Sorry, circumstances have conspired against the Thursday Funnies today, I shall try to prepare them for Saturday, but even that is not a certainty.
Meanwhile, some fascinating news from inside the bubble…
The big news is or the little stats variety. I am sure scientology would hype this like they hyped Dave’s “medal” that has now been disowned by the Colombian Govt. It will fool some bubble dwellers, but for the rest of the world, this is pretty startling.
Remember, they have been promising the release of OT IX and X now for more than 20 YEARS.
They have been pushing, HARD, to get all OT VIII’s “prepared” for OT IX and X.
And here we have evidence of how well this is going.
Only 2345 of these poor fools have redone their Purif and SRD.
But just 1686 did the “new” Student Hat.
Just over 1000 have been conned into redoing the Solo Auditor Course for the third time.
And the grand total of people on planet earth ready for OT IX and X — 30 years after OT VIII was unleashed upon the world? 762.
In that 30 years there have been as many OT VIII’s as Oscar winners.
There is a good chance at this point that this number is actually DECREASING by the year as more of the older OT VIII’s “drop their body” and move on, never to be heard from again (you know in all the years of scientology, not a single person has ever returned to claim their pc fiolders from their last life — nobody has walked into an org and said “Hey, I was Joe Blow and I was OT VIII #73 and I discarded my body on June 17th 1994 and I am ready to continue on up the Bridge… What? There is no Bridge to continue on?” Not even L. Ron Hubbard has returned to finish his work of Clearing the Planet. Instead, he went off to fail to Clear “Target 2.”
Pretty soon they are going to have to downsize the Freewinds.
This is the ultimate indicator of the real size of scientology. Scientology claims to be in “more than 200 nations” and if you take them at their word (silly, I know, they lie about everything) then this means on average there are less than 3 people per country who have made it to the top of the Bridge and are ready to progress to even higher states of status and grander certificates.
If it is true that the “tech works 100% of the time” — how do you explain this?
I learned at a young age that ANY belief systems are there to mind fuck people. They are used as control systems by governments to control people since time immemorial. Where ever there are belief systems like ideology or spirituality, it throws up a red flag.
Bawaaaaaaah a snippet of OT VI course materials copied verbatim (fair use act:
“When you talk about telepathy, there is a proximity factor. When a thetan is pressed straight up against another thetan very tight, total tactile communication, you get this type of mental transmission. You can achieve it by reaching, when there is no tactile. You have to reach your attention a considerable distance. You can do it. An example of this is where two guys who are in relatively good shape start putting postulates at the same point on a wall that’s maybe twenty feet away in front of them when they’re sitting side by side. And they start putting postulates at a certain preconceived spot on the wall. Both of them will perceive a bzbzbzbzzzzz of sort of little energy explosions. Not small – maybe 3 or 4 feet wide and a couple of feet high. It’s when they both did it simultaneously. Two postulates will collide in the same exact place in the mest universe and go bzzzzzzt. It will happen; that’s at a distance. But apparently there’s such a thing as a tactile. After all you realize the amount of mass that is connected with a BT – he’s massed up. You put an impulse into that mass and the mass is up against the body – you put an impulse into the body it goes into that mass. The BT can respond. Unwittingly, unknowingly, totally at effect. Makes him hard to handle, by the way. That’s how you can make them run an Incident I and an Incident II. They just run it willy nilly. They can’t help themselves. And it as-ises in the bank and that normal phenomena takes place and they go bzzzzzt, unless you yourself have put up a ridge with anger or emotion or something of the sort. I know some guys try to do it vocally or something stupid. What’s interesting is the number of BTs that have strings into the body. You think they blow and they still have a connection – beams.”
Yep! L Ron Hubbard wrote that and hundreds more pages just like it claiming it all to be THE TRUTH. He was A PSYCHO on steroids. And Scientology wants you to believe this CRAP is real! Secrets of the Universe revealed. To you ???
Shazaaam, This is a hugely important quote from Hubbard on “body-thetans” which really needs an academic comparative paper that goes into a full detailed Hubbard slant on the “soul” and on “body-thetans” and the interplay of the two. Scientology’s beliefs are so important to summarize correctly, and Hubbard and thus the movement following his lead, failed and continually fails to provide the outside world a proper simple well written accurate full description. The job of defining Scientology and the soul and “body-thetan” interplay, and the “therapy/exorcism” of Hubbard’s Scientology “Bridge” is what the subject of Scientology really is. Plus sadily, Hubbard’s incapability and thinking that shackles the movement followers both inside and in the freer ex-official-Scientology “freezone” and independent part of Scientology.
For all my years having left Scientology, this problem of there NOT being a simpler better stated definition of the soul and “body-thetan” part of Scientology, and compared simply to the history of the “soul” in human history and in use today, and comparatively laid out, to me, that is what I wholly expected when I finally quit Scienotlogy and began rummaging around as a layman trying to find how “we” stacked up honestly, in world history as a “soul” practice.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. **startle. snort*** What? Oh yeah, go on.
Seriously, how do you even read all that crap?
You can tell Hubbard wrote that gibberish “and so on and so forth”. You’d think a published author would have a somewhat better command of phrasing, nevermind the information (I say that tongue in cheek ?) to be had in the piece. It’s an eye squinter lol!
“If it is true that the “tech works 100% of the time” — how do you explain this?”
All the OT files online at Wikileaks! Glad I didn’t have to spend $400,000 and 20+ years of my life for the pleasure of rooting through them. Here, you can enjoy them too! All 612 pages of Hubbard freaking insanity.
Downsizing the FW would be the sane thing to do, but Dwarfenführer MUST HAVE IDEAL FW II, 1,400 feet long, large enough to fit every (actual) scientologist in the world palatial cabins that would be the envy of 1st class on the QE II,etc.etc.etc.
Wow, David Miscavige, you must feel really humiliated now that the whole world knows you created a false medal and had it pinned on you in the biggest douchebag display of douchebaggery ever concocted by a douchebag.
The shame must be immense. But you are in good comp[any, aren’t you? The old man himself, king of the conmen, LRH also stole valor and invented heroism he never had.
This is your leader, scientologists. Enjoy yourselves.
They will never know it’s fake. All they know is Columbia gave their leader a great big medal. Remember, they aren’t allowed to read entheta or think bad thoughts about their glorious cob
interesting: Scientology claims to be in “more than 200 nations”, yet a quick search yielded that there are 195 countries; 193 in the U.N., and two non-member observers, the holy see and Palastinian state. Why lie on such a meaningless subject. Of course, once they read this, they’ll be saying they’re in every nation on EARTH! —with many exclams— even most of the actual ex-clams are reading this now and can see the lie.
They’ll never learn. They aren’t allowed to and wouldn’t, in some cases, even if given leave to, given their self-censoring skills.
To be fair they never said all the countries they had infiltrated are on Earth. huckster’s been busy on Target 2, you know.
How can they continue to fool themselves? This is a shrinking empire, no matter what flowery?, shiny ? Shermanspeak they use. As is on their infomercial channel.
OT=Off Topic (not Operating Thetan). :
You don’t need to have been in an abusive cult to have real compassion for the victims of Scientology. Many of us have known loved ones and friends, even acquaintances, affected by Co$,
We see the lives/families/finances destroyed by Co$. We care.
Mike, is it true that there are 10 untold stories for every one told on Scientology and the Aftermath? We all see that you cancelled the episode with the accusers of Danny Masterson. Why play ball with the LAPD? Did they ever prove that Shelly is actually okay? LAPD actively protects and defends Scientology, Not the general public, as is their duty. Show the episode as a bonus to season 3, if the LADA hasn’t taken any action by then. Scores of cases have been successfully tried after publicity. Take off the kid gloves. Co$ did so, long ago.
Something Can Be Done About It. Please urge people to write to in the disclaimers of “Scientology and the Aftermath”. Thanks!
Is it true your dog was declared suppressive, and your neighbor’s ? disconnected from him?
Thank you for caring. I’d say there are a thousand such stories for each one on the Aftermath. The Aftermath is only a small sampeling and I suspect the worse of the worse we will never see or hear because the victim is silent.
What you may have heard said is for each one who speaks out, there are a hundred more.
The LAPD passed the donkey ball to the DAs office. It’s up to the DAs office for nearly a year now iirc.
It was Aaron Smith-Levin that has the SP dog.
the proper ratio is definitely not 1000s for each Aftermath story. There were never that many “in” the organization far enough to be badly affected.
Nope Jere, AOLA alone had 2,000 different active members in the org in each and every week for most of late 1980s. FSO had far more. If there were 200,000 active members and now there are 20-30k then there are 170-180k that have blown off and it’s not all from their overts.
Also Jere, for every 1 that leaves and is disconnected you must count the wogs and never-ins that are harmed.
You’re OT8 and you STILL haven’t fully gotten the three barriers to study ??????? … Uhm … that kinda makes sense …ok, not really … so you and your supes all false attested on all your previous checksheets and qual missed all of this … quite a system … so you had mu’s on all the OT levels … Hmmm …
Yep, I’ve got a couple of 8s in the family. What they do best is hide. Poor as church mice they are and they never mention Scientology. Their other noticeable trait is that they no longer go to the Cof$, AT ALL, for anything except strategically donating to CCHR (which keeps them in good standing and in the long run is cheaper for them). I think they are lost somewhere between slavery, stupidity, loyalty to ambitions past and avoiding a truth so devastating it makes a cold, dark & damp crevice a great option. Nothing like snuggling under a rock to make the world a better place.
Damn that’s sad! Just heartbreaking. I guess better to see the truth sooner rather than later. I don’t know
Oh, Scientology doesn’t have a monopoly on ‘stupid,’ but that is all it peddles. Its business model is always one of abject failure for the recipient, that is standard tech to them. Super hero nights, fast food and never before released wonders grace the minds and souls of Scientologists. Yes, it’s sad, just like Japanese scientific whaling research – it’s all bad for the whales!
IYawnalot – Please say your church-mouse-poor family 8s at least have some Social Security, plus a few assets put away for their elder years.
The abuses the COS heaps upon people in all eras of life bothers me terribly. Squeeze people into a mold when they’re young, squeeze them dry all through their adult years, then squeeze the dessicated husks into a dumpster in their old age. What a religion.
That is the heartbreaking bit – they are into their 70s and have no assets – zip! Even their business was stripped to “fund” their bridge. There is not enough in social security to effect a retirement. So they work, work & work just to put food on the table. They think otherwise but they are both bat shit crazy and still guzzle the kool-aide in their heads. I have no idea what state of deprivation has to evolve with them for them to realize they took a wrong turn with Scientology. I’m glad I’m half a planet away from them now.
Thanks for the details of that unfortunately sad story. I think it is all too common in Scientology, and is likely to be the next big scandal to hit as a big wave of members and staff who joined as young boomers, age out and end up in dire straits. I’m hoping that’s something Aftermath is going to cover this season….
On a related topic, over on The Bunker someone posted sets of pictures of the West Valley mission recently featured here. The franchisee’s printing business that it has moved in with, apparently uses rental trucks, probably meaning that it has been “stripped” of assets and they don’t have their own delivery trucks, and might even be forced to pick up paper themselves from suppliers and pay on the spot. Also, one evening there were three cars parked in front of the separate entryway for the mission, but the next night there were none when their posted hours show they are supposed to be open – fairly typical from what I’ve seen.
Incredible, Yawn. “Hiding”. HIDING!!!!!! Cowed, fearful, poor. Under the cherch’s thumb. What a crappy life! I ask you, what in the name of fuck is “OT” about that?
Oh, but wait!!! (They’ll tell you) WAIT! They ARE OT. Yessirree, they sho is. See that cert on the wall! There’s your proof, hanging up right there, it says so right there !!!
I yawn….you described the OT 8 ‘s here ….the few still alive
I don’t think this is that uncommon in this church. They might not be 8, but the hiding in plain view – yup – not that uncommon.
Look, the tech works, but not on humans, only vegetables like moi. Soon mankind will be my slaves and all women will swoon at my roots. Or so promised LRH.
When you see the first number of 2345, then you know something is screwy. What are the odds of that combination coming up out of all the combinations combined. Whoever put that number down is still cleaning toilets with a toothbrush. But the good news is that only 38 more people need to get their credit card limits raised to the max, 5th house mortgage signed, 401K empitied, and kids college fund emptied to get ready.
I am not nor ever have been a member of Scientology or for that matter any religious cult or church. Am like many incredibly saddened over what Hubbard and Mctavish have forced (what I must assume are) genuine ‘life growth seekers’ to endure all these years. Here’s my question: If Mctavish is the heir to Hubbards throne, he must??? have achieved that highest stature being sold to Scientology members, no? And wouldn’t he be the “One” (sic) to demonstrate – without a shadow of a doubt – the merits of the steps to achieving that ‘Nirvana like State’ – instead of threats, intimidation, imprisonment, slave labor and all the other incredulous crimes he has and continues to commit against members? I know I’m asking a stupid question, but continue to remain dumbfounded over what has and is taking place with this obvious brainwashed cult. Know also, a longstanding friend was recruited into the Moonies around the same time Scientology came on the scene. We luckily were able to have him “Deprogrammed” – had to trick him into spending a weekend with his childhood friends and a deprogrammer. Thankfully it worked. Am still stunned that Mctavish has not been arrested, sigh. Wishing you all my heartfelt best and a million thanks for all you are doing to help free those still caught in the grips of these monsters.
Mike wrote: “If it is true that the “tech works 100% of the time” — how do you explain this?”
Answer: Ahhhhh…..ummmmm….errrrrrrr…. I’ll get back to you on that.
“And the grand total of people on planet earth ready for OT IX and X — 30 years after OT VIII was unleashed upon the world? 762.”
Is Dave one of those 762?
I do wonder just how many of these true believers ever ask to see Miscavige’s wins on the SRD.
” If it is true that the “tech works 100% of the time” — how do you explain this?”
Here goes……..
1) The Eee Pee of Oh Tea Ate is ‘truth revealed’ as I recall. Could be different but I think that was about it.
2) Those that actually completed are here on this blog or close by because after ‘getting it’, you would not stick around for any further mental masturbation from such an idiot as Cee Oh Bee.
3)Therefore, those 762 or 2345 (or how ever many really exist) ‘false attests’ are the only public left to get to do anything. And the poor sods will be required to do a refresher before starting Oh Tea Niner due to the time lapse.
Yo Dave,
I’ve got an idea for yer next level good buddy…………….. It involves some sand. Ya see if you can find the right island in the Carribean (protected of course by yer Columbian officials who dole out medals) and get it set up ideally then You could sell it as the next gradient after completing the pole running thingy at Flog.
It would go something like ‘The Cause Expansion Rundown’ where you have a small apple box next to a large sand pile surrounded by ocean off the the crossroads of the world. Then the Oh Tea would vigorously pound sand to a full Eee Pee which would involve the usual VGIs (Very Gradual Intimidation) until they coughed up the last of their assets and then You just sail away Dave.
What’s not to like about that ……………big boy?
Pretty asking that question would lead directly to an expensive and emotionally painful sec check. My guess is people keep their doubts about Sir Pompadour to themselves.
Davy Boy don’t NEED no auditing to be the super being he says he is; and didn’t need no schools to larn all about the real world, how to rite the best English of any around him, far better than folks who have made a living writing, didn’t have to study no SHSBC and above to start correcting the Senior CS INT, designated by LRH, hisself, as keeper of the tek. Dwarfenführer’s hubris knows no limits. He’s SO sure of himself that I’d never dive with him as my dive buddy; he’d deny that the “bends” really exist, or some such, and put both of us in danger. Yeah, it’s only a body, but I’ve gotten pretty attached to this one in 65 years; AND dying of the bends or drowning HURTS, and breaking in a new body is a time-consuming PITA. I avoid hitting myself with a hammer for about the same reason: I’m not a fan of unnecessary pain.
I feel bad for these few that still run on the hamster wheel.
Well, it keeps them in good shape.
Round & round they go, wheeeeee…
That would be a manic wheeeeeeeeeeeee.
I think id rather be a hamster…lol. Better food than the hole..
Where they stop, nobody knows.
You have to think they are deluded or disgusted. How many times can they be made to pay to repeat the same stuff over and over and over?
Not as a wisecrack but as a serious answer to your question, smorbie: For as long as they’re willing to pay to repeat the same stuff over and over and over.
You’ll notice that Miscavige always has SOMETHING he’s changing, something he’s discovered that hasn’t been being delivered “standardly”, that he’s fixing so that it is NOW, thanks to him, “just as LRH always intended it”. For as long as he’s alive and in charge there will always be something, some course, some book, some auditing action that he can change around and claim as a New Release, for the Sheeple to redo and pay for, again.
And so long as they’re OK with it, it will continue. I mean really, why not? Its all the Dwarf CAN do. He’s not Source. So all he can do is change what LRH wrote and then claim its NOW the way it always SHOULD have been, etc. etc.
And the Still Innies keep accepting, doing, paying, and we look at them, amazed.
That circus guy said it well: “Never give a sucker an even break”.
At least we bitter defrocked types only got taken once or twice before we wised up!
Number of through equals MO MONEY ?
My guess is that it’s pretty hard to get any motivation to re-re-re-re do the damn student hat when you know that after you finish it, even if you do make it anywhere near OTVIII, you will find out that you “get” to start at the bottom a few more times before you are going to get anywhere near OTVIII where you have at least a 50/50 chance of blowing.
They seem to rely on the Student Hat, Suvival Run Down & and the Purif. And I’m pretty sure they do it more than 3 times.
If “Source” has been dead for 30+ years, who is writing OT 9 and 10? I thought “Source” was IT, the ONLY font of knowledge. How could any mere mortal presume to fill his smelly shoes?
Miss Q, you should read the original OT8, where Hubbard says he’s actually Lucifer. And that Jesus was a lover of young boys, and prone to fits of violence. Seriously.
I’ve seen parts. Where can I read that OSD?
I have a copy of it somewhere in my garage (I think). But, Mike probably knows where you might be able to get one. Let me know if you find one.
At this point I’m not sure. I had a huge party at my place years ago for those who are out. I’ll look around my garage.
Better advice to Miss Q; this version of “OT8” he is talking about was a completely made up piece of hogwash invented by some joker. I bet even he can’t believe now that idiots actually believe the story.
I know you keep saying this. But there is no doubt George White WAS one of the early OT VIII’s and he says this IS what he saw.
You proof that it isn’t is your assertion that it “cannot be” because it is “ridiculous” but I could list out a whole bunch of even more ridiculous things Hubbard said.
You apparently are NOT OT VIII. You don’t even have a name. And certainly have not put forward what the “real” OT VIII is.
So, what is the basis of your opinion given the Xenu story, not enough smoking causes cancer, Hubbard visiting the Van Allen belt, Fourth and Fifth Invaders, space stations on Mars etc etc etc?
There is no doubt that Hubbard’s Occult “Student Briefing” was on the original OT VIII as you have outlined. I have vivid memories of the event which was thirty years ago on July 17th. How could I forget something so extreme? There is also no doubt that I discussed the document at length with my FSM. He was afraid of “spontaneous combustion” and constantly talked about it before he died. This document was also seen on the Class VIII Auditor’s Course.
Foolproof, if he is a Scientologist, should be studying it for the clues to the secrets of the universe.
Mike, I can thoroughly believe he said it, maybe wrote it somewhere .His little jaunt into A .Crowleys world would make it possible, to my way of thinking I’m sure, towards the last years, Hubbards drug (& liquor? Don’t know about his drinking habits) fueled rantings might have been scribbled on most anything
I have covered this at length before.
1. There is some doubt that “George White” was the original George White. I am a friend of the person who provided the real George with his OTVIII Eligibility Sec Check and he told me that George was already quite old, so this would make the current George about 90 or even 100. “George” looks to be about 75 currently, making him about 45 when he received this in 1988 or 1987.
2. “George” could not remember who gave him his OTVIII Eligibility Sec Check and stated or guessed that he thought it was a woman, which is not the case. I can remember all my (many) auditors and particularly those who have given me important rundowns, as this one would have been.
3. “George” seems to operate under the pseudonym of George White but he is really Polish or has a Polish name, so I have read and more importantly he has stated.
3A. Can George let us know how long he spent on Solo NOTs or is that also a bit “nebulous”?
The above 3.5 points are possible but not really known, but somewhat suspicious. I like detective stories as you may have gathered. However, I continue:
4. No one has ever explained how the most confidential document (if it was true) in Scientology history managed to find its way down the gangplank and off the ship. Since the raid on Copenhagen in 1983 all Advance Courses materials are under strong security. And taken from a ship as well? Somebody’s kidding somebody eh!
5. The document is not even presented as a “debrief” but as the actual document in an “HCOB” form. So if it wasn’t smuggled off the ship (and I think the security people on the ship would keep a tight hold of the actual HCOB), how come it is produced “word for word” IF IT WASN’T MADE UP IN THE FIRST PLACE! Not only that but can George tell us the processes involved. (I have kept a list of those from the 1980s somewhere when I first read this nonsense.)
6. As to the “HCOB”, it is a rather long document (plus the (silly) processes involved) so if it wasn’t smuggled off the ship, to reproduce that perfectly from memory – well, you’d have to be – OTVIII! So either George will now admit to having a perfect memory or the whole thing was made up by some silly or malicious fool, which might include Miscavige (see under).
7. George actually mentioned I think on another blog that the document was “slipped under his cabin door at dead of night in an envelope”. Now this is getting really outlandish! Seems they are a bit lax with confidential materials eh? Where does that appear on an AO Routing Form? Don’t wait for the student to appear in the OTVIII course room but slip a little envelope under his cabin door with the most confidential document in Scientology history (if true)!
8. Hubbard would never contradict existing materials (OTIII) with these comments about Jesus. That in itself is a huge outpoint.
In summary: either this was an April Fool’s version of OTVIII that Miscavige gave to people to see what they would believe, or it was made up by some “malicious swine” (my current favorite phrase) to denigrate Hubbard. Every well-trained auditor I have known (many) all say the document is nonsense.
Lastly, as I have posted here before, there is another ACTUAL 1969 OTVIII HCOB or part of the series thereof, which mentions nothing of the nonsense made up in the document in question. You have already seen this Mike so I do not know why are asking questions about the real OTVIII?
Actually all one has to do is read it and you will have your answer – unless you are a complete fool. So if you all want to carry on believing this crap then good luck. Take care not to spontaneously combust however. Jeez!
So, you sort of responded about how George White is not really George White (though not much of a “Dead Agent” caper, more of a “he seems suspicious to me”) but failed to respond to the two primary questions:
1. What makes this supposed HCOB so unbelievable? You say Hubbard would never contradict existing materials (surely you jest?), specifically OT III with these comments about Jesus? What is the contradiction you are referring to?
2. You did not respond as to whether you had done OT VIII — obviously not because if you had you would have asserted this long ago.
You so often complain here about people with opinions about scientology who have not done scientology. Yet you have no problem offering your opinion about George’s recollection of OT VIII…
And BTW — you do know that the “New” NOT’s materials and Solo NOTs are available on the internet, not just the ones that were stolen from Denmark…
As usual you have ignored most of the salient points I have mentioned and asked one quite pointless question as to the veracity of the document and asked another question which you know very well as to the answer thereof, hoping to obfuscate and avoid my response by the guise of your questions.
And “New” NOTs materials and Solo NOTs available on the Internet? Do you mean the 1991 revisions? Not as far as I know. Please provide a link (other than the Wikipedia one which are not the full materials – or is that what you meant?)
Why does me having done OTVIII or not provide you with some sort of point? George hasn’t done it – certainly with that made up “version”.
You have adroitly avoided all of the points I have made. Can you explain the security issue? The little envelope under the door? The word-for word reproduction? The spontaneous combustion? The actual 1969 HCOB?
