There has been considerable discussion about the email circulated yesterday requiring information be sent in to Wig Adams at Flag for photo ID cards to be issued.
Here is the email being sent out from Flag in response to that with a much shorter list of information being asked for. What made the email yesterday so believable is that they ARE in fact planning to issue ID cards to keep the unemployed, bitter defrocked apostates on the fringes of the internet out of Dave’s Palace and Nuremberg Rally Events. See earlier post on this here.
Notice the non-committal tone of this email “you received an email” and “to answer the many inquiries we prepared a special information sheet”. They don’t want to acknowledge they were scammed and that the outrageous email asking for all sorts of personal information was not in fact real because so many people thought it was! What a joke this whole operation has become.
I really wonder how Miscavige is planning on hiding himself and the body count for his grandest ribbon cutting of all? How is he going to keep himself away from the media or process servers when he is going to be out on the street in Clearwater? How is he going to prevent the media and anyone else from seeing actually how many people he can press-gang into coming out to cheer and applaud his magnificence? The greater the lengths he goes to in order to prevent the outside world from intruding into his kingdom the nuttier his image becomes. It’s a Catch 22 — if he opens the door to his bubble, anyone who steps inside sees what is REALLY going on, and its not pretty and it doesnt match his spokespuppets statements. But if he keeps everyone except the sheeple shut out he looks more and more like Kim Jong Un and the message is loud and clear: “I am afraid of anyone coming inside because if they haven’t drunk the KoolAid they will see the insanity instantly.”
Many eyes are watching.
From: Dir Public Relations Flag <[email protected]>
Date: September 5, 2013, 8:42:09 PM EDT
Subject: Email from Wig Adams
Reply-To: [email protected]
Hi Xxxxx,
Per our records, you recently received an email from Wig Adams (Groups I/C Flag) regarding the new Flag Events Entry Pass.
To answer the many inquiries we received regarding this announcement, we prepared a special information sheet and online form. Please click on the link below to access this:
Here at Flag, we want to provide the best possible service to you and make this process as easy and fast as possible.
I plan to see you at the events!
Dir Public Relations Flag
![]() Flag Events Entry Pass ApplicationIf you’re planning to attend one of the upcoming historic events at Flag, please fill out the below form completely and we will provide you with a briefing sheet containing key data all attendees will need to know. |
First name: | Last name: |
Street address: | |
City: | State: |
Zip: | Phone: |
Email: | |
Are you an IAS member? | |
Do you know your IAS number? If so, please enter it here: | |
Are you currently taking services at an org or mission? | |
Are you planning to stay at a Flag hotel? | |
If no, do you have other accomodations arranged? Explain. | |
How many people will be accompanying you to the events? |
We will not share your information with anyone |
I just received this. Apparently they are now planning on using IAS cards as proof of sheepleship.
What an insane mess these people have gotten themselves into….
I just remembered, I still have one of those IAS cards. Wonder if they will recognize me?
From: Gabi Driscoll, IAS Administrations
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 3:15 AM
Subject: Official IAS Membership CorrespondenceDear ,
The Church of Scientology International has informed the IAS that
members will be asked to present their cards at upcoming events
this year and in the future. This is for the purpose of
identification and to receive membership benefits offered by
Churches of Scientology.As you know, the IAS is the official membership of the Church of
Scientology International and churches offer members benefits such
as lower requested donations for auditing and training and
discounts on books and materials.I am writing to confirm that you have your IAS membership card and
that it is in good condition.If you do not have your card, please let me know right away so that
I may send you a new one.I am also taking this opportunity to ask your assistance in making
sure the data we have on file for you is correct. This will help
ensure that you receive correct mailings and receive all of the
benefits of your membership in the IAS.Thank you very much for your rapid reply. Especially, with the
imminent release of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, remember to
carry your membership card when attending upcoming Scientology
Gabi Driscoll
IAS Administrations
On behalf of the IAS
Please confirm the information below is correct. If incorrect,
please reply with the correct information:
I think someone already made this comment already but it bears repeating: As regards event attendance, the emphasis now is on keeping people OUT. Shades of “Desire, Enforce, Inhibit”, no? I read that originally people enjoyed events and wanted to attend because they were fun. (I personally don’t recall events ever being really FUN, but back when I got in (mid-80s) they were OK, tolerably OK.) Then, in the early 90s, they began to be enforced. Pressure to attend became increasingly intense. (This is when I began to LOATHE events, avoiding them whenever possible.) When I withdrew (I’m under the radar), events were being incredibly enforced. Now, apparently, they are in inhibit-mode, worrying about letting in the wrong people!! Mike and everyone, this is really funny, no? The DEI Scale in action, in the laboratory of life!
