This is a very sad story.ย Yet another bright young woman indoctrinated into becoming a willing scientology slave.
She is so proud of the fact that she was the youngest fundraiser for the “ideal org” (something that changed absolutely nothing in Sydney or anywhere else). And she was a fundraiser for the IAS, upset that she “only regged $5,000 today.” This is perfectly normal in the scientology world.
And she proclaims she has been on staff for 11 years and has completed NED (but is not Clear), the Student Hat and Metering Course. This is the big “benefit” of 11 years of “volunteering” as a staff member. “Volunteering” is what they call it for legal reasons — there is no question what happens if you decide on your own that you don’t plan to “volunteer” one day because you want to do something for yourself. You can’t even stop “volunteering” after your contract has expired (who ever heard a volunteer with a contract?) unless you replace yourself.
Scientology is so impressed with what she has done, they turn it into a promo piece.
As a final comment, because Marc Headley and I were talking about this very subject yesterday. See the picture of her sitting on the steps in her Class V org uniform. Those shoes. The absolutely worst thing about scientology uniforms. You are only given one pair of shoes. And you wear them every day. 12 or more hours a day. Day after day. They turn into some sort of strange life form not previously seen on this planet. Every SO member and every scientology staff member has experienced “scientology shoes.”
I feel so sorry for her.
There are also “scam numbers”…I don’t know how they do it…but I’ve gotten “sales call about the Warranty on my CAR EXPIRING.”….WTF???
Skyler…Seriously??? My car is ELEVEN YEARS OLD & I have had NO WARRANTY on it for NINE YEARS. When they call & “should I answer”…they do NOT KNOW the MAKE & MODEL….OR THE YEAR of my car….they have to ASK.
So if they truly KNOW my car warranty is expired or about to expire…shouldn’t they KNOW all this info before hand.
Add to that fact I CALLED BACK TWO OR THREE OF THESE NUMBERS….only to find out that the person on the phone number I CALLED is NOT CONNECTED TO THIS AT ALL…the SPOOF these phone numbers……
A few times I TOLD THEM my car had over 250,000 MILES ON IT (which it does NOT, I just said that to get RID of them)…once I mentioned the 250,000…THEY HUNG UP ON ME…ahahhaa! Good Riddance!
Yes…same with my local medical facility…….decades ago I call OUR Physician’s number & spoke directly to his Office Manager or NURSE….now I have to press 1, 2, 3, 4 OR leave a message to be called back….I COULD BE DEAD BY THEN….
I truly appreciate your feedback….it’s good to know I’ve got friends that have dealt with the same bullcrap I have & FULLY understand…
Oy Aqua, in the next day’s blog, I cannot believe it but I tried to tell you that “Oy” is a Canadian word that we use for other Canadians who we feel close to and in today’s bog, you write a post that sounds exactly like Yiddishe momma. OMG! God sure does act in mysterious ways. Thank Goodness, God always acts for the betterment of we silly humans. If I had to bet money, I would never have guessed that you could ever be Jewish or Canadian either. Please do not ask me why. That is something that I just don’t think I could ever have explained. I still do not think that. OK. Anyway …. please just don’t ask me why. I would never have ever asked you why. My oh my!
OK and anyway. I just would not ever have guessed that. Please oh please do try to forgive and forget me. This is just something which I feel that I would never ever ever be able to explain. But, I do not ever think that I ever could have explained this at all. Not at all.
Oh, Aqua. I sure do hope that you will accept my explanation. I am Canadian and I truly do believe that you are just exactly what you said you are and that you will be just whatever is said. I sure do wish we could have this talk in private. But it is really not all that important. I am happy to say to you whatever I want to say – be that in public or in private. Aqua, you really do mean a lot to me and I don’t care who knows that.
Aqua, if you ever plan to come to Canada, please let me know so that I can meet you and greet you and arrange for your satisfactory accomodation while you’re here. I would love to meet you.
Darn it all! I was in the middle of writing a post and my screen suddenly went blank and I lost the post. I suppose that was my own fault and I must learn to write my posts into an editor and then save them before trying to post them.
Oh well, I was saying that I strongly empathize with Mike because it seems to me this blog is using a rather old blogging system and Mike is almost certainly not a programmer or analyst or anything like that. So, it must be difficult for him to manage upgrading his blog to use the latest version of his blog software and to keep on top of where he can get any better systems that make it possible for him to use the best software with the latest security to keep us all safe.
I would really love to have a few modern features in this blog, such as the ability for us to send private messages to each other or the ability for us to send some email addresses to selected people so that we can communicate publicly with email and have a relatively safe way to store our email addresses.
There are several other capabilities that would be very useful – especially text editing capabilities. The software that supports this blog is rather simple and easy to learn. But it would be so useful to have some additional capabilities – especially some new text editing capabilities. By “easy to learn”, I mean it is easy to learn for Mike – not how we use it to write posts. It must be 20 times more difficult for Mike because he has to stay on top of all its features and much more ….
