“We want to be done with this project by the end of the year, the reason being that this is what we were asked to do and the project has a LOT of attention from high up, if you know what I mean? I consider it an honor to be asked to help on this project, that someone trusts me enough to work on it.”
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013
From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Subject: Like helping?Hi team,
I need some help. And I hope my friends (that means you) can help me.
As you know if you were at the last Pac OTC meeting, Andrea Kluge and I have swapped positions on the Event Center project we have ongoing. She is now the project I/C for the OTC, and I am now fundraising only on the project, along with still doing my co-chair duties.
The help I need is who do you know that I should talk to about this project? Who do you know that is an alumni of a Pac org or orgs, that cares about Pac and Scientology expanding? Who is capable and competent?
We want to be done with this project by the end of the year, the reason being that this is what we were asked to do and the project has a LOT of attention from high up, if you know what I mean? I consider it an honor to be asked to help on this project, that someone trusts me enough to work on it.
I know I cannot do this alone. This is our project, our orgs, our Pac Base. To the degree that we get behind this project and put all our shoulders to the wheel, that will determine the speed this gets done. I like to help, in fact it is about my favorite thing to do in life, help people. I also like to share, so I am sharing this opportunity.
Let me know if you have anyone I should be talking to about this project? And anyone else who would also like to help get this project done, with call-in, help at events, and some other administrative duties.
I look forward to hearing from you.
ML, Nick Lekas
Co-Chair, PAC OT Committee
Hey, at least Nick has some manners and a bit of charm. But every polite sycophant will eventually be cast aside as “ineffective” and “PTS” to be replaced by a charming Ms. Charmin or someone just like her (Jenny Linson?).
Things really seem to be desperate in PAC. Home of the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth according to the spokespuppets (that is if you ignore the clearly ridiculous claims of 10,000 Scientologists in Clearwater). The PAC scene just isn’t indicative of the oft touted “straight up and vertical” expansion He keeps announcing (though no real announcements this year as He has canceled all events).
Let’s look at some facts:
* Desperation to try to get money for Valley Ideal Org is reaching fever pitch. As I have pointed out before, if the Ideal Org strategy was really working out so well, how come the “tens of thousands” of Scientologists in LA are not falling all over themselves to build another Ideal Org? And how come there isn’t a huge flow of new prospects to collect from being turned out by Pasadena, LA Org, Orange County and Inglewood “Ideal Orgs”? IF this program was a success, the demand for more “Ideal Orgs” would render all the enforced orders to contribute obsolete. Hell, if this was really working, “COB” could spend a few hundred million of his “reserves” and build a bunchy more of these “Ideal Orgs” as they would soon be returning a lot more to his Scrooge McDuck piles of gold. Nobody seems to even consider that if one truly has the “only route to spiritual freedom and immortality” that people are willing to fork over a LOT of money for it. These Ideal Orgs SHOULD be massive profit centers.
* Desperation to raise money to build a “PAC Auditorium”. This is not even “Ideal Org” bs. It’s just a random “COB says build an auditorium and they will come” so the drones start demanding money. Since when was there not enough money to build an auditorium if it is something that is needed? With the massive international expansion there must be a LOT of cash lying around. Two Saint Hills and and AO cannot afford an auditorium? Monique Yingling is still on the Miscavige Gravy Train (recently in Texas and in Florida courtrooms) and she has advised Miscavige on numerous occasions that it is necessary to spend a percentage of the money that is collected to maintain tax exempt status. His favored way of doing this is to invest in buildings as they are retained as assets (humanitarian work just flushes the money down the toilet in his mind).
* The Hollywood Inn is vying with the Clearwater SP building for the record of the longest incomplete renovation/construction project in Scientology.
* Two and a half YEARS ago, they purchased the KCET Studios. Since then, NOTHING. Perhaps it was just an investment, somewhere to spend some of that money? Clearly, with a huge studio at Gold, it is not needed. Why not spend the money on the most important strategy for planetary clearing (“Ideal Orgs”)?? The simple answer is that “Ideal Orgs” has nothing to do with “planetary clearing” it is a MONEYMAKING strategy and just as importantly, a “shift the blame” strategy for “COB.” He has managed to convince all staff and public that if things are not going well, it is their fault, and they had better get their butts in gear and start making it go right. This is why emails like Jennifer Charmin from last evening are going out. The blame game is in full roar.