And, I’d like to add that I probably wouldn’t be let in, despite my IAS “Status” because I’m considered disaffected by my org. But, no worries, because I’ve been able to enjoy these events like I never did before, from the comfort of my own home, thanks to Mike Rinder and his intrepid Special Correspondents. See the way the flows work? Reverse Vector much? LOL!
Never before have I so looked forward to a Scientology Event! Thank you, Mike and SCs!!
OSA, if you’re reading, you really should thank MIke for this because I’ve gone from loathing to loving these things. Itsa miracle, no kidding!
This all being said, the IAS card requirement may put an end to Event Attendance sans sufficient Kool-Aid inebriation. If that becomes the case I shall content myself with ending off on a huge win Event-wise, having heard all about the Portland Event , and others before it, right here on this blog. Yes, if it turns out that I’ve already “attended” my last Scientology Event, “Thanks for the memories”, Mike 🙂
“As you know, the IAS is the official membership of the Church of
Scientology International and churches offer members benefits such
as lower requested donations for auditing and training and
discounts on books and materials.”
I love the phrase “requested donation,” as if parishioners had a choice as to how much to pay. Surely someone needs to word clear that asap.
I think the rest of the world would call it a fee, price or cost.
Google John Adams Whig Party.
OTVIII is great has some competition.
Well, my ‘Founding Member of the IAS’ card and decades in the Sea Org wasn’t enough either – when I called in to my local org recently I was summarily told I was ‘declared’ and received a frosty welcome. Perhaps it was because of the frosty completely empty, cold environment of the ideal morgue. Certainly not the welcome you’d expect for a vet! And it surely didn’t match the LRH policy on ‘Ideal Orgs’. When challenged the poor bloke admitted he’d not seen it in writing but only ‘heard it’, so we had a good laugh when I said ‘if it isn’t written, it isn’t true, right?” Maybe I could use my 25 year in the SO gold ring as credentials!
Thanks for your quick insight, now get off the computer and hug your new bride!
Mike Rinder:
A question has come up on Tony Ortega’s blog, you could probably shed some light on the subject: Does David Miscavige believe in Scientology, the tech, LRH or is he just a cynical snake oil salesman? My guess is both – that he has no respect for the consumers, but, in a twisted way, still believes in the product. Am I close?
Thanks, keep up the good work!
A very simplistic answer to a complicated question. But for a one sentence answer, I would agree with you.
I think his “belief” is limited to how it benefits him. It is a cynical “belief”….
He saw your founder benifit in a way, he thinks I must benifit from it, He observed that people listen to your founder so he made a definition of power: power is when people listen to you=Ser Fac 1. (he said that in a TV interview) than: You make people listen to you by using Scientology Tech =DM Ser fac 2, You make people listen to you by command intention= DM ser fac 3, He probably saw, let me say it in a non offensive manner, your founder raise is voice and ordering people around on the ship and so on and so forth.
A basic possibility, just exploring here.
And than you implement what Geir said and what others said and you can work out a flow chart that in a simple way depicts DM,s toughtprocess.
Or you go the Anon, we Anons just think of him as a Asshole who can never change and probnably was one from birt and long time been constraint in his behaviour by outside factors.
You can charm a snake but it always be dangerous
I just realized (had a cog) that both ways of thinking do not necessarily exclude one another.
God, those sets. I get dizzy and slightly sick just looking at them – all those symbols, scrollwork – its awful, somehow, and I’m not even sure why.
I am curious if the church has the right to bar IAS members from entering events and buildings.
When I donated for my Lifetime IAS Membership didn’t I enter into a contract to be a member for my lifetime? I don’t recall anyone mentioning what my status would become if I was found to be an “SP” because I voiced opposition to David Miscavige.
When I donated for my Lifetime IAS Membership didn’t I enter into a contract to be a member for my lifetime?
Very interesting thought you have there, K. I’ve never gotten a letter from the IAS revoking my lifetime membership. Seems they’d have to do that fully disconnect from me, don’t you think? And it goes without saying that they’d have to return my donation to cancel my membership in their organization.
Now, we know they’re not going to return my donation, so in effect, I’m still a member of the IAS. They wouldn’t kick me out for being opposed to David Miscavige because they’re a separate corporation from the church — right? If they would do that, then they have to return my money and cancel my membership.
And since the price of admission to Dave’s Big Tent Event is your IAS card, how can they bar me (or any other IAS member) from attending?
Very very intresting, I wonder how many Indies are lifetimemembers and for that matter Exes are Lifetimemembers, does that mean you are part of the organization forever and get a legal say so in matters of the IAS if one would try to get in, get refused and than take it in a CLASS actuion to court.
Per the p.r. drivel from the IAS, it’s a stand-alone membership organization that is not corporately connected to the Church of Scientology. It stands to reason then, that one could be excommunicated by the church (separate membership), but still be a member of the IAS.
This presents a host of conflicts and conundrums.
If the IAS is a wholly separate corporate entity from the church, then why does the church put on the annual IAS gala (often on their own properties)?
If a person is no longer a member of the church, but still a paid member of the IAS, how can they be barred from attending any IAS functions?
If an IAS member is barred from attending an IAS gala, do they have a right to demand redress by those in charge of that membership organization?
What would the IAS’s official response be, if a few hundred Independent Scientologists were denied entry to an IAS event, and then asked for their money back?
Would the IAS comply with their wishes and cancel their memberships, along with a refund of their donations — or would they seek to have the church allow all IAS members to attend their events, regardless of their status with the church?
I’d like to see this put to the test by a few hundred Independent Scientologists. I think I see grounds for a class action lawsuit, if the church and the IAS mishandled it (which of course, they would).
At the bottom of the Flag form, under the “submit” button it says:
“We will not share your information with anyone”
When speaking to their public, their lying is on automatic. Anything can be said to con the public to do something..
At the bottom of the Flag form, under the “submit” button it says:
“We will not share your information with anyone”
Yeah, the contents of your pc folders are only viewed by dozens of staff members, and if you leave the organization, they’re published on the internet by the church.
No reference by LRH that the IAS replaces the HASI, no LRH reference authorizing Miscavige & Yager to do so either. After this “quiet” change was first announced in the FLAG Mag in 1984, membership prices instantly went up over 1000% and some people were stopped mid-service until they upgraded.
These annual IAS events are totally illegal per Scientology Scripture no matter which way the deck is cut. One could say harassing them to the max is probably the most ethical thing one can do, one step closer getting things back on track. D
12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.
ID’s are just another reversal of anything LRH envisioned. People are now the problem.
“Islands of calm” are no longer possible with the doors being monitored by suspicious eyes and fear permeating the atmosphere
Did you guys notice the time that Gabi sent out that second email?
“Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 3:15 AM”
They were having an all-nighter again, maybe handling an emergency?
But what if I wanna bring a friend???
It used to be that we were encouraged to bring “new public.” I guess even ol’ He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige realizes that this shit is really embarrassing.
Wonderful news. I for one agree.
I’m demanding to have my Flag Event Entry Card bar-coded on the back of my neck!
I got a LIFETIME membership card when I was in the SO. After I left the SO, they canceled my LIFETIME membership and started regging me to “become a member” – I said no thanks 🙂
Anyway, does anyone understand what this sentence means?
“Especially, with the imminent release of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, remember to carry your membership card when attending upcoming Scientology events.”
Many SO are “Founding Lifetime Members”.
I still have my IAS membership card, but it has been slightly altered to obscure my real name…anyway, I will be there at this monumental event!!! As an IAS and HASI Lifetime member and double bacon cheeseburger IAS contributor, I love being invited to these events! Getting my fleece fleeced!! What a wonderful Church. Unburdening me from my tiresome money!!
I filled it in. I wonder when the alarm bells start ringing.
You will notice Megan does not say that Wig didn’t send it. She is merely giving you new data to replace the data you received earlier.
What matters is that they think that all they have to do in order to mask something… is a total willingness to rewrite the past (“We have always been at war with Eastasia.”).
The Latest Flag Event Pass will be color coded as well as Bar Code
First questionnaire is abut your health
Second questionnaire is all about your complete wealth
everything that can be turned into money.
Won’t the COS pull “film permits” and block off as much of the area as possible to any wogs? Like in Seattle, will they hire off duty police officers to harass any SPs that try and show up. I’m not familiar with the streets in that area so I wonder if there is any private property close by where someone like Mark Bunker will be able to film?
Oh, I think there is plenty of it for any enterprising person who wants to gain a vantage point. There is a large city parking lot next to the SP building that has a view to the Ft Harrison entrance. I am sure they will try to block that one, but they won’t get the city or police to close it down. There is a church catty corner from the grand entrance to the Miscavige Palace. And unlike Portland, there isnt a person in downtown Clearwater that doesnt know and therefore not cooperate with the Church of Sciendollargy….
Speaking of vantage points and filming, I would like to recommend to Mark Bunker the new and inexpensive drones that are available.
A few days ago my wife and I were at a park and a couple of guys were flying their drone around. They were having a ball and had tight control over their drone. I went over them and asked if they would hover it over my wife and me just for fun. They said “sure”. So we laid down in the grass as they brought it right over us. It hovered very stably about five feet above. My wife was so tickled laying there on the lawn laughing with the down draft from the propellers blowing on her.
I have been lurking for quite a long time and couldn’t resist chiming in here.
I received a few emails regarding the entry passes along with another with laughable questions. I just can’t see people giving up this data.
It asked for ALL my credit card data, credit score, home equity, and retirement account balances.
“Do you expect an inheritance in the future?”
“If yes, do you want help to get the inheritance early?”
REALLY? You want to talk to my grandma?
Even when I was true blue I wouldn’t have answered these questions.
OMG! Really??? Seriously, I thought this entry pass stuff was some kind of joke and I was laughing about it until I read your post Little Lioness and realized it was for real. This is so incredibly paranoid, disgusting and unbelievable. Wow!
It must be a joke NED. They would never put out something like this. Never.
It is not a joke buddy. I received an email with these questions and more. I have been asked some of these questions many times before but at least it was in a personal setting, and by a reg that I thought I liked. The email version of privacy invasion seems more offensive to me.
I wonder what “PREPARED LIST” they’ll check against for defrocked apostate status? Maybe they’ll print off the Indie 500 list from Steve Hall’s site… lol.
Very suitable headline.
I just wonder when their security will start to frisk the members who attend the events – physically.
They are frisking them already on a mental level.
Love this site.
Yeah, this site has been pretty exciting lately, with all these updates on the big event, accompanied by Mike’s shrewd and witty commentary. I’m guessing the Dungeon Master is reading as avidly as anyone else. And I imagine a frantic witch hunt is underway as he tries to find and plug the leaks.
Maybe we could get a betting pool going on when exactly David’s head explodes.
Wait a minute, how much will such an Ideal ID cost ?
Now that Giant Tent Tech II™ is in full swing, I hope they really go all out for the set. There’s nothing like Miscavige’s Albert Speer meets Late Marcab Mafia Housewife Rococo style! I think Cali’lgula thinks that the bigger the set is, the bigger he looks. He would be wrong. I want to see lots of fake, shiny 3-D graphics in the video presentation, too. None of that spare, arty, hipster stuff they do in their new commercials. I wan’t BAM! POW! ZOOOOOOM! Straight up and vertical, nausea-inducing graphics at machine gun pace is the only way to go. Oh, please let someone leak a video . . .
Didn’t they recently switch all IAS numbers to the member’s credit card number with the highest limit?
Mike – my card’s right here, you can borrow it! It’s a “gold” one – I wonder if I can sell it too!
Nuremberg Rally Events is EXACTLY what they are!
Tony O had a video posted on his site yesterday with Miscavige uttering the chilling words. “The Final Solution.”
I kid you not.
If the guy forgets his card will he get turned away? (oooh imagine being a real sheeple and getting turned away). If the media pitch up without a card, and pretend to be sheeple who forgot their cards, what then? How do they work that one out? How do they not create a scene in the reception? OSA and IAS are going to be BUSY.
Poor Wig Adams. Singled out by name in the subject line.
In response to the earlier post, somebody predicted that Wig would be RPFed over this flap. Prophesy fulfilled, I guess. Along, no doubt, with many others. Dave’s probably got them digging out an Ideal Bilge to go along with that excellent exhibit of the Commodore strolling the deck of SS Apollo.
This fuckers now will start requesting presenting you the fucking IAS cards..sorry for my language but is really BS……you know not one care about the cards….the point is to put presure on the money reg….this people have not cure basically.
