Blown for Good: Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology is a non-fiction book about Scientology, written by Marc Headley. It was first published in the United States on November 5, 2009. Headley’s mother was a Scientologist and he joined the organization at a young age. He worked for the organization at its international headquarters in Hemet, California, called Gold Base for 15 years, and left in 2005. The book details his experiences working as a member of Scientology’s highest-leadership group in the organization called the Sea Org, as well as the management style of Scientology leader David Miscavige. Click here to Purchase
I’ve got a signed copy. Here
Grateful for the book, seeing A&E Mike & Leah…. Marc & Claire so touched my heart. This is a good read, Marc does a great job in breaking down “Scientology World”. Thank you guys for sharing, I just has no idea about this until Mike and Leah show. I was captivated by this book, Highly recommend
again, great book! you SPs write a good story, Wish Mark would have clocked the fucker back that time…..
I’ve got a signed copy 🙂