This video was forwarded to me of someone (Absolute Audits) visiting the Brighton Org.
The scene inside this org is quite typical — though this is not an “ideal” org. A bunch of bored, apparently disinterested older people sitting around, not much concerned that a “new public” just came into the org asking questions.
The visitor brings up David Miscavige being served in a lawsuit and immediately gets told to “Get the Fuck Out” and not come back…
It would seem that scientology’s “Confront and Shatter” tech is not working when it comes to anyone who has heard anything negative about Miscavige, Hubbard or scientology. But who hasn’t? They didn’t even TRY to “handle him.” He is likely the only person who walked into their org in the entire week. No wonder they cannot get any new people into the Bridge.
Oh my word that’s extremely pathetic. At least they have the tech of eating.
So that’s the in house justification, “dedicated Scientologists!” Don’t you dare mention the truth to them – GET OUT!
So that’s what they’re clearing the planet with… think I’ll go clean the kitty litter box.
Gosh how the mighty Brighton has fallen. When Roger Kaye was running Brighton Mission in the 80s is was bigger than most Orgs, regularly bringing in 10s of thousands in GI per week. Gill and Anne would sell hundreds of books a week and it was great feeder line for new PCs and students for us at SH Fdn. Then came the purge of missions by Dave and all the successful missions like Brighton were trashed.
I’ve come to this late, but I wanted to add that these people, up to the Miscavige reveal, were a sort of Brighton Garden Club. Old folks getting together because that is routine, comfortable, and easy. Any thoughts of Hubbard, Miscavige, Scientology, and the evil practices of their “church” are far from their comfortable lives. They know that ‘church’ business is just a tax scam, and a blanket to hide under when bigots get critical – they are not stupid, just fully indoctrinated. They have given a huge part of their lives to this, and it must be infuriating to have some whippersnapper come around and be critical of them. Doesn’t that young guy know they are part of the largest volunteer relief force on the planet? That their STAND league fights bigotry all over? That their Ethics are far and away superior to any sort of wog laws ever devised? Hmmmmph, the nerve of that guy.
“Yes, dear, don’t get yourself worked up. At least this time the wog didn’t mention you-know-who from outer space.”
“Yes, I suppose that is something to be grateful for. Cards, now?”
We can see why orgs needed upgrades to their quarters – and why it won’t help their fundamental underlying problems.
Hilarious video! I watched it 3 times already. That guy is a genius. I am giggling as I write this.
It is probable that for some years there has been an internal directive not to “handle” similar situations. That is, to avoid “provocations” by sending the person away or changing the subject and not answering. There is too much on the web that they can’t deal with. Years ago I spoke to someone who is still inside about the disappearance in the mid-2000s of all the great execs like Shelly, or Lesevre, Rinder etc. And how the ideal org campaign was clearly against what hubbard was saying. He just shrugged.
DM to protect himself from the truth has transformed scn into a club closed on itself. In practice it is a sect of the cult that was scn before.
“DM to protect himself from the truth has transformed scn into a club closed on itself. In practice it is a sect of the cult that was scn before.”
Wow, does that ever indicate to me. Spot on.
Grazie Aqua.
I disagree with what the youtuber did. These people are just doing their job in peace. They don’t know or care about the goings on with CoB.
Unfortunately these people are mostly good people motivated by what they believe to be good intentions. They have absolutely no idea of the indoctrination and constant mind control they have received for years that has robbed them of their ability to see things as they are. One realizes it only when it comes out of there. I can confirm this to you from personal experience having been staff for 15 years – in the seaorg.
I agree with you that simply making fun of them doesn’t help them see, quite the contrary.
The YouTuber in question here. Rather condescending to assume I don’t understand the years of indoctrination. I’ve been studying this and other cults for many years.
The aim of the video isn’t to make those very few amount of people in the org see the light, (although May implant a spec of doubt in their mind); it is to make a somewhat comedic but educational short video with the aim of drawing attention to the dangers of falling for such a scheme.
It’s been seen by thousands of people, and have had many emails from people who had no idea that it wasn’t a normal, family friendly religion. So it’s had the desired effect. Appreciate the time to watch though.