If you wanted to create your own blog, you would have to find some existing system (probably one that is also free) that you can install on your PC and then make it available to the public. You would have to learn and understand all of its features and capabilities so that when people have problems, you will be able to help them. You would need to have some good communication with the people who created that system and who I assume would maintain it. That must not be very easy if the system you choose is free for you to use. In fact, it must be extremely difficult. For most people who host their own blogs, I would guess they have to spend an awful lot of time dealing with problems and reading and learning about how their system works. Can you imagine how much time Mike has to spend dealing with his blogging system and how little time he has left to write his daily blog? I must say that I cannot imagine how he finds the time. I would guess he must spend at least 40 hours per day working on his blog. That must be a real problem because, as you almost certainly know, there are only 23 hours in the day.
OK. I can see this is not going to be as humorous or entertaining as I would like it to be. So, I better go back to sleep and I will just say, “Please stay safe and be well and please forgive me for writing such silly stuff. I will try to do better when I get some sleep.”
The Moose, Briget, Jere Lull, Aquamarine, Giogros, nerdy girl, RetiredPRexec,
O/T once again but I want to say,
My God, I treasure you people.
I have not heard from most of you before. But I want to say a special thank Aqua so much because she has been there to support me several times in the past and it means so much to me. This does not mean I have any less gratitude for any of the other people who replied to me. I treasure you all.
Most all of you are right on the money with what you say.
I was going to have my PC completely erased and reformatted but I have calmed down and reconnected my Internet now. I will continue to post here. But I will try not to post so much because I really worry that I post so much here it is almost as if I am spamming you all.
Thank you all again and may God bless you all!
P.S. Jere, I really enjoyed your comments about her shoes. Heh. Heh. ๐ ๐ ๐
THAnks, Skyler. It’s fun having you around.
You’re not spamming us, Skyler. Not at all. You’re communicating spontaneously in your own natural way. You care about injustice. When you don’t know or understand something you ask – because you want to understand – because you care. You’re not afraid to share what you feel. You contribute to all of us. You’re kind and you’re thoughtful and we’re glad you’re here. Very glad!
And I should add that you’re most welcome, and I have no idea how I’ve ever sometimes helped you but I’m taking your word for it, and however it occurred, I’m happy it did ๐
Oy! (that is a special Canadian expression Canadians reserve and use only for other Canadians who are close friends). You are a special lady and I am very proud and grateful to think you might consider yourself to be my friend.
Thanks, Skyler ๐
It’s been said “Children Learn What They Live”…..”she started going to the Org with her father & was HANGING OUT….volunteering & offering to help out with various jobs”.
She was accepted by “the fold” & given more and more opportunities for basically do “free labor”…i.e. by volunteering for all kinds of jobs…again unpaid. 11+ years of “volunteering with the church” and JUST HOW FAR ALONG THE BRIDGE IS SHE TODAY…..?????
’nuff said….
Exactly. Back ’bout a century or two ago, the Dianetics course, HSDC at the time, came before the Academy Levels, thus was class “sub-zero”. Now it’s class V………???? Dianutics was dreamed up BEFORE scn, guys. Now, it seems to be before AND after. I remember class/level V as being “Power”, just before Power+ and the first “real” clearing.
The ONLY way they can continue to siphon off money from THEIR OWN PEOPLE is to keep moving both ends of the bridge. Once you’re quite near to making the big O.T…then they tell you “Whoooooppppsss….there’s been a change in several of the books….an ERROR… have to buy new books & start all over again since something was misquoted or left out accidentally during printing so you didn’t learn that part”…..PAY PAY PAY>MORE MORE MORE
This kid would be better off enrolled in even a community college to gain some knowledge & credits to move forward to a 4+ year REAL university towards a REAL JOB where she can earn a good salary & then VOLUNTEER for them.
The ONLY power she will ever have at this game is the power to keep paying for something that will garner her nothing in life except poverty..
You nailed it bang on the head, Balletlady. The cult “keeps moving both ends of the bridge”. Exactly what they’ve been doing for decades now! Nicely said.
As each year passes, the tone of these ads gets increasingly desperate. The line between public (consumer) and staff (supplier) is more and more blurred. Staff aren’t just those supporting the delivery of products and services, they’re not even just our comrades. They are our care givers. It is not enough that they work for and represent a multi billion dollar organisation. We must help them provide for us. The relationship between the church and its public is much like an impoverished single parent family.
I’m sure its intended audience will see this piece as a heartfelt call to arms. But behind the words is the buzzing of a frustrated fly, desperately Needing Bodies. Led by a man in Hiding.
mwesten regaled us with:
“the buzzing of a frustrated fly, desperately Needing Bodies. Led by a man in Hiding.”
But don’t forget the WHISKEY helping him hide.
Yes! “Needing Bodies”. I saw the Tone Scale film and its enacted depiction of this tone level. Whether or not one likes or believes in Scientology doesn’t matter. Watch the enactment of this tone level (which is a very low one) and THAT IS THEM! That IS the cult. They try to hide it. They try very hard to “mock up” their communication as “uptone” (in Scientology that would be cheerful or, somewhat higher, i.e, enthusiastic). But they’re not. There’s a real heaviness – to me there was this strong, very discernable, needy/craving quality flowing out of them that their “uptone” words could not camouflage. It used to mildly horrify me, frankly. Truly cheerful and enthusiastic people don’t give me this kind of reaction. But back then, I doubted myself, didn’t altogether trust my instincts as I do now.
