Below is a posting from a scientologist on Facebook.
It’s a rather bizarre photo of Captain Miscavige on the bridge of the Freewinds, dressed in a business suit (where is his fancy Captain uniform?), overseeing his domain. Probably intended to communicate his “forward looking vision for the future” or something. At least in his mind. In reality, he looks utterly out of place and fake.
The FB poster puts underneath his photo, a quote from Hubbard. As if these two things go together. Dear Leader Captain Dave is the embodiment of the solution to “Man’s lack of skill in politics, international relations, personal understanding and tolerance.”
Captain Dave has replaced Hubbard. He is the new “Source” for scientology. While scientologists will always say “there is only one Source,” and “nobody will ever replace LRH,” the fact is that they treat him like he IS Source. They thank HIM for “the tech” and attribute their wins to him. He is saving the planet in their minds. They are lucky to be in the warm glow of his radiance. He has fully assumed the mantle that Hubbard held.
Today, David Miscavige embodies a true cult leader. He is a virtual recluse, only seen by his closest staff and servants. The fawning of his sycophants and followers is powerful evidence that he is a cult leader. This FB posting is just one of many examples.
It’s a common characteristic among NRMs that leaders are reclusive and/or only address the faithful on ceremonial occasions. Some have made an effort to be more open recently, but they’re not like Scientology.
But it touches on another thing: the extent that Miscavige and his circle have gone to in order to not only make him the successor of LRH, but in a way possibly even supplanting the founder’s legacy with his own. This happens in cults when a succession takes place, and it happens in dictatorships if one dictator succeeds another (even in a father-son succession) – sometimes the “new guy” will continue the legacy of the “old guy” but at the same time wants you to forget about the “old guy”. Miscavige’s attitude towards Hubbard’s family may well bear that out as well (Diana is the last one of LRH’s family I believe still in the cult).
Another feature you find in such movements is that in the founder’s dying years, access to the said founder may well be tightly restricted by the clique that is effectively in control and in place to ensure the successor takes over without resistance.
Smug little bastard, there is NO way that he’d allow a woman to pilot the Fartwinds. Seen caressing himself because no one will willingly hug him. OR hugging can be seen as a protection or comfort method…consoling himself from “the loss of affection from wife Shelly” (lololo) whom no one has seen in well over a decade.
WHERE IS SHELLY M??? WHY has a woman who is the “first mate” to the COB NOT been seen? Isn’t it considered standard procedure to have the WIFE of someone who holds such an important position to have his WIFE standing next to or slightly behind the one in charge similar to the wife of a U.S. President having his/her wife standing close by?
Then again, NO ONE is permitted to “steal the limelight” away from HIM…..there…I said it……….
He’s scared shitless of all the potential dirt on him that Shelly has inside her head. So what better way to keep her under control than by banishing her and keeping 24 hour a day guard over her.
That is the truth & it’s so damned sad. Possibly he’s also worried they’d TRADE UP…..throw him out on HIS ASS & have Shelly as the new COB since she knows how to handle things AND as you mentioned “she knows where the bodies are buried”.
My heart aches for her, I can’t imagine how it went down… in “Surprise Shelly, you’re in the hole for the rest of your life. Don’t worry, you’ll be treated well but I can no longer trust you to keep your mouth shut & my greatest FEAR is that YOU will replace me”.
Pope High Hair. Captain Theta. Chairman of the Bored, the Horde, and the Moored.The High Priest of The Harbor. The Wonder of The Waves. Fleet Admiral Flogging Fuckwit. Admiral Asshat and his Armada of Arse Lickers.
Come for the “theta”, stay for the fraud, slavery, bankruptcy, degradation, and abuse…
Good one Mark, but you forgot “THE CHILD DIDDLING”
So funny to see the SO member at the helm while DM is standing there. The Freewinds hasn’t left port in Aruba for how many years now?
It’s either an old photo or exceptionally staged.
I know what my money is on.
Isn’t “Fleecewads” in a shipyard or dry dock somewhere in Curacao?
Yes it is. Four sooper-dooper super powered 8’s teleported the bridge to Clearwater so Demento could do his photo and then sent it back to be reattached.
It was said, on the quiet, that the teensy-weensy tyrant with the Ken doll sized todger could only remain out of the barrel scotch he was living in for 45 seconds at a time before he started dehydrating. A fun time was not had by all before it was over.
This has to be photoshopped because there’s NO WAY he’s taller than her. Then again, that hair is pretty bouffant…
Also, if he were really there, it would be almost impossible to hide the abject terror in her eyes from being so close to him.
It’s totally Photoshopped. No way would Diminutive Dave subject himself to a shoot like this on the actual Passingwinds ship.
He’s also a bit closer to us than she is, another sign of a poor shoop. That makes him look taller than he is, which is vital in any picture of him he approves for publication.
