As you may have noticed, there have been some issues in the last couple of days with the blog. They may continue for a bit while things are sorted out. Please have patience. Taking the lead from Miscavige, I declare this to be a cyberspace bullbait.
Here is what I know. While the number of visits to this site has increased steadily following the Netflix airings of The Aftermath it did not create an issue until a few days ago when things started to ramp up with bots putting a lot of demand on the site, and then seeking to login (none succeeded).
This is not uncommon in the cyberworld, but given the topic of this blog, and the repeated lashing out at Leah and I by scientology as they flail around trying to deal with the fallout of The Aftermath, it is not unreasonable to assume that this is not merely a random coincidence. Let’s not forget, a PI hired by scientology (Saldarriaga) was already convicted for trying to hack Tony Ortega and me. And that in the past, scientology has spent a lot of money to try to “control” the internet with fake ID’s, click farms and other shady activities. When the demand comes down from on high to “do something to stop this shit,” the call goes out from OSA to all their “resources” to “get effective.” It’s probably what preceded Saldarriaga being hired to do the hacking by Dave Lubow. The ends justified the means. As they always do in scientology.
There are a couple of people who have been working very hard to solve the problems, and I am greatly appreciative of their skill and time they are putting into this.
I also want to take a minute to thank those who click on the “Donate” button on the home page. It is your support that makes it possible to keep this blog going. It does cost money to host a website and to install the needed security protections and upgrade memory capacity and whatever else it is that has to be done. Without your help, I would be unable to afford the expenses. So, thank you to those who have contributed. Take a bow and know that it is your support that has come to the rescue.
Both Leah and I have said many times that we could not do what we do without the support of so many people around the world. And this is not merely in reference to monetary support. There is an army that has been created and it gives us the strength to carry on.
So, thank you. And I hope you will be patient and know that this is part of the battle.
Thanks to some excellent work by the blog Admin(s) normal service is now returned and upgrades are being put in place to prevent further issues. Some comments may have been lost, and a couple of postings. Small price to pay for being back to normal….
Well the blog post Mike did about Perth Ideal Org disappeared while I was posting a comment. It’s the 6th of Dec at 9:26pm east coast US time. It looks like all the comments I made here on this page (Post made on 5th of Dec by CW Guy about Blog Problems) as well as the comments made by others have also disappeared. It looks like everything after about 11:30am on 5th Dec has disappeared. I don’t know if this will get there either.
When I had a problem getting into your blog, my first thought was $ci was causing the problem.
I’m guessing you may be aware of this problem but early this morning (around 6AM EST) there were eleven messages shown in this thread. But they all seem to have disappeared now.
There still appears to be several days missing. It skips from Nov. 28, 2020 to Dec. 5, 2020.
I’m just keeping you advised of what seems to be a problem. Please feel free to delete this post if you like.
See update to blog post
Hello Mike. Pls do not publish this post. I want to keep you advised of my attempt to make a donation. I attempted to make a donation last night but it was declined and I posted a message to you explaining the entire saga. I won’t bother to repeat that message and I hope you will receive it.
But a few minutes ago, I tried again to make a donation to your web site and I appear to be getting closer. I supplied the same phone number that I had used in my records at my bank and this time it appeared to be working but at the very end it gave me the following message:
“Sorry. There was a problem trying to process your donation. This may just be a temporary problem. Please try again later.”
I will try again later and I will keep you posted.
Thank you Skyler.
I hope this is now remedied. Let me know if not…
Mike’s blog is an appointment I wait for each single day.
What is happening of course is weird.
But I won’t wonder if Dave has gone furthermore paranoic (and borderline nuts bazooking everybody around him) after the Aftermath going on Netflix and being seen by millions, the success of the podcast with Leah and now that the cult had to admit that fair game is a “church” policy (otherwise Dave would have been called before a judge).
He must be very aware that the no return point has been passed and that solutions are over.
It is now like seeing in the distance a plane on fire that swoops down.
So it seems that when the tiny tyrant takes notice of his primary opposition, he can bring to bear a small cadre of paid, but less-than-completely-effective assassins to “deal with the situation”. I experienced a slight slowness in the site’s responsiveness for a short while, nothing worse. But I think it shows that your efforts ARE impinging on McSavage’s efforts, shaking the tree he climbed up to get away from the fallout of his policies and actions.
I hope and pray he will stay true to form and do something very stupid and wind up charged with a Terroristic crime i.e. hacking Mike’s website. Wouldn’t it be great to know that he got sent to the penitentiary where he belongs?