They’re really making serious inroads in Clearing The Planet in Vancouver.
They have completed the first step — by placing 4 stand up displays of booklets promoting free personality tests. Yes, 4 of them. And boy are they proud of this. It’s the biggest dissemination effort they have ever made in Vancouver apparently.
When Ron said to “Think Big” in order to reach St. Hill size, apparently this is exactly the sort of massive infiltration into society he was referring to.
With this sort of thinking pervading the Vancouver scientology bubble, they should have an Ideal Org there before the turn of the century….
What always amazes me (it should not I know), is how loud and proud they are of the tiniest things they do. It never seems to strike them that this is advertising the astonishing lies they tell each other and try to tell the world about the enormous impact they are making on society and how they are brining a new civilization to earth.
The delusion is strong.
Today we finished the first step of the Dissemination Campaign, all ‘Find You’ boxes are now out and about in Vancouver!
Thank you to everyone who helped us hit this target and get this done. Next step is to get the ‘tickets’ out and body route people into The Org.
Contact: Miriam Byrne, Nicole Jones, Greg Lang or I to help out.
– Elena Walls
With the toilet paper shortage, you might find several of these brochures in home bathrooms.
This edition of your blog is so typical of many of the recent ones. It is filled with heavy sarcasm as to how incompetent this cult has become.
You have resorted to standing on the sidelines and laughing at the cult.
But you have not spoken a single word about how your candidate lost the byelection in Clearwater.
What kind of impression do you think that you leave with people who read this blog when you run from addressing serious issues – like losing the byelection but you cannot seem to do anything more than just laugh at the enemy over and over again.
Don’t you understand how boring and repetitive you have become? It’s just the same old story – over and over again.
Helfried – I affectionately regard this blog as “The Daily Pile-On”. It’s part of the broader ASC (Anti Scientology Cult). You recall that, don’t you?
the action of followers who join a hostile group in harshly criticizing or judging a less dominant group or individual, sometimes gloating over that group’s or person’s defeat or diminished standing (often used attributively):
“Long after the merciless baiting ceased to be funny, her critics continued to join the pile-on.
Social media encourages a kind of pile-on mentality that is very unforgiving of mistakes and flaws.”
You might agree that the current CoS has a rather “diminished standing” these days?
I’m outa here – Lol
It’s unlikely that Helfried reads replies, but I’m feeding back to him/her what he/she wants to hear. That’s how you compromise or at least reach some common understanding. Communication is the universal solvent and all that. :-))
Of course I recall the the broader ASC (Anti Scientology Cult).
My concern is that when asked what happened in the Clearwater Byelection, there is no response. Mr. Rinder remains silent.
If you recall, Mr. Rinder posted an edition of this blog asking people to send money to support Aaron Leven-Smith in is attempt to win that election. But he clearly lost that election and despite all the comments leading up to the day of the election, I was very surprised and disappointed that Mr. Rinder had nothing at all to say about the election once the results were announced.
IMO, something smells bad about that. I must admit to being disappointed.
I can understand how people can call other people “trolls” when they just stand on the sidelines and poke fun at the mistakes and silly things that cult members do.
But when they are engaged in serious endeavours – like trying to win an election, I don’t understand how foundations like The Aftermath Foundation asks for our money and accepts our money. But has nothing whatsoever to say when the election is lost.
I would expect some kind of reasoned analysis as to why the election was lost and how they might try to use different strategies to read the next election.
Personally, I feel discouraged in trying to help their candidates win these elections if they cannot eve take the time to discuss the reasons they lost and the strategies that may be employed in the next attempt.
Moreover, I would like to ask some questions about what happened to the money we donated to support their candidates winning this election and what they might do next time to try and get some candidates elected next time.
Somehow, Something just smells rotten in Denmark.
Well, you can feel as disappointed as you want.
I happened to be on a family vacation last week. Something I had announced beforehand.
I responded to another troll about this last week.
Obviously, the Establishment in Clearwater wants to continue with their head in the sand approach to scientology. They got behind Lina Teixeira fully (and of course, so did scientology). Unfortunately, it is difficult to break Clearwater out of its 20 year pattern.
