The Corporate Church of Scientology is going all out to attempt damage control internally on the withering blasts that have been exposing some of the nasty, not to be spoken about underbelly of life in corporate Scientology. We see the media “handling” of claiming its all just lies made up by a couple of “self-promoting bloggers on the fringe of the internet” or a “small handful of bitter, defrocked apostates”, but where the real panic is occurring is in trying to keep the faithful on board. The Ethics Officers are working overtime, but Miscavige’s personal troops, the “OT Ambassadors” are also being sent forth to do battle with the forces of evil.
And here is a perfect example. It is a recent Facebook posting from one of the “OT VIII’s” who has made a name for himself as a “Model OT Ambassador.”
He epitomizes the perfect Corporate Scientologist (though to be fully truthful, he lacks the financial resources to be truly lauded and tries to make up for it with his actions).
Ed Bryan does ANYTHING that is asked of him by Miscavige and his minions — from clowning around on a paddle boat in the canal behind Marty Rathbun’s home to getting himself arrested for stealing an ID card to enter a trade show to harass Robert Almblad and me, and from being a founding “Squirrel Buster” to acting as a personal cheerleader for David Miscavige.
You may recall seeing Ed in a couple of videos posted on Marty Rathbun’s site.
Now here is Ed demonstrating to the world that at the highest levels, Corporate Scientologists are incapable of thinking for themselves. It’s party line or sullen silence.
The usual routine is to find some LRH quote and shoehorn it in to make it seem appropriate by assertion. Most of the sheeple respond with an enthusiastic “Yay, team, rah, rah, rah, brilliant and mad respect to the COB.” There isnt even a minute of thought about what is being said. His excerpted quote could just as easily be entirely reversed and “prove” that the church are squirrels. Somehow he seems to be equating anything that is said about the church that he doesnt like as being “lies.” It apparently never occurs to him that there could possibly be ANY truth to ANYTHING that might be negative. This is brainwashing. If he really confronted the reality of the situation he could conclude that this is describing exactly what has happened with Miscavige — he has told so many lies he has become a squirrel.
Or, on the other hand, this quote could also be quite rightly dismissed as “I have no idea what this has to do with the current situation.” But because it is asserted as being “on point” from such a reliable and distinguished source as Captain Paddleboat, the sheeple all “agree” and not only that, toss in a couple of kudos for COB as that is what they have been trained to do — and that is a sure sign of someone being a REAL OT “Ambassador.”
I have included some of the comments that followed his post as they too demonstrate the delusion and level of indoctrination into “bubble think”.
Ed Bryan:
From time to time people lose their focus and fall into the abyss. I’m posting this for not only something to just read but to look at the source, and understand it’s meaning and comprehend the value of the spoken words. Don’t join the losing side. I’m posting this again in hopes of salvaging just one lost soul who has bought the farm:
Recently a few people I (once) knew have fallen into the abyss. I thought it appropriate at this time to post something from LRH that might have an impact on anyone who thinks it’s OK to surf around the internet and look at garbage posted by disaffecteds. This is what can happen when you do:
from Tech Vol III, OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 6 Late November 1955 “Processing Futures” Page 234:
“But it is not this matter of minor personnel changes which makes Scientology unstable. It is the impact of Scientology against the society itself. One stands up continually to the most cockeyed ideas of the mind and of Scientology. It would do a Scientologist an enormous amount of good to have run on him “Tell me a lie about Scientology.” For a short time it might unstabilize him entirely on the subject but he would come back more rational and more able and more capable of facing these outrageous lies which are told about Scientology. The world at this time seems to be bound on a downward curve, and we are in the lonely position of being the only organization capable of doing anything about it. One seldom objects to his own lies. These give him havingness. One always objects to somebody else’s lies. One can object to somebody else’s lies about a subject for so long that he finally interiorizes in with them. This is basically the anatomy of a squirrel. The world has hit him so hard on this subject for so long that he now believes he is the subject in a perverted form. However we have the answers to all of these things, and putting the answers into effect, we are getting places. Things never looked better. Auditors were never more welcome. Operational gains were never more helpful.”
Don’t let this happen to you or any friend. Look at or show them this reference.
More references:HCO P/L 3 May 1972RA, Executive Series 12, ETHICS AND THE EXECUTIVE: “A person whose ethics have been out over a long period goes ‘out of valence.’ They are ‘not themselves.'”
HCOB 17 July 1971R, C/S Series 51R, OUT OF VALENCE: “If you look into suppressive person tech, you will find an SP has to be out of valence to be SP.”
HCOB 28 January 1966, SEARCH AND DISCOVERY DATA, HOW A SUPPRESSIVE BECOMES ONE.Don’t succumb. Be part of the solution. Scientology has the solutions, you know we do. Don’t be fooled.
ED: Amen!
SB: Beautiful Ed. Especially now. There has never been a more awesome time to be a Scn. Incredibly theta things are happening.
EB: You are in or you are out. I’m in. LRH is our best friend. DM knows it, promotes it and busts his ass to see that everyone stays the course. These are not easy times. We know. We went thru the roughest of times and he was in the lead. We have a great leader. Let’s flow him power.
JM: WE ARE SO FORTUNATE!!!!! Flow power to power!!
PJ: Great Ed ! COB busting himself working to get GAT2 here for all of us. Graduations are epic ! For any of you that don’t live here in CW its worth the week end trip ! You will leave on the moon ! I’m in all the way never a doubt in 41 years !JH: Awesome Ed!! Thanks for posting!!!
RR: Thank you Ed. True then and true now. Like before, we will come through the other side much stronger. Straight up and vertical!!!!!!
KS: Great post Ed. I’m all in!
GW: Ed, what can I say!!! There is NO other way, no other stand to make than our religion and its wonderful staff who dedicate their lives to help us be stronger so we all know that with LRH and his love for mankind , we too can change the world!
AW: Nice quote, Ed…let’s not fool ourselves, what is happening right now in Scn is going to “invite” major attacks on this religion – the squirrels & SPs hate it when we’re winning and damn are we winning right now, so lets just be realistic and understand that the attacks are always proportionate to the extent that we are winning…and the only long term solution is to just keep on flourishing
ML: So true…..These are incredible times for our Group! That makes the SP’s go wild! Your awesome…Thanks!