What a sad life this poor girl has been indoctrinated into living.Practically killing yourself working all day is not going to save the planet.In the words of the late George Carlin,โThe planet is fine.It will cleanse itself.The people,however,are fucked.โAnd certain mental disorders are real and need professional psychiatric treatment.After my stroke,I suffered from severe PTSD,depression,anxiety and suicidal thoughts.My psychiatrist is trying to help me and my meds help,but there are some days where I feel like giving up.This past year has been quite difficult for me and it is not over yet.I am attempting to stay strong as my family gets hit with one thing after another.But at least we have each other for support.I wish the same support for this young lady should she ever open her eyes and decide to leave Scientology.I could never imagine my husband,son or daughter dumping me like trash because of my medical problems and the fact I am Autistic.I did not bring any of this on myself.This was the hand I was dealt.I am doing the best I can.Scientology,I truly feel,does not help the planet or anyone else for that matter.I am thankful,however,that some former Scientologists are here and ready to help those who are trying to leave or have already left the organization.
Nancy. nicely said. After my own stroke, what got me through was focussing on what I HAD, not what I was missing, (like my whole left side). Not doing so was a sure prescription to depression. HAVING my gorgeous wife sure has been a “godsend”, not that I believe in invisible imaginary magic friends at this point of my life. My very visible, huggable, brilliant spouse is sufficient
I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.Thank you.
Nancy Vasta said: In the words of the late George Carlin, “The planet is fine.It will cleanse itself.The people,however,are fucked”.
Hello Nancy,
I had never before heard that George Carlin said this. But since you posted that, Iโve been thinking about it and I wonder just how close to the truth that can be. Humans have been abusing our planet for quite some time now. What with the burning of hydrocarbons and using our planet as a toilet and a garbage dump and so many other abuses, I wonder just how they expected our planet to react to that.
We may think science presents us with some kind of infallible laws regarding how to live and if we break those laws, then science reacts with chemical reactions and reaction with the laws of Physics etc. to find a cure.
Some so-called “primitive” cultures might have worshipped their gods – like a rain god or a fire god or others.
But is it possible that modern science and these worshippers of the gods of nature could both be correct?
The people who were native to North America long before us might explain COVID as the Gods becoming angry with our conduct and COVID is their punishment on us.
Scientists may say the same thing. But they might put it like this. All of the chemicals that we have dumped into the environment have reacted in such a way to produce COVID in order to kill off the insane invading species (namely people). Or they could say that dumping garbage into our oceans has set up some reactions in Chemistry and Physics that has reacted with the laws of Nature in order to produce diseases that will kill us off in order to save the planet.
No matter which way you look at it, the truth just may be that Mother Nature has pretty much had it with our greedy and wasteful lifestyle where people only care about enriching themselves and they care nothing about taking care of the planet. The result?
I fear we just might have to switch into high gear and spend most of our days cleaning up our messes in order just to stay alive.
If I was in charge of this world, the first thing I would do? I would stamp out the scam. They are the most greedy of all. But that should be no surprise. IMO, stamping out the scam is the answer to most of the issues we will be facing.
I just hope we will find a way to stay alive throughout our coming tribulations.
Good luck and best wishes to everyone here!
About them shoes:
Not very feminine, more like Men’s shoes, and likely VERY comfy. When I was in the High school marching Band, we ALL had to wear black oxfords, which we all broke in by wearing them to school, boys and girls, alike. The girls were surprised how COMFORTABLE they were after being broke-in. After a five-mile or so long parade, we usually had to blow off some excess energy afterwards by โ of courseโ DANCING. At the end of the year the girls were impressed how well they wore AND that they could be re-soled for the next year โ We did a LOT of walking/marching in them. Women’s shoes aren’t nearly as comfortable, sturdy, and long-lasting.
BTW, Mike and other men :, you DON’T wear your (men’s) shoes all day, perhaps 12+ hours at a stretch? While I was still working, I got away with using my “Docksiders” for work โ it was a casual place โ and on the boat alike. Generally lasted a year or two before getting too disreputable even for ME. “Casual” hardly begins to describe me. Can’t say how long I’ve had these sneakers on today, AND yesterday. I hardly ever take them off but for bed:Wife wouldn’t think highly of me TRYING to sneak into bed with them on, and my momma taught me better than that.[smack!]
After I wrote about the good ol’ Band days, I recalled there was a time not too far back when the must-have girl’s footwear was medium-height lace-up boots, perhaps called “Granny boots”. (not being a girl, myself, they weren’t more than an oddity for me to observe.) They were FAR uglier, I think the proper term โ perhaps invented for the fashion was “Fugly”.
I remember Granny Boots, jere! Back in the day for a while we all wore them. Looking at them now via the picture in my mind, yeah they were ugly all right!q But back then we had to have them.
As a former High School Band Chairperson & Chairperson for Chaperones…I can’t tell you how many “burn marks” I suffered sitting on metal bleaches in the hot sun on the football field watching the band perform. Nor can I count the hours “manning” the refreshment stand in all kinds of weather selling snack foods to all.
Band uniforms were inspected…shoes were those comfy black oxfords…..wich had to be polished into a mirror shine….sometimes “spats” over them depending on the show the band put on to entertain the crowd. Band competitions in different states, Giants’ Stadium my favorite.
Wool uniforms for the “kids”….quite heavy & hot and itchy……aaah the glory days. Still have my Band Parents Association Jacket……
Those black oxfords faded into memory until just now………Add to that in MY time “the Nancy Sinatra WHITE GO GO Boots”…. hahahha ….oh horrors….to think I owned a pair of those……I hope you and your lovely family are well!
