The “friendliest place in the world” is losing its lustre. In fact, it is becoming downright creepy.
This is from the latest “OT” Committee Meeting Minutes — my highlighting in red:
“Emmett Osborn, OTC Dir IAS Field Dissemination, come up to brief us about the winners of the recent IAS Game with the prize of a special pin for getting 2 status upgrades, 2 Lifetime Memberships or a donation on $10,000. He presented gifts of special lapel pins, engraved pens and one-of-a-kind shoulder bags to the winners, Kaye Champagne and Tom Cummins. Emmett re-briefed us on the new IAS Game that was first announced last week, for every Flag OTC member sign up four others on the IAS monthly debit program for $100 per month. Emmett reminded us that FSM commissions would be available for those signing others up for this.
Blatant lies in PR:
Flag: The friendliest place on Earth
St. Hill: Everybody is welcome at Ron’s home
1984 room 101
I’d say over the top Closing technique for Cornerstone contributors.
Fodder for the next James Bond movie with Daniel Craig.
I think graduation will be done in room 101 when the New Flag Building opens.
I think I found a promo video.
Someone I know well, who is an ex-SOer from Flag under the radar, told me he is not even allowed in the Clearwater or Tampa area- banned! Even though he paid his freeloader debt off.
Mreppen, How can this be? How can the church ban you from two whole entire cities? The only way I know of is to get a restraining order from a court, which means they go legal when they forbid everyone else to go legal. But even if the did break their own rule to go legal, most restraining orders I have heard of aren’t so big and all-encompassing to include an entire city. Any more details on this?
Scientologists all over the world, don’t bother with the netherlands. We are Clear allready, wich means we do not put up with bullshit.
You are 100% right Mike. The I.A.S. collected MILLIONS upon MILLIONS by spreading false reports about Germany. Then the Church cried “suppression”. Marty and Mosey trekked over there to discover it was friendlier than the Flag Land Base.
What’s next? how about a huge “fund raising” drive (donations) to send all CLASS V ORG STAFF to Flag for Super Power. After all, this is the WHY found by HIM for the lack of expansion of “Ideal Orgs”
Cornerstone members will be the first to be ask to step up one more time, and fund this New Golden Age of All CL V Staff through Super Power – this will herald in our “Final Solution” to Planetary Clearing!
bets anyone?
Maybe the building will get swallowed up by a big sink hole
Obvious Anon is Obvious, well played Sir !
Taking away your childhood
Had you ever considered that the reason why you and Marty are “created” enemies is that he knows that you two will cause a shit storm and add fuel to his need to quell attacks!
“An island of calm”…….isn’t that what LRH said the Orgs were supposed to be?
The Orgs are not calm environments. They are very serious environments and have been for some time. David Miscavige committed the crime of taking any fun or joy out of going to the church. It use to be fun to just hang out and BS with others but that turned into “dilettantism”
1. A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge
So just wanting to hang out around what was supposed to be an island of calm essentially would get you rebadged as a pretender, unserious or not fully on board.
Back in the 60s and early 70s, those diletantes usually showed up to help out with all hands mailings, etc. It was the happenin’ place to be. Total fun!
Would you prefer that today ?
You got that right, Francis. Does anyone remember the time period when people going to Flag for Refreshers, 6 month checks, whatever they called it, but if you were reading a novel of your choice in the pc waiting lounge, you were jumped on and made wrong and told to listen to LRH tapes or reach LRH books only. So you couldn’t even read what you wanted. And if you were talking with friends you hadn’t seen for a long time, you were both told that between sessions you should be reading or listening to LRH. Then they upped the force by trying to body route everyone to a courseroom where they could read The Basics between sessions. And in that courseroom you had to make it to roll calls and couldn’t leave to go, say, have a nap, or eat a bite to make sure you remained sessionable. Controlling is an understatement.
Yeah, and that really flies in the face of an oft read and quoted PL The Magic Of Good Management, under the section, Bodies In The Shop. I don’t have it to hand but to paraphrase: ‘Give them a place to come in to and sit down with their shopping……whatever reason, keep bodies moving through the shop, whether they’re buying or not.’
I wonder how many Flag staff are trying to figure out how to fit this PL to the current scene. Yet another example of how off-Source it’s become.
Oh, yeah, and now they will have badges with Gold, Silver or Platinum edges indicating your achieved “rank”.
The Devil Moron is right, he should be terribly worried as his imagined power is imploding at a fast rate…and believe me, it will implode with a lot of force.
The star of David Miscavige. He already has the detention camps. Only bright light I can see- He has to live in the ugly world he has created.
Boot the Dwarf.
Big brother must watch because ….those pesky reporters and Anons get in at St Hill….Marc Headley got a staff member to take a lovely pic of him standing in the doorway of Boston Org (see Tony O’s blog a week or more back)……. the leaks from graduation are growing – yesterdays report came from three sources……..can’t let the truth out because those pesky Garcia’s are going to expose it….. can’t risk a personal assault on the COB… Ho hum .. soon the new catch phrase will be you can only go clear if you have clearance first. “Ushering in the masses”….. with a security check at the door. Yeah right. Winning formula right there. Push pull slam.
There will soon be new correspondents reporting the current trrue picture of Saint Hill Manor, England, which used to be the Mecca of Scientology, home of the founder L Ron Hubbard, the once very successful London Org and the birthplace of the Sea Organization are doing nowadays under the clever leadership of David Miscavige, Chief Supremo of the nasty cult known to all as the Church of Miscavology, a place where you, rather than getting help, could end up with no family and no money and no help at all. I encourage any UK citizens who are outide of the bubble, under the radar or not, to inspect
and report the true situation in the UK, concerning the present condition of any orgs you may be able to physically check out. The truth must be told.
Great Alex. Good work!
Hi Hallie Jane, are you in the UK?
No Alex, I’m in southern California.
Hey Dave, The noose is tightning, have you turned over your hat?
I guess some of us scatered sheep will have to wait until, in some ten or so years the “new buiding” is turned into a public museum in order to visit.
My grand children I hope will go in a field trip to learn how a religious scam can go mental.
I have always wondered about those spinning machines on Super Power….What will happen when people die or get really hurt? You know it’s going to happen…why would you need to spin someone around like that? What possible ego trip could you be on to think that will somehow make you even more able? Not only is it the most controlling religion…but also the most devious.
Yes Summerwind, “not only is it the most controlling religion, but also the most devious.” YOu said it. Those Super Power machines are an implant station in my opinion.
Yes I agree.
Scientology ” the new psychiatry.”
Psychiatrist Joseph Mason Cox” Swinging chair” about 1800:
About 1949:
21 century:
Beste Hansje Brinker heb je onze dokters onder het Nazi-Regime ooit gewaardeerd voor hun dadden ?
Hay Cat daddy,
Cat daddy,
Vanwaar deze vraag?
Dat wij een ander soort Psychyatry hebben gehad dan omringende landen en Amerika.,1623172
Cat and Hansje — most other readers here cannot speak Dutch. Either post in english or carry on your conversation via email. For all I know you could be insulting my wife…. 🙂
Mike, we were frying other fish talking about how Psychyatry differs from one country to another
Mike and Christie, you two are doing a wonderful job! Thank you for that! To insulting your wife would therefore an act against mankind.
Keep up the good work.
You know my comment was a joke, right. I dont know you, but I have experience with Niels and I know he sometimes makes somewhat provocative comments, but he has been very supportive over the years. I knew you were discussing psychiatry, it is word that is understandable in any language that uses the Roman alphabet….
Cat daddy,
I like your patriotism.
But also in the Netherlands it is necesarry to stay awake for the terrible actions of the CoS.
This blog is helping a lot.
Well my good ill begotten friend(pun intended) Mike Rinder You are right. My argument was that we in the Netherlands had a different kind odf Pshyiatry than in Germany or the USA where gay and lesbiand got schoked for being themselves.
Yes Jane. I agree, an implant station, a perfect one at that, where the victim’s are “enthusiastically” banging on the door to be let in!
The perfect trap, that’s how I view this .
If In doubt , read history of man ( sic).
+ 1
LRH –“Control is simply Start–Change–Stop!” Extrapolated, that means the Control of Miscavige is accomplished through STOP!—-That is, simply STOP listening to Him! –His Only source of power!
Part of the frantic security precautions are, of course, the fact that Mike Rinder obviously has well placed spies inside the organization. You are probably driving him bat shit with these posts, Mike.
Also, there are too many competent lawyers who are on to miscavige’s modus operandi in the legal arena.
The amount of blatent fraud that cannot hide behind the cloak of religion is being exposed. The full amount of the fraud is only speculation, but I speculate that it could add up to a half billion or more. The day is coming (soon, I speculate) where the IAS, Superpower, ABLE and Narconon books are going to be demanded by the courts. At this point miscavige will be dead meat. Fraud is fraud and many a sleazy so-called “religious” pesonality has spent time behind bars for fraud.
Some pretty heroic people are taking a stand against the little tyrant right now. My hat is off to you all.
“Criminals or maniacs are people who are frantically attempting to create an effect long after they know they cannot. They cannot then create decent effects, only violent effects. Neither can they work (do).
Despair of creating an effect brings about aberration and irrational conduct. It also brings about laziness and carelessness.” LRH_ The Fundamentals of Thought, the original 1956 version, 1980 printing.
Steve Poor Thank you for that quote. Very fitting.
Mike Rinder if I ever insult your wife I would insult myself.
That said, Don’t you love the sent of freedom coming throuhg your nostrold.
Dutch people om Mike’s blog Rally around Mike, but if a dutch person want’s to initiate a protest I am Game
Thank you Niels. I know you to be a well intentioned and good person and I appreciate the support you have given to me, Marty and others over the years.
To answer Dave Fagen’s comment above, he does have it right.
Years ago, FSO shipped out all the elderly Sea Org members and anyone with any kind of medical condition off the FSO base with orders to never return. They were sent to PAC Base and put on various posts, etc. No r-factor, no kindness, not so much as a “thank you for your service.” Just “pack your bags, you are leaving and not coming back.” It was so gross and uncaring, and most of them were reeling from the experience.
I wasn’t on FSO call-in, but I’d seen and heard enough to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that FSO was getting rid of any “undesirables” that could cause them any PR trouble. I thought it was a wretched thing to do. What made absolutely no sense was “If they aren’t ok to be at Flag, why are they ok to be here?”
A similar thing happened in 2003 or so when about 40-50 Int crew were “sent down” to PAC all at once and all posted in CLO Estates. They had all been “busted” as ethics particles, all very hush-hush as to why. But they could not be posted anywhere except on MEST-handling posts in Estates, no matter what skills or backgrounds they had. About 2-3 weeks later, about half of them had RPF assignments sent down. Even after finishing their RPF programs, most of them still had the stigma attached to them and very few have moved out of Estates.
All of this gives the PAC Base a reputation as a dumping ground, which it continues to be have to this day.
I was there and witnessed elderly people being routed out of Flag. Very capable and productive SO people being told to leave. I personally knew one and saw her in Ethics as she was saying goodbye. I hated to see her leave. But think about this: not only is it age discrimination, but it is a total dramatization of the Incident II that happened 75 million years ago. The undesirables then were offloaded on Earth; nowadays they offload them at PAC Base and then the RPF. Too bad no one ever insisted on auditing Davie. If he had had some good auditing, and IF he made case gain (which may or may not have happened), but IF he had case gain, our church might have taken a totally different road and it might not be in the trouble it is now..
This is right up there with neglected and abandoned children. So cruel and stupid to get rid of the savvy and experienced people. I guess it was an effort to go Hollywood, where only the beautiful people are welcome. So superficial and vapid. What the hell would be wrong with allowing an experienced auditor to audit part time as they age so they can take care of themselves? It could be such a win/win. Ughhhh!
Miscavige is not about win-win, unless it’s for himself. Totally interiorized as a being. As a true sociopath, has utterly no positive feelings for anyone. As well, deep down terrified. These posts, and daily doses of not only Tony Ortega’s reporting, but also daily hundreds of negative blasts from exes and never ins who utterly despise him.
Of course you’re right Peter. It’s important to confront but at the same time, hard to fathom. I’m comforted by the datum that karma’s a bitch.
The minority KoolAid lunatic fringe of Scientology in the making.
the little HIM big head can continue to lie and deceive, but no matter how many wagons he circles,
The photo ID’s are a Segway to being “Chipped” like dogs and cats
For Humans its called a “Digital Angel” Not only GPS tracking but interfaces
with credit card numbers, real estate assets, rich relatives contact data,
medical reports, school grades, everything to Kindergarten.
Super fast computers that have Gallium Arsinide CPU’s ,tracking done from space
How much of this do you think is due to that reporter getting into the Saint Hill IAS event a year ago Mike? I have to imagine that really pissed of his royal highness.
I’d laugh my butt off if a bunch of Anons flew in an army of personal drones to record the festivities. Wonder what they’d do about that?
I really must get around to reading 1984. I think it would help me understand my church so much better.
It would. I re-read it a couple of years ago. Chilling. I also suggest Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies.
Interesting. He spends uncounted millions of dollars on something that merits being called a tourist attraction (witness the mock-up of LRH on the ship, the restaurants, and other Disney-like features) yet He doesn’t want tourists touring the place (a la the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City). Or He’s trying to keep Tony Ortega and Mark Bunker from taking pictures of the inner sanctum. Or, He’s trying to keep those nasty debased degraded Clearwater-ites from seeing what’s devastated their business district and downtown. Or, He’s trying to leverage people’s “prohibition reaction” into *more* people trying to get into the building. (Ever tell a kid not to eat the cookies you just laid out, and then leave the room? First thing they want to check out.)
After all, He wouldn’t want the proletariat messing up His pretty new building without leveraging the access to the building to make money for the IAS.
So much for the notion that “all are welcome”.
Ooooh. Maybe He is trying to figure out how to use technology to maintain the in-the-org list. (HCO PL 7 November 1965 I RECEPTION LOG, IN-THE-ORG LIST) Or maybe He’s actually instituting a badging system like the one described in HCO PL 1 August 1966 I SIGN-UPS AND DISCOUNTS, wherein falsifying a card is classified as a crime, and persons not wearing badges may not have any service.
Nah. That can’t be it. That’d be something LRH actually said to do in writing, so we KNOW He’s not badging everyone for that reason.
POT — I think he is terrified that non-KoolAid drinkers would walk through his palace and wonder “where are the people?” and “why would anyone build something this big when it is clearly about 10 times bigger than what is needed?” Of course the sheeple will explain this “everyone is in session” or “it’s lunch break” or “we are on the verge of a huge boom and we must be prepared to deliver.”
The truth is that now Luis and Rocio Garcia have forced him to open his white elephant, he has now has a problem of how not to make it obvious to the world that the thing is empty and unutilized (following in the fine tradition of his Ideal Orgs everywhere).
Mike, and “this is the sign of the times, we under heavy attack because we are right now on the verge of our Greatest Expansion In HISTORY with The Release of Super Power and the SPs know it. And that’s exactly why we need your IAS Donations NOW MORE THAN EVER!”
this is all very, very long in the tooth and has just about run its inevitable course.
The BBC documentary on North Korea comes to mind where tourist are toured through the “most modern and awesome” hospital in the whole world and at the end people were going “nice, nice but where are the patients and the doctors?”
At least they gave you a tour.
I’m very interested in the Garcia case. Could this case result in full transparency of IAS and Superpower Funds? That would be so awesome, I would have a party and you all are invited!
Big screen TV and popcorn???
By keeping out the media, he’s just inviting them to camp out near by with long range camera lens. Within a month, Perez Hilton or someone else will be writing about the lack of people going through the doors or the pedestrian walkways.
On another note, it’s time for a theological debate between the “pope” of the CoS and Louis Farakhan as to whether it is delusional” to believe that “spiritual beings without bodies” visit human beings. If I understand it correctly, the Islamic religion believes very strongly in angels, or “heavenly beings,” who carry out the will of God. Whereas humans, i.e., those with bodies, are made of clay, “heavenly beings” are made of light.
Mike, DM probably has the same “handling” for empty Flag Buildling that he did for empty events and empty orgs on video: have staff stream into the building from buses. They make their way to the back of the building where Costumes Gold has moved in. Staff do a quick change into public “costumes” and load up on a bus in the back loading dock. Drive around to the front. Unload. Happy, happy. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Continue during the afternoon, milling around the lobby, acting like they are buying books. Being interviewed for success stories wearing mustaches and wigs and large fake noses. In the evening, they reverse the process. Gold is going to be busier than ever.
Thanks to Anonymous and every phone having video, I don’t think DM can use “rent a crowds” any longer like he did for the opening of various orgs and missions, like the mission in Taiwan in 2001. But he’s been using staff to fill up Flag and LA events since the 1990s. I wonder if he is doing that also for the Starlight Ballroom at the Slavewinds?
In the mid-2000s, I was training at the FSO as a Chicago org staff member, and as an apprenticing Supervisor, I was doing call-in as a part of the apprenticeship. The idea is that we Sups had to know how to call people in to get them to come into our orgs for training, so we were apprenticing at FSO, calling in FSO public for training as part of our training for our posts as Course Supervisor at our orgs.
In the process of doing all this call-in, I talked to several Flag public on the phone, who told me that they had previously been told by Flag staff that they were not allowed to be on the Flag base at all. Not just that they were not allowed to do services at Flag, but they were not even allowed to set foot on the Flag Land Base at all.
They also had been told that in order to qualify to be on the Flag base in the future, they had to do a certain auditing program that they were programmed for in their pc folders, and they had to do the program at another org, such as Tampa, ASHO, or their local org.
I thought that was odd, as I had thought that Flag was supposed to be the place where any case could be handled because Flag was the “Mecca of Technical Perfection”. I had gotten the line so many times over the years, including from LRH, that Flag was the stopping point – if a case couldn’t be handled anywhere else, it would be handled at Flag.
But what I found also very odd, was I that I was asking these people, who had told me that they were not allowed to be on the Flag base at all, what was the reason why they were not allowed to be there, and they were telling me that they didn’t know why, as nobody would tell them why. All they were told was that they had to do this auditing program at another org, and then re-apply for the OK to set foot on the Flag Land Base again.
With one certain woman, with whom I was talking on the phone, who had told me she had fit into this category of people who were not allowed on the base, I was trying to be service-oriented and help her do whatever was possible for her to be allowed on the base again. She had thought that maybe whatever had caused her to be banned from setting foot on the Flag base was now handled. She gave me several reasons why she had thought that maybe she could be allowed to be on the base again, as certain things had changed for her since she had been told she was not allowed to be there.
Of course since she didn’t know the reason for her banishment, and neither did I, neither of us knew whether or not the changes she had mentioned she had recently gone through were sufficient for the Flag MAAs to allow her to be on the base again. But I took down what she had to say, what changes she had recently gone through, and took them to the public MAA to find out if that would qualify her to be on the base again.
The MAA listened to the reasons I relayed to her, and she told me that this public still would not allow her on the base. And she did give me the reason why – because this particular public was “delusional” – in other words, this person had told her auditors that she had spiritual beings without bodies visiting her, and that this occurred regularly.
I had no idea why this “delusional” thing would disqualify someone to be on the Flag base. So what. Aside from the fact that Scientology philosophy is something that I had observed over the years to be pretty big in some respects on spiritual beings existing without bodies, and it was my understanding from LRH that the whole physical universe was a delusion anyway, what is the big deal if a person is delusional. If a person is delusional, isn’t that a part of their case? Why not just go ahead and handle the person’s case?
And especially, why was it okay for Tampa or ASHO or whatever org to handle delusion and not Flag?
Move forward five years: I leave the church and I read about the Lisa McPherson story. A totally untrained “C/S” named David Miscavige “C/Ses” her to attest to Clear when she is not. She is drowning in an absolute sea of out-tech and mishandlings, and according to something I had read from a departed Class XII auditor, was continuously muttering things that are evidences of unflat Ls processes, which I believe he said she had not even been in proper case condition to be running in the first place.
Putting two and two together, now that I have enough information, realizing what a huge flap this Lisa McPherson thing was for the Flag base, I see that most likely, all this banning of people from even setting foot on the base, was an effort to prevent another such horrible PR flap from happening at the Flag base again. So many people whom Flag was supposed to be handling, were being denied service because of some know-best’s screw-ups, and the inability of them to discover the right why for this flap.
I realize that the banning of that woman who was said to be delusional, was an effort to prevent “delusional people like Lisa McPherson” from causing flaps for the Flag base, instead of just delivering standard workable technology to people’s cases and making them better – and if being “delusional” was aberration, handling that with good standard auditing.
I even know of an 87-year old Sea Org member who was not allowed on the base because, being 87 years old, might die at any moment (not that he was in bad health particularly for an elderly person, he was just old). It was just unacceptable that someone could ever die on the Flag base again, even if he was 87 years old.
The point I am making is that the church is so god-awfully conscious of security that they deny service to so many people that they should be able to handle just because they are so scared of PR flaps like Lisa McPherson, and they become suspicious of almost everyone to a point where outer org trainees have to have ID cards, they have to read everyone’s mail, they can’t allow staff to have cell phones, they monitor all SO members’ communications to their families, etc etc.
All because they can’t take responsibility for their actual mistakes, and can’t look inwardly to fix what they did wrong.
Do I have this right, Mike?
As usual Dave, you are spot on.
After McPherson all sorts of things were implemented to “protect Flag” (the most effective of which — ban Misacvige from setting foot on the property was not done). This included implementing cast in stone orders that nobody with any terminal illness could be on the premises, nobody with any serious physical condition that could cause them to die on the property could be there and no “Type III’s” (which was in fact an LRH directive BEFORE McPherson was there). The interpretation of all of these categories is of course open to massive aleration and whim. But believe me, everyone at the Flag Land Base goes overboard on the side of caution. It is legendary what happened to those who had been involved in the McPherson fisaco — the two RTC Reps (Angi Trent and Rikki Galbiatti) were banished to potwasher Gold and permanent RPF in ANZO respectively, Alain Kartuzinski was made the crew laundry in charge at the Hacienda and died of a broken thetan. And there were others. So, its better to be safe than sorry — Flag sends ANYONE who is even marginally questionable to its shadow org in Tampa (manned primarily by Flag public and delivering primarily to Flag rejects).
This is probably worthy of a post all in itself if I could ever find the time to put it together.
When I was auditing at Tampa FDN Org in 2006 & 2007, almost all of my pc’s were from Clearwater. They were either there as Flag rejects or going for the cheaper prices. Since DM shortened the grades at Flag and not at Tampa, it became cheaper to get auditing at Flag. Thus, Tampa FDN was absolutely dead when I went back to help in 2011 and 2012 and the main auditing was doing home visits on a Saturday.
Wow — that is interesting info Sheldon. “Home visits”.
And this is the “model Ideal Org” located in the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth.
Somehow I just don’t think this Ideal Org program is working….
Sheldon, And what did “home visits on Saturday” consist of? Was it just “come back in to the org? Or was it bringing a meter and auditing them on something?
Sorry, I meant the main auditor, not auditing – was doing home visits. He didn’t have any pc’s, so he and another went to former pc’s homes in Clearwater trying to get them to get more auditing at Tampa. Also, he had to go out with another so he wouldn’t get overwhelmed .
Also, last year when I was being “handled” by ship missionaries, I was told the reason Tampa was not doing well was because they hadn’t executed their IDEAL ORG NON-EXISTENCE program yet. I was amazed that he actually admitted that Tampa wasn’t doing well.
Well, good luck with that program. Hard to imagine the church’s PR being worse than it is in the Tampa Bay area.
Find out what is needed and wanted: Shut it Down Now! — oh, it’s already empty, oh then, never mind.
ha ha ha. Good one Steve
Interesting Sheldon. I was recently told by a CLV org staff member, whose org is in the process of going Ideal, that the reason their org is doing poorly (lost 50% of staff, insolvent, etc) was because they were executing their Int Management Program wrong. This was the “why” given to the org staff by the CLO.
This seems to be the position taken by management – Nothing wrong with the strategy or underlying business concepts – YOU just aren’t doing it right.
I just love how Int Mgmt assumes that non-E is the correct opening formula for each new org. Hey, OSA, please clue the Dwarf in to fact that in any given area, THE NEW BUILDING WHICH HOUSES THE SCIENTOLOGY ORG may be in Non-E, but the ORG is not! See, there’s a difference: a building is a building, and A Scientology Organization is a Scientology Organization. Some word clearing should help. Because, OSA, there is NOT ONE SCientology Organization which is in a condition any higher than Liability, and I’m being optimistic here.
Mike, thanks for more info on how overboard flag is on security. It is another wrong-targeting that SP’s do. The target is not the person such as Lisa, but the correct target is the massive out tech she had run on her. Instead of banishing everyone who was involved with Lisa McPherson, to RPF , how about dong a full folder FES and then cramming all involved to get their tech corrected, even He Who Must Not Be Named. That way good tech terminals are not wasted, but are corrected and rehabilitated the right way. On a personal note, I know several public on OT VII who are not allowed to stay in any Flag hotels because one had one epilepsy incident in her entire life and has it controlled with drugs, and another had a heart valve put in, was in perfect health after that but still not allowed in the hotels, and another had a heart attack years ago and was in good health now, but not allowed in hotels. But they did allow them to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to Flag. They have not yet discovered cooties on money.
Yes Jane, they COULD cram, audit, word clear everyone involved with a bad cycle but that would mean Qual existed and had some teeth. Someone would have to have the actual knowledge and experience to confidently handle cases. Qual should be at the forefront of an org, as a self correcting machine, that brings technical quality higher and higher. The org could actually make case gain like a person, and be in itself, a beautiful example of higher level existence, that we strive for by participating in Scn. I went to Flag for the first time in 2006 and found Qual to be asleep, needing orders, cowed, fearful and degraded. I believe the tape is “The Org Board and Livingness” where LRH talks about the necessity of Qual for a group to survive. The stripping of the authority of Qual is another major milestone in the dismantling of the insane with lots and lots of cooties. Btw, I have many friends without bodies, I don’t judge.
Hallie Jane, good post. And I also have observed the same thing about Flag Qual. And as it degraded more and more, Qual became another registrar. Instead of helping you find your words, false data stripping you or flying cramming ruds before a cram etc, they were regging people to “stay at Flag and do such and so service”, “stay and get onto VII” and all sorts of stuff. So now Qual has been strong-armed into being a reg, which is someone else’s post. All posts collapsed into being registrars.
Thank God the dollar can’t have a heart attack! It would ruin CO$.