I have a better quote for Ed and the sheeple who follow in his drunken footsteps. It comes from HCOPL 7 Dec 69 The Ethics Officer His Character:
Reasonableness is suppressive since it lets oppression continue without action being taken.
Suppressive reasonableness is a common trait. It comes from THE INABILITY TO CONFRONT EVIL.
Hey Mike,
I’ve been following your blog from day one, really enjoy it and think you’re doing a great service to help people in all stages of recovery from Corporate Scn.
This post obviously hits a nerve judging by the number of comments posted. We all know people like this and it’s pretty sad. Your quote regarding the ability to confront evil is perfect. Thank you.
Oh, I do agree with Ed when he quotes from LRH who said,
“It would do a Scientologist an enormous amount of good to have run on him ‘Tell me a lie about Scientology.’ For a short time it might unstabilize him entirely on the subject but he would come back more rational and more able and more capable of facing these outrageous lies which are told about Scientology.”
Yes, Ed. I think that is a great idea! But Ed, we both know that Miscavige would find some “lost LRH note” that changes the process to read, “Tell me a lie about Scientology that does not involve COB or int management”.
But, if anyone is interested I am sure that there are many auditors who can and will run this process in the independent field exactly as written by Ron. Come on Ed, find yourself an indie auditor and become one of the first people to be run on this process. Why get squirrel tech when you can have the real thing in the independent field?
Hi Mike,
Just a thought on the second LRH quote; My initial read of it brings to mind a quote you have used before of MLK’s, about “all it takes is for good men to do nothing”. But on reflection (I do like to reflect on LRH quotes, as agree or disagree, I find them rather koanic) couldn’t that quote also be twisted to support the argument Ed whatshisface is attempting to make regarding looking at entheta? Where the act of reasonableness is looking at the stuff on the internet – “I wonder whats going on with Leah? Ill just have a quick look…”. By labelling reasonableness as a suppressive characteristic, isn’t this what some of the LRH critic crowd would point to as ‘thought-stopping’?
That’s the thing with religious quotes – they can be twisted to fit the circumstance. Not to denigrate your (very valid) blog post, but it does seem that that particular quote can be used to support the very CofS policies you and Marty disagree with? Or
Loving the blog, by the way 🙂
What if these people are only slightly right, Ed? I know you’re reading this. WHAT IF?
You are OT and immune to being given false data, right? Look with a heart that is really seeing these people here as your fellow Scientologists who are PISSED OFF that they can’t get standard tech in the corporate church anymore. What if, Ed?
What would YOU do if any of this were true?
People being declared SP without comm evs (what if it were your wife they declared without reason, for example?), the Truth Rundown ( ) and the violence and the Hole? What if only one of these things were true and someone was screwing over the Scientology you are working so hard to defend? What if the real friends of LRH and his tech are on these pages?
Honestly., Ed Do the drill. Look, don’t listen. Try and see their viewpoint as plausible. If I were you, I’d be pissed off that these guys here are holding the torch for LRH tech and that COB keeps changing Ron’s tech from what is standard. Why is He taking people’s money for HIS comfortable, lavish buildings at Int, instead of releasing Super Power and doing aggressive marketing campaigns to bring more people in. Just look at how many public are in the orgs compared to when you were a newbie.
You’ve been around a long time, Ed. You can see. Look. Look. Look with the idea that it possibly could be true. IF you got kicked out and declared, you wouldn’t squirrel, right? Why do you think that these old-timers would either? It’s time, Ed. Hike up your pants and have an honest look. You know something’s just not right.
Ed, let me add: Why are not LRH’s books sold in bookstores? Have you ever asked yourself, or anyone, in the Church, this question? We Indies know why – do you?
The “Abyss?” just another name for “Hell and damnation” one of the oldest religious tools for keeping the ranks in line. He might as well said “I’m just trying save one of y’all from burning in hell.”
Ldw, That is exactly what happened to me and I am so glad about it. This would all be hillarious, if so many people wernt getting hurt.Although it is good to see most of us still have our sense of humour in tact.
Years ago, when I first got involved in SCN, I would see numerous Christians walking along the beach, (in Redondo Beach, CA) trying to engage in whoever would give them a moment of their time. They were always young, always energetic, always forceful in the certainty of their beliefs and always on the brink of mental and spiritual collapse. We unkindly called them Jesus Freaks at the time, because of their somewhat maniacal focus and their inability to deviate from their religious patter and Bible quoting.
Some of the Mission staff would purposefully engaged with them, Bait & Badger them really, and would ask them somewhat introverting questions. Within minutes, and I say this literally, their circuits would begin to shatter. They would repeat themselves and go off into a loop of quotes and such. They would become misemotional because they would lose their place and not know where to restart their patter. They would then suddenly stop talking, and often in mid-sentence, turn and walk quietly away. It was both sad and frightening to see young people so convinced of a subject, that they really didn’t fully understand.
They really couldn’t think with the subject or intelligently answer questions. They were programmed to react and repeat and hoped that this would be sufficient to convert someone to their way of thinking.
I never witnessed anything like this again — until the last few years. Until I started seeing letters like the one from Ed Bryan and others. Once again it is sad and frightening to see people so disconnected from reality. So unable to see what is actually happening, and instead overlaying a false image over everything before them.
DM is as far from being a leader as one can possibly be and still be of this race. DM is a classic bully. Force is the only thing he understands and the only thing that will effectively change him.
What strikes me the most about this post is the hidden franticness. He’s completely admitting that a LOT of people are looking on the internet. He’s forwarding the “enemy line” and he doesn’t have a clue that this is what he’s doing. Of course it’s pretty apparant from his antics that Ed really doesn’t have a clue about much of anything.
Just in the last few weeks, four more people have arrived here. All of them had one thing in common. They went to Flag for case handling, were royally screwed by Flag and then they went on the internet.
It was the gross out-tech at Flag and the resultant ARC break that led to the internet search. The solution is simple, Ed. Tell Flag to quit squirreling and the attacks will vanish. Tell Flag to disconnect from miscavige and the decent people there might just fix the broken scene. But you can’t confront that truth, can you, Ed?