Either you actually believe this nonsense or you are using it to further whatever your agenda is. The whole thing was a con, but it was never written by Hubbard.
Foolproof, why don’t you just answer the questions? You don’t answer questions roughly 50% of the time. This is obvious to anyone able to read! You dance around, you change the subject.
Suggestion: more answers, less razzle dazzle, or, if you enjoy razzle dazzling (I know I do, sometimes, because its fun) then couch your answers within the razzle dazzle. You see, if you’d just answer OR be upfront about not wanting to, you’d be trusted. Not necessarily agreed with, mind you, but at the very least, trusted.
We know you’re a very good wordsmith and you’re intelligent and clever. We get it, Foolproof.
Try the Hemingway approach. Simple, declarative sentences when its really important to get a point across. No offense meant. Again, you’re very clever. But you do want to convince the people here of the efficacy of LRH tech, don’t you? I’m assuming that’s your purpose here. Correct me if I’m wrong about that last point.
Mike, White is a simply talking what you want to hear.
The OT VIII you keep going on about was written up by the same psycho who wrote up the unicorn implant bulletin (copy available by request), another load of insane rubbish.
As for OT VIII why would you want to see it?
You have long ago given up on the subject and only want to mock and insult it.
I don’t want to hear anything. I never heard of George awhite before he appeared and I never said I believe his version one way or another.
I AM curious about OT VIII that’s why I would like to see it. Because I don’t believe I can’t see is one of the things that is so silly about Scientology. What school of thought supports that idea?
The document slipped under the door is a totally wrong. I never said the document was slipped under the door. I told Tony Ortega that a gold embossed invitation to do OT VIII was slipped under the door. The Hubbard Luciferian document was presented in the course room on the Freewinds.
I would love to take on your points one by one but it is too late tonight. My original name was Polish – Witek. You can check the records it was changed to White because of family problems and because Scientology dictated that names are spurious.
I will make one comment, however.
Shakespeare once said something like. “Methinks he doth protest too much”. If you are wanting to crack my story so be it. Keep trying and you will bow yourself out. P.S. You are totally missing the entire essence of Scientology. In fact, I am a better Scientologist than you.
Ex-Cope Officer,
I do not not know Mike Rinder. I only met him once very briefly many years ago. I have no reason to say what he wants to hear.
The greatest proof of Hubbard’s OT VIII document is that it fits perfectly with his Occult readings before and after his Crowley period. His son Nibbs also verified his desire to be the anti-Christ. Hey, get over it, hundreds wanted to be the anti-Christ. Also, you have a total, total MU on Lucifer. Being Lucifer is not so bad. You have fallen for the BS thrown at you from extreme fanatical religious groups. Does that ring a bell?
Aw Dude! Sometimes, I think you really don’t want to get into the spirit of things – if Christ did come back again, (1st time was really brief, no earthly agent I guess was willing to handle the reincarnation issue at the time but they did get very inventive later on when the popularity grew so & did the $) imagine how much in royalties he would be owed? Scientology just makes it real easy to feel alone, destitute and has a single, easy to apply solution for any familial or financial problems you may have – disconnect from everything of value in your life. Gives a new slant on the walking dead hey?
Only One!
I think on one of the first few shows Tom Devocht was interviewed by Leah and Mike and he relayed a story about how he would be drinking with Miscavige and Miscavige said he only had LRH’s notes and he had to come up with OT9 and 10 from those notes. Of course I could be completely wrong.
I remember that! And he implied DM admitted he would partly be making it whatever he wanted. I believe that is correct anyway.
Long story. Supposedly, LRH (or David Mayo) had them all written out before he died.
This is an interesting story from Jefferson Hawkins. I tend to believe it is not hyperbole.
Thanks, Valerie. I suggest everyone click on.
I believe Davey’s original story (if he can remember it all these years later) is that huckster left all the material. He just had to put it together and take out the semicolons.
That’s because semi-colons are evil.
Incredible but true. A percentage of our population is more susceptible to suggestions – fact based or not – from an authority figure including the preposterous claim that OT 8 “EP” is real, achievable and permanent. Hubbard’s fantasies became more real to him than reality and his followers continue to believe. There has to be some emotional pay off in it for them or they wouldn’t persist. As Lawrence Write said it so well … Scientology is a prison of belief.
For better or worse, I was part of that percentage as were you and many others. Has there been found a common denominator amoung us? And perhapes a self diagnose like there is for depression, PTSD etc.?
I’m thinking it goes along with depression, PTSD, low self-esteem and eventually a loss of self-respection which would normally be there to correct and better onesself.
I’d sure like to know your view from being there and helping so many become whole again.
Hello, Cece, Good questions. Margaret Singer, a renowned mental health professional who dedicated her work to helping cult victims, said research indicated that approx two-thirds of those who join cults come from normal, functioning families and were demonstrating age-appropriate behavior around the same time the entered a cult. More in her book, Cults In Our Midst, which I highly recommend. She includes answers to your questions about diagnoses. From my perspective, I agree with you – depression, as well as being between important affiliations, PTSD, low-self esteem, as well as loneliness and being in transition can be causes for joining a new appealing group. I was depressed and seeking answers … Another very good book is Recovery from Cults, edited by Michael Langone. Both books are available at the “International Cultic Studies Association [[email protected]]” All the best to you.
I learned at a young age that ANY belief systems are there to mind fuck people. They are used as control systems by governments to control people since time immemorial. Where ever there are belief systems like ideology or spirituality, it throws up a red flag.
I wonder how much is the sunk cost fallacy. They’ve put all that money into it and just can’t quit now.
For sure, the sunk cost fallacy has something to do with some though I can’t give you a percentage. My take is that many Scientology celebrities and wealthier Scientologists are in this category … after putting $millions into Scientology for their auditing and training as well as IAS donations … Though I think some are also retained out of fear their secrets will be revealed if they leave. Whichever it is, its outrageous that so many end up in psychological slavery in a group led by Hubbard and Miscavige for whom morality is a straight jacket worn by fools …
In July, 1988, I was OT VIII with a number in the 170’s. That is over thirty years ago. Miscavige set out to develop his own religion when he rejected the original OT VIII doctrine. Miscavige is taking these new people for all they are worth. This is another OT VIII scam with more lies than the original one. Scientology is not even Scientology anymore. It is now pathetic. Miscavige is trying to make slaves out of these people.
