An update on a few things….
Website —
I have a new website.
It is a simple landing page with connections to all things about me ahead of the book release.
Please check it out here:
Book Giveaway:
A Billion Years has been added to the Goodreads Giveaway campaign. This means you can enter to win a free copy. This began yesterday and there are 1862 people already requesting a copy (100 are available).
UK and Australia Amazon Pre-orders:
Amazon stopped taking pre-orders when one of their algorithms kicked in because there is a different publisher in UK than US, so it automatically assumed there was intellectual property infringement issue.
Humfrey Hunter from Silvertail (the non-US publisher) is fighting through Amazon bureaucracy and says they have agreed to restore the preorders but he has to “newly publish” (whatever that means). He is doing everything possible to get this restored ASAP. I just saw someone on social media who said they were now able to pre-order again, so perhaps it is resolved. It was not scientology this time…. Though it would be nice if Amazon were as quick on the trigger with the phony “summary” books!
Media for A Billion Years:
I went to New York yesterday to do the first major media interview for the book. It will come out on 27 September and many more to follow. The media is embargoed until 27 Sept, other than a short excerpt which will be coming sometime next week in print…
The line up so far is a broad spectrum of TV, radio, podcasts and print, and once the first ones hit the airwaves there will likely be more. It is a little bit surreal to be back doing some of the media I did as scientology’s spokesperson, but this time as a scientology whistleblower spokeperson!
Pre-release sales continue to be strong. Thank you to everyone who has ordered already.
Mike, I loved your book. Any chance you will be doing a book tour? Would love to get my copy autographed!
I love your new website!
Great news on the website. Can’t wait to watch all of your interviews on your book tour.
Congratulations Mike, and I also think you will be on the New York Times Best Seller list very soon. Can’t think of anyone more deserving or more capable of exposing the truth.
Can’t wait to see you on the NYTimes BEST Seller List! If there’s anyone out there that deserves it it’s you. I know redemption is a hard road and I know there are some out there that will never be placated with just an apology…but you have put in a ton of work trying to right some of the wrongs. Your work has helped make sure that less and less raw meat (the fact that Hubbard used this term is very telling) ever enter another Org. You’ve helped provide a safe path for those desperate to escape themselves and have no one on the outside they can trust or turn to.
I still remember seeing you when you were released from the Hole to follow John Sweeney around for his TV special. The way you looked in that show was enough to tell the whole world that something was bad wrong with Scientology. You went from being their main spokesman who looked fairly healthy to looking like a ghost. Pale and thin…malnourished…all one had to do was look at you and see it. You looked like you had been in the gulag and come to find out that was exactly where you were. Then the public doesn’t hear or see anything about you for years until we find out you have escaped. Fast forward to the Truth Rundown with the Tampa Bay Times and you looked like a whole new person. Then this blog, the Aftermath, the podcast…redemptive work. The pics of you holding your son and laughing was like a whole new guy…the happiness that Scientology had stolen was now abundant.
It’s that happiness that Miscavige despises. Happiness and success. He can’t stand the thought that you (and all of us SPs) aren’t under his tiny boot heel. You being successful proves that life after Scientology is possible and that being ‘declared’ an SP means NOTHING. Miscavige is a big fish in an ever shrinking bowl. He can pull out all the stops and try to slander and libel you but he just doesn’t seem to realize that these actions make Scientology look even worse. Much worse than what he thinks the ‘SPs’ are doing to him and the organization. All of his fake slimy websites and ‘POW’ videos of family and friends testifying to tons of lies and negativity only turn people away from Scientology.
So I say CONGRATULATIONS! Can’t wait to read it. We can all hope that your lost children will find their way and finally wake up…not only yours but all of the children of SPs who are still inside.
Thank you! is nice and all, but your OTHER website has something the new site doesn’t have: an actual picture of the rough draft of your book! I love that behind-the-scenes stuff! For anyone interested, it’s the picture subtitled “The evidence, found in Mike Rinder’s office storage, that the Church’s leader was accused of “destroying,” while Rinder stayed silent”.
I have to admit, based on that picture, the book looks really thick, but I plan on reading all of it! I did pre-order it, but now I’m wondering how it’s going to be delivered. I might need to buy a forklift. I’m also very glad to read that the “real evidence” wasn’t destroyed, and look forward to reading how it will be “vindicating Mr. Miscavige”. Vindicating Mr. Miscavige is probably the first chapter, I’m guessing.
Otherwise – and I really hope you’re not offended – that previous website does a quite poor job of advertising the new book. It’s not my place to offer you advice, but I really hope that you won’t again avail yourself of the services of whatever business created that site, and think you made the right decision to get an entirely new one.