* PR area control in PAC sucks. Tom Cruise was not booed at Dodger Stadium last night because people were disappointed by whatever his last unmemorable movie was (Oblivion?). He is the public face of Scientology. Leah Remini is becoming a pop culture icon for standing up to the cult, Tom Cruise is becoming a pop culture butt of jokes for standing for the cult.
* With no events being done by Voldemort, there is NO NEWS going out to the bubble dwellers even pretending to be the “good news” of international expansion and humanitarian programs. No events also equates to no “International Scientology News” (which just rehash the events) and no “Impact” Mags because they can only report on things AFTER Voldemort has announced them because if they don’t wait to find out what he wants to use they may “take something” and “pre-empt it” and be in deep shit for intentionally enturbulating COB. He is going to HAVE to hold one or more “internationally televised events” soon as he is losing his grip on the public. And he knows it. He is desperately trying to make it all happen at Flag, but in the meantime, PAC and the rest of the Scientology world are drifting out of orbit.
All in all, I would suggest the evidence is mounting that the death star is imploding. And I havent even touched upon all the legal problems.
Nor the shrinking Mission network.
Or small and failing orgs.
Or empty “Ideal Orgs” around the world.
Or the “3 AO’s” announced with great fanfare “to be opened in Canada, South Africa and Mexico” that are serving only as repositories for “problem” SO Members who need to be out of sight and out of mind in the middle of nowhere in Canada.
And what happened to the “Grand Opening” of Kaohsuing to “Clear China”? Not really important any longer as He is too busy and they couldn’t possibly open an “Ideal Org” in a country where He feels it is safe to travel (he won’t open any “Ideal Orgs” in Germany, Austria, Russia, France or Belgium) and cost Him a “photo op.”
And while he is doing “everything” in Scientology personally (if you listen to His events and His spokespuppets) — this email is another example of how “everyone knows” that “this is a COB project” or “the top of the org board is on this” or “it’s Command Intention” and a dozen other euphemisms. This is all great until anyone tries to pin responsibility on him in court and suddenly He does “nothing” and is just an “ecclesiastical leader” sitting on a throne somewhere blessing his flock from afar…
I havent used it for a while, but going through all this reminds me: It sucks to be Miscavige. His life is one humiliating disaster after another. Surrounded by SP’s who are trying to destroy Him. Incompetents who are making His life unbearable. Every “friend” is plotting against Him. The media are trying to expose Him to ridicule and disdain. The courts are trying to make Him pay for simply doing his job. And as each day goes by He feels more and more alone.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
“The Hollywood Inn is vying with the Clearwater SP building for the record of the longest incomplete renovation/construction project in Scientology”.
IIRC, the Hollywood inn needed renos BADLY when I was interred there for a couple of weeks in ’75. The SP building didn’t even get BUILT until I was long gone from CW . It’s not old enough to need renos. “SP building”…. SO appropriate a nickname. Kudos to the guy who popularized it.
I wish I could take credit for this but my firend sent this comment on along with a link to your article:
One disaster after another is right isn’t it. But I have to say it’s like some folks’ jolly old god jehovah – creation – then shit we fucked up, people think for themselves still – , then a flood, then another failure, then a human sacrifice cult thing – it’s a shame when these gods just can’t get it right.
“Holy Cow, what a movie this will make!”
What a great idea! Something like this is very much needed.
Recently, I saw “The Master”. I thought that this attempt to depict the subject was very in-accurate historically and was really just an anti-Scientology propaganda piece. The writers didn’t take the time to research the subject and techniques, did not duplicate LRH’s, Mary Sue’s, and Diana’s personalities and tone levels, and had a plot that was pure fantasy. Even with pretty damn good acting, it flopped.
But a film about the Church of Scientology which showed the rise of the subject in Ron’s early years, as well as the fall of the subject in Mi$cavige’s hands would be captivating. And it would be powerful because it would tell a truer story and have more balance.
Let’s face it, the idea that most people got interested in Scientology in the first place because they were bamboozled or hypnotized is a crock. They got into it mainly because it actually enhanced their lives. This fact should be acknowledged and appreciated.
The way Mi$cavige and others have taken advantage of people’s appreciation for this help while destroying purpose of the organizations of Scientology is a story that desperately needs to be told. But this is not the whole story and perhaps is not the final chapter of the story of the SUBJECT of Scientology.
Exactly Espiritu. Thanks.
Dave, bring the tent back here, it was a happy time having the IAS event here in the UK. We miss it. And there’ll be no Sun reporters this time, pinky promise.
