Tampa sent an email out last evening announcing they are “Open to the Public.”
They have implemented a few “minor guidelines” — including following their own booklet on how to stay safe and wearing facemasks and gloves (gloves? even though the evidence shows COVID-19 is not transmitted via hard surfaces).
It is going to be interesting to watch how much attrition scientology will suffer from this lockdown. I suspect there is a good percentage of their public who experienced the unusual peace and calm of not being constantly harassed by regges and don’t ever want that headache to come back. I also suspect a lot of public are going to catch on to the “Extension Course” play where they claim they are having enormous wins studying extension courses and thus do not need to come in to the org. It’s a hard battle for org staff to win when someone says “I am staying on Source, devoted to my studies of LRH tech at home…” after they have been pushing hard how important and invaluable doing this is.
They still have their buildings.
Will they still have the few people they had before the lockdown began?
I think the attrition is going to be significant.
Additional Note:
One of our readers came up with her own version of this image, inspired by the movie Tremors. It’s certainly a more realistic rendition of what these start spangled suckers are in for….
The aim in scientology is to get people in and to keep them in.
A virus aim is to get people out and keep them out.
Is Corona an enemy or a friend?
With enough time away, not being sprinkled with brainwashed staff individuals comments on life, not being “dosed” by hubbard speak, and a big dose of raw, unfiltered life might get a few who were teetering on the edge to decide to be out for good. The orgs will operate for weeks and months at a reduced level until the sinking feeling hits them – they lost a lot of people to the WAKE UP effect that the pandemic brought.
They have provided a good excuse to avoid having to go to the org. One simply answers the call-iners with the fact of being ill. A simple running nose will suffice.
That “diseases are said to be caused” opening is a red flag about how dubious and unscientific the rest of the pamphlet is. One of its major claims is almost completely wrong, that pets can carry the germs of an infected person. Significant risks are overlooked, like high contact surfaces – doorknobs, handrails, etc..
And, of course, they get the recommendation for gloves wrong. Experts have determined that gloves provide no benefit since viruses don’t penetrate the skin, but do run the risk of giving wearers a false sense of security that can lead to them not doing the things that matter – disinfecting or washing hands frequently and properly, and avoiding touching the face.
One is left wondering how much it’s just a sort of “acceptable truth” PR effort when Scientology may not really even believe the pandemic is caused by a virus, and instead has some other arcane pseudo-scientific explanation – including conspiracy theories – that they just don’t want to admit publicly.
PeaceMaker. I completely agree. They are trying to take some profit from what is a people’s concern and get acceptance.
In my opinion this indicates behind the scenes a serious red alert.
Leah and Mike have made public aware of the truth. This has been definitively the guillotine to new people. And this on top of a downtrend going on since decades and the losses generated from the lockdown.
Now all front groups are being used to reach and disseminate to a specific kind of public.
I believe it is even more dramatic we may think of.
PeaceMaker, great post! There’s still a lot to learn about this virus and it’s just plain irresponsible for the horrible little man to pretend he knows what he’s talking about. I guess getting back to gouging the livestock for money is the horrible little man virus.
Hey, I just had a thought when one of the commenter here said does the emeter work through gloves. Well given that it’s simple Wheatstone’s bridge made up to look like a sophisticated lie detector, no it wouldn’t if the gloves are an insulator. This brings me to my thought of the day, has anyone tried to fool the meter by using technology. This is how I would do it. You may need to get hold of one of those emeters to test this solution but if you were to coat your hands with some insulating material then run two very thin wires from the palms of your hands up your sleeves to a device which reads the current and somehow stabilises it to give the floating needle. You could look serene in the face of the worst possible interrogation QED.
And maybe this is an opportunity to AUDIT the coronavirus. If it’s on someone’s hands, and the Emeter gets a reading, it must be the coronavirus. We could ask it where it came from… having more fun here…….
Dear Andy you can’t fake floating needles as you describe, besides the fact that it would be pointless even if you could.