What happened to the money? It was spent on campaigning. Fliers etc etc It’s low level trolling to resort to “where did the money go”? And The Aftermath Foundation had nothing to do with this and why would the Foundation have anything to say about it? If you gave money to the Aftermath Foundation and are dissatisfied, just ask for it back. Unlike scientology, we will return it gladly. But of course, you have given none, just “stand on the sidelines and poke fun,” with thinly veiled barbs.
Finally, and sadly, it is my belief there will be no next time as far as Clearwater goes — this was their chance to change the course of events. The apathy will grow, and downtown Clearwater will be left to the cult.
Too bad that Clearwater can’t legally do a repeat of Nauvoo and Carthage, Illinois in 1844. Most Mormons know what I’m talking about.
Aaron’s personal political loss is inconsequential, unless you believe in conspiracy theories. Who says he’s Mike’s ‘candidate’? Was his opponent ‘DM’s candidate’?
Now, scientologists always run from addressings serious issues, like Scientology’s shrinkage, and what’s really going on with their desperate attempts to make a last stand in Clearwater by sneakily and deviously buying up properties. Instead it’s insane repetition of big lies like ‘expansion’.
As an example, someone pointed out the other day that Scientology is shrinking so fast that over half the missions in the US closed between 2013 and 2019. And the CofS is so mired in incompetence and dysfunction that they haven’t been able to even update their website listings of missions since 2019 – they still list places that have been closed for years, and then also we don’t even know how many more have failed in the last 3 years.
And they aren’t actually honest with members about what’s going on, are they? Instead the staff and members are kept in the dark like mushrooms, and occasionally sent out to do dirty work and try to smear others.
Make your mind up! Are you Helfreid Weber III, Helfreid Weber II, Helfreid Weber, Helfreid Weber the sperm or, most likely, Cus the Gog with yet another round of his idiotic name changes to hide behind. Like the $camology troll you are all you have proved is that you are a cretin who continually keeps making a complete fool of himself lately by rehashing the same hoary and tiresome bullshit about the byelection.
You give scratched records a bad name.
I never noticed that Helfreid Weber uses different versions of his name!
Find you? Scientology couldn’t find its own backside with a searchlight and a mirror on a stick.
In 1970 I was living in NYC where someone handed me a pamphlet about scn. It was a few pages long and had some basic information about scn concepts like Body-Mind-Spirit and probably some other descriptions of “the mind” and maybe about their auditing techniques. I found it interesting but didn’t pursue it further.
About four years later I was living in Salt Lake City and after fooling around with psychedelics for about two years and I was rather intellectually stagnant and I hadn’t read a book in two years. I discovered there was a scn Mission in SLC and thought it might be something interesting to study so I went in and signed up.
Advertising pays.
An Old Timer on the scn blogs once mentioned, “Most of us were intellectual adolescents when we entered Scientology, having little or no background in science, religion or philosophy.” I fit the description.
Hubbard said quantity not quality determines the results of bulk mail which is why some people find their mailbox full of scn promo.
We might have been at the Mission of Salt Lake City at the same time.
I left Upstate New York in May/June of 1977, and drove to Walt Disney World in Florida. I smoked one my last joints on that trip. Somewhere between Orlando and Salt Lake City, I gave up all of my pot paraphernalia. I went cold turkey — no drugs — and found Scientology in Salt Lake City.
There, I did the Comm Course, the HQS and Life Repair before joining the Sea Org that October.
Attempts to try and live when you are dead seldom work out.
If Scientology worked, then they wouldn’t have to do these things. People would be showing up in droves. If even 1 OT could demonstrate real OTness, then people would really want Scientology. But it doesn’t produce OT’s….or Clears or???. If it did, I might even continue to put up with the shit. But in actuality It just produces a bunch of fanatics who’s OT”S once in a while can postulate a parking space. Which usually is at the local empty org. And of course the more outrages stuff can never be reproduced. I was at the event where the first OT 7 was presented. She said in her little talk that when she reached this level she decided to create a rainbow, which she said she did. You know what I was thinking? Produce one now! But alas, I had to settle for a colorful story rather than an actual colorful apparition. Same old, same old.
