Scientology: the blind leading the blind…
Can you imagine any scientology organization being so starved for anyone coming in to take a service that they produce a promo piece about someone who announces a “big win” that someone is GOING TO come in at some unnamed time in the future?
This is the true state of scientology today, small and miserably failing organizations. The only thing keeping the place afloat are the whales who continue to hand over cash for “planetary campaigns” and “ideal orgs.”
They have a single location where they are funneling the few people on service — Flag — and even there, they promote the Running Program and “Super Power” as they do not requite OT’s, while they continue to struggle to get 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs. The same target they have had for 30 years and they are still not close.
Scientology is falling apart at the seams. They continue to tell one another they are doing great. But the very fact that this sort of announcement qualifies as a “big win” tells you everything you need to know about the mindset within the bubble. The rah-rah continues, but the reasons for cheering in the hallways become increasingly bizarre. It’s a long, slow descent into complete delusion.
A grouping of birds is called a flock.
A grouping of geese is called a gaggle.
A grouping of deer is called a herd.
And the most fitting way to describe a grouping of scientologists:
A DWINDLE of scientologists.
Please, everyone, make use of this term.
Good one, as in the DWINDLE continues in COVID-closed California.
I have been away for a while. When are OT IX & OT X coming out ?
Very soon…
Anyone who believes they’re infallible has already failed.
The cult’s idea of dissemination:
1. Find a person who’s down and out
2. Give them a few ideas how to raise a few extra bucks
3. Falsely claim that these ideas have anything whatsoever to do with the cult and/or its ideology
4. Take whatever they have (and more)
5. Leave them with less than they had to begin with
Awesome! This is what they mean when they brag about their “humanitarian works.”
Great summation of the “dissemination drill”, Todd. And it’s working SO well for them that their Academies are jammed to the rafters, and they need MORE space to pack the bodies. AND the staff are well paid and well treated since the stats are soaring through the roof
The bottom of the abyss awaits…
Then, SPLATT!! after the long spat of weightlessness.
I got a free personality test. It took about 30 years. It determined that I was an SP.
I haven’t seen a copy of it. They probably would say it would be Out-Security to give an SP anything.
Their Admin Tech must be Golden Age too. I guess that the HCOB “How to defeat verbal Tech had the semicolons in the wrong places. Just like that squirrel course they used to deliver, you know, the SHSBC whatever that was.
I may have been dead for 19 years now, but there is more life in me than they have.
Mike Rinder wrote:
“Can you imagine any scientology organization being so starved for anyone coming in to take a service that they produce a promo piece about someone who announces a “big win” that someone is GOING TO come in at some unnamed time in the future?”
Yes, yes i can – i can imagine scientology staff members doing that; due to the incredible pressure they are to report good news to Dear Leader. All because of the not-tethered-to-reality guidelines laid down by the Great One that cannot be questioned and can now never be altered.
This news makes me happy though. Sad for the victims forced to these ends of course, but happy overall. There are two basic ways the world becomes a better place: the first is when people go out and make things better. The second is when bad things go away. This news report is yet another sign that a bad thing is going away. Hooray!
In reality, that person MIGHT come in, SOMETIME, MAYBE. Their FSM must keep the pressure on to turn that “maybe” into a body in the shop. THAT’s why they get the big bucks, 15% of the org’s “take”, when & if.
The following is off-topic and not a big deal, but it is the type of thing that I try to keep track of.
Nation of Islam Brother Luqman Muhammad has started the Scientology Student Hat Course.
Original post on Facebook:
My ESMBR post:
As people here well-know, the Student Hat Course is delivered in the Academy and is the first major course one does to become a Scientology Auditor.
I will also note that Brother Luqman has made numerous posts in which he has tried to synthesize Scientology with the Quran and the theology of the Nation of Islam generally.
Now that I think of it, maybe the fact that the COS got a NOI member to start an Academy course is on-topic given today’s story.
Thanks for the excellent information. It is great to hear that NOI members are moving forward. Personally, I think it would be very difficult to merge Scientology with the Quran but anything is possible. Miscavige probably thinks that he will be able to convert NOI members from Islam. After Farrakhan passes, it might be possible.
Oh, GREAT! Another poor soul sucked into destroying their ability to read and understand, so they can experience what Hubbard must have felt as a student: lost and mystified. “Study tech” is still getting in the way of my enjoying reading, despite my knowing it’s there and what it’s doing to me. Hubbard had an evil genius that way.