Dear Andy , I’ve forgot to mention the fact that if you had any idea of what the infamous interrogations look like when you are sleep deprived and under watch, I higly doubt you will be able to pretend you are serene
It must be more like North Korea than I could ever have imagined.
Hillsborough County has been rising in the last few weeks in the deadly list of Covid19 infections. It’s now fourth after Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach. The increase in the last two weeks in the Tampa region has been significant. What this means for the Tampa Org I can’t say but they are taking a big risk.
In my opinion it is a “reopening” test to see how it goes and then apply it to other orgs.
Furthermore, soon or later COBid will return on stage to list what they have produced in terms of VM (how sad) and extinction courses.
He must always have something never said before to send the audience into raptures.
And obviously ask for further donations.
Staying closed would send more people into rapture.
Let us not pin our hopes on conformation bias. Some or most the die hards will be back and only by the next few 2pm Thursdays will the local management of the mOrg know how things are going. As a lot of people are still out of work, the money needed to keep the mOrg afloat is going to suffer. But don’t dance on the grave yet.
But do get your dancing shoes out of the closet. This ballet is near where the fat lady sings.
How cool, wearing protective gloves during an auditing session…. or isn’t there done any auditing anymore ? But how are then these important sec checs done ?
uncover: I believe they gave up on auditing about the time Dwarfenführer dictated the 3-swing F/N, since that blocked ever ending any but sessions which obtained a floating TA. AND if the sensitivity’s too high, THOSE will look like R/Ss and earn the poor PC a long series of Sec Checks, which aren’t “auditing” since they start with “I’m not auditing you.” No, they’re brutal interrogations.
Jere, I think they gave up on auditing around the time of the Lisa McPherson case, and several other infamous violent incidents and deaths like the murder Elli Perkin by her son. For decades they’d managed to sweep incidents such as the killings of Gaul and Sharp, and the shooting of Diane Coletto (who Marty Rathbun was infamously supposed to have been guarding) under the rug.
It probably became obvious that all the fallout from people going “PTS Type 3” psychotic, and even becoming suicidal or violent after auditing and other processing, could no longer be kept from the scrutiny of the modern media. I suspect Hubbard had cynically calculated that a certain number of people going off the deep end was just the cost of pushing subjects’ mental limits in an attempt to “make the able more able” – or at least of giving customers the post-auditing high that kept them coming back – and maybe even really thought he could get away with it until the point came when “the orgs say what is legal or not.”
I see DM as having been dealt a bad hand (not that I have any sympathy for him) that left him little choice but to do things like trying to control and limit auditing and its inherent dangers. And at that Scientology still has all too frequent violent incidents including deaths and murders – and who knows how many more cases of less tragically severe mental breakdowns that they do still manage to sweep under the rug.
uncover, i suspect they’re still keeping up with those all-important sec checks. There have been reports of orgs surreptiously carrying on a certain amount of activity, and I’d bet that loyalty enforcement like that is a priority.
As I noted in a response to Jere, there does seem to be less auditing going on – and less at local orgs, where it (and those subject to it) can’t be subject to as much control as at Scientology’s major central facilities. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the current situation used as a pretext for further consolidation of auditing and other services at advanced orgs and Flag, with the local orgs left doing very little at all.
I’m hoping that before long, we’ll get some insider reports that detail more exactly just what is going on.
Didja catch the magical sparkles all around the people going inside?
Why, going to an Ideal Org is like going to Walt Disney World! It’s like magic! So theta!
I think Peter Pan and Tinker Bell would contest that. So would Walt, were he still living.
Get out of being regged card = saying “I’m not feeling well, I think I’m running a fever”. Or that you’re friend is ill.
Wow, this is the first time being what they consider as PTS as an excuse not to come to the org.
Use it….
Finally the staff also had a big break and tons of time to rest.
I wonder how Flag staff was handled? Hope they also had a chance to sleep a bit longer.