Asher, ultimately it’s COB who leaves staff virtually unpaid, with no benefits, health care or retirement, while he lives a life of luxury and spends inordinate amounts of money on all sorts of things. That might be a subject to bring up to staff, in the right way, though I think the aggressive approach generally taken in these “audits” is both disagreeable, and actually counter-productive.
I absolutely agree.
Most staff members are good people and this was in very poor taste.
Suppose I walked into a Catholic Church during a service and told the priest that the Virgin Birth was ridiculous and, by the way, why are there so many pedophiles?
What reception do you imagine I would get?
I have no doubt that they would throw me out, and I would deserve no less.
Cavalier, I get your point and don’t disagree per se, but there are ways to handle a disrespectful out of context question from someone who has just walked in, and to escort such a person out of the general hearing of others, or out of the building altogether without resorting to “Get the fuck out”. I’m not Catholic either but I’ve met a number of priests in my lifetime and found them to be both perceptive people and witty, smooth talkers. I can’t imagine a Roman Catholic priest or a nun handling such a situation in this manner. Churches of all denominations’ doors are usually wide open during services and all kinds of folk can and do wander in, including homeless people who are largely alcoholics or substance abusers who are liable to say anything. Or possibly they’re just mentally ill in harmless ways coming in because they’re cold, or exhausted and just want to sit somewhere in peace for a while. Possibly once they were in the religion of the church before their lives went south. In cities you’ll see a lot of this. Clergy of all kinds experience non parishioners in their churches all the time. Its only Scientology which freaks and clutches pearls if someone walks in and God Forbid asks a question unflattering or uncomfortable for them. They’re supposed to be expert communicators but they can’t handle raw public at all anymore.
False analogy. The guy did not interrupt a religious service, nor did he denigrate any religious beliefs. He simply stated an objective truth about the head of their organisation. Further exposure/discussion of this non-religious (legal) fact clearly needed to be shielded from nearby members (information control).
An arguably more suitable (though admittedly imperfect) analogy would be if someone walked into a church, was invited to sit down with the priest for a chat, and asked to discuss the pope’s handling of sexual abuse allegations. Maybe.
They are pathetic and I don’t mean that in a disparaging way. They’re so isolated mentally and emotionally and if they’re full time in that deplorable place then they’re physically as well, working 50-60 hours a week.
They’re going to be punished for this video and as horrid as it sounds I’m glad.
Wait, wait! This is not my sadistic side. You haven’t experienced that yet 🙂
No I’m glad they’ll be punished because punishing them will be outrageously unfair to them and the injustice of it all might suffice to tip one or more of them over the edge tinto googling Scientology and David Miscavige etc. on the internet in order to find out about Miscavige being deposed.
And in turn this information could provide enough enlightenment to cause them to crack open a window in their Prison of Belief and take a deep breath of fresh air.
Which in turn could make them more curious, impelling them to do more internet searches, etc., etc., – ultimately, inevitably culminating in their leaving the cult for good. Or at least leaving staff.
See? I have it all planned out 🙂
Shades of what (I think it was) Kate Millet said once – her take on the old adage “The truth will make you free” – her take was, “The truth will make you free. But first it will piss you off”.
Do you suppose the shouting staff member was the ED or other top exec?
I wonder when the last time an auditor performed auditing on paying public there.
But that’s a good thing if not recently, I keep forgetting that criticising the Scientologist staffers and followers for not doing all things Hubbard said, is actually a good thing that they do not fully do all things LRH said to them.
Squirreling is better, dropping all the nasty administrative trickery rules binding up the followers is good.
Getting down to what actually IS Scientology, which to me, years and years later, to me Scientology is just their practices of auditing to supposedly alleviate each other’s “case” of soul memories which is what the supposed target of the Hubbard Scientology “tech” pseudo-therapy is all about. And then there’s the upper OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 exorcism theory and exorcism steps they do, that’s to me Scientology.
So in summary, to me, they ought dispense with their foolish always blaming themselves rules for failing, and if they wish to squirrel Hubbard’s quackery, that’s better too.