Flexible Flyer,
You are correct about China. Kung -Fu private security armies
are there at a price. They are all hot young girls who are trained
in the Dim – Mac ( Death Touch )( rumored to have killed Bruce Lee)
And what happened to “Clear China”. Nothing because it’s a bad idea. China has state religion. Historically, every time a religion had free reign bloody rebellions occur; thousands happen every year without the assistance of cults and religions. Best bet Hong Kong with no extradition. Dock the love boat, open a chop account and hire a private kung-fu army.
“Two, three, four times a day the hits keep coming. i love it”
Right…! Is anyone else having trouble fitting, I don’t know – life! into all of this
“in the middle of nowhere in Canada”
Hey hey hey! Some of us live in that “nowhere”. Some of us even go for hikes through the middle of the AO on the Bruce Trail.
As one drives by “The Org” these days, that Giant Sucking Sound is slowly being replaced by a Giant Flushing Sound. I believe that we are witnessing the end of the Rule of Mi$cavige.
The daily reports you give on this blog are becoming a mono-tone. It is almost boring ……but do keep up the good work. I think that you are documenting the death throes of a once high-purposed group. It not a happy story, but one that deserves to be documented so that later Scientologists can learn from this experience.
I agree Espiritu. Maybe one day they’ll make a documentary of the rise and fall of Scientology and David Miscavage, the psychopath at its helm.
Holy Cow, what a movie this will make! What a cast of heroes, and the simple scripted truth will be as over-the-top as Hollywood could possibly desire. It will make a fortune as it will have all the elements to attract a very wide audience, and there will be Oscar nominations connected to it. My picture is not clear on what the nominations will be and I don’t know whether or not it/they will win, but there will be nominations, and it will be an important movie.
And, fyi, I am deliberately using the declarative mode and not the subjunctive because I just know that this movie will be made one day. I’ve had this picture for several years now.
Call me crazy, but my pictures, when I get them, from time to time, have always come true, since childhood, since way before I became a Scientologist. And the funny thing is, they come true regardless of whether I want them to or not. .
This is one role Tom Cruise will not want to play as he will be portrayed as the cult Kool Aid drinking idiot he is.
Regarding Tom Cruise…
Google “Christian Bale on Tom Cruise.”
The director of the movie ‘American Psycho’, reveals in an interview that Christian Bale called him up one day and told him his inspiration for the lead role in the film is TOM CRUISE.
Christian told him that he was watching Letterman and Tom was on the show. Christian, while watching Tom, noted “an intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes” and said he was taken with his energy.
If anyone has seen the movie ‘American Psycho’ you will know that this is NOT a compliment! If you’ve never seen it, check it out and get the creeps while watching it knowing that Christian Bale was channeling Tom Cruise in that film. He plays a complete psychopath.
Seems Bale knows “the method” 😉
Just for fun scraped a link on Cruise love fest at Dodger Stadium.
Seems his popularity has gone “straight up and vertical” just like the Church of Scientology that according to their PR Flacks has expanded more in the last 5 years than in all previous decades before.
Those who are still in don’t say anything like:
“You’re kidding!
Or you could find yourself getting sec checked.
(Hmmm I wonder if they made them any faster too?
Probably the only action that’ll take forever once you skip up that Grade Chart (bypassing your entire case) like a speeding Cheetah …or is that Cheeto …Dorito….
A speeding something.
More likely an ambulance, especially if your getting Flag “auditing”.
Mike you’re hitting pretty close to home with all this stuff that isn’t happening LA that they (the “OT” Committee) want to make happen because of all us %&##* out in the Field who haven’t seen the blinding white shining wisdom of Mister Miscarrige CObiOneKonobiB in getting all these Ideal Orgs in session to audit Los Angeles County.
I mean your killing me all these non events that’ll never happen here in Angel City like building a Pac Auditorium (sure, sure, they can’t even put toilet paper in the bathrooms) or turning Valley Org into an Ideal anything other than a black hole.
Looks like the OTC does a lot of what other people do in this town do when they haven’t made it and that is sit around and smoke dope and make big plans for things that’ll never happen because all they do is sit around and smoke dope and make plans for things that’ll never happen.
Sorta like the OTC only they manage to do it without drugs.
It’s been fun!
By the way has anything happened over in Clearwater or is the stage still empty?
Over to you Mike 🙂
If POB is looking for some tropical destination in South America, the Devil’s Island can be sold to him. Over there he can set up a paradisiac destination for the few
I see they now have a Pac “OTC”, either they are expanding or they’re combining the AO, ASHO and CCI (for a short time they even had an LA Org “OTC” but it died a slow death) “OTC”.
