If you are a Field Auditor and GAG II has not completely destroyed your willingness/desire or ability to continue your profession, this surely will.
You are expected to come up with $10,000 in the next 2 weeks to purchase the “required number” of Warehouse VIII’s — otherwise you will be declared a CI squirrel.
How very typical of the arrogant “let them eat cake” attitude of Captain Miscavige. I can see the orders that have been issued now “You tell IHELP they had better get all the field auditors to buy my Warehouse VIIIs and if there are any field auditors who are so DB they are going to claim they “cannot afford to be in tech” then screw them, they don’t deserve to be able to call themselves an auditor. We don’t want those sort of peanut thetans on our team. We are the big beings.”
This GAG II is really turning into his greatest disaster. Captain Miscavige drove his Titanic onto an iceberg he made!
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014
From: I HELP INTERNATIONAL <[email protected]>
With the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, the brand-new Hubbard Professional Mark Ultra VIII Meter was released. This E-Meter represents the biggest leap forward in terms of clarity and cutting-edge technology to date. It will take your public up the auditing side of the Bridge to Clear with astounding speed and unprecedented accuracy through the delivery of the new Golden Age of Tech Phase II services.
You may have heard what auditors using the new Mark Ultra VIII are saying.
Auditors using the new Mark Ultra VIII are uniformly saying that they would never go back to using any other E-Meter and it makes sense. With the Ultra Mark VIII you are giving your pc the best possible service in technical delivery.
As using the Mark Ultra VIII E-Meter is such a vital component for every Field Auditor to fulfill the purpose of clearing his zone, it is IHELP’s intention to get every Field Auditor up to this standard of using this E-Meter and with that get volume public up the Bridge.
Therefore every Field Auditor is required to obtain their own Mark Ultra VIII E-Meters in sufficient quantity to enable the delivery of standard tech to their public as covered in KSW Series No. 1, HCO PL 7 Feb 1965, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING.
If you have not done so already, you may purchase your required quantity of Mark Ultra VIII E-Meters at your local org or at your Publications Organization. You can either sign the legal documents (Software license agreement and Waiver) at your local org or get them sent to you by the Publications Organization and returned to them.
Send me a compliance report within 2 week’s time that you have purchased the needed quantity of Mark Ultra VIII E-Meters and that you are using this in your auditing.
Much Love,
Auditor Activation Chief
I HELP International
Meantime this facebook post from inside the bubble indicates that field auditors Mike Lewis and Alison Robinson of the Valley Life Improvement center are having trouble paying their rent. Or perhaps they need to raise money for their new Meters?
Hi Roy, true, the reads do not depend upon sweat. They depend upon the density of the parts of the body that conduct. LRH explained this in the E-meter operator’s manual in tech vol 1. Here is a quote:
“The third measuring device of physical-mental change has been misunderstood.
It has been thought that a galvanometer measured the sweat exuded and thereby
increased electrical conductivity of the hands. This does not hold up under examination.
The galvanometer measures, actually, the density of the body. Under various stresses
the body is more or less dense and the density alters swiftly. Density naturally
influences the ability of the body to conduct electricity. Thus, the galvanometer portion
of a “lie detector” measures density-resistance of the body.” I have been working with E-meters for 40 years – LRH used to send his to me for repair/maintenance.
The E-meter measures changes in the resistance of the skin. If one holds the 2 cans in one hand the reads are still visible. Electricity follows the path of least resistance thus it flows through the skin across the hand below skin level and through the skin again. The electricity does not pass through any electrical or other fields around the body.
But Ralph, you can slather your hands with anti-perspirant and it still works. In fact you can coat your hands in a goop of damp talcum power, let it dry until stiff and hard, and you can still get an emeter read. So whatever this things reads on- it’s not sweat. Also the mechanism is designed to detect tiny changes and the needle movements are quick and small. The sweat thing makes no sense at all for anyone who has ever used a meter. People who have never used one like this explanation because it fits their comfort zone. Actually LRH went way outside people’s comfort zones in many ways and the meter is for sure one of them.
What I´m wondering about, reading the above letter, is:
Where´s the Policy that states that all your cert´s are cancelled and you have no right to audit until you have completed the GAT II training from the bottom up?
Where´s the Policy that states that you cannot audit until you have bought the brand new Hubbard Professional Mark Ultra VIII Meters in “sufficient quantity”?
Where´s the Policy that states that you´re not allowed to read about Scientology on the internet?
Whose Policies is the Church of Scientology following?
There’s a few mark VII’s on eBay. Lowest price is 495.00
I thought it was because he needed to sell out all his Mark VII Quantums to gullible parishioners first, before he started selling the Mark VIII Ultras. That way he could earn double the amount of money.