+ 1
What’s ironic is that only those who now frequent Flag – staff or public – are the delusional cases by reason of their suppressive reasonableness.
Yes, delusional. They believe that DM is the new and improved LRH.
“Those who had been involved in the McPherson fiasco” I guess that doesn’t include him right. He needs no discipline or correction or training He is above it all His utter magnificence itself should be enough for any who are wondering about that.
I guess that doesn’t include him right. He needs no discipline or correction or training He is above it all
I can remember hearing someone from the Apollo once tell a group of us staff about LRH receiving standard word clearing, and how he went through all the same manifestations as any other human being with an M/U. Everyone laughed when this person related LRH’s cognition and VGIs at the end of that session.
The Security Badges that everyone will get will probably have some suitable 1984ish friendly quote on them!
yea, do more writing on Flag’s reject crowd control.
And did you post the FSO weekly GI range of recent months?
Flag does not have any problem regging for services (even if they know that they will not deliver).
Thanks Mike and Dave – this is a great subject to discuss. The fleecing of the illegal PC!
I have heard so many stories of people allowed to start the Bridge at the small Orgs. These Orgs know they are “illegal” but are instructed to let them start. Eventually, they are regged for services from Flag and they will put tons of money on account. The Org gets the commission. Win-Win?
They will get in the auditing chair at Flag for a short session (just enough to debit their intensive) and then routed back to the MAA to be told “sorry, you are an illegal PC” and cannot be on the base. Flag keeps the money.
Nice church? What a scam!
I personally know someone who is being jerked around just like this by Flag. Flag will never audit this person but this person is retains this person theoretically as a public in order to get straight donos and attendance at events.
Mike, I and we know how busy you are and yet you take the time to post these awesome kick-ass articles that help shed light on the evil criminality of Co$ and DM. It is helping the lurkers come out and helping the outies decompress and helping the press and is eroding the foundation of Davie’s empire. So thank you for all you do from the bottom of my heart!
So………….. beings visiting from the outside is delusional and beings stuck on the inside is not? I Gotta think that one through!
This is EXACTLY what happened with my wife. She had some case issues that our local Org couldn’t handle. We go to Flag, and after being on base for about 4 days with my wife (I was auditing, and she was waiting to hear what they were going to do for her), they call me into the MAA’s office to tell me my wife has to leave the base now. I said “now?”, and they said “yes, now.” Granted we had already been there for 4 days. By the way, this was about 9:45 at night when we got this news.
My wife was so fucking keyed in by this. Imagine, she is at Flag who is advertised as the bill of goods who can handle any case. Nope, we have to pack our bags and leave at 10pm that night.
I finally found out that my wife’s initial OCA “looked like” Lisa McPhersons’s OCA. Ya know the reactive bank sees the similarities and there you go.
My wife never got over that, and couldn’t understand why they offloaded her.
Oh Tom they lied to her. And you. What really happened is they ran a credit check. You were maxed out.
Seriously though, to “get in” the Church these days, there has to be nothing wrong with you when you arrive. Standards have gotten very high.
You know, someone here commented on the ripping off of illegal pcs by getting their money, debiting one short session, and then routed to MAA to be told illegal. That is something that you can sue over, a similar case to the Garcias. It is taking your money and promising to use it to do a certain purpose, and then telling you you don’t qualify for that purpose. I say that some of these illegal pcs that had that done band together for a class action lawsuit. The more lawsuits we can bring, the more media attention and hopefully it will bring on more investigations and the final shutting down of DM. Anyone else think it is lawsuit material?
You are 100 % spot on. I went to Flag to have my case cracked. After doing the end of endless int rundown, PTS rundown and CS53 to which I was VGI’s I was pulled in to redo more CS53. I then told the CS that the reason I was holding myself down was that I had a cognition on the one thing that was bugging me. I had been a very evil person at one point and destroyed every thing and one that got in my way. Innocently I thought that this was the type of cognition that one was supposed to have at Flag and if anywhere could deal with it it was Flag. Within 30 mins my bags were packed for me and I was told to go home. As I had a 900 mile drive ahead of me you could say I was a little spun in. The program I was a PAB 6. Step one was to spit at things in the yard and throw rocks. WTF. I just origionated the biggest thing in my life and I am sent home to throw rocks! Oh and I was “no longer qualled for Flag (after dropping for three intensives.) until I had done this program and redo objectives.) Of course the only place to to them properly at the time was Flag! I did them at Atlanta and go some good wins.
Now that I was re qualled to go back to Flag I had a new CS.
This is so fucked up….gross out tech. There you are, originating, trying to take responsibility for a naughty lifetime and they just blow you off!?! Their confront is unbelievably low and apparently they don’t understand, that the purpose of the org and their JOB is to handle your case. There are no dog pcs. Find a nice, high confront, indie auditor and handle whatever you want.
Years ago during the 90s I had a friend who was at Flag. He got blown out after a session and was standing by a window inside the Fort Harrison, probably as few floors up, and said “I think I can fly”. meaning his spirit.
He was escorted off Base and was never allowed to return to Flag. This guy was a very good Eye Doctor. He was pissed.
No Flag Public that he knew to go to Flag from his area of the woods anymore. (West Coast)
“The MAA listened to the reasons I relayed to her, and she told me that this public still would not allow her on the base. And she did give me the reason why – because this particular public was “delusional” – in other words, this person had told her auditors that she had spiritual beings without bodies visiting her, and that this occurred regularly.”