Great point LDW! That was my experience…went to Flag for the first time and had such bad experiences I had to start exploring what was going on. For people never in the SO or at Int it can be a struggle to get all the info. I can feel strength building in the indie field as more find their way. Curiously, one has to take a lot of personal responsibility when “independent” but that results in rapid validation of your own point of view, which speeds the process. The more the individual suspended their own point of view, the longer it may take to recover it.
Yep, that was my experience too. Got so mishandled at Flag and so grossly treated and such out tech that I went to the internet. LRH says orgs don’t die by their enemies; they die by their own failure to use and apply their own tech correctly. And so the internet is the wrong Why, the wrong Who and a Wrong Item. It is the out tech and mishandling of the pcs and pre OT’s. Good comment LDW.
Jane Doe, the full truth of what you have communicated yet so succinctly is blowing me away.
Sound advice for Ed:
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
If it’s possible for 1,000 monkey’s with typewriters to write the entire works of Shakespear,
“ooh ooh”
Ed Bryan,
Know this:
We are the abyss, we are growing in numbers each day and we appreciate all of your help! Remember the phrase …… Try not to think of PINK ELEPHANTS. Oops, flunk! you thought.
To Dave M, Do not forward this comment to your minion Ed Bryan or to your OSA bots. They may still have a stray unmonitored thought about you too.
How sad and frustrating to see a person brainwashed; even when the ship is sinking they see it afloat and glistening under the sun.
That process of “tell me a lie about Scn” sounds really interesting but I believe only an unbrainwashed person could actualy run it on himself in earnest… yet who knows, maybe Ed just gave away a fab tip on how to break free from the church!
Hey, maybe they should go to the “Marketing and Social Media Age Convention” on the Freewinds!
“The convention is a must for anyone who wants to or is already working on expanding their activities by utilizing social media and the Internet. Opportunities are practically endless, and the tech and know-how on how to put them to use will all be covered in this Convention.”
Wow. You mean ALL of it? Let me shred my 20+ books on social media, this one convention will cover it ALL! Not only that, the speakers and attendees will be so OT that they can hold a conference about the Internet and Social Media on a ship which doesn’t have internet access in its conference room.
But not to worry, since the internet and social media are being used so efficiently to amazing results by them, it only makes sense that one goes to Corporate Scientologsts to learn all about it.
Funny Globetrotter. Oh the irony of what we’re doing here.
It may be just me, but I haven’t seen the line ““small handful of bitter, defrocked apostates” coming from COS lately. Maybe they have been pointed to the list of exes at too many times by now? 😛
That is likely the reason the MAAs no longer post the declares. The walls are not large enough to hold them all. Now that would be a stat for Der Fuerher that is actually rising. He needs a grocery cart to hold the “small handfull of declares” that he does not issue.
Yep, you nailed it Coop. Not enough space for the upright and vertical stat of “Number of Declares.” Plus if a public saw someone’s name that they know and asked to read their friend’s declare, they would then see the trumped up outrageously bad lies and that alone would turn them away from DM and the church.
: )
TrevAnon – Yes. But another reason could also be because it just sounds comical and is used to ridicule.
I can’t help it, every time it comes up, I have the picture of Norman Starkey in a Monty Python film, acting a scene in the Middle Ages Inquisition, wearing a long clerical robe saying about Marty: “The man’s bitter. He’s an apostate. He’s defrocked.” He was unwittingly doing his own Joker&Degrader act on CNN regarding the CoS.
There I am 🙂
Actually whoever composed this list did a good job.
Truth be told I never resigned by the Church.
It was more accurately a “time out”.
I said to anyone who is still on lines who talked to me that I may consider coming back after Miscavige was removed from post and all the squirrel tech he is responsible for is canceled and abolished.
Till then I’ll be happy to have the label I’ve held for many years after the coup take over.
If Ed is so concerned about his friends “falling into the abyss” (a classic catholic church line, centuries old), I wonder why he doesn’t care enough about them to sit down and have some dialogue to “save therm”. Guess he doesn’t care that much after all.
“Don’t be fooled.” ??? There is a dialogue here, and Bryan doesn’t see or hear it. This is an open admission the members are restless, and many are leaving. It probably is the case that many are packing their bags, so to speak, while throwing “amens” at Mr. Bryan. Miscavige will never learn that, no matter how many years a person has been treated like crap, when they see the slightest hope for a better life, and when someone gets a glimmer of what self-respect feels like, there is no going back. Twenty years ago, even one year ago, he could have the perimeters patrolled or he could lock vast numbers of people up against their will to prevent them leaving. Now, the media probably has satellite hook ups, long distance cameras, state of the art long distance microphones, and they are waiting to hear someone yell “let me out of here!” The story is too hot to ignore.
The posting starts with a Christian pre-wash cycle, goes into a supportive LRH quote full-spin, and then winds down with the delusional rinse cycle, softener added to prove minds are now cotton.
Congregation, rejoice! Man has always wanted to know why it says “DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON!”.
Ed could you ask your leader WHERE IS SHELLY? Sorry if he beats you but really you should ask.
I’m actually speechless from reading that, almost 😉
I can’t even fathom considering dm a leader. He’s altered the tech, he’s dismantled the training side of the bridge, rewriting and reorganizing LRH’s training lineup and style of training people, illegally suspended valid. hard earned certs, capriciously canceled case states or refusing to ack valid ones. Basically making certification meaningless. Dismantled the multiple viewpoint system, dismantled Qual, making them puppets instead of the powerful stopgap for squirreling that it should be. Financial irregularities, torturing staff, failure to make the bridge available to staff or anyone else for that matter Not to mention his creeoy little pilots that he’s doing pretending to have the intellect to run it and make any conclusions that have any value. I loved the way I was treated like dirt at Flag and was ignored, criticized, invalidated, made nothing of, created enturbulation trying to break up my family, not listening to a word I said, having no interest in my point of view and not giving a rats ass about me or my case gain…………. I guess he did lead all that. These people still in are playing some other game, insidious because it pretends to align with survival. I think disassociative fugue state is about right. They are playing facebook games, or get the money games or get the stats up games, have events that look cool games and these are disaccociated from actual Scn…….busy bees.