I figure latter.
My impression while I was there, was that the “OTCs” consisted of the “exceptional” children who took the “special bus”.
It was usually filled with status hungry “OTs” who basically did Solo and were dumb enough to believe that they were actually “trained” auditors (even though they never audited anybody but themselves) because they did a bunch of stupid pointless GAT drills.
Let’s just say that I was never impressed with the “OTness” of the “OTC”.
Should really be called the Group Think Committee or the GTC.
You’re too much Remote viewed! Love it.
Hey Jane
Let know when you’re ready for part III of my literary masterpiece
Where is Part II? Somehow I missed Part II but YES do publish Part III.
I am also hooked ….and ready for part 3 🙂
Hey Wendy, glad I”m in good company in wanting Part III. So, Remote Viewed, Wendy and I have our popcorn out and our feet up and are ready for Part III. Over to you.
Of course I’m ready for Part III. Baited breath and all that jazz…
And those auditing on OT VII were told they “had” to be on an OTC and “had” to hold a post on the org board of the OTC. And if you told the MAA that you contributed in other ways more agreeable to your likes etc, you were told to keep up with that but you “MUST” in addition to that, “be on an OTC and hold a post on it.” So the OTC’s were made up of the special glory-hungry people on the special bus, but also unexpressed resentment OT VII’s who were forced to be on the OTC against their will in most cases.
It looks like this is the tipping point I was waiting for…. Miscavige and RCS are checking out… permanently. I can smell dead flesh floating somewhere up the river and soon some bodies will be passing by…
“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
― Sun Tzu
Lovely backhand!
Love that quote by Sun Tzu, so appropriate. But how long will it take the Sheeple to realize that their dear leader left the building a long time ago? He could be dead an others are hiding it, or more likely, he could have already split for some foreign country where the corrupt officials can be bought with his billions that he’s stashed away. Even if they somehow realize he’s gone, they’ll make excuses, make him into a martyr, and roam uselessly around the corral waiting to be given orders.
Wendy M. says….
It looks like all dates for future events are tent-ative.
I just needed to repeat that. As I will continue to do in my own head for days on end.
That just made my entire WEEK.
Viva La Tents!
I’m with you BTN. An instant classic….
Tom Cruise was boo’d at Dodger Stadium last night? Maybe it is because the true celebrities (aka the Cardinals players or “anyone playing the Dodgers”) were on the field and not in the stands, so “don’t waste our time with that shit.”
(Can you tell I’m not a Dodger fan?)
Regarding why Tom Cruise was booed last night, I think that Mike got it right, Ryan.
(And by the way, GO DODGERS!)
Let’s go Giants! 🙂
The Scientologists in L.A. can see that their orgs are empty. There are just too many buildings populated with staff only – NO PUBLIC. Week after week, they see the same empty buildings and the same few tired faces. It must, at some point begin to dawn on them…
IF it looks, feels, and acts like a hamster wheel…it IS!
Roger that Izzysson.
As I reported earlier Big Blue is a virtual ghost town.
What Mike said above about the HI is totally true.
The place has been under renovation like….forever.
Nothing is happening at KCET’s old studio over on Sunset.
Valley “Org” is such a joke that it should be downgraded to City Office or Forming Org.
The morons at Pas (fitting because all people do is pass it on their way to Old Town Pasadena) Org moved from a high traffic area to a old bicycle factory off the beaten path somewhere near the Old Town section of Pasadena that get’s very little body traffic.
Westwood Mission and Beverly Hills Mission. Two of the biggest mission in LA County at one time are just faded memories.
Glendale Mission is now in Burbank. What’s left of it.
CCI is lifeless hulk lurking behind a tall steel fence and is about as inviting as a Federal penitentiary.
I could go on, but it just shows you the Magic of (our) Good Management.
Everything will be fine once the COB opens the new IDEAL Big Blue!
Izzysson: Are you Izzy Chait’s son? Just wondering.
And ain’t that (Mike’s description of how he thinks that COB feels) a pretty good description of the basic definition of a suppressive person … ? 😉
No wonder then why he is so obsessive to “do it all by himself” — and thus violate “Why Orgs Stay Small”-policy letter. I guess COB must have some misunderstoods.
I am an Anon , I understand what he is saying , why do’nt you ?
Get your kids out !!!
