truth!
Cindy, it is true this scam may go on without him. It may go on forever with various different people at the helm. Some of these people may even mean to do well. They may not administer beatings. They may not engage in kidnappings or illegal imprisonments. (By the way, where is Shelley?). Some of these people may not be psychotic money-hungry ogres who don’t even know what to do with billions of dollars when they have them.
But none of that is really important. The important thing is for people to band together and continue the fight. Continue to oppose these cults that forcibly lie, cheat and steal in order to enrich themselves at the expense of others. They all seem to have the same goal in mind. It is to enable the leader to engage in all manner of self-indulgent bullshit at the expense of others.
To that end, I say a little prayer every day. May there always be people like Mike & Leah who stand up and join together to oppose these criminals. It has been said many times before but I will say it again. The best way to oppose these psychotic criminals is to continuously shine a light on their activities so that it become intensely difficult for them to grow their scams and prevent people from believing their insane claims. They are just full of shit and that is fully evident.
Good post Skyler. Yes we have to keep the fight up to the bitter end, and shining the light on their crimes will make them hopefully stop doing the crimes. And besides wanting the cult to go down for obvious reasons, I have two very personal reasons. Both my kids are on staff and if the church goes down maybe they’ll somehow see the truth about it and will leave and will try to find me. I had serious surgery a few weeks ago and in the hospital they asked me if I had a signed “Pull the Plug” form for them? I said no, I want you to keep me alive so that I can live to reconnect with my two disconnected kids.
Oh, Cindy. I had no idea that you have two disconnected kids. There are very few things in this world more painful than a parent walking through this world while knowing they have children who they can never see or talk with on account of some filthy asshole who caused that to happen just so they could make a few dollars. My heart goes out to you.
Mary Kahn brought that home to everyone in a way that no one else has ever done. So many people who watched The Aftermath felt her pain and never before realized just how much pain that was. I feel the Criminal Code should be reviewed and rewritten at this time because we currently know far more about the level of pain caused by various different crimes. I don’t think we were ever fully aware of just how much pain is caused by some creep like this so-called “Poop” and the crime of “Causing Disconnection” between parents and children deserves a far greater punishment than is currently being given out to the guilty.
I could write a whole lot more on this topic. But no one will ever explain this pain better than can be explained by watching Mary’s episode when she talks about the pain she suffers every day as a result of having been forcibly disconnected from her son Sammy.
I never refer to the leader of this cult by his true name. I don’t do that because I do not believe he is worthy of being named in that way. But if he is reading this blog or if someone is reading this and will report to him about the contents. I would say, “For God’s sake, Mr. Miscaviage you can do this whole world a real favor and rescind your “disconnection” order against Mary Kahn and her son Sammy. When you are brought to trial, no other act will do as much to lessen your sentence as this one single act of charity. No other wrong that you have done will ever cause more suffering than forcing Mary to endure the pain of disconnection from her son.
Even if you don’t care about Mary or her son, you should consider your own personal self-interest. There is nothing else a judge or jury will ever consider more than this single issue.
” I would say, “For God’s sake, Mr. Miscaviage you can do this whole world a real favor and rescind your “disconnection” order against Mary Kahn and her son Sammy.”
I share your ideals Skyler but when dealing with a personality that actually takes pleasure in observing another persons pain then you have to adjust your own mindset to really understand the problem.
Both my kids, one who works (or used to anyway) on the 5th floor of the HGB and one who is a public member in good standing actually believe they have made the correct decision in choosing to disconnect. Dave can sit smugly back sipping his Scotch content to know that he can say “it was their idea, not mine. They, as good $cientologists think for themselves and make the hard choices necessary to save this planet each and every day.”
He who shall not be named I’m sure experiences great joy in watching the pain play out. And so He continues. As do all members in good standing, each one in there own way continues the apocalypse of mind control.
Cindy, I think you have made a good choice. I hope your recovery goes well and that you will see the kids one day. As sad as it is knowing what kind of life our kids have, I also know that they can choose to change their mind at any moment. We are all here for them, lets hope they take advantage of the opportunity.
Thank you for your kind words, Skyler.
The only people who have any chance of successfully fighting Miscavige are his victims, not his critics.