Even in that pic, the “Kid” is looking old, with deep lines in his face.
This is a real photo that is on his website:
Is that a jib sail spar in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
I was WONDERING what he was doing with that poor helms person…
After re-inspection, I agree, it looks like an amateurish Photoshop shoop.
Is that Lourisse, Or ‘Lou’ in the picture? Dave miscavages’ sidekick. Asking for a friend. 😆
“Sidekick”? That is not her hat. Lou is wearing the hat of Communicator With Benefits now.
When one day Dwarf considers her no longer useful she will be summarily let go and just as summarily replaced.
When one day – despite botox injections, eye tucks, neck lifts, Rogaine and Born Blonde #Whatever – when one day Dwarfenfheurer starts to actually look old, feel old, he will require a much a younger CWB.
Coincidentally, right about then, Lou will make some sort of error which will be deemed insupportable. In disgrace she will then vanish and be never more seen by Sea Org members, staff or public.
No one will ever speak about Lou again except to state that they don’t know where she is but wherever she is, she’s there by choice, and totally, 100% happy about it and glad to be there.
By that time a new Communicator With Benefits will have been selected and instant-hatted to occupy this key post.
The new CWB will be significantly younger and prettier than Lou.
Her adams apple will be much smaller.
As these insights come to me, I’ll keep you posted.
Communicator with Benefits? I cannot see one benefit of having to touch that monster, he would probaly yell obscenities at her during sex, I’m going to go throw up now.
I heartily concur, as I would expect would any Ex-Scientologists of the female persuasion.
In fact, I’d go so far as to opine that each night at Twin Peaks, before turning in, the exiled Mrs. David Miscavige breaths a sigh of relief and says a private prayer of thanks – something along the line of “Thank you, Lou, better you than me, kid!”
When someone crosses their arms like that it is body language for “I am hugging myself because I am uncomfortable/insecure.” I used to think it was a person being defensive but, no, they are actually hugging themselves for comfort.
Only exception: cold weather makes people do that too. It is NOT cold on the FW.
There’s no way Davey-boy is actually standing there in this photo. He’s photo-shopped in. Too bad they didn’t have him standing on a foot tall apple box.
I wonder how many phone books he had to stand on ???
They moussed his hair up and wet her’s down.
….plus had him upstage her by 2-3 feet so he comes out taller.
He’s a little dynamo.
His facial expression is permanent TR-0 flunk though, he wears his harsh monotonous disdain “TRs” confrontational attitude which is a huge out-TRs “beingness” he likely will never rid himself of. Not an auditor who has worked out his Beingness per the HCOB on upper TRs and Beingness.
No one rushes to work for him, nor get any auditing from him.
He’s totally out beingness for the post COB RTC.
Truly literally, he’s not worked out his beingness for the job in relation to all LRH wrote for the final setup of the movement, all the final years of private LRH traffic.
Of course they did, he has to look taller than her because there was no orange crate for him to stand on. There’s that or he forgot to put on his three centimetre lift shoes.
Miscavige is what – 5’4″? Or is it 5’1″? I’ve read both. But if he’s 5’4″ it shouldn’t have been hard to find a Sea Org girl shorter than that.
O/T. New academic paper: “Cosmic Rectitude in Scientology, Gnosticism, and Christianity” by Adam Barkman and Bennet Soenen, in Forgiveness Confronts Race, Relationships, and the Social: The Philosophy of Forgiveness-Volume V, 185, 2022.,3&q=scientology&scisbd=1#d=gs_qabs&t=1651025281652&u=%23p%3Dmn7aVFQuxeQJ
* * * BEGIN ABSTRACT * * *
Barkman and Soenen begin their chapter with a brief history of the origins of, and the controversy surrounding, Scientology. Following this, they discuss the main beliefs and practices surrounding and related to Scientology’s philosophy of forgiveness. These beliefs and practices are based on Scientology’s concepts of good and evil, the beliefs about the moral state and existence of man, and the practice of Auditing. Barkman and Soenen then discuss how these beliefs and practices relate to the ancient systems of gnostic religions and philosophies, which they relate and contrast their philosophy of forgiveness and morality to the predominant Western philosophies of forgiveness, specifically the Christian philosophy of forgiveness found in the writings of Thomas Aquinas.
* * * END ABSTRACT * * *
Chapter excerpts; full e-book available for $95.00; print copies of the book available for sale; library availability, at:
Memorialized with a screenshot at ESMBR, Instagram and WWP at:
Missing, as usual, in almost 100% of this type of academic paper:
OT running program
LRH’s admission of failure,
LRH’s suicide Emeter, which he used and burned up (he ordered it powerful but it wasn’t made that strong)
Past lives pseudo-therapy
Exorcism of body-thetans on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
It is just a waste of time these papers, and they are written for each other, and not for the public.