Bingo. You nailed it. Bridge was made to sell out EVERY SINGLE last Mark VII quantum before they released the Mark VIII. What was really obscene was just a month before the new meter release Bridge was offering some kind of “20% off special” to try and sell the last of the old emeters- . Meters that just a short time later would become paper weights. There are no depths to which they will not sink.
I remember a beautiful painting that hung in the Pasadena mission of an auditor and pc in the woods, the Mark V e-meter on a stump between them. The pc was a lumberjack, hunched over, the auditor beatific, the scenery calm and safe.
I felt comforted then, seeing that, when I walked in with my parents.
Now I feel like throwing up.
“…I think it was Class IV from the 70′s, wasn’t it?) …”
Shit, he never got past the provisional cert b/c he slapped his PC on the internship. That session where he hit his PC was probably the last time Miscavige was in session, whether as an auditor or as a PC.
That asshole Miscavige isn’t even on a technical post. He’s in RTC, which administers copyrights. That’s not a Tech post, it’s an Admin post. He’s just a pencil pusher, and everybody thinks he’s some kind of tech whiz! Ha!
HWMNBN takes charlatan to a whole new realm. If you think LRH was a charlatan, well, at least he could audit. COB couldn’t audit His way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.
I have a question if anyone knows: : Are all who were actively auditing on OTVII in otherwise good standing being automatically required to ditch their Quantums and purchase 2 Warehouse VIIIs before continuing to audit the level? Are these OTs on the level being barred from continuing to Solo Audit VII with their Quantums? Much appreciate if anyone has data on this.
Correct me if I am wrong.
If you are on OT 7 currently and get caught using a Quantum meter
it’s an instant SP Declare or A to E if you can GROVEL AND BEG really well.
That’s Huge donation to IAS, some bizzaro Hobby horse of D.M.or bloat load of cash to CCHR.
most likely all of the above.
To half way answer your Q, Aquamarine, I have several friends on OT VII but most are off the level trying to earn money to get back on and some are UTR with no intention of getting back on. BUT I do have a friend who is a recent VIII completion and she was going to go right to the Ship for VIII when the whole GAG II thing came out. She told me she changed her plans and cannot go to the Ship now cuz she has to purchase the new meter before being allowed to do OT VIII on the Ship. She didn’t have the money for buying it and was frantic on how to get a new meter so that she could go to the Ship. Then recent comm from her is she did finally get a Meter. I think another parishoner bought it for her and she is paying them monthly on time.
Hey, someone still int “good standing” who is reading this, would you mind writing a letter to David Miscavige asking him if he completed ALL of his GAT II training already, starting with the NEW(est) Student Hat? (yeah, really – the last edition was called “The New Student Hat” – what is the even newer edition called?)
Because if he hasn’t done it, then per his own his orders, his certs are now invalid and he has no valid technical qualifications in the church whatsoever. Not that he had too much before… plus, any existing certs (like his last one, I think it was Class IV from the 70’s, wasn’t it?) would have been canceled before, when GAT I came out, and I don’t know why, but somehow I’m pretty sure he hasn’t gone through all the GAT I drills to get his Class IV cert back). Which in itself presents a conundrum: if before GAT I, per his own declaration, the blind was leading the blind (so no one was properly trained), since this included him as well, how is an improperly trained, and supposedly “blind” bloke with cancelled certificates qualified to tell everyone else how to train properly? OK, I need to be fair – maybe it isn’t the cert, it’s the experience that counts – we should ask Davey how many hours he has done in the chair (illegally, mind you, since his certs would have been canceled)?
Or, if it wasn’t him who made these incredible discoveries, who was it? He definitely didn’t give credit to anyone else at the most important event in history when he announced these magnificent breakthroughs – and he obviously doesn’t have a Senior C/S Int any more (or if there is one on post, his busy schedule must not have allowed him to attend the most important event on the whole track because the last known Senior C/S Int wasn’t present at the event).
So the question remains: who ordered all these changes? What qualifications do they have to order them (basically, cancel, change and revise issues on LRH tech)?
I have an educated guess: GAT II followed the great tradition of GAT I: David Miscavige (who is NOT a trained and certified auditor by his own standards – he actually PROHIBITED any field auditor who has the same training he himself completed to audit anyone – and he is not a trained evaluator either) pulled the whole thing out of his ass, and with great hype, sold the whole pile of smelly stuff as rose-scented superfood for the masses.
Comeon DM cant do that. Thats for the common scientologist. He is special, he dont need the tech, He wrote it! and designed (approved) it! Nononon no dirty cans in his hands, only a grounded copper rod will do when he feels the power of anger come.