Wow. That quote from Hubbard’s Operational Bulletin number 6, of late 1955, about the lies told about Scientology by society – I hadn’t read that in a while.
Hubbard definitely had great TR-L. Just after concocting his fake Russian Brainwashing manual, and telling Scientologists of its authenticity, he’s “helping” then on the topic of “lies about Scientology”
Alice in Wonderland for sure.
C’mon you guys.
The way Scientologists are, these days, is not that different from the way most Scientologists were in the 1950s and 1960s.
That’s the awful truth.
Critics of the subject haven’t changed all that much either.
For instance they take some apocrypha like the “Brain Washing Manual” which was probably written by Kenneth Goff and claim Hubbard authored it:
Based on what?
A Penthouse interview of NIBs.
Yeah I know ya only read the mag for the articles.
Which is allegedly the quote truth unquote.
Regarding the Operational Bulletin itself like our friend Jeff here you seem to be twisting it out of context in this case as if some simple observation had some hidden malicious intent.
Well, Robin, I believe Hubbard wrote the Brainwashing Manual. The language used in it is too similar in many places to Scientology writings and uses a lot of uncommon terminology (though not uncommon to Scientology)
There are about 3 or 4 different versions of the “Brain Washing” or Psychopolitics out there.
One an alleged German translation of Beria’s lecture to the Cointern.
As far as I’m concerned it is apocrypha or of questionable provenance.
Also as far as I’m concerned NIBs aka Ron Dewolf aka L Ron Hubbard Jr is an unreliable source and as far as I know he’s the only one who made the claim.
Aside from the fact that Goff himself claimed authorship.
Then there is the possibility that our friends from the dark side planted it.
As you know it was a contracted agent of theirs who invented the word “brain washing”.
Robin — I dont have a clue about all this. I just expressed my opinion based on reading the version the church used to use and disseminate.
Agreed Mike. Absolutely scientology authorship. Like Beria was worried about the CofS. Christian Science Church was thrown in just to make it less obvious. So obvious its almost childish.
Just because you agree with Mike doesn’t really make it so.
BTW the book is allegedly based on a Lecture given by Beria.
Beria was dead by the time the book was published so I doubt if he had any concern about Scientology, Christian Science or anything else.
However the fact is that Goff claims authorship of the book and that he was a member of the Communist Party around the time Beria gave his lecture in the 1930’s.
Did you even bother to go to the link I cited?
Well, considering that most Scner’s have ended up “brainwashed” the empirical evidence would tend to support such claims…
You’d expect the exact opposite from someone who read a text on how “brain washing” was actually done.
Actually “brain washing” is a word invented by a CIA operative by the name of Edward Hunter see the following:
Anyway there is no proof that Hubbard authored the book other than his estranged son’s say so.
And the fact is that the Kenneth Goff had claimed authorship of the book by about two years before Hubbard allegedly wrote it:
The Kenneth Goff edition of the Brainwashing manual was from 1956. Except for the new Introduction, it’s virtually identical to the 1955 Scientology distributed manual, complete with multiple references to Dianetics, and the use of Scientology lingo and phrasing.
See the below link. It maybe be helpful:
The author of the manual aside, what is startling about it is that Hubbard used so much of its content – particularly from the 1960s forward – on unsuspecting Scientologists.
The first edition was published in 1952 according to Abe Books.
Search in the Library of Congress doesn’t return any result of any kind
So it is as I wrote earlier apocrypha.
Also what is actually “startling” is that you don’t cite a single example how Hubbard used much of (the book’s) content and yet don’t worry about your credibility.
As your friends in Anonymous would say “dox please”?
Fir starters, I gave you a link which, under ‘Brainwashing Manual Parallels in Scientology’, cites about 100 examples.
You say that the first edition of the Brainwashing manual was published in 1952, according to Abe Books?
Please link to a copy of that 1952 edition. Or wherever it is you’re getting that information.
Goff’s 1956 version of the Brainwashing manual is peppered with Scientology lingo.
I would like to see the version from 1952 that is not peppered with Scientologese. That would be interesting. Please provide further information so I, and others, can see that.
John Sanborn was the editor of many of Hubbard’s 1950s books. He was there when Hubbard dictated the Brainwashing Manual into a tape recorder on Sligo Avenue in Silver Spring, Maryland in the late summer of 1955.
Looking forward to seeing those links. Please read the one I gave you.
B Webb,
I read the link you gave me which consisted of nothing but a bunch of hearsay. Some of it contradictory.
Does Sanborn have any other evidence other than say he was there, like maybe the actual dictaphone tape or the actual manuscript?
At least the link I gave you is a *documented* fact an actual article.
A reputable bookstore that says it has a first edition copy published in 1952.
Maybe it’s a false flag but I’ll let you sort that out.
You’ve got nothing but a link to a bunch of unverified ramblings and biased “research”.
Another thing is you never gave me any documented evidence on how Hubbard included the manual in his later writings.
Actually the irony is that you are right to a certain degree.
Since the manual isn’t really about “brain washing” per se i.e. creating a “Manchurian Candidate” per Condon’s book and the movie by Frankenheimer but mostly about infiltrating and influencing groups and organizations which is covered in HCOB 23 June 1960 “Special Zone Plan”.
You can read the HCOB for yourself which is in the Tech Vols. I am not going to post its various interpretations that abound on the disinformation superhighway.
Anyone who has actually *read* the manual would know this.
“Brain Washing” i.e. creating a “Manchurian Candidate” is actually better described in the book ‘Science of Survival’ in the section on “narcosynthesis” or “Pain Drug Hypnosis”:
And in a book by John Marks entitled ‘The Search for the Manchurian Candidate’:
Which actually gives a description of “brain washing”.
No more comments on this subject. It just goes on and on and will never end apparently.
The link to which I directed you is very well documented:
Anyone who knows John Sanborn, knows he is an honest man. His account rings true, and it rings true for almost everyone except Scientologists, and far right wing conspiracy buffs who fell for the Scientology lingo-filled manual, believing it to be authentic.
I checked out Abe Books, and they are a clearing house for new and used books. It was started in 1996. There is no mention of a 1952 Brainwashing Manual. The date given is 1955.