Tom Cruise wasn’t booed because of his movie. He was booed because Scientology under David Miscavige has become reviled.
I think Tom Cruise was booed because he is a sociopathic pig and after all these years of hiding behind hollywood glitter, his piggy, abusive snout is starting to show. And people don’t like it much. So they boo. They see a self-centered egotist who is a ramrod for Scientology Disconnection Abuse and who LIKES seeing families broken up and people hurt “for the greater good”. Who interprets himself as “greater” and thus the “greater good” means “what’s good for me and my greater buddy”. It is a credit to Mike Rinder and all members of the Scientology Abuse resistance movement that the general public start to see arrogant and abusive people like TC for who they really are; manipulative life-opaths, who smile sweetly and then stomp the life out of the people they encounter. Kudo’s to Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun and the other plucky folks who fight on.
Tom Cruise is also the poster boy for the Scientology religion. So I also think that what happened in the stadium was a popularity vote for Scientology and all its sleazy members. Now the Slime-tologists know what the general public think of them and their crappy disconnection policy and abusive behaviour. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO….
I only wish I could have been there.
Get yours an other kids out
Amen, Roy!
. “I also like to share, so I am sharing this opportunity” (Nick Lekas)
Wow, generous!
Did you know that the number of Americans who have used SSRIs has tripled in 10 years? Scientology opposes these drugs, doesn’t it? Why isn’t it speaking out about the problem, rather than begging for money?
OTIX and OTX have not been released yet, so they don’t know about “orders of magnitude”.
Everyone has to snap and pop for Him, while He can take his time. What are His mental processes, really? I wonder about this sometimes. Does He have any self-correcting mental mechanisms left, if indeed He’s ever had any? I’m simply curious. Maybe I should read, “The Sociopath Next Door” and that will answer my questions?
” Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout
Highly recommended
“Does He have any self-correcting mental mechanisms left, if indeed He’s ever had any?”
I wonder this as well. Again, this is what happens when you set yourself up as infallible. When you banish or cow into silence anyone who might tap you on the shoulder and whisper, “Ummmm…do you REALLY think that’s such a good idea?”
Can he sit down and read the criticisms on all these blogs and take a breath and say, “You know, if thousands of people are saying these things, then maybe – just maybe – I should change my strategy?”
Naw. Of course not.
I find it hard to believe that Miscavige wants to build an auditorium at PAC.
So many millions pumped into Real Estate and attorneys.
It’s difficult to come up with an analogy or snappy humorous story
that parallels this fiasco. This is new territory of blundering idiots paradise never before seen. My thoughts are that a South American country with NO extradition treaty with the US will get a new Pope. Better off for everyone.
Great work Mike !
Hey Dave, Was that you in disguise at Dodger Stadium last night?
The Contrary Facts, Altered Importances, Falsehoods, and Ommitted Data leap out at me, they practically announce themselves to me when I read comm like this, making me scream inwardly “WTF!”
But overall this is very good news..The desperation and despair is palpable.
I keep thanking you, Mike, but there isn’t enough thanks that can be flowed for what you are doing, and I don’t know how you keep up this pace, but is is certainly appreciated, and the truth coming out here because of your work is helping big time to turn the tide.
It really does SUCK to be Miscavige! “Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.” Mike, you make me laugh and made my day with that sentence. I can’t stop smiling!
These last couple emails are so telling and I am still trying to wrap my brain around “the Charmer” one last evening. Wow is all I can come up with since they reek of desperation. If everyone starts blaming everyone else then the church will crumble even quicker.
Their desperation is reaching fever pitch alright. And all because “he who is most high” has his attention on accumulating more wealth. Fundraising stats down? Off to the RPF!
Mike, all these emails from parishoners asking for help and money and participation in the latest Ideal Org and how they hint at “highups” want it and expect it and demand it… this is proof that David Miscavage actually does micromanage all aspects of the church. They are careful not to say his name in the emails, but the implication is perfectly clear that they are asking because DM has asked them to do it and rally the troops. So are you forwarding these emails to Mosey and the Garcias for use in their court cases as more and more proof that yes DM does run every aspect of the church?
If any regges happen to show up at your door, tell them that Coop Kessel wants to help Mr. High Up get his project done and to call me at 209-532-1123 during daytime hours to make their demands.
I’ll be happy to talk to any reg that has a pair (even Charmaine who I think has two pair) and discuss the options. I recently sold some real estate and have all cash on hand!
Love your game Coop….
Love it Coop! Hey, let’s leak the info that you just sold property and have cash and then we’ll see how fast they show up at your door with an Amnesty for you. Cash talks, after all in the Cof$. And I don’t think one reg would leave your place alive as I know you take no prisoners!
I hope he (excuse me….He) takes His time in doing another “international event.” The less info He puts out there the more and more the rumors will take control. Love it! All the “entheta and bad news” will filter in there and do it’s dirty deeds.
All his incomplete projects….more people will get fed up with being blamed for things He insists on being in control of. Can you imagine all the half-done stuff on the event lines alone? Everywhere they turn is something undone, something to wait on, something stalled, something to frantically get started, something to dig out from 5 months ago and re-do then not do and do something else. Hectic, over-pressurized scene, no sleep because “He’s not sleeping doing YOUR jobs” (but He really is) and no pay.
Maybe some of those “entheta rumors” are true, you putzes (a stupid, ignorant person; someone who doesn’t pay attention to anything going on) who are still in there. You are looking at it and living it every single day. Your LIVES are entheta. Why not remove yourselves from that and enjoy the love and attention of your familiy, true friends and some decent food! Then check out the indie field.
As I said earlier, what next after the fart airs out? But I am amazed at all the fanfare that STILL goes on and the fart has not even emerged yet. But I keep hearing promise of how it will be earth shattering.
It’s kinda funny that the biggest SP of all is the one who believes he’s completely surrounded by SP’s.
People judge others like they judge themselves
Brad Halsey, Scientologist
You covered a lot and you are right on, but there is level 6.
How many of TC’s ex-wives technically should have been declared SP and how come he has not been required to disconnect from them even though they have not been declared,
if ever?
The answer is easy….
The answer, he is a gem
I think the problem is that “TC’s ex wives” is such a rapidly growing club, and what with the shortage of personnel in the IJC office and all… It would be more efficient just to blanket SP declare any Hollywood female under 50 who has ever been within a 5 mile radius of Celebrity Center.
this brad guy is saying how could marty, mike and karen get to where they were in the “church” and yet be SPs?
well why doesn’t he take that train of thought further and ask himself how could miscavige get to where he is and yet be an SP?
he has to thought stop right there, because if he comes up with a reason for how miscavige can be an SP and rise in the “church” then that same theory can be used by cruise to explain how the others rose and yet were SPs.
or he has to fully wake up and confront the reality that there are no SPs, OTs or Clears, hence there is no tech.
it may be hard to hear but even indies are a contradiction. they’ll claim the tech works because they had “wins” and if you say that’s BS they say you’re invalidating them, but then they turn around and invalidate that which they think is BS.
indies will say the church could be booming like the old days if it wasn’t for miscavige.
but then don’t wonder why the indie field isn’t booming, why after years of trying to get 500 names on the indie list they still are well short. you’d think if the tech worked and without the SPness of miscavige the indie field would be booming.
why isn’t it? it’s a fair question and a question anyone interested in booming the indie field has to ask.
i can elaborate much much more on the tons of contradictions, conflicts and thought stopping practices of indies. but i think i should have said enough to make my point.
I’m sincere in saying I’m not trying to be a troll or mean or harsh anybody’s head.
I’m just saying things that I think need to be said. it’s just one wog’s point of view.
Did you ever consider you are right and they try an tried to make you wrong ??
You’d have to have been there.
His message was for Cruise. If he’s sat there saying “there’s no tech and it’s all bullshit” I don’t think that would have had the same spirited vigor. Not that Tom will ever view it anyway, but as a rant and a piece of entertainment it was first class.
It took man some 300 years to realize slavery was wrong. LRH wrote a bulletin ‘Cultural lag’ where he said the cultural comm lag was 50 years. It’s more like 300 years. In the meantime billions are being spent on brain research. This whole society still buying into the brain theory. You can keep your ECT and Prozac. Come back in 300 years and see where Scn is at. I know, you won’t be around.
The desperation in those Emails is delicious, Jennifer(COB) will be drunk of is ass like Stalin was for tree weeks when Hitler invaded Russia in spite of their “agreement”
Tom Cruise needs a reality check like that. He should find himself a real church or charity, one that DOES SOMETHING TO HELP OTHERS. Scientology manages his love life, encourage him to punch his staff or give him $250,000 birthday parties, free slave labor and expensive gifts. He doesn’t seem to know, this is known, Tom.
A suggested process for Dave this morning:
1.What part of what happened to Tom last night could you be responsible for?