I can attest to their never creating a “clear” because I attested to “clear” in ’78 and other than feeling real good, nothing new happened within me. I’ve since seen a note that Ron thought “clear” was unstable. Oh BOY is it! I crashed and burned soon after I attested; I made the mistake of assessing my life and probable outcomes and everything in my life crumbled soon after, as life was awful on all Dynamics, and only likely to worsen in the future. BUT it at least freed me in its way: I spent a stint in the RPF gulag before declaring it all ridiculous and they kicked me out for not being a good enough RPF inmate: I DID the silly punishments, but had no epiphanies of how “good” the punishments were. Being in good physical shape, what passed for “running” for them was hardly a quick walk for me. And having to sleep in the garage was great because there was lots of air circulation and cooler temps than in the usual “dorms” which weren’t allowed to run the A/C, no matter the temps. I watched some wallpaper peel itself off a wall in the Fort Harrison one July day, it was so hot and humid. The fact that there was little/no privacy didn’t phase me much. What did I have to hide?
But Scientology TV was going to bring all the raw meat in! No more body routing and handing out flyers etc lol
And no mention of Scientology anywhere!
Because they know their name is toxic.
I remember when their “Life Improvement” centre opened in my home town, Launceston. What first struck me was no mention anywhere who they really were. I told them to be open about it. Don’t hide that you’re Scientology. Otherwise it just looks like you’re dodgy and ashamed.
So they put up signs in the window, and even cleared the words and everything.
They were attacked by locals who’d obviously seen The Aftermath and other stuff.
Anyway that centre is now permanently closed.
Nothing they do will ever amount to anything. It’s over for them.
It’s been over for a long time for them. But the Twit™ can keep his Potemkin villages standing, after a fashion, as long as his money reserves hold out and there are a few folks who still believe his BS. I expect he’ll do his bug-out about the time his poor, mistreated liver starts giving him troubles. At that point what’s claiming to be scientology will fold up as the few remaining DevOTs shuffle off into the sunset.
Some trained zombie must go in there sometimes to clean the dingy dump and refill the bottles of water on the desk because they never seem to empty.
I’ll bet every one of those displays was put in place when the shop’s manager wasn’t looking. And went in the trash as soon as it was noticed.
These guys are lost, wandering off in a direction that seems right to them. Oops. Fell for it.
This thing is so confusing that former members, some are out now for thirty, forty, fifty or more years, still argue about what works and what does not.
When I see this stuff as above I know how bad it’s gotten in orgs. Sad state of affairs.
I’ll bet they’re glad of the requirement to wear those useless masks; so they can’t be recognized…
I “body-routed” in that exact same spot back in ’83; finally got out in ’15. It’s been almost 40 years since those days and from all indications that org is struggling worse than ever. I almost feel embarrassed for them. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…
What do you want to bet each of those “Find You” displays stayed in place only until the photos were taken and then the staff member moved on to the next location for the next photo op.
Well, either that or the displays lasted only until the staff walked away and were then tossed in the trash bins by the shop owner.
If it was Clearwater, the “mecca of tech perfection”, I can guarantee this is what would happen.
Also, quite appropriate one of the displays sits right next to a bottle of sanitizer.
Despicable, lying and misrepresenting cult. Always has been; always will be.
These geeks remind me of a bunch of elementary school kids basking in their bake sale success. Neato!
I live in Vancouver, they’re just a big joke here. Businesses and residents alike hate them. Cannot wait until all the hard work the Aftermath Foundation is doing pays off and this cult is no more.
Do they still do the e-meter “pinch test”? That’s where you pinch a person and then tell them to recall the pinch and the meter usually reads.
Here’s another e-meter demo where the operator REALLY hopes they have the person hooked and even asks at the end, “Are you ready to join”? lol – Very “squirrel” – 2 minutes
“Watch The Scientology Electropsychometer Read Your Mind!” would be a more effective come-on than a measly Personality Test.
‘Free personality test’??? But what if you’re an asshole?
It’s OK. As with all problems, they can help. They’ll make you an even bigger asshole who’s proud of it too.
Just imagine putting a bunch of booklets at fast food franchise to take a snap shot , shows level of desperation.
Age of Paranoia : confusion and chaos are the norm.
Remember 2025 , Age of Extinction….its not me ,it’s written on the wall.
Todd – laughter!
Is this their post-Keep Well leaflet attempt? Something to lookout for in the wider world.
It looks like the one placed in Subway is hovering over the garbage can. It’s a good thing they took a picture because that ~$100 donation cost ($3 manufacturing cost) is probably already in the bin.