That thing looks like a George Foreman grill with two aerosol cans and an egg timer.
I do love the whole analog needle though….that’s a pisser.
Here you go…”much love!!” ****CAUTION***** DO NOT WATCH IF VIOLENT IMAGES DISTURB YOU.
One thing about this is that if you have a PRE-Warehouse VIII e-meter, whatever it is, HANG ON TO IT. Because the WareHouse VIII has to be activated by DM to work, and can be DEACTIVATED at any time. I am pretty sure that one of the many meters made outside the church will begin to distinguish itself and take over from the Cof S meters. But until that happens, scoop up those old meters people!
Warez Groups had fish to fry with the CO$ since the days of Usenet. As soon as they get a hold of one of those VIIIs, they’ll break it’s activation within 48 hours. The guy who broke DVD decryption (DeCSS) became nearly world famous and Blu-Ray protection was history only hours after its release in 2006. Give it some time, always someone looking for a touch of fame, esp. anything over a decade old is a cinch to break. The entirety of the meter’s protection schemes lie in abiding CO$ers who wish to remain in the good graces of the church, not the circumvention of Activation/Deactivation technology itself. Secondly, GSR and digital meters every bit as good if not better are already widely available on the internet.
If they can program them to deactivate, I guarantee an anonymous genius programmer will figure out a way to bypass the programming. I think of the fun they will have when they get their hands on one of these emeters and just smile……
And how did Ireland achieve an 86% reduction of drug-related crime with faulty e-meters?
They didn’t. They used pamphlets.
It always makes me sick to hear that “Much Love” closing after reading such an obvious attempt of exptortion.
“Much Bend Over” would be way more appropriate.
And Much more Johnson and Johnson needed for the whorehouse VIII…………….
He said “the needed quantity” 3 separate times. “Hey Auditor Activation Chief, can you say TWO? Can you say 10,000 DOLLARS?”
By the way, what’s supposed to happen with all the Mark VIIs? Burn pile along with the old books?
Another question: How come there was no LRH picture in that most historic event of the entire whole track? Burn pile too?
Actually I heard that you are required to turn your “old” meters in to the church. You are supposed to smile and bow when you do it. I imagine they grind them to dust to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Indy Rebellion.
Yet another reason not to buy the new one…you’re certain to get declared soon anyway unless you’re a whale (and even they are endangered). So buying a new one means you pay $10,000 for a meter you won’t be able to use and lose the one you can use.
Yep, I was just going to comment on the same thing; ” in sufficient quantity” = two, obviously, but maybe it was a Freudian “insufficient quantity”. lol
I am appalled that they are making you turn in your old meters to them. That way when you get declared or leave on your own, you don’t have a meter to audit with in the Indie field. Diabolical and I can’t believe the Sheeple will actually give them their old emeters. What lemmings going over the cliff. I just shake my head at the stupidity. (And I never turned in my “old” LRH books to be burned.)
MIscaivige 1982: Evil mission holders, die, die DIE!!!!!
Miscavige 2014: Evil filed auditors, die, die, DIE!!!! (grounds himself with copper rod, snarls and grinds teeth)
LOL, he just became Auditor DEactivation Chief!
How will those field robo-auditors grind through “volume public” (that’s what they in the church currently call what we know as “human beings”) now?
And here I thought that the Mk. VII Quantum was the “meter that Ron envisioned.” That’s what those toads told me, anyway.
As a never-in I wonder, if these new devices are SO important to the spiritual well-being of the practitioners and thus the ‘religion’, why doesn’t the ‘Church’ provide financing, like the auto companies?
Is there a principle of Scientological teachings involved?
Emeters are the most overpriced devices ever made. Ron used an old mark 5 for most of his research and I guess a Mrk6 for his solo NOTS stuff. Back in the day you could buy a brand new very cool wood cased Mrk 5 for $500.00. (I was awarded one for bringing 5 people into the mission). I guess the 6’s is where the price started to take off. I had to buy 2 mark 8’s and I remember thinking thinking this thing is way overpriced. I mean it’s just a simple analog whetstone bridge type device, 1960’s technology. I can buy an ultra sophisticated smartphonewith dual processors for 2 or 3 hundred bucks. To spend $5000.00 for meter is pure profit motive. Hell, the church could put out a perfectly usable meter for $500.00 and still make a good profit on it It’s pure greed that drives the price of church meters. There’s no teachings concerning “usury” or the alike. But the idea of Church financing makes me smile. Max out every credit card you have, borrow money from wherever you can get it, go deep into debt, bankruptcy and the church don’t care (But Captain David needs his $5000.00 suits and handmade Italian shoes and cars and motorcycles, and on and on and on. . . . . ..
“Auditor Activation Chief”. ??? What the hell is this supposed to mean now? Aren’t auditors activated as soon as they are handed their certs? Apparently NOT! All certs have been cancelled over and over and over again! GAOT is CONTINUOUS COVERT JUSTICE ACTION! It’s the Golden Age of Torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cancelling someone’s certs is a JUSTICE ACTION. NOT a “new release”!!!!!!!!!!!! How blind can these people be????????????
I remember when I got promoted to Crew Chief at McDonald’s. This kinda like the same thing?
Exactly Oracle. To help keep my TA in range, I stopped comparing actual Technology to ANYTHING the RCS is currently doing, because it is an exercise in futility. The RCS has absolutely nothing to do with the products of Scientology. They are the ecclesiastical equivalent of “Knock-Off Gucci bags.” They will say and do anything to sell the Lie, while claiming they are following LRH.
Sadly, the Tech doesn’t exist for these people anymore. They live in an Altered State of Reality, meaning everything has been so altered, so many times, that it’s all fluid, all changing, all the time.
It’s Tuesday — “You’re an SP.” It’s Thursday, “Can I confirm you for the IAS Event? By the way, if you buy your two Mark Ultra VIII e-meters today, I’ll send you a free, newly published “Auditing for Dummies” written by COB himself, David Miscavige. Really.”
Dear Auditor Activation Chief of I Help International:
Thank you very much for informing me about The Best For Your [My] Pc’s And Yourself [Myself]!
Since I’m processing myself (and I’m very happy with the results), I guess I qualify as a field auditor (with one PC: myself).
I’m delighted to send you right now my compliance report.
Just to make sure you got my compliance report, I’m delighted to send you another one right now.
Much Love,
P.S.: http://www.ownimg.com/i/Post-Script.jpg
“If you need to reschedule your pcs, do so now. We need you here next weekend so that you are totally alligned with Golden Age of Tech Phase II and so that you get the tools which will be brought by the Int Management speakers.”
“Therefore every Field Auditor is required to obtain their own Mark Ultra VIII E-Meters in sufficient quantity to enable the delivery of standard tech to their public as covered in KSW Series No. 1, HCO PL 7 Feb 1965, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING.”
There is no reference in KSW about these new meters!
Good catch, Oracle.
Clearly a perfect setup for the the abyss that is waiting for all involved.
To add to the above – No one offered me one dime for the E-meter and I could not give it away! So I took a sledge hammer to it and sent it to the City Dump! The stuff has no value and I could not even give it away!!
Idle Morgue, you’re singing my song!
I also trashed all the books, lectures and 500,000 WTH pamphlets that did not keep me from going SP on the cult! LOL
When I placed an ad on E-Bay and craigslist – the MAA contacted me and told me I could not sell my meter to just anyone and I had to offer it for what a new one cost at the Org.
I told them I did not receive a copy of that contract and don’t remember signing anything and BTW – I told them it was too late – I had already sold the E-meter, received payment and shipped the Meter and it was in my buyers hands being used.
They asked who I sold it to and I told them…I don’t really recall his full name but the guy was a Scientologist and I think his name was Marty ….something like that… who lives in Corpus Christie, Texas.
I told them I got $3,000!! It was never used! I lost $1,500 and was shocked that these did not hold their value.
Actually, I smashed it but loved fucking with them! LOL
For anyone who was there when this meter was being created, mostly I guess by CST….wasn’t it something like $200 worth of stuff to make it? I don’t remember completely–I’d say tops $500 or less. It was considered at Gold to be a big win to make such a thing with so little money at the time. Then it went into storage.
Anyway, for those still in, DON’T BUY THE DARN THING!! Even if you do, you’ll audit along for a little while under Miscavigology and get busted for something for sure, probably something that you didn’t even do, get all kinds of wrong indications and ethics cycles and threats, and be scared as shit to get back in the chair. Rightfully so.
Exactly…if you buy the meters, do you think that will protect you for more than a few months at most? On another thread it was mentioned that the meter requires a certain schedule of auditing, and if you don’t audit often enough it will deactivate…and you know that will result in very expensive “handling” to get it turned back on…after which you get right back on the treadmill….until your next “crime”.
So you either
1) don’t buy the meter and get sec-checked until you crack and complain, at which point you’re declared
2) buy it, and sometime later (but likely not much later) you do something “wrong” and the same thing happens…but you gave them $10,000 for a meter that you can’t use.
This is designed to chase away the non-rich (they won’t be required to follow the same schedule as the poors) and leave DM with a more easily controlled flock that he can shear long-term. He’s busily downsizing the religion, and this is the final “kick out those capable of independent thought” phase.
