No wonder the teeny tiny monster tells his underlings to never go near any Interweb terminal. It seems like those things are all poisoned agin the creep. He cannot seem to figure out who it is who would be poisoning the minds of the youth class agin him.
But I would suggest that would be any right-minded individual or anyone who thinks they know what happened o Shelley.
The stupid scumbag don’t even remember how to spell his wife’s name anymore.
Such a sad commentary. I suppose he is finally starting to lose his mind.
All we really need to do is arrange for him to have a sit down with Mary Kahn. I’m perfectly certain that Mary would be willing and able to skewer the little sewer-minded creep to the point where he would walk away with his skin all flailed off his back. Mary could then sell tiny souveneirs of that skin and use the money to contribute to The Aftermath Foundation.
Constantly re-living this and writing/telling it over and over must be very traumatic. Just shooting/editing videos for Karen De La Carriere w/titles like “Scientology killed my son” and “Prisoner of a Medical Waste Incinerator” upset me. Sometimes I would go home and cry at my edit bay.
Of course, you must realize that all the current happiness falling into Mike’s life is Karmic payback for all the trauma, suffering, injuries, terror and deprivations that he suffered while kept prisoner in The Hole for so many years.
I would not wish that suffering upon anyone (well, except for my ex-wife maybe). But my, oh my! I sure would love to have that feeling in 2006 (I think it was 2006), while he walked down a London street and was able to smile and say to myself, “HOLY SHIT!!! I’m free! I’m free! I’m free!” Thank God almighty! My reactive mind is gone (no thanks to that LRH cocksucker) and now I’m FREE! FREE! FREE!
No more Hole! No more stupid name tags. No more forcing terror upon innocent victims. No more eating shit served by that tiny terrorist!
And best of all?
No more of that fucking cocksucking son of a bitch, bastard, asshole, Miscreepage! What a fucking low life monster. But ….. Now? …… I’m Free! I’m Free! I’m Free!
Never again will I ever have to eat shit dispensed by that creepy cocksucker.
Please excuse me. But I just marathoned that most excellent TV show, “DEADWOOD” and I got an overdose of the word, “COCKSUCKER”! It may seem out of place. But I encourage you all to watch it – especially if you have never seen it before. It is on my Top Ten list of best TV shows ever!
If you do, you will walk around with the word, “COCKSUCKER” imprinted upon your mind. But it will be worth it.
In all seriousness, can y’all imagine that feeling? That wonderful feeling after six years in The Hole, to finally realize you are free of that monster? Anything is worth that feeling.
I’d say he’s got his nutsack in a vise of his own making. Can’t show up for events anymore, might get served. Can’t issue any new Ramdowns, doesn’t have the creative juices to come up with anything. Can’t reg plebes for new Idle Morgues, no one has any $$$$ to spare.
All those old suckers who refinanced their homes and businesses to fund the morgues now face rising interest rates if they didn’t lock em in.
Scios can’t even listen to the evening news anymore as they will hear something about their cult. (and it ain’t good!)
Yo Dave,
Must be the best thing goin fer yer stats. When the entheta goes ballistic it is only because You are winning. You remember that line of crap that the old man peddled doncha? Pour yerself a scotch good buddy!
I would like to discuss your use of the word “Ramdown”.
I assume you are referring to one of a very long list of tortures this cult inflicts on people whenever TLT (The Little Twerp) feels like it.
It primarily consists of someone taking a penile shaped object (actually it’s closer to a cross between a penis and a football – I’m very sorry if it appears I’m leaving out the ladies. No slight intended. I promise. I just want to see Miscreepage get fucked – regardless of who does it.) and then ramming it down … well … good taste prohibits me from describing this any further.
Suffice it to say that my reading indicates this torture is an equal-gender torture. It has been applied equally to both males and females. I wouldn’t want people to think I was somehow revelling in the notion of doing this to females.
That is one interesting tidbit about this cult. Their tortures and penalties are almost always applied to both men and women.
But the word, “RAM Down” is important insofar as it applies equally well to most all living creatures – regardless of gender – regardless of race – regardless of any of the factors that go into the LGBT2 community. When it comes to cruelty and hatred, this cult does not pick and choose. It is just about the one and only torture that is non-discriminatory. This includes all kinds of animal and insects and especially suitable for Davey the Creep, inanimate objects too!)
Proof the leader is truly a real scumbag and a c**cksucker. He gets off on everything.
With any luck, this cult will have to absorb a very hefty body blow after this trial. And I
ain’t fooling. Know what I mean? The little creep will really deserve whatever this Justice System decides to mete out to him.
Loved the book, great job at explaining how anyone could end up in a cult like that, especially if your parents bring you in or your born in. Your motto “it’s never too late” only reinforces the determination you have to live the life you have known to the best of your ability. I have been trying to keep up with all of your interviews, keep them coming. And keep speaking the truth. At some point, there will be a tipping point. With everything that is happening with the cult and its dedicated members (with trials, hearings, and book signings), let’s hope that is sooner rather than later. Looking forward to continued exposure of this sick cult!
Or maybe “Sick” is really and truly the word. I cannot be certain.
Mike has said that the monster is controlled by the word “cruelty”. But IMHO, that is not sufficiently ugly. I would use a word like “sick” or “monstrosity” or “inhumane” or … what would you call someone who deserves to be placed underneath the jail and never ever let out to be free? Yes! A life sentence underneath the jail. Perfect way for that horror to spend the rest of his life and hopefully it will be a very long life – underneath the jail. Just where he deserves!
My oh My!
No wonder the teeny tiny monster tells his underlings to never go near any Interweb terminal. It seems like those things are all poisoned agin the creep. He cannot seem to figure out who it is who would be poisoning the minds of the youth class agin him.