This is so great! I can’t wait for the release.
Mike, is there an update on the Fair Game podcast?
I thought it was to be back at the end of August?
What a great site! The links too.
This is marvelous! Can’t wait to watch interviews.
I see images of the rolling around on the floor, raging, frothing, carpet chewing, tiny hammering feet and angry little fists waving of Demento as he hides in his panic room. So expect the now utterly tiresome, useless wailing, tearing of clothes and hair from the sheepbots to increase as the publication approaches as they try desperately to placate Dweeben Monstrosity.
Oh yes, I rarely use Amazon and their offshoot Book Depository to buy books anymore. It’s actually cheaper for me to get about 85% of my books through my local bookshop, Petrarch’s Books. Plus it means the money isn’t going offshore.
I have my preorder in, can’t wait to read it!
After spending a lot of time trying to find a way to enter the Giveaway contest, I have been unable to find any way that works.
Is it possible that although you say this book has been added to the Giveaway contest, perhaps the website has not yet been updated?
No you just click on the button to rnter
Do you mean enter? If so I don’t see any such button.
Or do you mean “Enter Giveaway”?
I see that in your post. But I don’t see that button on the site when I search for the book. It’s just not present in the same location.
Could you write some step by step instructions how to find that location? I did sigh up and I have an account on the Goodreads site.
See other comments. Are you in the US? Do you have an Amazon account?
You have to be in the US, be 18 or over and have an Amazon account. I just read the terms and conditions for the giveaway. If you are in the US and do not have an Amazon account (which is free) it will direct you through the process.
Here is the tidbit about eligibility from their website that I copy pasted.
By entering a Goodreads Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “Goodreads” means Goodreads LLC or any of its affiliates.
Eligibility. Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have a Goodreads and an account and are the older of 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of Sponsor, Goodreads and its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.
Hip hip hooray!
Pls use your url relevant!
The author Mike Rinder URL is …. would be more relevant, right?
The feed consists of this 2 Lorem Ipsum posts about fruits… something more central about Mike Rinder and Scientology would be more relevant, right?
L Ron Hubbard and OSA Loves the site! The images have describing names and so on.. Increasing the general viability. If there is something to learn from Scientology hate-sites it could be the relevancy of using correct URL. (in order to ensure high ranking & visibility)
Nice Site!
Thanks for noticing this. Will get it fixed.
Will be interesting to see how many variations of web sites the cult will make of MRinder!
I tried to enter the Goodreads Giveaway. But it seems more complicated than just entering your name, address and email address.
For instance, the first two steps are listed as:
1. Navigate to the Giveaways page.
2. Filter by Print Giveaways.
My first question is this. Should I check the category for this book as “Religion”?
We all know this cult is no religion. But what will it take to get to the contest page for this book?
Any opinions?
For those of you who may be interested, I Googled, “How to enter the Goodreads Giveaway” and found these instructions:
1. Navigate to the Giveaways page.
2. Filter by Print Giveaways.
3. Click on Enter Giveaway next to the giveaway you want to enter.
4. Enter your mailing address, or click Select This Address to use an existing address.
5. Agree to the giveaway entry terms and conditions and click on Enter Giveaway.
Another complication is there is no filter category “Print Giveaways”. There is one called “All Print books” and another called “All Giveaways”. But when I check both of these, I get hundreds of books shown. Does anyone know how to enter this contest for this book?
My second question is, “What filter categories do I select to make it work”?
Well, I have tried every combination of categories for Filters that I can think of and this book is not listed under any combination I tried.
I would think the best combination would be” “All Giveaways”, “Print Only” and “Non-Fiction”.
I tried both “Print Only” and “Print and Kindle”. But the most number of books it listed were five.
Has anyone found a way to enter the contest for this book that succeeds? I am stumped.
The link in the post didn’t work? It does for me?
Mike posted the link in the section above about the giveaway. Just in case you missed the direct link while reading here it is again.
Thanks for the info, Mike, and good luck on your book tour. It is kind of ironic that you are doing some of the same interview spots that you did when you were pushing Scn only now you’re on the outside as a whistleblower (the best place to be). Good luck on the book tours. The scientific Scientology Book list now has added Mike Rinders new book. Objectively in good company.
L Ron Hubbard is proud of the end result.
Such great news Mike. I am so happy you did this, it is just awesome!
A Billion Years: My Escape from a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology
In a library near you.
L Ron Hubbard and Scientology loves it! 🙂
Yes, let’s all buy copies and offer them to libraries….
Wait.. I think I have seen that before?
Mike, You are an eloquent, knowledgeable, sincere, and honest whistleblower. So exciting – Carry on!