I agree with everything you’ve said, doigo. He is downsizing the religion, getting rid of everyone except the rich and the obedient non-thinkers. Amazing.
Another reason they are running after field auditors for the new meter is to flush out those who already have 1 foot in the FZ. Some of these are auditing both, CO$ers and Indies, unbeknownst to each other. Those who don’t buy can expect to be investigated. Based on how they have dealt with previous field auditors, it’s very likely part of the User Agreement and Terms will allow the CO$ to enter the auditor’s premises at any time without notice to inspect for compliance.
“This is designed to chase away the non-rich…”That sure seems like the intent. Us poor folk are just db little beings. “Get rid of those downstat csers”.
“downsizing the religion, and this is the final “kick out those capable of independent thought” phase.” You sure got that right, Diogo!
Boy, this is really strange. It almost seems like someone doesnt want auditors.
If you step back and look over the last 20 or so years you can clearly see a couple things (if you look at the actual products and not the hype/PR)
1: The Church works hard to create and enforce stops and barriers to becoming an auditor.
2: Any auditors already trained and auditing are heavily suppressed and controlled. Major stops are put in their way to stop them auditing. Auditors are not free. I’m not talking about squirreling. I’m talking about stuff like field auditors. I think all the CofS field auditors have been put out of business by WISE, GAT manditory re-trains, these new meters, etc, etc.
Chris …. it is strange isn’t it. Almost as if it were planned from the very beginning. Remove quality leadership. Remove all auditors who trained under LRH. Break the endearing connection to Source. Eliminate all memory of what real auditing was like. Replace it with a new reality – GAT I. Invalidate anyone who made it through intact or declare them, if they stubbornly continue to recall the good ole days. Distract – Despair – Drive into Apathy, all those that remain. And do it all with an air of certainty.
The one flaw in this “plan” is that all of the bad ones who knew too much and refused to break, ended up in the same place – the Indie Field. Oh well. 🙂
I look forward to reading the contracts when they are leaked.
Well, I guess since I audited all my solo on the wrong meter and did it using old, no-longer used basic tech, once I buy two of the correct meters and redo all the training and get the NOW standard tech, I should redo OT I thru OT 8. Wow! What a relief to know I can NOW get it right.
Very covert communication: ‘required to” and a veiled threat “send compliance report”
Typical 1.1 approach.
But as we have observed Devil Moron only wants to destroy it all, or intends to do so, and he is pushing hard as time goes by due to himself being surrounded with real legal threats in various parts of the globe, no one to work with, in bad shape as evidenced by his latest appearance at events and simply because no such a psychopath can last…he himself is digging his grave.
Hell has closed his doors for such a character, sorry, no welcome…so go to the world of oblivion.
You are right! 1.1 emails sent out from anony staff! They are so covert they won’t sign their name! It IS THREATS to purchase or NON COMPLIANCE reports and off to ETHICS! That is EXACTLY what it is!
Technical point: it would probably be a “non-compliance report”. Typical Gestapo/Stasi approach.
Unbelievable!!! Well it’s claimed that this meter is 50,000 times more accurate. I Help Int says “This E-Meter represents the biggest leap forward in terms of clarity and cutting-edge technology to date. It will take your public up the auditing side of the Bridge to Clear with astounding speed”. As a trained Class IV myself these are bold statements or fucking stupid ones. I used mark VII quantum e meters and they were fine. I had gotten pcs their wins and releases. If there were problems or hang ups it’s what did the auditor do wrong? Find the out tech, do a little cram and back in the chair. It’s not ” well he wasn’t using the ultra, that’s the why?”. What a crock of shit to claim such accuracy!! LRH has always concentrated on the auditing technology and auditor comm cycle to get a pc audited and winning. An e meter is NOT going to do this but only used as a simple guide for the auditor. This is the analogy, If you want to get to the city you can either drive a Mercedes or a Ford festiva. You still have to stick to the road rules and take the same route.
“50,000 more accurate” and such statements – it’s all running a hidden standard on auditors. Makes it an impossible proposition. I guess that was the intention.
Invisible Man — The Diminutive Man can’t confront real auditing – that would require actual interaction with a human being. Instead, he deals with Vias. Anything that would create distance between him and the unclean people that are part of his flock. Therefore his focus is only on the “sizzle,” all the cool things electronics can do, like monitor people’s movement, record what they say, determine if they can have or not, audit or not, be or not.
“Complexity is proportionate to the degree of non-confront” — LRH
Everything DM touches, grows in complexity, thus creating more and more distance between him and the prior overts he has committed on a wonderful group of individuals. This is the why the Great Little One is so reclusive. He’s not doing a Greta Garbo, “I want to be alone.” He’s in hiding. Reverting to the Bunker Mentality, all great despots eventually succumbed to at the end of their reign of terror. Think Hitler, Gaddafi, and many others.
The upside to insanity and one of the world’s largest collection of Overts, is that it’s corrosive. In time it eats away its host completely. Our job in the Indie field is to accelerate this process and minimize the collateral damage, while he becomes completely incorporeal.
Roll cameras and enjoy the show.
Well I am now 100% sure this idiot is an SP now. Good points. It’s not incompetence it’s simply pure evil deception
Maybe there is a hole in my thinking here, but doesn’t it make sense that, if one wanted to audit standardly, wouldn’t one want to audit on a meter that was the same as what Ron was using as he developed the tech in use?
There’s a LOT to consider in determining the “precise end” of an auditing command. I think that it is part of the physics of sound that there is not an abrupt beginning or end to any sound. If you record anything and look at the wave structure of it, you will see there is an increasing wave from comparative silence to the loudest peak of the sound, something of a sustaining, and then a diminishing of the sound wave to the comparative silence. It’s observable in sounds of the most abrupt nature: a tick, a finger snap, a pencil striking a desktop. At what point does one call this “at the precise end”?
With a human voice that ascending and diminishing aspect is even longer. Where in any ascending and descending wave should we declare it ended?
Then there’s the distance between the auditor and the pc. The acoustics of the room and even the humidity of the room have a factor. And, to really get this right, we would have to know LRH’s capability to differentiate between moments of time. I imagine there might be big differences in different individuals’ capability to discern the varying volumes of sound at the ends of sentences. Higher pitched voices will have more points of discernible reference than low pitched voices; more different points in the sound that we might consider as an agreed-upon place to call the end: there’s more cycles per second, the higher the pitch of the voice.
I would think that variance in human perception would be the widest variable in interpreting immediacy of meter reads and correlating sight and sound. To truly become standard, we’d all have to get as good as Ron at this, and no better.
When they figure this out, it will probably mean a few new apparatuses in the Super Power building.
I think that instant reads’ “instantaneousness” and the precision with which they are identified and then called might be altered importance. The definition of “instant read” changed quite a lot over the years. Most of the whole track incidents that are still referenced in correction lists and in OT materials were “discovered” when the definition of “instant” was a significantly long amount of time and often ambiguous (how long is a “moment”?). And these meters preceded by generations even the Mark IV. Later definitions would call such reads “false”, yet here we are with those false reads still dictating what’s to be ran on our tracks. Does that make sense?
So, if you are using a meter, use anything that Ron ever used, see it, call it when it seems like it ended to you. Indicate to the pc and see if it will run. If it does, take a win. If it doesn’t, check false and away you go, either way.
That takes metering back to the 70’s and before standards, before there was a pro-metering course. No one freaked about reads too much then and we got some real big wins with fleeting F/Ns that got no where near 3 swings — as the pcs were line charging. I think it would be better having thousands of imperfect metering auditors giving huge wins than just a couple dozen metering grads planet wide who don’t audit but live in terror of doing anything wrong, ever. There’s video cameras hidden behind picture frames and everyone is so terrified of doing anything wrong, that hardly anyone ever gets anyone in session.
“…….doesn’t it make sense that, if one wanted to audit standardly, wouldn’t one want to audit on a meter that was the same as what Ron was using as he developed the tech in use?”
There you go thinking again Dan. If you are not careful that kind of activity will get you declared!!
Brilliant, Mr. Locke. The boys in the bubble will have no faintest clue what you just said. But that is why they are in the bubble. No A, no R, no C and no U.
“…….doesn’t it make sense that, if one wanted to audit standardly, wouldn’t one want to audit on a meter that was the same as what Ron was using as he developed the tech in use?”
I still have a working Mark V and Mark VI. So it looks like I’m still standard.
Dan Locke posted:
Maybe there is a hole in my thinking here, but doesn’t it make sense that, if one wanted to audit standardly, wouldn’t one want to audit on a meter that was the same as what Ron was using as he developed the tech in use?
Bingo Dan. I wonder what type of meter Ron is using now in the training films for OT2? Bet the film or films have probably been canned.
David Miscavige and even Hubbard have been violating anti trust laws for years. The emeter was invented by a chiropractor and psychoanalyst. He wasn’t even a Scientologist.
You can’t sell someone training then attack for being competition when they use it for their own practice. And demand TAXES on them for the rest on their life. There is no such contracts in the course packs!
This is EXACTLY what David Miscavige did when he sent out his finance police and closed down the mission network.
They have gone after the Filed Auditors for DECADES. The IAS wiped out missions and field practices in Mexico DECADES ago.
Marty could have sued for anti trust and tortious interference YEARS ago! The Church has someone on my front porch warning me not to go near his home! Interrogating me.
Anti trust law violation carries serious financial penalties and JAIL TIME.
Any auditor running a field practice has CIVIL RIGHTS. These are LEGAL RUDIMENTS.
And the Wiki on Study Tech needs a change
If Dave had his way he would license “listening” arguing that LRH invented that tech. Would make for some fascinating breakfast table conversations. “You’ll be late for school – are you listening to me?” “Sorry – haven’t paid my tithes”.
Another epistle from the Auditor (De)Activation Chief Taz Kember. Seems the guys just like mommy though less dramatic in his bid for oblivion.
I mean the Organization survived GO 1361 but somehow I doubt if it will survive the cessation of Field Auditing world wide.
Is Chaz still CO I (don’t) HELP?
Hello Martin, do you talk of Chaz who started in St-Hill UK?
David Miscavige keeps moving the goal post, making the end zone further and further away. (Football analogy) Obviously this is a commercial enterprise being run on a North Korea model by a sociopath who cares only about his own personal bank account being illegally fed by all activities of the corporate radical scientology crime syndicate. Yeah, thats pretty much how it is.
This is just to get the more “gullible” to pay full boat. I’m sure later this year they will get marked down in various package deals as the people that have been around for a while know that prices for things often come down when the stats are in need of a kick in the pants. The main crime here is that once again Miscavige is unmocking working installations to ENFORCE his reality. As for any Field Auditors that are counting on being in good standing and being able to deliver soon they will have to either pay the extortion or close up shop and wait for a training package that makes sense for them. I’m sure many are thinking it may be time to jump ship.
Where’s Denise Miscavige?
It’s just David, creating yet another MASS EXODUS. I predicted the witch hunts would begin. We don’t know the half of it.
Life must be great for the “salespeople” in this company these days. They do not have to sell anymore or make the customers WANT. The customers are ORDERED to BUY and send in COMPLIANCE reports that they shopped!
These people are really tripping. in MUST BE CONTRIBUTED TO.
And here is as David set everyone up for a loss again. You don’t think those staff know he had those meters sitting in storage for a decade do you? If he cared so much about standard tech, why didn’t he let people have them ten years ago? He just flips from CAN’T HAVE to MUST HAVE on a dime.
And here is the million dollar question. WHERE is the reference that says these meters are part of “Standard Tech”? There is NONE.
I suspect my customers would react rather badly if I were to order them to buy my kitchens or face disciplinary action. (Although come to think of it there was one lady a few years back who would have responded quite positively to the idea).
Excellent points Oracle. 🙂
Well if they had announced it 10 years ago as coming, all auditors could have set aside $3 a day and would have had it all paid for, all for the price of a cheap cup of coffee daily! But instead they mouldered in PUBS US warehouse gathering dust. If this meter was so special why wait so long for its release? Why ambush auditors for ten grand now now now? The only logical reason is that it suits DM’s ego to ram it down their throats and enforce unreal orders as usual.
Ten years ago the special circuitry for downloading software updates and disabling the meter after a year didn’t exist. When Miscabbage saw his empire dwindling to nothing this circuitry and software had to be built and written. Then when GAT II was conceived, Miscabbage had to wait until the 11,000 miles of paper to implement it was written and printed. That’s where the ten years came from.
Having to Have before you can Do.
Freemasons are big into this.
Does Tom Cruise have two Ultra OT 8 meters ?
How about a picture of T.C. solo auditing with an Ultra OT 8 meter ?
The COB himself for that matter.
What I find kind of sad is that Tom Cruise and the Whales who can afford to instantly comply with Warehouse VIII purchases are not the people who audit others.
Actually Tom Cruise has been solo auditing with one of those meters for years. HIS meter did not wait in the warehouse.
I’ll be, let them eat cake .
Corn Cob doesn’t do any auditing. Hasn’t been in a session since the early 90s. I doubt he can be audited as it would take years just to pull W/Hs. And just think of the number of times he would be sent to the Ethics Office. I would imagine it would take eons simply to complete A-E. Never gonna happen, of course.
To whomever wrote this letter:
Interesting that you didn’t put your own name on it. Is that because when you fail to sell the required number of meters you will be declared and another poor sucker will inherit your post?
Let me see if I can help you out. I will buy two of these super duper emeters under the following conditions:
1. The Flag service org refunds the 100K we gave them for totally squirrel auditing.
2. The Senior C/S who presided over this horrible excuse for auditing does A-E…oh, never mind, he passed away from cancer.
3. Each auditor who delivered the totally out-tech “auditing” on my wife does A-E to me and my wife and any one else they messed up.
4. David Miscavige, who as head of RTC refused to allow the folders to be properly FES’d and correct the gross out tech is removed from any position of authority and is declared suppressive.
5. I am allowed to use the meter for a month to determine if it is really any better than any one of the five quantums we’re currently using with no complaints.
Honestly, I’m serious. Just do the above totally on-source actions and I’ll fork over the dough for a couple of these new machines.
That’s back flash Les. And non compliance.
com·pli·ant (km-plnt)
1. Disposed or willing to comply; submissive.
com·ply (km-pl)
1. To act in accordance with another’s command, request, rule, or wish.
2. Obsolete To be courteous or obedient.
I’ll buy all the e-meters you want if you tell me two things: WHat does it measure, and how does it measure it, and in what units?
Mooser, the emeter measures tiny shifts in the electrical field generated around the human body. This electrical field is not very well understood, but does exist and has even been photographed (see kirlian photography). In Scientology we believe that these tiny energy shifts are created by the spirit but they could just as well be coming from the brain. However when you recall something traumatic the emeter will definately show it loud and clear. There is a lot of outside skeptism surrounding the e-mters efficacy, does it work, does it not, but that goes away really fast if you ever get a professional auditor to demonstrate one on you. I have seen it work and demonstrated it loud and clear to other people. But if you have never seen one in action then you can reserve judgement. Also fyi this blog is not for the criticism of the core Scientology physchotherapy. There are many other blogs that bang away on how Scientology physcho-threapy is no good, the emeter does not work, etc etc. In fact, the core pyschotherapy of Scientology has some workability. The current Church of Scientology is cashing in on that and using it to control and coerce its parishioners. And that is what this blog is all about.
That’s right Acting Moderator. Thanks for saying that.
You don’t need no stinking meter, man.
Having to have before you can do.
In the meantime, you can buy a digital one for under $500 and I heard it works well too and has many different settings and options including I believe demos for different types of reads:
[Link removed -no product endorsements: -Acting Moderator]
You can buy a digital multi-meter at any electrical parts supply house and most hardware and home-improvement stores. Buy purchasing (for considerably less, too!) a digital multimeter you can also measure Inducement, and Capacity, two very important measurements, especially when correlated with E-measurement. They are also available with USB plugs to sync with your I-Phone or PC.
Mooser, could you provide some links to devices you think will function like an e-meter?
Man, talk about blindsiding a field that depends on delivering these services.$10,000.oo within 2 weeks.
I am currently receiving auditing from a former highly regarded Flag Auditor and we spent a few minutes talking about this new meter. He/She was there when the guts of this new meter were loaded into the Quantums shell and he /she said there was no significant difference in the meter response. That was the one sentence review from an auditor with thousands of hours in the chair and years of experience as one of the best at Flag.
He/ she has three Quantums in the auditing room and audits beautifully without this latest and great meter.
The magic in the sessions we have occurs because of a strict discipline of following the Auditor’s Code, delivering the process without alterations and most of all my auditor is actually interested in my well being and I can feel it. We are able to work together without an Ultra.
Great post KF!
Great post KF. The beauty of the auditor’s comm cycle. And years from now when the Mark VII’s go kaput, there are already some good ones out in the Indie world that work well, so we will have no problem.
I did miracles with my Mark V in the 70s. My pcs were winning and changing conditions in their lives.
That’s CI and clearly calls for the retreading of the Professional E-Meter Course followed by the Truth Rundown. 🙂
“the differences” netween a Mark VIII Ultra and Mark VII Quantum is no more than (a) one can be used with the “reads-recorder” to gather evidence to comm-ev an org auditor and (b) one can be used to deny use of an e-meter to a non-compliant degraded SP. Guess which one it is!
if there are 8 Million Scientologist, why did he order just 40.000 ??
See? The math always opens the books. Good one!
And why are there any left two months (or is it four months?) after it was released?
TB95 just saw that the King has no clothes!
OMG. And an anonymous person – “Auditor Activation Chief” – signs this dastardly communication with “Much Love.”
This belongs in a film — a black comedy.
That Auditor Activation Chief must be a lonely post. Hope (s)he has got plenty of executive toys to keep him happy.
Does the Ultra OT 8 meter really weigh 30 pounds ?
All these rave reviews, OK,name one.
If it’s such a great thing why did David Miscavige sit on it for almost a decade ?
Oh JC, you poor SP … your problem is that you do not understand the basics …
Just like good wine needs time, Warehouse VIII needed time to mature!
Now only problem is that Warehouse VIII is closer to vinegar, but that is a different story
LOL!! Reminds me of that long ago wine commercial, with a new twist: “We sell no E-meter before its time”.