The link you provided in an earlier post is to a group that worked – as “independent religious experts” – for Miscavige’s Church of Scientology. Not impressive, and even less credible.
Yes, Hubbard’s Brainwashing manual includes more than just “brainwashing.”
Read the link I gave you.
See response to Robin. No more comments on this. You have both had your final say….
The fact that we are now mentioned on Facebook by an “OT VIII” (title given) even as the “Abyss” is a big win for me.
So they feel the Abyss under them. And we are here to cover every Scientologist decompress and take a fresh look at things.
Thanks Mike and to all the people who are keeping the Indie field so alive on the Net so we do have an Impact. There are lurkers right here and right now who do need that fresh new look. And we just tell them to look in contrast with Ed(s) who tell them NOT to look.
Hmmm… that LOOK – DON’t LOOK thing, reminds me of someone…. Who was it really who said LOOK, DON’T LISTEN? Hahahaha! Being on Source is not a walk in the park. Maybe now being in the SO is a nightmare but being on Source is a different thing.
RA! RA! Sis-boom-ba!! This guy is only a cheerleader and he isn’t very cute so that is an epic FAIL.
Jeez, Ed is one sorry SOB. And so are all the sorry bastards who rah-rahed Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige.
Ugh, I’m so glad I’m not an OT Ambassador, having to get tasked with trying to keep the few remaining people in.
“the squirrels & SPs hate it when we’re winning and damn are we winning right now”
LOL !!!
TR3: Where is Shelly?
“the squirrels & SPs hate it when we’re winning and damn are we winning right now”
LOL !!!
TR3: Were is Shelly?
I feel sorry for Ed and his commenters. They sound crazy. Really crazy.
The quote itself doesn’t speak well of LRH either. There are many other groups, especially in a country with a Christian foundation like America, that try to better things and often do. Christianity is the religion of brotherly love. Institutional Scientology is the religion of here’s how to be a god and trample others, and do whatever you have to do to achieve that end.
LRH did not recognize that he was a poor manager and poor leader. He did not recognize the limits of what his therapies could do. He came up with crazier “whys” and more extreme policies to deal with the constant attacks he was facing and the evil people that were drawn to him to destroy what he was creating. We have to accept how truly human he was.
Thanks for the post, Mike. Your helping all of us come to terms with we participated in.
The people that commented on “Ed’s” posting has officially convinced me yes they are brainwashed. I have been there for years, and yes get your head out of the sand.
Holy cow they are winning like never before! Today and Yesterday around 5:30-6:00 I happened to be in downtown Seattle in the vicinity of the Seattle Org’s test center….so I walked by. Both times – Closed/Locked/Nobody There! This is rush hour in Seattle, tons of body traffic…
Any lurkers from Seattle reading this? Let the execs of the org know that the test center was spotted closed by a declared SP!!! Better get that manned up asap! Or better yet stop lurking and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CONDITION YOU AND YOUR FELLOW SCIENTOLOGISTS ARE IN!
“Don’t join the losing side.” This assumes, without looking fully, that one knows who the losing side is.
“… one lost soul who has bought the farm.” This assumes, without fully looking, that anyone who isn’t buying what the church is doing and saying, has “bought the farm”.
“…fallen into the abyss.” This assumes, without fully looking, that anyone who goes out of agreement with what the church says or does has “fallen into the abyss.”
“…look at garbage posted by disaffecteds.” This assumes, without fully looking, that anything that anyone says in disagreement with what the church is doing or saying is “garbage”.
“… the most cockeyed ideas of the mind and Scientology.” This assumes, without fully looking, that anything anyone says that is out of agreement with what the church is saying or doing, is a cockeyed idea.
Go through this whole positing by Ed and see how many assumptions are being made. See how many instances of omitted data you can spot.
What if Ed were able to write specific arguments he has against what he thinks is “garbage” and “cockeyed ideas”? Why doesn’t he cite some specific examples of “garbage” said by “dissafecteds” who have “fallen into the abyss”, and give sound, logical reasoning as to why such statements are lies, where he uses observed facts, and omits no important information?
Ed’s post starts out with the full assumption that he and everyone he is writing to, already knows what the truth is and what the lies are. The reader who assumes the same thing, has an easy time agreeing with what Ed has to say, from the narrow frame of reference that Ed is using.
You nailed each outpoint, Dave!
He should have just used the “enemy line” line and moved on. Delusional.
The real problem with Ed Bryan’s & associated A=A OT ambassador company is that it isn’t Scientology being attacked, but those actions which are not … IAS, Cornerstone and a host of other donation drives never mentioned anywhere by LRH. These fabricated programs by International Management are covered nowhere in any of the founders writings, and the membership base is not required to support them. Yet, should one state he does not wish to attend the money-drive events or contribute toward them, he will find himself the target of suppressive justice procedures which, should one maintain his ground, will push him out the door with an SP declare. He then connects up with other like-minded folks who also have been at the short end of the stick to seek reform. This is how the church creates its own enemies, as these will also publicly point out the crimes and suppressive policies the church has implemented because these avenues of communications are most effective. Every time their PR mouthpieces refer to “disaffected” and “apostates”, they are really talking about the ropes they have strung around their own necks, and the shadows of their perversions continue to trail and haunt them.
That’s the way it goes.
And as an aside, I’ve become better trained and more of a Scientologist since I left the church, as I’m not being barraged by attention & financial misdirectors such as events and similar such nonsense which have nothing to do with Scientology whatsoever. Ed & his friends confuse the quotes of the founder applicable to Scientology attacks with the offbeat tangents the current management regime is taking. One can safely bring KSW-outpoints to the attention of the CO$ from out here, but one would be subject to harsh disciplines if doing so from the inside.
“Attacks are always proportionate to the extent that we are winning.” Geez, George Orwell himself couldn’t top that one! And brace yourself, AW, because there is a deluge of “winning” headed your way.
Well I think the picture above says it all. The sheep walk straight up to the washing machine and agree to have the last bit of their self-determinism scrubbed away. No sheep herder needed, they arrive willingly.
Yes indeed KFrancis. And when Super Power comes out (IF it does?), they will report to the implant station to receive their implants and pay top dollar for them too!