2.What part of what happened to Tom last night don’t you have to be responsible for?
DM’s Cognition…… “ Fuuuuuuck YOU!!!”
Note: P/C cracked an empty scotch bottle over his dog’s head on the way out of the room.
Whoa! The bestest of posts. “Just the facts m’am.”
Two, three, four times a day the hits keep coming. i love it.
it’s like you have a dart gun with infinite range to needle them to death with, while the dwarf can only lob cannon balls that land short of your feet.
you’re invincible. you’re a unrelenting drop of water on the midget’s head.
Mike i don’t know if you can keep this pace up but i hope you do. it’s well worth it on many levels.
Quote for the day:
“I said to myself ‘Combustible, bust him up'” – Cliff “Combustible” Huxtable
someone said a funny thing about that.
the “cult” of $camology will die a slow death by thousands of needle pricks.
The deterioration in Miscavige and his Church over the past year and a half is striking. There is a real possibility of a sudden implosion at this point. Perhaps, due to the bizarre convulsions concerning Miscavige International events, we should consider that Miscavige and his Church are rapidly approaching the Event Horizon.
Mike, one of your best posts. Yes, the vortex of the death spiral has increased exponentially. The end is here. And Miscavage hasn’t been seen for weeks. Do you think he already made his escape? That would explain the “no comm” of no events scheduled, all cancelled, no graduation appearances lately and no “will be announced at next graduation” comm. Is he already gone and we just haven’t realized it yet? Maybe he went Fabian like LRH did to avoid having to appear in court?
Like you noted, this e mail is a bit gentler than the scorpion’s one posted earlier.
However, the tone this e mail conveys is utter desperation and, again, begging plus a very servile attitude: “honored by this request and trust”
It’s has COB’s mark all over – micromanaging but, even more important, trying to keep the attention of the few remaining on the unbelievable expansion when, in fact, he is now crunching the OT Committees. His sequence is usual- first ask, then demand, then make wrong for not succeeding and leaving him to handle it all, then have the terminal disappear as incompetent until, at the end, nobody is there to ‘help’ the little bastard on his projects.
All is a lie, he is just destroying the few that are left who, in turn, will end collapsing with him. His collapse is imminent.
Silvia, very true and astute remarks. Did any of you read the Agatha Christie book / play, “And Then There Were None?” In it 10 people are invited to an island for a social event and people start disappearing one by one and turning up dead. Then there is only one left. This is what is happening with DM. He is exiling all his juniors for incompetence. They are in the Hole and soon he will be the only one with no one else to blame and no one else to help him. We should take a betting thing up on whether DM commits suicide as the authorities close in on him or whether he escapes to some other country, or whether he gets caught and tried. Anyone want the hat as bookie?
I couldn’t agree more.
David Miscavige is already fucked. He knows it. And the dam hasn’t even burst yet… it’s just sprouted a dozen or so so “leaks.”
Miscavige is falling apart.
“I look forward to hearing from you.”
ML, Nick Lekas
Co-Chair, PAC OT Committee
We should all call him and explain what a bad idea a PAC Auditorium is.
That’s the best help that we could be to him personally.
Dan351, did you call him yet? I’m not sure this isn’t a great idea, just a brief call/msg. to say “thought I’d let you know that …….” and by the way, your email made it onto Rinder’s blog as one of the ‘topics of the day’. Of course, who could resist that mystery sandwich and he’d almost have to read a little more, just a little more and vwhahhlaa! he starts to get the real picture, or a the very least gets a whiff of something that’s gone off! Hey, someone outflowed to most of us and that helped in our cogniting, maybe it’s our shot now.
Yes, I did call him. He’s very businesslike. He explained that they need 3.5 million dollars by the end of the year.
So far, they have raised $300,000. They have what they call a “PAC Alumni” status which is $5,000. Fifty people have pledged this amount. Some have given more. There’s also a $25,000 status. No takers on that so far.
The PAC Auditorium is supposed to seat 1000 people. He didn’t offer any particular reason the auditorium was needed. It’s just part of the renovations and he’s a fundraiser.
Interesting Dan.
Did he mention which year they were shooting for the end of?
Good one, Mike. And to only seat 1,000 people? That is not nearly enough since they tout that LA has the largest concentration of Scns on the planet, and that number is in the millions and of course is straight up and vertical.