Academic papers are hugely just for them, not helpful to the public.
Forgiveness in Scientology, mostly comes, per the theory, ALSO NOT MENTIONED, in sec checking, in the Power to Forgive HCOB, which is supposed to be stated at the end of Sec Checks.
You literally cannot get a decent paper out of an academic, with few exceptions.
I pushed Jim Lewis to come through on the Xenu and body-thetans a bit, and he came out with somewhat of a great paper. But he didn’t get into the BTs really.
No academic to date, has really wrapped their head around the “lower bridge” of Scientology is the pseudo-therapy ,and the “upper bridge” is majorly exorcism of body-thetans, since 5 of the 8 OT levels is exorcism.
Not even that simple one two statement, it’s like way above their ability to even understand deeply what Scientology is.
Scientology is pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
The forgiveness focuses tiny bit comes in the Power to Forgive HCOB that goes with sec checking, which comes at level 2 of the lower bridge.
Here Jim Lewis paper, it’s a hoot, and jumps all over Xenu thankfully.
My gut feeling is that he wasn’t on the ship at all. He was just photoshopped in. That way you can adjust the picture any way you wish… Plus it can all be done in the safety of his hideaway.
Yes, look at how the light falls on them. The woman has sunlight on her back, but Miscavige has none on his back. The light on him seems to be coming from the front right. The left side of his face is partially in shadow but we don’t see the same type of shadows on the woman’s face.
That was my first thought too.
It certainly does have a fake feel about it. I agree with you and Jane.
They really had to move him towards camera so he wouldn’t look shorter than the poser holding the wheel.
In fact, he probably just ate the previous photographer that suggested this maneuver in an improper tone.
Explains the smarmy look.
Maybe they pulled the poser in to hold the wheel because she was short enough to make the gad dang shot to work at all!
I’m going back to work.
They had decades to replace the MV Freewinds but haven’t done so. Now the MV Freewinds is a rust bucket that can barely move under it’s own power. I’m an Army Guy, I shouldn’t have to say this.
Why is that SO member holding the wheel? The Sludgewinds is permanently at dock.
Right. It’s even possible that the photo was taken in a Gold set.
And to shoot it from the right angle and height it will have required dozens of shots and people kicked in ethics.
Much easier to get a PR photo with the ship not moving. This is no different than getting 20 staff to, not in uniform, sit scattered around an Academy courseroom reading, looking up words in a dictionary, doing a demo or clay demo or practical, with an eagle-eye Supe playing vulture over them.
Why have an SO member holding the wheel? PR, remember. It looks like action. Why female? Probably because pretty and available. Doesn’t have to know what to do, just stand there and be a pretty backdrop to his magnificence. (He’s definitely standing notably closer to the camera, which is at around a table height, using perspective to seem bigger.
I don’t think it’s shopped, given there are two other images on the page, one with him on the steps to one of the decks, and one without jacket and tie (shocking, they followed some sort of safety regulations? or was it a PR thing to look more ‘one of the guys’) around the engineering area.
More likely that was a whole scripted photo shoot, and the fact the mini-me cruise ship was docked was considered good rather than bad.
That was Blubberish back in 1969. He described the world as being full of storms and blamed Mankind’s lack of skill in politics, international relations, personal understanding and tolerance as the reason.
Well, considering all that is going on today all of those abilities have only gotten worse. War. Worldwide pandemic. Risk of nuclear aggression. Rampant crime. Inflation and so on.
I have witnessed everything over the last 70 years and can attest that the conditions on planet Earth have only plummeted down exponentially (to use some of Davy Boy’s Sherman speak) over that time. So, obviously Scamtology hasn’t done anything effective since Blubbard issued that edict. Made me ask myself why should I be surprised? That made me chuckle and so I am urged to share it.
Glenn, Good points. If they were making the world a better place, why gas it only been going downhill for 60 years?
That picture is so ridiculous especially knowing the ship is forever tied to some dock. What’s next? Dave dressed like a cowboy while sitting on a plastic horse in front of a grocery store?
Davey Boy has his arms folded in that photo so as to keep himself from reaching over and fondling the pilot’s tushy.
I don’t think he was in the photo originally. He seems to be lit at a different angle than the woman and the image of Miscaviage looks cut out, especially around the back of the suit..
There’s also the odd placement of the two figures…it looks wrong.
Mr Miscavige is struggling not to fall from the soap box he is standing on!
Ha ha ha. True.
Glenn, I have had a feeling for a long time that Demento is gay and trying to hide it.
Let the fund raising for the Ideal Rocking Horse begin!
How brown can a brown nose go?
You are a funny guy Matt. You make me laugh too. A plastic horse 😝. Very fitting
Great story on their fake Navy shite. He looks plastic!!!