Plus. How many of these are counted twice cuz they are OT VIII redo’s.
Mary, I’ve been wanting to ask you this, and it seems like a good opportunity: When you did your OT8, what was your reaction to it all? Were you like wtf? Or did it meet your expectations at the time?
Anybody else on this blog who completed OT8, feel free to weigh in as well.
Indeed, and succeeding, George.
Hey George, that manikin in the corner freaks me out.
Do you think I look a little like Hubbard?
Maybe a little bit…
When I went to do OT VIII, I didn’t want to go in the first place. I was so sick of it all after what I went through just to complete OT VII. OT VIII was a relief after all the other bullshit I went through on the ship. I KNEW I was almost done with the crap and off the effing ship for the rest of my life.
What one puts up with on the ship is horrendous. So OT VIII was a walk in the park compared to getting an enormously long sec check that was so mentally abusive my eyeballs were spinning around my head, having to do more OT V on seasickness after I got an okay (which they wouldn’t approve once I was on the ship) to fly from Columbia to Aruba (because I have an inner ear thing and get sea sick very easily). So instead of letting me fly, I had to do a 24 hour sail and I was sea sick for FIVE days after the sail. SO, in the infinite wisdom of scientology, it was ascertained that more OT V (NOTS) would fix it (of course, it didn’t). Then, I had to get grilled and write down every single fucking thing I did to contribute (meaning put in time) to the forwarding of scientololgy. That got DISAPPROVED and I had to kiss Kathy Feschbach’s ass and get posted on the OT Committee Org Board and “get out of NON E” while I was on the ship! Then just for yuks it was ascertained that I was NOT CLEAR because after having this state validated about 5 previous time, now I wasn’t. (CHA CHING) SO! I had to have the Clear Cog on Ned and do more of that (Try not to have the Clear Cog when you know what it is.)
And if all this bullshit wasn’t enough, I couldn’t walk down the damn hallway without someone from IAS or my MAA or my CS or my D of P pulling me aside to reg me for money. This is NOT EVEN bringing up the fact that there are two MANDATORY briefings per week that I (we) had to go to. A briefing is an event where you are pummeled to give money and they are late at night and after what I was already going through all I wanted was to be off the ship and drift away.
That was not to be because the church just DID NOT LEAVE ME ALONE. The rest is history.
Before anyone says it, yea, I know, I should have bailed WAY EARLIER, never compromised and the result would have been the same. So, instead of only losing my son, I lost a whole lot more. Reflecting on this shit drive me out of my mind and THAT is what this fucking church is best at.
Everytime you explain more of your story and what you were put through, it hurts my heart for you!
But I think it’s so important because so many people knew/know of you and your husband, especially being local to Flag, and if it brings ANY comfort or relief from all you’ve both dealt with – I think you’re story has likely enlightened so many that are/we’re still-in and definitely saved so many people from joining! Plus, you express your heart & love for your son so well, I imagine that there will be more members like Ramana (who I recall Mike saying was one of the DIE HARD, till-the-end members) who will see/hear your story and decide ahead that they’re done w/disconnection.
So sorry for all you’ve dealt with and spent financially and especially emotionally. But your courage in consistently speaking out is reaching far more people than you’ll ever know!
Thank you jenyfurr. I didn’t see your response til now but I really appreciate it ?
your story has always resonated with me. I think because you tried so hard to stay in for your family as well as the nightmare you’ve described of being trapped on the ship.
I pray one day Sammy realizes what you did to try to keep from his disconnecting from you.
Thank you Smorbie. I really appreciate your sentiments
Mary, reading your events on the OT VIII experience on the ship just made my heart go out to you for what you went through. My God! And it made me glad that I never got to the OT VIII level because I wouldn’t have made it with all that shit going on. I know an OT VIII Opinion Leader, Class VIII, OT VIII field auditor and FSM who went and he had an inheritance then and he said they were after him so much and stalking him in the halls that he ended up hiding in the library the whole time.
Everything I’ve seen and read about Hubbard makes it clear to me that he suffered from schizophrenia and Miscavige was certainly NOT the only one who developed/created his own religion. Miscavige did nothing other than increase the madness Hubbard set in motion.
It still amazes me that this many “OT’s” continue to buy this b.s. after all that has been disclosed about the cult. This only proves that continuing up the bridge only makes you dumber and doesn’t raise your IQ.
While reading your daily post this a.m. little davey spit out his whiskey in horror. Someone’s head is going to roll for having divulged these failing stats!
If they had any guts, they would just walk away.
I think that, too, except I substitute the words brain for guts. Then I remember their families. That has to be the hardest, most painful thing in the world.
I don’t mean that you aren’t smart if you are in. The bubble is pretty thick. All these people have is their tiny little doubts that they don’t dare even voice.
For some of them, fear of Disconnection may be what keeps them in but I’d opine that plenty of them simply cannot or will not face the fact of having been gulled. Many of them have devoted their entire adult lives to the cult, and I’m referring to the senior citizen public and Cl V staffers, not only the Sea Ogres.
Leah Remini has said as much.
It’s hard to admit you’ve been REALLY wrong in any circumstances. I can’t imagine how it must be when you’ve poured years and years of life, resources, and energy into it, bringing your loved ones and family members into it with you.
Since there are no Funnies today, I thought maybe we could have a sing-a-long…
To The Tune of My Favorite Things
Thetans in meat bodies
Science with soup cans
Yelling at ashtrays
The Founder’s a con man
Fake navy uniforms
Dressed up with brass
David Miscavige just kicked someone’s ass
Yanking his ribbon
On more empty spaces
Razor wire going ‘round
Prison-like places
Innocent criminals
Eat rice and beans
The Way To Happiness
Not what it seems
When the dog bites
When the bee stings
Donations made us poor
We simply do Touch Assists
Tap on the hurt
And put our pain in the floor
🙂 🙂 Very creative !
That’s good, Stefani! 🙂
Outstanding post!
Love it. I sang the whole thing and I don’t sing or know the tune. I know we have a bunch of recovering musicians that would love to hear that. Can you share on Tony’s ?
I’d be happy to! Can you tell me where? Is there a message board?
Here is the FB page¬if_t=group_activity¬if_id=1533406369891296&ref=m_notif
I’m not too good at this pasteing how about Google underground under.
Your song are fun ?
Tony Ortega has a FB group but also his own blog. You need a disqus account to post there.
I really liked yelling at ashtrays…NOT.
OSD, forget ashtrays. They’re no fun to yell at. Now, I’ve got a chicken fryer here that could use a good talking to. Please put all your Tone 40 intention into this thing so that it will stop all he Q- ing and A-ing and just get busy and scrub itself clean, for fuck’s sake. I mean, Thanks for your help OSD. I’m getting nowhere with this on my own.
Well I tried commanding the vacuum with intention but I think the darned thing has an engram and it went out and tried to mow the lawn instead.
Stefani, sounds like you’ve got a “Hey You” organization at your place. Suggest you start by insisting that your vacuum cleaner and lawn mower each read and clear all MUs on “Hat, Not Wearing” and “Form Of The Org”. Much love, Aqua 🙂
(Tone 40). Chicken fryer!!!!! Stand Up!!!! I said stand up!!! Don’t make me come over there and pull the plug!!!!!
LMAO! I hope mine got your intention too!!! 😉 (seems to just be sitting there doing nothing)
That’s awesome Stefani. ☺
Scientology is shrinking in order to fit into the Internet Age. Telephone books, travel agents and landlines have run their course but Scientolgy will leave the legacy as a criminal organization discovered because of the public’s use of the Internet.
Morons. Ignorant morons all of them, what few who actually fall for it
I respectfully disagree. The people who “fall for it” are generally good people who are searching for something and Scientology victimizes them, using their weakness (whatever it may be) as bait to lure them in. They don’t put all the batshit crazy stuff out on the table right from the beginning because people would turn around and leave. The process is subtle, manipulative and slow. I certainly would not call Mike, Leah, Mary Kahn, The Headleys, or any of the others who were Scientologists morons. They are intelligent, good people who were physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially abused.
I love what you produce in your blog, it’s fun to justify what you guys have said all along, the only sad part is, I hate that you have to justify it, because us ‘never in’s’ really don’t care. I hope some day you can join us, and the world can be as one! 🙂
Hi LL,
Thanks for what you wrote. Its great that having never been in you have no vested interest one way or another in whether the tech is workable. No justification needed for you guys :).
On the other hand, it equally if not more terrific that, having never been in, you’re here and that you care about ending the abuses.
As much as we Once-Innies can and do disagree on the efficacy of the tech, as widely varying as our experiences with it have been, there’s ONE thing we here at Mike and Tony’s ALL agree on, and its something all decent people would agree upon once they’ve been made aware, and that is, THE ABUSES HAVE TO STOP. And if that means that the entire edifice has to come down, well and good.
Applicable to this situation, a phrase from the Bible comes to mind; not sure if its the New or Old Testament: “If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out.”
Yes! Tell it Aqua! ☺
I meant we don’t care about the statistics if who qualifies or completes whatever fake stage they are on, and especially how many OTblahs there are, they are all duped no matter the stage. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care, like aquamarine said , soooo yeah there’s that again. Hope we all don’t have to worry about this crap much longer
Me too. ☺. I know we are all hoping to see it end!
Sounds like the old when God was a …
Was WHAT, for crying out loud???
Well I’m a never in and I care! It’s horrific and I would do anything to help bring about the demise of scientology. Too much pain and sadness for my fellow human beings. And now some of my friends I have met here. I care what they went through and are still going through. Especially those affected by the disconnection policy.
Thanks for caring Ann, and for being here. Yes, the Disconnection policy is the cancer that is spreading and killing the organism, IMHO. Its not the only Co$ policy that’s toxic as there’s Fair Game too, but nothing is more beyond the beyond cruel and destructive than Disconnection as its practiced in Co$.
And as you can see in so many stories, disconnection, the fear-of, is the reason so many people don’t just walk away. They somehow continue to grin and bear it.
Mike, love all that you do to fight the good fight! I just moved to Dunedin, FL next to Clearwater and I am soaking all of this education about the cult. You and Leah are a terrific combination!
Seems like we are talking about a group experiencing a Dwindling Spiral. You need a grand event like a Reformation to save it, but LRH didn’t believe in revolutions. And then there’s KSW. So, I personally don’t see any type of solution except hammering them with public truth rundowns until its widely known they are controversial unwilling to fix their, now public thanks to Leah Remini and the Aftermath, abuses. Lol.
I’d like to suggest a different headline for this post. How about “Small News about OT VIII.” 🙂
🙂 ken.
How about NO news about OT8.
Purif, SRD (objectives) and Student Hat – back in my day, these were entry level activities people were doing before they even started before doing their Grades or Dianetics auditing. Most of us were in our 20s & 30s working full time and we found enough time to get these things done in a relatively short period of time. Funny that powerful ‘OTs’ can’t overcome the obstacles of the physical universe and make it go right to complete these simple actions. Of course when one is older, life gets more complicated and energy levels drop, but that is just for us common, no case gain, ordinary degraded beings who are constantly floofing the goof. I guess back in the day when we were all applying the ‘standard tech’ version of Hubbard’s scam it was different than the GAG II version of Miscavige’s version of Hubbard’s scam. Or, maybe those ‘OTs’ are so far in debt as a result of their ‘bridge to total freedom’ activities, that they are working multiple jobs in their golden years to service their debt and can’t find the time for GAG II work? Or, maybe they are just avoiding the mandatory visit to the reg after having completed a course?
Interesting comment, Ms. B.
Its anecdotal, but I know a Still Innie, NOT EVEN CLEAR YET, in fact, NOT EVEN A GRADE ll RELEASE YET who has ALREADY paid for his/her ENTIRE OT Levels thru 8 TWICE.