Not doing the quackery is even better.
Hubbard left so many ways for Scientologists to fail at being full blown standard Scientologists, he left so many clues to the members that they really ought just quit the charade.
I think XENU is the best word Hubbard made, since the word XENU throws them into conniptions, plus XENU talk about XENU dumping body-thetans onto earth, requiring today’s OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 exorcism.
Hubbard left them the taboo backfiring rules on disallowing them define or include Xenu and the exorcism today, in the definition of Scientology.
I rarely come to this website but the man in question is Jason Lesley. He’s a trained Class V Senior C/S for Brighton Org. I trained with him at Flag 06-07. Nice guy actually, but just a sad trapped thetan. The irony of that phrase.
Thanks. So he’d be the top auditor/C/S and essentially the “religious leader” of the Brighton Org, in effect.
Probably the only trained in tech there (Div 4). It astounds me that this org even exists at all with no signage to show there’s an org there. They really are in hiding. No Div 6. Do they even have an ED? I really get why Jason would snap like that. He’s probably so fed up with the org going no where. But that’s the life he’s chosen and he’s got himself stuck in it.
I was a Flag admin trainees Course Supervisor, 1977 til 1983, at Clearwater, (one year I was demoted to Word Clearer), and those 6 years, daily, I was in touch with “outer org trainees,” of all org sizes.
I also did the side job, that many Clearwater, then “Flag” Bureaux management had a side job assignment to hold the “Org Flag Officer” letter answering, and filing jobs, to upkeep the “Data Files” on one’s assigned org somewhere in the world. (OFO duty, Org Flag Officer duty, keeping the Data Files neat and properly filed, and answer letters to the orgs’ staffs.)
But both being in the “outer org” admin staffers training, and doing “Org Flag Officer” filing and letter answering, you get the real on the ground look of orgs, week by week. I got to know the orgs of the 1977 to 1983 time slot pretty closely.
It was a scene of normalized desperation, the moonlighting which was uniform in those years, with only tiny exceptions.
All those years, there was a term, “small and failing orgs” for the majority of the orgs which existed in the world. Most orgs have always been “small and failing” category. Then and now.
Usually only a handful of personnel, who did all the work, meaning 5 or so “stable” staff, and not like even today, not Flag trained in tech, not Flag trained in admin either.
This all said, this Brighton Org, actually looks better than MOST of the “small and failing orgs” of the 1977 to 1983 period when I was a Flag admin “outer org” course sup and did my duty as Org Flag Officer.
It’d be interesting if someone could dig up David Hartley, he was the LRH original asssigned Org Flag Officer In Charge, he ran the assignments for Flag staff to be the Org Flag Officers (filing and letter answering). David had a number or LRH personal orders, which became the OFO Issues one had to study, for doing one’s OFO duties to the assigned org one upkept the Data Files and answered staffs’ letters.
The running of the orgs, like Janis Grady recently said in an interview, LRH was quite aware of how dismally small and failing, and how hard the work was in the orgs.
But even though LRH knew this, I do think his expectations are just grossly unrealistic, it was and always will be expecting too much of the orgs’ staffs to run these overmanned organizations to sell and deliver the Scientology quackery pseudo-therapy.
The problem of overmanning, the overbuilt orgs, the over expectations to have these huge staffs, and do this vast array of duties in these orgs, is Hubbard’s over building. That’s a core factor to the ongoing charade of Scientology’s “Ideal Orgs” which push them to be what is futile for them ever becoming. It’s simply expecting too much, and unrealistic.
The Hubbard massive administrative burden on the staffs, and then the whole blaming atmosphere is on the staffs, and blaming the management echelons of the Sea Org, keeps the staffs targeting each other for their failing. Hubbard wrote it so.
Hubbard build up this whole multi echelon expectation on the staffs, to deal with their duties.
Scientology ought to be more like a Chiropractic College, at best, and if that.