Ed epitomizes low IQ blind obedience. What you don’t see is that the sheep cheerleaders like Jean Brasel and Ed Bryan are borderline psychotic losers who are failing in life and no one can figure out how they got to OT 8. Serious Scientologists are embarrassed to know them. Of course the delusory “everything is great” spiel comes across thin and watery to all but the lowest IQ sheeple.
Epic burn there, Mike. Nice work.
Mike …another loud warning siren to wail at those STILL hypnotized by Herr Shicklegruber..WTFU!!!
….And as for your intro graphics? …a picture really does save a thousand words!…..Priceless!
Typical of what my wife and I call “cut and paste ‘Scientology'”. They cut some quote by the Ol’man and paste into something completely out of context.
Like this bloviation by Ed here.
Funny how he accuses others of being OOV when he is so OOV himself.
I lit up reading this, thank you so much. Ed Bryan et al is just being “last ditch right”. Those remaining will do so even as they go down.
Yes, its sad, its pathetic, and I say that without sarcasm. They are a sad, sad lot, because they don’t even know that they don’t know, whilst believing they do, and of course, they don’t and cannot and won’t ever know unless and/or until they allow themselves to operate if/as necessary in NOT know. In order to expand one’s knowledge, one must allow oneself to continually not know. And they won’t, so its sad for them.
But the way you are getting out the truth is really working. This Ed Bryan’s email is only a thinly veiled plea for those still in to just rigidly hold onto their “know” and not look. The way he characterizes looking as “falling into the abyss” – wow, that gives me chills, and not in a good way. Good thing Columbus didn’t pay attention when people communicated this concept to him. God knows LRH was willing to not know and, accordingly, look, when he evolved the tech. Great men and women all down the ages had this operating state. The examples in history are legion. Whatever one’s individual accomplishment, anyone willing to operate in Not Know, anyone willing to LOOK is in very, very, good company.
There are so many policy violations by the Church it’s astonishing, but here is another one that maybe the sheeple will wake up and look internally for god’s sake: HCOPL 20 Jul 70 CASES AND MORALE OF STAFF, “Any and all trouble occurring in orgs during a long period of heavy enemy attack on them was traced not to the enemy BUT TO THE LOSS OF TECH MATERIALS, REDUCTION OF THE USE OF TECH (as in quickie grades) AND IGNORING STAFF CASES.”
Oh, boy it is like watching people patting their shoulder while dog shit is piled up on said shoulders. Unable to have an original thought they pat whoever takes the lead, no matter how high and how far the shit splatters. In such an environment original thought is at best ‘DevT’ at worst a reason to be taken for $250k in sec checks.
When I grew up one of the items schools in Germany were charged to do as response to the Nazi past was to develop independent and critical thinking in students. Looks like Church indoctrination is successfully aiming in exactly the opposite direction.
Well, lets get Ed a tiny little hurrah… in his post he did perfectly defined COB in the following LRH quotes:
“HCO P/L 3 May 1972RA, Executive Series 12, ETHICS AND THE EXECUTIVE: “A person whose ethics have been out over a long period goes ‘out of valence.’ They are ‘not themselves.’”
HCOB 17 July 1971R, C/S Series 51R, OUT OF VALENCE: “If you look into suppressive person tech, you will find an SP has to be out of valence to be SP.”
There you have it Ed.
As a public service and personal favor to Ed Bryan, Iv’e taken the liberty of editing his letter here with just a few corrections in bold caps:
From time to time people GAIN their focus and LOOK UP OUT OF the abyss. I’m posting this for not only something to just read but to look at the source, and understand it’s meaning and comprehend the value of the spoken words. Don’t REMAIN ON the losing side. I’m posting this again in hopes of salvaging just one lost soul who has bought the farm, IAS, SUPERPOWER, IDEAL ORGS, GAT 1, GAT 2, THE BASICS TWICE AND ALL THE OTHER COUNTLESS SCAMS to insure David Miscavige stays in power and makes boatloads of money without the slightest consideration of your well being or spiritual freedom – Your Bridge.
Recently MANY people I KNOW have WOKEN UP FROM the abyss. I thought it appropriate at this time to post something from LRH that might have an impact on anyone who IS THINKING ABOUT surfing around the internet and look at ALL THE TRUTH posted by disaffecteds. This is what can happen when you do: YOU CAN ACTUALLY JUST LEAVE THE CULT THAT USED TO BE THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY AND BE FREE TO DO YOUR BRIDGE AS LRH INTENDED.
And now for a little LRH on the matter:
“There is no slightest advantage in getting somebody to believe some fundamental truth uninspected. …and when he can inspect without fear, he can know the truth of things. And the odd part of it is that once you know the truth of something, it can’t bite…”, excerpt from London Congress, TRUTH AND FREEDOM 23 June 1960
“Any management which operates as a censorship or a propaganda medium will inevitably destroy itself and injure the group.” HCOPL 9 Jan 51 An Essay On Management
“There is an ironbound rule in handling things: WHERE YOU FIND OUTPOINTS, YOU WILL THERE ALSO FIND A SITUATION.” SITUATION FINDING, Data Series 30
“One often wonders why people are so ‘reasonable’ about intolerable and illogical situations. The answer is very simple: they cannot recognize outpoints when they see them and so try to make everything seem logical. The ability to actually see an outpoint for what it is, in itself is an ability to attain some peace of mind. …The human reaction is to react to an outpoint. And then get ‘reasonable’ and adopt some explanation for it, usually untrue.”
“You can safely say that ‘being reasonable’ is a symptom of being unable to recognize outpoints for what they are and use them to discover actual situations.” HCO P/L 30 September 1973 Issue II Data Series 30, Situation Finding (Management Series.
“A lot of people are on a stuck flow of being sensible and sane — and that winds up in stupidity. So they get reasonable. Their confront of evil isn’t up to it — basically, their confront of outpoints.” HCO P/L 18 March 1977RA Data Series 43RA, Evaluation and Programs (Management Series Vol. 1
“It is horrifying to behold how easily people buy dub-in. This is because an illogical sequence is uncomfortable. To relieve the discomfort they distort their own observation by not-ising the outpoint and concluding something else.” HCO P/L 18 May 1970 Data Series 7, Familiarity (Management Series Vol.1
Don’t succumb. Be part of the solution. Scientology has the solutions, you know it does. DON’T BE FOOLED BY DAVID MISCAVIGE.