The murder of Malcomb X case will probably be re-opened in New York. I think this will help to clear up the Nation of Islam controversy. It will then be possible to get rid of Miscavige and gradually shift to NOI as a religion. The big new exploration will be the thousands of documents from J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI as they were trailing Malcomb X. The FBI apparently tried to stop Malcomb X from meeting with the Pope. i do not know if this is rumor. Louis Farrakhan called for Malcomb X’s death in the newspaper but denied a role in it. Elijah Muhammed got eight teenage girls pregnant when they worked for him as secretaries. This led Malcomb to split from him. My new NOI Minister friends in East Tampa do not hate whites they just proclaim Black Nationalism. They are far better than Scientologists.
George – If you care to say, do the NOI Ministers know you are an ex scientologist and have they told you any of their thoughts about scn or have you even discussed that with them.
Too bad I’m in snowy cold New Joisy. If I lived in Florida I’d love to join you and chat with the Ministers.
I’ve read a lot on this subject. There isn’t really any doubt that Elijah Muhammad ordered Malcolm X’s death and that Farrakhan had a hand in the killing. The FBI probably was tracking him as they did all civil rights leaders but the NOI killed him. (Actually Malcolm X alive was more advantageous to the FBI as he was a counterweight to MLK and other civil rights leaders)
Scientology and the Koran? Better hide all the LRH quotes making fun of the idea of God (though mostly in his lectures so probably well hidden)
Regarding Scientology and the Koran there might be a dozen NOI who made it through OT3 so they figured out a way to “blend it”.
A good book for data about Malcolm X aka Malcolm Little is, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” as told to author Alex Haley.
He was an interesting man. When he had a change of heart, an epiphany about brotherly love after his visit to Mecca, he wanted to steer the NOI in a different direction and was very vocal about what he wanted his new message to be – NOT of hatred, but in sync with his Mecca epiphany, that we are all brothers and sisters under the skin. This change of heart of his is in the Haley autobiography of him. It didn’t sit well with a number of NOI though. They wanted to stay with the hate message. Malcolm X was assassinated in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, NY and if I’m not mistaken a few NOI members went to prison for it.
In the 1970’s when I was living in LA I decided to chat with a Hare Krishna dude who was marching around on the sidewalk and see if I could talk some sense into him from my then scn point of view since he was obviously in a cult. He knew a bit about scn and from his point of view “philosophy without God is empty” so he wasn’t converting. We had a pleasant chat and parted ways.
If I were chatting with an NOI Minister these days I would politely listen to what “they” (do they have female ministers?) have to say and it might be an interesting conversation. Communication is the universal solvent as someone once said. haha
I had a few high school (two different high schools) friends who got into Hare Krishna in NYC….where they jumped up & down dressed in white robes & pants, barefoot, guys with semi shaved heads….bells jingled…..way into it all. Very pleasant & happy…begging for money in Times Square.
They’d disavowed their own families who tried in vain to pull them away from the cult…..but from these friends point of view, they wanted to “do good in the world” & the Hare Krishna had expounded the good they do for others.
Sadly I’d run into a few of them over the course of many years…none had good jobs or educations, they were hit or miss with their families, they had no money, nothing. Most had left “the Krisna”….some weren’t even sure why.
Most of these people back then were “outsiders”….they didn’t belong to any of the so call cliques in high school…..they were looking to BELONG to something.. They were willing accepted fully with open arms to these type cults. Once sucked into that realm of belief….they were all in.
They rejected reasonable thought i.e. Critical Thinking……so very sad….to listen or believe in anything other than what they were being groomed to believe in, rejecting anything in belief or consideration of belief from the outside despite having lived THAT life for many years….they turned a deaf ear to parents, siblings, friends etc……..sounds all too familiar doesn’t it?
Hey George – Since you now have some NOI Minister friends can I now assign you a new “title” – UCV – Universal Communication Vessel. How does that sound?
(for anyone who missed it, George was previously appointed Chief Universe Communication Officer on the Scientology Org Board – haha)
Do you think Scientology will adapt to this dearth of people and start offering free services? They need bodies in the building, after all. Do they need new members more than they need more money?
Never in here, but I would think no. It’s off policy.
Giving away free things is “out exchange”.
Obviously scn doesn’t understand the age-old concept of the loss-leader: a free or nearly-so product that brings people into the shop where they’ll too other interesting things to buy. Why do you think supermarkets, etc. have free samples as you browse certain aisles/areas of the store? It WORKS. The original “Comm course” (TRs) was a trivial cost, maybe $5 or $20, IIRC. Book one was even cheaper, $1 in paperback.