“the Nancy Sinatra WHITE GO GO Boots”…Yes, we had to have those too And then they went out of style, but not for hookers! Street hookers kept them as a wardrobe staple ๐
Oh, the HOURS we spent getting that mirror finish; only to be destroyed when we had to walk through the grass to the inspection area. After that happened, ruining our perfect score, we learned tricks….
We had the white spats, too, the better to see that EVERY member was in step. That helped us keep things together when our formation spanned the whole field. Rather than listen to the guys and gals on the other side, who could be a half-beat away, as sound flies, we watched their feet and could stay in synchrony. Also did that in parades, where our front ranks could be 50 yards away, thus farther away than the drums of the band behind us
We brought our bag of tricks with us too…stuff to remove scuffs, shoe polish….every uniform inspected beforehand & thread and heavy duty needles to piece the WOOL suit material which was like sewing through IRON. Those damned uniforms weighed a ton.
Ahhh the glory days…performing in rain, and cold winds where the kids’ fingers nearly froze to their instruments. Picky judges…….but it was fun!
We had the Band Front as well….the girls would carry different kinds of Flags & perform with them….synchronized twirling of flags……very pretty…but of course EVERYONE had to be step. I hated those spats too….our shoes were BLACK OXFORDS….hard to see everyone was in step!
Thanks for happy memories Jere!
She’s a pretty girl. Which leads me to wonder — and this may come off rather crass, but I genuinely wonder — whether she’s been sexually abused yet.
Kimo, it might be crass, but I had the same thought; She’s such a pretty young thing.
So sad that such a good-hearted person can be convinced to absolutely waste their life on this garbage. I wish her cognitive dissonance and hope that she wakes up soon.
Jerry, EVERYONE I know who joined staff were good-hearted. At least that was why they joined the fight. Les Dane’s hard-sell training came later, after KSW, the TRs, the Upper Indocs, etc.. In other words, they/we didn’t START out as sociopaths.
What is more sad about this story? The fact that Scientology uses ‘naturally high ARC’ people to get fundraising done, or the fact that in a year or two she will have to disconnect from her father when he blows? (Personally, I think the latter is worse, but the former is probably more unethical for a ‘spiritual’ organization)
He will eventually blow if he is a sane and rational person, as Leah so boldly explained on her interview with Joe Rogan that ‘the scifi’ mythology and BTs become too much if you’re a grounded person when you get to OT levels.
IN ADDITION TO โnaturally high ARCโ , many or most are very cute young things who are easily seduced into selling their lives and integrity away.
Bonnie won’t get better until she stops hanging around with $cientologists. This ad attempts to make Bonnie an ‘opinion leader’ within the bubble. ‘I only regged 5k??’ Misplaced shame is misplaced.
“I only regged 5K TODAY”(emphasis mine) . Methinks Bonnie is being a tad disingenuous. I recall the moment my IAS reg succeeded in convincing me to become a Lifetime Member, which cost $5000. She was over the moon ecstatic. Bonnie expressed regging the same amount as if it made her downstat. I’m a little suspicious. But I feel for her. Such an attractive young girl. Those shoes…even if she didn’t have to wear the same pair every day…even if she did have another pair…uh-glee. I wouldn’t sod my yard wearing those shoes.
Yeah, Aqua, but at least those shoes would SURVIVE sodding the yard, unlike the “fashionable” alternatives.
Yes, of course, I know :). I was just using an expression I heard a wealthy Texas lady use when I was sitting across from her. Two obviously wealthy women obviously from Texas from the accents alone but they were from Dallas – Seven jeans, Louboutin 5 inch spikes, complete makeup, and diamonds, my God, the real deal, diamonds dripping from them, encircling them, flashing fire everywhere – anyway they were discussing a wedding they’d attended wherein one of the ladies’ brother’s New England born wife attended dressed in a “Mother Hubbard”. Shock and outrage! This was an important wedding. “Billy” had no idea what he was getting into when he married this woman from Massachusetts, someone who would embarrass the family like that! And then the Texas lady nearest me across the isle said, “Whah, honey, I wouldn’t sod my yahd dressed like that!”
To be honest with you , although it sounds horrid now, she said it with good humor, they weren’t nasty women. And she said it rather loudly and I couldn’t help but hear it and turned to her and smiled, it WAS funny, the way she said it. And she smiled back at me and kind of winked in that Southern way they have and said, “See there! Even his lady’s laughin’! I don’t blame ya, honey!” All said with good humor. What can I say; it was funny at the time. But now I just love that expression.
O/T. University of Virginia Spring 2021 course RELC 3215 on American Religious Innovation will cover Scientology.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Kathleen Flake
This course is about America’s newer religious movements: Scientology, Nation of Islam and Mormonism. The class will be using theories of ritual and text to understand how religious communities constitute themselves around an originating vision and retain a sense of continuity notwithstanding dramatic change. We will ask also why these three movements have created such crisis for the American state and anxiety among its citizens.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
I wonder if the professor will get into defining Xenu and “body-thetans” and explain the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps of Scientology. I hope so, and if not, then the students I hope look up Xenu and somehow learn the simplest interpretation of the Xenu story.