This is such utter out-tech bullshit. The MAA said that it is “delusional” to communicate with spiritual beings unless they have a body? Um. That is just mind-boggling because her statement conflicts with so many statements that LRH has made to the contrary. So, let me get this straight. If one communicates with a being who does not have a body, then one is “delusional”? Really? One wonders how much of her own time track this MAA had examined in her own personal auditing. Had she ever read A History of Man or the Creation of Human Ability? Did she understand the Theta-Mest theory?
Actions like this is why Flag has become the Mecca of Technical Degradation.
And by the way, here is a quote from LRH in one of the Clearing Congress Films that shows what HE thought and how concerned he was about such things:
Someone in the audience had asked LRH,
“What does Scientology think about ghosts?”
Ron’s answer was,
” Have YOU ever been a ghost”…….”well, I have and I’m not ashamed to admit it either ! ”
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
So I suppose that the millions/billions of people of the world’s major religions who pray to God, Allah, or some non-corporal Supreme Being are in effect delusional, per Flag. And the Church of Scientology is the group which will Clear The Planet. Righto.
From Science of Survival: “The individual who simply turns to the theta universe and perceives there certain visionary things is not necessarily aberrated at all, but may simply be high on theta perceptics.” and definition of theta perceptics: “Communication with the theta universe. Such perceptics may include hunches, predictions, ESP at greater and lesser distances, communication with the ‘dead,’ perception of the Supreme Being, etc.”
Years ago, I read in an Advance mag an OT PHENOMENA SUCCESS STORY wherein a woman was visited in her house by a disembodied being who tried to scare her by mocking itself up as an ancient Egyptian god. She sent this being packing. So, these days that could get her banished from Flag??!! I know a number of OT’s who have told of being visited by a “dead” person. Now that’s a Flag no no??!! Sick, sick, sick.
It is probably driving DM crazy that everything he says at weekly graduations get leaked to Mike. He’s trying to stop those leaks. The form probably asks where are they on lines, what course are they on, when was their last auditing action, what was it, where was it, are they volunteering, where and doing what? If they haven’t been on the meter in a while or they aren’t on course they will be pulled in for a metered interview. I heard recently that if you go into the Flag AO for ANY reason you must be on a Routing Form and if you are not on one already you are put on one and the first stop is the MAA for an interview. Lots of people under the radar and more asking “what is really going on with this church?” Paranoia strikes deep.
Outstanding article, Mike.
This actually amazes me. Time was when we were not only encouraged but nagged to bring guests to events. There were drills offered to help get people to come. I remember for a while there were dress codes – we were told to dress up in “black tie” for events, which I would do, and then, at the event I would notice a number of attendees in jeans, sneakers and tee shirts. When I queried why they were let in if there was a dress code I was told that these were guests and that what was important was that they were attending the event, and not their attire. Point being, the emphasis then was definitely on getting new people in. Now, it appears that the emphasis is on keeping people out. The stable datum now appears to be that both new people as well as on-lines people are considered at best suspect and at worst outright dangerous to the survival of the Church of Scientology. People are now guilty until proven innocent. What a mindset for a group whose purported mission is the Clear The Planet! Of course, there are indeed moles and people under the radar, and, of course, the heightened security will be explained as necessary because there’s so much expansion that the SPs are going crazy and trying to bring them down, etc. etc., same ole BS.
But, here’s what I thinK: iI the Church were really flourishing and prospering they would have neither the time nor the inclination to worry about moles because there would be too many people wanting service. If the Church were not broadcasting so many lies to its parishioners, if the whole thing were not such a shell game and if the Church were really helping people, really expanding they wouldn’t have to be paranoid, and indeed, they would just shrug at their detractors if they paid any attention to them at all, as they would be crazy busy just providing the real help that is real Scientology.
This news tells me that he must have heard my plan for getting protesters inside the tent. After the success we had in getting the Sun reporters in last year he had to take notice. Damn, I need to keep my big mouth shut more often.
Epa, bro! My seester can geet you as many copees as you want. Very leegeetamit, $50 bucks first 10, $450 bucks for a hundred. I have cell phones, too. You want lapel-cam? Really cool. Latests model FBI.
Seems DM is “circling the wagons” and the FLB is becoming his Alamo. He has been there a long time now. Doing weeky graduations and briefings, skipping the Freewinds Maiden Voyage and pulling it over to Clearwater, moving the IAS event, tent and all to Clearwater. This is unprecedented. He is now going to ignite all his fanfare and fireworks for the Greatest Show On Earth. The finally arrived, long anticipated and awaited, biggest thing to hit the galaxy ever…. The SUPERPOWER building!!
Once that fart airs out after a few months, where can he go next? Will he ever ever ever go back to his LA haunts? The Int base? Freewinds? Saint Hill?
JB — very astute observation.
This is Custard’s Last Stand.
Consolidate everything at Flag and create the biggest hype ever. He doesnt really have any choice. He can see it all slipping away. He KNOWS what the real stats are. He reads the media and knows the days of a free pass are long gone. He looks at the legal cases that are pending and knows they are not going away quietly. He looks around and sees nobody left who is competent to do anything to change the inevitable course of events. So, he knows he has to do it all himself.
He has been running on “sets and props” exclusively for years (the ONLY things happening are his elaborately staged events, fancy repackaged materials and purchase of buildings) and it to some extent worked. But he knows to keep the sheeple believing in his magnificence he has to keep making it bigger and better. So, now He is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at it in a last push for rah-rah “everything is wonderful, isnt it the BEST TIME EVER to be a Scientologist” bs.