The Scientologists were accused of pressuring members into paying large sums for questionable services and materials and using “commercial harassment” against recruits. The group and bookstore were fined 600,000 euros ($814,000). The Scientologists’ appeals of their convictions claimed infringement on their religious freedom.
A Paris appeal court on Thursday upheld a fraud conviction and a fine of hundreds of thousands of euros against the Church of Scientology for preying on vulnerable followers and extracting money from them.
Tony Ortega has covered this well this morning with reporting from Jonny Jacobsen in Paris.
Hardly a big surprise the French Supreme Court wasn’t sympathetic to the church when they walked out of the Appellate Court Hearing claiming it was a biased sham proceeding that was somehow violating their rights to justice. The appeal to the Cassation (Supreme) Court was a formality required to allow them to petition the European Court of Human Rights.
Don’t count on any “Ideal Orgs” in France — there will be no money invested in France as they fear it will ultimately be seized to satisfy judgments. And it is a certainty Voldemort won’t be paying any visits.
I can almost hear Anonymous chanting “France — clear!”
Than this song goes with that, It’s an Anon thing. This one is dedicated to Jennifer(COB)
Looks like DM will have to skip next years Cannes Film Festival in the South of France and no more shopping in Paris. His celebrity hob nobing will be confined to other parts of the globe. Very well done DM to you and your team of lawyers. Next stop Belgium. The future? Look out in the good ol USA!
Please remind us on how he was on the ship Mark
Mike et al, if you haven’t popped over to read the updates from Jonny Jacobsen on the French ruling, it’s worth a chuckle to read Scientology’s official response to the ruling.
Basically they’re saying, “This is good. See, this is what we wanted all along – to get a chance to go appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and show the world what a bunch of unfair meanies the French are.”
Pretty darn mind-boggling.
Re: the frantic activity with the tents going on in Clearwater right now – do you think COB has everyone there scrambling around with no end goal in sight? It sure seems like it.
PI –
It looks like all dates for future events are tent-ative. Whilst in-tent-ion is cause, no-one can get anything done with anally re-tent-ive cross orders. Its very tent-s right now. (credit to Bunkerites for starting the tent-acle trend!)
I just posted this on Tony’s blog, but I thought you might get a kick out of it.
The link goes to the complete piece. Scott Adams (creator of “Dilbert”) has good insight into the brain.
Re: the preparations in Clearwater
(Excerpted from Scott Adam’s brilliant “You are wrong, because…)
Example: We’ve spent millions developing a water-powered
pogo stick. We can’t stop investing now or it will all be wasted.
Yes, it *is* brilliant. Similar to the mechanism of cognitive dissonance.
Wow! That’s my brother’s blog!!! I’ll let him know he got a shoutout. He’ll be shocked, I promise — he jokes about averaging 3 readers a month.
After reading the blog, I can see why he has only 3 readers a month, and I’m grateful for that..
I linked to it only because google lead me there for the Dilbert thing.
If I could do it over, I would post a different link. I will be careful to do so in the future.
You can share that with him as well.
Ouch! 😉
So much here Mike but Cruise getting booed at Dodger Stadium? L.A. is his crib so that had to hurt and they played a song making fun of his height to go along with it.
It’s been a long fall from grace for Tom I guess. It’s probably good that Katie wasn’t in the crowd. Once the celebrity cam had found her there would have been a ten minute standing ovation that would have delay the game and driven a stake into Tom’s already broken heart. After last night maybe it time for this big being to reflect on what is happening in his life.
“Crowd jeers Tom Cruise on video board. “Wish I was a little bit taller” is played while he is shown.”
Perfect synopsis Mike.
Yes…it does suck to be Miscaviage and Tom Cruise too.. TC you still have a shot at redeeming yourself but the window of opportunity is closing.
Yup, and the list goes on. Jenna Elfman, Laura Prepon, Krusty Alley, the Travoltas and Michelle Stafford have all recently been in the limelight shilling away. Time for them to redeem themselves or they’ll be lost forever. You’re either with Miscavige Inc. or not. Period.
“Aids is a state of mind”
Jenna Elfman
Jennifer(COB) needs a Reality Check ASAP{
Well Jenna Elfman, if “Aids is a state of mine” then I guess cancer is a state of mine too, and diabetes and heart attacks etc. If it’s all a state of mine, why is cancer the 2nd cause of death in America? Not thinking enough good thoughts? Theetie Wheetie is my “label” for you, Jenna.
The plug has been taken out and the circling of drain has started. This is an epic fail for the cult and the tiny dwarf. As Mike said, “Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.”