That’s about 3/4 million dollars. All the Ot levels, twice, and still parked somewhere on the lower bridge.
Now, I didn’t know why then, and certainly don’t know why now, but, really, what ETHICAL, ON POLICY reason could POSSIBLY justify such a situation?
It blew my mind then, and continues to do so!
“…what ETHICAL, ON POLICY reason could POSSIBLY justify such a situation?”
When you are looking for logic and common sense in this cult (or any other cult) it is an exercise in futility. Your acquaintance is probably someone like me who really wanted the promised results the ‘tech’ offers but can’t produce. Also like me, they are probably a ‘no case gain, PTS, dog PC’ for whom the ‘tech’ just doesn’t work on 100% of the time like it does for everyone else. They still have money that can be extracted before they wake up or are shown the door. Even if they were making so called progress, the 3/4 mill would not be enough to get to OT VIII. That doesn’t count the inevitable review auditing or sec checks aplenty or donations to the IAS, etc.
Not to mention the constant repeating of the whole dang thing over and over and over again. It’s like a game of Monopoly that just won’t end. Scientology is the bank and you never get to pass Go.
I think you can still classify this as a Thursday Funny. I certainly got a chuckle out of it!
You got a chuckle out of it? I can’t stop laughing at them!
Laughing, crying, laughing, then crying again! Then laughing again before I explode mentally. For us never ins trying to understand everything is quite the mindf***! For me anyway. ?
Don’t explode! We need you here!
About TEN are ready to do OT IX and OT X, since of the 762, 301have dropped their bodies and 354 are Under The Radar and 97 have been declared SP. More would have been declared SP but the church of david miscavige is trying not to declared its members anymore. He got sick of seeing abuses exposed on major networks, bookstands, blogs, (award winning) documentaries and (award winning) informational series.
LOL. All this bullshit for thirty years and not even 800 people are ready for OT IX. Out of the “millions” of scientologists.
This is a huge joke.
The bigger joke will be if/when OT IX and X actually get released! The letdown will be epic.
Especially when if you counted actual people who were WILLING to do OT IX, the stats would crash out the bottom.
It will be a HUGE letdown but since they cannot criticize the dwarf, none of them will say anything about it at all.
It’s only been 30 years that it’s been promised. Davey has a pretty good little scam going. Just continually review people’s cases and make them redo everything over and over.
Keep going donkey, you’ll get that carrot.
On July 9 2012 Pooks (Patty Moher) posted a list of OT8’s over at WWP, and I did a broad swoop of where these people were at the time.
I’ve posted the results of my search here several times and several people here pointed out to me that was not complete back then. It had 2,400 names.
Now from the above post I understand that at least 2,345 are still in.
Of course people have died, of course new people got to OT8
Still I don’t think the numbers show growth of any kind.
And this is six years ago.
Hey COB! Your stats are down!
The two numbers around 2,400 are very interesting. Scientology appears to only be making a couple of dozen OT VIIIs a year at this point, after a big initial push, so I’d guess that new completions just more or less make up for losses due to death. If they’re claiming 2,345, about the same number as the independent count at WWP, does that indicate that they’re counting every one alive – including those who are no longer involved or who are “declared”? Somewhere between 1,000 and 1,600 might then be the number who are actually still active – I vaguely recall that some other measure of active OT VIIIs was posted a while back, and it was in that ballpark.
I’m sure they’ll try to use a number as high as possible to be published. So yes, I think they count everyone alive. No proof tor this however.
According to the “Fleecewinds” measures only 439 feet in length. Compared with normal cruise ships like Holland America’s Noordam which is 936 feet long the “Fleecewinds” is a midget. But maybe the Diminutive Midget prefers this so he doesn’t appear dwarfed when seen aboard.
You write: ‘Pretty soon they are going to have to downsize the Freewinds.’
Methinks they are already in the process of outfitting The Freewinds II as we speak. You can see it in the photo you provided with today’s blog.
Jim, unless that is a ship’s bridge ‘peeking’ over the FW’s bow, I cannot see what You see. Please explain; thank you.
In front of the freewinds there is a Harbor pontoon boat . THAT would certainly constitute a downsizing. Sorry for being opaque in my joke.
Jim, thank you for responding. I have No idea what a Harbor pontoon boat is, although I Did notice it, but (don’t laugh), I didn’t realize you were Joking! DUH!
I asked you Not to Laugh!
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh, shit! Sorry!!!
Good One!, OSD
The “Fleafart”, a row boat with an outboard motor.
Fleas can fart??? Whoa! Do they take them on tour?
Jim: Are you talking about the party catamaran with the blue plastic over the top pulling up on “passeswind”‘s starboard side in the top ppicture? that CAN’T be FW II. It’s not “Ideal”, which would HAVE to be 1100 feet long, much longer than can fit in the Panama canal, with 3,000 cabins, each 1,000 square feet in size, with personal repressurizing chambers in each cabin and an ideal dive boat snuggled into the stern “garage”. That catamaran might possibly be the interim “FreeDive” dive boat, used to drop off and pick up guests who want to “go down” between sessions of chasing those pesky space alien cooties. Now THAT would be a great locational after hours of mocking up and doing S&D on BTs.
Oh I forgot to say, with the number of people on OT VII declining AND Dying, how far off their goal of 10,000 on or through OT VII are they? There are a high number of OT VIII’s who have died, some at youngish ages.
Of course a lot of them die at “youngish ages”. You can’t beat cancer with Niacin.
So true, Smorbie, can’t beat cancer with Niacin or chiropractors. One of the Scn chiro’s, Mike Spearman, ex SO staff and now out of SO and being a chiropractor, lost his wife, Carol Spearman, to cancer. And she was youngish
I wonder where they are on the goal of “10,000 on or through OT VII and VIII.”? It was always touted. But with the numbers getting onto OT VII going down so sharply, have the stopped chanting that mantra now?
10,000, like all their numbers, was pulled out of the air after Davy farted. They CAN’T change the mantra, CAN’T ack any setbacks to COMMAND INTENTION, since that would point out dave’s fallibility.