I find academics miss the boat discussing Scientology, since they take Scientology’s dodgy self descriptions and Scientology when defining themselves totally miss the exorcism major chunk of Scientology’s “upper” practices. Scientologists don’t even have the word exorcism in their lexicon.
Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” has to be part of the definition discussion about the whole of Scientology, always.
What I find so hugely still omitted in discussing Scientology, for a variety of reasons, is the exorcism segment of Scientology.
Scientology is disallowed to give a proper overview of itself.
So, outsiders, to be truthful to the full major factors of what constitutes Scientology, have to get into Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” which explains why today’s modern Scientology has 5 expensive and time consuming exorcism steps to complete. OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the expensive exorcism steps of Scientology, and the reason these 5 exorcism steps are even needed are due to the Xenu story that explains how Xenu earth dumped these surplus mentally damaged souls onto earth, and these surplus souls (the taboo two word word, “body-thetans” which Scientologists are not allowed to define publicly), but it is critical to understand Scientology’s exorcism major segment of upper Scientology, to explain this.
The academics papers go haywire-y due to them not understanding the Xenu story, and how the Xenu story resulted in Scientology’s exorcism steps today. Scientology isn’t forthcoming explaining the Xenu story, nor admitting to doing exorcism, but that’s the normal human lingo to use. “Body-thetans” are bodiless souls, they are surplus souls hovering all over earth, infesting humans in the hundreds of thousands or more, sometimes less numbers, and Scientology’s secret upper levels OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 are lengthy steps of exorcism to rid themselves of their “body-thetans” infestations.
I hope students look up the details outside of their college course, since I doubt the professor knows even what I tried to simply state above.
Scientology is pretty simple when broken down into the major practices. Lower levels are quack pseudo-therapy. Middle Scientology (Clear stuff on New Era Dianetics) is past lives trauma quack talk therapy. Then 5 of the 8 “upper levels” of Scientology are exorcism.
So it’s quack pseudo-therapy and it’s then mainly quack exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans.”
Scientology’s a quack soul addressing subject.
Scientology’s got a very tenacious bureaucracy system governed by reams of Hubbard’s rules. Scientology’s got strong arm fundraising and pressure to buy (fixed donations) the regimented steps of Hubbard’s stepladder of quack pseudo-therapy and the exorcism.
And Scientology’s, all Scientologists have stiff rules to follow, and they have a nasty branch bureaucracy to deal with traitors and defectors and “enemies” of Scientology.
That’s how I’d teach the course.
What I don’t understand if a SCI is CLEAR (of body thetans) before OT 5 to 8 then why the need for further exorcism? Money aside of course.
You got it, Andy. It’s the M-O-N-E -Y, MORE MONEY!
The answer is LRH had “body-thetans” still bugging him, when he died. He felt, I presume, that everyone else on earth who are lesser aware than him (witness the session worksheet paper from one of Hubbard’s late in life solo sessions, him doing his solo auditing, solo quackery, to himself).
In the LRH funeral/death/memorial announcement event, Pat Broeker held up this worksheet which Pat states is from a Hubbard “OT 10” session.
The presumption, if you are versed in how deep other people have gone into their past tracks, like Hubbard, searching for “case” problems, as was Hubbard’s concept for all Hubbard’s mind/spiritual researches, you would see that Hubbard apparantly went WAY deeper into the past track/past lives time to dig up “case” blocking events.
So, in hindsight, Hubbard tried going deeper and deeper, further towards I presume, to ancient memories which happened subsequent to Hubbard’s own creation of his own Home Universe. That’d be my logical conclusion, he was searching around way way back on the time track, for ancient “case” blocking incidents, to address with some sort of spiritual talk pseudo-therapy for humans to use.
Now, all this for context, then also we know Hubbard was running OT 7 some more, on himself, in the end of his life, and he failed at ridding some of the final “body-thetans” he still had lingering and bothering him up into the final months of his life. That is per Sarge, that is in the priceless interview Lawrence Wright did with Sarge. People who avoid listening to this info from Sarge, are denying themselves quite important info that LRH told Sarge, about LRH’s case. There is logically more, we don’t have LRH’s final solo “case folders” to look through, but apparantly two persons, Pat Broeker and Ray Mithoff, have seen and probably have tried wrapping their heads around LRH’s final case status himself, and know of LRH’s troubles exorcising these final “body-thetans” off himself.
Hubbard had a convient explanation, which is stated by Hubbard several points in the non confidential “tech” (quackery) writings. Hubbard said some cases are “bypassed cases” which means superficially deep and NOT self reflecting enough to dig deep like Hubbard (as he states in Keeping Scientology Working, where Hubbard briefly mentions himself rising above the reactive mind far in greater degree than anyone else in earth history). So, the Hubbard self concept is that Hubbard dug deep, and others will try to follow.
And if Hubbard was having trouble with some additional “body-thetans” at the end of his life, per Hubbard’s logic, others would also. Thus everyone needs to do the thorough searching for their lingering “body-thetans” and thus that’s why so much exorcism, and why OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are necessary, to really get people digging deep enough to find and exorcise all their “body-thetans’.
All the normal citizen criticism and skepticism, of course, that is valid, and this is all just advanced megalomania and egomania on Hubbard’s part. He was delusionally self absorbed in his spiritual superiority to “rise above the reactive mind” himself, and charge deep into his spiritual past lives, etc, etc.