And when, as you so elegantly put it, that fart airs out after a few months — what next? He is going to have to try to buy the Vatican or Empire State Building and turn them into “Ideal Orgs” or something to keep the facade going.
The only thing that is absolutely certain is that with NO SUBSTANCE the game runs out sooner or later. You can keep building bigger and bigger sets and props. But it cannot go on forever.
Eventually the Emperor is revealed for what he really is. Naked, alone and defeated.
How long will the Super Power hype last? If it is anything like previous releases (e.g. KTL, LOC, The Basics, etc), it tends to spike in the first 6-9 months, then slowly starts to peter out, and eventually becomes a faded memory.
Of all the onlines, active Scnists, how many will be able to afford Super Power, travel costs, accomos, etc? Add to that, that new people coming into Scn is in the toilet, resulting in no new Scnists being made, his target public is quite limited (not to mention vets being declared, disconnection and general disaffection).
I wouldn’t be surprised that within five years Super Power delivery becomes nearly non-existent. And any space allocated for its delivery will be converted into exec offices or another cafe. I think DM knows this hence the name change from The Super Power Building to The Flag Delivery Building.
From a general business perspective, investing $140 million in a facility that has such a small, decreasing market is just bonkers. This is independent of any results people may receive from doing the rundown, which I suspect will fall short of the superman hype. Super Power may quickly become a purely optional action.
It was crowd-funded, not invested.
Sounds like the Wizard of Oz when the dog ran and pulled the curtain and all was revealed. “Eventually the Emperor is revealed for what he reall is. Naked, alone and defeated.” And small.
Perfect summary.
When you get at least a dozen calls a week for money from one or another arm of the church, unannounced home visits from the IAS who won’t leave until you cough, constantly tied up by reges of one sort after course or session … WISE self-entitlement to 10% of your earnings, OTC instances for cornerstone donations … you are pretty much forced to leave. Had they put up mini-AOs all over the place and knock off reging for anything other than courses and auditing, I’m sure Scn Inc. would be bursting at the seams by now. Why they have been able to run with this money machine for so long and get away with it is still a mystery to me. But it catches up at some point.
Mike, you thoughtfully point out that “The only thing that is absolutely certain is that with NO SUBSTANCE the game runs out sooner or later. You can keep building bigger and bigger sets and props. But it cannot go on forever.”
As I see it, once his fancy buildings inevitably fail to bring in lasting change, Dave’s final move will be to try to artificially create substance. He will have to create bogus OT levels… that’s really the only card he has left if the fancy building strategy fails. Of course, this is no substance either… and that will truly be the end.
Or, to put it as JB does, we are down to a couple farts left. The window is open, the sun is shining, and the air is clearing.
Custard’s Last Stand? Was that an intentional typo? LOL!
Maybe the plan is to retire the Freewinds, and refit it as a get-away craft for DM to bug-out in.
(I don’t think that he understands the Indie iceberg in his way.)
I would love to know what is on the form that was passed around. The questions could also be quite telling. What church requires ID tags for entrance?! I wonder if this is something that will, “having proved to be so successful”, filter down to the other orgs as well. Maybe they should start selling dog collars to go with the ID tags.
It would be more secure if the tag was stapled into the parishioner’s ear, like cattle and sheep ear tags.
And if you bring a “wog friend” to an event, will they be let in? Aren’t we supposed to be disseminating? Maybe they’ll just give us shock collars like in the flop of a movie, “Battlefield Earth” and when you don’t stand up and clap like a clubbed seal, you get a shock in your collar. Hmm, maybe I should market this and sell it to Davie.
Insane, crazy, paranoid, sad, …….words that come to mind!!!
Carol, can be summed up through one more……Miscavige!
The most controlling church in the world just stepped it up another notch.
I’m guessing that all Scientologists will soon be wearing or carrying something similar to be used for security on entering all events, maybe even eventually with a chip which will record a person’s attendance at events, which they can then be “called on” if they miss any. I haven’t bee in an org for about 7 years now, but I bet people that do enter who are not recognized are given some sort of “mini interrogation” just to make sure they are not …… well, an “undesirable” if you get my flow.
Joe, They actually were dong that at Flag, especially the Sandcastle a number of years back. Even before Anonymous started protesting. When I went from being blonde to brunette I had a security guard interrogate me because he didn’t recognize me. Then he realized who I was and let me carry on. They monitor all entrances at all the buildings to make sure the “undesirables” do not slip by.
Yep, I was stopped in the Sandcastle parking lot a few years back. My then Lifetime Membership card got me through.
I remember in the late 90s the people on 5/6/7 all had badges. Same with the ship. I don’t expect anyone ‘in’ will even raise an eyebrow over this, the explanation is so reasonable, “security”; keep the bad hats out.
The joke is that the situation is so out of control that OSA has no way to know who is and who isn’t with the “Miscavige Program”. This is true even for Flag staff, forget about the Scientology public. Could Dave’s wife or sister even get a “pass”. When I talk to Scientology public from Clearwater I’m always amazed to the extent Miscavige and OSA have lost control. Good luck on trying to properly tag the dumb sheep from the smart sheep.
So much for my idea to quietly slip into the new building unnoticed.
Drat I so wanted to see those slime tables and spinning machines.
Guess I’ll have to wait until the buildings are all into receivership … when will that be actually?