I really dont think LRH create all this BS to make sure people show their IDs cards, next time they will ask for passports also for foreigners…….I think is the begining of more control probably…poor people….who still believe in the Church of Scientology
So do these IAS cards have a photo on them?
Also, isn’t “hiding” -8 on the tone scale? I’m pretty sure that would include “hiding in a giant tent.”
The above is the short form application.
The long form application requires
Two Passport quality photo’s
Answer questions about your health like a Sea Org Application.
PTS check questions
Contact information
***This is True****
Many eyes are watching. Tee-hee.
“Sheepleship” that’s classic Mike! IAS: Insane Assembled Sheeples
This has officially killed the confirms for the Event. I would hate to be in that boiler room scene now, extremely painful to endure.
As usual the IAS reps speak with forked tongue(s). Having an IAS card of whatever colour is absolutely no guarantee of getting into anything. See:
embed code not working. Try:
I love that one. Martin should have kept responding to the guy asking him to leave, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask YOU to leave!” and see how he took that.
.This would be the admission procedure:
Show your IAS card, lifetime or above
Turn in your official ID (Driver’s license, passport or whatever)
Turn in your signed check payable to the IAS, Platinum credit card or cash (just to exclude the downstats or street beggars)
Cult has shrunk to a managable size for dear leader
So how long will it be before they require IAS members to have implanted ID chips like dogs?
when the chips get implanted… and they get declared… the chips explode.
Cloud Atlas?
They gave themselves away with this phrase: “This is for the purpose of identification…_
In other words, a very covert way to say “we are checking on you, and you need our approval to come or not to events. We decide who is or not OK”
Gestapo style, paranoia dramatization…
The ‘not yet OKs’ need to fill out the Access, Long Form.
I filled out the ‘access form’ and said that I would not be staying at a Flag hotel. I said I would be staying at your house. Hope that is OK!
Sure Coop. The more the merrier! Hope you don’t mind the couch…. Looking forward to seeing you 🙂
Now THAT was truly funny.
PS: Is there a reason why we’re not talking about Marty’s Affidavit that was filed a couple of days ago? Did I miss a posting? This ought to make your little toes curl in happiness:
Tony O covered it well.
Yes, he did.
But I like talking to you guys about stuff. 🙂 This is my safe haven. Plus I love hearing your takes on things, Mike. You always call attention to the glaring outpoints in the most enlightening (and charge blowing) way.
I’m so HAPPPPYYYYY that they called Ed Bryan in on it too! I literally laughed out loud when I read it and then giggled off and on through the day at the thought of it.
Man, he is so between a rock and a hard place on this. Tell the truth, get declared. Purger himself, he goes to prison. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
Perhaps they are poised and ready to put DM in the slammer for violation of his Restraining Order the instant he appears in Texas, as required by the injunction.
If he gets arrested, he will have a criminal record and no longer eligible for stall or the Sea Org. So the ecclesiastical leader of the most ethical group on earth will be unemployed!
Yeah, Hopefully they will issue his arrest warrant this comming Wednesday, the day before his Hearing date. That will give the major media some time to put their satellite trucks on the road to the San Antonio Courthouse.
Wow. If he insists that all of the people “under the radar” not attend, you might be right about 3 people attending. Ok, maybe 53.
I wonder when they’ll start issuing unsolicited IAS Patron Meritorius cards along with a bill…
Dear Friend and Co-Crusader,
I am pleased to inform you that we have decided to bestow upon you the honourable status of Platinum Patron Meritorius. You will find your real platinum diamond-studded and gold-embossed card enclosed. It is my great pleasure and honour to congratulate you on taking this brave step toward a brighter future for us all. Mankind truly needs a hand, and more honest and good people like you!
Please get in touch if there is anything I can help you with. I have enclosed the invoice for your convenience. If you make a down payment of USD 10m by the end of this week, you will be eligible for a special seat at the grand opening of the SP’s new building! Also, early payments will help move you up in the NOTS scheduling (the queues are extremely long).
With warmest regards,
IAS Administrator
P.S: Donate today, and make the pain go away!
Geeeze Dollar Morgue, you’re slackin here:
“If you make a down payment of USD 10m by the end of this week,”
Let’s get that paltry amount in by 2:00 today or you can forget your crappy little front row seat. We are also installing upgrades in the new super human building. They are installing special seats that have springs for those that are deemed a tad too slow in getting up for the standing Os!