“Don’t join the losing side.” No worries, Ed.
Denouncing and opposing enemies is not a result of brainwashing, it is a method used to brainwash. Lifton calls it Self-betrayal. One of many tools that I’m sure are not universal in cults, but every cult seems to use a lot of them.
“When the person is forced to denounce friends and family, it both destroys their sense of identity and reinforces feelings of guilt. This helps to separates them from their past, building the ground for a new personality to be built.”
And he says…”Recently a few people I (once) knew…” Once knew? You mean…he disconnected? But…I thought there was no disconnection practiced in the church…
Ed Bryan is the poster child of Glib and superficial charm.
Ironic that he cries about those that have fallen into the abyss
as he digs the abyss to deeper depths each second he points his finger and
accuses others of what he himself has fallen into.
That line, …”the attacks are always proportionate to the extent that we are winning…and the only long term solution is to just keep on flourishing” Is that an actual LRH line or did skidmark create it after killing off the competition? i
Yes, Danielle, I have seen it as an article called, “Success” but there may be a different name if it was made into a PL. But, if I may interpret, that was at a time where there were attacks by governments and other vested interests. Remember that Ron really was trying to free people and some groups didn’t like him upsetting their little slave cartel. THAT is the background to that reference.
But using it in this way, in the current regime, it’s like Al Capone saying, “Hey, the coppers are breathin’ down our necks this week. Joey, you go out and make sure those moonshiners make twice as much hooch and Shotgun Sherman, you go out and kill 15 people this week instead of 12. Come on fellas, git you’s stats up OR ELSE! We are doing a public soivice heah.”
LMAO That is SOOO Brooklyn
I observe that Ed and especially his commenters seem inordinately assertive. They all have been swayed by the truth that we keep exposing and their assertions are more flow zero than anything. That’s what I think.
Great observation JB! They have to continually convince themselves as confronting the truth is a rather rude awakening.
Rightio, JB. Someone mentioned earlier that the people who are responding to Ed’s article must be OSA people. Not so. These are Scientologists in the field who are active in pushing Scientology and creating camaraderie between each other for support. SOME are public who are connected to OSA who feel it’s an honor to help OSA keep an eye on these things.
OSA doesn’t have enough staff to respond to all these things so they have unofficially deputized public, just like what Tory (Magoo) was doing while she was in. Right Tory?
And the deputy OSA folks are the closest to the truth. They look and they defend it every day so they do go on sites to find out who is posting, etc. Guess what. They gotta READ stuff while they are looking.
So yes, I believe you’re right, JB. There isn’t a Scientologist that I know who hasn’t observed outpoints but their cup hasn’t gotten full enough yet to tip over. I wonder what we can do about that. heh heh
Mike this is just hilariously sad for them. I remember from my days in the SO the classic line every time some shit hit the fan, that we were “REALLY winning” now because “even Hero’s can have lice.” I always thought why would I WANT to have lice?
Ex-RPFer, interesting comment of how the SO spins attacks. Let me see if I have this straight:
When any person gets attacked, that person “pulled it in”, that person has to take responsibility and clean up his ethics in some way or another. But when the Church of Scientology is attacked, that’s only because it is flourishing and prospering so markedly that the SPs can’t stand it.
Oh, brother.
Aquamarine you have it right. When the mighty Church is attacked it is ONLY because they are winning on such a GRAND scale the the SPs lose their minds and attack. And he more they attack the better the church is doing. The more “lies” that are spread the “bigger” the church gets. But god forbid you have been working 72 hours straight doing MEST work to set up the fucking CCI gala and have only eaten doughnuts and coffee and get a cold, well then you are a PTS scumbag and a pile of Dev-T who is now going to take themselves off of post because you can’t confront your evil intentions to the group and have gone PTS to the middle class. Or something like that.
ExRPFer, Jesus, what a nightmare. The extent of the injustice, the downright heartlessness and cruelty – it is beyond insane.
I remember having lice (regularly) when I was in the cadet org. Nobody ever told me it made me a hero 😉
Thanks again Mike, great post.
Don’t search the internet? Yikes, that’s how I was able to free myself and arrive here. So many LRH quotes come to mind, Look Don’t Listen, the Data Series, especially the definition of sanity.
I was an OT Ambassador, proud to say “WAS” 🙂 I guess I was just never that brainwashed. I probably rolled my eyes (to myself) so much that it’s become a reflexive habit – ask my wife!
But it’s unfortunate to see how degraded even an OT can get when they so thoroughly give up their own determinism without thought or consideration for their own knowingness. Just blind obedience is what it has come down to.
When THE END finally does come, some of these types are going to be utterly overwhelmed. The ultimate betrayal.
“OT’s” who are so ‘at effect’ that they can’t surf the net, can’t sift the true from the false and who rely on others to tell them what to do.
By these standards, non-scientologists are further up the Bridge.
As the Official Spokesperson for the church Kirsty Alley said in her world wide press release: stop reading altogether. That is the sign of a true, on-board scientologist.
Just gotta love it.
DM already asked people to burn their (LRH) books. She should have said, “Just stop reading anything but what we tell you to read here at Newspeak headquarters.
Is it just me, or does Scientology sound more and more like North Korea: “All hail our glorious Dear Leader, under whose brilliant guidance the Democratic People’s Republic of Scientology has experienced unprecedented expansion! The capitalist cur dogs only snarl and bark because they are jealous of the prosperity and freedom that we enjoy! Let them bark! It only proves the impeccable wisdom, brilliance and industry of our Dear Leader!”
No, it’s not just you. Good analogy.
Sharp eye, Mr. Jefferson. Funny, though pathetically true.
Not just you mate.
That got me too… There was plenty of the old school “we’re being attacked because we’re expanding” dissonance… But public calling him “Leader” is new.
That and the “event machine” retreating to Clearwater…?
I used to be fairly sure what was behind the various “scientological happenings”… Now a days I haven’t a clue… He has definitely created a whole new paradigm of delusion.
North Korea perhaps… But with the cult closing ranks and minds this rapidly I rather suspect that it is more Germany circa 1945.
Or perhaps that is just wishful thinking… sure does seem like something is about to give though.
No Jeff, I feel exactly the same way. Every official or not official statement that comes out sounds like it was issued from North Korea through the Orwellian filter.
BTW I love your comments. All the best to you from EU.
I especially love how He is busting himself. Hahahahaha. Yeah maybe he is busting some or a lot of staff around him but not himself. Dear Leader is off to the tanning bed.
WOW! Is this the best they can do?
Ed Byan is such a bad example of anything resembling a Scientologist – Pathetic!
To title him an OT Ambassador is a direct insult to the words OT and Ambassador. He really is a drunken old salty dog who is on his last legs.
I predict that Ed’s sad and feeble attempt at deterring any fence setters from the Internet will have the exact opposite effect. I would double that for anyone who’s actually met him.
“I predict that Ed’s sad and feeble attempt at deterring any fence setters from the Internet will have the exact opposite effect.”
Exactly, Steve! Try not to think of an elephant. 🙂
Mike, its sort of sad to read their hollow atta-boys. Just keep laying out the truth. Like a Lighthouse beacon. One by one their lights will come on. This is a rescue mission for those still under the influence. Your leadership and compassion is commendable.
I absolutely agree, MasterMariner.
Sometimes I hear a lot of cynicism out in the indie field about how stupid those people are (that are still in) and degrading remarks about how they still use the nomenclature and how ridiculous they are for falling for all the lies etc., etc., etc.
Jesus had some good things to say about granting beingness.
1) Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and
2) Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Ok. So how stupid were we before that AHA moment where all of the pieces fell into place? We all earned our sheeple wool before we pulled it off from over our eyes.
They aren’t all victims because they DO see outpoints but they are putting together a puzzle without having the box there to see what the final picture looks like. As you say, we just need to keep telling the truth, just like Debbie Cook did, so that they have enough puzzle pieces to show them the whole picture.
It does take as long as it takes. Thumbs up on the rescue mission. So true. Even Ed Bryan would be mad as a hornet’s nest if he had all of the pieces and would LOOK, instead of trying to hold his position in the group as some kind of hero or warrior.
He’s fighting for the wrong team.
I’d like to suggest a game. Think of a way, this week, to get some truth directly to people. Open a new email account and send out Mike’s survey results on SPs, for example. Don’t just send the link alone (they won’t click on it, if that’s all there is) but the whole section with all the stats of how many people got declared, never got a copy and never got a comm ev. When I’ve lightly mentioned that, people get it and they don’t like it.
How can each of us do something this week – not necessarily before Thursday at 2 😉 – to anonymously or overtly get some truth out to people directly. They are curious about what Leah said right now. Yours might be the data they need to complete the puzzle.It’s a game, if you’d like to play it.
Nice idea. Would love to hear any successes from anyone who does something with this.
This is soooo ironic for him to call it “falling into the abyss”. They are looking up and thinking they are looking down. The “abyss” grew up right around them, and they just stood there braying about how they are saving the cussing world.
hehehe funny these are the single most stupid people
Holy end of days…….you mean even the abyss got reversed in the church?
Yep! They are living in a parallel universe where such things are common.
There is the MEST- Universe, the Theta-Universe… and voilà….. their Reverse-Universe: An exodus of members becomes “unprecedented expansion”, low stats become “straight up and vertical”, a sadistic Psychopath becomes ” tolerant and compassionate” and “a great leader”, a failed auditor becomes “tech expert”, a steadily growing number of whistle blowers become “a view bitter, defrocked apostates” , truths become “lies”… .
I thought it appropriate at this time to post something from LRH that might have an impact on anyone who thinks it’s OK to surf around the internet and look at garbage posted by disaffecteds. This is what can happen when you do:
So what Ed is really saying here is that it is not all right to use your own critical thinking to do something like um, maybe a Doubt Formula. It’s not all right to see what the other side has to say or what their experiences were while part of The RCS?
Sorry Ed, I’ll think for myself.
I am sure that some if not all of those posts to Ed’s letter are staff members or OSA members who work for David Miscavige.
Whoever sent that in is doing some good work! Bravo for catching that!
And MIKE! You are so funny and so dead on with your choice of reference for the people who won’t look. I have my own quote..I’m quoting myself: “LOOOOK, People! Don’t just blow it off and act like the person who is bringing these “ridiculous” and “entheta” statements is a non-person. The friend who is telling you that something is wrong at the top might be your best friend in the world. Nothing is wrong with Scientology, the way it was originally written – for the good of individuals and mankind. LRH had it right. So why is DM changing it to GAT I and II?? What? that doesn’t even make any sense.
“So, if your good friend or fellow Scientologist or stranger writing you, out of the blue, tells you there’s something wrong at the top, that Leah Remini is right and that David Miscavige is spending money on himself instead of promoting Scientology, for GOD’S SAKE, LOOOK! How can you possibly apply “Look, don’t listen” if you don’t bother to look! It won’t bite and God isn’t watching you from above to write a KR. Please, just look and make up your mind for yourself.” There’s my quote, Mike. Thanks for the great post.
LOL, damn are they winning right now!
Straight up and vertical!
“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is “no results.” Trouble spots occur only where there are “no results.” Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are “no results” or ‘bad results.'” (KSW #1)
Perhaps that crew needs to clear the word “only”?
Perhaps they need to wordclear “results”.
If anyone chooses, like these too fools did, to actually go public stating these comments, they are gone and simply not there. They have taken on the color of the enemy and will die to be right.
No point in even giving them any attention at all. They are criminals and have actually lost all reason and common sense.
Thank God most people leave rather than succumb to this type of thinking!!
Anyone that chooses to stay in Scientology after they have witnessed crimes and abuse have to lose their ability to reason. This will eventually snap back on them…it is a ticking time bomb!
Scientology audits out reason, common sense, sanity and love. It replaces it with insanity, hate, arrogance, unreasonable ideas that do not work and it bundles it up and hides this from unsuspecting victims that just want a little help with their life. It creates monsters that destroy in the name of help!!
The curtain has been pulled back to expose the truth about Scientology! Thank you all for pulling it back. We are all saving lives each and every day the truth gets exposed!