But I would suggest that would be any right-minded individual or anyone who thinks they know what happened o Shelley.
The stupid scumbag don’t even remember how to spell his wife’s name anymore.
Such a sad commentary. I suppose he is finally starting to lose his mind.
All we really need to do is arrange for him to have a sit down with Mary Kahn. I’m perfectly certain that Mary would be willing and able to skewer the little sewer-minded creep to the point where he would walk away with his skin all flailed off his back. Mary could then sell tiny souveneirs of that skin and use the money to contribute to The Aftermath Foundation.
Constantly re-living this and writing/telling it over and over must be very traumatic. Just shooting/editing videos for Karen De La Carriere w/titles like “Scientology killed my son” and “Prisoner of a Medical Waste Incinerator” upset me. Sometimes I would go home and cry at my edit bay.
And Mike Rinder’s positive stats just keep climbing;
Whereas scientology’s are zero, when you remove their paid adverts.
What’sha gonna do david?
Of course, you must realize that all the current happiness falling into Mike’s life is Karmic payback for all the trauma, suffering, injuries, terror and deprivations that he suffered while kept prisoner in The Hole for so many years.
I would not wish that suffering upon anyone (well, except for my ex-wife maybe). But my, oh my! I sure would love to have that feeling in 2006 (I think it was 2006), while he walked down a London street and was able to smile and say to myself, “HOLY SHIT!!! I’m free! I’m free! I’m free!” Thank God almighty! My reactive mind is gone (no thanks to that LRH cocksucker) and now I’m FREE! FREE! FREE!
No more Hole! No more stupid name tags. No more forcing terror upon innocent victims. No more eating shit served by that tiny terrorist!
And best of all?
No more of that fucking cocksucking son of a bitch, bastard, asshole, Miscreepage! What a fucking low life monster. But ….. Now? …… I’m Free! I’m Free! I’m Free!
Never again will I ever have to eat shit dispensed by that creepy cocksucker.
Please excuse me. But I just marathoned that most excellent TV show, “DEADWOOD” and I got an overdose of the word, “COCKSUCKER”! It may seem out of place. But I encourage you all to watch it – especially if you have never seen it before. It is on my Top Ten list of best TV shows ever!
If you do, you will walk around with the word, “COCKSUCKER” imprinted upon your mind. But it will be worth it.
In all seriousness, can y’all imagine that feeling? That wonderful feeling after six years in The Hole, to finally realize you are free of that monster? Anything is worth that feeling.
P.S. Where is Shelley?
+1 for Deadwood props
I’d say he’s got his nutsack in a vise of his own making. Can’t show up for events anymore, might get served. Can’t issue any new Ramdowns, doesn’t have the creative juices to come up with anything. Can’t reg plebes for new Idle Morgues, no one has any $$$$ to spare.
All those old suckers who refinanced their homes and businesses to fund the morgues now face rising interest rates if they didn’t lock em in.
Scios can’t even listen to the evening news anymore as they will hear something about their cult. (and it ain’t good!)
Yo Dave,
Must be the best thing goin fer yer stats. When the entheta goes ballistic it is only because You are winning. You remember that line of crap that the old man peddled doncha? Pour yerself a scotch good buddy!
I would like to discuss your use of the word “Ramdown”.
I assume you are referring to one of a very long list of tortures this cult inflicts on people whenever TLT (The Little Twerp) feels like it.
It primarily consists of someone taking a penile shaped object (actually it’s closer to a cross between a penis and a football – I’m very sorry if it appears I’m leaving out the ladies. No slight intended. I promise. I just want to see Miscreepage get fucked – regardless of who does it.) and then ramming it down … well … good taste prohibits me from describing this any further.
Suffice it to say that my reading indicates this torture is an equal-gender torture. It has been applied equally to both males and females. I wouldn’t want people to think I was somehow revelling in the notion of doing this to females.
That is one interesting tidbit about this cult. Their tortures and penalties are almost always applied to both men and women.
But the word, “RAM Down” is important insofar as it applies equally well to most all living creatures – regardless of gender – regardless of race – regardless of any of the factors that go into the LGBT2 community. When it comes to cruelty and hatred, this cult does not pick and choose. It is just about the one and only torture that is non-discriminatory. This includes all kinds of animal and insects and especially suitable for Davey the Creep, inanimate objects too!)
Proof the leader is truly a real scumbag and a c**cksucker. He gets off on everything.
With any luck, this cult will have to absorb a very hefty body blow after this trial. And I
ain’t fooling. Know what I mean? The little creep will really deserve whatever this Justice System decides to mete out to him.
Did I spell “mete” correctly?
Ramdown is a play on “Rundown” which is a scientology term for an auditing procedure.
And thank you again.
My playlist runneth over.
Air through teeth anticipation.
Loved the book, great job at explaining how anyone could end up in a cult like that, especially if your parents bring you in or your born in. Your motto “it’s never too late” only reinforces the determination you have to live the life you have known to the best of your ability. I have been trying to keep up with all of your interviews, keep them coming. And keep speaking the truth. At some point, there will be a tipping point. With everything that is happening with the cult and its dedicated members (with trials, hearings, and book signings), let’s hope that is sooner rather than later. Looking forward to continued exposure of this sick cult!
Oh …. No …. Sick is not the word!
Or maybe “Sick” is really and truly the word. I cannot be certain.
Mike has said that the monster is controlled by the word “cruelty”. But IMHO, that is not sufficiently ugly. I would use a word like “sick” or “monstrosity” or “inhumane” or … what would you call someone who deserves to be placed underneath the jail and never ever let out to be free? Yes! A life sentence underneath the jail. Perfect way for that horror to spend the rest of his life and hopefully it will be a very long life – underneath the jail. Just where he deserves!