I see you are an excellent translator of Scientologese 😉
hahahaha! good one!
Tell the green staff that you are an “old timer” and request a front row seat.
Yeah–realize they haven’t seen you in any of the event videos anymore, you’ve probably been edited out of all those, and they haven’t seen any of your TV, internet or head you on radio…..hmmmmm! They’ll have no idea. Fun little black ops…..
Subject:Update Flag Event Entry Card
To:[email protected]
As you are aware the biggest series of events in history will be soon held at the Flag Land Base. This will be a major step for planetary clearing so we need your help to make this the biggest event series in history. The new “Flag Event Entry Passes” will be color coded to allow for more accurate routing to registrars as well as seating assignments at the events, so don’t deny yourself the opportunity to be part of historical moment by understating your answers in the attached questionnaire. Please fill it out and send to [email protected] a week before your arrival. You will get your color coded picture donor ID card once you arrive at Flag.
First Name______________________ Last Name__________________________ DOB______________
Scheduled date of arrival_________________
Current Statuses
IAS Patron or above (__) (Please place an “X” between the parenthesis)
Corner Stone or above (__) Humanitarian or above (__)
Please round all values to full thousands:
What is your current Net Worth? ___________________
Which Liquid Assets do you have: Checking accounts:___________, Savings accounts:___________, Money market accounts:_________
Available line of credit on your credit cards:
Card 1:______________, Card 2:______________, Card 3_______________
(If you have more than 3 credit cards, list additional cards in the back of form or elaborate in email response)
Do you own your own house Yes (__) No (__); If Yes, what is the equity in your house:______________
What is your credit score _______. (if you do not know talk to your reg to get a free credit report with your score)
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes (__) No (__)
If yes how many times _____ and last date of filing _______________
What are the balances in your retirement accounts?
ROTH/IRA: ___________________ 401K:_____________________ Other:__________________
Do you expect an inheritance in the future: Yes (__) No (__)
If yes, do you want help to get the inheritance early? Yes (__)
Any other funds including offshore accounts? Yes (__) No (__)
if Yes please give total of liquid or near liquid balances: ________
Is there anything you’d rather not want to talk with a reg about? (Please elaborate)
The registrar offices will be in satellite tents near of the major event tent and color coded matching the colors on your Donor ID card. Please after the events go to the registrar satellite tent matching the color on your Donor ID Card.
Remember this is your chance to make history and give COB a hand to deal with the suppression on this planet. This is the final push for a cleared planet. Be part of it, now is not the time to hold back.
See you soon
Event Coordination
Registrar Assistant Routing IC
You received this email because your email address was on a list of Scientologists to receive information about current events in Scientology. If you have friends who are interested to receive information about current events in Scientology you can subscribe to our newsletters here.
Karen, I’m pretty sure this email from the Assistant Registrar is another hoax. I got a copy of it (also the one from Wig) although I’m a declared SP and off the Church email lists (finally).
On another note, I had the datum that one of the terms in the big IRS settlement was that IAS membership could not be a requirement to obtain Scientology services. It seems to me that requiring that IAS card for entry to a function like this is walking a pretty thin line. Not that the IRS would have the balls to do anything about it, when they are ignoring the huge inurement issues with little Davey already..
LOL Karen.
Oooh, it has Space Station 33 right on the front!
No its not a hoax. My wife is not declared (as far as we know! ) and she got this from Flag.
Richard — this is a hoax. The email came from “thetaburst” not from the church.
What is remarkable is that a document as insane and incriminating as this can be mistaken for reality.
It tells a lot about the state of the RCS that many, many people get this and think its real. Partly because many people HAVE been asked by regges about the credit card limits, mortgages, inheritances etc etc. So, its not much of a leap to see it in writing.
The Vulture Culture is reaping its own rewards….
Thats very funny. What is interesting is how my wife is now on the Thetaburst Email List. They must have inside access.
My guess is that the mailing list is the same list that Luis Garcia compiled (and then augmented in the subsequent weeks/months) after his “Message from Garcia” letter went viral back in late 2010. I don’t have any personal confirmation of that, but this later ThetaBurst list seems to be reaching just as many folks, both inside and outside of the CoS.
“How can I get in?”
“You must be a member.”
“How can I become a member?”
“From inside”
They get wackier and wackier
It’s becoming a secret society. Cool, I will have been a member of a secret society! Now that’s something to impress my friends! 😀
Good observation! There’s always an up side…LOL……
Most Religions want as many people as possible to come to their events whether a Member or not. More people show = more Members = growth.