Well, yes, if the other people at the top of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology had inklings of ideas about how to manage people. As it is, they have been punished for everything they have done, and have not done, because Defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is scared stiff that anyone would repeat his power grab.
I fully expect lawyers with documents in hand and no apparent link to the Co$ to simply close the doors to all the buildings and sell them off, leaving the victims to roam the streets.
It will be interesting to see who or how many make a play for the billions he has bilked from his flock when he dies.
Skyler, I don’t think DM would ever leave his position. He knows nothing else but the power and privileges of being the Captain of Scientology, having enthralled minions to hold power over and abuse, and receiving adulation including at their Nuremberg Rally-style events.
Plus if he left, it’s likely that whatever leadership came after would scapegoat him, declaring him the “SP” responsible for everything gone wrong, and expose the foibles of his reign and lifestyle, which would be humiliating. Perhaps worse yet, it’s possible that some members would become so angry that they could literally try to hunt DM down seeking revenge – given the unusually frequent incidents of violence we see around the orgs, that’s not at all implausible.
The history of authoritarian and cult leaders, is that they almost always die in the saddle rather than try to make some sort of getaway. As with many criminals, ff they were normal reasonable people like you and I, they wouldn’t be in the position they are in – it’s precisely their incomprehensibly warped worldview and values (or lack thereof) that puts them in the position they’ve ended up in.
Also, the CofS’ “stat” fudge for years now, has been to create new things to measure so that they can claim “highest evers.” The pandemic, which has got to be crashing their traditional statistics like “bodies in the shop” and gross income, is a whole new opportunity to invent things to measure relating to changed activities like online meetings.
Come to think of it, I wonder what will happen regarding the brutal reality of orgs’ income drying up, when they were barely making it, if that, before. I believe that the international reserves are supposed to be for times of emergency – but they’re also DM’s personal ‘stat’ and so are supposed to be going up constantly. Still, Scientology is destined to slip into negative cash flow and start tapping assets at some point, and perhaps that time has come.
Who shows up when the virtual doors open an hour and a half before the event starts?
I would guess this is just the sort of thing that would delight RB. I do not know his “process” and so it may well be out of the question that he could see something as ridiculous as this and then whip up a great strip in just one day. He may well require quite a bit more time.
But if I could guess, I would think this is just the sort of thing that would lead him to produce a great strip in the funnies. Can you imagine some impoverished couple sitting at home wondering if they would be able to keep the electricity flowing before they have to declare bankruptcy and then seeing an announcement like this?
Since I moved into my new neighborhood, I haven’t seen signs of a single Scientologist. I am near one of their larger known areas with a number of ideal orgs and missions. I went back to my parents house recently, which is in rural bumbleville USA, and there’s a Johova Witness Kingdom Hall. Let’s contrast these two organizations, one is huge and all over and the other is tiny and nowhere in sight. Now let’s mock up an Ideal USA and still compare these two groups. One is still huge and spread out while the other is still tiny and non-existant. Even outside the USA, when I was in China for example, I encountered a masonic temple just walking down a street there, no Scientology in sight. This is all due to Scientology being a whale chaser and nothing more. This ad proves it.
You all who are still-in, stop mocking up a false reality that you are winning, or are going to win. You’re not getting to the people, the expansion is not noticeable, and you are not creating ideal safe points on the same scale as your rivals.
Is “Thursday Funnies “ in hibernation because there are no events happening & consequently no flyers etc ? Also it appears plenty of Scilons seem to be on the Trump bandwagon. Plenty on fb singing his praises. I regularly post that Trump & Hubbard have a lot in common. Both sociopathic, narcissistic liars .
This is the “Thursday Funnies”. It’s “SO BIG”, that it doesn’t need more.
And the “BIG BIG BIG ****…” headline itself is “SO BIG” that it suffices for the “Thursday Funnies” headline. In fact, it is the IDEAL headline!!!!!!
There is nothing to add.
Selling nothing for lots of money. This is everyones dream.
Hmm. With all of the looking up words Scientologists are supposed to do you’d think they’d learn to spell a little better. You can just look it up on the internet. Oh right.
Quite manic in its delusion.
They probably got just a dose of “Think Big!” reference and an “Ideal”-this &”Ideal”-that pep-talk because of their stats are down and they were depressed.