It might not deserve the word “religion” attached to it, due to the massive number of irreligious like behavior of official Scientology currently. Possibly a milder smaller setup could deserve the ‘religion” label. (But even some Scientologists who are quitters to official Scientology don’t even consider themselves a “religion.”)
And the movement ought to be upfront what they are teaching. (Past lives soul memories alleviation and exorcism)
The only large groups of incorporated Scientologists should really only be like a Chiropractic College, and teach making auditors, period.
Just train auditors and auditors go out and make their own way, like trained Chiropractors.
And groups of auditors maybe have organizational setups like Dentist groups.
No need for any Sea Org management. That whole part of Hubbard’s building of today’s official Scientology, is futile failing, and perpetuates this Brighton Org small and failing org model.
If people want Scientology pseudo-therapy directed at their current and past life soul memories, or if people want to find their body-thetans and get their body-thetans exorcised, then find some quitter Scientologist auditor/exorcist.
(it’s quackery to me, but if someone wants to know what Scientology offers, a person will find out quicker by searching the internet, and getting a Trey Lotz type of person to give them the pseudo-therapy and exorcism.)
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Orger (1975 to 2003)
A trained, Class V Senior C/S. Man oh man. Sad indeed.
There is so much wrong, it takes patience to dissect all the wrongs going on, here in Brighton Org, with their spiritual technical leader behaving like other jobs have been mistrained to act. The DSA/OSA boss is to wear this counter attack nastiness “hat” and this top trained staffer is unfortunately wearing the nasty “hat” more than wearing his spiritual counselor/case-supervisor/auditor-trainer “hats”.
Hubbard made this mess, and Miscavige’s irreligious attitude has taken precedence over the “auditor” impartial “Auditor’s Code” highest principles of no inval, no eval.
The Ethics/OSA/DSA attack loudly the “enemies” “hat” is on display, showing Hubbard’s nastiness institutionalized behavior that Scientology “leaders” are to display.
It’s all on Hubbard, these nasty current behaviors which Miscavige’s hands have pushed to be on prominent display by Scientology organization PR people and “leaders.”
There is so much wrong with Hubbard’s administrative setup, the positions Hubbard required the official “orgs” have within them, there is just so much wrong expectations Hubbard has in the wings, options to behave irreligiously.
Official Scientology has too much Hubbard options to behave futilely and irreligiously.
The setup is overbuilt with bad requirements, unachievable requirements, and nasty irreligious behaviour options which are misinterpreted to be required.
Too many ways to fail, Hubbard gave them painful choices, which only make things worse for themselves.
The only saner option is quit, at all times. “Quit fast” as in Keeping Scientology Working, is always the option best to take. (“….if they are going to quit let them quit fast…” — L. Ron Hubbard, Keeping Scientology Working)
Scientology is a false subject presenting itself to be grand and world saving, yet it grinds up it’s followers so that most who ever tried to be Scientologist staff have failed and moved on in their lives, rightly.
Whoa! Nice language from a Class V Org staff member to a possible new public, eh? Such poise, such erudition!
I think the V stands for vulgar, vituperative, vile, vicious, vitriolic and, no doubt, a lot of other v words could be found to describe that behaviour from one of the most ethical group of thin skinned effwits on the planet.
Yes, all true. But look at them. They’re so…what’s the word…beaten down. Look at how they walk around that empty org – tired, defeated. They just wreak of defeatism and apathy, to me anyway.
I hope the video with that vulgar and out PR verbiage, and the punishment they’re going to get for it will create such disaffection in them that they blow the cult entirely, or at least staff. I hope the inevitable embarrassment and humiliation they’re going to suffer gets them to leave.
I can dream.
Lol! I love that a mere “wog” has more Power over an OT 8 or 3 L’s mega-watt scn, or highly trained gat auditor, or a decades in make it “go right” staff member. All abilities lost by a mere comment.
If the wandering faux newbie began talking XENU talk about XENU dumping BODY THETANS onto earth for which OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps are supposed to handle, that would cause the whole crowd of them to plug their ears with their fingers.
Scientology officially run by the Hubbard book, is a long runway con, and they never will tell of the whole later exorcism steps of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 which only the fully brainwashed are allowed to reach and do the exorcism.