The wait in line for a badge shouldn’t be too long. Will there be more than 3 people attending?
“Busy Scilons still working on an alternate reality in which they are relevant.” ~Xenubarb Goromasu
LOL! Good one!
Yup! Exactly Tony!
I hate that word. It’s a religious slur.
I agree, it’s derogatory.
Take a deep breath.
“Busy Scientologists still working on an alternate reality in which they are relevant.”
Does that make you feel better?
Ser-fac much? I told you that I feel offended by what I consider to be a religious slur. You want to enforce that reality on me anyway? I thought I left that sort of crap behind in the church.
By the way, you said “I hate that word”. I assumed the word you were talking about was Scilon, so I changed it to “Scientologist” and then you still object. I can give my views on religions still in this country. It’s called freedom of speech. If I said that Christians killed more people than they saved, would you get indignant about that too? If so, then the Taliban is hiring.
My original intention for posting this quote was more directed at the cult and their attempts to create an alternate reality in which to be relevant. I think it is funny on many levels personally.
Part of the cult mentality is to not be able to confront opposing views or derogatory views about them. Or to try to use force to get people to obey. You can’t keep running away to find a place that is “safe”. You just have to confront and communicate.
Ronnie, remember the slogan, by LRH: “Scientology is here to rescue you.”? I have something from the Tech dictionary for ya, also from the Ol’ man. — HUMOR: humor is rejection. The ability to reject. The ability to throw something away. That is humor.
It took me a long time to take that concept on board. A full 64 years, bro! I learned it by observing the attitude of a total non-scientologist. He lets nothing get under his skin, but instead, uses the opportunity to find humor in it! Useful datum? Well, it helped we turn my old habit of “seriousness” (inflow) into the outflow mentioned above. In my case it hit me with a rude awakening! I’m now very glad it did — others too, evidently 🙂
Ronnie you need to stop taking yourself so serious.
About hiding the attendance, let’s be honest, most of the world really doesn’t care. The more interesting question is, how can he keep it from his sheeple (aka Ideal Benefactors) that there are now only 2 of them instead of 3?
If he can, this will be an illusionist’s masterpiece – and most of the work will be done by the sheeple themselves, in their own minds (bending the truth until it is satisfactorily unrecognisable).
They wont want to mail out badges, so I guess they will set up tables where everyone is required to “check in” and be verified, and then be handed a badge for entry? Sounds like “Mission Impossible” to me, but hey, if that makes someone feel safer…
I think they should build spiked walls arond FLB, just like at Int. It would say all that needs to be said.
Yeah, they need the spikes, obviously.
They should also “meter check” everyone before and after the event.
Also, anyone who doesn’t get two new Meters and any other releases will be dealt with.
I think that is the thing that has really been missing in the Church experience- Nazi police state security measures.
Oh those lovely weekly meter checks at the Base. How I miss them.
Several full swings of the dial, or else!
How I miss the food, and the subtle fragrance of the RPF. The 70-hour weeks because production is the basis of morale
70 hour weeks? Were you on a part time schedule?
DollarMorgue, good idea but those are for keeping people in not out. 😉
Exactly. It would say all that needs to be said.
Behind the scenes, the IAS Administrations computer guy is shitting bullets, he knows he’s headed for the decks, maybe RPF, because they do NOT have live uptodate membership info on ALL of the Scientologists worldwide and that will become apparent when some obvious bigwigs go to the check in tables, and the computer says they are “not verified” and that couple is shunted to the side like suspects!
The IAS computer maintenance is headed for a massive test!
There’s gonna be glitches, and people, the OSA INT door watching team, is likely going to be flown in for the week of people/crowd watching.
Oh you just know that IAS Administrations hasn’t crossed checked their member list against the rosters of ‘bitter defrocked apostates’. Lots of us still have our IAS membership cards. Some of us could get past security and wouldn’t be recognized right off, because we’re not famous, notorious, nor do we live in CW.
Of course, now that I’ve mentioned it, some poor crew of S.O. schlubs is going to be fired on the biggest Hill-10 you ever saw, to prevent intrusions by Indies.
IAS Computer
“If no, do you have other accomodations arranged? Explain.”
I guess this is to determine who gets routed to the MAA first rather than
to the correctly colour coded Reg.