And package and sell this to others, I needn’t have even tried to give his further justifications for his quackery snipe hunting exorcism, and for sure, whatever reason a person decides to quit the Hubbard quackery and exorcism, the sooner the better and any reason to quit it, good for that person’s choice to quit the crap.
Freezoners who routinely skip the overdoing of the exorcism OT levels, that’d be a wise move, the less exorcism you force yourself to do, the better, since it’s all bogus anyways.
Many thanks for your detailed insights to this twisted cult.
All I’m hearing is the state of “clear” is not really clear of anything at all real or imagined.
ISNOINews: that sounds like it’ll be discussion ABOUT those religions and scientology as an also-ran. I had a similar course in High School 50 years ago that didn’t do more than go over the high points. BTW,I can’t for the life of me think of a one-page synopsis of scientology that a course like that could properly include. If I had to say something, I’d be obligated by my knowledge of it to describe it as a money-making scam where anything good was plagiarized from some other source, and most/all of the rest was garbage. THAT, of course, wouldn’t be well-received by TPTB or students, but it’d be honest.
I don’t like the sound of of this course offering: brain washing on a more sophisticated level than its subject matter. The course description contains all the buzz words of current academia, and I suspect it’s true “text” is going to be less about the three cults under discussion and more about “the crisis in the American state.”
They get them young and the mind can be controlled with kindness and a future. I heard this story thousands of times. Eventually she will get over-worked and very tired. If she is bright, she will see that Scientology is a dead end. I have seen this same pattern for over fifty years.
George, they seem to last a surprisingly long time, if you look at Mike and Leah. What was it? 30 or more years for each of them? I was snagged as a 20-year old and lasted barely a decade before running afoul of their darker/darkest sides.
Are there really no child labor laws in Australia?
Rhetorical question, they get around it the same way they do in the US. You say “volunteer” to a prosecutor and they think “helped out with the church social for an hour” not “seven 12-hour days a week when you’re lucky, more when you’re not”. They don’t understand how someone could “volunteer” to be ground into the mud, pull yourself out and “volunteer” to do it again.
But it is still sad to see a life wasted this way. The more entangled you get in the lies, especially at a younger more impressionable age, the harder it is to get free of them.
Her father is the real criminal in this – bringing his daughter to the Scientology sweat-shop instead of arranging for child care or doing his duty as a father. Some day he will regret that choice, when he needs a little help in his old age and his daughter is lost to him, either trapped in the Sea Org or estranged.
With her mention of ballet lessons, that seemed to indicate a certain middle-class level of family income. So, the father most likely could have put her in childcare, or paid a nanny – but he no doubt knew the reputation of Scilon-related childcare, and avoided any that would remove her to a remote location.
He could have kept her out of the local org, but he didn’t. Once again a parent was complicit in the indoctrination of a child into Scientology.
It will come back to haunt him someday, when he is declared SP, and disconnected from the daughter, and wondering if he has any grandchildren, and if he will ever see his disconnected family members ever again.
But let’s hope for the different outcome – father and daughter blow together, she takes remedial classes then enters college and discovers a burning desire to become a teacher, a historian, doctor, lawyer, something other than a ronbot rushing hither and yon trying to make up some bogus stats every Thursday.
Yeh, I like the optimist version much better.
Ammo Alamo opined:
“But letโs hope for the different outcome โ father and daughter blow together, she takes remedial classes then enters college and discovers a burning desire to become a teacher, a historian, doctor, lawyer, something other than a ronbot rushing hither and yon trying to make up some bogus stats every Thursday.”
You ARE an optimist! How ’bout: Mom, Dad, and daughter blow off the drudgery at the same time and ALL return to a more natural, native state FAR from any OSA operatives.
Sad, very sad. Becoming Cathy Rinder Bernadini ; becoming Jenny Linson. Turning into one of RB’s hard-bitten Sea Org hags is her future. What a waste of a life for a lovely and kind and caring young girl. Horrible.
Very sad to see anyone who is following the tech of L Con, particularly young people.
I see that $ci braggart Grant Cardone has been hit with a class action law suit.
Gordon, what did Cardone do THIS time? other than being a fool?
Check out The Scientology Money Project for details.
He’s accused of lying about who’s actually buying the investment properties, among other things:
So it’s merely run-of-the-mill scn scammers, then. Nothing to see here, folks; just ANOTHER scientologist who is certain that the laws of polite society don’t apply to HIM….
Oh, so Nothing new; Just skimming from the front end, the back, and MOSTLY the middle. Greedy hardly begins to describe him. NOT a guy I’d like to have a friendly drink with, for fear of him scamming me out of what little money I have in my retirement.
I must apologize for being O/T but so many terrible things have happened to me in just the last couple of days.
One of my email accounts appears to be hacked and I got an Extortion Email that said, “We know your password to this email account and we know you have been visiting several sites and doing several things that you would not want your friends or family to know about.
So, unless you send us $1,000 with Bitcoins, we are going to send copies of all the email and videos to all your Contacts including all your friends and family all your professional contacts and they will see what kind of horrible degenerate you are.
We took over your monitor and web cam and we have pictures of your face while you watch these porno videos.
In fact, here is the exact email they sent me with some personal info XXX’d out and some of my comments between two rows of asterisks.
I almost never watch any porn or anything like that and the last time I did anything even remotely like that was maybe ten years ago.
So I know they probably just send the same email to everyone they hack and they just pick the most likely activity in which people engage and that would embarrass them if was made known to their contacts.
I would guess they would get lucky – meaning they would send this email to someone who really did watch or download porn and who really would be embarrassed if they sent that stuff to all of their contacts.
But there are several real dangers and lessons that I have learned from this.
1) I must never keep any email lying around in any of my folders – especially if it contains any personal info (like name, address and phone). More especially if it has any banking info like account numbers and passwords.
2) I must never do business with any people or companies that put any of my personal info in the email they send me.
For example, if your bank sends you email that shows you the status of your accounts and your name, address, account numbers, etc. that is just deadly!
Anyone who uses a key logger to hack into your email acccounts can just go into your email account and read the info the bank has sent you.
Banks or any other company or corporation that sends you email containing any of your personal info is doing something terrible and I would tell them why it is so terrible and not to do it anymore. But then I would never accept any more email from them
Most of what they say are lies. For instance, I don’t have any web cam. So, this appears to be some kind of “fishing” scam where they got the passwords of some people and they are threatening to do them harm unless they get paid this $1,000.
This is the crime of Extortion and I think they have to be pretty stupid to do this because most people should know this is all fakery. Besides the criminal law pentalty for doing this is ten years in a penitentiary. So not smart at all.
Anyway, here is a link to a post I wrote on Tech Support Guy to get help and you will see just exactly what this is if you read this.
But I am going to disconnect my computer from the Internet for at least a day or two and maybe longer and I just wanted to explain what is going on and to wish you all well and say that I certainly will miss you no matter how long it takes.
I think you people are just wonderful and I look forward to the day we will all celebrate the downfall of this evil criminal scam.
Please be well and be smart about COVID.
Your friend, Skyler. (aka Wallenberg)
These e-mails are common and designed to get people who don’t know any better to panic and send money. Is there some indication other than the e-mail that your account was hacked?
My sympathies, Skyler. This kind of thing is so frightening. There must be a scam push with this sort of stuff. I answered a call today from an unknown number (usually don’t do that) and as soon as I heard “Your information has been hacked, you must…” I hung up and blocked the number. Also, my husband taught me always to open a private window when going online, and always close your mail and log back i with password. It helps a bit since your cookies aren’t as easily traced.
We sometimes get calls from some outfit saying that some Win-doze “thang” needs to be replaced. Unlikely, since I have NO Micros**t code on our computers. I had to put up with it at work, but refused to deal with that can of bugs unless I’m (WELL) paid for the problems.
Skyler, I got one of those emails a few months ago. Just delete it. Many people are getting them. They’re bluffing; they have nothing. Delete it.
It was a shock though because they used my own email address to email me!
Forging e-mail headers is trivial, so it’s rather common for spammers to make an e-mail look as though it was sent from any address they like, including your own. Do not panic.
It’s been YEARS since scammers sent me spam “from” my own address. That’s a sign it can be ignored, now.
Thanks, Giorgos. I’m OK now but was very nervous at first.
They don’t have your email account. There were quite a few older websites that were hacked and account information was revealed. Most people use the same password or variation of for everything so if they got the password to your neopets account or some other old account they just blank out the last 2 or 3 characters to make you think they have your password. Change your password on your email account and delete the message they have nothing but your email address and an old account password. It’s a really common scam nothing to worry about. As far as personal information as long as your email account is secure you want them to provide some information. Phishing emails never contain your name etc because they don’t know it. Dear customer is usually a sign it’s not really your bank. A password generator is a good thing to use on email accounts or social media accounts that you want to keep secure. I would especially recommend it for anyone subject to attack make sure it randomly generates 20 character passwords with a mixture of letters, symbols and numbers. Good luck.
Read a lot here as it’s an interest but I usually don’t have any knowledge to reply but on this particular issue I do.
Nerdy Girl,
Thank you ever so. I am def using your advice. I had never before used automated pw generators. But now? I will use them at every opportunity. Your advice was super extra good and I cannot thank enough!
Look up the 10 most common online scams. You will see this one listed. They don’t have access to your camera…just delete.
Good luck, Skyler. I’d simply file his under “Junk mail”, as exposing my proclivities to all would tell them nothing new. I’ve never tried to hide my perversions. These days, they’re all just “freedom of speech” issues, anyway.
We received calls from the IRS saying “we were going to be arrested blah blah blah”………plain and simple fake. Also the Police Dept seeking funds….two different ones….State Troopers & local police….scams.
…….we also got a call from Publisher’s Clearing House telling my husband we won $100,000 & a $500,000 house. Of course I KNEW it was fake…despite the fact the man gave his name, phone # & location in Florida.
I told my husband it was a SCAM & he didn’t believe me. After all, the man SAID he & his “associates’ would HAND DELIVER the CHECK to OUR HOME. Scary stuff…..the second call I spoke to the man himself who INSISTED this was the real deal…after TWO more conversations with my husband…the man SAID WHAT I KNEW HE’D SAY….”all we have to do is got to Walgreens & buy TWO $500 “gift cards” & give HIM the #’s”………..huh, what, hmmmm…..
Yup,…only THEN did my husband accept it was BOGUS. I went on line & FILLED OUT a Publisher’s Clearing House FRAUD FORM…..sent it in…never heard from anyone after that.
Please be warned. A terrible rant will be coming up here. You can stop reading now if you like.
Thank you so much for your info. This was the first time anything like this had ever happened to me so I was not nearly as confident or sure of myself as you are.
In Canada, we have a federal fraud reporting hotline and I called them to report my experience. They have one of the worst umm … (I wish I knew the correct name for this) … what do you call the system where you can leave a voice mail (with great difficulty) but most of the time it says, “If you want to do this … Press 1”, “if you want to do that … Press 2” and it ALWAYS says, “Please listen carefully to our important announcement as some of our options have changed.”
This angers me so much because almost all of them never ever change anything. It is just a shabby way they can tell you to listen carefully. What nerve they have!
Anyway, IMO, this system exists mostly so they don’t have to pay any people to talk to us. They think we don’t understand they don’t care about us at all. In fact, there is no way to talk with a human being and on this particular system, it just goes round and round in circles and eventually it says “an operator will be with you shortly”. I don’t know where these people were educated but they sure do have a different meaning of the word “shortly” than I do.
Twenty minutes is not shortly. Grumble. Grumble. Grumble. Scream! Scream! Scream! Yell and Curse. I’m so happy that I discovered how to use the bold feature.
But Lo and Behold. After 20 minutes a lady finally did say hello. I politely (I swear I was being polite) began to tell her that her answering system (or whatever it is called) was just terrible for many reasons. The first being … Click! . That’s right. She just hung up on me because I wanted to tell her the reasons why her system was so terrible and I swear to you I was being polite.
Why can’t these people understand that when you blast the same pre-recorded message at your callers over and over again until they get sick of it or get a busted ear drum or something like that … it is akin to torture?
OK. Sorry. I have nowhere else to post this kind of rant. I hate these telephone systems so much!
I could say a lot more about this too. But I will take mercy on you all and say goodbye.
For anyone interested, Google seems to think the name of these systems are:
Professional Automated Attendant Script.
IMO they are one of the most disgusting and hateful things created in our modern world.
Please read carefully as some of these words may have changed.
What a load of crap!
Skyler, the names most people call those things can’t be revealed without violating terms and conditions of most sites. The most common is Robot … or !2#^^&* ROBOTS!!!!!
Hope she wises up like Suzette, Arthur and Roane finally did.
Glenn said:
“Hope she wises up like Suzette, Arthur and Roane finally did.”
OUT, I presume. That’s the safest place for anyone.
Poor girl. Not only she is exploited as staff (where in the end what really matters is the money that is raised, and not other results) but they also use her to promote the org and all the untruths and lies that go with it.
Mike you are absolutely right about the ‘SO shoes’. Laughing loud! So funny.
Sometimes they were so cheap that if you were late for roll call and had to rush their life where shortened by half. And if they broke or had holes, you had to wait for your request to buy new one to be approved (a drama) and meanwhile hope it didn’t rain. Other options where to borrow shoes from a mate but usually where too smaller or to bigger. Alternatively you had to put on other shoes and someone would made you immediately a good KR (knowledge report) for out uniform. While we were clearing the planet!
Good old times when you had the clear idea that the bottom couldn’t never be reached. There was always some more crap behind the corner.
No act is too vile for those who value power.
Right, otherles. No act is too vile for them. Even subjecting a barely pubescent girl-child to the rigors of staff. She SHOULD be out playing with the other kids her age, not working in that kind of gristmill. Let the kid BE a kid for awhile. She’ll have to join the adult world all too soon.
Off topic but where the hell is Wynski?
(Aqua as Stereotyped Jewish Mother)
Dear Wynskala,
I hope I’m not bothering you.
I’m sure you’re very busy – doing God knows what.
I’m not going to ask where you’ve been.
That’s none of my business.
I’m only your mother, after all.
No one important.
Just your mother.
Just the woman who brought you up and did everything for you and now can’t sleep at night wondering if you’re alright and still alive, even.
But never mind, the doctor gave me pills to help me sleep.
My Medicare doesn’t cover them but that’s OK I have savings.
I never thought I’d be using the money your father and I beggared ourselves to save for sleeping pills because I’m worried about my son lying in a ditch somewhere but never mind, I have the money.
Of course if your father were alive he would tell me not to worry about you so much but how can I help it when none of your friends have heard from you in months?
But look, I don’t want you to feel obligated.
Don’t think you HAVE TO get in touch.
My happiness, your friends’ peace of mind, none of this is important. God will give us the necessary strength.
Time for my pill now.
Hey Aqua,
I’ve been wondering about that too. Wynski seems to have an awful lot of knowledge and experience with the law and justice systems. So when we were discussing Ray Jeffrey and his work for the Rathbuns, I kept expecting him to help us out.
Wynski, if you see this message, please know your friends miss you and would like to see you back. Do you know much about the Rathbun case?
Hi Skyler,
I hear you and agree about Wynski likely being a legal person.
We don’t want to force him to communicate.
Your message communicates what we feel nicely.
Aqua, you missed the “DAYS of labor I went through after 9 agonizing MONTHS of carrying you.”
otherwise, a good parody of the Jewish mommas I’ve known over the years.
Ha ha ha! Good one ๐ Yeah, how could I have missed THAT?