They don’t need bodies in the building. All they need is lots of cash for DM’s retirement; a thing which does not exist for S.O. members.
All he wants is to go diving every day with his buddy Captain (RA, the only one) Napier.
If I was still there I could fill his dive bottles with exhaust from the Freewinds Main Engines. The dive locker is up by the stacks. Just run a small line from the exhaust pipe to the dive compressor.
Yes, but that would be too easy of a death for how evil he is. It would be far better for him to develop an illness which would result in a long and painful death. Karma is knocking Little Davie…
That’s too close to Quentin’s ticket out of the rat-race, Bill, and it’s below(blow) you. ;-(
Since last March the most cars I have seen in the mission/org parking lot here in StLouis is 9. Their membership is tiny. It has to be a strain on them just to pay the utility bills. $ci continues to shrink.
Before Covid, there were usually around eight or ten cars in the parking lot of the Atlanta org during week days. Weekend days they only had a couple more. Just the other day I drove by it during a weekday and counted five cars, including the VM van that used to not work.
Scientology is, and always will be, a farce.
I hope the “dianetics how-to kit” includes dmsmh. That is sure to cause the eyes to glaze over and have Sheryl’s manicurist running for the exits.
When I first got sucked into the cult way back when, once the hook was set, I wanted to gobble up as much info as I could. I wanted to read dmsmh cover to cover. Being a complete newbie, a staff member advised me against this. They said I should start with something easier to read. That dmsmh was deliberately written in a style to sort of weed out those who focused on preciseness and couldn’t see the essential nature of the work. In other words, the book was poorly written and didn’t really make any sense at all if it was examined closely. Later in my cult career, there was a ‘book 1’ campaign to use the ‘tech’ in dmsmh to reach out to ‘raw meat’ and get them into scientology. This didn’t work at all. Why? dianetics doesn’t work at all. None of it. It’s all bullshit. It’s nothing more than a scam. There was no “research” behind any of it. There are no ‘engrams’ to be found and erased. There is no ‘reactive mind’ that we are all ‘mocking up’.
I hope we hear back from Sheryl about her great success with her dissemination efforts. Hopefully her manicurist knows about Google.
Hi, what’s dmsmh? I’ve never read anything by LRH, except a few sci-fi novels. I’m not looking to start, just curious about the acronym.
Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health. “Book One”
I made it mean David Miscavage So Much Hate (dvsmh)
For many people, it could mean that too.
Flag busy?
A friend had been in email contact with a couple of the top auditors there recently. He was surprised that they were able to (a) be in contact by email, (b) chat back and forth repeatedly, and (c) be so idle that they could constantly respond within a few minutes AND that this continued most of the day. Interesting huh.
Interesting ….
Must have lots of time to goggle 🤣
Two things came to my mind when I read this
1. It takes some smarts to begin a business, even if a person starts in a clueless way … they are not clueless. Yet, the business owner did not know what Dianetics is. Is there Google broken? Interesting. But, I have met a flat Earther in person (that did not go well) so I guess its possible.
2. The part where the Scientologist needed to hide their intent. Is this the able helping the able or alteror motive of scientologies version of friendship. Why couldn’t she just give her a Dianetics kit without the hidden lead in and hidden intention? Liying about your intent at helping is a good thing? And she was proud!
I know those are simplistic views but when I choose to help someone, it’s not because I’m hunting for a source of income, it’s because it right.
For anyone who is thinking of “going in” for a free personality test or any other bait (as in bait & switch) that these criminals may be dangling in front of you to entice you to go into one of their buildings,
Just ask yourself this, “If they really had any super powers, why would they need you to join? Why wouldn’t they just use their super powers to have the cash they need trans levitate itself from a bank cash drawer into their hands?”
The truth is there is no such thing as super powers. That is just a fun dream they dangle to entice people to enter their buildings.
But be very careful. I am including a clip from Youtube of the Howard Stern show from a time before Leah left this scam and the people there talked about people they knew who agreed to go into one of their buildings but then had a very hard time getting out. I heard more than one of them say, “They wouldn’t let me out for four hours! I was afraid they would never let me out.
I saved the link and put it at the end of this post.
It was about ten years before Leah left the scam and they talked about Leah on the King of Queens and related topics. They also talked about this cult and for anyone thinking of going into one of their buildings, you really should watch this youtube video and see for yourself. Here is the link:
It’s dated 02/24/03. I don’t know if that means 2003 or 2002. I guess it must be 2003.