If outsiders tell Scientologists their secret upper levels exorcism theory, it’s the ultimate spoiler alert to the Hubbard long runway scam, and undermines all who hear the confidential spoiler alert XENU and BODY-THETANS theory.
Scientology was set up by Hubbard to be XENU’d out of town.
That building needs to have a flooding if Aftermath Foundation pamphlets and business cards. All in the hallways, front door and around the public areas in front of the door.
so typical of puny orgs, staff just eating in lounge. They are barely surviving. LRH would be proud.
Eating, yes – in all likelihood a takeout meal being the only bright spot in their dreary, product-less day. And eating with Jackets and coats on – why? No heat? Very sad for these people. They’ve been sold a whopping bill of goods. I’d bet they even believe that every other Scientology org except theirs is doing well. I’d bet they believe that if only they were “Ideal” they’d be flooded with public. Very sad. A total waste of human resources; criminal exploitation of intentions to help. No wonder they’re bitter and angry. Apathy raising its head briefly before sinking back into numbness. I do hope this experience sufficiently jogs something in their awareness enough to make them blow.
A few XENU signs aimed at the Scientologists would have them shrivelling.
And some “XENU STORY EXPLAINED HERE ——–> ” aimed at the Church’s front door would ironically get more newbies knocking on their “church” door.
Too bad Hubbard didn’t allow them to define and explain how important XENU is to the turmoil on earth.
People would be curious about XENU’s misdeeds, and how Scientology’s mission is fixing XENU’s damage here.
Hilarious, Chuck!
What a riot that would be!
Can confirm it was not warm inside. Definitely no heating. I had a woolly hat and scarf covering my face.
That is a new handling from new P&Ls in the PTS coursepack by dm himself. The new name of the course is “Handling the F—k Out of the F—–ng C—sucker SP” I’m not sure it’s really an lrh ref.
@Paul Ronk,
Wait, wait! I just thought of something else! There is Lost Tech on this course.
Lost Tech, long suppressed by SPs surrounding LRH back in the day.
But now found and restored brilliantly by COB.
On the all new and 100% Standard “Handling the
F—-k Out of the F—-ng C—-sucker SP Course” is now “The YSCOHB” Checklist!
He should have replied, “I’ll be glad to stay the fuck out of here. I just hope you will stay the fuck in here.”
About 6 years ago, I was in Lisbon, strolling down a street when I came across the local org. At first I thought it was a mission, maybe the size of Brighton org, but all on street level. I was received in a friendly manner and did tell the presumed ED that I was an ex Scientologist and I told him about the recent “let him die” story about Miscavige and Ron Sr. He stayed friendly and I think he wanted to handle me a bit, but I wanted to get on my way, and I told him to check out the story I had just related to him.
You see now that attitude from this staff member would be, I would think, applying communication tech, even if it wasn’t going to work in your case, Joe. But if there had been someone, an ex Scn, say, actually reaching and wanting to talk about something bothering or upsetting, the way the staff member “stayed friendly” and didn’t freak out could have worked (of course no one is reaching for Scientology any more but I’m just saying) . What that staff member did was apply ” being able and willing to talk to anyone about anything”. The EP of Grade O if I’m not mistaken. I’ve done this myself with people, both personally and in business for various reasons, and observed that it can work in varying degrees toward making a better situation. At least its better than telling someone to “Get the fuck out of here!”.
Whats the point of going into such a downstat building in the first place?
The level of professionalism of the Org Staff is appalling.
What a Tech degrade LOL.
I see no point whatsever of mentioning the DM papers.
We all know he will NEVER set foot in any court in the world in his lifetime.
He has many Lawers and billions of $’s to fend it all off.
DAvid Miscaviage will NEVER be brought to justice this way.
The only way this fucking tiny little shitbag will face justice is from within the church itself.
A bigger bully than him will emerge and topple him, as he seized power so shall it be taken from him in time.
What a pathetic existence it all is.
Such a beautiful place, not. Such a lovely group of thetans, Not.
Such a closed bunch of minds.