I’m a little confused. Aren’t ALL illnesses just something your ‘reactive mind’ has ‘mocked-up’? And isn’t auditing etc. the way you un-mock your mind? So, shouldn’t they be telling people who are sick to come on in as opposed to staying away?
But of course. After all, they do need their cure-all touch assist. Yep, just ‘feel my finger’ and that Covid-19 is gone!
Wait a minute – gloves and masks are provided inside? That means people can arrive without PPE and be admitted. Who is going to go inside to check the gloves and masks are being used appropriately?
Also, how do the emeter cans work through gloves?
There will mostly likely be a fee, oops, donation, involved to get the mask and gloves. Then when you leave, after no doubt parting with even more of your money, you will be asked to leave the mask and gloves so they can dip them in water then use them again.
I would think they would use their super duper Davey approved cleaner formula to clean them, perhaps blessed by the local O.T. VIII. Just standard water is way to WOGish.
How indeed. And I’d like to know how auditing is going to work with masks. Seriously? I mean, talk about “squirreling the tech”!
I will try to travel the 35 miles to Tampa Org and see if I am welcome.
Oh please please let everyone know how that turns out George!
Oh dear, George! Please do be careful. Please be very, very careful. If you tell them that you just wanted to see how they are doing and you wanted to know just how they are coping with this pandemic, they will very likely not be too happy to greet you.
I would think that if, instead, you tell them that you have heard they offer free personality tests and you tell them that you worry there may be some serious problem with your personality and you were hoping they could maybe help you buy your way onto the road to healthy living, they may find you to be a much better prospect that way.
In any case, I sure do hope that things work out well for you. You can always tell them that you have a friend who has not been very happy lately and you are looking for some way your friend (meaning ME) can find his way to happiness. Please feel free to tell them what I said. I think you will be in better shape if you approach them that way.
Best of luck to you and don’t be afraid to tell them my Internet name – but be careful not to tell them it is just my anonymous Internet name. I don’t think they will like that.
P.S. If possible, can you see if you can get an autographed picture of Leah for me? I’m not sure how they will react to a request for a picture of Leah. They might not like that too much. But you have always seemed to me to be a fairly quick thinker and so you can always change that request to a picture of Nicole Kidman. Seems to me they don’t usually keep too up to date on real life events and so they may not have heard that Nicole is not longer married to what’s his face. But in any case, best of luck to you in your endeavor!
P.P.S. Can you keep an eye open for Shelly? Maybe you can ask them, “Where is Shelly”? Never can tell. One of them may just happen to know where she is. No harm in asking. Is there?
Thank you for the advice. I am going to see how far I can get without being detected. Have not been in contact with them in over thirty years. They were always confused about my name.
Unless you run into someone who knows you personally, it’ll be very unlikely that anybody else will recognize you. If i run into old friends of mine i didn’t see for over 30 years I can barely recognize them
George speaks fluent Scientologese – no problem blending in.
Someone could also use item #3 and tell the org: “I have been in contact with someone who has been ill.” It would be truthful , even though it was a cold a friend had 15 years ago. Good old verbatim compliance.
The Tampering Org will have a hard time enticing their sheep back into the fold now that they’ve had a taste of freedom and respite from all those regging wolves. In this case social distancing is not the usual six feet. It’s more like six miles!
Hot Tip for Scientologists!!!
Avoid step #3 above at all costs. If you have been around someone who is ill, you are probably PTS. If you are ill yourself, you are most definitely PTS. The Church of Scientology can certainly remedy these dreadful situations (not really), but it will come at a cost. In scientology, there is always a cost, for everything. Any activities you engage in in the cherch are going to cost you money, time, integrity, dignity, personal connections etc.
O/T. I understand the pain and anger that motivates Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam to say the following — perhaps better than he might believe I could. Still, when Brother Rizza Islam, a Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner, says, “the more they do this the more fair ‘an eye for an eye’ becomes,” and quotes a Bible verse in support, that is not something a Scientology watcher can ignore. At least this one can’t.
Brother Rizza Islam’s full Instagram post:
My tweet of the story:
My ESMB Redux post: